Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1886, p. 4

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ster s58liiffiss ij ivmjsassaiuefeteji li v a- n fcf tmj8b moiwtsq jvvi i1880 vraatyottmist do j ii itt only poor little penny it us all you have to give but as pennies make the dollars it may help tome cause to live a word now and then of comfort they will cosf you naught to say bat they cheered the weary pilgrim and helped him on his way if its only aome outworn garment it ifaaa you have to spare tbiy will help to clothe the needy thepeor are every wheter god loveth a cheerful giver though the gift be eyer so small bait what does he think of his children when they never give at al ki ym0im a staple article throughout the world sbe slerchajcrs psofit xx d tue hope sick mss australia forma no small portion of the vast field over which the celebrated thos holloway has spread the blessings of his peerless remedies their peculiar adapta tion to the diseases of our climate was dis covered at aa early day by our shrewd ob- servant population and for years the de mand for them has increased with ever- accelerated rapidity the heaviest com mercial houses in england are in the fre quent habit of receiving from their corre spondents in sydney melbourne adelaide gseloug and in fact from every port of australasia orders for holloway s pills and ointment and merchants of the jewish persnasian proverbially the most cautious of all the mercantile community invest larger sums than any other traders in these popular preparations they know full well that the moment the shipments arrive out they can be sold at a large advance on in voice prices and that the market for them never is depressed few persons think of turning their faces towards the gold fields without a supply for disorders of the liver and stomach the pills are claimed to be a swift and sure specific and the claim is verified by an overwhelming mass of testimony now we all know how entirely the bodily health de pends upon the condition of these two im portant organs if the digestion is impair ed the bowels disordered and the liver tor pid or congested the whole frame suffers the strength declines the spirits droop the complexion becomes cadaverous tho flesh wasted feupinenesslanid despair take the places of energy ana hopefulness a few timely doses of the pills bring back diges tionappetite and physical energy the stomach is strengthened ana toned the gver invigorated the de- vitalized blood re stored to its norma condition and the invalid recovers the strength the energy and the health that belong to vigorous manhood observer i hear sjiyt mirs ishwhaokbr ht mr willows sou took i i diploma at yale last year i always sa 1 jyale was a very unhealthy oity after tweniyrkre itearn gnffrrlng rev wm stontrof ttarton was cured of scrofulous fttiscess tl it seventeen doctors could uot cure bur ock blood hitters was the only aueoossfu remedy it cures all impurities of the bl od 0 e comstock caledonia miuu writes i was buffering tho most excrnoint iug paius from iuflami latory rheumatism ono application of dr thomas eclcctrio oil afforded almost iui tant relief and two bottles effected a pern iifeut cure a golden iplnlon a mrswm allan of kctou deolares that hagyards yellow oil is the best household remedy in the world fr colds croup bore throat burns scalds and other painful complaints her opinion ia well founded flkld tl itntur theroare but fewth t have novor suffered almost intolerable p in from toothache neuralgia or like no te pains to them saohanlnstaut reliof s fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive u jdicincs to bo taken ordajs oni application of fluid liaht- mcgarvins 9 sold 1 1 j e ning euros ding store mcgregors ftpecdjr rnrr when we say mcg regors speedy cure is the only perfect ure for dyspepsia liver complaints ii digestion and impure blood wo are telling slain facts of which hundreds upon bund led s can testify who have been restored t perfect health by its use we woctld therefore advise you strongly if you are a subject to any of the above troubles to givi mcgregors speedy cure a trial and be icnvinced it is sold in 50o and and 91 w bottle at dr mc- garvins drugstore merit f dollar upon dollai the faith of recomu entirely worthless roven kit n all sorts anexchangetellsabbut a man who went off in a fit of abstraction we suppose he must have been a bank eashier or a possess or of atilind share compelled to tleld obstinate skin diseases humors of the blood eruptions and old sores are cured by burdock blood bitters which purify and regulate all the secretions i have just gone into a rapid decline said the editor as he swept three pounds fourteen ounces of original manuscript into the waste basket m sheehan of oscoda mich writes i have used dr thomas eclectric oil on horses for different diseases and found it to be just as you recommended it has done justice to me every time and it is the i best oil for horses i ever used h i five tears of torture mrs tf astonr of bracebridge writes to eay that brirdock blood bitters cured her of headaches from which shahad suffered for five years all other means having failed no injurious effects can follow the use of v ague cure in malarial diseases it contains a specific and unfaikng antidote for iniasmatic poisons with remedial agents which expel the poisonous humors- purify the system and leave if healthy and rein- vigorated a nidnlicbt alarnr there is scarcely any fright sore alarm ing to a mother than the ominous sound of i croup so liable at the hour of night when hagyards pectoral balsam for the throat and lungs is at hand croup and distressing coughs loose their terrors it cures coughs asthma and bronchitis mr henry marshall reeve ofdnnn writes i some time ago i got bottle of inortirap lymans vegetable discovery ffrom ltrharrison i consider it the t very best medicine extant for dyspepsia this medicine is making marvellous cures in liver complaint dyspepsia etc in purifying the blood and restoring manhood to luu vigor mccrexor parkes carbolic cerate have you an old bore cut burn bruise corn bunion salt rheum pimple blotches bough hands or face if so there is but one onre namely mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate if you bnt try it it will convince you it costs but 25c at dr mcgarvins drug store a tannif or evrts biliousness- con- atipation and dyspepsia usually exist to gether by disciplining the liver and toning the stomach simultaneously they eat t be eradicated the- promptitude and bnineas with which northrop ly mans vegetable discovery and great blood purifier removes this trinity of physical msjto is ajact widely appreciated through- orocaiiada x whutmi poison nothing but pure extracts from plants and roots are usedin preparing mcgregors lung compound hie modern and now popnlarreinedy for colds coughs broc- to cronprastjima all affecjioha jof the throat lungs and chest all mhiei al poisons and dangerous substanoee are roidedt1hich renders it ssfefor children adnuil sohatand190pertottle is frequently spent on sedations for articles not so with mc gregors speedy cute ybu are not asked to purchase it until ts merits are proven call at j e jjcgirvins drug store and get a free trial fiottl and if hot convinced it will cure you of t le worst forms of dys pepsia liver complnint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottles bee testiraou- als from people in i ur own own 29 lichlnrpllcs rmptonisnntllorc the 8ymptomsaii moisture like perspir ation intense itchii g increased by scratch ing verydistressin particularly atnight seems as if plnwptms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimesnffected if allowed tocontinne very serioubrosulte may follow swaynes oiststektisaple aaht sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crosty skin diseas s sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes l25 in stamps ad dressdr sway e son philadelphia pa soldby drujirists 50 bcbtandvootri rtto tlie suffering browns hous hold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cure i pain in the side back or rbowels soke j throat rheumatism igo and any kind of a twill most6urely qnick- cal as itbiicting power rowns household pan acea being aekiiowledgcd as the great pain reliever an ij of double the strcneth of any other eli sir or liniment in the n every family bandy for as it really is the beat toothache lum pain or ache en the blond and is wonderful world should be use when wanted remedy ia the wjrld for cramps in the stomachy and pa ns and aches of all kinds and is for sale by ill druggists at 25 cents bottle 44 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by tha many cures it has affect ed mcgregor 8 speedy cure leada the van subjected to the n imitestchemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specif cs daily offered to the public every in redient possesses a pecnl- ar adaptability t the various complaints for whicli it has i een compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received wc are therefore confi- dent that wchav a preparation which we can offer to the i nblic with the assurance that it will be foi nd not only a relief but aabsoluie cure foi dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im- pure blood fkb trial bottles at j e mcgaivin8 drue store 31 advice to mot ibbs are you disturbed at night andhrol en of your rest by sick child suffering an d crying with pain of cut ting teeth if i o send at once and get a bottle of mrs v onslows soothing syrup for children tee hing its value is incal culable it will elieve the poor little suf ferer immediatel r depend npon it moth ers there is no i istake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bwels cures- wind colic softens the gun s reduces inflammation and givek tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children i teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and b at female physicians and nurses in the tjf ited states and is for sale by all druggist i throughout the world price twenty fiv 3 cents a bottle be sure and ask for hns winslows soothixo syhup and takj no other kind it is worse thin madness to neglect a cough or cold which easily snbdued if taken in time b jcomes when left to itself the forerunner i if consumption and prema ture death inj lammation when it attacks the delicate ties le of the lungs and bron chial tubes trai els with perilous rapidity then do uot dels y get el bottle of biokles antdconsumpti ye syrup the medicinethat grasps this fpnridablo foe of the human body and drive i it from the system this medicine promo tes a free and easy expec toration subdu is the coisgh heals the dis eased parts am j exerts a most wonderful influence in cur ng consumption and other diseases of the t lrofttandilungs if parents wish t baye thi lives of their children and themselves iron i much anxiety trouble and expense let t lera procure a bottle of biclks aniicoitumptive syrup and when ever a child hai taken cold has a cough or hoarstness i gii p the syrup according to directions ipsmfflmipsi voluktaeily accorded to ay e r j sarsapar i 1 1 a by people who have proven its benign effects wariibn leund jvew york there it no mcdtolne in tho workl equal to avers babsapabola cured by it of rheumatism rkv jv e pennington central south hampton n b ayebs sab- sapaeilla has made a new man of inc cured by it of qenerauedlllty joim j ryan athletic b b c philadelphia pa ayers sarsapa- rilla cured me cured by it of rheu matlsm orlando snell lowell mass 1 enjoy better health than over before duo solely to tho uso of ayers sarsaparil- la cured by it of carbuncles und debility nathan 8 cleaveland boston mass a mosn valuable remedy for tho lassltudo and debility incidont to the spring season his daugnter cured by ayers sab8apabilla of headaches dizzi ness indigestion and general de bility milton fox dracut mass the one i would recommend above nil others as a blood purifier cured by ayer8 sarsaparilla of scrofulous humor and dyspepsia selby carter nashville teiin tern seemeil saturated with sprof my ula me gut ayers sarsaparilla cured hon francis jbwett zowek matir ayers sarsaparilla is the only prcpr oration that seems to do mo any real lasting kood cured by it of blood impurities mrsebtompkinsb ayers sarbapabilla has done me un- told good nothing olso has been so cfll- 1 caclous cured by it of feminlnb ailments frank m griffin longpoint tea has worked like a charm no medicine could have accomplished more his child cured by ayers sarsaparilla of scrofulous bores mrs h mckay lowelt mats i can recommend ayers sarsaparilla to all afflicted her son cured by it of scrofulous swellings dladnessjuid internal fever i geo andrews lowell mass no- doubt whatever that i owe my recovery to ayers sarsaparilla cured by it of salt rheum henry j cnarman namua n h ayers sarsaparilla i a perfect blood purifier cured by it of long standing and sovcro scrofulous hu mors mrs lorenzo s ruggles auburn me ayers sarsaparilla has proved its superiority to all others cured by it of feminfno weaknesses svj mum see our sep our i see our see our seour see our seeoui pare 8hovvln jiliim r mmiiii tt ome wonderful value justnow in 3q o to s o- muslius a co per yard warranted fast colors so blbactod ottoi nothilig be tter in canada for the money regular price seven uhd eigtyt penta per yard 5o gray jottnthe saraecottcln is being sold by many in tho trade for 7ts per yard grand valup in cotton shirtipg no price iven come and see for yonrsjelf plaid gitihahis jit 8o por yard same as many other houses are selling at 10c ladio3 braided and uiibraided jersey they are tiptop value tl7 almost all the ills that flesh is heir to spring from or are intensified by impurities in the blood the result of hereditary taint or of a wrong manner of living ayers sarsapaiulla thoroughly purifies the blood gives tone and vigor to tho digestive organs and imparts new vitality to tho nervous system the only preparation of this class for which theso claims can bo truthfully made and thq only oue that does real lasting good is ayers sarsaparilla prepared by dr j c ayer co analytical chemists lowell mass sold b all druggists price 1 six bottles for 5 ryan way time tajlle m grand truhfcjahvi ay of ma bast iiixcct 800 om express 710 am pass mail 1102 am through ex07pw accom loulpm siicciali go express doosjiot atop botwe sa guelpt iorontp- chief and timp or clobdjo sails going west 910 am and 6i20 pm going eaat lojo am and tj20 pjn iooino jest bxpreas 12i47 am kxpreas 030 om thrd expre w 228 pm maill a 880 j ii per pair regular prices v fine french josephine ki gjo vos only 50c other houses 1w see oul ioo prints sold by plenty of sttres at 12j0 see our boys jersoy uixs they are go d value seeour ladies silk aind cashmero mantles at about twothirds their regular price see our corsets atooo regular prjee 8 o see oul millireryjnow being sold u a i aduction see our dress goods at 10s per yard see oul kavy blue allwool untoarabh twead every thread pure wool only 25c per yard this tweed wouldtbo cl ioap at 60c but out thoy go at a quarter of a dollar pei yard i j t the ohoapost souse in tho vest for good honost beliadlo goods berkinshaw co successors to johfl hocc son cuelph d thresheb allan line 18- summer arrangement 86 livorpoolajadquehoflsonlco fbom liwbpooi steamer fhoiiqcebbc ciwca8sian i friday 23rd april friday polynesialil- thursday 20th april- imirsday panisian thursday cth may thursday saltmatiasj friday 11th may jffrida3j4tb juic sabdisian thursday 20tb may thursday 1ith may 20tumiiy 2tth miy 10th june cabin intermediate aud steerage fares axe still reduced itoturn ticketb good for ono year tho best line to take to colonial e xhtbittrfii parties sending for friends in the01d country oaa obtain prepaidesrtificates at greatly reduced rates for tickets aud every iuforaiatiou a iply to je mcgabvin- tipket agent act6n our maohiier only the wellknown pebpwless oil dals ave awar during tho last three years 1 7 t i 1j rry alsoour peorlobs axlo crroasevfor your waggons and horse powers manufactured at queea city oil t torltsi hy u samuel rogers co toronto m 3 r mai a b b jbbirns for nobby goods at lowest cash prices i am offering iorthe juije trade special inducements housekeeper aud otheru inquiring anything iu the liuej meiiitioned below can rest assured that they can buy from meat more reasonable prices thai any other store in actu and as cheap as aiiy outside lof toronto i have given the staff particular instructions not to misrepresent goods and customers w 11 find gbods exactly as we represent i some eases with the exception of groceries them to be tbuy for cash saving thereby large discounts isell tor gash or trade sjiucl conseqiently have no bad debts so an intel gent public can see at a glance that it is not lieiessary for cash storesto pile on bi prcfits iu ordej- to live as credit stores have to do or in other words make the promptpaying customer pay for the one thft never intends to pay the following lints i have reduced fully twentyfive per qefft and over i which i will sell as cheap asthe cheapest dress goods in nuns cloth jersey cloth canvas cloth black and coloredallwool c ashmere j black aud colored lustres silk grenadines pongee silk black and colored gros grain silksblack and colrdd i j velvets velveteens and crape cloths to see our gloves to suit everybody dont fai hosiery all makes and prices bustles and lades underwear pbots no house iu canada has ever shown a uicer range than we halve prints a gqod cloth fast colors splendid pattern for 10i well worth i2c- ginhms tons white cottonsj shirtings ducks denims towels towelling gretit value brcjwu hollaud table damask etcfetc house furkishixgs carpets in tapestry uuion and hemp fljor and stair oilcloths style ask to see the madras musliu at 25c per yard itmakes lovely crartaius aifd kvarrauted to wash well satin blaclf satinmerveillehx black and colorpd wjisses lisle gloves at 15c corsets hoop skirts mlflllieily although it is getting late in the season i am still adding novlties in this department and customers will find correct istyles and a competebt lady in charge t boots and shoes wall papers and groceries all at prices to suitthje times ii t j remember tiio place rid3 old stand the halton dry gjoods house actoa ijow on our fcounters beautiful designs in canvas and muslins to please everybody gray-cot- curtains- of nearly every turkishrugs from p up the great rush of customers still coming t it is ft biglit well worth seeing to come to tuis widely celebrated house any time on market days or any afternoon to at o the immense number of ladies whb tlironc the whole length of these enormous stores so tbat it is very difficult to find counter rootn forjnll tins shows beyond dispute tha the qualitiesof the goods must joe rood the styles must be attractive and fashionable and the prices cheap watkins has never had such an enorraoiibtaale for dress goods as he has this season then when ladiesget them made up by ijiiss amiss his celebrated dressmaker who fits them to their entire fealisfaction goodlpoking ladies apj ear almost angelic while ordinary indies look charming the dresses fit so beautifully audsit so graoefully on them the mantles and mill inery forewomen are also kept lard nt wort and buit the ladies exactly so that they are all driven in filling the i numerous orders which are constantly being given them the rush of customers for milliner j and parasols is astonishing occasioned by tie beauty and cheapness of thesegflodst parasols from 25c to 7 millinery in the very latest fashions at all prices there ha 3 beeu a great rush for- nottingham lace cur tains madras curtains calcutta cloth curtains rhama curtains swiss laceurtainsiarid curtain materials by the yard iu damask rep rhama cloth calcutta cloth raw silk and many other kinds there is an immense assortment of table and piano covers in these good also see tliot ible damask and table cloths in bleached half bleached and colored the qualities are eood and the values are superior about 200 dbzp towels aud tble napkins in viriouh styles and makes very cheap severil hundred dozens of ladies misses gents and boyb handkerchiefs collars ties and gipvea in firstclas3 vjilue the larges coroet business in ontario is done by the riglt house the manufacturers say gray cottons and sheetings white cottons tickings eillow cottons bleached sheetings i lhorrocks celebratedmake window hollands in various colors canadian tweeds at unusually low prices blankets and white arid colored qnjlts in abundance carpets mlattings mats rugs window blinds eoilerp stair rods carpet sweepers etc iniinmensevariety comet and opera collars at 6c remember tliori are large cjuantijiesofdress goods in block aiid colored mfd sever otw goods that were marked down to cost or under cost which aro 6till selling lit tho reduced prjeos west of hughson street the nanu s hamilton june 10th 18su the right ies of dress goods in blaek ahd colored arid mindthe light hcube is on king street east one dolor thomas o v7tkx3vjs guelph guelph guelph the only carpet eepttszei in rthe city of cuelph wholesale andretail dealers and direct impprttrs of the best and cheapest carpets in canada tiveft 300 pieces to choose from i our prices will gladden the hearts of every lady also laos curtains- l glare thompson 42 jst georges square guelph rag carpet wcavini dope to ordi mt health holloways for alliir pills and ointment purify the blood pills correct all disorders of the jl1veh stomach kidneys and bowels they invigorate and tejjtore to health debilitated constitutions and are invaluable iu all complaints incidental to females of all ages for children and tlia aged they are priceless j the ointment is an infallable remedy for badlegsad breasts oldjvdundb botes and doers it is famous for gontj and rheumatism for disorders of tie chest it has no equal 1 foe s0eb the0at3 be0n0hiti3 00ugh3 golds glandalar swellings and all si in diseases it has no rival land for contracted and stiff oints it acts like a charm by is now taking soinc beautiful views -of- those dosiriiii ools picnic parties and residences his services shoul 1call otwrito him for terms to metropolitan studio acton removed removed 4nialgamation of mckay bros and r j mcjay urforc de o- d sale or dry goods and carpets continued at 48 hntj street east next to china palace immense barglallfs will be given will be manufactured only at thomas hollo wats establifrtiment w nov oscford stteet lata 583 oxftoi street iioa4on sa and are sold at is id 2s 9d 4 6d hs2lmid38s ekoh box or pot andmay is 2 be had of 2s 9d 4s 6d all medicine vendors thonghoutithe world turehaers should fook t5 the label on the pots and oxford street london they are spnrjtoufl- fel if the oddresb is nto dross goods reduiiedto oo cashmeres reduce i to 25c silbs all reduced ib price ladies hosiery re luced to 20c worjth 35o silkt handkerchiefs reduced to jworth81 priii ts reduced to 5c worth 10c kid gloves 25c worth 75 c 50o leoit cor kirtg a id jpbn stjs hamilton has pleasure in annonncing that his tail oring shop in mrs secords block is now open and in full runn ng order and in a position to fill allorders ts l 8 r he is showing- good tweed suits at sil2 sotd elsewhette for 15 scotch tweed suit sold eiewhebi fqk23 afds24i n 7 s18 fine worsted suit at 20 the clothier sotd elsewhere at g 5 geiitlemen wanting a firstclass good- fitting coat etc may relyupon being suited in every respect by leaving their c rders with goto waters bros picture gallery ijuelph for artiste material oil and water colors crayons canvas d awing papersd rushes icc j oil paintings steel ens railings chromos o i frames opail kindsj mouldings room and picture cornices and cornice poles spring rollers and window shades from90c complete fancy goods suitable tir wedding and birthday presents c j- visitors can hove the r j pictures framed while in the city so iriug them with you to j i waters brosj the picture gallery near the pjist office acton planing mills williamson jramshaw rnoinieioir i i j builder and contractor sash and- blind pactayi door v i is prepared to put on storm doors win dows weather strips etc on short notice winter porches eregtcd juoatly and at reasonable prices j i we have one of fleuryscelebrated chop ping miils and will chop allkbhas of grain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays t a ramsiiaw j manager magkjnac i silm t loa bteamnt tow 3 iwf tour tripi per week between detroit and mackinac v aad nrr week dx between detroi and cl write tor oar j plotoresque maoklnao illustrated ooattlm vbu sartiaaun helled rm o ii detroit cleveland steam nav co c o whitcomb ain p8s a0ti 73inch twill sheeting reduced- to25c worth 37c 42ineh pillow cotton reduced to 8 table linens reduced to 25c wortl 35c tweeds reduced to 85 worth 60c gents urhishings all reduced ginphams reduced to 12jc flannels all reduced barpets oilclblhs loceioarti ins blanket etc all reduced wo have not room for ail our stocka id are offering ej traordinary inducements to clear ont linfes we will nold auction sale at no 70 kin street east every afternoon commencing mc ndav aprilstocleatontbilanoool dry goods and0arpet8 the m m hfaufj burqogk blood ttnlocks all the clogged ftvbnues of the bowels kidneys and l west carry- ing off gradually without w aiening the sybtem all the impuritie k and foul humore of thoseoretaonb i it the same tinio correcting acidi of tbe stomaob curingbilibtuness iyb- peptda headachea odjzzinessi heartburn constipatio dryness of the smn1rop6y bimness of vision jatnidice bait eneum i erysflrielas sorofla ilnttering of the heart nervdusnesa and gen eral debility r all thesiiaud malny 6hm wnilar complaints yield to the happy i of blood bitters j mobcm cqi piwalifirs toront vit m i every ti actonl 8u ovk ykab theklj invariably in i lio per year wt tinned till all al biitiou of the pull ad spaced ujiwcolunin hall colhimc quarter goluinu ouelueh casual alvertitj ftrgt insertion aa sequent insertion reckoned by the l scale of solid xoi alrertisement will be inserted t ngly transiteii u advance changes for cd iu tbe office by thcywillbeleftj this papf wntrocjamayt busw ber of college office and frederick stre estacj triniiy ity medical sc of physicians i omce ca l lben1 dentii new system- vtnioniy teeth without i strator and college of ej rous raaydep in any ogecalj acton every mohthlpja5a v sthm j ontac college f da cb hayesh sorted on kuq innra and rpnsosidega ate- appoini ifoyeila bl s johnlatj veterinary in kenny bi denes in thi soundhe alfcallsji ed to te tohnstc barristers mcere c 6m efjbjoh e m i m j soik i omtbe oflfce haiti at j per ceil js hiltonl omcks- aad 85 king v t ml vs b ajn bviil ofkrlislpl liugton stre alley iorin johsbak wllmvm datkni ue 20 years m fortliecojttl orders left r or at nry prpinptlyati also moiit uble terms terest in suj tohndj ornc44 square tilbanclj sue st georges accouut periodicals bound rnl tohn j succl j money tcj per cent loaned for se6urity properly ail farms and with farms i dominion culated iu wautingfarl rectionsi thl farms waif denceiuyiti gcuelphjionl mfltehj if aaeasyj sha seafoam an given bf condition tastily cutrl

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