Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1886, p. 1

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ollme xi i no 2 sit jtrtoit jm wss ife pvbllhhfcv every thursday morning at the fee press power printing house acton ontario i i acton ontario thursday 1 subscription rate8 oxkikul lo0 slx honthi jolts thrkb months ssct8 invariably m lulvnuce if not paid iu advance li3 per fear ill bo charged no paper discon tinued till all arrears re except at the option of tho publisher advertising rates 8puk oih foluum half column quarter column one lucli 0900 3300 siooof 3500 90 bo lioo 3000 14w0 700 000 350 200 1 1110 v700 350 250 100 o jsual advertisements 8 ceuts per hue for the first insertion and2censper lino for eacli sub- bequent insertion cash the number of lines reckoned bv tho space occupied measoroj b a scale of solid nonpareil advertisements without specific directions will be inserted fall torbid and charged kecord- nglj transitory advertisements must bo paid n advance chauges for contract advertisements niflst bo in the office b 9 am on mondays otherwise thev will bo left over nutil the following week h i moore editor owl proprietor tuic dudcd may be found on file t gra ifllo rrrtn rovrcll ft oon neropaixr a tertlslng burrau10 spruce bt where ndjertiidirf tontracumarberuadeforlt in m5w lokb- acton banking cqy storey christie co bankers- actou ontario general th banking business kns acted hohstioattod on approved k0tb5 notes disco anted and interest allowejd on deposits ceneftal agents mcdonald stone ho 2 yifctoria st toronto estate a w i i business directory j h lowry m b m c p graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton ce stacey mj cim graduate of trinity university fellow of trin- itymedical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons oi net campbells hotel ibm l bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario ac mckinlay l d srsurgeon deutist georgetown ont uses the uew sj stem of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat- roub ma depend upon receiving satisfaction m any operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each month office agnewa hotel money to loail at six per cent houses rented busiuess chances cbattle mori gages promissory notes and other securities negotiated val uators ac farms or ottyer properties sold or ex changed jqall at fntk fntss ofhce nsurance agents new goods -at- days bookstore cuelph thurbpvx ioksiko jcia 81880 otch at the side it anythijng toaohed this poetry cj u e l p n- business college guelph ontario vtoung mfcn and women are thoroughly prepared for positions as bookkeepers s lorthandwriters cahgraph or telegraph operators students have been in attene ance from nine provinces and states wihin the past year oar graduates are meeting with marked suc cess in the com nercial centres of canada and the unitee states rates moderate accommodatioi excellent students may enter at any til ie forterms etc address m maccormick 146m principal lumber shingles and lath rphe nudcrsignt il desires to inform the public x that he has stock a full line jstirton lds mrcds ontario honor graduate ontario college of dentalsurgery successor to ctz hayes ldsl artificial teeth in- serted on robber celluloid gold or alurn- luunr and satisfaction guaranteed nit rons oxide g as administered fees moder ate appointments made by leteer office tovells block opposite p p gnelph johnlawson graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont oiyice iu kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given ah calls night or day promptly atteud- edto terms easy tohnston mclean birribters solicitors notaries convey ancers ac jatnvate funds to loap t mii town hall acton e fjb joabt0n wm a mclev class pino shing coa now on hand and will kee df pine and hemlock as wi bp in ell as other kinds of unibei nlso first and second cs ictath 25000 rolls wall paper ioo sets lawn croquet carload express waggons big stogk low prices bay sells cheap summer i otjkl wanderers r come home and see your mother boy her sun is sinking low its rays are reaobing out before tomtiet the heavenly glow her soft brown hair is white so white her eyes look far away and slow the step and low the voico that taught you how to pray do you remember years ago when ends would scarcely meet the hours she istole from needful rest to keep your garments neat just think of all her anxious care to make your lifes road smooth the only friend who loved you through the follies of your youth no wonder uiat her hands are tired that voice and limbs are weak no wonder that the roses left her round and dimpled cheek such ceaseless unrewarded toil too soon the wrinkleb brought 0 boys it makes me sick to think how hard ohr mothers wrought dont count yqur bankbook up my boy and wonder would it pay could money buy her smile of joy when once phes gone away dont think your prized possessions oame because yotj pinched and slaved it may be twas her blessiug brought the dollars you have saved i and when you come dont worry her about the ciish it cost nor of the sacrifice youve made nor of the time youve lost if you would future years dnjoj just take yqur cherished store and come and see your mother boy and trust the lord for more i mrs george a rl ley of ths pan released the irod from and the great spring wojnjd fly ug the jlws together like a flash and wha ever happened to be between them when tin y closedwas sure to stav there until son e one saw fit to liberate it i see how it now said willip the notch up and fl wouldnt like to get my foot in thre he added lboking oft the jaws of tlje trap which h id sharp of a saw along eich inner edge j a knock was heard at the door nearest heighhor by a faljing tree to growiduaky w 1 dopt know jusl aid l wood hauugpunhised the coal business of mr c s smith 1 am prepared to supply all kinds of stove cool i have also a good stock of wood- hardwood ashjcedor and miluvood at reason able prices vpod and coal delivered ames brown svlutual fire insurance m k mitchell solkrrer coxvkvthr at omui first door west ot the champwn office main street milton money to loan attj percent hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ac toioyrjj vm geoiiohtow on k t s creelmans block georgetown and wi king street est toronto t lln 3 bhimon us s duk1 d ol thl- guelph cloth hall otjr story teeth something lijie those st then a mrs sampso l admitted a boy who was greatly excited he had come for help their had been severely injured his wife was afraid he would dje and she wanted uncle i oe and his wife to come kt once it was hi ginning len they went when well be bac k said uncle j e nit till late any w ly and piobabl not tonight but you arent afraid t i stay alone i suppose of course not answered willie and so he was left to take care of thi house while t ley went to help their nei hbor in his neec he at tended to the choi es about the hou se and h mi when this as done it was i uite dark then he ate his supper iu the litchen and after that he u ok down his gun which 1 e had been using batday and cleined it carefully thus usini up an hour of the rather lonesome even ng he had just put thejgnn away when i e heard the sound of steps on the path leao ing from the road uncle joe must be coming back he thought but he was n is taken here the door opened and a ra ther sus picious looking stranger came in howdedo was hib gruff si lutation keepin house alone aint ye fytjb for a little while answered willie i i see the od man an woman when in a tripa true sijory hll k 11eifoki wis bravo aud courageous deeds aie being allwool gauze l ualb1uggan merino i cotton ooultttof vslusqton istvbllshtlj 1810 headofrmce cuelph insured buildings merchandize manu factories and all other description of hepremnm note sjste property on fw stojie b unlaidlaw ago b vmiitbka solicrroitb oums 0er imperial bank 24 wei hugtou street east entrance exchange allej toronto john bun q c c a mastin wrllum la11l gtoroi kapselh patents secured u for inventions henry grist ottaa c vs vuv 20 ycarh practice no patent no pay fire burned cuas- david8ojr presideut secrel johljf taylor agent shaw grundy i merchant tailors guelpn this ire box wellington marble werj qubbeq st guelfh fire fire biit but not destroyeo jyvm hemtbeet liltineii accnojetn for uiocountie3 of welungton and haltou orders left at the foee peess ofiice acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable alojky to louj alo nioney to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 9500 and upwards john day architect gcklph ost onricfc queens hotel block market square tjlrancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges sauare guelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done johk j daley successor to thompson jackson money to loan on farm property at g per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low farms aiid city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intending purchasers and cir culated iu europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office near the post office 5 guelph out l haying perfected arrangements for the rebuilding of the planing mill at the head of biver street recently de stroyed by 1 re and purchased newmachin- ery we would inform the public that on or about the ie t of may we will be in a better position tha 1 ever to supply their wants in the shape of dbessinj ltjmber sheetin flooiinq uotcisres ftc also in the meantime pumps will be repaired and general job- bmg done as usual thankinj you for past favors and hoping by strict at ention to business and reason able prices a merit an increased share of patronage we are respectf nlly yours tflos ebbage manager mhe hanlan barber shop mill stukkt actos aileasy shave a stylish haircut a good seafoam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors bonid and put in firstclass condition ladies and- childrens hair tastily cui j l wouden tonsorial artist acton john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble huwui lately wsited the ba of fuudj granite quarries and ha ids purchased the entire stock of gruj and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander tajlor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments oft high jco 7 ft 73 8 ft 90 9 ft i00 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wonting anything in this hue will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee m prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealers llverifsalestables johri street acton wjm smith proprietor mr sjlth has purchased the livery- business o mr h b mccarthy which he has removed to his commodious stables on john spreetin the centre of the business the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he can give satisfaction to every pttron r anyone desiring a qoapmrclal plea- 8ui0 or company lff can be supplied with a firptclass turnout qn the shortest notice horses boarded and sold rerrns 1 i vi acton meat market rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holme and solicit a share of public patronage the members of the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to eusure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kind of meat c in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win public confidence and support rutledge crosson- a acton feb 9th 188d dont read this easonable wm b smith the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstolabb lumber lath staves head- ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood uiso flour and feed and anything in theline of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos cmoore done about as daily which the world out bide seldom hear of one of these deeds has lately come under my observation and i am going to telfcjhe boys who like to hear true stories what another boy hits done on a small homestead farm in one of our western states lives uncle joe sampson it is about five miles away from a village and is a rather lonely place in the woodb with no neighbors nearer than two miles last fall a nephew of uncle joes came from the city to visit him willie dane was about fourteen a qnickwitted courageous fellow who had never been in the woods until that sea son he brought a gnu with him and uncle joe who is a great hunter and trap per took great pleasure in showing his nephew how to hunt deer and such other game as abounds in the locality in which he lives when the corn began to mature uncle joe discovered sigus of bear ill havo toget the old trap out and clean it op lie said to willie when the corn gets ripe i think we shall be able to catch a bear or two theyll come into the cornfield for something to eat for the beechnuts and acorns will he gone by that time because there isnt many this vear so the old trap was brought down front the shedloft and uncle joe oiled its stout spring and tnade such repairs on lts were necessary dnd pronounced himself ready for brnin whenever he was driven by hun ger to seek food in the cornfield i think it must be a pretty hard job to set the tran said willie as he looked it over i dont see how you go to work to crowd the spring down ill show you about that borne day answered uncle joe its easy enough when you know how uncle joe owed about fifty dollars on a span of horses he had bought in the spring he had been cutting wood at odd spells dnring the summer which was to be sold to the railroad running through the village he could earn enough in this way to linibii paying for his horses one day he was notified by the agent of the railroad company to haul the wood to town when it was there he could have the money for it accordingly he set to work at once and at the end of the week the wood was au piled np at the depot and he came back from town with enough money in his pocket to make the last pay ment on his team i dont care to carry it about with me he said to his wife that evening ill put it in this box itll be safe enough here i guess till i get a chance to send it to brown so unole joe put the money in a box that stood on a little shelf in one corner of i the living room and supposed that no one but himself his wife and willie kiiew anything about it but as he found but afterward a tramp saw hini put the njouey away tramps were num erous in i that part of the country and were often discovered prowling about the house after dark but he never once thought of such a thing as being seen by ene when he put the money in the box the next after noon uncle joe came in from the cornfield and said that a bear had been at work in the corn well set the trap tonight he said iu show you how its done now if youll go and bring l4 willie went to the shed took the trap down from the nail upon whieh uncle joe had hung it after oiling it and brought it into the kitchen bring one orthe handspikes thats out by the woodpile said unole joe and willie did so then his unole put one end of the lever in a crack between the logs of whioh the house was built close to the floor and placed the stiff spring under it by bearing down on thi lever the spring was shut together allowing the jaws of the trap to fall open it was then an easy matter to fasten them open by turning a piece of iron over one of thein and fitting price thbjse cent they went awajj said the visitor thot id call rqund an take a when he said so i took into this he thad put money this went to the she f in the corner tok down ttye bx iu which uncle joe his fify dollars and drew ont tl and p it it into iais pocket put that back cried willie it doesnt belong to you thit uncle joe is going to finish paying for his horse i with d 3 jou spiso he will baidthe tramp with a coarse laugh i dont bat yon dont mean to to itake it willie hardly dared to use the yord that was the proper one under stances i dont mean nothiu reply i see jthe money pi th jk you compel me to he meant what he said and the tramp knew it j if youll take this thing off ilhgivb you back the money he said im not qnite green enough todotjiatj was the boys answer then the rnoneyll never do you oy no body else any good cried the tramp and taking it from his pocket he began to drag himqelf toward the candle with the inten tion of burning it i hold ouithpre i cried willie dont do that 1 if you do and he raised his gun threateningly while his eyes flashed fire if you do ill shoot you j the tramp changed his mind at ouce he saw that thff boy was iir earnest and he was too sensible to do anything under the circumstances which would lead him to pnt his threat into execution i throw me the money ordered willie the tramp hesitated the boy raised his gun 1 tak6 it thou said the nrisonerj with a great volley of oaths and a moment later willie had the satisfaction of putting the precious fifty dollars in his pocket how long are y6u goin to keep me here asked the man sullenly till uncle joe comes back answered willie promptly just an he said that he heard the gate open and someone came np the path i wonder if its another tramp thought willie in alarm it was uncle joe whats up he cried as he discovered the lad on guard at the door i set the trap and had the good luck to catch something in it said willie draw ing a great breath of relief queer kind of game isnt it uncle joe well i should say so jsaid uncle joe in great astonishment as le looked into the kitchen and saw willies game i was bound to save your money said the boy here it is i wouldnt leave it in the box after this if i were you uncle joe took the advice and the next day when he carried the tramp to town and turned him over to the authorities he bent the fifty dollars to the man he was owing thankful that he had it to send 1 wouldnt have had it if it hadnt been for your pluck he said to his nephew i tell you what it is willie you did some thing a good many men wouldnt have dared do i and uncle joe was right the impossible y man cannot draw water from an empty well nor trace the stories that gossips tell nor gather the sounds of a pealing bell man never can stop the billows roar norchangehe winds till thoyjblow no more nor drive tijue love from a maidens door man cannot oertake a fleeing lie change his wheat to a field of rye nor call back yearshhet havfe long gone by man cannot a cruel word recall fetter a thought be it great pr small nor honey extract from a drop of gall man never oan bribe old father time gain the peak that he cannot climb nor trust the hand that hath done a crime man never can backward turn the tide nor count the stars that arescattered wide nor find in a fool a trusty guide man cannot reap fruits from worthlessffeed rely for strength on a broken xeed nor gain a heart he hath caused to bleed man never can- hope true peace to win pleasme without and joy within living a thoughtless life of pin license vs prohibition rest of 4he tation he circum was the intjo the box c 1 i j an ive been a watchm my chi uce to got at it ver seuce dye spose pc let such a cha ico slip to make agood h tul you must bo green if you do but i ay haint you got nothiu to eat about thi ranche ifyjhave disl up snthiu an be lively abopt it il see whit i can and went into yot miy be great trouble take his nnclei how vjas he to sdid willie find the kitchen bure the poor lid was in must he allow tb is man to s hardearned mo ley but prevent it he h ippened to look at the trap which remain d on the floor dierdthoy had left it whei the boy came after h s uncle and ami a plan flashed into h s mind if he crald catch the trump in i t to think was o act he had closed thu door after hinvwaen he left the front room the man ou the other side of it cou d not see what he was doing he placed tlie lever over the si ring as his uncle iad doie pressed down m it with all his strength and succeeded n fastening the jaws opn then he pla d the trap in fioit of he door opening i ato the kit chen the next thing hedid was o take suph article i of foe d as he found in tpe cupboard and pc t then on the table when he had done this he placed the candh where its light w ould be thrown away fr ih the door ahd thi trap aa front of it a hasty in- bpecticu of his arrangement cc nvinced him that tl e tramp iu coming intx the kitchen would not be able to see the t ap that had been sot for nim the kitchen floor was someiichea ower tha then threshold and the msu wot id be obliged to step down therefore the ie was no danger of him disr covering the trap by hitting his foot against it as ae mil ht have done ha it been on a level with the threshold if fail o catch him and what 1 have intended theres what loll dp thought will e calculi te fo a possible fail ire til get outside the kitchendoor befo e i call him if he c oesnl get into the trap for it in the darkness i ca i keep oat of 1 lis way he opened the kitchendoo r took np hib position just outside it one called out to the ra m th it his supper w at ready for him the door between the two the man saw the table withhe food upon it and then he btepped into hie kitchen and it to the trap 1 the jaws of which olosed on hiu fool with a vicious snap as if they were lad to get hold of such game the oaths and surscs which broke from the mans lips vheu he realized that he was oanghi wen i fearful to hear and yet they had a pleas tnt sound to willie for they assured him that the thief felt that he had been cutwit ted and that he knew he could not cs ape willies first act was to run arouui to the front door through which he enpered the living room and secared hie witl this in his possession he felt ter of the situation the tramp force of imagination dr bncklandonedayigaveadinubr after dissecting a mississippi alligator having asked a good many of the most distinguished of his elasses to dine wi th him his house and alt 1hb establishment were in good style and taste his guests congregated the dinnertable showed splendidly with glass china and plate and th 5 meal commenced with excellent soup how do you like the soup asked the doctor after having finished his own plate ita dressing a famous gourmand of the day very good in deed answered the otler turtle is it not i only ask becau 5e i do not find any green fat the doctor shook his head i think it has somewhat of a musky taste said another not unpleasant but peculiar all alligators have replied buckland the cayman particularly so the fellow whom i dissected this morning and whom you have been eating there was a general rout of the whole gueis this is the way it looks when applied to oleomargarine in the house of commons the finance minister submitted that oleomargarine as an article of food was not wholesome and therefore it was not in the country to permitj its imp proposed a duty of tn cts er lb to effect this purpose mn patteuson brant if the intention is to prohibit the importation why not say so mn mills the goverr ment must not only prohibit the importation but also the manufacture mn blake i agree wil h the member for brant that if we are going to prohibit oleomargarine the best wa r is to prohibit mr tnot i approve of mr patter sons proposition because il strikes at the root of the matter mb fishkn the government say they desire to prohibit it bifctbey take a very ronndabout way of doing it so absurd did the pvopositipn to prohibit by a license or duty appear that the fin ance minister accepted mr pattersons suggestion and made tbje article read the importation of jthise articles into canada is hereby prohibited under a pen alty of 8200 together with the forfeiture of such goods and packages iji which they are contained i the principle of 1 prohit iting the liquor traffic ib identical yet the absurdity of the roundabout way pf doini it with a license law has not yet penetrate 1 the brains el these clever statesman or if it has they have not the courage to declare it tocsin hamilton real talent take that bottle and go at solme whiskey said col lid get riie jimjama to the sadeyed woman whose misfortune it was to be the wife of a convivial inebqate give me money toiroy it with give yon money everyone turned pale halfadozen started up from the table two or three of them ran out of the room and vomited and only those with strong stomachs remained to the close of an excellent entertainment see what imagination is said buckland if i told them it was turtle or terxapin or birdsnest soup saltwater ompbibia or fresh or the gluten of a fish from the maw of a seabird they would have pronounced it excellent and their digestion he none the worse such is prejudice 1 but was it really an alligator asked a lady as good a calfs head as ever wore a coronet answered buckland gun himself mai he discovers no knowing i must i must run manage to ooms opened why any idiot starteji for the door with the trap fast fo his fofat that he co and t ie f ri so much tjhresioldj gun tut the weight of it was so great id not make much headway btf ul grip of its jaws gave him tain that he sank down on the ist as willie oame baok with his the ministers catechism i a clergyman in scotland who had ap pointed a day for the catechism of some of his cougregatioh happened to receive an invitation to dinner for the same day and having forgotten his previous engagement he accepted it jnst as he was mounting hib gig to depart he perceived the first of his class entering the garden and the re mainder coming over the hill and at once became aware of the mistake he had made here was a fix but the ministers ready wit soon came to his assistance what have you come for john he asked ad dressing the first comer ou dee ye no remember sir ye bade us come to be oate- cheesed ou aye weel no to keep ye going further john was it a horned coo or a hummel coo that noah took into the ark deed sir i carma tell weel turn hack and ask the ither folk the same question aud if they canna apswer it bid them go homo and find oot can get whiskey if he has money but to get whiskey without money i i what takes tal ent i thought you had i ome talent taking up the bottle with a sigh the patient longsuffering voman went out iu a bhort time she retained apparently she had been successful or she placed the bottle before him and said iu a low deep reproachful tone i there take it an 1 drink to your i hearts conteut i now thats what i call smart you have got real genius or you couldnt haver- got whiskey without money and placing the bottle to his mouth he was about to quench his thirst when he discovered the bottle was empty v why what does this mean it means that anybody can drink whis key when the whiskey is in the bottle bat it takes real talent to drink whiskey when there is none hi the bottle drink away i know youjiave got taleiit texas sifting djont iry to get away cried the brave lad yo l cant if yotemver so hard ive i ot a un yon see irall- uso it if go home boys boysdont hang around the corners of the streets if you have anything to- do do it promptly right off then go home home is the place for boys at the street corners and at the stables they learn to talk slang and they learn to swear to smoke tobacco and to do many other things which they ought not to do d6 yourbusi ness and then gd home if your business is play play and make a business ot it i like to see boys play good earnest healthy games the town should give the boys a good spacious playground it should have plenty o grass and trees and a broad space to run and jump and play suitable games i would make it as pleas- aut as could be and i would give it to the i boys to play in and j when the 1ly was j ended i wcjuld toll them to go homo r the small boy a small boy wanted something of his mother the other day when she was very busy writing she was absorbed iu her work and did not loolrupfet his repeated mamma mammi beside her elbow well said ha at lasi flinging away from her side in a pet it i no use trying to make my mamma hea when she is writ- ing shes just as iguomi lions as everything it was the same boy who was given per mission by the hostess at a grownup party where he was asked h aconee the families were intimate to eat a whole mould ol strawberry ioeoreamt liat was left after all the guests badbeen se ved he sighed as soon as he had said o thank you and- presently confided to a small daughter of the house its dreot ful to grow up anduj i know im doing it why last year i could have eaten all th it icecream as easily j as could be ahd now i cant eat a bit more thaa two saacerfals l 1 after tnenuthree ycarx soffcriag rev ffm stout of wiartoh was curedr of scrofulous abscess t lat seventeen dootorav could not cure burdock blood bitters was the only suecessf 1 1 remedy it cvj all imparities of the b lood joseph rusan peroy writes 1 was- in duced to try dr thomas eolectrio oil for a lameness whioh troubled me for three four years and found it the best article ever tried it has bee n a great blessing me 1 tbellai yi mr 1886 after the above yea is ended there se be no person suffering from rheuma neuralgia toothache headache ln or any acute pain if t hey only pap bottle of fluid lightning- aa it cures btantly pain cannot btay jvhere 1 tj i the name is fluid wrbflrifjj dr mcgorvin drugg iste y- oas

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