Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1886, p. 2

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r bvi a thto8dat mobsikq jcly 8 188c oakville harbor grant oajlooutemporuy the miltou sun ou- pied over a column ot its valuable space last week in needletsly telling the publio how great was its esteem and respect for senator mckindsey and in haranguirij the free ptosis as it has frequkntly done be fore about being a tolitioal orgaa in dis 8ui thesi exoitejejduls all pro- voked because in the absence of theeditor of this journal the editor pro tern umnteii- tiooally omitted to credit the senator with having beeniustramental in securing the grant for oakville harbor we desire to eee the 5km oool down considering the ex treme heat ot the weather at the present date and consequently we make amends for the unstudied omission of our associate editor by now giving senator mckindsey doe credit for the imppirtant part he took in inducing the government to go to oak villes assistance with a grant of 8000 we are satisfied that the senator used his great influence with the government and even with the premier himself in oakvilles behalf for he informed us of the fact the other day with his own lips but while on the subject we desire to point ont just a little of the unfairness which is apparently necessarily followed by party political organs generally it seemb that the shh 5annot be satisfied with as cribing all the credit in the matter to its rare friend the senator but it must go farther and misrepresent the actions of the member for the county simply because he is a political opponent this the sun goes oat of its way to do as follows as a mattot 61 f act mr mccrauey did nothing to secure the grant nay more he even refused to accompany the delegation of his own town to interview the minister now we have no political reasons what ever for referring to this injustice but when we have facts in our possession to prove the falsity of the statement we cannot as a public journal upholding truth and justice stand quietly by and see a- worthy citizen of theusounty occupying the most promi nent position in the gift of the electorate be so miserably misrepresented the facts m the case are these it is true that although mr mccraney exerted himself in every way in his power to-ac- i complish what was desired from the government in oakvilles behalf he did not accompany the delegation which by the way was very naturally composed en tirely of conservatives to interview the minister but the reason ior this was certainly not because of his refusal to do so nor dtany lack of interest in oakville his home bat simply because the delega tion itself decided that it would not be beneficial for mr mccraney to accompany them before the minister as he was identi fied with the opposition and mr john barclay ofoakvijle a member of the delegation waited upon mr mccraney and made him acquainted wjth their de cision mr mccraney replied that lie was willing to acquiesce in anything which was deemed best for the town and would do all he coald in any other way for it these are the facts about mr mccraney s refusal to accompany the delegation and the feee pbess is fully prepared to substantiate them t r otjr natal da j i howth day waa o labrated in aotonby anlmmei gathering 3500 hbom e in tov w thursday last the twentieth birthday of our beloved domini sn was celebrated in acton by a gathering of people the magni tude of which mue t nave gladdened the heart of the most sai ignine member of the committee in whoso hands was entrusted the duty of arrangin and oarrymg out the programme in com eotion with the days celebration the feather was fine and pleasant a trifle too warm however for ranch exercise with comfort from early morning vehicles of every description and crowded trains brou ht thousands to town to witness and take art in the sports feel ing confident of hav tg a pleasant holiday and in this they wet e not deceived the amusements f the day commenced with a calithumpiaiji procession under the leadership of general papamiohaloupalos the grotesque band paraded the streets and then proceeded to he morning trainsto welcome the atrivio g visitors the cornet band and the cresc uij lacrosse club also met the trains and escorted the hamilton lacrosse club and nsitors generally down town at 1030 tl el lacrosse match was opened this match which was expected to be an interesting one proved a very one- sidecaffair altogetl er the home team play ing all around the 1 etnas and taking three btnught games tl le crescent defence had very little work to do almost all the play being in the neight orhood of the visitors flags the first gai ne including stoppages occupied about an 1 our the becond twenty minutes and the tl urd half a minute the hometeam treatec the visitors with the utmost courtesy ai d did all in their power to assist them in enjoying the day fol lowing is a list of tye members of each team crescents pcslliov 1ltvas t kenney jojil ronald j lawson pojnt j slagett w speight coerpoint symington j t broddy erfence gordon wsmith f kilroy ccspeight iim b slagett a c campbell ientre kennedy tj statham mcgowen f taylor g firkins r lawson j eeia armstrong w lee 2nl home barker g g buckwell lit home a brothers umpire e wosnop referee drsu cey at 1230 the athetic sports commenced considerable inter at was manifested there- they resulted as follows board the ei i education stlmato ol ihe expenditures for the current year adjournedjfor two months the trustees lot acton publio school met in regular monthly session on mondny evening present the oh linuan mr j e mouar- vhi and messrs jdr lowry w p brown and george hyuds the finance committee presented their fourth report recommending payment of the following nooounu john lindsay interest on note 18 00 hpmoore stationery and postage 1 87 i 19 87 report adopted the following report was subsequently laid before the board we your committee onfinairoe piesent the following as our estimate of the ex penditures for the publio schools of the village olaoton for the ourrent year salaries 1 1440 60 fuel 100 00 interest 1 60 00 contineucies 122 00 jthboradlb cupitbjili eriutdii ihe otli july tho wife of mr robt campbell contractor of a daughter bwtais in jit cluir mich ou tho ith july the rife of mr lyman s bufltal of a son 1 1 j mccutcukon in erin on the oth inst the wife of mr stewart mccutoheou of a soil interesting news dominion day in new yoik was oekfj brated in a very satisfactory manner bv the oanadiu i club lit their new club house mr ernbtue wimmi tlie president presid ed speeches were made by the rev dr mocarthur a leadin baptist divine of now york vho is a canadian dr waters ofnewyorlt- alsoa prominent minister and canadian mr john ptitou of jesup paton 4 co baukeist mr w b ellison and messrs t gates short townsend and olders- the club has now nearly 400 members aud is mcieaf ing rapidly i cliidf ponndmaker died on monday at crowfoot camp from the hurstiu of a blood vessel bhhb9- tedqtfcqjf vi m notes and comments from present indications there is no nope for the success of the gladstone government in the british elections now in progress canada is from fifty to one hundred years behind its nearest neighbor utiea pi4ss in what fnnstance railroad building canals merchant marine law and order rowing baseball seizing schooners or what hamilton spectator t owing to a defect of form the scott act is not applicable to british columbia it is due to the senate that it was not made so during the past session british co lumbia owis the senate undying opposition till that ho ise of liquor representatives is wiped out toronto world t one of tl e pharaohs has been disinterred at bulak i ear cairo the mommy was dog up in tie presence of the khedive and proves to b the remains of barneses hi of the twentieth egyptian dynasty who reigned about 12 b c and was a near descendant of the menephtah who was probably the pharaoh of exodus the kingpin fhew fired off a vigorous editorial the other day m which it proved to its entire satisfaction that the scott act is a complete failure in berlin the article was well written the logic faultless the points well putt there was just one fault to find but that is a somewhat serioaaone the scott apt is not in force in berlin and has never been even voted on there wood- block standard the assurance given to the president of the dominion alliance by a representative of cardinal tascherean that the bishops were about to issue a pastoral in favor of prohibition is of the most momentous im portance a hundred thousand votes will v iwajod by such instructions the country outside of the province of quebec lias already declared itself for prohibition aadtbis it is safe to say insures the ad- jierenceuf quebec witness twvinninegooentricity of ihe world is k upmost interesting theme of an article ijsfttubliiihefi the writer looks forward iky m we do and qiotes mr gladstone and he lata general grant as doing so li iewise t oortptotefederationof ie anglo saxon igiriwbhejthinks would necessarily yjn bringing the centre of the race to i cootanent and as winnipeg is in the rof ts continent and on the short- it from enrope to asia might be the capital it in one hundredyald foot race 1st a mc quarne 2nd jas ross three hundred- ard foot race l8t jas ross 2nd a mcjuame half mile race- 1st it t smith 2nd j lambert aud v mitchell divided running jump- 1st h saunders 17 ft 10 iu 2nd j kuig 10 ft 11 in standing jumplst h saunders 11 ft 6i in 2nd a bi others 10 ft 10 in banning hopj tep and jump 1st h saunders 3j ft 8 in 2nd j king 39 ft lm tug of war beti reen esquesmg and erm won by the forme the teamb were com posed as follows esquesing jas mur ray john stewarl alex campbell john campbell vv sh rtell and a mcdonald erm a johnsoi t mcenery a mc- eachern j near a campbell and r tal bot the tug was the cause of a good deal of amusement the horse races were opened at 330 and the several purses won as follows j green trot is j gallop right-eye- see 2nd dr winn little joe 3rd r nicklmj telephone running race 1st dr marshall vs katie campbell 2nd and 3rd divided n martin mind and s mitchell 11 maud b l threeminute trot 1st thos black joe black 5i id j robertson rown jack 3rd t jchnson nella king s open trot 1st tho3 black joe black 2nd d henderson rinrwood stallion 3id r robertson rown jack f i f dominic n dat notes it is estimated hat 3000 persons visited tho driving park on dominion day ladies were admi tted free boys half price and nearly 300 was taken in gate money a satisfactory i eature of the celebration was the entire ab lence of serious accidents of any kind durin i the day goodwill and fi lendly feelings prevailed during tho day and all seemed intent upon enjoying themselves and assisting others to do the s ime a noticeable pa rtioular in the days pro ceedings was the remarkable absence of people under the nflupnee of liquor only a load of- rbwdi who said they came from waterloo a id who brought a keg of lager with them and publicly exhibited their disgusting b ibnlistic capabilities and two or three oth era evidenced indications of having imbibet intoxicants during the day more reaolutions in addition tt the resolutions of the county temperance association published in the fiiee phes i last week the following were adopted aftr the departure of our reporter betolvedl that this annual conven tionof the couityof halton desires to place on record is undiminished interest and confidence it tho scott act as a prac tical and powerf 1 1 agency for the suppres sion of the evils f the liquor traffic 2 that the bui cess of the act in this county and elsev here inspires all temper ance workers wit i fresh zeal to prosecute their noble eelflenying laborb in moral reform and to saye the youth from early corruption 3 that the violence and base opposition from bomje well1 nown persons to the law ful enforcement i if thaact and the un manly villainoui attacks made by some newspapers upon both the officers of the law and the tem erance public are every month wmindiig all the advocates of social reform an i the ohurches df this our beloved country of the imperative necessity of enforcing the aw and of concentrating the franchise for general prohibition 4 that this c invention oheriihes a high regard for w h young esq for hit faith ful and honoral le administration jofj the canada temper nce act and also for the zeal and integrit r of the inspector of the county 5 that the jtfitton pass paess oakville star an reformer acton georgetown jlwlu and commended to e pat wnageijftllwhi love happy homj ld y3 hamuton medical ly igoodsrd laminerbrpryden 1 1722 00 lisa goverumeut grant 122 00 i balance 91000 00 and we hereby recommend this board to request the municipal council to raise by taxation upon the rateable property iu the school division the said sum of sixteen hundred dollars w committee geo hsns moved by w p brown seconded by geo hynds that the fifth report of tho finance committee just read be adopted carried moved by w p brown seconded by dr lowry that the board do now adjourn for two months carried teeth 88 per set perfect in appearance and use written guarantee see card jas stirton dentist guelph purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted miss mary browu is visiting friends at biamark miss minnie secoiuis the guest off riends in hamilton r mrs j m fernley is visiting friends in coartright and st thomas mr cl young left town last saturday to enjoy a week or so of holidays mrgeo marjatt jr of shelbume visit ed frieuds m acton and vicinity last week mrand mrs rroyce left on saturday to visit friends m eramosa and grand valle mr and mrs joseph weavers of toron to visited friends in acton and vicinity last week mr r d waneu of the uaahl is w p of the georgetown division soup of temperance i miss aunie corrigill who has been visit ing friends at onllia for home time has retnrned home miss ellen goodall left ou saturday to spend a week or so with friends at her home in berk ton 1 miss mina langnll of kuatchbull has gone to new york to spend a with her sister mrs g w malasli i mr e w draper representative of the singer bicycle company of coventry bug spent monday in town miss c mcphail teacher of lome bchoo left on monday for her old home in manilla county of victoria miss crossou who has been visiting mr v h crosson for some time left for her borne at woodbridge ou dominion day mr j b mclcod son of w mcleod esq reeve of georgetown received the iiighest honors in the fouith form for classical attainments at the closing of the upper canada college mr p c fleury of fleury sous stouffville spent a few holidays thib week with acton friends mrs fleury and miss nellie speight of maikham returned home with him on monday rev walter laidlaw sou of the- late dr laidlaw of miltou received nifu ac cepted a call from the congregation of the presbyterian church at west troy new york at a salary of 1 800 and a free manse and was inducted ou the 25th of may last miss louisa harrison daughtei of the late thomas harrison graduated at the closing exercises of the hamilton wes- leyean female college last week and was awarded the gold medal for painting and also the gold medal for music milton champion mrs g w malash who has been very ill with paralysis of the left side for the past eleven weeks at the residence of her mother mrs langrill knatchbull has owing to the care aiwl skill of liei pliyuiciail dr t b winn of llaltonvillo been en abled to return to her home in now york city at the meeting of toronto prcsbyteiy on tuesday mr john mckay b a read s thoughtful aud carefully prepared dist course on the text tlie seed of the woman shall bruise the serpents head after he had given an addiess ou a new testament snbject several members spoke in terms of the highest praise of tho candi date he was formally licensed after undergoing an examination in church while addressing the london methodist conference rev dr carman geueral superintendent urged that it wastiot only expedient but neoessary that the clergy should make their influence felt in parlia mentary politics he said in closing ou the great temperance question of the country lie said that in it was a sphere for the energies of the church it was mar vellous when people wanted ministers to 1 90 to 1 90 yi nge street early oleilna oa a iturday at pm we hv grjht plasare in making thu ail nouncomeit as wo behove itis in the benefit of tho public a large as well as for that of our employees trusting it will meotlwitli your approval and heartily soliciting your sym pathy in tho movement spsoialbeluoloni in oarpet dapart- meat in tapesfy jarpets we offer extraordinary bargains we are determined to clerir tho whole stock out at sucii prices as will astonish our liustpmers we want room for o lr large importa tions for fill 1rade we com mence early to dear the balance of our spring itock we will quote a few 1 1 10 prices offered tapestry ctrpets 40 and 50c reduced to 3 aim 40c tapestry carpets 65 mid 7 5c reduced to 50 aud 60c tapestry carpets 90c reduce 1 to 75c brussels carpets that were 110 now 90d brussels car pets that were 120 now 01 brussels carpets that were 125 now 105 j take advantage ot this great clearing sale of carpets east 91 uj gp we sell dfty as the cheapest goods rakd ahooeuies as cheap store 4 i o gentlkmen desiring perectfittfng supb can not qo better than leave their orders with john nelson acton f i union carp keep out of politics how holy they found 1 these ministers were but ministers were 1 both sides fl ill not in the ethereal regions and must put their feet on the solid ground of tins earth if they would make then influence tfelt the politics of the country were nitthat state that a general moral issue was needed it was not for thorn to go after railway subsidies or land grabs hut the temperance question was a soul issue and they were solemnly bound before god and his angels to stand firmly on this temperance ques tion perhaps the time has come for an advanced statement on this question hut it was their duty to put the political itillu- euce of this country as far as iu their power on the side of morality aud temper ance iu the case of slavery in the south a third party hod been necessary to accom plish its destruction he would not say that wasnecessary now but the time hod come in his opinion for the religious bodies to speak out in the advance issues of the case new advertisements james stirton lds j dentist painless extraction er no charge artificial teeth perfect in appearance and use s800 per set written guarantee with every set 0 in k to cllv block opp po uuolph public meeting a meeting of all inteiestediu having nickltns poud cleared of obstructions to boating will be held in the town hall acton on imonday eveg 11th july at 615 olaoch to consider the matter and make ai range- men ts to hare the scheme carried out ni a lot of 65c worth sloc of super all worth 90c extra supef worth 110 a large stjck rjuby the artist is now taking some beautiful vievs o j- schools picnic parties and residences those desiring ins services should rail or write him foi terms to i metropolitan studio acton 1 i i preserve yo spectacle stock largest in town a isefllgbt all kinds spectacles frotn 25c l cll when yon want al geo hynds j the largest and best fectioneby in town forelg goods f fr mm r thubsdai mo crumbs foi provided by the ev press guelph guelph guelph ets patterns ou 36 inches wide reduced from 45 to 35c from 55 to iic allvool carpets clear- tiie allwools tor lot allwools clearing a wools tor 75c jlearing a rot of oarpets at 90c are are arc 22 selling selling selling selling acton july i th 188c by order eaving i ml t mitchell desiresjto inform the ppophj of acton and surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving ill kinds of iaucyl rag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress qoods striped or plaid twill or plain also be3 blankets aud horsoblankets two yards wide and over aud i will guarantee that i will give good satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favbr me with their patronage t mitchell otfelt and hemp carpetb to bfe cleared at reduced prices hemps 9 10 12and 14p dutch oarifetfj 1g 18 20 aud 25c big sale laiiavsats our 75c flints we are at 5c our 12s hits wo at 25c our 16c huts we at 50c our 210 at 75c rustic qaile black 50c same japanese slraw bonnets in newest shapes aud in oil colors 33 cents white stiw sun hats 15c newcafiipirg swiss hats oc new trimmings new flowers snow ball 3 rubber steins 30c bunch pop jies rubber stems 35c bunch fancy gilt piiisll5c per dozen u wehavqaciiiieron 6 width velvet ribbons satin back in grey drabcarcliual cream white hats we j rs in white and everywhere 75c for ciel pink etc at 32cj we saw other day briwn black sultan an agents wanted steady men employmemt to good none need be idle we to the necessary formulas aotjw m rockwood rockwood lodge 265 was instituted at rockwood by wm long dgm asbistod- by members of erin and hillaborg lodges on wednesday june 30tb with 30 charter members the following are the officers fast master rev f swan master hugh black foreman wfarries overseer d l schultz recorder john strachan finanoier john innes receiver tiudell iiundy guide j farribh i w 3 croft o w soeket trnstees dr dryden j mcqueei previous exporieuco not essential pay either balarj or oomraibbiou one hundred smart men wauted at once to canvass foi the sale of cauadmngrown nursery stock the ponthill nurseries i augfcht in lm 0jji 100 acuih dont apply unless you can furnish hrst- class references and want to work no room for lazy men but can employ any number of energetic men who want work a 3 dress stonli wellington nurserymen tonovro ont advertisement the lmeruble oflering inn hundreds of luts at certain prices this piqued oil r enriositj wo in spected them we now satisfaction of knowing we have double tbi qut ntityof hats in our stock at just half the socalled cheap price friends honesty is the besjl poli cy to bring a lady miles to see u bargain which is not hlbarg ain is poor policy our advertisements can alwajs her shed upoii as being literally true i j iftail order department this depart nentisfoi the con- of cu jtomers who cannot ie city and is now in working order if you aiin cannot come for samples of require you will same as if person- all orders receive tttention from a thoroughly compe- address eatow co the only jarpet hiotjsjei in the city of guelph wholesale and retail dealers and direct importers of tho best and cheapest carpets in canada over 300 pieces to choose from our prices m ill gladden the hearts of every lady also laos ctotains sllirk thomjpson 42 st georgee square guelph kagcaipet weaving done to order pure paris green in any quantity turnip seed fresh and reliable 4 paints and ol firstclass and cheap s lacrosse b4se ball goods just arrived new pattern cauqhnaw ag a sticks spauldings standarp 15alls o hie a ip i mogarvins drug and stationery stpre aoton v ov the cheapest place in the cdtinty t6 buy your hamware is at j e howson scythes snaithes scythe stones forks rakes cradles etc etc in endless variety j pure paris green cheaf4 x o w sv -groceries- venicnce come to iirstclas want goo to town anything t ds send you iem the ally selected the utmost special tent get taffi a id 190 to 196 ijcironto ont jtt sd myrtle navy tohacco per plug 18c 25 lbs choice rice forl 20 lbs pearl tapioca tor 61 20 it3 currants for 1 j 2 caus to matoes for 2oc 2 cans pumpkins for 25c 2 eanspeas for 25c 2 caus corn for 25c 2 oanshaddic for 25c 2 cans salmon for 25c- 1 25c bottlcof pickles 20c i bars dmgfuatis electric soap for 23c 1 lb of our 50c tea for 45c pure paris green 0 cheap t01te stb2st for nobby goods at lowest cash prices lamofternigtor the juno trade spkciailneucejients j housekeepers aud others requiring anything in the linej mentioned below can rest assured that they cau buy fromme at more reasonable prices thau any other store in acton and as cheap as any outside fo toronto i have givou the staff particular instructions not to misrepresent goods and customers will find goods exactly as we represent them to be t buy for cash saying thereby atg3 discounts i sell for cash or trade and consequently have no bad debts bo an iutelli- n stores to pile qu big profits in order to livo as credit stores have to do the one that never intends to pay the following lines i have reduced i history and tbeobgy aud baviux subscribed gjik grenadines pongee silk4 black aud eclorc velvets velveteens and crape cloths hosiery alllmakob and prijees qlbves bustles and iiadw underwear jbitsjno house in canada has ejver howu a nicer rauge rememljor tne plaos v t kmy we are goiiig out of boots and shoes and will offer at less thaitwholesale cost pure paris green heap at j e howsonis the entire btock i ii 5 mm jbrmyns fully twbntyfivb per cent and over in some cases with the exception of groceries w lich i will sell as cheap as the cheapest dress roods iir njiib clotlf joisey cloth cauvas clotl black and colored allwool cashmere black and colored lustres d gros granvsilks black aiid colored satin mack satin merveilleux blackand colored to siit everybody dont fail to se our misses lisle gloves at 15c corsets hoop skirts i than we have now on our counters beautiful design in canvas prints a good cloth fast color splendid patteril for loicwol worth 12c ginghams and muslins to please everybody gray cot tons white cottons- shirtings ducks deuims towels towelling great value brown holland table damask etc etc house fubnishrgrs 0arpbt8n tapestry union and hemp floor and stair oilcloths curtains ot nearly every style ask to see the madras musliu at 5c per yard it makes lovely cuftainb and warranted to wash well turkish rugs from 3 up millinery although it is getting lue in the season i am still adding novelties in this department and customers will find correct styles aud a competent llady in charge boots ud slibee wall papers and groceries all at prices to suit the times griias old stand the halton dry qwds house aotoa i n w3 this is dfvisien i kaspbcroea are i tito advocate wa erin now sofflplete holiday excursion there was no me on tuesday evening the mercury wa cbnrches on sunday the mercury bra the burdocks on gnelp mr e thurston i tion to his residence aj nevemownhyl perfume of the count begun hereabouts a sabbath school i the brick church this able time is anticip the plank- flo houselheds haro class metal of fine 1 an iutereating anderson co geoij a great cheap sale wilf issue as previously ahij ration of knox churc ing for the purpose of i minister a meeting of thj club will be held in i ou friday eveuing desirable arrangements for the holding of i temperance cnnp the middle of august short sermons i minister who r ads 1 or the state cf the who is the pop dan the weatb a of 1 the warmest of the has spent most of its in the vicinity if the mr john fcl 6 uear acton aisedij in the country i ast i largest too bei og midsaumk rnwt uhlisteandharers the case of the latter i their customer t hairl marks world the crom iton berlin granting thej 1 ten years was jcarne very large ma orityj iylaw of 12rf 09 ou friday nroml oclock the ta le ot 3 destroyed by ire the work of i n icct 100i intturan 50 j among oi her which are own oidabl ichuo is a lette on bulebyald ill first page of m it issq a uonnnl riblec sabbatli schoo llessoi in the methodi it i hps the elai s wijij rooja eoleh wei nesdal charles stttonj residing to gmiph mouday evepi ig by i he head with v revol severe sufferer from t disease we are iu receipt the committee of maj international 3aug berlin on the lltb 3 an attraotivb chorusmwith from i begivem while sluving moores tannei v last brniuh foreroin of ment inftioted an ugl wrist dr lq fry w ed and dresblthe will likely berajble to j few days thcaddreirlsb week after wee c on i very interestin of our subscrib srs the dates the eon nuuy hundred i mor of that feeling so ion dates they do rev f si ran the two appoii tmentj brick added to mothodist cho rch 1 mons were ear iesti til further noti ze thel be thebrui 230 630 pm each bund iwith its decoration con pleb all thirteen m mben so admirably 1 as th want that its brtnij been welcome by lncreasidg- promiubut chf ract tone of all tix woon farnishuigani fancjj x swmf- the artistiowiuttoj raakes slf

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