Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1886, p. 4

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i i v t is k u 8e rtmt jtrte rcss i thcusivy monmn 188k love us at home ah yus we cn bear the days burden and host the dust mid rude jostling we lind in the street and coitsuring whispers that float till they meet the cars they were never intended to greet u they love lis sincerely at homo we can bear by the crowd to bo hurriod alone downtrodden supplanted and oppressed r by the strong ya can bear even lasting and unprovoked wrong if our hearts through it all can chant truly jlhe song oh tkey lovcus most dearly at home we can bear a wild storm be it snow hail or rain heavy losses instead of the long looked- for rai upbraiding and shadows that creep round our name and threatens its brightness to hide or to stain if they love us sincerely at honied oh love us athome for this pleasure we plead r with all els this withheld we are poor iudeed take all but leave this and with voices agreed v we will sing with glad hearts whatever our need they still love us they love us at home the boers retort the trausvaalers are generally offensive ly rude to englishmen but as a rule their insults lack point thereis however something almost like wit in the boers retort recorded by mr aubertiu in his six months iu cape colony and natal after allot wrangle what is the use of a handfal of rude animals like you said an englishman pretending to beat a country like ours do vou know that the sun never setson the queens dominious wjiat of that asked the trausvaaler why it snows our enormous power it rather shows something else iu my opinion what may that be iu shows you arc such a set of rascals that trovideuce cant trust vou in the dark fluid lightning j there are but almost mt dor lhle pain from toothache nennvlnin or like acute pains to litem 1 such an install relief as imuitl liijhlnuijr is an untold bios inj in time of trouble no i disgusting offensive medicines to bo taken or iuys on application of- iluld mejit- j uiui cures ohu ntjk megiuvins iii ue store i liicml idisiiu i pure extracts from plants and roots are- used in preparing mcgregors lung compound the modern and now y for colds coughs droit- asthhui and all affections ungs and chest all miner- dangerous substances arc renders it safe for children all sorts five years of torture mrs l aston of bracebridge writes to say that burdock blood bitters cured her of headaches fronhwhich she had suffered for five years all other means having failed do not delay iu gettingrelieffor the little folks mother graves worm extermina tor is a pleasant and sure cure if you lev your child why do- you let it suffer wh n a reniedyis so near at haud s iomppllrd to yirlil c bstinate skin diseases humors of the bio id eruptions and old sores are cured by bn dock blood bitters which purify and reg ilate all the secretions a golden opinion mrs wm allan of actou declares that ha yards yellow oil is fhe best household 1 renedy in the world for colds croup sore thr at burns scalds and other painful complaints opinion is well founded 1 o most children the bare suggestion of a d se of castor oil is nauseating when physicis necessary for the little ones use aynrs cathartic pills they combline every essential and valuable principle of a cathartic medicine and being sugarcoated areieaaily taken kally iured mrs berkinshaw 26 pembroke siree toronto cured of a- bad lameness of the knee joint upon which thesurgeous were about to operate j other treatment had been tried in vain hagyardss yellow oil was the remedy used amos hudgin toronto writes 1 have been a sufferer from dyspepsia for the past six years a31 the remedies i tried proved useless until northrop fc xyman yege- table discovery and dyspeptic cure was brought nndermy notice i have used two bottles with best results and can with confidence recommend it to those afflicted in like manner nothing but popular remei chitis croup of the throat al poisons aiv avoided whicl btrongly if jot above trouble cure a trial a iu 0c and tu garvins drug mrs w j i was one about fifteen r ear similar to uess 1 tried done through fewthaljliavo uever suffered or adults sold at ooc and 3100 per bottle at dr mciar ills drug store mrtirrror siiretly f urr when we say mcgregors speedy cure is the only yerfect cure for dyspepbia liver complaints indigestion and impure blood we arc telling plain facts of which hundreds upoi hundreds can testify who have been restored to perfect health by its use we wpuld therefore advise you i are a subject to any of the to give mcgregors speedy id be convinced it is sold d s100 bottle at dr mc- store jang bethany out writes the greatest sufferers for lonths with a disease of my ulcers causing entire deaf- every tliiiiffvtlintf could be medical skiff but without relief as a last resort i tried dr thomas eclectric oil lief i contin time my ear completely restored wonderful heii inflammation dollar upon to purchase it call at j e get a free trial and in ten minuterfound re- led using itrind iu a short vas cured and m hearing i have used this tier successfully iu cases of of the lungs sore throat coughs aud colds cuts aud bruises ac in fact it is our f miily medicine hirlt prov i dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations tor articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speciy ture you arc not asked intilits merits arc prove mcgarvius tlrutj store and bottle and if not convinced it will cure yon of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no mutter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in ooc and 1 bottles see testimony as from people in your owntown 20 i itchlusriles sjinplouiaihi t lire the symptomsure moisture likeperspir- ation intense itching iilercascd by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms wereeiawlinjrin aud about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affeoted if allowed to continue very serious results may follow swavnes ointment is a pleasant sure ciiie also for tetter itch salt illieum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 0 cents o slji in stamps all dress drswayne il sox philadelphia pa soldhv druggists 50 rrst nnilliiuifnri to tlif surfcrlnj browns ijousehokl panacea has no equal for relieviuspaiu both internal and external it cures fain in the side back or bowels hore throat rheumat toothache liimbo aqd any kind of a pain or ache j it will most surely quick en the blond aod ileal as its acting power browns household fan- iicknowledged as the greal and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the i world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really js the best remedy in the- world or cramps m the i tomach aud pains and acheiof all kimhv and is fur sale jjy all druggists at 25 cents is wonderful acea being pain reliever j the the x mlditigbt alarm tjieireis scarcely any fright more alarm- jug to a mother than the ominous sound of cronjj so liable at the hour of night when hagyards pectoral balsam for the throat and lungs is at hand croup and distressing coughs loose their terrors it cures coughs asthma and bronchitis almost every person has some form of scrofulous- poison latent in his veins when this poison develops in scrofulous sores ulcers or eruptions rheumatism or organic diseases the suffering is terrible hence the gratitude of those who discover that ayers sarsaparilla will eradicate this evil metregor a parkes carbolic cerate have you an old sore cut burn bruise corn bjmion salt rheum pimple blotches rough hands or face if so there is but one cure namely mcgregor 4 parkes carbolic cerate if you but try it it will convince you it costs but 25c at dr mcgarvins drug store the revolt which is caused iu a dyspep tic stomach by a meal digestible by one who is in average health can be permanent- ly subdued and the tone of the organ restor ed by the systematic and persistent use of northrop lymans yegetable discovery anfl dyspeptic cure which imparts tone to the digestive viscera and removes all impurities from the bood ttollowayg ohitmi-nt- audi pdu daring evry break of wintry weather exertions shiuld be made by the afflicted to recover he 31th before unremitting cold- and trying storms set in throat ailments coughs wlteezings asthmatical affections short uess of breath morning nausea and ac- cu nulation of phlegm can readily be re- move by rubbing this fine derivative oint- mi int twice a day upon the chest and neck hilloway8treatment is strongly recom mended with the view of giving immediate eaie preventing prospective danger and e2 acting permanent relief these all im portant ends his ointment and pills can ac iomplisb and will surely prevent insidij on i diseases from fastening on the constitu te n to display themselves afterwards in th me disastrous forms that will probably i en bitter life till death ittfclt is aliiiuat pray- ed for bottle i 44 promiileul itmoug the greatest medical discoveries bn the many cures it hasalloct- ed ilegii ijiii olij cun leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical minlysi it has been foucd to contain one of llose injurious ingredients uharucturiziuj worthless specifics daily offered to pnblii every ingredient possesses a pecu ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we arc therefore confi dent that wc have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will bejfound not only a rrlia hut n ahxijliiliruii fordyspcpsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgaivins drug store hi 1 apvick to mothekk are you disturbed at uight and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying withpain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its- value is iucal- ciilable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is rio mistake about it- it cures r-r- dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach audi bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation l and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children- teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the jnited states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentvnve cents a bottle be sure i and ask for mas winslows sootiiino syrup and tiike no other kind it is worse than madness to neglect a worth thinking of what ayers cherry pectoral does it prevents the growth to serious ill ness of iv dangerous clnss of diseases that begin ns mere trivial ailments mid nro too apt to ho neglected ns such it alleviates even tlio most desperate cases of nulmoiiiiry diseases und affords tq the patient a last and the ouly chanco for restoration to health it breaks up a cold and stops a cotigh more speedily certainly and thorough ly than any other medicine it spares mothers much painful anxiety about their children and saves the little ones lives it cures all lung and throat diseases that caii he reached by human aid how ayers cherry pectoral does such good it expels the iiuieus from the throat aud tho air passages of the head and cleanses the mucous membrane it allays inflammation puts a stop to tickling in the throat and coughing and enables too patient to rest it heals sore throat reduces the swollen tonsils and restores natural tone to the affected vocal cords it soothes to natural and refreshing slumber during which naturo regains strength to combat disease j it clears out and heals diseased air cells in the lungs and helr3 nature to repair tho waste mado by the corrosion of pul- mtiuary disease it nuts a stop to the cankerous decay of catarrh i 3- tjjejxi ph are showing some wonderful value just novv in d ib why ayers cherry pectoral is so perfect a medicine because it is a scientifically ordered com- pouudtof great potency the product of vears of study observation and ex- pfienccin the treatment of throat and lung diseases liccauso it is prepared from the purest forms of the drugs employed in it chemically combined by a process of such perfection and accuracy as would he unattainable even by the most skillful pharmacist dealing with small quantities becauso it is not only the most effective inediciuo for the uses to which it is designed but owing to the enormous quantities in which it is made is sold at so low a prico that it is placed within the reach of every household because it is an active curative agent that must be taken by drops- as pre scribed iu tho directions accoinpauviug each bottle and not a mero palliative i syrup that may be swallowed by niouthfuls i i where ayers cherry pectoral stands before the world it is popularly known to he a medicine that has cured laryngeal bronchial and pulmonary affections where all others had failed it is a favorite household remedy today with people whose lives were saved by it when they were young a genera tion ago it has beld the- firstplace hi popular estimation for nearly half a century in this country and is more and more highly appreciated year after year both iit home and abroad it evokes daily from all over the world expressions of gratitude for lives saved by its use i it is everywhere recommended by repu table druggists who know i rout jon- versations with their patrons jand from their own experience how almost magical arc its effects for good it is regularly prescribed by many physi cians of the best standing and is recom mended by professors of medical col leges to their students as invaluable for all diseases of the throat aud lungs ayers cherry pectoral riielakeli by dr ji oi ayer coj analytical chemists j lowell mas solil by all druggists trice 1 six bottles for 5 i see our see our sbs our sae our see our see our see our siee our siee our ee our s ee our ee our ee our musli 5c b seven 3c cr perya gran plaid ladies fine other 10c pi boys ladiejj corse millii dress try th 0 byajn t f jigii berkinshawoo railway time table y g- o o d s i s at c per yard warranted fast colors ached cotton nothing better in canada for the money regular price iid eight cents per yard v cotton the same cotton is being sold by many iu the trade for 7 ets d i vuluj in cotton hfiiitiii no price iven come and hce for yourself iiigliauis at sic per yard same as many otherhouses arc selling at 10c braided and unbraided jersey they are tiptop value cuch josephine kid gloves- only o0c per pairi licgular pricc3 by ouses 8100 ints sold by plenty of stores at 12c crsey knits tliey arc good value 1 silk and cashmere mantles nt about twothirds their regular price at joc regular price sjj ry now being sold at a reduction loods at locper yurd v xrrrt grand trujik railway ooinokasr iiojni vjsr 1117 oj0 liris ixiirens i liio kxjuc mail kicciil ili f n ill lui- j- in el 1 h533t house in tb 7sstfor good honest eoliablo qopds- berkishaw co suctesforsto john hogg son cjiuelph 3 t vxijw uma v lb ers and thresher se on your machinery only the wellknown pieless oil six aggonsand lip maiuifacturc gold medals have bco awiuei1 il c vjwiu 1icjujajio try a our poorl9ss se 1owers uriug the last three years azlo sroas for your i at quosn city oil works by samuel rogers at ihe bight the immense clearing sale of dry goods millinery mantles aud llousefuniish ngs commenccc themselves with their wauts at extraordinarily low prices many lots of goods have bijen reduced to confined to a few lots of goods but bargains are to be had in all the depcutueiits throughout this lar silks shown in all fashionable shades ueuhhe reduced price lists for these goods silks formerly sold at 125 reduced to 90c sijks formerly sold at 100 reduced to 70c silks formerly sold at 85c reducedto 62tc silks formerly sold at 75c reduced to 55c silks formerly sold at 62c reduced to 40c- in the print department prices are vcrylow- prints selling off at lij farmerly 10 loc per yard the dress goods have been marked down totixtra low prices think if the hc urcs goods formerly sold from 15 lo joe per yard dress goods at loc formerly fold ntoocv lace covered parasols reduced to toe 1 lio up lo ill10 worth far more money gains in hosiery bnlbrijrgan embroidered hose ouly oc per pair fancy ijose nt 10c to klc wortjb worth twice the lnouey laces reduced to half price a lot of lilian curtaiu la es at bargain blinds carpet sweepers and curtain poles just received another lotf of i those clc ip stockinette hundreds of bargains offering nt this sale an ipspcction of tlio goods will convince yon of their chea west of hughsou s trcct the name is hamilton july sth 1ssu how to save money place your order for clothing with e selson tin popiiai clothier of the gity stock all new and wellasmirtim sulc lit and workmanship always correct i 4 specialty 4 pants s4 prices lowest in the city a e hbls0n i 9 wynclham st wells old stand uuclnh t cough or cold which easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption awl prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bron chial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickles andconsumikive syrupi the medicinethat grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the system this medicine promotes a free and easy expec toration subdues the cough heals the dis eased parts a id exerts a most wonderful influence in curing consumjttidn and other diseases of the throat and lungs if pareu ts wish to save tie lives of their children and themselves f re m much anxiety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bickles anticonsumptive syrup and when ever a child has taken cold has acough or liottbffliessii k vc uie byrup tagging to directions spring v is v here s with all ltsattkactionis and kenney bros main street actpn have now on the shelves of the dominion hoot and shoe store u full stock of spring footwear of all kinds and wc arc now offering ourustonieis superior value in all linesof l j boots shoes slippers c wc carry astock which for assortment cannot beexcclleil and every want jean be supplied i weare showing some nice line in tkuxks aliislsivc received direct fronj the manutucturers our ordered woi is giving complete satisfaction and customersknow that our prices are right t itepairing neatlv ami promptly executed k bros he a lth fo i all j hollowyspills afd ointment the pills purify the blood correct all disorders of the uvkk stomach klftxeys and bowels they invigorate and restore to health ijehihlated constitutions and are inviiluiclilu in all complaints incidental to femiiles of all ages iv children and the aged 5 they arc priceless cashmeles formerly sold at 125 reduced tb si 00 es formerly sold at 100 reduced to 80c es formerly sold at 75c reducedtc 60c es formerly sold at 50c- reduced tc 40c es formerly sold at 37ic reduced 1 3 30c cashmei cashm cashmei cashm prints selli i co toronto alixeil kooain- hxiiresi 71111 in pas utiaili lltiiiin tliroiifili ix0i7 im aeeoiii 10ioiin gliicaio pxiire lihfi nol toi hvtvvi ciiil toronio tijilfokclomnliiails tloiiiwcstlllo iiniiiml vo p in ooinf kihitl ainl liui allailiner 18- summer arrangement 86 liverpool aad quotjso service iliom iiviitiooj stealvier 1itom hihi cikcassian friday iinl jijiril friday lltli may roianksiax tliursdiiy illlli april tliiirsday illli may ruusivn thursday lltli may salima frilav 1 ltll mm- harofslax tlnuslay joth miy thursday i7th may 1iax krilay itli liiiic tlimsdiy llih jiuic save money come to the qlearing sale of dry goods house iitythe flight house affords an opportunity to purchasers to provide iiese reductions are not d allwool cashmeres it and less than half their former prices t establishment special offering of silks an o ft at tjc formerly 15c prmts at 10c and r goods being formerly sold from v2h to 15c ing off at reduced prices nice lace covered iricntal iriiniucd and satin parasols at greatly moi o money a lot of superfine hose redu rices special value iu lace uurtaius carpe less shields only loc per piir it is inipossiple less remember the right house is on kin te3zo3vcas c wiisxrs 121c formerly 15 tjj 10c and 12jc dres- parasols only 50c reduced prices bar- ed to 35c and 50c s stair rods paiuted to mention here the street east one door the ldblsr imon f ouelph qre goods all reduced to ridiculously we jujite pi-ic-i- i w placli tuid col i51ackaiil col ulack and col pancy striped below to piove our position that wc sell cheaper than others lk am satin depairrmext the ointment i is an infallable remedy for bad lcks ym breasts old wounds sores and ulcers it is famnus forgout aiuliltlteitniatisni for disorders of the chest it has no equal for sore throats ironohitis coughs golds glandular swellings and 711 skin diseases ithas no rival and for contracted and stiff loiiils it acts liko a charm brocaded glial fancy stripes beautiful gas lace canvas dl lored muslins lovely line lace muslins white and gojired lawns swiss spots a il checks india mull al shades canvas mull til i colors manufactured only at thomas holloways establishment 78 new oxford street lato 533 oxford street london eag and are sold tills ljd 2s od 4s gd lis 22s and 33s each box or pot and may be had of all medicine vendors tlioughout llio world wfurcliahcih bliuuld look to lit 1iibcl on the ioln and hoxis jf hie ailditps ia ntu 033 0ford street lunduii they aic npunuui fast color kai newest effects ashtonte madjl best english g searsuckers tc best value in factory gottox clearing sale 371 15 37f 45 cd rilkn leil satins ed merveilleus i incl brocaded satins colorec nd blaek en cii 1iess ioodhi nuns veiliiis icw shades v j canvas cloth i ew shades j allwool melm ier cord frieze effect f 11 colors i law prices english jmliess goods i0 io 75uoc and up 0 00 7o 00c and up 87 ir sltio su8 110 and up 50c to 100 4 luc loc 25c very cheap vorth 20c for i nerette lthiu black cream bronxri and mid brown on y worth 25c fpr 121c mtsiin delairnient lapo prints francouia prints rs worth 12ac for imbric crombs best cloth worth 20c for urive one case at about half price stap hiiting worth 7c at j best factory k rorth 10c at- table covert ure flax colored borders at shaker flariufiftcolored and white j our cutter ib j oc 8c 10c brei iliin iuternieliatc ajuilsteeraye fares are stillreducuil heturn lijkels jjooil for one year tlic best lineto take lo colonial kxliiljition parties semliiig for frieuruin tlie old country can obtain prepaid certificates at greatly reduced rates kor tickets and everj iiifoiiiiutiou apply to t mclialtvix i tieket agent actou j tow spnag suit v s- vol me tifohtsit every thuiisi pre p3e3s powefi actok sub8cflpt oxe yeah sj00 thukk moxth lnvnriably in adyaucef li5 per year will be cha tinned rill all arrears 1 option of tlie imblisherl adver space oue caliimu half colman quarter coluuln one ineh- has pleasure iirainipuhciiiff that his tail- oriny shop in mrs sccords block is now open and in full running order and in a position to fill all orders he is showiiin good twekdfe uitrt at hij soldelsevllkltl- for 15 scotch tweed ijiuit s7 is solij klsiiwhkhii iiji 2o ax1 s2 flkk worsted hjt at s20 sold elsevhiltr at s2o gcntlcnieii wanting i lirstclass iooil- fluiu coat etc may riily upon beinisuittd in every respect by leaving their orders with casual advertisement first insertion aud 2 ceil sequent insertion- gaslil reckoned by the space ol scale of solid nonpareil advertisements vritli will be inserted till torll njly transitory odve n advance changes foreontractl in the ofliceby 0 auij they will be lets over ua h r rniv i bow this paper fcrtislng bureau 10 spri tontracts may bemaoe i business wh lowbyl graduate of i ber of college of phit office and resided frederick strieet ad k stagey 3 trinit- univ c jty medical school of physiciausj and s omck campbell l l bekisetl the clothier go to picture gallery guelph fvr aifixf malrrtlli i lvlurx ciiiioii iijirtt dritirtihj pdpips llrukhf r oil paid tings steel engravings chromos c frames of all kinds mouldiiijts hflom and jpjctnre cornices and cornice iols spring hollers and window shades frmii0e complete fancy goods suitable tor wedding and rirlhdiiy rirceiiis ivc 5viiloscu hiyc lheir piclnres fiauied vlnle iu the i ilv so briii them wiili you to- waters bros the vietlirciiailimv uciirflielost ollice acton pbnsng imills williamson jsamshaw ri0iliiktii builder aad ccntractor sasii door s aad blind factory is prepared to put on storm doors win dows weather strips efc on short notice winter- purches erected neatly and at reasonable prices i we havconc of llenrys celebrated chop- pint niillsand will chop all kinds of rain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdaxs t a kiamshaw manacn a c mckinl at deutfst ged new system of niti mouly calledvitalia teeth vithoat paiul strator and practil college of diental if rous may depend up j iu any operations acton every othel month office ag stihtdn ontarjo hd i j collea of dental c bu hayes ldj seifed on rubber inum and satisfa rous oxide g5as ad ate alipoiutmentl tovclls block o john lajwsoj tario nfeteria veterinary 8urgeoi iu kenny bps- deuce in f he rear soundness slnd eexl all calls night ol cil-ttf- tents eaeyj tohnstok barrister solk aucers c okfie rtl k ftb jonston m e mitchi sou ttol oithk 1 irst dd office atain- street at 0 per cen cihiltol al olhcks and 8i kinj iv t allix b aixlvidl tonosio green b fch rtcks lingtou street ea alley toroiito john bui q cl vltllajf luwaf oatjints sei henhygbj 0 years practhl w m he3is3 macklinac tho moat dslightflil sum1 t plim bteameri iow sites tour trlpo per wcsi between les boatixci rshawls under wholes le l over 2000 to choose from corsets a spit idid bango from hosiery gk i es in all varieties of shades jstyles qualities another bifiil it of buttons clothing tlio best our stock the largest our prices th 3 lowest and tc oc litc aiidnp yerv ipow j oc 7c 8c 12tc detroit and mackinac and every week dy between detroi and cl write for our x piotupe9quc mackinac illustrated contains ton particular mailed free detroit cleveland team nav ca c d whltcombj qtn pass agt dctroit flch c jioc 12ac ooc- special value oc per dozen our work i 13 williamson jl i the finest quality co llcensi v t lor tlie counties i orders left at thel or at myj residl promptly attendel mo also money to j able terms aud i terest in sunwoij xohx day orfict quee sipiar theancis nl successorl boj st- georges sqil vccoiiiit booj reriodicals of bound ublinsj john j dai successoli i money to lo per- cent moil loaned for partil security couvf properly aud farms and ci witlv farms for i dominion to iutj culated iueurl wautinsrfarms rectious thrboj 1arnis wanted deuce invited guelph unit imqeifliwliuf mmmgmims t he haxlj mni i if v ait easy shave scafoam an ex iveu bazorsl couditicai li tastily eat j ri

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