Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1886, p. 1

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s 1 j 9fa cton jfm tes is ll uttshkd every thursday morning f vtthk free p3es power printing house acton ontario subscription rates onj i u ci00 six votb8 illics rilukit vostns 23 ctt itivtmauly in advance if not paid in advance lijavcrjuar wilffco charged no mpcr di-yon- tipnjsi uu nil arrears aro paul except nt tho optitfn of the publisher t advertising rates whx 1 1 g mo 1 jio 1 1 mo oue column 1 s6o09 halfcohtmu 1 s3 00 jaartr coluinu j 3000 ooo inch fi00 35jo0 2000 121 s50 u0 1200 00 200 s50 250 100 acton banking cqy 8torey christie co -rankers- acton ontario j uesklijll baking tliansacted business casual advertisements 8 cents per line tor tho ftrt insertion ami 2 couts per hue for oach snb- sequent insertion cash the number of lines recfconotl by the space occupied measured by a soalo of solid nonpareil advcrtisgwentfc wtfhout specific dirpeuous wiojboiussrtud till forbid una charged -accord- ngl transitory advertisements must bo paid u advance changes for contract advcrtisemetits uvust be in the ofiico by 0 au onmoudaj otherwise thev will be left ov er until tho following week m t moore 1 editor and prowriotor tuio nkocd way 1k found on niontqcov iniw rrrcil ruwell ft con kcwupoper ao fcttbing bunera10 sprue btwhpre aovtcrtiiui jotttracts may be taadc f or it i kkw yokb- m business directory ww lowry m b m c r s graduate of triuity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street aotoi ce stacey md cm graduate of tnnity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of phyaicius andsurgeons otrith campbells hotel lli bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario a c mckinlay l d s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the uewsvstem of nitrons oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having- been demon strator- aud practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat ron- ina depend upon receiving satisfaction m am operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each month office aguews hotel jstirton lds mrcds ontario honor graduate ontario college of dental surgery- successor to c b haves ldssl artificial teeth in serted on rubber celluloid gold or alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit- i ous jqxide gasadministered fees moder ate appointments made by leteer office to ells block opp p g john lawspngraduate ofon- tario vetermarj- college toronto etenuarv surgeon acton ont office lu kettuv bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates gien ah vails uight or day promptly attend ed to terms easy johnston mclean barristers solicitors notaries convey- aucers c sprivate funds to loan o met town hall acjfbn j ftb joilwov wm a- mcllan moitet l0a1tbd on appe07ed notes notes diboountjed aud interest allowed oil deposits general agents mcdonald stone no 2 victoria st toronto estate insurance agents new gbods days bookstore cuelph b jutott m ma tniitbdw mornikq jcia- 15 1880 poetry money to loan at bis per cent routed busiuess chances chattle mortgages promissory aud other securities negotiated uators act- farms or other properties sold changed call at fiut p- office houses notes valu- i or e- v e l p ii- bu si ness college guelph ontario vtoung men and women are thoroughly prepared for positions as bookkeepers shorthandwriters cahgraph or telegraph operators students liave beeu in attendance from nine provinces and states within the past ear our graduates are meeting with marked suc cess in the commercial centres of canada audtlie united states rates moderate accommodation excellent students may enter at any time for terms etc address m maccormick 146m 1 principal 25000 rolls wall paper 100 sets lawn croquet carload express waggons bi6 stogk low prices day sells cheap summer grandma and baby grandmother bits at the window with the baby on her breabt aud her drowey eyoa are looking far ayay to the west watching the changing cloudbhapes watching the crimson sun hidiug away in a bank of cloud his radiant daycourse run the little gtuudchild iss sleeping close shut aro bis eyes of blue aud grandmothers eyes are olosing she is almost sleeping too leaning- back in the easy chair with the sunglow ou her foce thoy make on my heart a picture that time can never efface of what aro you dreaming mother with my baby on your breast are you looking through the sunset gatei away to tho laud ef rest where the love of your lifs is waiting or thinking of long ago wheu you held your own little babies dreaming aud sleeping so are you longing to leave metnother mother so kind and true you are going every moment 1 you and the baby too he is growiug into childhood then out of it day by day and o i what will my life be when both are gone away grandmother and baby are sleeping each with a peaceful smile dear treasures left in my keeping for only a little while for the grain that is ripe will be gathered and for baby whichever it be the angel of life or tho angel of death will take him away from me allllh klnne 188bj long remaned liu a llichel though her auty and ler wealth hei id brought mauy a door th love that she ihod ilji lumber shingles and lath flllie uudcrsirnea desires to inform the public jl that he has now pu hand aud t ill wn in stock a full hue at piue an hemlock as well as other kinds of lumfecr also first aud second class fine shingles a lath coal wood hamuapunbasedltbe coalbubiness of mr c s smith 1 am prepared to suppl all kinds of sto q coal i have nlso a gooil stock of wood hardwood ash codlir and mill wood at reason able prices wood aud coal dehered jmes bkown m utual m e mitchell soutrror contlwnili it oihi l first door west of the clunapiua office mam street milton money to loan at c per cent hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ac tomnto vst ctobgetown t fu fc georgetown and ibtiuig street east toronto j shiito bv j ealbuljjv t v10 b aik laidlaw it co bvriibteis soucitohs on in ov er imperial banr 2 1 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john bu q c c a mwrtv whai vm l ukuh ghollgt k4lpeli fire wsuiisnce company ol ihl i cototr cf wellington lst ullhllhli 1810 head off ce cuelph insures build ugs merchandize mauu factories and property on the i iv other descriptions of premium note sjstem p w- stone cnas- davidaon presideijt secretary john itayloe assent hie pause patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa ca 0 years practice no patent nvpaj w d hemstreet llctnhtb acmonuit for the counties of wellington aiid haltou orderb left at the ftke psb office acton or ut my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable monkt to lovs also money to loan ou the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in suinof 500 aud upwards jhtj john day architect gcflpji ost jdniit queens hotel block market bquare f rancis nun an suecebbor to t f chapinau bookbinder st gcoigeb square guelph ontario gubtph cloth hall allwuol gauze balbriggan merino cotton our story toe fountain ireland and hc me rule lloi md consder that it will be i o jour own interest to pat ronize home tra le we would respectfully inform the inhs hitants of acton and sur rounding counti y that we are again in full ranuing order i nd m a betterposition than before the fire t iill all orders entrusted to us to parties bnilding lumber will be dressed while jou wait and mouldings ac made with neatness a nd despatch n b jve are also prepared to iil all orders for shaw a grundy merchant tailors guelph wellington marble works quebec st gujjlfh ump s john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel conhcleut that we can give satisfi ctiou every time so come on with your order aud help tc roll the ball along money makes the marpgo whether she has legs or no timsebimge acton ihanaeer limjsales account books of all kiudb made to order periodicals of every description carefnlly bound ruling neatly and promptly done john j daley v successor to thompson iklackson m iiey to loan on farm property at 0 perceut mortgages purchased money loan id for patties in mortgage and other ijecu ity conveyancing in alllits branches prot erfy aud neatly done charges low farms and city property foij sale list witl farms for sale sent to all parts of the don union to intendiugpurchasers aud cir- cula bed iu europe european capitalists wau ting farms iff ontario will be sent di rect ous through our european agencies far ris wanted for our lists correspon- den e invited office near the post office guelph out f having lutelj visited the ha of fundy granite quarries mid having purchased the entire stock of gra and led granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than tost i will until further notice sell at prices ue er before know u in ontario for in stance granite monuments oft high co 7 ft 75 8 ft i90 9 ft 1100 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting an thing iu this hue will dowell to call and see me beforo purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee nij prices one from do to 50 per cent below all other dealers acton heat market rphe an hanlan barbebj shop mill sthekt acto sasy shave a stylish hatruut a good sea oam an exhilarating shampoo always givi ju razors honed and patj4n firstclass coalition ladies and culdreng hair tasfilycat jj 3 p woitpey toiborial artist horses john street acton wm e smith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of m r h b mcca rthy which lie has remov a to his commodious stables on johu stream the centre f the business portion of tin town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confiden that he can give satisfaction to every patn ii anyone deiring a oosuslerclal plea sure or ooupmiy aiff cim be supplied with a tirstcjlass turnout op the shortest notice r terms reajhjnable wm d smith rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of the firm are practical butchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a fall stock of all kind of meat ac in season we have settled in acton to btay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will wiu publio confidence and support ruttedge crosson- acton fob oth 1886 dont read this oarded find sold the undersignedis prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing 8hingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour and feed and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos 0 moore out of the shadows of the garden two people came into the moonlight and leaned over the little chain that encircled he small fountain into whose basin a marble hebe continually emptied her ever-brim- uiingcup as the girl looked dovuintejthe water her fingers trifled with a lily and she re marked that one of theleaveo had been broken it is strange how we notice such small tilings when we are thinking of great er ones cs and remember them too ever after lena mitchell remembered the broken lily leaf and fluttering reflection in the water and the scent of the roses and the few windblown drops that were cast upon her neck from the cup of the hebe at the fountain in the old garden at munich on the sweet midsummer night the vonng man stood very near her he had a sweet grave face and ejes that vere as soft and dark as a gazelles they were not unlike these two both were spirituelle both were dark both were romantic the tie of blood was between for they were cousins though as the scotch folk pay far awav cousins and bearing different names they had been brought up under one roof and linn michels mother had been all the mother the littleorphan henri ever knew when nftera little silence she turned her eyes toward him she looked into iiis without reserve just as a sistei might it is cruel of giaudpa she said it is very cruel henri these old people think only of money why can they not let us have peace when we could be so happy it is such an absurd idea you and i to marry each other we are like brother and sister nothing can change that but we are not brother and sister said he and even hrst cousins marry i have been thinking that oh dont dont she said hemi for heavens sake dont begin to be as bad as the rest be my good brother still it would be hightfnl for us to marry be sides one should fall in love first si ould not one think how absurd to marry without that t like you so much said henri dear cousin lina let us talk about it i will not said she if you desire to quarrel you can talk about such foolish fancies not else of course you like me of course i like you and that is just why it cant be grandpa ought to be ashamed of himself she paused a moment then turncl her lips toward her cousin give me a kind kiss brother h nn she said and never never never speak of this absurdity again as for marrying i shall never marry aujone why should i when i detest the thought henri gave a little sigh i shall never marry neither cousin lina he said but dont you see we are not brother and sister you cant make it so by saying so then he kissed her and they walked back into the house where grandpapa heber and granduncle michel had just settled the matrimonial prospects oi these two young people to their own satisfaction the result of the young peoples rebellion was a quarrel lina escaped very easily it was only proper for a girl to be coy but the young man was so beset with reproaches that he finally defied hib relatives as much as ajax did the lightning i in his case the lightning had the best of it and the end ofall this was that one fine morning henri kleber found himself turned out into the world to seek his fortune and suitor to thought necessary to niirriagc the mys terious wonderful love- iaa never come to her and now she beti aved that it never would for she was eigh andtwenty but somehow oyer since the rooming when she awoke and fjound that li sr cousin henri b gone her mjsmories of 1 m had grown more sweet and tender every oar she travailed two yes and heard noth ing of her cousin honr and at last found herself in paris at th height of its gay season ana there reflte a dove who had not found 1 er olivo braj ch tero is 10 placo to j ream like a picture- gallery nc place like i aris for pictures lina mi hel spent ra my hours with her eyes fixod n painted ft ces that she never saw for th living face that haunted her but one da she awoke o wondrous interest in a small ncturo whii h hung in a small dealers ga lefry in whic a she found herself it was a simple scei e a moonlit gar den in th i distance f ding into undefined shadows a hebe empt ed her cup and by the fountains brim a y uth and a girl the moonlight kissed her j ace his was not seen he j bent toward her loverlike his hand touched hers an i hers rested on one of the little poats that held an encirolipg chain about the foui tain these were crowned with lilies an las she looked closer she saw that oue had a broken leaf it was tpe garden of ler grandfathers old house at munich an i this was more than chance was there buoh a thing as magio or had some artist wathed henri and her self on th night when she made that raiser- able mistake for ihat was henri and surely that blackhaiijed girl was not unlike herself is this picture for sale bho asked the dealer he shrugged his shoulders i think the artist is mad he said this is the first pict are anyone has wanted tobuy ajnd fie refuses to sell it perhaps a price sufficient will tempt him but if i give his address tho lady will remember to the e ltor of jthe fnuu pic ss finitely reoer t information from points to unusual a itatiou before ii i the history of the was the e such a peouliar f the body politic the qtestion of homb the people with parties havb their lines havis like the siamese appear insepar- peice thb1 e cfestts the old land de- nevejr british nation leling pervading my comrhission the lady promised faithfully to do so it is b wretched street he is very poor said the dealer and gave her the number written on a card l fifth floor with a shrug of his should rs lina michel stoppt d into her carriage and soon followed b her maid- climbed the stairs of a dingy dwelling and rapped upon the door that b ire the word atelier upon itj in a jnomeut a ra m with a long beard who held a palette l a his hand opened the door for her and s ood regarding the ap parition of a closel vveiled lady attended by her maid with s ime surprise i speak to the kinter of the picture at monsieur s s lid thefraulien michel the garden and 1 16 fountain i dobire to purchase it at any nice madame repl ed the artist i regret to say that picture is not to be sold but i must ha le it baid the lady i any price the artist but it has rule ha s evidently come t a sort o bewildering effec been th own into eonfusioi been br ken and men who twins were so tinited as to able have all of a sudden pecome disunited and sundered far apart mr gladstone has an ui usually difficult task on hand but he seen s joined to his idol and determined to take tho consequences of his idolatory hwevei much his oppon ents may differ from him n opinion there is one thing they cannot lint admire that is the herculean energy with which he is pushing the battle to thegi te his address at glasgow as well as it the athens of scotland in the north revtal the wonderf ii strategic ability of the o d man eloquent a certs in celebrity who w snt up from en land to scotland on his re sum reported as follows the scotch inow everything but they feel nothing 1 1 mr gladstone s visit to edinburgh ou the home rule que s- tion this verdict has been reversed it appears that the greater part of lis addresses in scotland hav e been devoted to the discussion of home r ale for scotlan d disintegration with him seems to be t lie panacea for national ills md on this rut ho and bright have split his action in re- fereuco to scotland in ce uing their atten tion to scotch home rul i reminds one of the reason assigned by a vendor of patent medicine who being unsuccessful in his- sales replied to the objec tion we are not sick gentlemen if much longer and refuse will he sick therefore torn had better buy for an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure my impression is if a r gladstone keeps 6n a little longer at scot land he will have it as sick as ireland foi it is easier to stir up old animosities thin it is to heal old sores and that seems tc be the shape that events arp taking at thi present day no event hap had such an e efect upon the pur poses of the veteran sta sman equal to the- refutation of his lifelong admirer pnd political devotee jbhil bright while bright believes that 1 reland should have some form of selfgovei nment yet he ft not prepared to accept gladstones scheme in his manifesto and addi esses bright le wes you in no doubt as to v here he stands ou the question and it is uite clear that mr gladstone is very mt ch annoyed at the conduct of his old com mnion inarms john bright condem as the project and while you oan saa that it is painful for him to assume the attitui e he takes yet his sojuething puejasant 3jo say iiv jibs jl 4 kliweb if a neighbor com iu 1 vith a sad sorry aace the iiunshine gone out of his day then lift up the hind that the light may shine iu aud have something pleasant to say there is nothing so sweet as few kindly words be they wer so poorly expressed a smilethats sincere a tear of regret to the heart that isjsorely distressed when the goodmau comes ijn leaving labor behind oh meet him fond helpmeet i alf way rememberhh hornet is his haven of rest and have somothing pleasant td stiy the words may be simple that gives mother joy and free from all musical art but ah she can tell with her woll attuned ear that they came from the dep bhs of the heart i i around thb homo tabid how charming to hear sweet converse go op day by dajy each one takings paft in the subjects discussed having something thats pleasant to say golden speech 1 pleasant words all so blessed to hear that an angelmight bear therd above- so tenderand true like the sun and the dew they will bring forth the blossoms of love you listen to me to purchase you sa listen sir sa than a cence am rich anything i am poor no price d the lady itismore picture that i want it is a reminis- it is like a- la place that i know i beg for it i impl re you to sell it to me mndame saic the artist i see you have a heart i w ill speak plainly long ago 1 1 tood with he only woman i ever loved beside that ountain a fountain in an old garden at x unich i wa a young idiot i did not e en know my own heart but i lnow it now i have known it for y ears one day t le memory of the spot and of the hour n urued to me as if by magic i paintel the piotuie in a few hours then agan she stood before rne i saw th e moonligh on her face i saw her white i land lying n mine i saw the whole picture never b fore could i put it upon canvas i know never can again and madame while i ive i muot look upon that picture when i die i must cast my last glance upon it shall never see her again long since she hi s become the wife of some one she loves wel no doubt but i i shall never 1 ive any ot ler so i must keep her picture i must you see that madame and as he spok 5 lina michel knew henri kleber knew hii n despite the flowing beard and all the chan es of twelve long years and af he ceased she threw back her veil and held both he hands toward him henri she sighed henri oh henri do you no i know me and then hehatl jier iivhif arms and she lay sobbing on his bosom 1 hen they stood beside the fonntain in the c id garden at munich again they were man a id wife flames the i oen who hold the ballots need not caret r the sneers of the bullies who hold thell littles cqriada citizen long ere his cousins black yes were open i derlj and hi8 aft wi g0 like the upon the aawn bad left munich nd his prairie bflf the bweepiug furious relatives behind him from that day nothing was heard of him by his friends in munich for many a long year the old people were unforgiving grandfather kleber died and left all his money to lina who had already refused two excellent matches granduncle miohel died also and lina became yet richer at last her beloved mother also loft her she i rite of in adaches for five vears the knightrf of labor and their jeader 1 m ver tasted intoxicating liquor of any kindind have not the remotest idea of what it is like i have been its effeots howe er and t iat is enough for me i was t ld today that the brewers are going to bo cott the 1 nights of labor on account of th ir temper nee principles would to heavi u they wo ild they cant do it too boou nothing better could happen to our ordei i jwoul like to see all the saloon keepers boycot the knights of labor and refuse to sell he members anything to drink hon 3 1 potcdeflij tl at man po wderly is one of the most arm it humbug of the day and the sooner he ii snuffed ut the better champion ichulxypapet tho beer if trrel brigade before pow ill cogent reasoning leaves you iu no doubt as to how he has reached lis conclusions in stern manly anglo- s as on he brands thp bill as a wedge to split tl le empire into frag ments on the same li ne m sturdy eng lish john ploughman i rev mr spurgeon has delivered himself a i opposed to the bill both these men wield a wonderf ul influence on english thought tnd feeling and in protesting against the i ill the result is dis astrous for gladstone a t the polls dr mcoosh of princeton nj has de livered himself on the question of home rule dr mcoosh is a scotchman who spent quite a length of time in ireland and took a very active pari in furthering the interests of the nations 1 school system of ireland for many ye ars he has occupied the distinguished posit on of president of princeton university j in ireland he studied the bituation rom the inside- in america he has been studying it from the outside and of course his deliverances will carry weight with thein he favors home rule and he thinks it i will ultimately ob tain he does not however concealcertain fears that he entertains iu the event of a parliament being formed in ireland there are certain interests that he doest fiat hesi tate to say may be assailed and that he be lieves will be assailed they are free trade the rights of the jrotestunt minority and the national school system of education bat he thinks that the english parliament would interfere and t revent these abuses i he concludes a very interesting letter by advising the irish pre sbyteriau church to submit and tells thet i that they can fight the battle more vigorously on the new lines but the irish presbyterians say no and iwith them in this sonclusiou the irish methodist conference is almost a unit both say no for by e hanging our base of operation we imperil our position and court defeat and ruin while france is t buckling with delight at the probable humiliation of the british nation through dismemberment and the ferociousjbauiito dement of thd neigh boring republic are heartily wishing it to take place and furthering- by wishes and money this rebult jthe calm intelligent thinking irish who haye been building ire land up by fostering educational institu tions and various lorms of manufacturing industries and the bone and sinew of eng land headed by such men as john bright and charles h spurgeon deploring such a state of affairs no a thousand times no this bill in its present form leadinb as it does to such a result must not pass a l c acton july 7th 1886 i institution for the deaf and dumb belleville j to tho liihtoi of tlio fneb pni ss i kindly allow me to say to the readers of the finsr pukm that the institution for the deaf and dumb at belleville is open to the deaf children of the province and every deafmute child iu ontario whether the parents are poor or rich maysharc in the many advantages the institution affords such as tuition board care etc there are many parents of buch children who do not know of this plaee aud persons who will inform them of what the province has so generously provided for their chil dren will confer a lasbg obligation uneducated a deafmute hiid has no knowledge of language is ublated as it were from the rest of mankind is irre sponsible and in many cases dangerous to the community life is a bl ink without a ray of hope to illuminatethefuture with an education such as may bi had here all this is changed and the- mute is enabled to take 1ib or her place as respectable members of society and laif abiding citi zens and learn of the glorious life beyond over 700 mute children havu been entered upon our books and the larje majority of them spread over the provi ice bear testi mony to the good worls alreaa y accomplish 11 od we have a full stiifl of i ed teachers in the literary departments we aredoing those afllictediii this way anxions to do whatever work pable devot- ld industrial ill we can for and we are of this kind there is to do therj will 1 e room for all who can come in september next and in the meantime it will give i ne pleasure to supply application papers end necessary information to any one who laay apply yours faithfully r mvthifeon superintendent bsllevillp july 1st 18s0 4 no new thing i the labor agitation which has apparent- j ly struck root iu variousi parts r states bears singular reseifiblance to the earlier campaign of our own work men before trades unionism had intro- duced and popularised a certlain rough-and- ready political economy forjtaeir use the cry of the workingmen wascl eight hoars work eight hours play eighthoors sleep and eightshillingsaday and although we may doubt if all ameri can craftsmen will be contejit with vvages of tvvo dollars a day the rest of the pro gramme is identiejal on botli sided of the atlantic to belgian and german work iugmeu accustomed to twelve and even fourteen hours work at far lower rateb ol wages suah a cry may wellbeem preposter ous and the result will lprobally show that all efforts to restrain mans aativit by artificial limits will prove as fatilerilow as hey did fifty years softuxtrated london nem y c years of torture mb u ast of bracebridge writes to bayjhat burp ck blood bitters cured her 1 3m which she had suffered 1 1 1 other means having failed a little girl from the city was on her first visit to the country while riding near clifton springs she saw a lot of cats- tails near the road oht auntie she exclaimed i never knew before that sausages grew on sticks a midnight alarm a there is scarcely any fright more alainj iug to a mother than the ominous sound of croup so liable at the hour of night whbn hagyards pectoral balsam for the throat and lungs is at hand croup and distressing coughsloose their terrors it cures coughs asthma and brouch tis he still made a profit a sailor having purchased some medi cine of a celebrated doctor demanded the price wh baid the doctor i cannot think of charging you less than seven and six pence well iu tell you what replied tho sailor take off the odd and ill pay you the well returned the doctor we wont fl quarrel about trifles the sailor laidflown sixpence and avaa walking off when the doctor reminded him of his mistake s six is even sdt i no mistake at all sir and seven is odd all the world over wish you a very good day get you gone said the doctor j have made fourpence out of you anyhdll lj interesting oalbulajoja a statistical expert lalcn 1000000 babies started together inl race of life 150000 would drop out in first year 53000 in the s jcond and in the the third year atheemt five years about half ot them woij in the race sixty yeartf would jpetj gray beads still at it at the egcjsoj years there would be 97q0 jreijw the track fifteentyers ater they would be reduced to 229 pn j would quivthe track tom vor t 108 i r

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