Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1886, p. 2

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3 i t 9 4 1st g vji j ar ftsite isj esses tax bspat jtohkixa jcia 18188 fers liberal jutott jrt ress it principles and parties the sltrauoid beacon one of the hide bound c lass of partirakk sheets that would yellow dog for parliament if it vraaflab tiled grit against an archangel who hn i not the backing of the party con- considers the aotion of the good templars bindiug themselves to support no candidate who would not pledge himself tor prol ibition an uuwise movement ik might result in splitting the party theres the rub but suppo8ijug there are a number of people whocaie considerably about prohibition aud doi i care particularly aboit jiie lib- ral or my other party except as a meub to we id and cannot see that itsplatform embraces anytaing worth fighting for why- should they share its solicitude the fight for prohibition is a fight for a principle the fight between parties is a wordy war over platforms constructed so as to say as much and mean as little as possible hereditary associations and mean ingless cries it is no wonder that large sections of the community independents labor reformers prohibitionists and others who have strong convictions and are sick of a faction fight which embraces no single question in which they are in teracted contemplate forming new parties or supporting only inch candidates os will further their views toronto jvievs electoral action kwbodfewb m corrpondt uw lodge the orgauiaatidu of which the frkk prisms mentioned la it week gitiug a list of the jffloers installe 1 will nieet every second an 1 fourth fridiy of the month parties de siring to conucot themselves with the ordei will be admitt id during the present mouth on the sane terms as oharter member t after which t le regular fees will be charged in response to a notice those interested in the study of litrati re politics a id mental improvement a v teetiiig was h id in the town hall last uigh a large uui 1- ber of ouug men tuned out d l schulu was voted to the chair aud af er btating the object of the i teetiug ac boine lengthy discussion took place it was re solved however by a uui uimous vote tl at wo establish a literary society here to meet every first and thir i friday in et ch mouth in the tqwn hall the follow ug officers were then elected president dr brock vice prejsident p lee secretary p p fahey treasurer j jago exesu tive committee m j f msh t lun ly p l schultz and d stiachan dr brock a graduate af torouto school of medioine has opeued au office here the stone dwelling opposite hay ward and cos mills wewishth dr every succsss v xy kockwood july 13th 18w5 v w plgtj- thebirthdj voluntarily prnte4 ofourestoemed who wish ly cards alaifenumbar tohangm well the following mterestiig tioticen appear ed in our exohants lust veek wo aooept them as freely and hoirtily givofi and appreciate vory highly tl e kind and com plimentary worde concerning the fmh phebs and will be pic isod to leoiprocate as oecasion offers woaditock dolly 8ontinil the acton fiikv pin un exceedingly upon its twelfth u jts for nobby can rest assured that th6y cuii buy from me at more reas goods j y5 j5v3rf j 1 am ottering tor the june trade jsieoial inducement housekeepers aud them to be i buy for cash saving thereby laigle discoi limehouse limehouse julj ldth18sg the enormous political power of the canadian temperance electorate at last bids fair to be so thoroughly concentrated organized and directed as to make itself a force in the community and thus become a factor in public affairs so important that no political party will be rash enough to ignore it from every part of the country sjg da c comee information of the formation of temperance electoral unions on the lines laid down by the dominion alliance and so long advocated by the canada citizen these unions will make themselves felt in nomu ating caucuses and at the polls we look fir a better class of political candid- ates t the forthcoming elections than those usually nominated and we look for the tr iumphant return of more friends of prohi sition and morality than are to be found today in our parliament and legis lature public bentiment is btronger than it ev r before the better class of the elect rate is becoming aroused to its duty jmd responsibility men of ability and rectitude are becoming more willing to place their talents at their countrys ser vice womans influence and to some ex tent let tote are becoming gptential in politca while m the liquor ranks and amoi ig the corrupt politicians there is fore- bodu ig and anxiety xow is the opportu nity for the friends of moral reform let then s courageously and determinedly go ip a id possesslhe land philanthropy justice and patriotism all urge us on ik it organization be at once comple ted let l solid front be presented to the politi cal wer of the liquor traffic and its kin dred crimes and we feel confident that in the joining elections the friends of social pro ress will astonish even themselves with the results they will achieve canada cjthen news up fiom or own correspondent mrs john t ellis is away on a tnj the lakes mr j t ellis agent gtr visited fraends in toronto on the twelfth ot july the new stone retaining wall in the cut west of the gtjr station tiere ib nearly completed it is very permanently built gives a splendid appearance and ib a credit to mr penguilly who is overseev of the work the limehouse boys hae orgauized a they have challenged the married men to play a match on saturday afternoon the men a ppear a little afjraid of the more youthful teim mr snyder the uew butchei is doing quite a business we can boast of two sports in limehouse who wear plug hats mr thomas storey runs a sort of a livery e table here now 1 poundmaker returned to acton week formerly of anton am this interesting items there are no less than 4000 canadian than children of school age m chicago neat paper has entovcj volume london uail fro 1iust tho acton fiikk phiv an exceedingly neat paper has entered upon its twelfth volume brampton bauuor that handsome and interesting local weekly the acton fuke pithts last week entered on its twelfth volume waterloo ohroniolo the acton fnw pin s has euteredron its twelfth y ear x it is a healthy youngster and as good as it is handsome guelph daily herald tho acton pule phlss is now twehe years old aud is getting brighter spicier and more readable each day it lives brussols tost the acton foti pukhs has passed an other milestone and is as bright and newsy as ever we wigh bro mooro continued prosperity uodencli siguiu the acton fiiti putbh one of our neat est exchanges has enteved upon its twelfth year it is a credit to acton and to its able conductor h plmoore milton suu the aoton fin v pittss began its 12th volume last week the fnte press has made wonderful strides since it first began to circulate and is now one of the most prosperous papers m the county mt forest iudet the aoton fuel pitts has commenced its twelfth volume while our esteemed confi ere is getting up m years yet we are happy to bay its vilahty remains as vigor ous as ever we wish it continued success and long life tilsonburg libiml the acton fiiei pitiss has entered upon its twelfth year it is the neatest printed paper that comes into ttiis omce cud bro moore has our best wishes for increased prosperity during the present and all sue ceediug years guelpli daily mercm v on dominion day the acton fiel putiis entered its twelfth volume the fkie piiits is one of the cleanest punted neat i est and spiciest sheets that comes to th office long life to it anil the euterpnsin proprietor mr h p moore newmarket era our sprightly cotem the acton fm pittas entered its twelfth olume last wee gent public can see at a glance that it is not necessary ft r cash stores to pile on big profits in or in other words make the prompt the following lines 1 have reduc paying customer p ed fully twenty fw wwffyr hiablo prices than any toronto i have given the staff particular instructions not to misrepresent goods aud oustoraera will hud goods cxacuu as wo present u fv i t u nal aa tu ln i nt t anihr nx rt trade and ot lisequently i have no bad debts so an intelli- cash prices others requiring anythink in ho linuj mentioned below other store ib acton and as cheap as any oujside to order to live as crcilit stores have to do which i vill sell as cheap as the cheapest cloth d gros dhess iods in nuns coth jersey silk grenadines pongee silk black aud color velvets velveteens and crape cloths hosiery all makes and prices gloves to eji bustles and ladiesunderwear pltlxts no hoase in canada has ever prints a good cloth fast colors splendid pattern for i canvas clott black and colored allwool cashmere black and colored lustres grain silks black and colored satin black satin meryeilleux black and colored uit everybody dont fail to see our misses lisle gloves at 15c corsets hoop skirts tone white cottons shirtings ducks denims house 1uiinishixgs carpots style ask to see tho madras muslin at 25c per yard mill1x key although it is getting lnto in tl correct styles unci a competent lady in charge towels in tape and gr l boots and shoes wall papers and groceries all at homemljor the place griffins pure paris in any quantity turnip seed fresh and y for the one that uevejr intends to pay j five per cent and over in some cases witfi the exception of groceries shown i nicer range than we have now oij onv counters beautiful designs in canvas j c well worth 12ic ginghams and maslins to please everybody gray cot- towelling greatvlue brown hollknd table idjimask etc etc stiy union and hemp floor and stair oilcloths curtains ot nearly every t makes lovely curtains aud warranted to svash well turkish rugs from 3a tip e season 1 am still adding novelties in this department and customer will find prices to uit the times old stand tlie halton dry goods house aoton gr reliable paints and 0 1 li fikstclass and cheav een s sir john macdonald left ottawa sunday on nib way to british columbia harvest prospects iu manitoba are brill iant the yield will j robablv be a last ilittle nnder the average butj the quality will far exceed anything m recent years ram however is much needed c d graham a cooper of buffaloiwent through the lapids and whirlpool at niagara fall last sunday in a barrel made especially for the trip and landed safely at queenston authorities in toronto this week he was arrested bj the the knights of pj thias demonstration is a grand success nearly every state and territory from the atlantic to the pacific sad from canada to florida and new mexico is repressed by large numbers of cbiformed knights u n- ftotes and comments ii is reported that the hon william mm dongall has intimated his intention of sppxing sir john a macdonald in garle- toir county at the next general election 1 he final result of the british elections rev ails the fact that no separate political par by has a working majority a third gen sral election is probable before the close of886 throughout great britain there is a wic e bpread belief that the country is on the eve of a revival of business orders are ranch more freely placed works are net rly all on full time and there is a decid edly hopeful spirit canadian trade be- viec i ve are informed that in all probability a i ih school will be established here by uu l 1st of january 1887 georgetown fit raid we will esteem it a very great pit aiuie to congratulate our bister town dp ii her laudable advance in educational mi tteta when the proposed high school h ill have become a reality next january ho man ever spoke truer words than did btscoe conkling when in addressing a ga hering of newspaper men he said he smallest country newspaper is oi mure worth to its country subscribers in ce month tnin its price for a year and dc bs more fotits neighbothoochor nothing th in many d- high official does for his ni mificient salary uanufacturers within easy reach ot n agara falls expect to utilise that mighty w iter fall soon a company has been in corporated rwith a capital of 83000000 to d velop this scheme a great pipe or shaft is to be catthrough the rock close 5yand ptrallel with the niagara river 160 feet d ep and running half a mile or more back b rta the falls it is said a wheel as big as a nans hat will supply 200 horse power uncle barns income last year was a fie more than 81000000 for each ibusi- i day he pays nowadays 81000000 a tor interest on the public debt in 3600000 a week to the 1 bondholder uncle sam is a great and today is erecting 80 fine some of which will cost over uncle sam is also the le rgest rof improved real estate in the isoun- jniirtjiour hundred national lanks i started but only 2j700 remain u and shave as st ignace isjfcw tydawantanobdydurableandheap ioryfe8actob ualad t jimt lacrosse base ball uoods just akkivpid new pattern uauxjhna wxvga sticks spauldings standard baijls c iu ie a ip i idogarvins drug and stationery stojs aoton further jottings on base ball and other very intel estmg matters that was a great base ball match ubt wednesday wasnt it and didnt new advertij ements iante 9 aluolcc rjuenil it is a bely home journal which takis down the juveniles in great shape 1 uell ivbik imdilli hoiijeuold dutii wentvrcitv plain tuolviiii and ifrou couuti prbferrol ac 1 onob clojguelpb there are about 1400 visitors ih the city the parade on tuesday afternoon was one of the finest and largest ever held m the city application has bef n made on belialf of a company of local capitalists for a charter for the projected street railway in water loo and berlin applications wers also made on mondav evening to the town lit of taud councils of both places for the ri way along king stnet we unders that both councils looked favorably pu the proposals and the bylaws will probably pass next month if aterloo chronkh farms purchased mr john j daley of tus wellknown real estate firm of duley co has within the present month purchased the following improved farms at an aggregate price of 31000 from messrs george and john amos blair p o lot 29 and part of another in con 12 north dumfries waterloo county ij miles from gait known as the amos homestead contain ing 200 acres for filoiooocash from john madden estj arthur p o lot 13 con 161 in the township of peel 3 miles from arthur and known jts the madden farm containing 200 acres for 810500 casli from mr peter mocmey aberfoyle v o lot 13 con 9 township of pushnch miles from guelpb for 7000 86000 cash i containing 200 acres and from john smith aberdeen b 0ot 28 in con 2 township of bentinok grey county 6 miles from durham 100 seres for 83000 cash- these farms having been placeifj in the firms hands for sale mr dale concluded to purchase them owing to the owners wishing a sale effect edj at once the prices are higher than the owners could sell for themselves to any farmer any parties who may doubt tin eorrectness of these facts are requested foiyrnte to the former owners whose nan es and addresses are given above gaelpii ha aid dont kiss his chance owing to delay and inconvenience caused parties in acton sanding their goods to toronto to he dyed r cleaned k parker co dyers and cle iners have decided on sending their hands me rig here every few weeks our reader i cannot mistake them as their van is the handsomest on the road and the driver is in livery parker tjco ib he name lont forget it the cradle gbiffs in acton on the 13th iust the wife of mr willii m gripps of a son the 9lltar pmxlu htjst c n tuesday 6th inst by rev w s griffin d d president of the guelph conference at the residence of the brides father near listowel rev a m philips 3 d 8t marys to susie only daughter of mr john huut great pains in the selection of its mibcellai y and deserves all the succus that has at tended friend moores efforts st marys vrgm j the acton fittt piti-s- one of the neat est printed papers in the province has commencedhts twelfth volume the vil lage of actojffhas progressed as much as any place ftjong the line of the gtr and its pap is an honor to it falmerstou tilisferaph the acton frel pitba has just entered on the twelfth j ear of its existence it j is one of the best conducted aud best printed journals we handle the editor is a gentle man and also we doubt not a christian judging by the general purity of his paper beetou world ou dominionday the acton 1rti piti-fc- stepped into its twelfth annual pair of shoes the loi is a staunch admirer of the f p aud our admiration increases ab each successive number is received it is a model newspaper and the neatest sheet m canada mt foiest keprtvntativt i the acton fjiei pm s celebrated its tnelfth birfchdav on dominion dav dni- ing the twelve veal of its existance the fref pibs has steadilv impioved until now it stands unrivalled as a neatly gotten j up audi ably edited country newspaper the fjim phi ss has the very best wisiicb of the te hamilton dam biieuatoi the bright fiit pilss of aolou has entered upon its twelfth jeai the fiiti pntss thrives upon faith in the scott act and the dollais of the people who like an exceedingly neat goodnatured and newsy paper that believes its duty is to further the interests of its own town and neighbor hood many happy returns oakville star the twelfth notch has been reached by our growing and newsy contemporary the actou fntt pntfes aud with 110 uncertain sound its readers are made acquainted with its past and future lnstorj it is to be hoped that the full pms and ifs pro moter may be spared five times twelve to enjoy the commendable couroe ahead well founded winuhani times the acton fni pulss the spnghtliest little paper on our exchange list has just entered fts twelfth volume and although it is just about perfection typographically and otherwise bro moore promises still further improvements during the piesent year moore is a cle er young fellow and understands thoroughly how to run a newspapei the times wishes him con tinued success i i milton reformer the actonlfnte pittas last week euteied upon its twelfth volume the fklk pntss is one of our best and mo3t welcome ex changes ever full of newsy aud luteiesting items acton may well feel proud of having such a creditable newspaper pub lished in that village we trust the new year upon which it has just euteied will be the roost prosperous of any heretofore experienced by our sprightly eotem georgetown herald the acton fuke pmgs has completed its eleyenth volume the free pntbs holds a prominent and popular position among the local journals of the province and thore is not a more prosperous one in the dominion it is a faithful fnend of the village in which it is published and we hope the enterprising editor mr h p moore may long be spared to sustain the good reputation that journal has always carried i t teeth 8 per set perfect in appearance and uie written guarantee see card jas s irton dentist guelph should smile they uen so confident of doing us married fellows up and ithev came so proudly and carelessly on the held in all tho glorj of their suits aud an exultant smile over the victor the weresuie would bo theirs and whisper it gently we did em up and badly too see the glorious advantage of rnatri- nionv the oung fellows nowadayt think us old codgers are no good but ill tell vou what it is when we humpourselves we get there aud dont you permit it to evade vour recollection they mih allow the man fiom chicago to pitch with the natural conse quence that w e scooped m seven or eight runs in that innings he made a chaiac- tenstic throw to first base and the base- manuot being seven feettallcouldnt catch it and three men gentlv tiptoed over the plate the following adv may be expected to appear shoitl foi su e one base ball nine complete with suits not much used and otiier paraphernalia anl no record applv to capt harry k say did ou catch onui my suit and mv white hosiciv mrs a actuallv jeu proud of me when i left her for the nejc and glorv of comse it is not necessarv to siiv that the single nine was nul composed of the clippers oh dear no certainly not i fancy i hear some wicked joker say its just as well it wasnt which asser tion i indignantly repudiate on belialf of that gilt edged oigumsation known as the c b c i have received the following letter from an individual wlio appropriately signs himself enquirer dmii aiiobs i see by the fnth press that mr w x smith is prepared to sprinkle the streets if the rneichants will contribute enough to make it pay what i wish to know is does mr smith expect the merchants to go to him with their con tribution and ask him as a personal favor to undertake the work now mr enquner im not in the sage businebs at present n b no allusion to stufiing for ducks intended but to speak frankly id like to know myself it cer tainly looks as if it might be the case as he has taken no steps in the matter it is rather evident that my correspon dent is not up to the ways of some of our citizens as owing to the fossil element which i regret to say is too apparent amongst us all effoitsiu the direction of local improvements and so foith are slow and apt to be sat upon the only relief i can give euquiiers troubled mind is that ho exercise a little patience the picmc season has opened i am glad to be able to announce that the first one of the season will be held this week the invitations are really too too and do great credit to our model printing estab lishment the currenfc season is peculiarly adapt ed for picnics the crop of skceters being unusually large and bloodthirsty and as the coming event is none of your common affairs the little musical friends will no doubt get a rare feast of blue blood perhaps it may be as well to state that this particular picmc is nofrhy water and that no boats will be required i learn from the secretary that the choral society has started out with a roll of twentysix members and that others have signified their intention of joining i am very glad to hear it this is as it should be and believe roe the town will be the better for it arohs acton july 13th 1886 house and loi tht vndeilblgxnd uu tions to sell on vei eas and lot on churcu stnet no r occupied bv mrs tuiues boll aoumig the duelling of charles speight and liuinediateh i elnud geo hwids spei itn cilery store tins is a tho lot is hrstclf ss the dwe hug in good repair and there is a uco garde i with fruit trees terms and particulars mntoejkuown upon appli cation to h p mool fl li plubsolhcl aed uouliu foi sin a siunlmaihil inilkiugcow one dress with refer- for sale leceived uistnic- teruis the house lesirahlo propertj east end store we sell ttry asthe oheapest goods and groceries as qheap gentlemen desiring perfectfitting suits can not do better than leave their orders with john nelson acton guelph guelph uelth o o- thb oaepet in the city bnly hzqtjsei of guelph i wholesale and ketail dealers and direct iinpoi krs of the best and cheapest carpets in canada ovetff 300 pieces to choose from our prices will gladden thcihcaits of eveiy i rl also laos cuzvtax1ts- x lare thompson 42 st georges square guelph karcarpot vvcavuiir douc touidu james stirtqn lds dkntis houoi graduate and member of the oiltano college of deutoj painless extraction ailificial teeth perfect use 5800 per set writ en guarantee every set our i tov ell- block rtny surgerj or no charge in appearance and with opppoguilph the golde liq in of guelph 1 write for pai ti milors of great prohibi hon camp to bo held in hamilton o it aug 7 8 9 1011 11 aud greatest speal ors of the continent draud musical attraotioi s low excursion rates free tenting groun 1 wwbuchanan director hamilton ort t agents v anted steady men employmjemt to good none ne ed be idle pievioiib experience pay eithei salarv or con one hundred smart n to canvass forj the sale nursery stock not esential we mission en wanted at once if gauasiangiown the fdnthill i uu si l i isam nurseries n i n 400 acitl6 dont apply unless j u can furnish first- class lefeiences and rant to work no room for jay men he t can employ any number of energetic m n who want work address stone wellington n irseiymen toitomo ont great clearing gooqls all reduced to ridiculously low prices camp great temperance camp l georgetown halton c3untyi we qliote pi ices below to piove oui position that we ell clieaper silknd satin depa1jta1 black aud colored silks 371 45 5t 37 45 50 875 4100 sale than others ext 50 75 90c aud up go 75 90c and up 3108 si 50d oand up to 8100 t loc 15c 25c a cheap thursday august day 16tti inclusive the programme this miss moore oue of ohios gif lou j beiuohamp calloj the gougu of tt a west a truly won derful i ian mrs mariot whom michigan n and then our own si enee carawell dr griffin keefer li okay eto etc making an array of before any we are sparing neitl expense to mike this fall partiotilar8vill aud posters st catuanucb july 8tb b8c 12th to mon- black and colored satins black and colored merveilleux fancy striped and3rooaded satins fiolored and black feexch deess ioods nuns veilings new hhades caavas cloth new shades allwool melaugier cord frieze effect all colors exglish deess uoods brocaded challie fancy stripes worth 20c for beautiful cashraerette jy lace canvas cloth in black cream bronze aud mid brown only worth 2oi for 12c muslix depaetmet lovely line colored muslins lace muslins white and colored lawns swiss spotb and checks india mull all shades oc 8c v r year mcludes ed daughteis b baxter proud to own canvas mull all colors prists fast color bamapo prints newest effects frauconia prints ashtous madders woith 12jo foi best english cambric crombs best cloth worth 20c for searsuckers to arrive one case at aboothalf price staples dc 5c 12ic and up vciv low best value m shirting factory cotton worth 7c at best factory woith 10c at table covers pnre ilax colored borders shaker flannel colored and white at be 7c 8c 12c jc 7c 50c 12ic 30c talent seldom put people er time trouble nor amp a great success be given iu the bills myoximanb boatixg shawls under wholesale piice over 2000 to choose from corsets a splendid range from i hosiery gloves in all varieties of shades styles qualities specialiilue auothet big lot of buttons sci per dozen clothixtt our cutter is the best our stock the- largest our prices the lowest and our woik of the nnes t quality j d williamson co jwdpwwjjj imui hnum

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