Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1886, p. 4

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1 v t as he trswal j ion10 jokes the pionta smaou now is here andthoprar8plibt will do his doly ne or fear on jokes he neer ia missed the youug mm in ti to new light pants wijl crush the hli he squash pie the sandwiches aliv i with ante yill make tlichidreii cry i l kond lovers iu the if irdsl glade their eager lore ilmell when all at once th unud maid viu eee a snake siid yell the muijrlictswinj a the pretty girls will makehis ah uiders lame the dude who tries to row a boat will wonder why he came thethuuderetofrd i1 hat ends the fun wu1 crash down ironipt at f our with startled akriel is the girls will run and drabbled akijtts deplore ysomtrrillt journal i i nd4lia hanyard yellow oil is the beat kousehold remedy in die world tor ids c onp bote tliroat buvus scalds unjl otlti painful complaints her opinion is wel feondedj i halls vegetable sicilian hai llenewej uever fails in roatoriug gray mir to it ybuuifiil oolorllustre and viialiiy drl a a hayes state assayer of massachu setts indorses it and all who ti y it testify to it3 manv virtues a strong temi erance argument senator spooue the eloquent young wisconsin senator who made a reputation in the senate for oi atory iu the delivery of an eulogy on the h te vicepresident hen dricks 13 a teetotaler but he does not make a parade ol his temperance prin ciples it is notice d that he does not drink intoxicating liqao s of auykind and if he ia asked the reason be does not hesitate to give it he says 1 have three boys i love they have never swelled liquor in my breath i and t ley never- shall the reason why he at olds strong drtnk is a very satisfactory ne there is not one roan in a uionsai i who will not admit its force although m t more than one- in a thousand jaiay be guidexl by it suramnoa long time ucs but did mr h mccavy custom lion ie toronto writes my wifo was trouble with dys popsia and rheumatism tor a she tried iuny different medic not get any reliof until he usel northrop is tyniana vegetable ciscovery and dys- peptic cure she has taken tt o bottleb of it juid now finds herself in better health tliaii she has been for years llqlli llrdtuidk there vro but few that have ui almost uitolorablo pain from neuralgia or like acute pain suoli an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of tjrouble no disgusting offensive medicines vm t hrbbbpxril it yr jflhxrimf 4 wmm mm omm cmwpip bam at balducm is onlv iiucurablo when tho hair roots nro dead nnd absorbed which n x m condition itt newly ill case they nro simply torpid nd can bo stimulated to l ul forth a now growth of hair by tho uso of ayki8 haui viaon tho only prcparu- t on that cures baldness arid restores youthful color to gray hair vcr suffered toothache to thein to bo taken or days one application of 1luid liaht sold at j e ali sorts ayers sarsapar 11a is blood purifier ever devised it is recom mended by ithe best physicians i femprlert to yield obstinate skin iseases humors of the blood eruptions ai td old sores arccured by burdock blood bi iters which purify and regulate all the se rations there ari a nut iber of varieties of corns hollowaya corn cure will remove any of them call on j our draggist and get a bottle at once after twentjvrirec yean snhcrine rev wm ston of wiartbn was cored of scrofulous absc ss that seventeen doctors eould not cure burdock blood bitters was the only suec ssful remedy it cares all impsrifpes of 1 be blood f i bully careo mrs berkinshaw 26 pembroke street toronto enred of a bad lameness of the knee joint ppon t hich the surgeons were ahont to bperati other treatment had been tried sn vaii hagyard3s yellow oil was the remedy t sed the most effective mmend dr j 1 kellogg s dysentery from plants mcgregors mng cures drug store mineral polion nothing but pure extracts and roots are used iii preparinj lung compound tlio mode and now popular remedy for colds cc nghs bron chitis croup asthma and ill affections of the- throat lungs and chest ah miner al poisons and daugerons substances are avoided whioh renders it safe for children or adnlts sold at 50c and 1 00 per bottle at dr mcgarvins drug ston sine persous have periodii al attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diavrhcea andihave to use great precant ous to avoid the disease change of water cooking andgreen fruit is sure to bring on the attacks to such persons je would re- mcgarvinb 29 baldness cured and age rejuvenated mhs 0 davenpont- hwfaiwlotcn vt becaino ontlrely bald ut tbo age of 20 and remained so 88 year during which j w hammond lake preston dt rlicn ho was but 40 years old fouud ins 1 tair growtug gray at 60 his hair and vhlskers woro cutlrcly white so they ntluucd until ho vouched 00 years of age vheu ho began uslnga arans hair igor tlirco pottleif of which sufficed to estoro their original rich dark brown lolor mns august valentink of buffalo jv r htal becouio nearly bald and though sho mado use of many of tho so- called ltalr restorers none had any effect ayeus ilain vicon did what nothing clso could do and now tho mdy agatiihas a lino headtof hah thanks entirely to it geo mateu flatmiai texas pre- mammoth house oboretown 0 dry goods mill ebsr f irke tarbeiu ceratr have yon an 6j d sore cut born bruise corn bunion salt rheum pimple blotches bough hands or face if bo there is wt one ure namely mcgregor i parkes jcarbol ic cerate if you but try it it will onvinc e you it costs but 25c at dr mcgarvin s drug store cholera and al i summer complaints are so quick in their iction that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are aware that d inger is near if attacked bb not delay in getting the proper medicine try a dose of dr j d kelloggs dysen tery cordial and you will get immediate relief ii acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure m j fat uut year 1886 after theaboije year is ended there need be no prison suffering from bheumatism uralgia toothache headache lumbago any aeajeun if they only purchase a jle of yinid ijightning as it cures in- stantivrfain qannot stay where it is used the name is moid lightning sold by dr mcgiarvin brnggist -r- i i messrs parker xaird of hillsdale writes par mr laird having occasion to visit scotland and knowing the excellent qualities of dr thomas ecjectric oil con- eluded to take some with him and the re sult has been very astonishing we may say thatlin several instances it has effected- cures when ailments had been proppuueed incurable by eminent practitioners the sdrt of blood from which the con stituent of vigorous bone brain and muscle derjved is not manufactured by a which is bilious or weak- tjnin- thoroagh digestion may be insur- iretive activity of theliver restor- he system efficiently nourished by northrop fc lymans vegetable e y and dyspeptic cure it is the blood purifier ever introduced into cordial as being the best me iicine in i the market for all summer com ilaints if a few dfop3 are taken iu wat r wheu i the symptoms are noticed nofu rther trouble vlll be experieuced hfregorld r- vhen we say mcgregors speedy cure is the only perfect cure f o v dyspepsia liver complaints indigestion and impure blood we are telling plain fa its of which hundreds upou hundreds can testify who have been restored to perfect health by its use we would therefore advise you strongly if yonare a subject o any of the above troubles to give mcgr igors speedy cure a trial and be convince it is sold in 50c and and 8100 bottli at dr mc garvins drug store merit provtu dollar upon dollar is frequ sully spent on the faith of vecommendatioi s for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure yon re not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drug store and get a f ree trialbottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys- no matter of you nothing see testimony town i 29 bald ricss was ficrodltafy in his fmnlly by tho thno ho was 28 years old ho hod scarcely any hair left ono bottle of ayek8 hair vigor started a soft downy growth all ovcrhis bcalp and in a few months hu head was covered with soft dark and abundant hair medicinal virtues tho rare medicinal powers emollient stimulative ond tonic posscssedby ayers jiaiu vigor enable it to euro speedily salt rheum 8cald head tcttersbrcs diimlruu humors of various kinds nud other diseases of tho scalp liablo to cause baldness lt is not n dye contains no coloring matter and effects its reuiveniv- t ton of faded or gniy hair simply by bring hijs back the vigor of youth to tho roots and color glands of tho hulr tho wife of dn v 8 lovelace locelaee ky had vory bad tetter sores on her head ayers hair vigor cured theiu tho son of james n carter oeco- qntin was curctl of scaldhead jjy ayeus hair viuoii herbert boyd minneapolis minn was cured by ayers hair vigor of intolerable itehlug of the scalp tlmo sho tried many hair restorers with out success eventually sho used ayers hair vigor four bottles of which cov- ored her head with a fine gixnvth of silky browu hair twelve inches long mns o o prtescott cvmwcstoirii mass hud lost twothirds of her hair by its fulling out when sho applied ayers hair vigor mid ono bottle of it caused her hair to grow again more handsomo than ever before mns d n parks clio- michigan it 67 years of ago nud her hulr wiisjiulto rayj but ono bottlo of ayers hair igor restored tho color it bore in youth id sho now bus iw lino n head of hair us hch sho was but 10 j vincent jones richmond 1ml lost 11 his hair in conscqueiico of a sovero at- tlackof bralnfcvcr ayeiis hairv igor lought out a new growth in a few weeks and it speedily grow long and thick a toilet luxury wheib tho hnir is brittle dry liurh weak or thin tho use of ayers hair vigor speedily renders it pliant soft glossv nud stimulates it to a rich mid luxurious growth it also keens the scalp f rco from dandruff and affords n perfect assurauco against tho hair falling out or turning gray no other drcsslnc is so clean or has such nxlellcate and delightful perfume without itlho toilet cannot bo complete lajlo9 who huvo onuo mado trial of ayeu8 hair vigor nevr any other halrdressiuj voluntarily offer such testimonials as tho boots and shoes 6tc c yo havu just completed the purcl se of a big stock of new bummer goods at a great discount off rogular prioes drk88 goods for 5t w jltth white lace muslins u colored muslins 5c vorth fancy prints 5 fc 7jc grey cottons 3o wol th k white cottons 5c wc rth 8 table linens 25c wo ith b7jj towellings 5c wort i 1u carpets hemp 10c v orthusc carpets union 25c v r 40c carpets tapestry 30 allwool halifax tv nery clothing carpets we will sollthem cheap see our prjees better goods a little more wnfctk tot 1 i the niaufacturer would be ivujvin jjc i to commit suicide if 10c be knew how oheap wo wore selling these goods vornnoit mc the home lluluid wont let us have any more at these prices pitivcly these are the cheap- est ever oflertid in canada raetetime klt 3 grant truhk rahwa coino vrlift 1 00 u ill- 10 am 02 am 17im co pm kxj1u8s exitrocb- tbro espicfh mnil bicciolt s cfocs not ftoji between 47 iijnr m aim 2iiin 45 i in uj jiii oiiolpl hoindeasl uixcii s ejciirobii 7 piss limld u tliroiiiix accorit 10 clitcako kmrc nud j oioiito tulk 01 cl0s1x0 maijfi ioiug west 010 niuimul 5m pin gon kffot lwi10 am and 320 1ni allan g is e 18- summer arrangement 86 liverpool ahd quoboosorviiio iiioji 9 cr after prefer other hairdressing and many of them mtarlly offer such testimonials following front miss kate kose inger- soil oiit who writes worth 40c eedsj35c worth 50c a good tweed suit oil clothes for 500 worth 800 a black corkscrew will suit for 900 worth h00 alltr1mmedmillineliy anw ready made summer man tles at h alf pric e j untrimmed hats c at 10c parasols very chea while keeping my head clear of dandruff ild luxi ifng hnlr fortytwo inclict long and tick as any ono could wleb it and ureveatiug scald head it lias alio caused my oal raw poeicsb atil r to grow luxuriantly resulting in ray ing swee1i ayefs bfeiir vigor trepared by or j c ayer c0 analytical chemists lowell mass j sold by all druggtts and upwards iltom mvlniool steamer cutcak8ia jtriday 2iitl july thursduy 22 i polynesian thurwlav hui tulvi thursday ti p aitlbian thilrhdny lith july tliurtiyfi saltmatiax friday ejrd july j thursday sardinian thursday iltli july- tlmrlay mailhtoauiers noth tlio liverpool direct ktcamert d jiiot take intermediate or steeurage pakbc i tho voyajje from queboc to liverpool cabin intermediate and steerage fires still reduced return tickets good for i lie yiear uilikc the best lino to tivko to colonial ex i parties sunding for friends in the old can obtiitn prepaidcertmkates ut greatly i rates for tickets and every uiforiuatiomijii ly to 1 e mioarvi ticket agent aetou baegains we mnrt clear out thin stock wl ile the vvatlicr is warm uout miss the opportunity to get some of tho cheapest pods evcrl dffored in canada come and aee our 1 atuff we offer you hi trains all goods sold for cash oxly uojs fokget the pi ace- mcle04 anderson co mammoth house georgetown save money come to the clearing sale of dry goods ajt the krxgelt sotjset your spring suit m bre has pleasure in announcing that hisiuil oring shop in mrs secordflilock is nowopen and infull rnnuing order and in a position to fill all orderj the iiumeustt clearing sale of dry hoods millinery- mantles and housefurnishings commenced at the llifiht i ouse affords anpport unity to purchasers to provide theinselvea with their wante at extraordinarily low prices many lots of goods have been reduced to half and less tin u half tbfeir former priceb these reductions arc not confined to afew lots of good but bargains aro to behad in all lie departments throughout this larne eatabllshmeu special offering of silks and allwoql cnahnieres jitlks shown in all fashionable sliades head the reduced price lists for these goods tirds ai silks formerly sold at 6125 reduced to 90c silks formerly sold at 100 reduced to 70c silks formerly sold at 85c- reduced to 62ic silks formerly sold at 75c reduced to 55c silks formerly sold at 62jc reduced to 40c cashmeres formerls soldat 125 reduced to sloo cashmeres formerly sold at 100 reduced to 80c cashmeres formerl soldat 75c reduced to 60c cashmeres formerly sold at 50c reduced to 40c- cashmeres formerl r sold at 37jc reduced to 30c in the print department prices aro very low prints selliug oil at oio formerly 10c piu joc per yard the dress goods have been marked down tjo extra low prices think of the goods formerly sold from 15 to hoc per yard dress goods at 25c formeily sold at 50c para prints soiling off at tje ijortncrly 15c prints at 10c and 12jc formerly 15 to the 8c dress goods beinr formerly sold from 12 to 15c 10c and 12jc dress i formerly sold from 15 to 25c per yard dress goods at 25c formeily sold at 50c parasols selling off at red iced prices nice lace covered parasols only 50c lace covered parasols reduced to 73c 1 125 up to ll0 worth far niore money a few choice oriental trimm ud and satin parasols at greatly reduced prices bar gains in hosiery balbriggan embroidered hose only he per pair fancy hose at 10c to 20c i worth more money a lot of superfiuehose reduced to 35c and- 50c worth twice the money laces veduced to half price a lot of linen curtain laces at bargain prices specii 1 value iu lace curtains carpets stair uode painted blinds carpet sweepers and curtain poles just received another lot bf those cbcap stockinette press shields o dy 15c per pair it is impossible to mention here the hundreds oi bargaipsoffering at this sale an inspection of the g oods will convince you of their cheapness it emenberthe llight house is on kiun street east one door west of hushsoti street the name is thomas c vttkixnsrs hamilton july 8th 1ss0 pepsia liver complaint etc how long standing it costs sold in 50c and 1 bottle als from people in your own itcklbkpile- niploni s and iu re j the symptomsare mbistuie like pcrsipir- ation intense itching- increc sed by sprsjtch- ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms wcreiawlinginand about the rectum tlie pr vate partfj are sometimes affected ii alio ved to continue very serious resnlts may foll w swavner ointment is a pleasant st re cure jalso for tetter itch salt rhium all scaly crusty 8kin diseases sent by mail for 5p cents 3 bores 125 it stamps ad dress dr swayne son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 prominent among the g eat est medical discoveries by the many ci res it has affect ed mcgitgors speedy can leads the van subjected to the minutest ct emical analysis it has been found to conta n one of those iniurions ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient p ossosses a pecul- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been comr ounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a prepai ation which we can offer to tho public wil h the assurance i axe stomach and sid v- how to save money place your order for clothing witu r b nelson thk ropltlau olotfiler of the oity h4tidware the cheapest place it the county to buy your hardwire is at j e pure vxvv s r -rv- fss x-n- howsqn6 scythes snaithes cythe stones forks rakes cradles etc otc in endless variety parrls green cheap- groceries stock all riew and well assorted fcitylc lit and workmanship always ccrttect 4 specialty 4 pants 4 prices lowest in the city r b kelson y 39 wyndham st wells old stand guclph hcissliowiiig good tweed kuim sold elsivlieite fou a titly thjuly tiwiuk 2tu villi tli all jris lfeuns on libitjou couutry reduced scotuh tweed suit sold elsuwhejm- run it 5 pine worsted sbtl at rlz an sold ijlsivilelie at gentlemen wmiting a firs ch nttin eoit etc miv relynpo lbehi in every respect by leaving tlie x oildcils the clothier i2 k 818 u 5 go to- waters bros picture gallery gilph for artut mauvtaui oil anil color crayon caiiva drc o myrtle navy tobacco per plugj 18c 25 lbs choice kibe for si 20 lbs pearl tapioca toi 1 20 lbs currants for 1 2 cans to matoes for 2c 2 bans puuipkius for 25c 2 cans peas for 25c 2 cans corn for 25c 2 caus haddie for 25c oaus salmon tr 25c l25cbqttlef pickles 20e i bars dmgi ians electric soap for 23c lib f our 50c tea for 45c kel andcamrarl to the guttering t panacea has no 01 f r relieiine pm both internal and erna it cures pnin in the side back boifds 8ore throat rhehmatibin lumbago and any kind of a 1 0j ache it will mostgurely quick ih tlond and heal as its acting pinrer iwoin erfolj browns household pan- that it will be found not rily a relief- but n absolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion const nation and im pure blood free trial lottles at j mcgai yins drue store 31 the great results whicl have attended the regular use of qninine wine by people of delicate constitution ai d those affected with a general prostration speak more than all ithe words that we can say in its behalf this trticle is a true medicine and a lifegiving principle a per- i being acknowledged as the great jtnrdiever and of double the strength pnj other elixir or liniment in the should be in every family handy for sn wanted as it really is the best in th 3 world for cramps in tbe jin3 pains flnd aches of all kinds for sale by all dragefets at 25 cents j r i itxtyl fillti the great need is the life aaid on its purity de vour health if not our existence rflls tiioroughly cleanse this vital contaminations and by that and invigorate tbe whole stimulate sluggish organs action and iegtabiish lion andjecretion through- of the b0dy the balsamic ys fills commends them debilitated and nervous con- bioh they sn ruscitate all obstructions both in the teewhere and are oh that ac- i fought after for promoting in young females and who are naturally weak sonic cause havo become so i2 of- the svstem feet renovator of the whoi e system invig orating at the same time both body and mind its medical propei ties are a febri fuge tonicnd antiperiod ic small doses frequently repeated strengthen the pulse create an appetite enable you to obtain re freshing sleep and to feel and know that every fibre and tissue of your system is be ing btfaced and renovated in the fine quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman toronto we havi s the exact tonic required and to perse ns of weak and nervous constitutions we vould say never be without a bottle in he house it is eold by all druggists i ainee to motheks j ae you disturbed at night and broken of ycur rest by a sick child suffering and cryinj with pain o cut ting teeth if so send it once and get a bottle of mfs winslpw i soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve t lie poor little suf ferer immediately dep md upon it moth ers there is no mistake ibout it it cures dysentery and diarrhoa regulates the stomach and bowels ures wind colic softens the gums reduies inflammation and gives tone and enirgyto the whole svbteni mrs winsli wb soothing sy rup for children teethi ag is pleasant to the taste and is the prei cription of one of the oldest and best femt le physicians and nurses in the united sti tes and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price tweityfivacents botfle be sure and ask for mrs wixblows soothisq svaui and take no oik er kind e spring v is v here with all ii att11actioxs and kenney bros main street acton puke boots and shoes wo are going out of b at puee have now on the shelves of the dominion boot and shoe store u full slock of spring footwjnr ofall kinds sitirl we aro now offering our customers superiov valne in all lines of boots shoes slippers c we carry astoek which for assortment cannot be excelled and every want can he supplied we are showing srae nine liuvs ii tuunks valises c received direct from the maniithcturers our ordered work is giving complete satisfnetiou and customers know that our prices are rip ht repairing neatly and promptly executed kenney bros rj healih fob all hollowas pills and ointment the pills purify the blood correct all disorders of tho livek 8tomacu kidneys a1id boykls they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions and are invaluable iu all cbmplaints incidental to females of all ages for children and the aged they arc priceless it the ointment is an infallable remedy for bad legs bad breasts old wounds sores and ulcers is famous for gont and rheumatism for disorders ofihe chest it has no eijual p0e b0es tsecat5 bron0siti3 00uohs oolbs glandular swellings and allskiri diseases h has no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm paris greenr cheap -oj- ots and shoes aud willofter tlicontire stock less than wholesale cost paris green cheap- i at j e howsona t those desiring his serviu jfyfe actoi jfyfe acton jfyee acton ruty the artist i i is now inking some beautiful views schools picnic parties and residences- shoulil ciili in- vviitc him for terms to metropolitan studio acton oil paintings steel enarr lyings clyonios d fra1ves of all jkil mouldings room aud picture- cjornicfti and cornice polls spring ilollirs and wihjohndes f romdoe conij lete fancy goodssiutable tor afud birthday presents ac tvisitorr can have their framed whilein the city so br with yon t5 waters bros the picture gallery nehr the pi st ollicc -s20- ood- iuitod j with ulcr iij veddina pictures r lig theui weavim mr t mitqinfjlli- desires to inform the people of acjtonaud surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fiiicy hag carpets ilanuel heetijift shimjig and dress goods striped or plaid twin or plaiir also bed blankets and horseblaniets two yards wideand over jj- aud i will guarantee that i wil give good satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their patrouaj e j fy j j loo2i ajt this f vmoiiey siyed by iiurttliasitiii your ciotliiug at the ast en manufactured only at thomas hollo ways establishment 7s new oxford street late 533 oxford street london eng and are bold at lsjjd 2s od 4s od iig22a and 33seaoh boi orpotjandniay be had of allmcdieibe vendors tboukbput theworld purchasers should look to the label on the pots and boxes if tlie address is nto d clothing stqre fe fyife fype acton acton acton mackinac tho mott deughtfta 8um saloi 8toanion xvr htep soar trips pet week between detroit and macki ao and svery week day betwei n detroi and cl writtoonr piotureaque maokinao lilt strated oosussateji fsrtioiiun llailoe pree detroit cleveland steam h av co co willtcoimal p detroit mich aot spring hats i spring tweeds i spri1ng worsteds spring overcoatings spring trowserinus spring underwear full lines of shirts ties collars braces etc at lowest prices guaranleeii i 533 oxford street london they ffro spurious j perfect stisfaclio i j fyfe acton ji fyfe acton j fyfe acton z t j fyfe acton j ftfe acton j fyfe acton j volume xii- is published- every thursday mt at the free pre88 power pritl agton onq oifeteab j1joo feet hatrrl theemontbii 25l invariably in advance if not pi l2o per year wilule chred jj tinuod till all arrears ire paid option of the publisher advertising rate i kaiomo one column 9go0o 3501 hall column 3s0o 3o00 30 quarter column 13 one inch axe 3ij casual advertibcmeutf 8 cents 1 first insertion and 2 cen s perlini sequent insertion cash the aq reckoned by the space o eupled scale of solid nonpareil advertisements without sp will bo inserted till forbid aj ngly transitory iidyertisemea n advance cliangeb for contract ndvertis in tlie office by 9trnon mond thbvtjill be left over onti h plmoosej i editort tuio drdcd may be found tertlblng bureau 10 8prube wu lontrcttmybemaaerdrlt ik businesjdireci wh lowbyj m b graduate of trinity ber of college of physicians i office and residence at frederic street act e st ace y jlld cl trinity tjnivesityfl ity medical school member j of physicians and surgeons i ofhce campbells hotell lbennett ids1 ieorgel a crmckinlalt l l dentist georbetowh new system of nitrons ox monly called vitalizefll air teeth withoirt pain havini strator and practical tea college of rental sigeonsj rons maydependupowreceivf in any operations pforml acton every other jwed month office ag tohn law80n gradl tl tario veterinary colli veterinary surgeon oton i in kenny bros bootja nd so dence in the rear he rses soundness andjertiiicites all ciils night or u y pa ed toi terms easy johnston mdle a barristerssolicitirb no ancers c tjimtoi office htoh ha ef b johxstos- mr e mitcheli solicrronjssxybiiil omcie firstdoor est office main street mil oni at 6 percent i s hilton allan barristi rs i t3obonto am geoii offices oreelmanfebll ind 86 king street eist i w t allan j 8hii7os b ss b ain laidlatv c so per barmste offices over lington street efttjrent alley toronto johnbakq wmaam lamimv atents ecjtire foi henry 4ritp 20 years pra ctice nol w hsi bvekstiree lie exskd atc for the count ies c e well orders left atthepbee or at my rusidance m promptly attended to llosit to also mouej to lpan on able terms a id at the lq terest in sun s ots50fi a john daff office queens hoj sauare aachil ttikilnch bufcl t georgi e isor st georges account periodicals boundi kill i ooksiofalll of eyery ing neatly i aud tohn j money t per ont loanedlfor security property farmana with farms dominion t4 culatm in wanting rectioiis farias wail dende invited guelph on daley succpssor tc tho i loan on j mortgagesj ies in t cjonveyancin neatly city jrop or sale sec jintendingj urdpe farkns in ohtj th ough our i ted if or o bffice 3n t an easjrshave seafoam air giyen condition tastily opt honor gradual paiales3 artifioia usesloo every set office tlnanj to t bo0kbi square- r- he mnlanbj tliui stbej ei styli ex iilaratj ra ors boned i la dies p jambs tir dej wobii and cpueieofdd teeth er xt tovellsl est yrf

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