Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1886, p. 1

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vol1 me xiino 4 every tvms ttm m im is lcbttsbkr- thursday morning at thf free presls power printing house acton j ontario nli ygah option of the s jbscriptionates s100 six uttths 50ct8 thbkk months jj5cts invariably a ddvauco if uot paid iu advance 1jb por voat will le charted no paper discon tinued till al arrears ars pid except at tho publisher advertising rates out column hnifcolutuu quarter colt inn one inch i ra 1 c mp j 3 mo imo 700 tso casual adv artisements 8 cents per line for ther flrst iusertio i and 3 cents per line for each- sub- sequcntinse tion cash the number of lines reckoned bv tho space occupied measured by a scale of sollt nonpareil advertisements without specino directions will bo iuser ed till forbid and charged acconl- ngly transitory advertisements must bo paid n advance changes f i ir contract advertisements must be in the ofuc by 9 am on mondays otherwise ihev trill be left over until tho following week h r mookev editor ind proprietor tuic didcd may befoundonfltetgeop i nio rr rtn bowcll cds newspaper ad mlslngbiau10spruce8t where adtertlsing fcntracumjbeniadeforlt in new york- r i- li business directory h lowry m b m c p s gi adnata of trinity college mem ber 5f coli ege of physicians and surgeons office a id residence at the head of frederick street acton fi e stacey mjd cm graduate of rh tri nity university- fellow of trin ity medics i school member of the college of physici ins and surgeons orast 4- campbells hotel i l bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario ac jcrunlay l d s surgeon d ntist georgetown ont uses the new syste m of nitrous oxide gas com monly ca led vitalized air for extracting teeth wit lout pain having been demon strator and practical teaoher in royal college oe dental surgeoustoronto pat rons may iepeud upon receiving satisfaction in any o orations performed will visit acton every otfeer wednesday of each month office agnews hotel tohk lawson graduate of on- tptarib veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont fimaz in kenuy bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to spundneds and certificates given all cals- nigbtor day promptly attend ed to terms easy jtj- tohngton mclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers c japrivatefnndstbloan e f b b m qrna acton banking storey christie bankers acton tihtario acftok ontario thursday july ftsyi88tt- co general baninq transacted h0hs7102tsd on 4pprqved notes notes discounted and interest allowed on dope sits business general agents mcdonald stone no 2 victoria st toronto estate insuranqe agents cent houses notes valu- money to loan at six per rented business chances chattle mortgages promissory and other securities negotiated uators 4c farms or other properties sold or changed call at free press office guelp business college gtjelph ontario young men and women are thoroughly prepared f r positions as bookkeepers shorthaudwr terscaligraph or telegraph operators students have been m attendance from line provinces and states within the pa it year our graduates are meeting with marked suc cess in thedommercjal cent res of canada and the united states r ates moderate accommodation excellent students may enter at any time forterris etc address m macc ormick 146m principal si oracefrtown hall acton j0hkst0s wm a mcleax mitchell solicitor conveyance c fire insurance first door west of the cliamplon officemain street mlion money to loan atc perpent i s hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ax toboxto am georgetown chticicreelmans block georgetown and 85 king street est toronto w i allux ji shiltox ba j baikd ba b alii laidlaw co buaaiters a solicitors omcjes ovxr imperial bank hi wxl- streeleast entrance exchange 1 lington alley torontcj jons y batsq c ill am lil bta w atents secured for inventions n w c a mastex george kiprtile henry grist ottawa caxada 20 years practice no patent no pay hemstreet llcessei iccnoseeh tint counties of wellington andhaltou orders left at the fbek peess office acton or at my residenoe in acton will be promptly attanded to terms reasonable i money to loix also moueyl to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in- terestvin sums of 8500 and upwards john day lumber shingles and lath i f hhe uudersisneil desires to ififorni the public j that he has now on hand aud will keep iu stock a f nil line of pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also airst and second class tine shingles lath r coal wood s smith i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal 1 have also a goad stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered j james brown mutual of the company 00t7ott of wbilntgtoit established j840 head office cuelph insures buildings mei chandize manu factories and all other property onthepremiun jj w stone president new goods -at- days bookstore cuelph 25000 rolls wall paper 100 sets lawn croquet carload express waggons b16 stogk low prices day sells cheap summer guelph i cloth hall allw0ol gauze balbiggaxrri merino cotton i- t july a2 186 thursday morninq poetry she never gossips i hate this gossiping about folks svho have gone astray 1 i always hold my tongue unless ivo something good to say now theres the oase of peter snell j what have you never heard he had some money left in trust to him and stole a third oh dear how fast the news did spread of that poor fellows fall but i just said hes not bo bad he might have stole it all and when jane ann mcdonaldson what really dont you know she that is mrs jaokson now ran off with patsey rowe her first he died soon after who was but a peddlers lad and you had better believe her pa and ma were awfulmad her friends all oried how shocking whod have thought it of jane ann i only said he might have been a rags and bottle man and young mulroy who drinks a pint why surely youve been toid of something strong each day tis that that makes him look so old- has one to take his part i turn- the sad fact into sport when it is mentioned with a pint is better than a quart for i wont gosaiprthat i wont its never been my way i always hold my tongue unless ive something good to say i harpers baar descriptions note sj stem oi gixaa john tay110i davidson secretary agent bl pause and consider that it will be to your o rn interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur rounding country that wi are again in full running order and in a i etter position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties bnilding liiimbe will b dressed while you wait andmoiildings ac maae with neatness and despa ch n b we are also repared to fill all orders for omix square architect gcelrh oxt queens hotel block market f st jtancisjnunan sufaiessor to t f chapman bookbinder georges square guelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound rilling neatly and promptly done jon j 1 snc jdaley successor to thompson t jackson motiey tq loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing iu all its branches properly and peatly done charges low farms and city property for sale iiat with farms for sale bent to all pads of the dominion to intendingpurchasers and cir- culatedin jsurope european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon denceinvited offife ijear the post office guelph ont mhe hanlan barber shop 1 mitl street actox an easy sha a stylish haircut a good sea foam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in firatrclass condition ladies and children s hatr tastily cntj j p wobdex tonsorial artist james stirton ld8 j 0entist j honor graduate and member f the- ontario i college of dehtal surgery pslnless bxt4ctlon7 or tw charsre aitificia teeth perfect in appearance and nse4800perset written guarantee with eyery aats v r orwcivellsblock ojjp bp0twlph o i pum ps on short notice and f re m long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction ev ry time so come on with your order and aelp to roll the ball along money makes tl le mare go whether she has legs or no thus ebb age manager shawcrundy merchant tailors guelph wellington marble works quebec st guelfh john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in granite and everything pertaining to cemetery wosk direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble act3n liverysa john streetacton wme smitl- e stables proprietor mr smith has p irehased the livery business of mr h b he has removed to his mccarthy which commodious stables on john street m the entreof the business portion of the town mr smith has had lengthy experience ir this business and feels confident that he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiring a 3ommeicialplea sure or company wgi c be supplied with a flrstclasb turjput on the shortest notice i- horses boarded and sold terms reasonable i j- wm e smith- having lately visited the bay of fund jr granite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost 1 will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments cf t high 00 7 ft 75 8 ft 690 0 ft s100 10 ft s120 all work and material warranted firstclass 1 parties wanting anything in thib line will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee rhy priceb are from 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealers actoi meat market r rutledge crossoii butchers have purchased the business of ilr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage j the members of the fiif are practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction- there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat 4c in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we vyill win publio confidence and support rutledge orosson acton feb 9th 1886 dont read thjs the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head- irig shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour and peed and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos a moore our story setseatl the frightened kitten darted down the hill and was quiokly out ot sij tit among thebuihes ii n6w mammall oomel siid susie with a sigh of relief but b innie had thought of something olse im going to send a letter in a boat now he said and again he sloi rly pinned on another ragged slip deer mamawe air upherf tauglld inabrire cum thib he fastened to a piece of nrchbark and launched it down the little tumbling stream which carried it swii bly out of sight now shell come pretty soor he said sitting down in perfect faith to ait thbir mamma baked her read that mornings and then she bakex pies and make cookies and got dinner re idy before- she had time to think much a but them then shp stepped to the door 1 o see how they were getting along and ce lied themi but there was noanswer the wind blew in her face an i the white kitten rubbed against her feet j where are the children kit she ask ed looking down and then ah spied the note j tied around the white urry neck she iook it off and readthe bin ted words deer mama we air up he le tangild in a brire bush cum she caught her sun bonnet ff the nail and started but hardly knew which to go they were up ttye hill bexnies plax out iu a part of the country where it is very hilly there stands a red house at the foot of a steep hill whose side is covered with birch and pine trees and a thick undergrowth of brush in that house live two little children and what do you think they did one day their mamma was busy baking and they went to play by the little brook in the yard they were making a bridge of stones there and that morning they finished it then susies white kitten tried it and stepped across without once wetting her dainty feet now thats done and whatll we do next asked restless susie i kuow said behuie lets go up the hill aud find where the brook begins its hard climbing and mother thinks i aint hig enough but im bigger now than i was the last time i asked her well lets go then said susie eagerly and off they started hand iu hand at first but they soon found they each needed two hands to catch hold of the bushes and pro jecting rocks as they climbed up the hill clobeby the little bed of the brook up and up- they went it was pretty tiresome but there was fun in it for the white kitten ran nimbly ahead and kept stopping for them and the brook seemed to laugh out loud as it danced merrily to meet them havent we gone as much as a mile asked susie at last winding her arm around a young birch tree while she stopped to take breath no not more than threequarters i guessf said bennie see theres our dhimney down there and smoke going out mothers making pies oh then letshurry susie exclaimed starting again and as she pushed around a thick brier bush there was the white kit ten waiting for them just ahead and there at last was the bubbling spring gushing from among the rocks the birthplace of their dear brook oh susie make a cup of your hand and drink 6ome totter said bennie bend ing down to do ithimself i cant i cant lam caught in the briers cried susie struggling as she spoke to disengage herself but it seemed ab if every thorn on the bushes reached ont to catch at her and bhe couldn t get away bennie ran to help her but only got his hands scratched and when susie turned her head the briers caught hercurlb so that she could not move away any more without her hair being pulled this was too dis couraging and she began to cry ob dear i wish manlma wa here said bennie looking wistfully down at the top of the home chimney belowi mamma mamma he shouted then as loud as he could but the wind blew the wronj way aud took the shounp hill in stead of down then he saidhe would go home and tell her to cbmej j ob uofno 1 begged susie idont dare to be left alone there might be bears amobgthe trees or a snake dont go bennie 1 weir wont said bennio but i wish h had some scissors or a knife any how im big enough thfenhesat down by susie and they wondered what they would- do would they have to go without dinner and supper wouldthey have to stay all night there on the riih 6b i am 6o tired said susie moving her head a little but it hurt so that she began to cry again the little white kitten rubbed against her and purred but it could not help her yes it could help her a bright idea flashed into bennies mind lets send a note to mamma by kilty i he exclaimed ive got some paper in my pocket and a little stubeud of a penoil and i can print i i susie stopped crying and watched with great interestwhile ben slowly printed down these words on a torn slip of paper deer mama we air up here tanglid in a brire bush cum then he found a piece of string in his pociet and tied the note around the white kittens neck when that was done he tnried her head down the hill towards hot te and olapping his hands at her said in dreadful tones way of course but she might miss j them ai she stood irresolute right in sight dowr the brook xame a little birch bark raft w th al piece of paper pinned to it which wa i too wet to read but it told her all she wanted to know for now it was plain the fc they had gone i along by the brook so she started swiftly to the hill pushing the bushes aside with the litt ie white kit ten running before her and as it was not nearly a mile nor even a quar er that the little ones had gone she soon reached the spotj where susie stood wetiingin the grasp of the brier bush and b n sat pati- ontly waiting at her side a was there ever a tangle th it a mamma cduld not set right gently i ud skilfully s be freedfirst the curls and tl en the little dress and then with her light hearted girl and boy followed the stream back again just in time to meet papa as he came to dinner a literary coup detaj of all the surprises to which the reading publio has been treated by mr aldens surprising liurdhj revolution perh ips the most remarkable is the last itwo of the ohoioest and most famous books in modern literature wasiinoton invruos the sketch book and erbookers hisloiry pf new york ire just price three centts kuick- published iu style worthy of this most widely celebrated and universally 1 ionored of atriericau authors the two be oks to gether form one of the nine volume i of his works also published the type is large leaded beautiful the two volumes bonud in one comprise 606 pages the binding is half morocco marbled edges the only other edition in the market that at all compares with this or rivals it is advertised by the publisher at 8300 per volume mr aldens price when sold in sets of nine volumes is a little less than 100 per volume he now offers this single speci men volumeuntil september 1st 1886 for the price if itcan bb called a price of 50 cents by tnail postage paid this offer is without restriction or con dition if there are a hundred thousand orjialf a million of those who take pleasure in the works of washington irving who waut the volumeihe says he will fill their orders as fast as bis printers and binders can turn them out if you want to cemplete your set after you have received this volume you can of course do so by paying the additional price for the set tho object of this extraordi nary coup detat is of course advertis ing except for this consideration the price would be ridiculous and ruinous mr aldeu sends his complete condensed cata logue of standard books free to any appli cant or his illustrated catalogue 132 pages for four cents address john b alden publisher 393 pearl strew new york a baby bunting 1 too smartby h ilf of all formsof bad breediig the pert smart manner affected by boj s and girls of a certain age is the most offei siye and im pertinent one of these so called smart boys was once employed in tl e office of the treasurer of a western railv ay he was usually ieft alone in the offic i between the houfs of eight and nine in the morning and it was his duty to answer tin questions of all callers asclearly and politi ly as possible- one morning a plainly dree sed old gentle man walked quietly in and isked for the cashier i hes out said the boy without look ing up from the paper he wa i reading do you no where he is no when will he be in bout nine oclock its nearly that now isn t it i havent western time theres the clock said he boy smart ly pointing to the clock on t ie wall aid the old can isnt a public smart and lie did not offer oh yes thank you gentleman ten minutes uttil nine i wait here for him i spbse so though this hotel the boy thought this was chuckled aloud over it he the old gentleman a chair o r lay down the papehe held iiwouldlike to write cj note while 1 wait said the caller wil you please get me a piece of paper and an invelope the boy did 60 aud as h handed them to the old gentleman he co lly said anything else yes was the reply know he name ot such a suart boy as you are the boy felt flattered smart and wishing to e iow the full ex tent of his smartness repl ed im one of john t lompsons kids william by name and i ai swer to the calt of billyi but here come the boss came in stranger cried out jwhyl mr smith iibw do you we4- i but john thompsops kid heard no more he was looking an und for his hat mr smith was president f the road and billy heeird from him late r to his sorrow anyone needing a boy 6 master billys peculiar smartness mi ht secure him as he is still out of emplo ninent- i would like to by the word i the boss uid seeing the do a- baby bunting that could very readily be wrapped in the rabbit skin of nursery lore has been born to a farmers wife in the little settlement of bell kemp chester co pa- which is about six miles from oxford the infant is a most won derful freak of nature when ushered in to existence two weeks ago it was barely ten inches in length and it failed to get the better of a fourpound weight when placed in the other end of an ordinary pair of scaleb in the village grocery store the father is a fine hearty farrqer rather above than below medium height named nelson bunting he is fortyfive years old and his wife julia who is not over two or three years his junior is quite a large woman they are the parents of half a dozen girls and boys fully as large as children of their respective ages usually are and they con offer no explanation of this apparent phenomenon since her birth baby banting has not grown in any perceptible degree but she is by no means weak or puny despite her diminu tive size andher voice is as powerful as that of the largest- infant born she is wellproportioned and pretty and is gener ally considered a perfect specimen of a midget her fathers sunday silk hat is plenty large enough to hide her completely and when put in a halfgallon measure her head does not come within several inphes of the top taiat i make a little fence of trust around today fillithe space with loving works and therein stay look not thro the sheltering bars upon tomorrow god will help thee bear what comes if j6y or sorrow thou who didst cometo bring on thy redeeming wing healing and sight health to the sick in mind sight to the inly blind ohnow to all mankind let there be light v whbtthey make little drops of wafer little grains of corn make the festive whiskey and the morning horn and the- little cocktails humble though they be make swelled heads and fill the pen i jten tia ry i thinking aloud i one of the peculiarities of georgo third was a habit of thinking aloud duke of cambridge his sou inheritecl dtii the the the ring divine let us in a m h-i- vti ftlrfi the theatres our solemn conviction iai that all true christians should once ai d i f or all refuse all connection with the theatre especi ally as members of the clraroh of england are we bound to do so by the vow which wa have taken to renoujioe the pomps and vanities of this wicked w irid what this means to many church j eople i am utterly at a loss to- conceive bi t- to my mind if an ong the pomps and va lities of this wick ed world balls theatre and progressive eu ihre parties are not in luded language is void of meaning woi id that all true 6hurohmen would hear a nd act upon the nqble resolution of the 1 merioa i bishops in 1817 on the suljeot of j theatrical amusements we do not lesitatejto express our unanimous opinion that these amuse ments as well from thuir licentious ten- deniiy as f rom the btroi g temptations to vice which they afford ought not to be frequented thank od for testimony like that rev dyson 1 ague iiijuvangelicai churchman habit and indulged it even service when the clergyman saic pray his royal highness would add an audible voice with all my heart the clergyman was onoe reading the story of zachmus as the second lesson as he uttered tho words behold the half of my goods i giveto the poor tlie duke added to the consternation of lis congrega tion no no icatft do that thats too much for any man no objection to a tenth i on another occasion when a long drought caused the clergyman to announce that the prayer for rain would be offerel thetduke said- yes yes quite right quite right but it will never rain till the wind changes the duke did not confine 1 is thinking aloud to the prayete the sermon fre quently stirred him iip to vocal criticisms whiohiwere more amusing to the congrega tion than to the preacher the curate of kew finally resigned giv ing as his reason that though the curacy as pleasant as any in england and would perhaps lead to preferment and the duke duchess and every member of the royal household were very kind to him personally ho couldnot endure his royal highness habit of thinking aloud v what hejhadin for him i f i j thg other day judge neckelson wenta- fishing becoming tired and ijungry on his way home he stopped at a cabin hear the roadside and thus addressed an old negro man who came to the gate j how ayeyou old man poly sah how is it wid yeresef i am hot hungry dusty and thirety can you do anything forjrne no bah cant you give me some water jnosah i see that you haye a well back there yasde wells dar then why cant i get borne water looker heah jedge yoursef thinks dat i doan know yer but i does i wnz er witness in yer cout de uder week an yer let one o dem lawyers ctoss question j me an ketch me iner lie dat wantno way tertreiat a stranger in detown yea sah set right dar an let dat blame lawyer buse me like i wantj a citizen b dis heah county ise had it in fur yer- eber since dat time an rsvants ter tell yer whuts er fock ef yer gits any water outen dat well itll be airier yers had de hardest fight er white man eber had mutual- toleration my dear said a wife to her husl ik w that i am dreadfully cross with you at times that am notas patient as i should be and i think the same can be i said of you yes certainly he frankly acknow edg ed f 1 am almost as bad as you are ghats that uj i say that i am justas mucii to blame as you are j think wenton tile lady that we ougpx to cultivate a mutual toleration of eachlothers faults and she bent over him fondly and kissed him you are not looking well tonight my dear he said stroking her hair no she replied my feet paiiji me dreajdfully thats because- you wear shoes two sizes too bmall for youl t ien the trouble began once more ind wit and humour the good old name of smith the lynchburg virginia jdefendb the name of smith stoutly it says- yirginia was founded by- a smith two of her governors have leen smiths and one of them was governor twice one of the bigi era of the declaration of independence v as a smith- there have be en nine smiths in- the senate of the uni d states a smith was t lie first attorneygeneral of the united sta es then secretary of the navyand afterw ird secretayof state eight of the lonfederate enerals were smiths is a man open to the charge of- assault and battery for cudgelling his brains this is a very painfulaffairvr retaark- ed the man as the sash fell on him forty rodsmake one rood but one rod will often make one civilespeoially in the case of a small boy i she and that scar major get it during an engagement sently engagement no week of our honeymoon j too much absorbed in his bubiness wa the comment of a newspaper on the death of the brewer who was found drawn- ed in a tank in his own beer you may speak said a fond mother aboutpeople having strength of mind but when it comes to strength of dont mind my son william surpasses everybody i ever knew ij mm dili you hb oh- the first why not i an eastern drummer who was in knox- villa listened to the complaints of a moun- ta neer about hard times for ten or j if teen i in nutea and then observed i j why njpu you ought to get rich ship pi lg green corn totlie northern markets j yesi6rter was the reply you have thelaudi suppose anl can geltthe beed yes then why dont you go into tho upeou hionr o use stranger sadly replied the nftive the old woman is too darned lazy- do the ploughing aud planting wall tj s reet news a valuable man smithis one names inenglan 1 adam smith the so there is no die jount on thi smiths tx aaaj rtiumi iifthifif f rrfi wv of the mast illustrious and scotlimd furnished great politi iai economist liitl merchant well if sharks is i good s jesman i would likeltogethold offhim partner oh yesesagoodbale8mau bat hes a terrible stutterer- why the other day he tried to give a customer a j rice on a piece of silkijut before he could fetitputthe silk had fallen 2 d yard r he woman took the piece rather than tiik ljim if he couldnthnake a rjsdnctioni merchant we want sparks nc acted wisely i arhs0weafyi can hardly njciye sfl inn down with ai chronic summeij com- laiut said one gentleman to- anotjher on mr street the other day now take any idvice replied his friend go to yota iruggist ahd getja bottle of dr bowlers extract pf wiid strawberry i 1 never known it to fail in curing aiy kind of summer complaint c w ri iss tjfcfrsfe lbrfe arsa

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