Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1886, p. 3

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wfwi irve your eyesight jsjuole stock at geo hyndv ike in town an optometer tor teauas snwflk alt kinds of suclwwwdred aclcsfrorh 25c upwturds jive us a si m when xm want a pa jr isq hnds acton ont jmitbrnley p xtawfaciure the rest ico cream in town kniits in ncwfcn leave your ordttrs t once ijvt55sv5 j tok of gok- hctiomjiu iu town cheap korean aud douiomic tmits cankrt goods wse8t cigars intho market j m i thcrsdat morsiso jielx 22 1886 thbwebkaaeinob crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters m i- s i s avrus is unusually spicy this week oraugevillo wants to got its name changed to dufferiu beetou pays its assessor theiuuninceut salary of ho per annum h atout civio holiday isnt it about time it was annouueed mr w rosscll butcher gave his left thumb a painful gash last saturday the largest hotel in woodstock has been tnrued4nton orkrn factory- a berlin lady 83 years old voted in favor of the corset factory by las the other day j another base ball match married ra- single will 3ake place on uie clipperv grounds this afternoon at 3 oclock lost- a black collie dog answering to the name blake suitable reward jtor recovery h h worden barber mr e knowltons store in mrs secords south block has been improved by the addition of a new show window the acton fipx perm is the newsiest and spiciest exchangefe have on our lilft- ve sgo on and prosper ilitchtl i th sjsocial gven by mrs morse in aid of nniforrn for the milton brass band was largely attended and the sum of 2700 was realized i eh a picnic arranged for last thursday was postponed untilf tuesday owing to the rain it proved an enjoyable occasion on the latter day it islioped that tligjjommittee ap pointee to superintend the removal of obstrut tions frony the pond will commence the wo k at once j 1 me ssrsthenderson mcbae co have had their hay scales thoroughly renovated and relitted and they are now as good as j new at d strictly reliable bi id up the sheaf of the bearded gold soon ft lis the leaf and the air grows cold aid w nteromes and will wait for hone that sreat and toil in the autumn sun a grand demonstration will be held in stratford on the 16th august under the auspices of the ancient order of foresters an at active programme has been ar- m r thos speight late of camlachie has su xeeded mr cameron as night oper- pator s the gtb passenger depbt here mr ciinieron has gone toguelphto fill a simila position gtielph oddfellows and ancient forest ers decorated the graves of- their deceased brelhein onxhursday the afternoon was observed as a public holiday and the cere- monies were largely attended mr james grant is the first o the markei with new potatoes he has beeu selliug tplendid potatoes daring the past week at reasonable prices and is prepared to recbiiertotaeis for delivery any place in town j i j ai mrs deforest of x assagaweya town ship has been fined 1 and costs for flog ging her ijouihlaw cheap enough top mothers in law will be mothers inlaw and the fathersinlaw pay the freight toron to wotid a local correspondent in a letter to the ltpald says speaking geographi cally physically and artistically george town is crooked deceitful very irregular in its walks we hope that morally it is not so e hope not ilx w d beardmore has leased for a term cf years thehandsomeandcommpdions tesideace of mrs if little on church and wilbt r streets mrs little will shortly leave an a visit to friends in manchester and c ambridge england lev a 1 sowerby pastor of the baptist churches of acton andgeorgetown preached the first of a series of sermons on the priesthood of christ last sunday afternoon theseries on the same subject will be continued for the next three sabb jths at the usual hoar 3 pm jsnnounced elsewhere tbeprohibi- tion camp will be held in goodwillies grove georgetown froifr the 12th to the 16th august dr yonmans the manager has eecured an excellent array of speakers for the occasion and the people of this community will be accorded an unusual treat at but a nominal cost j ithe acton fkee pmjsshas entered npon its twelfth year it is one of the best printed and neatest papers in haltqn and has arecord for financial success tbatis calcalated to make thousands of poor country editors green with envy bro moou deserves the success which has at tended him tliornbury new i wttoh ue pflaoli mly looal anil all mtmi iting b t wield com iderable influehoe the aotou frkki ukbb one of the best local papers of this p ovlnoe has just oom- meuoed on ita twelfth revolution it is printed iu a style t tat jevor mikes it a pleksure to parose ind contains all the news of the day botii local and foreign the artistic taste dib ilayod in its mechani cal fortnatiou shows jreat skill on the port of the publishers v e believe it is a paper bound to wield con ridorable influence ftrgus adeocate life pictures prom rums gallery this is the title of a book just published by mt thomas trotter lds of owon sound formerly of c uelph and brother of mr william trotter acton it is made up of new and thrilling narratives and sketches written f r m personal knowledge of the author ot pc sons who have been ruined through liqni ir the book is nicely printed on good pa 3er and suitably illus trated it contains 364 pages is bound in best english cloth and is sold for 125 per copy another lawn soda 1 the second of a teries of garden parties under the auspices of the ladies aid society of ithe me hodist church will be held next monday ivening in the spacious grounds of mr thomas c moore north of the gte on main street the proceed ings will be enhverfcl with mubic discoursed by acton cornet bt hd a pleasant even ings entertainmen is anticipated in case the weather is inauspicious on monday evening the social v ill be deferred until the fohowing thursday evening the course of true love a few days ago john moouey of erin cut his foot so bst uy while chopping that he could not leave 1 is bed to be orippled was bad enough ai any time but what troubled john moi t was the fact that his wedding day was lixed and now an indef inite stay in the proceedings loomed up however as the fe gus neicsjiecortl states the bride elect daughter of mr john mc donald a neighbo ing farmer was a true- hearted girl enterii lg into matrimony from uie best of all motives pure and unalloyed affection and the p room being unable to go to her- she went t into and the marriage ceremony was perfc rmd on dominion day the date arranged while he lay helpless upon his couch an important subject we have before is the anuual forestry report prepared ly mr r w phipps toronto previncis 1 forester this report should be carefully perused by every land owner in ontario it contains a great deal of valuable informs tion showingthe progress of forestry durin the year suggestions upon the subject i tatements of the value of different descri tions of wood as crops and a eomplete ist of our native trees with ways of growing and soil best suited to each variety mr phipps has had large experience ii i forestry matters and is fully qualified to pronounce upon the subject he will forward copies of his reports free to anj address so long as the present issne lasts send for one bad bank of com neroebills counterfeit h bilte on the bank of commerce are ii i circulation three ol them were rccehed at the headquarters here lately one coming from montreal another being d posited by a customer nd the third beiu g sent in by a city bank the counterfeitini has been cleverly done and without close inspection- the bogus notes would reat ily pass mr john a strathy manager of the barrie branch- of the bank of toro lto says that you can detect the forged s10 bills of the canadian bank of cojnmene now in circulation as follows the for ery has a yellowish ap pearance the s lading on the large green letters is much li jhter than in the original the large ten in green letters is too high on the paper run niug into the coat of arms instead of being i nmediately under it if you are at all in doubt get endorsement of the party toco- to world horse drowned- owner narrowly escapes on monday s jortly after noon alex ander mccutche n a shoemaker who lives near speysids crove into the pond jost south of harvey i mill flume to water his horse at this point the water is very deep and beforejie realized where he was the horse was eight or ten feet of water and the driver litting composedly on the seat of his wago l was submerged to the neck messrs c c speight and james moore jr were near by and seeing the accident hurried to the assistanfte of the unfortunate mair with some difficulty they got him to tl e shore but notwithstand ing the efforts of themselves and reinforce ments of citizens the horse was drowned after halfn ho irs work the wagon was recovered and th e horse was raised from its watery gravej the horse was worth 40or50 aoton roller f16ur mills mr harvey h is commenced operations for putting hoi new roller mill machinery in his mill at the if oot of mill street and ex pects iu about a month to bo able to manu facture flratojasp roller flour besidea the internal improvements a new cylinder tluraewill be pup in which with the lower ing of the wato wheel two or three foet will give a largely iuoreasod amount of power for jth purpose of butting in the improvements thopond is now being drawn off aa no griatingwill bo dpne until the now machinery is in operation mr harvey will appreciate it if the farmers will hold their gristing until then a shocking aooldent on wednesday a little liveyearold son of mr thompson matthews living on mr daleys farm near the town line chingua- cousy had his foot taken off by a mowing machine it appears the little fellow had a great desire tf be wherever tlio horses are and it hab been almost impossible to keep him away from them at thetiime of the for nobby y coops i am ofienng tor the june trade special inducements at lowest oashpric acoident mr job daley jr was cutting a meadow close by matthews house aud coming toja tree he got off the mower and went around the head of the horses to j examine the lay of the ground when the jlittle fellow btopped in front of the mower bar and with a switch struck one of the horses which of course btarted forward only a few feet but sufficient to cut off one of tho childs feet completely at the ankle joint mr daley caught tlio horses and probably savei tho child from being mangled drsj hcggio aud mulliu dressed the injury the little sufferer is doing nicely bratiijon banner book notice j godevs laisvs book for august is a bright and attractive number the fron tispiece illustration is a pleasing subject a fair child having obtaiued possession of grandmas curlb is changing their snowy whiteness to a darker hueby immersion in an ink bottle the utterly unconscious ex pression of any wrong upon the childish face is very taking various designs lor colored and black fashions are given also an attractive colored and many black work designs the literary department is fnll and varied tho coronet of thorns by- j v prichard nears conclusion and the pages given are very exciting fouud not sought a good translation from the german of e laddey is concluded may by merritt eeene is an attractive story jacot by the popular author emily lennox is bright and original the voice in the river by clarence m boutelle is full of thrilling incident nuraereus other stories and poems with a piece of mikado music recipes household hints dressmaking fashion notes etc completes aitespecially good midsummer number w e striker philadelphia publisher price s200 per year entrance examination- fifty candidates wrote at the high school entrance examination held m milton on the 5th 6th and 7th of july twentyfour of thesehave been passed provisionally by the county examiners mr deacon inspec tor of public schools and mr wellwood principal of oakville high school the written answers of the candidates are sub ject to revision by the high school inspec tors at the education department toronto iii order to pass candidates are required to get atleatit onethird of the maximum marks in each subject andatjeastouehalf of the aggregate total number of marks 755 necessary to pass 377 none failed in reading none iu writing one in drawing one in composition five in i literature thir- kteen in geography fourteen in arithmetic sixteen in gratnmar eighteen in orthography and ortheopy and twentyfour in history below is the list of successful candidates name masks school teacher bella henderson 512 milton h grav robt s heaven 501 1 trafalgar v smeeton housekeepers aud others requiring m below jv t4 x x j t t 0 a igfiu o linej meritioiicd can rest assured that they cau buy rom me at more i easonable prices than any other store in actoni hiitl as cheap as auy outside fo toronto i have given the staff particular instructions not to misrepresent goods and customers wiljfind goods exactly as wc re resent them to be i buy for cash saving thereby latge dit counts i sell for cash or trade and consequent bwirrhad debts so an ntelii- gent public can see at a glance that it is not necessary for cash stores to pile oubig profits in order tfi iveas credit stores hive 1o do oiin other words make tho promptpaying cu8tome- pay for the one that never intends to pay 1 i- t il the fdllowitig lines i have reduced fully t wen tyfive ipejl cent aud over in some casesith the exception of grdcerita whichl will sell as cheap as the cheapest v press goods in nuns ploth jersey cloth canvas cloth black and colored aluwool blatk and colored lustres silk grenadines pongee silkp black and colored gos gram silks black and colored satin black st n merveilleux black and eolored velvets velveteens and crape cldths j ii hosiery air makes and prices gloves to suit everybody idont fait- to see our misses lisle glees at 15c corsets hoop fekiks bustles and ladies underwear i t prints no house iu canada has ever shovn a nicer range than we have now on bur coun ers beautiful designs in garlvas prints a good cloth fast colors splendid pattern f o 10cwou worth l2ic ginghams and muslins to please everybody grav cot- millixelty although it is getting late i 1 the season i am still adding novelties in this de jartraeijt and custoniets valljfiud correct styles and a competent lady in charge boots and shoes wall papers andgroceriesj al at prices to suit the times remember tie place griffins old stand the halton dry gocdk house acton all this week wo shall continue the excitement caused hy our reduced pi ices during which wc ara clearing out uiany lines of seasonable goods regardless of what they cost lastwcclfwas animmeiibe- ly busy week with us testifyinr to the fact that when we goods the people get them announce cheap expeot to and do the okadle fcneiis in acton on- the 14th inst the w fe of mr frank burgess of adaughter peiue in guelph wednesday july 14th tl e wife of b w petrie bookseller of a u devab in milton july 8th the wife of u r john dewar county crown attor ny of a daughter herbert haw win jiucami wni castle maggie iroston f mcmaster mary lawson itobert stark george stark hobt moflfatt sadie kuss clara johnson crozier adamb kate ryan all this week we shall offer our still well assorted stock of millinery and straw goods at prices that must clear the last article off our shelves great iiiduceinyuts hi this department all this week we shall offer our large stock of ladies and misses parasols and sun umbrel las at a veryreat reduction on regular prices we are bound to clear them out all this week wc shall offer our immense variety of ladies aud childrens silk taffeta and lisle glovessilklisle and cotton hosiery at such low prices as to create a great rush in tbu department all this week we shall offer the choicest hues of mhslinsl iu8 oriental flounciugs allover embroideries plain nnd fancy chambrays madras laces aud light sumoier goods at popular prices in very attractive styles pure pai paris green in any quantity turnip seed fresh and reliable nts and oils fiestclass and cheaps p tlacros se base ball goods just ajtllved new pattern oaughnawaga stickp spauldings standard balls mogarvins why ryan all nearly from every m i oheai- drug and stationery store acton do we do because itll wc wont fill on r- cellars with unnecessary goods 2jo is the verdict of ut they mus berkinshaw co guelph bread c of all kinds a i kes on hand op made to lorder biseuits gonfectionery c p- 1600 yds oralis goods 5c per yd worth i2c 800 yds t 13000 this week this is t the grste ke4tiso iu gnelpb on the f7th of july bichard orton 2nd boa of dr keating iii the 15th year of bis age bbock at the residence of mr j h floney mfc forest on the 18ui inst i v thomas crock methodist minister o e paris aged 49 years y vqfjj an excellent se mon the sermon of rev b phillips last sunday pn or ingeism and home rule was listened to by a veryjargecongrega- tion ihe text was jnde 3 v it was needfot for me to write r you and exhort yon that ye should earnestly con tend for the fait 1 which was once delivered unto the saint i the sermon was an eloquent and in cresting one and proved conclusively tha b the speaker had prepared it with much st idy and careful research and also that he is personally wellacquaint- ed with the it ternal relations and move ments both oi ireland and the orange society he 01 itlined the history of the origin and purp e ot the society and gave satisfactory rea sons why it has to bo large an extent lost its prestige he believed orangeism to t an organization second to none in its pur wses and aims and propos ed a very phuii ible bchemejwhichif pntin operatioij he i laimed would retrieve its ruined fortune i and in the future compel universal respe it his addrai partook in norespecof tie generally inflammatory 12th of fuly d iclamations wherein shouts about loyalty a nd the deeds of good men of generatjions iod g departed make up thebnlk of the j remarl s but it was cctoposedof sound practicf 1 commonnse calculated to infljuenoe nen of this or any other societyito lead consistent christian lives and to exerci e charity toward all the sermod occuped exactly an hour and it was weil teceu ed by the large audience 1k7 qeorgetu b e horrisou i iso inel sou miss lk meade 4ai horuby miss a mcdowcl 1198 ij nilsou miss meade 391 c esquesiug a v nixon ot2 gt morrison w0 2 83 c nassja d mcclenanan 387 milton hgray 386 c ebquesing a w dixon 383 georgetn eeharrison 81 maggie wuliams 380 11 esquesingtlieonorton kachel campbell376 0 a w nixon beua frazer 378 1 xassa miss easterbrook lucy kennedy 37b 12 esquing miss mcphail kobt darling j78 2 g f morrison wmhauipsliiror78 10 miss hutclieon tboiupson bell 377 georgetn b e harrison daniel duff 077 milton hgray jpbn mahou 377 0 kassyai d moclenaban extensive failure at qlenwilliams considerable excitement was caused last week at glenwilliams and in the country round about when it became known that mr joswilliams merchant miller of that place had bailed iwith heavy liabilities the hamilton spectator reports the matter thqs joseph willittms is a prominent business man of glenwilliams near george jown halton county and one of the most extensive grain dealers in that pirt of the country hitherto he has been considered a man of strict probity but recent develop ments have had the effect of disturbing in some degree the confidence which has been reposed in him mr williams did the most of his banking with the georgetown branch of the bank of hamilton he owed the bank 816000 for which he put up as security warehouse receipts for wheat the bank officials never suspected that the receipts were not as good as gold until quite recently when the what was looked for and found wanting then williams was also looked for but was likewise found wanting he had skipped across the bor der twojor three days ago the bank offi cials wereinformed that he was in roches ter and the banks solicitors in that oity were instructed to have him arrested this was done on thursday evening and mr williams is now in jail it is said tihat the arrest is merely the first step in a civil action begun by the hank to recover the amount of its claim the case how ever is hatdly likely to end in a civil action for if it istrue as alleged that the securi ties deposited by mr williams were fraudu lent he is guilty of a felony a large number ol the farmers in tho township had wheat stired in mr williams elevator waitin f c r a rise in price and it is believed that then are many heavy loosen among thelosers in this vicinity are messrs jno staikiralknt800 bushels of wheat jos arthu rs a bout 360 bushels henry bayers for bttvea and heading cyand messrii lindsty 300 or 400 bushels of wheat it is said that about 14000 is due farmers of theneaghlwrhood for grain similarly stored li we shsill coutinue our great aulu of french dress goods at which 40e4oo aud 50o goods are all pat into one pile and offered nt 2ue per yard for your choice all this week we shall offer a special line of lovely summer silks much under regular price also beautiful black surahs just to hiiiul in full range of prices terms strictly cash telephone in office e r bojiert 27 lower wyndhetfli street guelph ontario ryan berkinshaw co successors to john hocc son 93 tipper wyhdham street guelph dress goods loo i ormerly 25c prints 50formerl 10c ginghams 10c formerly 20c embroideries oc fprmerty 10c ladies hose 25o childrens hose 7h parasols 30c form srly 60e spotted muslin 15 ladies collars 5o autiful dress muslins 5c per yd worth 8c yds beautiful prints from 5 to 10c per yard hroc lines only of a host seo hauij bills bargains bargains jbargainjb joh mckat be 8 kigi street east hamilton iarmerly 50c formerly 15c formerly 25c formerly 15o h ice cream soda water served at all hours mrs t statham fine watch os brussels carpets 0c formerly 1 tapestiry carpets 25c formerly 40c union carpets 35c formerly 00c all- wool carpets 65c formerly- 85c hemp carpets 8jo formerly 12c china mattidtjs 25c i formerly 38c lace curtains 150 formerly 82 curtain poles complete 50o formerly stoir rods75o formerly 150 perdosr oc -the- cemetery question is not settled yet but the fact that w williams has the best stock of boots and wo ar s makint extra inducements in order to clear out stock dress goads faints hosiery gloves oorsets parasols bmoroidor j fyfe aot4n j pyfe act n j 2yfe acton tveedtj smrtlngs carpets curtains oovorines yiadov bllads stair rods 8o8so are al i uarked away down in price in mairy cases less than cost samples sent n application j mckay brothers 4f king street east bet ween hughson and john streete- hamilto i sb r j j j looeat this fyfe act 3n fyfe act fyfe- act 3n i in the county in settled beyond dispute 4 have just received my springstockand am prepared to suit all old oustomers and as many new ones as see tit to rive me a call in all lines of footwear boots for the babies boots for the men i boots i do make boots i do mend custom work and eepairing promptly attended to vfra whliaba m particular attention paid to the repairing and cleaninff of fine watches and clocks at the did established house of r 3 lj wl em t5s m b s cuelph m acton planing mills williamson bamshaw rnornieion builder and contractor sash boor and blind factory doors win 6n short neatly and is prepared to put on stori sdows weather strips notice winter porches ereci at reasonable prices j we have one of fleuryfrceljebrited chop- prnr mills and will chop all kbuls of grain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays t a b4m4hw managers the key tq health i money saved by purchasing your clothing at th easlf end glotuing store spring hats spring tweeds spring worsteds spring overcoatings il spring trowserinfis spring underwear iii full lin s of shirts ties collars braces etc at iii perfect j fyfe acton fyfe ac fyfe ac i v lowest prices atufaclion guaranteed ton on i fyfe acfon h fyfe ac pon j fyfe acjron unlocks all the clogged at anues of the bowels kidneya and i lver j carry- ing off gradually without w aken the systom all the impolitic sand foul humors of the secretions it the same time ctorreotiiig acidi ty of titt stomach curing biliouiness dys- pepalai headaches ittazinessj heartburn constipatioi dryneea of theskin dropsy impuiesa of vision jaxmdice 8a t eheunl erpelasr scrofolap ntteringof the heart ttervousnesi and cfen- oral debility all theai and many other simihir complaints jyield to the happy ih of blood betteea fillbcb co proprikpri onmw yield to the bithdook

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