Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1886, p. 4

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m jml oj y tanwdit mobhtko jcia 88 1886 typosxnnfcrs than mi manf it it said one time who went mtray in his youthful prime can ore brain keep obouandthe heart keep qniet when the blood i river thats ruuniug i riot aud boys will be hoys the old folks say jaod a man is better whos had bis day i jthe sinner reformed and the preacher told of the prodigal son who came back to the i fold and christianpeople threw open the door with a warmer welcome than ever before wealth and honor were his to command and a spotless woman gave him her haild and the world strewed their pathway with flowers abloom crying god bless ladye and god bless groom there was a maiden who went astray in the roldendawn of her lifes young day she had more passion and heart thau head and she followed blindly where fond love and love unchecked is a dangerous guide to wander at will by a fair girls side the woman repented and turned from sin bat no door opened to let her in the preacher prayed that she might be forgiven bat told her to look for mercy in heaven for this is the law of the earth we know that the woman it stoned while the nian f may go a brave man wedded her after all bat 4he world said frowning we shall m not call eua wheeler wilcox all sorts children j fyour children are troubled with worms give them mother graves worm exterminator safe care and effectual try it and mark the improvement in vour child ibkaowb there is no remedy known to- medical science that can excel dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry as j cure fo cholera morbus diarrhoea dysentery or any form of summer complaint afflicting child ren or adultis not a particle of calomel or any other deleterious substance enters into the com position of ayers cathartic pihv on the contrary those who have nsed calomel and other mineral poisons as medicine find ayers pills invaluable a ksdleal 1haact the best eradicatorpf foul humors of the blood is burdock blood bitters a few bottles produce a radical change for the better in health and beauty it removes the blood taint 6f scrofula that terrible disease so common in this country i ajady writes i have used ayers sarsaparilla in my family for mauy yeajrs ind eonld hot keep hoase witkontrit for the relief of the pains consequent upon female weakness and irregularities i con sider it without an equal tfcebcit trt there is no preparation before the people today that commands their confi dence moire or meets with a better sale than does dr fowlerb extract of wild strawberry the infallible remedy for all forms of summer complaints fj burrows of wukesport writes that he was cureft of a jrery dangerous case of inflammation ofthe lungs solely by the use offive bottles of dr thomas eclectric oil feels great pleasure in recommending it to the public as he had proved it for many of the diseases it mentions to cure through his friends and in nearly every case it was- effectual aa invisible fo the poisonous germs of disease are lurk ing in the air we bjeathe and in the water we drink the system should be kept carefully purified andajlthe organs toned to proper action this can best be done by the regulating pafying and tonic powers of burdock blojcpitters very many jtersonssdie annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints who might have been saved if proper reme- dies had been used if attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of dr j d kel- kggs dysentery cordial the medicine that never fails to effeci a cure those who have used it say it sets promptly and thoroughly 6ubdues the pain and disease a bad breakdown it is common filing nowadays to hear one complain of feeling all broken down with a faint weary restless languor with strength and appetite nearly gone and no 1 well defined cause this isgeneral debility which burdock blood bitters promptly relieve and most invariably cures ccrejpr prke carbolic orate have vou an old sore cot burn bruise open bunion salt rheum pimple blotches bough hands or face if so there is iui one cure namely mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate if you but try itit hh convince yon it costs but 25c 4dliogactibirug store the liui xeor 1886 after the aboveyear is ended there need be no perbou suffering from rheumatism neuralgia toothache headache lum bago at any acute pain if they only purchase a iwttleof fluid lightning as it cures in- itantly fain cannot stay where it is nsed the name is jfluid lightning sold by jdr mcgarvin prugglst estaa comfort lo tbesrrerlng brownsfloneehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cores pain in the side back orb0weljt fewje throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a tain w-ibej- 1 it will mostsurelyqulck- en the blmd and heal as its acting power uwondeiful brownxhouseholdpan- acea bebg acknowledged asthe great j pain believer and of double the strength vaf anyr other elixir or liniment in the wbrld shonld be in every family handy for sien wintedi aait reallyjs tbebet siemedy in the world for cramps m the pstomacl and faintaud aches of all kinds sid ii sale by all drtigsjsts at 25 cents 1 44 miami vusm notink bat pare extract from plants and roota are used iupreparln moqregoiib long compound the roodrn and now popular remedy for colda c oughs bron chitis croup abtlima and all affections of the throat lungs and ones all miner al poisons and daugerous sibstanbes are avoided which renders it sail tor children or adults sold at boo aud 00 per bottle t dr mogarvins drug sto mr george toleu druggibl gravenhurst ont writes my custom irs who have used northrop 5 lymaiia vegetable dis covery aud dyspeptjo cr say thaut has done them more good t ban anything they have over used it hastndeed a wonderful influence in purif ing the blood and curing diseases of the dif estive organs the liver kidneys and al disordora of the system dr j d kelloggs dyseutbry cordial is a speedy euro for dysente y diarthma cholera summer complaint sea siokuess and complaints incidental to children teeth ing it gives immediate tslief to those suffering from the effects l indiscretion in eating unripe fruits en lumbers etc it acts with wonderful rapid xy and never fails to conquer the disease no one need fear cholera if they have a lxttle of this mediciue convenient hrtiregorn speedy i atr when we say mcgregors speedy cure is the only perfect cure f r dyspepsia liver complaints indigestic n and impure blood we are telling plain fi ots of which hundreds upon hundreds can testify who have been restored to perfeot health by its use we would therefore advise you strongly if yoet are a subject to any of the above troubles to give mcgregors speedy cure a trial and be convince 1 it ib sold in 50c and and 9100 bottli at dr mc- garvins drug store merit proven dollar upon dollar ib f requ intly spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless xot i o with mc gregors speedy cure you ire not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j r mcgarvins dug store and get a free trial bottle and if lot convinced it will cure you of the worst iorms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no patter of how long stauding it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottleb see testimon- als from peoplein your own town 29 itehlbslhlie symptom landtnre the symptomsare moistur like perspir ation intense itching increa ied by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms were crawling in and about the rectum the pri ate parts are sometimes affected ii allow ed to continue very serious results may folio 7 swayses ointment is a pleasant suie care also for tetter itch salt rheum al scidy crusty skin diseases sent i y mail for 50 cbcts 3 bixci 125 in stamps ad dresbdr s wayne son philadelphia ea sold by druggists 50 holloways ointment and pills in al outward- complaints a desperate effort should be made to at once remove these annoying infirmities and of i sstablishing a cure the remarkablereme ie9 discovered by professor holloway will satisfactorily accomplish this desirable rsult without any of those dangers or dra backs which attend the old method of tres ting ulcerative inflammations scrofulous s sections and scorbutic annoyances th most timid invalids may use both the dintment and pills with the utmost safety with certain success provided a moderat i attention be bestowed on their accompa lying direc tions both the prepan itions soothe heal and purify the ore assists the other materially in effecting cures and re newing strength by helping exhausted nature jast when she needs i uch succour prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cm es it has affect ed mcgregor speedy cure leads the yan subjected to the minutest ch mical analysis it has been found to contaiitone of those injurious ingredients char icterizihp the worthless ispecificsdaily offered to the public every ingredient possesses apecul- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established y testimonials hourlyfeceived we are therefore confi dent that wie have a preparation which we can offer tothe public wjtl the assurance that it wilibe found not orly a relief hut n a holiiu wt for dyspepsi liver com plaint indigestion conslir ntion aud im pure blood free trial boitles at j e mcgaivins drue store 31 the great results which have attended the resular use of quinine tine by people of delicate constitution and those affected with a general prostration i f the system speak more than- all the woids that we can say in its behalf this arlicle is a true medicine and a lifegiving p rinciple a per fect renovator of the whole system invig orating at the same time 1 otli body and mind- its medical properti is are a febri fuge tonic and antiperiodic small doses frequently repeated strengt len the poise create an appetite enable y u to obtain re freshing sleep and to feel and know that every fibre and tissue of you r system is be ing braced and renovatec in the fine quinine wine prepared ly northrop 4v lyman toronto webave the exct tonic was the sole total abstainar i hotise cpmmons in the i fere were said to 1 at teetotallers required and to personsi of weak and nervous constitutions we wo aid say never be without a bottle in th house it is sold by all druggists advice to j mothers are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick childsufferihg and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so- bend at raise and get a bottle of mrs wihslows s othing syriip for children teething its value is incal culable ilt will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depenc upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it- it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cur is wiridcolio bofteds the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energrto the whole system mrs winslow soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to thetaste and is the prescri ition of one of tfe oldest and bost female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throngho it the world price twentyfive cents a b ittle be sure and ask for mnsi winsi ows soothrao sraor and take no other 1 ind i iaj 1 i mam saageg vk iilcestion and constipation ocred by ayers pills kidney diseases great oheap sale dyiipepbla m of lhe most dangerous of tho dis- mtl ly tlifcso coniplalnth affett- i it docs thh ccntro- of hfo the miach itquiukfy diriinge and imperils i w liula system pliysloal aud mental its iiioms nws nicmlfokl and mmiy of in w- serious mm they nro geuerally ivyiirded and trcaud i3 spcclul maladies the only cure vat tho various fqniu of dyspeptic dis cuses u in a modiolus tlmt will remove its primary cimso byj restoring tho btomach liver kimys and bowels to n healthful toiidttumb any oilier tivatmcnt is as use- loss ns mteflbrt would bo to niako a watch at the- m amm oth ko use george wtf jeep tlnu by simply gliding its case when it had a b rokon mainspring ayers pitta are tho best medicine to accomplish the necessary work of cleansing btlmulatlng ami restoring they aro more thorough in thdr purgative effect than any others yet mo not violent in their action oxer- cisi a powerful influcnco for good upon tho other vital organs as well as tho bowels mid effectually i banish disease fu- biliousness jaundice and other evil eoiiscqiience of hepatic disorders lis ayk ofhvncy hi rcguliitln lions of the greotcs ties most critical sti there is no remedy so prompt andthoroutrh kits pills the aro also by their w tho digest i vo fuue- t vnltio to women in also spring from disorders of the dlgcs- tlvo functions unttaro not only exceed- iugly painful in tlicmselves hut have symptoms such as dropsy and bliou- matlsm which are of the gravest charac ter tho work of tho kldnoys is tho purlfyluir of thp blood when through disease they cease to do this prompt belief mqst be accorded to avert most serious consequences medicines that lull their pain by dulling their sensibility or that stimulate them to unnatural activity do infinitely more harm than cood to rc- storo them to health the kldnoys must bo cleansed their inflammation allayed and thtlr strength restored ayers pills do this more effectually than auy other their diuretic effect is not less marked and beneficial tliuu their purgatlvo power not only do they nt once by a moving doso free tho clogged and rouse tho tor pid organs but their continuous effect when taken in small doses is to regulate tho machinery of life aud restore health and vigor for all tho several varieties of piles nnd for tho many cutnneoiib disorders produced by blood impurities thrown into the circulation dming attacks of con stipation no cure ts so quick and easy as ayers pills which freo tho bowels and aid nature dry goods millinery clothing carpets boots wo liavo just completed the pur base of a big stock of new summer goods at c discount off regular price i l we will sell them ohenp see our prices dee8s goods folt 5o ollth 12jc betteii goods a little moit r liinnth loin i tlie nioiifhcturer wo ild be jc wukih izc tempted to commit suiiide if worth 10c vortlf 10 a 12k l8 iii mvprao- tditjw nges of existence he who lives learns and who learns lives inmiisinjayfnspill8 in my liee inn find them excellent ltitowx oceana ii va ne of the best remedies for bilious 1 imiiwinenuiliat wo possess dlt wm iuison concord x 11 vaetive scaruhing and effectual but iiiiiiu or diustie vixav j 31 rki cincinnati o s n mild ami thoroughpurpativc they l exelledj o nl cross va adapted to nil tho disorders which can bo cured by the judicious use of a physic dn sxsvlncqosszlllontpelier vi a snfo nnd rclinblo cnthnitlc dn v ckixg siecc jica thcy have entirely corrected the costive habit nnd vastly improved my general health kev p b haiwowe atlanta ga tltompsok he best cathartic medicine in the world hotter than any other cathartic m p simmeuow awtiiit texas ayers pills pltkjared 11y r aykk co ahtilytlehl chemists sold liv ll llrusrls whit lace muslins colored muslins 5c fancy prints 5 4 70 grey cottons 3cvv0rti4 5c white cottons 5a worth 8a table linens 25a worth 37a towellings 5a wor h ida carpets hemp 10a vorth 15a carpets union 25a worth 4qa carpets tapestry ftu worth 40c togetbome of tho cheapest lowell mass stuff we offer you uargains dont fobget the pace mclbol op and shoes dec kc he knew how olieap wf wero selling thceegoods tho h omo rulers wont let iu any more at theso prices t positively these arc the ively iffe est oyer offered iu canada veeds 35o vyorth 50c allwool halifax t a good tweed suit ot clothes for 500 worth 800 a black corkscrew twill suit for 900 worth sl4fj0 all trimmed millinery and ready made summer man tles at half pr1e untrimmed hats c at 10a and upwards parasols very cheap we must clear out this stock while the weather is warm dont miss the oppo tunifcy goods over offered in canada come nnd- see all goods sold for cash only anderson co mammoth house georgetown 11a eljt vlua table hk 0flnd trunk rahway ooiowest 0010 east mlxedji i800sm express 710am pass mall noa am thwubnex5ym aooont 10xpjm jjxpress 1247 an express 080 alii thro tsxpregg 223 vi i mttll 540ltii special 830 pn chicago express does nottetdp between guelp and toronto j time of closing jtails going westoio am and sbopm going eastyziom am arid 520 pm great have cheap 18- summer arrangement liverpool mid iaoboo servlc o pnomiifeitrool steamer raom duebfc cihca8siak friday 4ud july thursday 22ijd jul if polynesian thujjsdy 8th july thursday 20 h jirl ijf pakisian thursday 15th july thursday th aui j babsratian i j friday iiri jnly thursday lth au i babdinian adpy 29th july thursday lifth aii aillstoamers i reitho liverpool dif dct steamers do jidt iniormodiate or steeeroe paiasongofsob oyase from quebec to liverpool note tak the v i iate aud steerage fares in oyeai 8ii return tickets good for oni lino to take to colonial exhjibftioi cajblnj intennod stullrodiced beu tho be lin parties lending for friends in t le oh lountr can obtain jiropaid certificates at greatly educe 1 rates i f for tiikcts and every informajtiob app y to j e mcgabvin ticket agent actoi i save money come to the clearing sale of dry goods at tbce jeulgrt ecoti itne immense clearing sale of- dry goods millinery mantles and housefurnishinga commenced at the right louse affords an opportunity to purchasers to pr themselves with their wants at extraordinarily lowprices many lots of roods have been reduced to half aqd less th confined to a few lots of goods butbargains are to be had in all the departmeats throughout tlm hrije establishmei t silks shown in all fashionable- shades keail the reduced price lists for these goods vide in half theirformer prices these reductions art not silks formerly sold at silks formerly sold at 125 reduced to 90c loo reduced to 70c silks formerly sold at 85c- reduced to 62c silks formerly sold at 75c- reduced to 55cr silks formerly sold at 62ic- reduced to 40q cashmeres formerlj sold at 125 reduced to 100 cashmeres formerh sold at 100 reduced to 80c cashmeres formerl r sold at 75c reduced to 60c caahmeres for merlj sold at 50c reduced to 40c cashmeres formerl sold at 37ic reduced to 30c prints selling ioff at gjo formerly loo prints selling off at iko brmerly 15c prints atloc and 12ic formerly in the print department prices are very low 20c per yard the dress goods have been marked down to ertfa low prices thiuk of the 8c dress goods being goods formerlysol from 15 to 2oc per yard pros goods at 25c formerly sold at 50c parasols selling ff at red iced prices lace oovered parasols reducedo 75c 1 125 up to 140 worth far more money a few oholcc oriental trmm jd and satin parasols at greatly reduced prices gains in hosiery balbriggan embroideredhqse only 5c per pair fancy hoso at 10c to 20c worth more money worth twice the money laces reduced to blinds carpet sweepers and curtain poles t hundreds of bargains offering at this sale west of hughson street the name is hamilton july 8th 1880 alf price a jot of linen curtain laces at bargain priceb specif just received another lot of ilosb cheap stockinette dress shields oiilylo per pair it is impossible to mention her the an inspectioaef the goods will convince yon of their cheapness itemetr bed the bight house is on kind street east one how to save money place your order tor clothing with-4- r e uellsobt the populjar clothier of the city r pure stock all new and well assorted style tit and workmanship always correct fc 4 specialty 4 pants 4 prices lowest in the city r b 17els0n 99 wynduam st well6 old stand guclph sprung v v here with all its attractions and ken ney bros main street acton have now on the shelves of the domiuion upotand shoestorpa full sloou of spring footwear of- all kinds ad we are now offering our customers superior value in all lines of boots rhoes clippers c we carry astock which for ass6rtmeiit cannbt bo excelled and everywant can be supplied weare showing some nice lines iintuunks valise c received direct from the manufacturers our ordered work is giving complete satisfaction and customers know that our prices are right rl j repairidg neatly and promptly executed kenney bros health ifor all f hollo wats pills and ointment thevpills purify the blctod correot all disorders of the liver stomach kidneys affi bowels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions and areinvaluable iu all complaints incidental to females of all ages for children and the aged they are priceless the oinrtment is an infallable remedy for bad legs bad breasts is famous for gout and rheumatism for old wounds bores and ulcers disorders of the chest it has no equal 70s bobs throats br0n0sitib 00vss 00lss glandular swellings and all skiii diseases it hai no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like i charm manufactured only at thomas holloway 73 new oxford street late 533 j and are sold at is lid 2s dd 4s cd us be had of al medicine vendors jstpurohasers should look to the label on the 533 oxford street london pots it s establishment oxford street loilon bne anjd 38 each box or pot and may thongloub the world boxes if the address is ntb are spurious and they myrtle navy tobacco p lbs pearl tapioca lor 2oc 2 cans con cans salmon fo pufte se special offering of silks nnd allwool cashir 15 to formerly sold from 12j to 15c 10c and 12cjtre ooc- bar- 50c nice lace covered parasblp- only a lot of superfine hose reduced to 35c and 1 value in lace curtains carpets stair rods painted hdware the cheapest place in tlie county to buy your hardware is j e howsona scythes snaithes scythe stones forks rakes cradles etc etc in endless larity our jgfflai door y paris green cheap o uroceries- ertplug 18c 25 lbs choice rice forl 20 1 20 lbs currants for 1 2 cans to matoes for 25c 2 cjaiib pumpkins for 25c 2 cans peas for for 25e 2 cau8 for 25c 2 25c 1 25c botthof pickles 20c bars dingmkns electric soap for 23c 1 lb of our 50c tea for 45c paris green l5j- cheap- box ps ajw shoes we are going out of boots and shoes and wilf offer the entire stock at pure 3s8 thau wholesale cosfi paris qreet cheap at j e howsons from the i j spimgriat son furniture dealjrs and undertakers aoton havpg ertoled a tine new shnv j of furniture of all kinds of th parlorjfurniture bedroorh of all kinds am farmers cradle to the crave have jiiit received a new and well assorted stock atest designs including m brennai has pleasure in announcing that h s tai ojring shop in mrs secords3lock ip now open andinf nil running j order and in a position i to fill all orders m n he is showings i good tweed suits at iold elsewbeke tor 15 scot h tweed suit 817 18 sol elsewuebe kor23 and 24 fine worsted suit at 20 sold elsewliekplat 25 j geujlemeh wanting a firetclass kood- fitting jcoat etc may rely upon beingpuiled in eveily respect by leaving their orders w th brennan the clothier -goto- waters bros the picture gallery guelph for artinw materialx oiland wale t co ors crayons canvas drawing papers brushes tc i i oil paintings- steel enerravinf ohromos l frames op all kinds mouldings kooin aud picture corni ipi and cornice poles spring rollers and l window shades from 90coomplete pancy goods suitab e tor wedd ng and birthday presents eyisitors dan have their pictujres framfett while iin the city so bring th wiuiybu to waters blibs the pjctnve gallery near jhe post ofljce 1 wackiujaci shblfactsuglltdl summer tour lonrtriili p weft jstween troitand mckinao ausxvtty week biy betwwa rroit and cieveland wrttoforionr pitifuresque mackinao ihustrateri nwas ton parttonlah usiitd y detroit cleveland steam nav cu s0 whitpombojn pa8 act pctroit mich suites bijireaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles nd everything else that any fa inly requires in the furniture line during their journey from the cradle to the g rave and we cari prepare them for thfc grave too for we have oil hand a large stock of ooffiwsvgaskietsjeltgj sizes aud all other funeral furnishings wo will supply all on the shortest noliie and most reasonable terms a firstclass arse drawn by a well niatchep team fqr hire l j a speight manager ahd threshers use on your machinery only the weflknown fiijeiviibss oil six waggons and horsetpwers manufactured at queen qijty oil tvtthd vlr dave been awarded it during the last thjree years xvxijiijjkj try alg onr p aria grease for yonf m samuel rogers co toronto vrillcureqr relieve bilicysfjess dizziness dysp psia indil esti0n jaundice eryspelas salt rheum hear t burn headwe dropsy flutterino oftheheart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin and e rery species of dlseass arlslnjr frorri dlsorc ered liver kidneys sto dowels or blood iaci- tjfiilbdrngo letors torontd weayihg 1r t mitc ell retort illd desire i to inform the people eurronhdings that he is pis 4 ordersfor weaving all kindsof yaatfy carpets flannel sheeting shirting md dress poods striped or plaid twill or pli an also bed blankets and iftorsebianketsi two yards wide and over and i will guarantee that i will give gppd satisfi ction to all farmers and others jf ho will fs vor mo with their patronage t mitchelli mm s ms

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