Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1886, p. 1

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tr i j i i l r v ss vt ffisrw ft volume xj 1 no 5 f fo rtyu jw press is rijll8h lvelty juursday morning at th1 fkce press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates om mm 100 1 movthr joltb iuilkb 10nt11h 25tts iu uiiblv m advance n not ya iu ad aueo 1 j pui voai wilfcbe charged no paper discon tinued till all arrears are paid except at the option of llio publisher advertising rates mho ou oolnina half colnuiu 0 irter column one inch 1 1 vn 0 mo i m 1s00 700 i 00 i 0000 i 3300 i 2000 i cool 1110 700 3o0 250 100- a0t0n storey acton acton 03stakio thu11sday july 29 188ij bakkinc cot christie co bankeks onturlo a c ex ell j l baxkinu business hans acted 9 monet x ialthd on approved notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits casual nd ertiseiueiits 8 conts pcrliile for the mt insertion aud 2 cents per liuo for each sub sequent insertion cash tho number of liutjs m honed by the space occupied uieasiued by a lioo of solid nonpareil ilcrliscmcuts without specific dnecuoiis 11 bo inserted till lorbid oua charged nccord- ugh transitory advertisouieutsniust bo paid n advance i nances for conn net adv ortiements must bo in the oftco bv 9 k in ou mondays otherwise ihe will ire left oer until the follovring week h f mookk p editor and proprietor tuio dmbcdniai be found on flic at geo j nlo rarclt bowell cos newspaper art ten mng bureau 10 spruce sta v here ndnrtlrlm untracu w be iiutdo f or it in mv lukit- business directory v ii lowry m b m c p s t t graduate of trinity college mem- be 1 of college of physicians and surgeons ofhce and residence at the head of rredenck street acton c e stacey md cm graduate of tnuity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of phvsiciaus and surgeons on 11 campbells hotel ll bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario 4 c mckinlay l d s snrgeon jao dentist georgetown ont nsesthe uewsy stern of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator aud practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat- lous may clepeuduponreceivmg satisfaction m din operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each mouth office agnews hotel john eayvson graduate of on- uno veterinary college toronto j- ttermir surgeon acton ont own iu kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence 111 the rear ijorses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terins easv fohnston a- mclean general acents mcdonald stone no 2 victoria st toronto estate 81 insurance agents money to rented chattle aud other tiators 4c farms 01 changed call at im loan 1 busin at six pet ceut houses business chalices tgages promissory notes securities negotiated yalu- thei properties sold or e- piu ss office r e l p 11- ess college guelph ontario young men and women are thoroughly prepared for positions as bookkeepers shorthand- writers cahgraph or telegraph operators students have been in attendance from nine provinces and states within the past year oar graduates are meeting with marked suc cess in the commercial centres of canada and the united states rates moderate accommodation excellent students may enter at any time for terms etc address m maccormick 146m principal lumber shingles and lath jl that ho ha stock a- full hue other hinds of class pine shin iied desires to luform the public uow ou baud aud mil huop ui of iuie and hemlock as well as lumber also first aud secoud les a lath barnsteis solicitors notaries convey ancers ac flpnvaje funds to loau othci towji hall acton h p b jouton wu a mclivv tf emitchell sumcirni comhwsiu ac liiici first door west of the champion office mam street milton monqy to loau at ixrcent hilton allan a baird bamsters solicitors ac toiiohro vnp gboeutiowt oi i uli creelmans block georgetown xuid xii king stieet east toronto v 1 imv 1 muvton jii j buiu la w n la1dlaw a co bvniisteis a solicitous oihtis 0er imperial bank 34 wel lington street east entrance exchauge allev toronto ton bvin q c c a mutlv wjlllui ludlaw giobgt kjuttli p atents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa cvsuh 20 lean practice no tatent no pay w 31 hemstreet coal wood having punlmtd thb coal businvsh of mr c b smith 1 am prepared to supply all kinds of btov e coal i have also a sood stock of wood- hardwood 6b cedar aud mill wood at reasou able pntts wbod and coal delivered james 11kown insures bu factories anc property on john preslflent mutual fire insurance company 01 till 00tjntt op vtblunfltolt llstmujbllll 1810 head office cuelph ldings merqliaudwc mauu- all other descriptions bf premium note svstem tie store cns- davidson secretary taylor agent hello i pause t ade lictfsli atvnomeii hot the counties of wellington and haltou- orders left at the fiuk putss office acton er at inj residence in acton will be prompt j attended to teims reasonable mdnhl to low bo monev t loan on the inost i avor- nble terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 5300 and upwards john day architect gin rii osr ihnci queens hotel block market square 17tranis nunanj successor to iv f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals- of every description carefully bound riding neatly and promptly done johnj daley f successor to thompsou d jackson money to loan on farm property at 0 per cent mortgages purchased money loauedlor parties in mortgages and other seounty conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly none charges low farins and city property for sale list with farnib for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to lutendingpurchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms 111 ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited offico near the post office guelphont that it will hi ronize home inform the inhabitants rounding country rannmg order before the fire us to partiek to your own interest to pat- we would respectfully of acton and bur- that we are again in full and in a better position than to till all orders entrusted to building while you war with neatness n bw orders for- mue hanlan barber shop mn l strfkt acros an easy shave a stylish haircut a good seafoam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in firstclass condition ldies and childrens hair tastily cut j p wobdkn tonsorial artist ou short notic- in the business can give satisfhctiou on with your along mone she has legs oi and consider lumber will be dressed and imouldiugs ax made ind despatch ire also prepared to till all umps and from long experience we feel confident that we every time so come rder aud help to roll the ball makes the rtfare go whether no tji1sebbage mauascr acton livery isale stables john street acton wm e smith proprietor james stirton ld8 uhmtibt liomii rrraduoto and member of the pntarip college of dental surgerj painlees extraction pr up pliuve artificial teeth perfect in appearance aud h8c w00 per set written guarantee wtl pvery set qn icetgyeutilock opi bongnelpli new goods days bookstore cuelp f- 25000 rolls wall paper 100 sets lawn croquet carload express waggons big stogk low prices day sells cheap summer 1 guelph i i cloth hall allworjlgauzl 15albiuggan merino colton thuubpay mouuiho jujy 29 1880 poetry sympathy as out into the night we stepped and turned our faces toward the town the stars that hitherto had slept unsoen looked gaily down aud the palo moon threw off the cloud within whose folds her light was lost awakened by the whisperings loud that thrilled thestarry host for they their sister she her child behold iu thee o radiant maid thau whom a fairer star neer smiled in heaven than earthward strayed but when i maik tho deep unrest that lurks within thy lubtroub eyes i question if that choice was best which led thee from the- skies for there thy steadfast maters dwell forever bright jmd strong and free unmoved though tempests rise and swell calm as eternity whilst thbu who clfose auother part and all that glittering state resigned to wear on earth a womans heart aud sympathetic mind must suffer not those ills alone that even selfish natures boar thou makst the widows loss thj owu and dost her sorrow share thy neighbors grief is thine no less than hers the sufferer turns to thee and solace iu his deep distress draws from thy sympathy thus others buideus lighter giow whilst thine are doubled ay but he who set the stars in heaven doth know what thy rewajd shall be century magirane our story the heiress of rushton manor ppffpssi shawgrunidy merchant tailors guelph wellington marble works quebec st guelfh john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in maible granite aud everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of grouite and marble hvviuglatll vibited tlieliuv of r undy jruuite quarries and hav ins purchased the entire stock of gray nnd red granite monuments ijeadstonts crobses urue etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until furtbei notice sell at prices nevei before known in ontario for in- stancesgranite monuments oft high i00 7 ft 5 8 ft 00 0 ft i100 10 ft s120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything m this lino will do well to call and see mu before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealers mr smit i has purchased tho livory business of mi i hb mtcarth y which he has remove d to his commodious stables i in tho centre of the business town mr smith has had lengthy experence in this business and feels confident that he can giyo satisfaction to every patro 1 anyone des ring a oonuneiclal fl0- bnre or ooapaay big bo supplied with a urstclab8 turnout on the shortest uoticot- hqrses lowded and sold r wm e smith acton meat market rutledge orosson butchers have puichasod the business of ml r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of the iiini are practical butchers aud are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kindft of meat ec in season we have sottled iu acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles wo will wjn public confidence aud support f utjedge crosbon- acton feb 9th 1886 dont read this riihe undersigned is prepared to furnish jl on the shortest notice iu any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour and feed and anything in thelitis of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities i thosi o moorfi ni vv ou contrinrtoii it wab a preteutiou8namein a republican country but rushton manor was a most superb country residence i think the owner himself did not realize how mapy thousands it cost as he added conserva tory bdhardroonrrhothouses aviary and other trifles here and there to tho original magnificent dwelling or beautified with oil the modern improvements the extensive grounds but the most magnificent of homes cannot close its doors to one dread visitor aud a day came when thomas rushton had to be placed 111 a closefitting casket and ethel rushton his orphan niece became heiress to all the splendors of rushton manor aud a noble income aud her cousin tom the millionaires only son was disinherited with the mockery of a legacy of five hundred dollars she was veiy young only eighteen when the wealth became hera under the care of the executors until she completed her twentyfirst year but she had been early trained to selfcontrol and a gravity beyond her yeais by the care of an invalid mother who died six months before thos rushton made his last will for twoycars she lived iugtrict seclusion iu her splendid home with t distant rela tive mrs owen carroll who came to play propriety and shaie the comfoits of rushton manor aud it is with mis owen carioji and her only son a rising young lawyer not yet thirty years of age that ray story has to do at first she was an essentially worldly woman ueanng sixty liut carrying her years gracefully under all the modern devices for concealing the ravages of time upon the feminine face aud form he was a tall handsome man with a frank sunny face a true manly heart and a strong wellcultivated brain a raau who promis ed to moke his mark in the world but lack ing the worldly wisdom of his mother being generous to a fault and looking upon money as a meaus not an end they were in thomas rushtonshbiary two years after his death the son pacing slowly up aud down the mother loaning negligently back in a deep aimchair screening her face from the glow of the open grate file it was her clear wellmodulated voice that broke a long silence why do you not tell me owen how your wooing succeeded have you won the heiress i wish you would not bpeak so of my love for ethel mother her money is not an attraction to me but a drawback if i did not love her bo dearly it would be an insurmountable barrier between us sentimental you are dreadfully hko your father but ethel did she refuse yon she will give me adecidedauswor wheu we return from our drive ah 1 there is the carriage now and here is ethel said mrs carroll as a little figure came swiftly down the staircase and into the library are you well wrapped up dear she asked as ethel came in very warmly auntiej my fuib are warm enough for a russian winter are you ready owen at your service was the roply as owens eyes rested lovingly upon the soft dark eyes clustering brown onrls and win some smile of the girl he loved she was not beautiful by no means possessing such beauty as he conld claim yet her face was ouo to win love by its sweetness and to hold forever the affection it gained they drovo slowly dowrj the wide avonne and into the road and theu ethel said i want you to drive just where i direct owen and stop where i tell you only a bhort drive not two miles from her stately home followed before the borsee were drawn up before a tiny cottage here ethel alighted and owen after fas- toning the horses followed her wondering- lyinto the house an old woman received tjhem ausweing ethels pleabant greeting with its a snmmprb day when you come to see me dearie i want you lo see my old home owed ethel said earn sstly the house where i lived with my 11 lother until she died and unolo thomas f snt f me to live at rush- ton manor w s wore very poor dear in thoso days sie added aa they stood together in tho ittlo parlor but my uncle was very kind t ub and when my mother died this cottage and four hundred dollars a year were all could call toy own it wus a very mo lest fortune owen she said iu a wistfu tone that puzzled him it wab not nuch to be sure he said gravely but y u were not long limited to that i no and yet- owen what i want to say to you is a long 1 tory yet it must be told you know that 1 ly uncle disinherited hib only son to ma o me his heiress tom offended him by marrying one of the sweet est woman 1 ere met whose only crime was poverty 8 ie was a teacher in the seminary where was educated and i love her next my owi mother they were not vory young lover i for tom ia past forty pabt forty owet and had never done any harder work th ill help his father about the care of the state when he was thrust oupof his nihen ance my uncles anger was still bitter w hen i went to live with him although t im had been married five years aud was struggling with bitter poveity owen i did try prayerfully and most earnestly to reconcile them this father and sou i am sure yc 11 did my darling 1 am very sure it was by no wish of your own you took your co isins inheritance all my effort were of no avail con tinued ethel c arnestly until uncle thomas was stn ken down with paralysis it was not until ifter he had the second stroke and lay helpless and speechless that i saw he wi ihed for something more than all i offeree him theday beforehe died i was sittm near him when he fixed his eyes upon to ms picture turned years before to face th wall and then upon nje with an unspoke 1 prayer in their implor ing look i tor led the picture so that he could ste his son s face and by his look of gratitude i knew i was ou the right way to find out his w shes i asked him if he wished to see om and he made what i had learned befo e was his sign of assent still after i wro e to tom and read the letter to him pr mismg to send it at once he looked trouble d then it flashed over me that it was t ie will thalr was grieving him i knew a 1 about it but i could not bring it to my i ucle to destroy because his lawyer in n sw york had possession of it but upon m knees i promised him that as boon as i came of age i wonld re store ins sons in leritance already 1 had sent him the for iveness i read in the dying eyes and i knev by the peace that follow ed my promise i y the added love in my uncles eyes tlati had taken the last weight from his ieart owen you asked mo to day to b your wife i will not answer you until you fully understand that i shall keep my iromise my cousin tom knows that ou th 3 day i am of ago next december he cai 1 enter his old home com plete master of all his father left my own fortuue is t his cottage and my moth- ere income owen canoll looked down at the swet grave face ritiset to meet his eyes with n6 loss of love no shrinking back from his proposal undei stall du g this fully ethelaud most cordially appiovi ig of your noble generosi ty i ask you agu u to give me your love to be my wife cannot give you such a home asrushtoi manor my darling and if you had never mown any other life than the one you hvec there 1 should hesitate before asking yot to leave it buti am not a pauper aud my wife need not fear pover ty while my biai 1 is clear and my arm is strong you livd without luxuiy dear with your mothe can you live so again with me she wasbobbnjg in his arms only theij conscious of how the fear her vyealth hatl influenced him h d been deep in her heart with your lo e she whimpered i can be happy anywh sie mrs carroll v as aghast when matters were explained t lough she saw a ray of hope of owenb escape u ethels reso lution to defer th 2 wedding until after she came of age and lad resigned her legacy last week he never recovered frc m the shock of his wifes sudden death an hav ing no children hehabmademeonce more the heiress of rushton manor price th11e12 cents pen graphs tho state is the child of the pen aid the sword that is a poor pen which does not pro voke thought the pon is a helpless tool its porer the writers brain if the pen is mightier than the sword how about the pin the pen that scribes bad thoughts finds few unpaid defenders i the glory of the pen is ancient the press is the pon of today the worlds heroes of the pen aie honor ed before those of the sword i the funny pen will find its loveil ac cording as it is pure and sensible the pen and thebram are buij the ser vants of tho spirits controlling them j much of the pens best work is done by women they at least write valiantly the power of the pen was never set too high it molds the men who wield the sword the nation hiiows its progress more in its honor to the pen than its forts seaports or floating bomb proofs a good deal has been said on the 8 lbject of death that is morbid much moie that is commonplacie and conventional the pen loses its power when it ceajses to the sword its honor be truthful as it ceases to contend for the right- i curse of slang when chicago what tlie chtx dren did all- day with busy though aud hand the patient mother thorn lit and planned and strove to do with headed care a duty here a duty there j yet on her face about he work a covert smilet would of te 1 lutk a mothers smile which ame unbid at something that the ch ldrtn did she watched with pride s mie boyish feat she marked her girls and saw them sweet she thought- the sight wai passing fair of babyjgrasping at the a ir thebwiit jretort of childiali wit she- heard and keenly rel shed it and underneath the look that chid she smued at what the ohildren did when at the weafy end of day the children soundly sleeping lay j the mother by the evenijjg firel 1 recalled their pranks to r lease their sire and when the fire was but a spark when all the quiet houe iwas dark when slumber came with drooping lid she dreamed of what tljto ichildren did amend- extraditio men a provision before the 7 s senate cover ing dynamiters anc i ank thieves- wvshigto july i71 h the senate had before it the outline if an additional provision to the existing t eaty stipulations between this country and england noth ing has been officially given out concerning but through re- itll my stunning gradaatmg harness paralye you he took the others a gentleman who paid the best or his provisions and who liked to 1 ive as well as did his neighbors was once deceiv ed by his poulterer in the age of some poul try he bought meeting the dealer i few days afterward he walked up to faisw tggon aud enquired got any geese today oh yes said the poulterer d lino lot 1 how many haveyou got 11 a dozen nice ones the customer turned them over and theu he added i now you see ive got a pesky lot of fellows at my house an they eat a 1 great deal of poultry llavent you got any tough ones i well yes said the dealer picking them over therens one tvyo three four five of em t e is that all the tough ones youve got yes yes thats s 11 said the dealer separating them i well then i reckon on the whole continued the buyer that ill tak6 the other lot the poulterer looked thought ful aud like most tnoaghtf al peoph was silent i companion ftiis treaty paragraph commendations of the president and through the cable reports from london enough has beeu made up to suggest the character outline of the proposed changes the addition to exi6tingbhpulation ismade especially for the purpose of extraditing dynamiters it covers this aud all persons guilty of embezzlement c r larceny above the snm of 50 and burgl ijry the dyna mite provision is consul sred under the charge of malicious injury to property and endangering the life of any person where such acts are made a crime by the law of either country of cours i this relates only to future offences as it ik outside of the power of the united states under its con stitution to ratify any aofj which is retro active in its character x mamie said a grammer school g irl to amember of the graduating class f have you finished your essay oh yes gushed mamie and it lovely for anything a princess s white surah the back cut off a little the waist line and foil breadths oj gathered so as to hang gracefully oven touruure and three bias ruffles on the why what are you talking about interrupted her friend jl meanj have you finished writing your essay you kiiow er no said mamie her enthusiasm rapidly diminishing but i have begun it and i wish the awful thing was ml hali fax x whats the subject r the cnrse of slang i gracious isnt that a difficult subject to write up difficult well i should giggle ill have to hump myself to get it finis ed in time for the commencement and ii e got a good notion to let it slide i might shut pp the professors optic by pleading illhealth but im not that sort of a hairpin j bntj protests agaitist ice water come waltz up into my room and lobk at to water dr xikers as the warm weather approaches the medical journals are out in force with h ygiejnic rules the lead ng medical jour nals of france has publ shed a pampfst protesting against the exi ravagant use of artificial mineral wateri which it sets forth do the double damage of chilling the stomach thus laying the foundation for gastric catarrh while the limestone held in deposit in the carbonated waters find its way to the ridneys and eventually pro duces bright s disease phe pamplet also as a provocation of catarrh in the stomach it farther says wai er should be drank cool but with the juice of quarter or half a water stomach that is dry bnt throat if yiu toss off a you throw not iced lemon in it mineral drank with a dash of lemon always be sw illowed slowly should be water should it is not the the mouth and drink of water t through your mouth and throat into vour stomach the former any good while you injure the latter by loading it with what it does not require drink slowly an 1 keep the water inyour month for a moment when you begin without doing a testing time five years af te the interview in the tiny cottage mr and ilrs owen carroll aud two bonny boys were areakfasting in a comfort able room in a m idest house mr carroll was at ease wi h fortune by no means wealthy but addi ng every year to an income that already secju red comfort in his home mrs carroll th a elder after vainly trying to make her son i ireak his engagement had ouce more taken i wifes duties upon her self and married an elderly suitor whose wealth gave her e very opportunity she de sired for the disp ay of tho newest fashions upon her stately brm and in her handsome home breakfast was nearly over when letters were brought in one for mrs carroll on being opened nalo that ladys sweet face take an add id gri vity owen she i lid after sendiug the boys to their nursery have you ever regretted the lossf unole rubhtonb fortune never i th sught your cousin was not very generous in failing to settle something upon you out of i c large an estate but we havo not suffered for thatomission ethel but it would be a grand thing to turn the boys loose i that garden owen to know you had le qure for studies yon love better thai jlry c id law books to buy new things without larefully considering the capacities lof the- ld ones ethel ethe j her husband cried in a shocked pained pice i uevor imagined you were dtscont uted i never was lot for one hour- not for one mordent b i owen my uncles for tune has come bajok to me poor tom died 1 i of the aot next year will decide the fate scott act in ontario if the electoik as they have done in the past the w 3per ance question will receive a blow from which it will not recover for many years if the supporters of the scott act allow municipal councillors and members of parliament to bo elected who are unfavor able to the act the present unsatisfactory condition of affairs will remain and the electors will take the first opportunity to repeal ihe act iu the counties in which it is nowiu force it will then be extremely difficult if not impossible to get them to adopt the act again let us then bend all our energies to the securing of temperance men for munioipal councillors at i next election and also for pledged prohibition ists for members of parliament at the ing general elections for tho commons hamilton l lots of fim- a cambridge mother sent her small boy into the country and after a week of anxiety has received this letter i got here all right and i forgot to write before it is a very nice plaoe tohave fun a feller aud i went ont in a boat and the boat tip ped over and a man got me out and i was so full of water i didnt kn w nothing for a good long whilejjthe otho boy has got to be buried after they find hii n his mother come from chelsea and si e cries all the time a boss kicked me ov 3r and i have rot to have some money to pay the doctor for tixin my head i lot my watch aud i am very eorry 1 shall br ing home borne mudturtles and i shall brii ig home a tame woodohnck if i can get em in my trunk slaughter for fashions freaks how enormous has been t ie slaughter of innocent birds for tho purpose of beautify ing heartless women is blown by these statistics euglaud impor s from india africa and america 10ock000 worth of feathers and bi rdb every year one and a half million ex tio birds ine lndiug 250000 humming birdi are anuuall y imported to france and england the strich feathers alone do not imply slaughte of the birds for the sake of a fashion wh ck fortunately is now being frowned on by the more sensible women com- house of he acted mlscj j i am so weak i can hardly movi all run down with a chronic summer com plaint said one gentleman to another on take my to your our street the other day now advice replied his friend go druggist and get a bottlcjpf dr iwlers extract of wild strawerry i have never known it to fail in curiug aiy kind of summer complaint mamma said johnny stih s martini from a shingle application is the roof of anythiug on top of it ofooor e it is she baid shortly aud dont jshingles always o on the roof certairjly they do then johnny wt abilent for quite a while finally he sad in a quavering voice mamma amtjuy roofj opsido down wathington c w what is mart matu is an odd gonitis mule up ot all kinds of materials he is grave today and gay tomorrow in the si sda of despond ency this moment and sailii fg ig the car of hope the next now passi ns rule him anon a child is leading him east month he made his fortune and will lose it next is not man a queer compound an odd genius defines tho creature at ten a ichlld a twe ity wild at thirty tame if ever at forty wise i at fifty ric h at sixty good or never eral poison 1 mineral nothing but pare extracts from plants and roots are used in preparing mcgregors lung compound the modern and now popular remedy for colds doughs bron chitis croup asthma and all affections ofjhe throat longs auf ohestj all inner al poisons and dangerous bbbstencis are avoided whioh renders it bale forjsrfildreti or adults sold frtj and 00btle at dr megarrfns prog sta t

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