Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1886, p. 2

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f ii q volume xii no 5 is rvblishkp liveuy thursday morning at thk frtce press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates oni ii i 100 six months uocrs thukmmonth8 3518 lnviiiblv iu advance if not paid iu advucu s i i in- r voav will be charged n o paper il i scon tinned till all arrears mo paid except nt tho option of the publisher advertising rates- kiw one coiniuu hilf colnuu quarter coluinu one inch i 1 vh 1 0 mo i foooo i 3500 xxo u 3000 2000 lliw i 000t 30 acton storey actoh a uejbljia 1 casual advertisements e conts per lino for the rirst insertion aud i cents per liuo for each sub sequent insertion cash the number of hues reokouejli by tho space occupied uieasurod by a scale of solid nonpareil advertiseincuts without specific directions will lfe inserted till forbid and charged ascord- iih traijhiuoty advertisoiueuts must bo paid u advance changes for couiraet advertisements must be in the office lv 9 am ou mondays otherwise thev will be left over until the following week h p moork editor and proprietor tuio dfidcd ni be found on file at goo 4 i wo rhrcii rowel 1 cok newspaper ac ten bins bureau 10 spruce 8t who it ndwtlsli ftntracts niay be made for hkw orb- business directory t ii lowby m b m c a t gr p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office aud residence a tlie bead r frederick street acton j ci e stacey md cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physiciaus and surgeons ofkke campbells hotel ll bennett lds dbntist georgetown ontario 4 c mckinlay l d s surgeon jm dentist georgetown ont rises the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teethwithout pain having been demon strator and- practical teacher in royal college of deutal surgeons toronto pat- rous maydependuponreceiving satisfaction iu any operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each mouth office agnews hotel acton ontario thubsllay july j 29 181 hi n banking cox christie co banrers- ontario l tiayktsll business if a xs acted h0hs7lqasthd on approved notes notes discounted aud interest allo red oh deposits ceniral agents mcdonald stone no 2 t lctoria st toronto estate insurance agents mouey to lojau at sis per ent houses routed busi less ohances chattle mortgages pron issory notes and other securities negotiated yaju nators ac farms or other propertiei sold changed call at fw pups office busin gu tjfelpii- ess college elph ontario ytoung falin and w tboroug 1 john lawson graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont office- in kenny bros boot aud shoe store re i- dence iu the rear horses examined us to soundness laud certificates given all calls nightor day promptly attend ed to terms easy johnston it mclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers ax 3private funds to loan bookkeepers or telegraph 3 jmen alth 1ily prepared fa positions as shorthand- wrigers caligraph been in atteidauce from and states uitbin the pasi year oar graduates ari meeting witra marked suc cess iu the commercial centirfes of canada aud the unit 3d states rate moderate accommodati m excellent stadents may enter at any 1 ime for terms etc address m mccormick 146m principal i mhe uudeisi stock a full lin other kinds of lass pineshii co having piircl i s smith lam stove coal 1 hardwootl asl able prices e f office town hall actou- b johnston wm a mi lax m r mitchell sol citon cosveyascee ac office first door vest of the champion office main street milton money to loan at percent o hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ac tokosio and georgetown offices creelniaus block georgetown and 8ii king street east toronto t aijas m su1lt0x ba j jsaub lia n t ain la1dlaw co bamastecs soliwioks ofices over imperial bank 34 wei- liugton street- east entrance exchange alley toronto klix bux q c c amastex wllmui laidlaw geobpe kiprele tatents secured l n fort inventions henry grist otxawacasaija years practice- no patent vno pay w m hemstbj3et licexseu arcnsxeei for the counties of vellington and haltou orders leftat the fkee pbetb ofdce acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable moxet to loan also money to loan on the most favor able terms aud at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 500 and upwards johday architect gfflph ont uma 0cens hbtdl block market siiuare 4r operators stadents have nine provinces lumber shingles v and lath led dosires to inform the public that ho hqs now on hand and will keep iu of pine and hemlock aa well as lumber also lea lath first and second i wood asetl the coal business of mr c prepared to supply all kinds of lave also a good stock of wood cedar und mill wood at reason- ooxl and coal delivered james impwi mutual fire insurance company cotjtft x- op vellinqton estabuuid 1810 j head office cuelph insures buildings merchandize manu factories an i all other descriptions of property on he premium note sjsteni cnas- davidson secretary jqhlf taylor agent fw stoite pres dent hiidijxjo i pans and consider that it will 1 e tojyour own interest to pat ronize home rade we would respectfully inform the ii habitants of acton and sur- roundibg con ltry that we are again in fall fanning orde and in a better poegfibn than before thefiro to fill all orders entrusted to us to parti 53 building i liambei will be dressed while you wa t andmouldiugs etc made with neathesi l t b we orders for pumps f rancis nun an successor to t fiichaprnau bookbinder st georges square gnelph ontario account bookk of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description careleully bound ruling neatly andspromptly dfoue john j daley successor tothompsou fc jackson money to loan on farm property at c per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties im mortgages aud other security con veyanrcinfl in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchasers and cir- ciliated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario jwill be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office near tire post office guelph gait and despatch are also prepared to fill all on short uotii ie and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so come on with your order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legs r no tit s ebbage slanascr acton liverjsales john street acton wm e fphe hanlan barber shop mux stiikut acrox an easy shave a stylish haircut a good seafoaro an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in firstclass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cut j p wmtdkx tonsorial artist james stirton lds dkntiut honor graduate aiid member of tho ontario college of dental supjeryi i painless extraction or a ckarffe artificial teeth perfect inappearanceaud vjse 800 per set wrifteij gnarantee tl very iet i qffktoyejlsblockqpppo new days bookstore cuelph 25000 rolls wall paper ioo sets lavyn croquet car- load express waggons bigstogk low prices day sells cheap t ct0 xtt xm ithdbbpay moiinind juw2u 1885 poetry summer gublph cloth hall allwool gauze i i balbkiggan merino cotton i sympathy as out iiito the night we steppod f and turned our faces toward the town pie stars that hitherto had slept i unseen looked gaily down aud the palo nioon threw off the cloud within whose folds her light was lost i awflkoned by tho whieperings loud that thrilled the starry host for they their sister she her child beheld iu thee o radiant maid thau whom a fairer star neer smiled in heaven than earthward btrayed but when i mark tho deep unrest that lurks within thy lustroub eyes i question if that choice was best whioh led thee from the skies for there thy steadfast sisters dwell forever bright and strong and free unmoved though tempests rise and swell calm as eternity whilst thou who chose another part and all that glittering state resigned to wear oh earth a womans heart and sympathetic mind- must suffer not tboso ills alone that even selfish natures bear thou makst tlie widows loss thy own and dost her sorrow share thy neighbors grief is thine no less than hers tlje sufferer turns to thee and solace in his deep distress draws from thy sympathy thus others burdens lighter grow whilst thine are doubled ay but he who set the stars in heaven doth know what thy reward bhall be century magurane i qur story the heiress of rushton manor bv ax ou c0xtbidutor shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph i j i wellington marble works quebec st guelfh john hi hamilton proprietor j wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work jdirect importer of all kinds of granite audi marble huviug lately visited the ltay of fundygruuite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etcof alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments g ft high g0 7 ft 75 8 ft 900 ft i100 10 ft 120j all work and material warranted fkbtclass parties wanting anything iu this line will do well to call and see mo before purchasing elsewherej as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 percent below all other dealers i acton- meat market smith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of it r hb mccarthy which he has removed to his commodious stables on john stre t in tho centre of the business portion of th 3 town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confiden fc that he can give satisfaction to every patr in anyone de liring a commercial floa- surel or 001 ipftay i can be supplied v with a first- notice lass turnout ou the shortest bearded and sqld ymvm rettyonabj e wm e smith rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes aud solicit a share of public patronage thb members of the- firm aro practical batchers and are prepared to eubure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kind r of meat c in season a we have settled iu actoii to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business uiwn business principles we will win publio confidence and support i i rutledge i crosson- acton feb 9tb 188g dont read this rilhe undertigued is prepaircal to furnish l oiv the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs i vfvw lippipp vt ill i t churns butter pork barrels wood also flour and feed arid anything in the hue of fa rmers house keepers or contractors necessities i thoso moore tubs it vas a pretentious nameiu a republican country but rushton manor was a most superb country residence i think tho owner himself did not realize how many thousands it cost as he added conserva tory billiardroom hothouses aviary and other trifles here and there to the original magnificent dwelling or beautified with all the modern improvements theestensive grounds bat tho njost magnificent of homes cannot close its doors to one dread visitor aud a day came when thomas rushton had to be placed in a closefitting casket and ethel bushtou his orphan niece became heiress to all the splendors of rushton manor and a noble income aud her cousin tom the millionaires only son was disinherited with the mookery of a legacy of five hundred dollars she was very young only eighteen when the wealth became hers under the care of the executors until she oornpleted ifer twenty first year but she had been early trained to selfcontrol and a gravity beyond her years by the care of an invalid mother who died six months before thos rushton made his last will for two years she lived iu strict seclusion iu her splendid home with a distant rela tive mrs owen carroll who came to play propriety and share the comforts of rushton manor aud it is with mrs owen carroll and her only son a rising young lawyer not yet thirty years of age that ray story has to do at first she was an essentially worldly woman uearingsixtyrbut carrying her years gracefully under all the modern devices for concealing the ravages of time upon the feminine face aud form he was a tall handsome man with a frank sunny face a true manly heart and a strong wellcultivated brain a man who promis ed to make his mark in the world but lack ing- the worldly wisdom of his mother being generous to a fault and looking upon money as a means not an end they were in thomas rushtons library two years after his death the son pacing slowly up and down the- mother loaning negligently back in a deep armchair screening her face from the glow of the open grate fire it was her clear wellmodulated voice that broke a long silence why do you not tell ine owen how your wooiug succeeded 7 have you wou the heiress i wish you would not speak so of my love for ethel mother her money is not an attraction to me but a drawback if i did not love her so dearly it would be an insurmountable barrier between us sentimental youlare dreadfully like your father but ethel did she refuse you she will give me a decided auswerivlieii we return from pur drive ah tlierc is the carriage now and here is ethel said mrs carroll as a little figure came swiftly down the staircase and into the library are you well wrapped up dear she asked as ethel came in very warmly auntie my furb are wlrm enough for a russian winter are you ready owen at your service was the reply as owens eyes rested lovingly upon the soft dark eyes clustering brown curls and win- some smile of the girl he loved she was not beautiful by no means possessing such beauty as he could claim yet her face was quo to wm love by its sweetness aud to holdforever the affection it gained they drovo slowly down the wide avonue and into the road and then ethel said i want you to drive just where i direct owen and stop where 1 tell you only a short drive not two miles from her stately home followed before the horses were drawn up before a tiny oottago here ethel alighted and owen after fas tening the horses followed lierwondering- ly into the house an old woman received them answering ethels pleasant greeting with vjts a snmmqrs day when you come to see me dearie i want you ti see my old home owen ethel said earn stly the house where i livedjwith rny mother until btibj died aud uuolj thomas si ut for me to live at rnsh- tou manor we were very poor dear in tlioso days sle addod asjhey stood together in tho little parlor but my ancle wab very kind to usand when my mother died this cottage wd four hundred dollars a year were all i could oall my own it was a very nioc est fortune owen she said iu a wistful tone that puzzled him it was liot r luch to be surejt he said gravely bijt yo i were not long limited to that no and yet- owen what i want to say to iou is a long b ory yet it must be told you know that h y uncle disinherited his only son to make me his heiress tom offended him by i narrying one of the sweet est womau i ever met whose only crime was poverty sle was a teacher in the seminary wherp was educated and hove her next my own mother they were not very young loveri for tom is past forty past forty owen and had never done any harder work thi n help his father about tnn care of the state when he was thrust ouof his inheri ance my uncles anger was still bitter ben i went to live with him although t m had been married five yearr aud wai struggling with bitter poverty owen i did try prayerfully and most earnestly to reconcile them this father and sou iara sure yc u did my darling i am- very sure it was by no wish of your own you took your co asins inheritance all my effort s were of no avail con tinued ethel ariiestly until uncle thomas was stri cken down with paralysis it was not until ifter he had the second stroke and lay helpless and speechless that i saw lie wi shed for something more than all i offerei him the day before he died i was sittin near him when he fixed his eyes upon t ms picture turned yearb before to face th 3 wall and then upon me with an unspoki n prayer in j their implor ing look i tut ued the picture so that he could see his sois face and by his look of gratitude i knevl was on the right way to find out his v ishes i asked him if he wished to 6ee tom and he made what i had learned bef re was his sign of assent still after i wrc te to tom and read the letter to him pt amising to send it at once he looked troubl jd then it flashed over me that it was t lie will that was grieving him i knew i 11 about it but i could not bring it to my incle to destroy because bis lawyer in i ew york bad possession of it but upoun y knees i promised him that as soon as came of age i would re store his sous i lheritance f already 1 had- sent him the foigiveuess i read in the dying eyes and i kne w by the peace that follow ed my promise by the added love in my uncles eyes ibat i had taken the last weight from his heart owen you asked mo today to e your wife i will not answer you unt 1 you fully understand that i shall keep my promise my cousin tom knows that on t le day i am of ago next december he cr u enter his old home com plete master o all his father left my own fortune is this cottage and my moth- ere income last freekl he never recovered firom the shook of his wifes sudden death ajndj hav ing no cliildreu he lias made mo once more the heiress of rushton manor pricp three p and the sword the i honor- ac- pen graphs tho state is the child of the pen sword 4 that is a poor pen which does not pro voke thought the pen is a helpless toowits lower is the writers brain if the pen is mightier than the howaboutthepin the pen that scribes tad though s finds few unpaid defenders the glory of the pen is ancieu press is the penof today the worlds heroes of the pen ar ed before those of trie sword the funny per will find its lovers cording as it is pare and sensible the pen and t le brain are but llie ser vants of the spir ts controlling them much of the pins best work is done by women they at least write valiantly the power oft be pen was never set too high it molds the men who wield the sword the nation shows its progress more in its honor to the pen than its forts seaports or floating bomb proofs i- a good deal has been said on the siibject of death that is morbid much more that is commonplace and conventional the pen loses its power- when it ceases to be truthful as the sword its honor when it ceases to contend for tlie right ciiicafio ledyefi what the chhdrbn dib sots- curbe of slang mamie said a gramruer school girl to amember of the graduating class have you finished your essay oh yes gushed mamie and it is too lovely for anything a princess slip of white surab the back cut off a little below the waist lfne nd full breadths of silk gathered so as to hang gracefully ever the touruure and three bias ruffles on ihe why what are you talking labout interrupted her friend i mean have you finished writing your essay you know er no saip mamie her enthusiasm rapidly diminishing but i have it and i wish the awful thing was fax whats the subject the cnrse of slang gracious isnt that a difficult to write up 1 difficult well i should giggle have to hump myself to get it finished in time for the commencement and ive got a good notion to let it slide i might shut up theprof essors optio by pleading ihrjealth but im hot that sort of a hairpin but come waltz up into my room and iook my stunning graduating harness parajyze you j all day with busy thought ant 1 hand the patient mother thought amjpiannej and strove to do with needed care a duty herej a dnty there yet oh her face about her wojk a covert smile would often lur y- a mothers smile which came nnbid at something that the childrei i did she watched with pride some boyish feat she marked her girls and saw them sweet po thought the sight was passing fair of baby rrasping at the air the swift retort of ohildiah wit she heard aud keenly relished it and underneath the i look thatbhid shesniledatiwhattbeohildrindid when at thewedry etid of day the children soundly sleeping lay the mother by the evening fffle recalled their pranks to pleasi their sire and when the fire was but a stark when all the quiet house was dark when slumber carhe with drooping lid she dreamed of what the children did extradltlon amend- mments j a provision before the u s senate cover- i ing dynamiters and bank jthieves washington- july 17th tlie senate had before it the outliue of ah additional provision to the existing treaty stipulations between this country and england noth ing has been officially given out concerning this treaty paragraph but through re- commendations of the president and through the cable reports from london enobgh has beeu made up tb suggest the character outline of the proposed changes the addition to existing stipulation ismade especially for the purpose of extraditing dynamiters it covers tliia aiid all persons guilpy of embezzlement or larceny above the jbum of 850 and burglary the dyna miter provision is considered under the charge of malicious injury to property and endangering the life of any person where sucl acts are made a crime by the law of r eith sr country of conrsethfe relates only to f i iure offences as it is outside of the pow of the uuited states under its con- strk tion to ratify any act which is retro- active in its character begun in hali- subject ill owen carrol looked down at the sweet at itll grave face raise i to meet his eyes with no loss df love no shrinking back from his proposal understandi lg this fullyethelaud most cordially approving of your noble generosi ty t ask you ag iin to give me your love- to be my wife i cannot give you sucha home as rushto i manor my darling ahd if you had never known any other life than the one you live 1 there 1 should hesitate before asking yo u to leave it but i am not a pauper and m f wife need not fear poveir- ty while my bra in is clear and my arm is strong you li ed- without luxury dear with your moth ir can you live so again with me she was sobbi rig in his arms only then conscious of hov the fear her wealth had influenced him 1 ad been deep in her heart with your love she whispered i can be happy any where mrs carroll vas aghast when matters were explained though she saw a ray of hope of owen i escape iu ethels reso lution to defer t le wedding until after die came of age and had resigned her legacy t a a five years aft jr the interview in the tiny cottage mr and mrs owen carrolland two- bonny boys wen breakfasting in a comfort- able room in a n lodest house mr carroll was at ease w th fortune by no means wealthy but adc ing every year to an income that already sec ired comfort in his home mrs carroll t je elder after vainly trying to make her son break his engagement had oucei more taken a wifes duties upon her self and marrie i an elderly suitor whjse wealth gave her every opportunity she de sired for the dis day of thonewest fashions upon her stately form and in her handsome home breakfast was nearly over when letyers were brought in one for mrs carrollj on being opened m ido that ladys sweet face take an added g avity owen she said after sending the boys to their nursery have you ever regretted the loss of unel i kushtons fortune f never it lought your cousin was riot vfry generous ii failing to settle something upon you out of so large an estate but we have not suffere i for that omission ethel but it woult be a grand thing to turn the boys loose in that garden owen to knowyou had 1 isure for studies you love better thandry 3ld law books to buy new things without oarefullyj considering the capacities of the old ones ethel eth il i her husband cried in a shocked pained voice i uevior imagined you were discon iented i never was not for due hour not for one moment i utiowcp my uncles for tune has come h vck to me poor tom died he took the others a gentleman who paid the best prices for his provisions and who liked to live as well as did his neighbors was xmcei deceiv ed by his poulterer in the age of sbnsepoul- try he bought meeting the dealer a f evv days afterward he walked up to hisjwggon aud enquired got any geese today j- oh yes said- the poultorer a lino lot how many have you got a dozen nice ones the customer turned theraover and then he added now you see ive got a pesky fellows at my house an they eat a jgreat lbt of got any f pipking deal of poultry havent you tough ones well yes said the dealpr them over theres one two three four five of j is that all- the tough ones youve got yes yes thats all said thed4aler separating them well then i reckon on the whole continued the buyer that ill take the other lot tlje poulterer looked thought ful and like most thoughtful people silent youths companion was a testing time next year will decide tbe fate o the scott act in ontario if the elect i aot as they have done in the past the temperl ance question will receive a bloy from which it will not recover for uaany j eark if the supporters of the sobtt ac illow municipal councillors and memlei3 of parliament to bo elected who are twf vvor- able to the act the present unsatit fa itory condition of affairs will remain am thej electors will take the first opportuai y to repeal the act in the- counties in wiii h it is now in force it then be exw mely difficult if not impossible- to get then to adopt the aot again let us then liei d all our energies to the securing of teme ance men for municipal councillors at jnext election and also for pledged prohibition ists for member of parliament at tlie com- ing general elections for the housje of commons hamilton tocsin lie acted wisely i am so weak i can hardly ropye run down with a chronic summer com plaint said one gentleman to anoiher on pur street the other day now titkj my advice replied his frieud go to your druggist and get bottle of dr fo vlers extract of wild strawberry i have never known it to fail in curing aiy hind of summer complaint mamma said johnny still smarting from a shingle application is the roof of anything on top of it of course t is she said shortly and dont always go on the roof certainly do jhen johnny was silent for roof to water drinkers ae the warm weather approaches the medcal jourhals are out in forcei with hygisnic rules the leading niedical jour nals of france has published a pamplet prot sting against the extravagant use of artificial mineral watersi which it sets fortjb do the double damage of chilling the stem sb thus laying the foundation for gastr o catarrfi while tbe limefetone held in depot it in the carbonated waters find its way o the- kidneys and eventually pro duce brjghts disease the pamplet also prote its against ice water as a j provocation of at tarrh in the storiiach it further says water should be dradh cool but not ic 3d with the juice of quarjter or half a lemoi in it mineral water should be dranl with a dash of lemon water should alwa s be swallowed slowly it is not the stom ch that is dry but the mouth and thrott if you toss off a drink of water you throw it through your j mouth and throi t into your stomach without doing the former any good while you injure the latter by loading it with what it does not require drink slowly and keep the water in vour month for a moment when you besiu i lots of fun a cambridge mother sent 1 er small boy the goantry and aftei a week of xiejty has received- this 1 itter i got here allright and i forgot to write before wi 7 f i is a very nice place to have lgi a feller e ud i went out in a boatt one the boat tip- i ed over aud a man got me put and i was i o full of water i didnt know nothingfor a i ood long while the otheiiboy has got to 1 e buried after they find hirri his mother ome from- chelsea and bhe criesaltthe 1 ime a boss kicked me over and i havie i ot to bave some money to pay the dootor for ttxin my head i list my watch and i im very eorry 1 shall bring home some mudturtles and 1 shall bring home a tame woodchuck if lean get em in ray trunk i slaughter for fashions freaks how enorifcous has been the slaughter iof innocent birds for the jparpojse of beautify- ing heartless women is shown by theiey statistics- england iniporis from india africa and america felooocjooo worth of feathers and birds every yeav oneand a half million exotic birdb inoluding 250000 humming birds are annually imported to france and england the ostrich feathers alone do uot imply alaughtef of the birds for the sake of a fashiohwbjicli fortunately is now being frowned on by the more sensible women l s all h ngles tkoy jcite a t pside while finally he said in a qttatjenng voice mammft aint my down ifinjto critic v what is man mau is an odd gouias njade np of all kinds of materials he is grave today and gay tomorrow in the sbds of despond ency this moment and sailing- in the car of hope the uext now pass ons rule bim anon a child is leading him last month he made his fortune and rill lose it next is not man a queer comrxuud an odd genius defines the creature at ten h chiictflat tw mty wild at thirty tame if ever at forty wise atfif ty ri ch atsixty good or never mineral polw b nothing but pure extrac s from plants and roots axe usedin prepar ug mcgregors lung coropohnd themo lern and iaw popular refciedy fprgilds boughs brpn- ohitis croup astlnnia ant j all affeetions of the throat bngsandoh at all miner al poisons and danerpns subatonpfeb are avoided which risniif ifem fe for pldreti at dr yjk f i-

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