Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1886, p. 3

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ijgafcfef- si v i f ar il i 1 1 li 5 j twifotut lion ksajclt 29 18s6 that base ball match i alopal4dpionioj the much talked of street spi inkling cart notes and comments antucuic reports state that tho scott act is beiiu fcutlif ully eulorcod in leeds knd qrenytlle mud very hltle if auy liquor hits been told on the mainland since the 1st of may last iu the canadian machinery court of tho colonial eshibitiou the lightness of the canadian agricultural implements has boeu much commented upon with tho result that in nearly every case the duplicates of machines sent to london have hcen sold the president jof tho proviuco of west prussia has issued an order imposing a fine on parents and guardians of school children for each day of the latters un justifiable- absence from school if tho ihie of ten pfennigs to oue mark is net paid imprisonment of from sis hours to three days is the ptmishmeut employers of children of the bchool age during the hours f study are subject to heavier penalties and sundry well the returil match between tho married and single non is over tho excite meut somewhat abr ted and tho oontostauts settled dotwn again is of yore this tune thoia young fellers boatus or it would be mora striotly correct to say the clippers beat ui but not by muoh the score being twenty- sue to nino and had it not been that oue o t our team was really ill aid not up to hit usual form the clip pore would have 1 lad at least four runs probably more les 5 i after all it wi s a blessing iu disguise investigation found him to bo dead the 4 short time sincer the guolph htrald started the silly story that forepaughs circus would not exhibit in anv bcottact town the object of this of course was to discredit the aot by leaving the mference that there is no business done where it is in force the adxrttker promptly pro- noonoed the tale absurd and ventured the assertion that it would prove unfounded the show ib now billed in chatham where the act is in force london adcertisa- the whiskey organs in town have never tired of howling about the terribly cruel treatment mrs j5anderson was said to have received while being arrested and taken to jail isnt it very strange that mrs s was able to do the work assigned her in jail from the day she was imprison ed and stranger still that no doctor was called to examine her wounds the truth is not that they care a fig about mrs sanderson but wanted an opportunity to blackguard the inspector thats all hillon e former the cemetery question is loomiug up in mitchell there arc about half a dozen different graveyards inside the corporation which belong to the several churches all of which are nearly f ult and the people are beginning to agitato for a new and pub lic cemetery let us hope that the good people of mitchell will not have the samo trouble in securmg a burying ground that waof st- marys had st marys aigus there are other places than acton then which have trouble m securmg a public cemetery the question is indeed a grave one the canadian pacific railway nowthat their train service to the pacific coast is fully established in order to encourage travel to british columbia and give then- many wellwishers an opportunity of seeing the country and their hue hae made a big reduction in rates second class pass age is offered to vancouver or victoria from any point on their line in ontario and quebec for 15000 firstclass for s7500 and firstclass return tourist tickets good to stop over at any point of interest on the route for 110 passengers have the option of going b their lake route or fail route return tourists going by one route and returning the other the rate of taxation in rural towns and villages is frequently complained about it it approaches anything like 20 mills for local improvements public schools deben tures county rate etc all included and torontos rate of 16 mills is quoted to show what a btnall amount of taxes city people are asked for torontos rate of 16 mills does not however represent any thing like he amount of taxes its citizens ppy ybd assessment this year is 72152670 and the amount of civic expenditure for all purposes according to the public esti mate is 52815550 or 39 mills on the dollar its the city people who know what it to pay taxes i a direful tfcreat the cincinnati enquirer the democratic paper which has become a dangerous maniac on the annexation question con tinues to threaten great britain with des truction canada with absorption and the universe more or less with annexation to j united states when the enquirer began the bloody war of conquest to which it has ever since devoted a lot of space the criminal folly of the staff printed made its insulte serious bat such ravings as the following would be amusing if the lack of reason shown by them was not painful nothing in the future is more certain than that the united states will absorb canada and nothing is more certain thap that ah will have to do some fighting in the process though the fighting will be more against great britain than the do minion the crisis may come this year next yet r or within five years but ltis sure to i ome and to come soon another decade rilknot have passed away before the star i arid stripes wave over vancouvers island inch- the st lawrence and float gayly in the breezes of bindsons bay great britain would be wise to lift no hand in the matter we could ask nothing better than that she hould in six weeks there would be america in privateers enough on the high seas to i lrive their stolen commerce from them our people long for the opportunity now wo want canada and we are goh g to have it very likely there will be n quarrel over it the object of the ew wirer lsitoprepare and educate our people 1 r that quarrel let us get ready it is soi e to come and sure to come quickly oneood thing has resulted from the enquire ie loss of reason it has been proved hat canadian newspapers without distinct on of party or language all agree in cone binning any attempt at bullying on the paw of the united states witness dont miss this chance owin to delay nd inconveniencecaused parties in acton sending their goods to tovontc to be dyed or cleaned e parker co i yew and cleaners have decided on sending their handsome rig here every few weks oar readers cannot mistake them that van isjthe handsomest on tho v road ai i toejvemb in livery parker j shall be takl for the regulation or extirpa 4 co i ithe name dobt forget it iion of this traffic other topics drowned in a tub s harry oamond takes his own life durlag a fit of rental aberration on monday afternoon a dewh ocournd at the dominion kihik of the toronto lnno company about a mile bolow actoiiou the 0tb under n rypecu iar circumstances about four ocloik iu t hi afternoon hauy osmond one of the wort men at tho kilns loft his work and won ton aids a spring which flows out of tl yards from tho woiki drink about ten in fellowworkmau wont to tho spring and to his horror and amazement found osmond with his head submeigud in the tub which is sunk there for watering hoibcs and upon ck a few huudrod ostensibly for a liitcs afterwards a for had ub married men beatsu tho younj sters again the tow n wouldut have been big onough to hold us and wo would havo had to let out a ree iu our hats the first few u mugs were rather tame on both sides bn towards the last wo braced up and ther 3 was more excitement every time a food hit was niado by a married fellow thu air was rent with a shout that jingled t he glasses on the bar of the zoo and m ide tho town hall flag staff tremble some of tho ci ippers made their usual characteristic muff 9 and btnkeouts and our only dude istmguished i almost said extinguished- himself why some of the spectators wor 3 cruel enough to say that tho clippers h five him on the field be cause his elegant f rm shows off their uni form to such advai tage 1 it was the unanimous opinion that the jovial ike makes a capital umpire that picnic that great social event that has been year aed for with a mighty yearn by some of c ur giddy maidens and thoughtless young men has come and gone and nobody s any the worse it was really a most successful affair that is from tho gi 1s point of view there heing over fifty 0 the dear creatures pre sent and only abou i twelve of the sterner sex the usual amusements were provided croquet singing lancing chitchat grab scandal and a little flirtation by way of seasoning the ijirls tripped the light fantastic all by t lemselves a little and then the boys had 1 turn at it the latter found their chief amusement in hocking bj themselves und r a tree the lion of t lie day seemed to be one of those perambulating necessary owls known as an insurance ageut lie was in great demand by one particular damsel the affair terminated at an early hour everybody w is home by eight and all said they enjoy 3d themselves great praise i due to the two versa tile johns aud tl le success is due in a great measure to t aeir untiring exertions anybody or bodies who get np a picnic or similar undertakii ig should certainly avail ihemselves of theii services 1 the following parting bhot from en quirer has jubt n ached me it may per haps ease mr miths perturbed aud troubled spirit to i now that i am not open for any more letl ers on this watering biz if what has befen done dont bring out the cart nothing shbr of dj namite or do it myself will diak ahgcs- i am pleased to sec that mr smith has bn tight his light out from under a bushel so i take it all back but whars de car e2q1 jian it is quite am ising to see the persis tency with which two of ouj local nimrods tramp over the su rroundiug country gun in hand in search f game affld gore they are rat her an incongruous pair as they stride along oue tall and thin the other shoit and stout aud they invariably return empty handed this however may be explained by the fact that what may be called legi linate game is not jet in season or that hey cant hit anything lnmg 111 singleblessedness is said to drive all gallantry chantv and so on oat of a man i had a stnling exampc of the absurdity of tins the other day it happened on the farm of one of our well known bachelor tillers of the soil two women of g rman extraction picking berries were invited m to tea hero was a striking example of the right man in the right place aud he did the hondrs in capital style too and invited them to call again the latest prpular craze among the denizens of lower dill street is foot ball and at odd times they exercise themselvtb on the side streets to the imminent danger of the neighboring windows one of our ale er man he of a financial turn of mind was lantered that hecouldnt kick the ball across the street he said poo 1 ill show yon aud forthwith delivered a prodigious kick at the ball which ca eered madly down the street at right angles and nearly decapi tated a lady who as coming up in fuct she only dodged jt st in time but it didnt go across the stree t its safe to say he wont be on tho married team if tl ey get up a match our local illm trious descendant of tho noble red child of he forest and own cousin to thegreat chief bully-boy- with a-glass- eye old bear ly to wit has lately got scalped on the chin anous acton july 27th j1886 alcoholic liquors proposed amendment to the american constitution wabningto jhly 27 senator blair from the commit ee on education and la bor yesterday sut mitted a favorable report from the majority of the committee on a joint resolution pi oposing that an amend men to the const tution in relation to alco holic liquors mjjl ther poisonous beverages be submitted tohe legislature of the states i for ratification the amehdment provides that after the year 190 tie manufacture and dale and impc rtatiob 0 distilled alco holic intoxicating liquors xcept for medi cinal mechanical chemia 1 and scientific purposes and- fo use in the arts shall cease the repor which accompanies the proposed amehdn ent says the committee does not deem it lecessary to discuss the evils of the use of alcohol but believe the people have a rig t to decide what measures alarm was at olico givon and all was dono to resuscitate life that could be but to no avail for some months deceased had been sub ject to fits of molancholy and it was said that ho had boeu hoard to say lie wouldnt wonder if he did awav with himself sonio- time but ho was a strong aud fanly healthy man and nothing seuous was ap prehended by ifts friends it seems that some time ago her purchased a house and lot at limehousq intending to secure a comfortable homofor his little family and got it into his head that ho had given too much for the property and vyouldut be able to pay it all off this troubled him a good deal and it is thought tllo constant worry about the matter affected ins niiud and was the principal reason for his strauge act on monday afternoon he leaves a devoted wife and one child who have the hearty sj mpathy of tho entire community in their sad and sudden affliction harry osmoud was an honest and indus trious workman an obliging neighbor and a kindhearted husband and father ho was respected by all with whomhp came in contact and has been a lesident of lime- honse for probably ten years he was 111 his younger days an english soldier aud be longed to the regulars at the time of tho cnmein war in which campaign he took an active pirt 1h0 was fortyseven years of ago the fuueial jcslerduv was largely attended 1 i y saturday night trading to the editor of the fri i rnts dtvn su do ou not think that the christian business men of acton to whom the moral and social wellbeing of the com munity are matters of tho hihest import ance could do a great amount of good to tho community by closing their places of busi ness on saturday evenings no later at least than the usual hour on other evenings i know it may be said that persons who are earning money generally receive their wages on saturday evenings and cannot conveniently tiade eaihcr tn the week but is it not a fact that because of the late hours of business on saturday evenings business menare worried and anxious on the day over business cares and unfinished matters of business being rendered unfit to partake of tho healthful exercibes both to body and mind as well as soul of divine worship albo are not those in their em ploy similarly prevented from preparing in a proper manner for tho lords day be sides there is the bustle and turmoil which customer must have over their purchases for sunday the cares in connection with which must trench upon thehol dajt add to this the fact that country people know ing there is more time at their disposal as well as the probability of meeting friends and acquaintances on this than on other cv cit ings go to the village on saturday even ings and frequently do not finallj reach home until it is a close question whether it is saturday night or sunday morning now sir i confess i am looking at the matter from the sabbath da standpoint the command is remember the sabbath day to keep it hoh the most glowiii piomises of prosperity sue tivcn to those who do scf keep it the experience of so ciety has been that those who so keep it aie most prosperous aiud happy theicfore should not anything which tends to ksen in any degree tho observance of this day ij the community be avoided for how can the day be kept sacred if business cares aie al lowed to come right nptotheeutranceoupou it but in the present cate how is it to be done would not this do a great deal of good and do nobody any harm viz let manu facturers and other employ ers of labor agree to pay their workers say ou thursday evenings and let the merchants if need bo keep open later than usual fhat evening but close early on saturday evening who would be injured but who would not be benefitted what do you think sir what do the merchants think what do the people tin nk yours truly c july 27th l88fl camp great temperance gamp georgetown halton county thursday august 12th to mon day 16th inclusive the programmo this year includes miss moore ouo of ohios g if tod danghtois lou j beauchamp fcalloil tho uough of tho west a truly won- dcifil man mrs marion b baxter whom michigan is proud to own and then our own spence carswell dr griffin koefer mokay etc eto making an anay of talent seldom put befoie any people wo aro sparing neither time trouble nor oxpenso to make this camp a great success full particulars will bo given in the bills and posters m youmans bt uitharmcfl july bib lbfcg the halton forge pomp and oveiy vaiictj of force welland cistern manufactured by a g bounsall 0azvill2 out acfnts wlmld 1886 w i summer flowers tam teeth per set perfect in appearance and nee written guarantee see caid jas stirton dentist guelpb phe cradle beus in acxon on tho 20tli insfc wife of mr stephen bcils of a son the gpave hildokbiuai in acton on the 23th inst the infant daughter of mr coi rad hil- donbrand foreman acton fcectlon gt r aged eiiht months new advertisements the money foixd found recov and paying for this advertisement sum of uioitsy the loser may recover tie same by proxub ownership pavinc for this advertisement mesfa a secobd no gristing t wir tq uatifyltho fanners that having re- i moved tbjp oid maijiipery from my flonrmill i will not be abli to do gating for about a month- i am i eflthng my mtm trftfi ney roller machinery of the latest improved style and when capplet a i can supply all the farmers in this sflctjuxj of he country wi th the finest brands of roller flour john harvey acton july 5 1st lfiso 5000 acres i jttlai jmm jbpwsp15sbppb5ipip henderson mcrae co act6n thank thci tlicir loloioloikloiotoioipi dres goodstmill ejc o o o a o o o 0dooo o d o oo oo- op land for salo 1 tha county of dufforiu a quantity of land for sftlfl at from 316 pel acre to 0 per acre terms and price to sjiit all customers also village iiropeity 1n bhel- burne horniugg mills corbotton itivorviow i aud melancthe u apply to j t hemsthlit auctio ieor land agobt ac buclbinio as hoinstrect is acquainted with tho county of dullerin in umost every pirt we can re oui ueud him to ii tteudiug yurvbfuiers write for particulars of qreat prohibition camp to bo held in hamilton ont aug 7 8 d 10 11 12 and 13 greatest speakers of the continent grand mubical attractions low exourslon bates free tenting ground w w buchanan dlroctor hamilton out house and jlot for sale re undersigned has received instruc tions to sell on very easy terms tlio house and lot on church street now occupied by mrs james boll adjoining the dwelling of charles speight and linuiedktoly behind geo hvuds jon ellcry store this ia a desirable property tho lot is firstuass tho dwelling m good repair and there is a nice garlcn with fruit trees terms and jnrtluilars make known upou npph cation to hp jioorjj fhkepiiissoiiici win ted aresleltaull middle aged woman for fionei al household duties iu a small f luilj nearcitj plain cooking nud milking cow ouo froih country preferred address with lcfei- euces drawer 010 gueljih our dress g this lino we have that our efforts c past tiivors w the uianagc hands nobds no country speaks 1 are fully prepare dress gcods muslins al boots great vai eggs arid r nuny friend for the more than liberal share of trade extended to them ipuco ipeuing and cordially solicit a continuance insuring them that no effort wil ill be spared to make transactions mutually beneficial oovls trade this season has been far in excess of ny previous seasons bnsijess in ijade special efforts to meet the wishes and wants of our customers juid feel flattered ave not been in vaiu we trust that in the future we shall merit a continuance of shall still slw the newest the nicest and the cheapest goods iu the market j ment of our millinery department being in charge of wellknown and fully experienced commendation from m the liberal patronage of he ladies of acton and surrounding or itself we have just received the latest styles and shade- for summer wear and 1 to fill al orders on shortest uotice see our j mantle silks prints gingnams carpets cretonne table linens lace curtains corsets parasols oter embroideries allover laoes etc eto ghay white cottons at bed rockpmoes -oo- and shoes boots arid shoes eiy in mens womens aud cuildkens weak cheap job lots odd lines at less than half price of -oo- -the- ruby the artist q q i g is now takme soi ic beautful views -01- schools picnio parties r and residences tliobc ilcainn ins bcnkcih shoalil ill oi uitc liin for terms metropolitan studio actoi hj m i jj w j east end store wk bki dry lioods an muxtfht i as this cle pes gentlemen desiring perfectplttinji bultri can not do better than leave their orders with john nelson acton guelph aublph ioist s as cheap guelph tjsej the only in the city of cuecph wholesale ami retail dealers nnd direct impoittr of the best and cheapest carpets in canada over 300 1 pieces to choose from 1 our prices will gladden the heni ts of every in ly also ags quhtains olabe thompson 42 st george of guelph raj carpet weaving done lo order montreal house e knowlton successor to mrs secord begs to intimate to the oitizens of acton and surronnd- jjgs that he has refitted the store and put jn a desirable stock of dress oos prints linens jerseys i hosiery parasols o also mens radymade clpthipg boots aup sipper a choice assortment of groc6ri8b whicl will be sold at cos for next 30 days acallandasjiaio of your patronage is respectfully invjted h jlnpwi4j0n gisn of the fted flap actom go to j fyfos acton for your cloth- ing hecau suit jou for price quality and style overytimo agents wanted steady men none employ memt to good heed be idle previous experieui e pay either salary or one hundred sraar to canvass for the nursery stock upt essential we commission men wanted at once of canadiangrown sa e iaitokm ik caxam dont apply unless class references anc rqom fpr lazy men number of epergetic address i stone spring suits and ly low prioeb aud ma io bo sure to call and sqe acton ttbme 1 j tj square guelph the fpnthill nurseries pvmi 400 aciths you can furnisli first- want to work no nfc can employ any neu who want work i wellington nurserymen toeonto ont overcoats at extrorao in the latest stytes them at j fyfos great clearing sale goods al reduceto low prices we quote pnes below to pioc our position that we sell cheaper than others silkaxd satixdepabtmextt black and colored silks t 87i i5 50 g0 fl black aud goloied satins 37a 4 1ft nn 71 nn j p black and colored mervei leus 874 js s oo 1 oh h f up fancy btnped and brocaded satms colored and blk j 50c to 31 00 prexch dress goods nuns veilings now shades canvas cloth new shades i i all- wool melangier cord qi frieze effect all colors v v t z vy clietj english dress g0tds brocaded challie fancy stripes worth 20c for q beantifal cashmerette i 5 lacecanva8cloainblaclicreambronzoaudmidbrownolvwor muslim department lovely line colored muslias lace muslins 5o sa white and colored lawns 10 swiss spots aud checks y and up iudmmull all shades il canvas mull all colors j very low pbixts fast color eamapo pnuts newest effeots fnvuconia prints ashtoue madders wortll 12jc for lr best english cambric cxombs best cloth worth 20c for uil searsuckers to arrive one case at about half price f a staples beat value in shirting taotory cotton worih 7c- at i best factory worth 10c at 1 table covers pure flax colored borders at a shaker flannel colored and white v 12q boating shawls under wholesale price- over 2000 to choose from corsets a splendid rangp from anoz bixsfe p w qti- vpciai value r k uoperdozen rtn our cutter is the best quretock the largest j d aoc clothing ur pyiopg tie lowesf anj i par workof the flilcst quality williamson co la i l r i- lp butter taken in exchange remember our famous 50cent tea i con glasgow houue j r f i a j i i i r

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