Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1886, p. 4

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i- w ll sb 0 if i h- h t j- t 1 1 r k r csg preserve your eyesight spectacle stock at geor ttynds the largest in town xn optometer tor testing the bight all kinds of spectacles repaired spectacles from 25c upwards give us a call when yon want a pair g hynds act on t thefrxjit season is n iw atits bctghtta and jmjfbrney iskociinau liuds of trait as they comb ill ordars fot ui p naiuihtv of nnv kind of fruit taken ad filled with iw lot the times afford fcrnlcjs is tl o attraction tor kme confoctton- ory canned ocjods ice cream soft water ac jmckuxley in the poet offlco banding ftys 2atmm fres tifcnsia crumb for breakfast mohkixo jciv 291880 ress reporters j the weeks a- if 3 sunday w ill be the first of august there are some fine fields of fall wheat in this nciuiiy 411000 h is been subscribed for- a new 1 presbyterian shhrch in ayr the farmers generally in this seotion are hjarvestiuj their fall wheat it was a i lelightful shower that fell on monday after joon and evening the popa ation of toronto is increasing at the rate of learly 10000 per year the regular monthly services in st josephs chui ch were held last sunday some fine stock is now passingthrough here for the western states by the gtr a cricket match between local teams is on the tajis for some fine afternoon shortly cv letter in another column on saturday n ght trading deserves con sideratiou mrs s k secord has kindly handed na copies of date chicago and omaha newspapers raspberries have been plentiful and sold last weefe jor four cents a pound the season isjahoi t over i eramosa fall show will be held at rockwood on tuesday and wednesday 12th and 13th oetober messrs h storey it son canada glove works have commenced the manu facture of buc kskin moccasins mr antiony stephenson is building a storehouse and stable in connection with his blackstnita shop on main street mir wir brush who was fined some time ago foi violating the scott act paid hisfine tuesi lay last miutin jieformer t4jl movem ent is on foot to have the street lmp at the f t of- mill street removed to the corner of church and willow streets there an i large quantities of weeds and thistles grow ing on vacant lots in town the inspectc r shoqld see that they are cut as we go jo press a lacrosse match is in progress beween the star junior clnb acton and a junior club from georgetown the merchants of brussels have formed a con ipact to the effect that no butter will b taken on book accounts after october 1st messrs i speight it son are putting in a new flume and other improvements at- their j wagon and repair shops foot of willow stree i the edii orial table has been beautified this week v itlt a very tastefully arranged bouquet of ffi iwers from the garden of miss lottie speigl it oar rockwood correspondents excel- lentweekly cpirtles have been looked for in vain the past two weeks xyz must be taking his h jlidays the waterloo chronicle is about- to change han is we hope owe esteemed frater hillia rd does not contemplate retire- meiit from t le profession f 1 the act n fbee pbess has just entered upoii its twe ft ii volume it is a good local paper and h a credit alike to the publisher and to actor ofangtrule fety it was v ar f nbgallaut iii that old bach- elor when to d the other day that a certain lady in town had one foot in the grave to ask if tli dre wasnt room foriboth feet t i the stre sts are being pretty effectively watered jus now without expensive arti ficial appliai cea it would b qote proper however to have the latter available in case of emet ency- i mr ber jamih tuck of alfajgar has sold three 3- rearold steers weighing 5350 pounds oi e of the steers alone weighed 3910 pounds they are on their way to the british i5arket ifiton sun 1 sofar the following are the uumher of s ngcrs that will take part at thoserlin n usical festival montreal 50 toronto 15 hamilton 56 niagara 5tf rochester 190 buffalo 50 hamburg 25 guelph 50 waterloo 155 berlin 450 total 1126- j- no sensible man should get angry because a newspaper roan duns him lot his money acttm is dot an impeach ment of a subscribers integrity bnfc is simply an outcropping of a publishers necessities be iind enough to glance at your address label and act upoij the hint if giyes j arrangements for the civicjholiday ex- j cursiou havent been completed yet cheap fares can be pbiined to eloraj breslau or gait each of these places hive commo dious pleasure grounds a trip to gait and lacrosseand base ball matches with teams there is favored i ilast w ekilr william dflncan j p for sixty j ears a resident of west york died and wf a buried in torontjj he was an uncle t mr thomas durjcan grocer of this plap he settled on ike farm on whieh he di ed in 1826 and was one of the i most weaia iyand subcessfn tarpnerb otihe dgunty j rwith t te assistance of a jyoung man who was pa bsing a gnelph wife last friday evenly dragged in off thestrept what was supposed ti be her drunken msfeudll id hin dut ii her t9 howevfer hringing in a ligfit she marie ibf ttfihing dibcovery that it v rnotwr roftn al gether hic busbaud came ijhoiqe sober iwhioh are prlnolpa ly local and all ibtsrssuig cobununlon jsartloes the firstuarterly ommuuiou services of tlie conference year rill be held in the methodisi church next sunday it is ex pected thai sermons will be preaoljed morning and evening b r rev d m mo- kehtie of milton the camp at oeorgeto vn georgetown rs highly atored in having the great prohibition cam j there this year everybody ought to jo try hard and hear mayor rowland miss moore and carswell the first day and dont miss the brilliant readings of hiss wetherald on monday evening wo idvise you all to go suooesslul at his examinations we are pleased to learn that at the dos ing examinations at tr nity college whit- by a couple of weeks i igo master- frank pigott son of rev w t pigott ba in cumbent of st albans church was very successful having won prizes in mathema tics writing amldraw ing frank is uo w at home enjoying the c liege- vacation acton people prdud of jhelr journal the acton fjiee pre has entered upon the twelfth year of its birth the fiiee press is one of our ne test excliaugos is well printed nicely ma to up and its news items are spicy in everj particular the people of acton must 1 eel proud of their journal wo wish brot ler moore all man ner of success noncich gazette a second course of le turea th6 excellent conrst of lectures given last fall and winter nnc er the auspices of the ladies aid society of the methodist church is likely to be duplicated during the coming season pt rhaps by a slight change of management the lectures in the last course were vei r much appreciated by our citizens genera lly and we have no doubt the proposed se ries will be equally interesting and just as 1 iberally patronized afinetrala the gtr passengei train which passes acton for the east at 11 a m and for the west at 545 pm is now consisted of en tirely new cars coniprii ing baggage smok ing and secondclass cirs and twe first- class coaches the ci rs are larger and better finished and fittelnp both inside and out than those which mve hitherto run and will prove a great c onvenieuce for the travelling public thp train presents a handsome appearance njwsvwrsws rakinqs 8uoossfaliajmi boclal the law n social given by tholiadies aid of the m thndist churoh announced for monday evening was postponed until tues day eveui ig owing to the rain tuesday evening uas very pleasant and a large company assembled the grounds of mr thomas moore proved to be admirably adapted for just sueh a gathering the neatly ke t lawn and terraces and the bur- rounding shrubbery rendered the place very ahraotivii the tables wero arranged on the terra sonth f the residence and were fouud well filled wjth appetitising jviandb and tastily decorated with beautiful bou quets of choice flowers the place was brilliant y illuminated and presented an auimina ed appearance acton cornet baud pli iyed a very liberal programme of beleotioo a which was appreciated by all a very e njoyable evening was spent the proceeds were quite satisfdctorxand slight ly in advance of the last sjdial burled in a well j lj- on saturday last our oiiens were startled says the georgetown herald by the information that mr rafas reid a young nan living about twoijiniles from georget awu was buried in aivelltwonty feet below the surface of thejground it appears that the young man was down in the v trying to repair soniething that had goi eout of order when theistone work- caved in hud buried him deep down in the earth it was not long before the well was surronr ded by sturdy farmers who set to work t dig the unfortunate man out he all the whiles straining every nerve to keep the- stoi les and earth at breathing distance from h m one of the men shejuted are you tfc ere rufas the answer came feebly yes how long can you btand it can stand it about three hours but dij away with all your might it is simply wonderful that thib victim of what might havo been a terrible accident hang ing for two hours with seven feet of water beneath him and a mass of btoho and earth crushiig around him came out but little the woi bc for his unutterablo experience only a few slight scratches and bruises could qe found on him foot ball matott foot ball appears to lave suddenly come into favor here again i nd the players of former days and many novices srehaving hilarious sport at the e rening practice a match will be held in tl te park this even ing at eight oclock be iweeu the married tsj single players the fcrmer captained by mr george hynds and the latter by mr john lawson vs tl ey are going to do ii up in style too for w j are given to under stand that thet players have engaged the band to escort them u the pork and also that the gronnd will be illuminated if darkness settles before the match is ended the halton force pom p that we have in ou county manufac turers of force pumps jf superior quality and adapted to all usej may be news to msny of our readers trat the enterprising manufacturers are d iterinined that all shall know that they can be supplied at home with pumps seco id to none atten tion is directed to the ard of messrs a g bouusall of oakvill in another column- this firm has been nanufaoturing iron pumps of all kinds foi many years and if they cant suit you in heir line no other manufacturers in the province can ask them for estimates the williams failure a meeting of the creditors of joseph williams glenwilliama whose failure and disappearance from th country were re ferred to in our last isjue was held in the town hall there on tt esday it was the largest meeting of cred iters ever seen in the county mr vf illiam did not appear and no statement was prea inted except by his solicitors referring to e n action for his dis charge from jail mr jos leslie a farmer of the vicinity rone oft leheaviest creditors was appointed assign e the liabilities aggregate about 95400 of this amount remember tiie place- grifaas i- friday juty 23 1886 822000 is secured and is unsecured the balance 832000 m thafeveniu base bali match a very interesting n atch was played on tuesday afternoon between the clippers of acton and the geor etown club on the grounds of the latter the game was dis continued during the 1 ifth innings owing to the rain but from start to finish the game was clearly in he clippers favor the score was as folio ys 12 3 4 5 total acton rurs 4 2 1108 georgetown ruis0 0 0 0 0 0 as the score will shw thore was some exceptionally fine plaj for amateur teams mr i francis acted is umpire there- turn match will likely be played sometime next week burned out in muskol a james stancombe shpemaker a former resident of nasaafiareya who tools up land in muskoka bone three years ago seems to have been ve y unfortunate since hff settled in that district shortly after his arrival his eldest son was drowned while floating logs a id a few days ago he had the misfortune to have his house burn- ed with all the con ents excepting one bed during the tinn i the family were at church the resider ts of nassagaweya who are acquainted with him are con tributing to his relie and wul forward him a well filled purs which will be most acceptable under the sircumstances lacrosse matehgutlphtb acton a game of lacrosse vas played in gnelph on friday ieveming b itween the crebcent club of acton and 6mph club the first goal waswonby i inelph ln minutes the second byjacton i a 2 minutes and the third by gnelph in 80 minutes owing to the lateness of the hur time was called and the game ptood2 o liu favor of the tearos were very ivenly matched and bad the game been co aoluded acton would just as likely have vfc n 3 out of 5 goals as gnelpb ffheguelpt herald says- this wasjone of this fines b exhibitions of the national giameer n in gelh a niteh is iikel to tal e place with milton on saturday- j 1urely personal paragr kphseespeoting people with whom oujr readers are individually or collectively acquainted reevb storey is still confined to his njom miss mabel t brown is visiting friends in the scotch block j miss nellie mcdonald of brampton is visitinj frieuds here miss mary agnew of nelson is the guest o acton friends miss tillie blair of guelph visited acton riends this week com cillor fyfe spent two or three days this w ek at niagara falls miss jennie fernley of wentworth is the gui at of mr j m iernley mrs w t stone and daughter of tor onto is a guest at cedar creek farm mibs annie cameron of stratford is visiting friends in her former home mr and mrs w mccoll of mcgoll lee oshawa are guests of mr r r rae miss maggie moore of hamilton was the guest of the editor of the free pbess this wek j mr and mrs j m feriiley and miss maggie matthews visited friends at mounts- burg this week mr ind mrs dhenderson spontspveral vdays luring the week with frieuds in milton and vicinity miss es lila and ada eastou of guelph were t le guests of acton friends two or three lays this week mr j p worden arrived home last evening after spending a week with friends in hamilton and grimsby mrlaud mrs gordon mclaren of nel son maii arrived here last evening and are the guests of mr w p brown misses anna and jennie matthews re turned home on tuesday having spent a couple of weeks very pleasantly with friends in elora and guelph mr w frick who has for a year and a half been connected with the mechanical department of the satchel and valise fac tory left this week to take a course at guelph business college mr r mathieson superintendent of the institution for the deaf and dumb at belleville has been elected one of the vice- presidents of the national associations of instructors of the deaf and dumb everybody is cordially invited to share in the as- toundidg reductions on the prices of goods which we uro making at the present time we fire well aware that to make the desired impression nowa days one must strike hard or cut deep- in order to insure a speedy and large decrease of our very large and well- selected stock we have npt hesitated to do this our object first lgjfr and all through this summer clearing sale is to reduce stock though the operation may le painful and the means applied make us squirm its got to be done we dont make this an- nbuncement simply to arrest atten tion what we advertise we always do all other kind of advertising is worse than useless and we feel asbhred that the public haye learned to know by this time that the statements in our advertisements are alwayb verified by the dealings across our counters we have taken 40 45 and 50 cent dress goods and marked them 25c lines foimerly sold at 22 25 and 28c now reduced to 15c dress goods at 15 18 and 20c now marked down to 10c muslins at 14 and 15c how down to 10c best prints down to 8 and 10c gingliams at less than mill price summei silks at clearing prices ori ental lncoi flounciugs embroideries reduced 25 and 33 per cent spleadid allwool tweeds reduced from 50 to 35c from 75 to 50c from 100 to 75c all cloth cut free of charge parasols and sunshades 33 off regular prices hosiery reduced 25 per cent gloyes reduced 25 to 33 per cent lace collars linen collars handkerchiefs and small wares at very low prices all lace curtains at a straight dis count of 25 per cent we offer the choice of anything in trimmed millin- ery at exactly halfprice sun hats at halfprice ribbons laces feath ers flowers etc at reduced prices bsff- great job line of lalies genu ine waterproof circulars regular price 275 selling at 150 each alhines of house furnishings etc at very low prices new purchases for fall are already coining to hand hence wc need room and the public gets the beuefit this sale closes on july 31st limehouse news from our own correspondent miss dobbie is visiting friends in lime- house mrs john t ellis has returned f rora her trip on the lakes wo understand that mr mitchell is about to erect a new house here mr robt beatty was badly hurt by a bull last week but is now getting around again 1 the sad death of mr henry osmond at the ibominion kilns on monday even ing was received here with much pain and regret mr osmond was a resident of limehouse the base ball match was the centro of attraction on saturday afternoon the single men made 22 runs in three innings and the married men only 10 the youth ful team had only seven men when they started one of these had his armi in a sling and the captain had only the use of one hand anon limehouse july 27th 188g th qakyille news in the police courtheld in oakyille on 24th inst mr r bennett of george town appeared to answer a charge if scott act violation cthe case wasadjoui ned to thtji following tuesday benqett of georgetown has been charged with wilful and corrupt parjury an la warrant has been issued lor hibarrest if you want a nobby durable and cheap bujtgotojryfeiaotoii i flats from 75 cents to 8250 at j fyfes pu lam offering lor the june trade special induobme kts housekeepers aud others requiring anything in the lined mekionecl below can rest assured that they caii buy from me at more res sohable prices thau any other store in aeton and as cheap as any otltside fo toronto i have giveu the stafr particular instructions novlto misrepresent goods and customers will find goods exactly as we represent thfcfo tobe t buy for cash saving thereby latge discc uutjj 1 soil for cash or trade aud consequently have no bad debts so an intelli gent public can see at a glance that it is not necessary for gash stores to pile ou big profits in order to liye as credit stores have to do or in other words make the pfomptpaying customer j iay for the one that never intends to pay j i the following lines i have reduced fuly t weift fflve per cent aud over in some cases the exception of groceries j whichtivill sell asicheap as the cheapest 1 dress goods in nuns cloth jersey cloth canvas clotl black aiid colored allwool cashmere black and colored lustres silk grenadines pongee silkfj black and colored qro i gritih silks black andcolored satin black satin merveilleux black and colored velvets velveteens and crape cloths hosiery all makes and prices gloves to suit evebybotly dont fail to see our misses lisle gloves at 15c corsets hoop skirts bustles and ladies underwear peints ino liojse iu canada hai ever shown la nicer range thau we have now on our counters beautiful designs in canvas- prints a good clotli fastcolors splendid pattern for lciwoll worth 12ic ginghams and muslins to please everybody gray cot- tons white cottons shirtings ducks denims towel j towelling great value brown holland table damask- etc etc house fultisrishiisgrs carpets in tap jstry union and hemp floor and stair oilcloths curtains of nearly every style ask to see the madras muslin at2c per yard it makes lovely curtaius and warranted to tvash well turkish rugs from z up millinery although itts getting late in t le season i am still adding novelties in this department and- customers will find correct styles and a competent lady in charge boots and shoes wall papers arid groceriesall aj prices to suit the times oli stand the halton dry goods house acton re paris green in any quantity tubnip setbd fresh and reliable pain ts and oils ellbsieclass and cheap laoross e base ball goods jiust arrived new pattern oaughnawaga spaitldings stajndard balls -ohbap4- sticks wfly mcflefrvias dug and- statioaery store acton do we do it we wont fill our cellars with unnecessary goods out they must 20 is the verdict of ryni berkinshkw go guelph new advertisement albert college belleville ont m chartered and opened in 1857 over 3000 persons have been in attendance 170 students enrolled last year representing british columbia manitoba michigan new york ontabio- and quebec 87 diplomas and certificates awarded including matric ulation music fine atta commercial science collegiate and teaobers courses fall term begins sept 7th 1886 for annual cataiogue etcv address rev w p dyer ma pres jctoisr bread cakes of all kinds i on hand or made to order 1600 ds dress foods 5c per yd worth i2ic 80 yds beauti ry this is thve ul dress muslins 5c per yd worth 8c beautiful prints from 5 to 10c per yard lines only of a host j see hand bills ajkv berkhntshaw co successors to john hocc son 3 uppei wyndham street guelph bargains e r bollert 27 iiower wyndham street i guelph ontario -the- 48 klxcr dress g bods loo former prints i c formerly 10c ginghams 10c formerly embroiieries 5c former y loo ladies hose 25o formerly 60ci childrius hose7o fomerly jlad parasols 30o formerly 0 o spotted muslin 156 fonperly 25o ladiesf collars 5o form dress goods friats question is not settled yet but the foot that w williams 1 has the best stock of boots and shoes f fyfe aton fyfe acton fyfe acton o- biscuits gonfectionery c ice cream soda water served at all hocrs mrs t statham pine watch bargains barges 0 i streeteast hamilton y 2ic 20o brussels carpets 70o formerly 1 tapestry carpets 25c formerly 40c union carpets 85c formerly ooo allwool carpets 65c formerly 8oc hemp carpets 8ic formerly 12ic china mattings 25c formerly 88c lace onrtaids 150 formerly 2 curtain poles complete 50o formerly 75c i rly 156 i stair rods 75o formerly 150 par dpz we are maki nc extra inducements in order to clear out stock- hosiery gloves corsets parasols embroideries tweeds shiitlnsrs carpets ouitaias qoyeries wtoov blinds stair eois c o are all marked away down in prlcb in many cases les3 than cost samples sent on app cation mckay brothers 48 king street east between hughsoh and john streets hamilton -oo- i particular attention paid to the repairing and cleaning of fine watches and clocks at he old established house of k savage 1 r 1 i hloqi at in the county 1 settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as many new ones as see lit to give me a call in all lines of footwear boots for the bahies boots for the meu boots i do make boots i do mend custom work and repairing promptly attended to j wm willisims mom y sayed by purchasing your clothing at the east enid clothing store perfect satisai j fyfe acton j fyfeacton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton this cuelph acton planing mills willk ajilson b amshaw j- pjiopbietob builder aad qoatractor sash doer jaad biadffaotof- 7 spring 1iajts sprisgi tweeds siring worsteds spking overcoatrings spring trowserings spring underwear full lines of shirts ties collarn braces etc at lowest prides titn yiaranteed is prepared io put on storm dobts wih- dbwsiweatner strips etoj on short notice winter porches erected neatly and tjreasonahle prices we have one of fleurys celebrated ohop- pinfi mills and will chop all kinds of grain xn tuesdays thnrsdays andsatnrdays taramshaw o ii- managers j fyfe acton j fyfe actok jeyfe acton freemans worm iionleuantlotito i contiin thalrftwa latim snroiwia eftectoti teatrojer pt wjo is cuusisn or adalts b m

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