Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1886, p. 5

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r pf t r- w w- t 1 1 2 a knot op bute sho batiu uo rems of lustre bright toapkrwe inner hair r no need hath she of borrowed light to mkke her beauty fair upon her shining locks afloat are daisies wt with dew and wiping from her lissome throat a little knot of bine i- a dainty knot of blue a ribbon blithe of hue li fills my dreams with santiv gleams thatllituo knot of blue 1 met her down the shadowed lane beueath the apple tree the balmy blossoms fell like rain upoii my loveandme v and what i said or what i did tw morn 1 never knew but to ny breast there came aud hid a little knot of bine a little knot of blue a loveknot strong and- true twill sola my heart till life shall part thatilittle knot of blue i samuel mititurn ptct conviction never let your honest conviction be htugbei 1 down tou can no more oxorcise your re won if you live in constant dread o ridic ale than you can eujov life if you live in joristant fear of death if yon think it right to differ from the time aud make a point of morals do it not for insolence bat ber ously aud gravely- astl a man car ried a t ig soul of his own in his bosom aud did not wait until it was breathed into him by the roath of fashion be truo to your convict on and in the end you wilt not only be reap icted by the world but hare the ap proval of your conscience all sorts lllfitling boote cause corns hollovay-s- ouru gore is the article to use get a bottle at once and cure your corns as well expect life without air as health without pare blood cleanse the blood with acers sreaparilla therd is no remedy known to medical science jit can excel dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry as a cure for cholera morbus diarrhoea dysentery or any form of summer complaint afflicting child ren or a inlts john campbell and harry coyne of mount 1orest were each fined fifty dollars nd costs for offences against the scott act utidy by police magistrate lowes asimili x case against patrick mcquillan wardisi nissed for lack of evidence a case against darid cummings was adjoarned m a st mars st boniface manitoba writes dr thomas eclectric oims a public benefit it has done wonders here and has- cured myself of a bad cold in one day qan be relied upon to remove pain heal sores of various kinds and benefit any inflamed portion of the body to which it is applied a kmlical change the test eradicator of foul humors of the blood is burdock blood- bitters a few bottles produce a radical change for the better in health and beauty it removes the blood taint of scrofula that terrible disease to common in this country we have no hesitation in saying that dr keuoggi dysentery cordial is without donbt the best medicine ever introduced for aysmty diarrhoea cholera and all summerj complaints sea sickness etc it promptly gives relief and never fails to effect positive cure mothers should never be without a bottle when their chil dren are teething an invisible foe the poisonous germs of disease are lark ing in the air we breathe and in the water we drink the system should be kept carefully purified and all the organs toped to proper actiou this can best be doue by the regulating purifying and tonic powers of burdock blood bitters hecreger parkes carbolic cerate have yon an old sore cut barn bruise corn bunion salt rheum pimple blotches eongwlaiidfl or face if bo there is but one cure namely mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate if you buttry it it will convince you it costs but 25c at dr mcgarvius drug store a bad breakdown if is a common thing no wadavs to hear one complain o feeling all broken down with a faint wearytrfestless languor with strength and appetite nearly gone and ho well defined cause this isgeneral debility which burdock blood bitters promptly relieves and most invariably cures tie iit tear 1886 after the above year is ended there need be no person suffering from bheumatism neuralgia tbotiche headache lumbago or any acute pain if they only purchase a bottle of fluid tiightningas it cures in stantly pain cannot stay where ifisu ed sold 7 the name is fluid lightning dr mcgaryin druggist flnid usktnlnjcj thereare but fewthat have never suiffdred almost intolerable pain from toothi neuralgiaor like acute pains to them sneb an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken or days one application of fluid light ing cures sold atjb mcgarvins pnk store i 29 hoiimoays pill though good health is preferable to high honour how regardless people often are of the formershow cove- tons of the latter i many suffer their strength to iebjain awayere maturity reached throngh ignorance of the facility afforded 4by jthese incomparable pills of checking the rst untoward symptoms of derangements and reinstating order with ut inlmferiflgj the least with their pleas ire orbjrtutothe young especially it is important totnuuntdin tire highest digestive efficiency without which the growth is tooted tike muscles become liz the frame vfaebla and the mind slothful theremr tfindigertioq by these pills is so easy we the mostthoughtlesrwonld n it to jsatjto springs of life facts btnbuorii things au i suffer ora from aid fever find tlvjjir rtn plaint a very stujbprn jfaot until riley commeuoo the use 61 acers aguo gate that medicine era libates the poison from the system and ou rcjs oven the worst oases tkr best im there is no preparation before the people today that commands their confi dence more or miiots with a better sale than docs dr fo wlera extract j of wild strawberry the i ifallible remedy fov forms of summer complaints cucumbers and melons are v forbidden fruit to iniuy persons 66 ooustitutcd that that the least in lulgetioe is followed by attacks of cholera dysentery griping sc these persous aro not aware that they can indulge to their hi arts coufout if they have on haud a bottl ot dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial a medicine that will give immediate re lief and is a sure cure for all summer co nplaints quick transit fr mi a plate of fcobleuuss bodily laugiiur au d nervous irritability- induced by dysp psia to a condition of vigor and physica comfort follows ho use of the standard re mlating toniouud stom achic northrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspo tio curo whioh bpeedily conquers indigest ou constipation bilious complaints and 1 cinale complaints puri fies the blood -uid- reinforces the vital energy i jlcrrbo speedy cn rr when we say mcgregors speedy cure is the only perfect cure for dyspepsia ljver coinplaiuts indigestion and impure blood wo are telling plain facts of which hundreds upon hu idreds can testify who fnavctbeen restjjrot to perfect health by its dae we would therefore adnso you strongly if you ore a subject to any of the above troubles to j ive mcgregors speedy cure atrial aud b 3 convinced it is sold in 50c and and 100 bottle a dr mc garvins drug sto e iitr i rrovi u dollar upou doll r is frequently spuuton the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthiest not so with mc g regors speedy c ire you aro not asked to purchase it unti 1 its merits are proven call at j b mclarvin8 drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing jsold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon- als from people in your own towd 29 ltemnkpilessyntptomsrindcnrc the symptomsai e moisture like perspir ation intense itchi ag increased by scratch ing very distrcssit g particularly at niglit seems as if pin- woi ms wcreci awlirig in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected if allow id to continue very serious results may follow swaynbs oixtmest is a pleutant surn core also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent bv mail for 50 cents sbcrxes 125 in i tamps ad dress dr sway2 te son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 best and comfi rtlo llic iiufrcrlng browns household panscea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in tl e side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbigo and any kind of a pain or ache it will mosl surely quick en the blood and i leal ai its actidg power is wonderful 3rowns household pan acea being acki owledgcd las the great pain reliever and of double- the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should he in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomaeh and paii s and aches of all kinds and is for sale by a 1 druggists at 25 cents bottle 44 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it has affect ed mcgregor spe idy cure leads the van subjected to the mi lutestrchemical analysis it hasbeen mmd to contain one of those injurious iugredic its characterizing the worthless specific daily offered to the public every ingi edieut possesses a pccul- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has be m compounded and its efficacy is being estiblished by testimonials hourly receiveir vc arc therefore confi dent that wc have i preparation which we can offer to tho public with the assurance that it will befourd not only- a relief but n absolute euri for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion corislipation and im pureblood free trial bottles at j e mcgarvins drug store 31 the great results whicl have attended the recular use of c juinine wiue by people of delicate coiistitu iou and those affected with general proa tfation ofihe system speak more than all the words that wo can say in its behalf i this article is a true medicino and a lifegiving principle a per fect renovator of tli e whole system invig orating at the sam time both body and mind its medical properties aro a febri fuge tonio and anti periodic small doses frequently repeated strengthen the pulse create an appetite enable you to obtain re freshing sleep and to feel and know that every fibre and tissi ie of your system is be ing braced and rmovated in the fine iquipine wine pr pared by northrop lyman toronto ve have the exact tonic required and to persons of weak and nervous constitutioi is vre would btiy never be without a bottl in the house it is sold by all druggist advic to mothe is are you disturbed i at nighii and broken of your rest by a sick rchild suffering and i irying with pain of cnt- lting teeth if so send at once and get a jbottle of mrs wii slowssoothing syrup effes produced by ayers sarsaparilla anti by nothing efse so perfectly at niti mivjlmufljh house aeurgetofn it strengthens niul invlgornttih suflferrrs fiom enervation languor weakness uud mental depression it has an almost imigtcu effect in curing eruptive and outancoiis disorders it eradicates from tho blood tho taint of hut terribly destructive disease heredi tary scrofula it expels ifrom the rystemtio baneful poison of mercury which j as serlptu as that of scrofula it purities and regenerates tho life cur rent polluted by the corruption of con tagious disease it stimulates tho secretory organs effects the removal of all impurities from the blood and makes it new rich and pure it restores health to sufferers from thin blooil und impaired vitality itsavosbyits tliovoiigh purification of the blood from rheuinutlsm khcunintlo gout nnd tuberculnr consumption it cures scrofulous affections of the liver and litdncyii mid their symptoms jaundicoanlproikv it euros scrofulous catarrh itching humors and tho purulent sores caused byscrofulu it clears and improves the complexion it neutralizes the poisons left in the system by diphtheria and scarlet fever and restores tho dcbilituted patient to perfect health and vigor it is in short nn unfailing remedy for all disorders arising from impurity of tho blood where such disorders have not become so deeply seated as to be beyond all human aid advantages that ayers sarsaparilla possesses over all others it u composed of tho most efficacious alterative diuretic uud tonic drugs known iii phannncy uniong which uid the gcuulno honduras sarsiipmillu yellow look htlllingia and tho iodides of potas sium mid iron i it in u highly concentrated medicine mlentlfically and honestly compounded so as to sccuro to it tlie highest degreo of activity uud perfect uniformity it has received tho hearty endorsement of tho leading men in tho medical profes sion who recognize it as a standard phar maceutical preparation nnd prescribe it in their practice it contains nt poisonous minerals or other dangerous drugs the use of which for temporary effect in tho uinuy erode mul cheap mixtures sold as alteratives produces effects on the system often worse than tho diseases they aro offered to cure it costs no iiiornjvntr or ino peopu is wcu1cu m tno world even were its tt ijii- aj co it is the it hns been heforc tho public for nearly forty years and hns constantly grown in popular favor both nt homo and abroad until there is hardly u place- in tho civilized world where it bus not a host of friends made bo by its marvellous cures it jibs been used in and approved by at least 4000000 families in the united states and 7000000 throughout the world women have espcehil reason for com- uiondlngit j i it has proven its potency j in curing- obstinate deeplvscutcdj uuu longstand ing diseases caused by vitiutou of tho blood it must not however bo ex pected and te not- claimed that a niugle bottle will cure such cases but patients should persevere in tho use of this remedy until a radical cure is effected i it is tlie only hloodpuriilcr that hns won nnd retained tuo confluence of tho jieoplo fancy prints grey cottons table linens towellings 5 carpets hem i ov- dry cood millinery clothing carpets bopts and shoes c c wc have just coinplul sd tlicpurcluise of abig slock of now tuiumcr goods at great discount pft reuliiv prices vcwiiiholl tlicin cheap 8ce our prices dkess goods i ok 5c worthmac uettkk woods a littdk jiouk white lace hi colored musr lltr tnti4 vnth loii t0 nianfacturer would be uslijnb ju hyklh jic te suicide if ins 5c worth 10c lie knewhow cheap wo were helling ihesegoods 5t7ic woiitlllofe 12k 3 wortfi5c wh1te cottoni 5c yortfl8g it is tho only medicine of its class that uie4 sailor as a rule have any faith in nud they are right 2 only one that does ren lasanggood ayers sarsaparilla dr i prepared by j c ayer co analytical chemists lowell mass sold by all druggists price 1 00 lx bottles for 3 25a worth37i the home hulcrs wont let lis lavp worth 1 cc mi mo nl pri 10a worth 15a carpets union 25a worth 40a positively these arc the cheap est ever offered in ciuadti ca lipets tape vdr y 30a worthlocj alluool halifax tweeds 35a worth 50c a goo trr weed suit o f cloth es for if 500 worth 800 a rlack cork screw twill shit for 900 worth 1400 alltlummed illlltnery anli ready made summer man tles at half price v untrimmed hats ia at 10a and upwards i parasols very cheap i v we iiiuht clear out hi a stock while tho weather is warm dont miss llin opporlinity to get eonie of tin cliearjcist goodn over offered jn canada uomeand sec iur hlutf wo jfter you baruains all goodssuld for uash only dont fohgev the place- i mcleod anderson ao mammoth house georgetown bjaxtyattme table crasjid trmrikwghway ooino wkbt ooinojast 800aiu- 710 rro 1103 ftm jiil van 10u jini jxiltss 1247 n kxiirnra 030 n tliro exwsrs 22 j mull 545 p kiiljclf1 830 i reus docs tt httvvrn ciucljil mixed exprcss pass pinll tbroidjh kx acconc cbicago kxm aud toronto jfiarorcifouitiu 3iaiiit goinfe west i0 ain aud s30 pm ooilu east 1040 nm niul 520 p111 going east- arrangement save money come to the clearihg sale of dry goods t the rxgri3t lejottse the immense clearing sale 01 dry goods millinery mantles and housefurnishinga commenced at thie right house affords an opportunity to purchasers tu pi itvide themselves with their wants at extraordinarily low prices i many lots of goodthave been reduced to hmf ajid loss than half their foruftr r j confined to a few lots of goods but bargains are to be had in all the departments throi silks shown in all fashionable shades read th reduced price lists for these goods r 1 j b uu uuu uuu u iuiui usu men luruffif prices thi rciiucticus iuc not confined to a few lots of goods but bargains are to be had in all the pepartments throughout this lane eatjibllshment special offering of silks and allwool cashmeres 1 i i ta silks formerly sold at b125 reduded to qoc sijksformerly sold at si oo reduced to 70c silks formerly sold at 86c- reduced to 62ic silks formerly sold at 75o reduced to 55c silks formerly sold at 62jc reduced to 40c 20c cashmeres fjarmerly sold at 125 reduced to 100 cashmeres f rraerly sold at iloo reduced to 80c cashmeres f drmerly sold at 75c reduced to 60c cashmeres f jrmerly sold at 50c reduced to 40c- cashmeres i ormerly sold at 370 reduced to 30c prints selling ofl at 7c formerly 15c prints at 10c and 121c formerly 15 to the 8o dress goidsbeingformerly soldfroml2j to 15c 10c andlsac dieis goods formerly sold from 15 to 25e per yard drees goods at 25c formerly sold at 50c parasols selling ff at reduced prices nice lace covered parasol only 50c lace covered parasols reduced to 75c 1 125 up to 110 worth far more money- a few choice oriental trimmed and satin parasols at greatly reduced price bar gains in hosiery balbriggan embroidered hose only 5c per pair fancy hose at 10c to 20c worth moie money a lot of superfine hose reduced to 35c ami 50 worth twice the money laces reduced to half price i a lot of linen curtain liices at bargain pricei special value in lace ctfrtains carpets stair kods painted blinds carpet sweepers and curtain poles just received another lot of those cheap stockinette dress shields only 15c per pair it is impossible to mention here the hundreds of bargains iffering at this sale an inspection of the goods will convince you of their cheapness remember the right house is on kiui street east one door west of hughsou streejt the name is hamilton july 8th 1s80 j in the print department prices are very low prints selling off at oac formerly 10c per yard the diess goods have been marked down to extra low prices think of th how to save money place your order for clothing with i r e nelsojsf the popular clothier of the oitt zxmljj c tatkixasrs hardwsre the chcuporit lace in the county to buy your hardware is at jie howsons cythes naitnes scythe stones forks rakes cradles etc etc in endless variety 4 stock all new aud- well assorted siylu lit and workmanship always coircct 4 specialty 4 pants f prices lowcstin the citvi a b mels0n 99 wynduamstw ells old stand guclph spring o e is here wlthi all its attractions an1d for ghudreh teethihg its value is incal culable it will rel eve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mit take about it it cures dysentery and di irrhoea regulates the stomach and bow j1s cures wind colip softens the gums educes inflammation and giver tone an i lenergy to the whole system mrs vi inslows soothing sy rup jor children t sothing is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best emale physicians and morses in the umtei states and is for sale by all druggists t iroughout the world price twentyfive ce its a bottle be sure and ask for musi svaor and take n other kind fci wrsslowa 8ooihiso kenney bros main street acton have now on the shelves of the dominion boot andshoe stiore a full slock of spring footwear of all kinds and we arenow offering superior ivalue in jail lines of our customers boots i3hoes isllppelfe c we carry astodk which for assortment cauuof be excelled bud eyery jwant canbe supplied if i j 1 weare showing some nice iiiiex in tuukks valisesb cvc received direct from the inanuincturer8 our ordered work is giving complete satisfaction and customers know that our prices are right repairing neatly aud promptly executed kenney bros health for all hollowats pills and ointment the pills purify the blood correct all disordors of the liver stomach kidneys and bowels i they invigorate and restore ro healthidebihtated constitutions and ate iuviluablc in all complaints incidental to females of all ages for ehiklrehanijl the aged they are priceless ulcers it the ointment is an infallable remedy for bad legs bad breasts old wounds sores and is famous for gout and khenmatism fordisordersoftliechebtit hasnpeqaal 70e bobs t3r0at3 ee01toh1ti5 gotoes oolss glandular sweuings and all skin diseases it has no rival and forcontracled and stiff loints it acts like a charm bajr manufactured only at thomas ho llo ways establishment 78 wevr oxford street late 533 oxford street losdon and are sold at lsj lidi 2s 0d 4s cd lis 22s and 38s eaoh box or pbt and may i i e had of all medicine vendors thoughont the worlds wpurcliaaers soi ild look to the label on the pots and boxes if the adorers is hto 533 oxford street london they aye spurious r myrtle navy tobacco pet- plug lbs pearl tapifca ior 1 20 b we are going out ube paris reen cheap -ot- 18e 25 lbs choice rice forl 20 lbs currants for 1 2 cans to matoes for 2c 2 cans pumpkins for 25c 2 cans eas for 2 caijis oorn for 25c cans i5al 4 bars gots and shoes s n s sjf yv y v hu11e of boots and shoes and will oiler the entire stock at less than wholesale cost r paeis i at j cheap- e ihowsonu livorspoland quob30 sorrice mioil livkltlool steamer iilom qlkllltc polynesian thursday 8uijnlyjhursla- 20th july i puhsun thursday 11th julyw thursday 5th wa- sakmatian friday ird july nnirsdayiatlianl 1 sardinian thursday 20th july thursday jdth ailg cikcassiak friday cthlang thurhdayctb aju mail steamers j note tlie liverpool ilircet saniers tlo not take intermediate or steeorago pasngcrs bu the voyage from quobeu to liverpool cabin intrmediate and stoerage fare3 aire still reduced ltctiiru tickets good for one year the host line to take to colonial exhibition parties sending for friends jp tho old country can obtaiu prepaid certificates at greatly reduced rates for tickets and every information ajjply to i ib mcgailvin ticket agent actou your spriag suit m brennaw ifas pleasure in announcing that his taju oring shop in mrs secords block is now open and in full running order and in a position to fill all orders he is showing gojj tweed suits at i sold elsewhere for 15 scotch tweed suit 17 k 18 sold elsewhebe fon23 and 24 fine worsted s uit r 20 sold elsewueite at 25 gontlemen i wanting h lirstolass jjjod- fitting coat etc may rely upon beingsuitod in every respect by leaving their orders with brennasti the clothier goto waters bros tiiu picture gallery guelph for artists material oil and waur colors crayons vatican diavin papers brmhes lx i i i oil paintings steel engravings chromos c i frames of all kinds 0 mouldings room and picture corniius and coriiice poles spring roljersand wimlow shades from 90c oomjpleto fancy goods suitable tor wedding and birthdaypresents e 1 visitors can have theiri pictures framed while in the oity so bring thein with you to waters jbbosp j the picture gallery near hie pbst office kin ac from the cradle to the crave j furniture havng cilited a flue nliw of furnill speight son dealers and undertakers acton iw showroom have just received a new and wellassorted atock ore of all kiuds of thelaest desigus including ud everything else tli from the cradle of all k we will jsupply till on arse drawn by a well parlorturijistiire bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges tabfes chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles iijb any family requires iii the furniture line during their journey othe grave and we can prepare them for tlie grave too for wje have on hand a large stock- of nds and siises and 9ii other faneral furnishiucs the shortest notice aud most reasonable term matched teiira for hire s- a first- class a 8peioht man f ai six go iit 3bd alis fc dul thejast three waggons and horse powers your machinery only the wellknown peerless oil j i sumi t ii jalwe btwmorf iiotvsctc rouitripijwptoeejtbitweii detrplt and mackinac and bray weolc dy betwwn j detroi and cl f y write for our f pioturisque mackinac illustrated contain fan putiauuit iftasdicit j detroit cleveland steam nav co c- o whjtcomb qin p ast detroit mich mtraew l rhdlernfaniisi eafllx years mauufaoturfed at qeea ojty oil vorkjf by try auo our paerlobb axle qttom for yoir sammel roqirs 0ok torontcj r vf- avion aua biirrquudiqgs that he is prepared t tak orflerb for weaving all kinds ot ianoy kac carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress goods striped or plaiditjwiltor plain also bed blankets and horso blankets two yards wido and over clkegooa uisiskl

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