Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1886, p. 1

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i jp- acton oktabio thubsday august 5 188 j price three cents t jktttnx 3rm friss is pcbltshed livery thursday morning at thk press power printing house acton ontario free subscription rate8 oxmsaii 100 six months ooirs tkrkb vontus 550tb iiivariiblr advance if not paid in advauco mj3 por voir will bo charged no paper discou- tiflucil till all arrears are paid except at the option of tlie publisher acton banking co y storey christie co bankers- actou f ontario 1 general advertising rates sfao 1 tb 6 mo 3 mo 1 tuo oue ooluuinf 1 6000 1 93300 half colamis t 3500 2000 quarter cohihru 20001 1200 onetuch 1 000 1 350 9000 1100 700 200 700 350 150 100 casual advertisements 8 cents per lino for the firstinsertion and 2 cents per line for each sub sequent insertion cash the number of lines reckoned hy the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil advertisements without specific directions thil bo inserted till forbid and charged accprd- ngly transitory advertisements must be paid n advance changes ior contract advertisements must be in the offiee byfl am on mondays otherwise they will bo left over until the following week h p moore editor andrpropriotor banking business transacted uq1t3yx0aks 02t approved notes notes discounted mnd interest allowed on deposits yuio didcd ny be found on file at geo p i hi rhrtll rowell ft qosneirepaper a tertuins bureau uo lontractsmajbe iirueestvwlxre asrerttahl eforlt in kkw yojtb- business directory w ktowry m b m c p s 4 graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence m the head of frederick street acton e stagey mjx cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons oif ict campbells hotel albert college bellkville ont- new goods -vr- days bookstore cuelph 1 jutott jfm f xm thursday morning august 5 188g poetry leaving scotland linos composed whllo sailing up the clyde 1t uequkst or n k charteree and opened in 1857 over 3000 persons have been in attendance 170 btndenta enro led last year representing british columbia manitoba micmaix new york ontario ai d quebec i 87 diplomas and certificates a warded including matric ulation music science collegia fall term begins sept 7th 1886 for annual catalogue dyer ma prss fine arts commercial e and teaohers courses etc address rev w p -cuelph- business college gtjelph ontario young mei and women l bennett dentist georgetown ontario l ac isckinlay l d s surgeon e dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teethwithout pain having been demon strator anl practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto patj- roas may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton evesy other wednesday of each month office agnews hotel john lawson graduate of on- tano veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon actonont 0wce in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to bounduess and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easyt tohnston mclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers dc bbprivate funds to loan oinct town hall acton k f b johtov wu a mcleak are thoroaghly prepared for positions as bookkeepers shorthandwriters caligraph or telegraph operators students have tecn in attendance from nine provinces and states within the past year our graduates are meeting with marked suc cess in the commercial centres of canada and the united states rates moderate 25000 rolls wall paper ioo sets lawn croquet carload express waggons b16 st06k low prices v accommodation enter at any time u6ni excellent students may forterms etc address m maccormick prinoipal umber an re undersigned i that he has no stock a full line of i other kinds of luc class pine shingles shingles lath fesires to inform the public it on hand and will keep in fine and hemlock as well as aber also first and second fit lath wood having purchase the coal business of mr c s smith i am prep ired to supply all kinds of stove coal 1 have also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cei ttr and mill wood at reason able prices woodpind coal delivered james bkoyvx day sells cheap summer faro thee well thou dear old scotland my native land a long farewell grieve me not for i feel lobely leaving the land i love so well oh what strange and sad reflections are passing through my heart tonight as i see the dear old mountains fast disappearing from my sight oft have i wandered niorig their gleus and climbed their rociy heights with cheer must i forever leave them now the thought to me oh how severe let me pace the deck in silence- disturb me not my miud ib full leave me to those meditations where many sweet affeotions dwell let me see the rays of suuset and the evening twilight falling how i love to gaze and linger till the midnight watch is calling let me see the rays of sunset and the evening twilight falling how i love to gaze and linger till the midnight watch is calling backward my spirit takes its flight to many friends so good and kind i seem to bee them all tonight the thought doth easo and calm my miud as i beek repose and slumber upon my tosbingbed at bight in my dreams i roam and wander back in the land of my delight not without a sigh as i did bo i saw a man at the door ma ie a signal to another who made haste to j tin him perhaps they recognized my horsi and it provoked me to th ink that i m igh t b betrayed i put spurs to my horse and w len i heard the sound of hoofs behind me i rode faste it was at a point where three roads met at a bridge over a rapid stream that my pursuers gain ed upon me and tw armed nen arrested my progress i halt or we flr i cried a rough voice at my ear and my 1 ridle was seized as i supposed by a high srayman generally i can ted a pistol with me but in the exoitemet t of making up for myi character 1 had left it behind me i was unarmed but aft sr all i reflected if i could pass for a negi o i might ride on at will my handsome loak perhaps the only forfeit i threw it ff and in my best imi tation of the negrp s yle exclaimed what massa want of poor ole brack ben ole nigger gc in on an errand ole nigger got no money got no watch got no nuihu ole ben aint done nuffin wrong bartin sure massa hold your tong le you black rascal 1 cried one of the men this is our man eh smith answers to hedescription clothes and all youre mr whitneys jim you robbed him of fifty dollars yesterday and ran away i knew 3 ou at sight yott black thief you but wl ose horse youve got passes me ride ba k between us or it will be the worse for you gentlemen i replied in my most civil manner you have 1 lade a very excusable 3f ydu it joh jim jim said sam in tonss deepest sorrow oh jim jim dont know de cjeceitfalness on lying and d it ar contrary to soriptul go wa r go long i knows dat ar bjuze jacket gbt no use for you no more ise shame 1 6b you j you give me dat twentyfivb an 1 ill put what jt believe proper in de missiq nary box and dat will make my duty plain j j you confounded rascal 1 said i sartainly you is smart said 6am 1 yoti talks jeslike eddicatejl firstclass rhite ise any folks but de debble have deserted you jest a plain up and down bigger ho color like tie lord made me but ise bove bioh condubk as dat yott lower yerse f to sure enuff 1 you wont oqntrlbbit t fle missionaries i remained silent he vanished i had a very cheerful disposi tiob those days and as i sat swinging ir y eet i began to comfort myself with the id m that oh how can i forget that the parting it is hard to the strength of love i feel coal it lmitchell soucitor coxvfiancu c 1 i oinrf first door vfcest of the champion office mam street at 6 er cent milton money to loan hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ac tobomo orn geoboetowk oikitt- creelmans block georgetown aud 86 king street east toronto w 7lls j hhiltof bl j iubd ba m guelph cloth hall laud bear it now jtual fire insuiihnce company or the 0ot72tt 07 wellington estv ilishei 1810 1 head office cuelph top b ain laidlaw k co bajuiistebs soucnoiib 1 oihtks over imperial bank 24 wel lington street east jlnlrance exchange alley toronto j joh buv q c c a mamix wiilmiludlatt gkoege kappelk patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa ciktin 20 years practice no patent no pay fw stone presiden w m hemstreet hie allwool gauze balbriggan merino cotton t insures buildi igs merchandize manu factories and ad other descriptions of property on the rerniam note system cnas davidson secretary john taylor agent llcenbku auc1iomeu for the counties of wellington audhalton orders left at the fbee peess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable money to loas j also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards ohn day architect gcixih ont ofiki queeus hotel block market squaie llo i shaw grundy merchant tailors guolph quebec st guelfh for country and my kin ired there ere the morning light app aretb we see no more old scotias shore while we face the wide at antic and hear its wild tempestuous roar the land thats far acrossthe sea may show a clear and brighter bky and of the needful things of life maymore abnndautly supply yet there a worm forever guaws that never can be satisfied a craving thirst an eager strife to have their riches multiplied as independence doth advance so much the more doth selfishness as love growscold so pride grows strong ech strives his neighbor to surpass j in happy contrast to this strife wherever else our steps may roam we cannot find that sweet content nor happiness of those at home misfortunes may their prospects blast and want way pinch some worthy one while btern oppression almost crush many a noble patient bon yet manfully they bare the yoke they are hippy and contented and know that all things needful here kind heaven will always send it true honesty and diligence may they be carefully guarded with happy homes and contentment they shall ever be rewarded 1 p-f- mistake but i can at this the men explain who i am i am not a negro i ajn no more black than you are burst into a roar of laughter bade me h id my tongue and ride on i sfcw they wer 1 both very much in toxicate i and thoug 1 1 hope i am no cow ard yet ll ha no wiih to die shot for a thievish runaway ne pro on the high road it will be a mei e joke when the truth comes out i said to silence to the gate of mr smith in ductors over the fen e weve got jim an old negro tun bled out of the kitchen door rubbing his ey s and staring hi got jim berry bad darkie nigga myself and rode on in the smiths place cried one of my con- he said dat are a ise shamed ob dat done gone rfcb marse bill an den use for niggas ob dat de kind ob boy to blong ah deaf me what am long said one of the tongue and call mr nohow all de whi e folks is gone maskyraid ball ove to de peytons settin up for em the men swore our story- a masquerade k h0utheunbt0h run away i got no kind dat ar aint to spectable folks de world comin to sam you go men ihold your smith cant do it rejblied sam cant do it to a ise uriously what was to be done with raff and i felt that this was a quai dary indeed for i had and inquired this after all was the greatest comphi lent to my talent as an actor i detenu in d to deceive mr smith as long as i coul 1 ithen enjoy the joke with him and j fou id self laughing heartily over the espec iediun there was a clock in the ofiice lit struck at intervals ten eleven t vel ve one at what 1 supposed to be half past one a waggon wheel rolled along the road and topped at the gate hullo sam 1 awake i heard mr smith oay in tones that proved he hax not refused the old bourbon always offere 1 to the guest by his host at every merry- lak- ing what are you grinning at i itim dan got caught marse lurly fetch him in about njne o lock said ham ive preached to him considerable 0 1 de error ob his ways but he arent peui nt ise shamed ob him hes dor in de of ice confound his black skin 1 said mr smith ill flog him topight ill flog him myself dont dear said mrs smith a land little woman it was such a tempts bion scold him tomorrow whats the u e of flogging j spare the rod and spoil the child said mr pmith with a dignity born of bourbon whiskey my servants must be te aght right f rbm wrong give me the key and fetch a horsewhip sam i heard mrs smith and her dang iters crying and pleading forthieving jim but mrsmith in his cups was unmanageable he opened the door i saw hif big white head and his uplifted arm j dbnt make a mistake youll be 1 orpy for mr smith i said im not jin i drop a vail over what followel i never whipped oneof myown servants ifter that er allowed one to be whipped 1 1 isted the lash myself that night it was mrs smith who trying to help jim as she believed came to theoffice with sal volatile and wine and found me ot tj 1 was the guest of the family perorce for some days and my intention wi a 1 to wait for me seaward runs jthe little stream where the waggoner cords his team where between the banks of moss stand the steppingstones to cross oer them comes a little maid laughing not a bit afraid jmother there upon the shore crossed them safely just before this the little lassies plea wait for me wait for me i 1 ah so swift the waters run one false btep twos all undone little heart begins to beat fearing for the little feet soon her fear will all be lost when the steppingstones are crossed three more yet on whioti to stand- two more one more then on land 1 tis the little lassies plear wait for me wait for me ah for you my laughing lass when the years have comeo pass may one still be near to guide while youcros8 lifes river wide when no helping hand is near none if you should call to hear think however far away mother still knows all you say een in heaven heeds your plea- wait for me wait for me f rancis nunan pause and consider that it will be tc your own interest to pat ronize home trad 3 we would respectfully inform the inhal itants of acton and sur rounding country that we are again in full running order at d in a better position than before the fire to till all orders entrusted to us to parties btiilding lumber will be dressed while you wait and mouldings c mode with neatness and despatch n b we are also prepared to fill all orders for j pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so come on with your order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legs or nb thos ebbagk manager john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kiuds of granite and marble successor to t i chapman bookbinder st georges scmare guelpti ontario acton account books of all kinds madeto order periodicals of every description carefully bound rjtrling ueatly and promptly done f ohn 3 daley fj scessortothompsoujaclnen money to loan on farm propertyat 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages andj other security conveyancing in all itshranchea properly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for salel list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchasers 4d cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sjnt di rections through our european agencies farms wauted for our lists correspou having lately visited the baj of fuudj grauito quarries aud having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstonts erosses urns etc of alexandor taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in- btanoe grauito monuments 0 ft high 3g0 f ft 75 8 ft i30 a ft 6100 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere asl guarantee my priceb are from 30 to 50 per cent below all oher dealers actqn meat market deuce invited guelph ont office near the post office mhe ha1jlan barber shop j4illstbeet actov an eafey slave a stylish haircut 4 good seafoa m an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put infirstclass condition ladies and children hair tastil cut 1 ii 1 j p woitnex tonsorial artist ja mes stirton ld8 dentjst honoi graduate and mnber of the ontario college of dental surgery pain oss extraction or ao clur art ificial teeth perfect in appearance and use 00 per set written guarantee with every set on ice toveirsblockopppoc uelph wm e smith proprietor mr smith ps purchased the livery business of mb h b mccarthy which he has removed to his commodious stables on john street- tk the centre of the business portion of the tdwn mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident tlat he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiriig a cojwneroii flea- wro or oosiysny rijf can be supplied with a firstclass turnout on the shortest notice rutledge crcsson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of publio patronage the members of the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kindn of meat ac in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win public confidence and support rut edge crosson- acton feb 9th 1886 a horses boarded and sold tems reasoni blc wm e smith dont read this the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prioes lumber lath staves head- ng shingles wa4h tubs churns butter- tubs pork barrels wood 1 also flour and feed and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos o moore we were going togi ve a masquerade party and we spoke to the general about it he was a fine blackeyed whitehaired red- cheeked old gentleman courteous in the extreme and always amiable but when we said to him wont you join us and take a character he frowned down on us from his bix foot of height and said without any attempt at civility whatever no i wont ill have nothing to do with a masquerade and marched away in a few moments however ihe repented him and marched back ill tell you why he said if you care to listen i was born in georgia you know and there i lived while j was young we were a very sociable set of people and en joyed ourselves in every way one winter we took to iiaving masquerades and i made a great success in my characters other people were found out bnt never i i had a fresh disguise and a good one every time i took pains about it and altered my voice and my walk as an actor should to suit the role in no case had anyone found out who i was until i unmasked and now the last masquerade of the season was to be given by mr and mrs peyton under their auspices ratherfor it was really miss sally peytons party i was anxious of course not to lose my reputation as an actor and i racked my brains to think of a new oharacter at last i determined to go as a negro and having seen a comical rascal on the road i mode myself upas much like him as possible in a green baize jacket and white apron with a big standing collar of striped pink and white and a woolly wig of immense proportions instead of wearing a mask 1 blacked my jfoce with a preparation which was an ex cellent imitation of the genuine black skin and wore a comical mustache and side whiskers whioh i gummed on my sisters were going to the party but i would not ride with them for i believed that a secret was never safe after it was divided and i dressed after the others had gone and rode over to the peytons on horseback it was a long way and the night was cold and though i had my cloak about me i certainly would have been more comfort able in the close carriage the houses that i passed stood bock from the rord though it- was winter the pines were still green but the other trees were bare- the ground was frosty and i echoed under my horses tread and as i approached the tavern the lights looked bright and cheerful i think i shonld have stopped to warm my toes at the fire and my inner man with something of whichjyou ladies disapprove but that my disguise forbade it and after staring in at the door fora moment rode on to keep the water jag cool i an excellent device for keeping the water jug cool is to make a sack of some strong close stuff large enough to make a space of two inches under and around the jug which space is packed with sawdust put astring around the jug at the bottom the length of this string plus six inches will be the proper measure of the sack at that point in thesame way the proper measure of the sack along the curve of the jug can be obtained the bottom of the sack is cut by placing the jug on the cloth and cutting around two and onehalf inches from the jug the sides of the sack are best made in four pieces sew these pieces to the bottom and together for two or three inches then pack in the sawdust as far as the pieces are sewed together and make another sewing etc the sack must be sewed close around the handle and the lips of the jug water in this jug will be cool after an exposure of six hours to the hot sun american agrictdtiirist for auffittt r challenge smith as soon as i was- ah calculated on onjoyii g the joke with smith but sam was intellif ent come hore boy i said i want you to look at me i aint got no u ie for nobody like you ise seeu nuff o yo i has replied sam but you must ome here i said im not jim look at ne do i speak like jim de dodges ob d iceiviu higgas is won- derfnl dey can pu fc on any kind ob ways said sam but i bows dat jacket jim eben in de dark and i knows dem whiskers ise got de office ke marse lock him up dar deres bars to 0 winders he cant get out nohow dats sh 5 all right repli id the most sober of my captors open the joor now light down jim and give us noltrouble or well shoot i measured my mtagouists and drunk as they were felt sure that i could have- knocked them down and ridden off and had they been sobei they would have shot me for 1 was suj posed to be a valuable piece of property t ut intoxicated men are not to be trusted ai d their pistols were in their hands will you listen to reason i shouted get lights and yoi will see lam no negro i am a white genth man i am disguised for the masquerade but at this p int shouts of derision overwhelmed my v ice and my captors as sisted by sam bun led me into the office a wooden structure lot far from the house where busiuess was transacted and unruly servants brought i d their senses where horses and slaves w acre sold and rice and cotton bargained fol t there i was locked up and soon i beard my captors ride away here was a pretty 1 nd to my masquerading frolio and sally eyton was doubtless dancing with youn forest and the supper was spread and th fun was going on and i was here the otbce was amp and dark the fire had burned ut in the chimney place i sat upon mr smitl s tablb and swung my feet and the words i uttered were never in the catechism i an afraid more shame to me in about fifte n minutes however i saw a light at the t window the blue flame ot a match it lit sams dubky counten- t ance you dar jim he cried you dar pse sorry for you lim but white folks has all de power dussent showmy feel- ins nohow im not jim i said 11 dat ar statem nt are unsensible said sam coldly i ki ows you are jim sure enuff but ise got t elins ef you should offer me horf datai fifty dollars whaf you stole youd touoh m so id unlock de door and den burst off dj lock so marse fink gone bust it my feel- when dey ar touched hold a pistol but during my convalesc ance i fell in love with miss matilda smith and she did not refuse to listen to mel one does not challenge ones fatherinlaw anl we were married in the spring but i hive a prejudice against masquerade partis to this day and nothing could persuade ne to attsnd one as a masker theholiday season the hot weather c f last week brought up the usual questions about holidays ready the more forti nate tribes have flight and are on their way to rest recreation some go to the seaside down the st lawrence some to superior and of course the ever- welcome lar i to en and same ike arge muskoka gets its full share a very number of canadians have crossed ithe qcean this year onfi there are more to fol low this annual holiday is one ot ithe beat things we havs in a country like canada where nearly every man toils with hand or brain an 1 annual rest is indispen sable to health and working powei we have few large landed proprietors or millionaires who cm rest all the year round if they wish most of our people work for a living ar d the great majority of them have to work iiard in many caseb an annual hokday in necessary to k ep the physical or mental machine from b making down it was a land provision of the almighty to place such good facilities for recreation so near alhardworking people we are fairly surrounded by good something ho need stand by there is enough of good those regions to giv nerve power to people on the continent r saving dry earth j i the cheapest disinfectant is dry earth and a supply shonld be secured duripgj a dry time dry earth does not mean dry sand but a good strong loam no matter how dry the surface of the soil may appear to be it never becomes perfectly dry j las more or less moisture will come up from 1 below by capillary attraction to com pletely dry the earth a drying platform of old boards should be constructed upon which the surface soil may be thrown being cutoff from all moisture from below a few hours of exposure to the sun will dry it completely it should then be ran through a sievo or riddle to remove stones and trash aud the finel earth placed in barrels or boxes and stored under covr the use of a roadscrapeij to draw the earth upon the platform will greatly diminish the labor lay in an abundance for rise in earth olosets privy voults henhouses or wherever an unpleasant odor is to be btopbamerkan agriculturist for august things one would rather haye left unsaid jones was looking around a picture ex hibition with an artist friend who had tie good luck to have one of his pictures receive an honorable mention show- me he said the successful painting there it is the portrait of a lady oh charming as to exooution but how did you come to get hold of such ugly model whyit haprxnb to be my mother replied the arti6t j your mother exclaimed poor jomis greatly embarrassed dear me you mustpardenme and stilly if i hadit been such a stupid i might have recognized it why youre as alike as two peas resting places almost any man in ontario can leave his home in lie morning an 1 be on one of our splendid lakes in the afternoon quebeo people can go to the lover st lawrence in a fev hours the pe ople of the maritime provinces have sea air all the time not to spe ak about their s lendid fog the typical young ontari man stands by his north srn lakes and he has c a livingstone plattsville oiit says i have much pleas ire in recommet d ing dr thomab eclectric oil j from having used it myself aud havir g sold it for soi ne time in my own case i will say for never- be ashamed to air in all the wish they all had a chance for the mouth of at gust we cordially to breathe it it ever on to a sure enuff youdone ins is tender jim right you old reseat said i had885 in my pool et i have got it then an i there sam i said master ned you ned going to the rut if i had think sam might im young mr willis- know petes master masquerade let me out and ill moke j ou a present tomorrow wits and wealth it is better to have ones wits qulokened by a lack of wealth than to have them dulled by its possession and too of ten it would seem as if this must be ones choice with the world sb it is the lata edwin p whipple of boston it is said was once asked hy a friend what would be this idea of a puolio library it he hod half a million to build it with if i had the half- million was mr whipples quick response i shouldnt have the idea and there was plausibility if not reasonableness in that statement of tl ie case the curative pwer of ayers sarta- known to require the parilla is too well specious aid of any exaggerated 01 certificate 1 witnesses of its oure are today living in every hamlet of the land write dr j co lowell masji for names t fictitious marvelous city and d- ayer that it is the lest preparation i have tried for rheumatism a fortunate karaite mrs cyrus kilborne jbeamsville ort had what was supposed to be a cancer her nose she was about to submit cancer doctors treatment when she con cluded to try burdook blood bittera intsr- nally and externally a few bottles of wh oh entirely curedher what torontos wellknowp good iia- maritan says i have ben troubled w ith dyspepsia and liver complaint for o rer 20 years and have tried many remedies but never found an article that done ne as much good as northrop r lymais vegetable discovery and dyspeptio cur clara e porters dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordia is prepared from drugs known to the proles sion as- thoroughly reliable for the cur of cholera dysentery diarrhoea griping pa ns and summer complaints it has been ui ed successfully by medical practitioners foi a number of years with gratifying resu ts if buffering from uny summer compla nt it is just the medicine that wjll care yu try a bottle it sells for 25 cents important news itofiu cookstown mrs canpbip has b troubled for a number of years with iidi- gestion and constipation and was indo sed to try megregors speedy gure and foi nd it woe all that was needed and wo ild recommend its use to any person simila clyj troubled this invaluable remedj ifr a did in every parff canada jit- 6fc uaal 00 per bottle sfyd at dr imogarviofp m store st i

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