Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1886, p. 2

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1 it iv i i i 1 i 1 t l be jucton ymftes tbdrsj as morxiko aretsr 5 188g form mitted in its una care and 4 carried notjjis and comments the siittis not just now prepared to give proof thai its affirmation that sir mo- cmiey riobed to iwscompany the town delefiatiop before the minister to intercede oakvilles behalf ias correct we will vraitftatiently nntil it does the canadian pacifio company have inaugural bd prohibition in a very practical tic bale of liquor will not beeper- any of the eating houses along ofrailway nor in any of its dining this regulation will be strictly the foot ball match more to follow invahloh grit and tory wlllbothbn4ayortowln thei cornet ba ds one tune did you attend thai groat football match last thursday ovoninj fellows again fjiiv4iuuil-iiaile- when those young attempted to down us old new gamo it you 01 1 senate endioott having remarked that it would e foolish for the united statesjto go to wi r with mexico about one mans grievances after permitting canada to pit on the le ihngs of hundreds of new eipg- landersi ihe chicago a remarks ah yes but we can lick mexico you know the neuf has it small parcels can now be sent from canada to the old country and vice iww by parol poet at the rate of 35el no greater weight than three pounds will be b at this new arrangement will prove aiceptable to persons desirous of sending nuall packages to friends in the old land or to receive small articles there- from livty v 1 may j proposed the fax frocc tie sates tl tmosas ihe whole stems to laildjhd piled to or of guelph has received let- mr van home in- reference to guelph junction railway it at he will meet the city on fair regards the building of the road sum and substance of the epistle be that if the city is prepared to line the canada pacific is- pre- run it a coribspdndent at the colonial exhibi tion reiiarks very pointedly we ob- s aye a feature common to all our colonies a ive cai ad7 a display of elaborate native irepons and implements cleverly land jrettily made but savsge canada j has ot past the age of native weapons andjim- lement and their absence from our court i arms a striking distinction 1 at in 3 colonial and indian exhibition 1 he amount of precious metals produced by he several colonies is shown by various nonummtal devices british columbia las an obelisk containing 250 ooq cubic nches representing 49342900 worth of i old 3 tova scotia showsah output of 7- 500000 worth while other places exhibit ipecime ns of quartz and ore from which arge an tounts are yet tobbtaken amongst ihe mof t promising of these are the samples rom tr e newlyopened districts of british 3oluml ia- not included in the fortynine nillirm for t le benefit of the perplexed editor of ihe milton sun we might say that the re- solntioi s of approbation respecting the police magistrate license inspector and salton s temperance papers came from the aroper source the halton temperance ulianc is not run on the same principles as the liberal temperance union sb jontjndge others by what you would be ndncec to do yourself friend watson seorge own ilerald good enough but its hai ily worth whileiopay any attention q the avings of the setting sun moton reform rr thats lost abpat theconclnsion that ot ler cotems have arrived at thtf labrador distrust s report may bejexaggerated butare not i wnoliy untrue ottawa aug 2 rev joseph eden of quebec in a special io the free press irom gaspe today says thdt while the reports of star ration in labrador may be magnified they ai e not untrue he further says that the goi ernment steamer la canadien has return d from her summer trip to labrador the co mmander reports that the cod fish ery on the banks ofllabrador is a favorer at nai aahquan when the canadien came up the boats only averaged ten drafts the wi sather has been bad for fishing and bait hi s been scarce unless a very decid ed linj rovement takes place in cod fishing before the end of august great distress will ensue between natashquan and be- tbiaan the commandes is of opinion that at leas 40 families should leave the coast betwee if the above mentioned places i the prtsidint of katashquan intends going to qnebe to try and make arrangements with thelocil government for the removal of a numbe r of families t lateb j a di spatch received last mght jfrom the attorn bygeneral of newfoundland em phatic illy denies the stories about suffering and df ath among the fishermen of new- foundl ind and labrador it gays the staterc ent is a malicione fabricatiou the filtunf prospects are improving new found and can well make provision for any relief j equired in certain localities cton municipal council couacil met on tuesday evening mem bers pesent t henderson j fyfe and j cameroh upon motion of j fyfe and j cameron mr henderson took the chair tha clerk was instcacted to- notify mr samuel dehney of norval that the coun- l claim from him the sum of eightdollars images to mr smiths phaeton caused by irisjleatong a pue of stones on the side of the street near the railroad which frightened the horse attached i the finance committee presented their sixth jreport recommending payment of accountsfae follows luthejr lyman work on streets 915 00 thos easton town hall and streets 5 74 married bucks at a didnt then you missc d it everybody said it was i the largest fcrowd that ever assembled on tho grounds barring ol course anv holiday or regular racemeeting and jit was all the town and his wifo warthjaro and they enjoyed themselves thoroughly our baud was in attenftauue and en livened the prooeedmgs with one solitary tune which however through kinder lonely was appreciated i they would ha ve enlivened some more only for the fact th it the estimable leader didnt see the fun of doing it all himself some otl the other f i llows leaving aooident- ally left their ini trumentsou tho piano i mean at home may i offer word of seasonable ad vice to some of thf tootors in the a c b more especially to those belonging to that athletio club with t he oriental name it is to this ffeotthat it looks ex tremely childish i nd gives the impression that something is wrong with the brain when you refuse to turn out with the band unless it is tor the especial benefit of your own organization the baud was requested to play on the grounds in ord r to make the first foot ball match of the season a success and to afford a double treat to the citizens in general the lead ar courteously acceeded and it ill became t lose bigheaded tooters aforesaid to purpoi ly leave their instru ments at home had it been fi r the benefit of tho club with the eastern nameyou can bet your last summers st aw hat theyd have toed the mark fast eno igh butnnffsed to return to our muttons as the french say the match was a well- contested one and resulted in one goal each the playing but i refrain science was simply out cf it the ball mado a lively time in the crowd occasionally it was great un fo those who didnt get hit the next gr sat event will be for ber lud berlud the conservatives and reformers play a match on thuri day the day of publica tion of the fkei peess and a gritty time may confidently i a expected the follower i of the ould fox as he is sometimes c illed think theyve got a refer to of it perhaps t iey soft thing their team i shall be the re to see the fun and i advise my reader i to do likewise it ia to be hoped that th s players will be better acquainted with t he rules next time did you obsufve the scalped one he did great wor t on thursday his de fence of our goal vas fine bythebyis anything being done to wards removing the stumps and other debris from our li ke the exi enditure of a little money judiciously used we have thp facilities for making our thriving little town a pleasant rural resort a velcome refuge in which to spend a few veeks pleasantly for the wearied citymai and his family the pond put in good condition fir boating a summ rhouse built on the point bandstand near i o lawntennis and croquet grounds laid out in the park a few boat- houses erected near the point summer cottages along ths banks of the pond the pond itself stock d with fish to the band could give weekly concerts d be arranged matches r thrice a week with the there games cot take place twice material inltownj no need to go outside our own community the possibilities of such a scheme ategrat and i may at some future timesgu e the outline of such a scheme which y onld assuredly be of bene fit to our merchf nts and citizens generally but i must lesist mrs a informs me that one 61 the kids demands the immedi ate presence with a aningle of i acton august 41 h 1886 from abgus out in erin from our own cc rrespbiident mrs john cre wson of crewsons corners was severely inj ured last week inconse quence of the beaking of the axle of a buggy in which i ihe was riding another addit ion to the list of new barns mr lacblan mc leas 1st line has com menced the bto iewotk in connection with a new barn of cc nsiderable size the great u pic among farmers tliis season is self1 tindets the agents are very plentiful i ut the farmers are very careful however quite a number have been started u this and the adjoining township of era nosa a sabbath sc 100i of a good deal of inter est is held sab ath mornings jn the brick school house 1st crossroad officered by members of the presbyterian charch os- pxinge aud of u e crewsons corners and brick methodis attendance of j upils about lorty rb 3ook work at cemetjery john 3 latthews work on streets iii 99 rep rt adopted upoin motion the council adjourned be aoton suie t ii 2 25 2 00 spring stuto and overcoats at extreme ices ind mode in the latest sty tea to oah and see them at j fyfes low piii churches the average we understand is rwncus an old minister to the editor of tl o fasif phess deab sm k jowihj that many years ago the methodint pulpit of acton was sap phed by bev w n willoughby i have ven tured to tell you that i heard him preach last sabbath at the quarterly meeting at carlisle east laamboro township the old veteran go spel warhorse as he is called has becoi le very frail in appearance but when fairly iinterm upon anyi exercise of worship exhibits a large amount of the energy and fire c f fifteen years ago when i hut saw him those who will remember him will hot b surprised to know that while the tear of joicing are both neartheborder he is now living ahnuated minis er sympathy and shout of re- ready he has a pensive ixpression of countenance in brantford as a super- go to j fj i ihg he can si and style everyt me i yours i es acton for your oloth- it you for price quality purely personal paragraphsrespootlng people with whom our readers are individually or oolleotlvely acquainted miss bella kennedy is visiting f riqmu qt 1 mrs gabriel wells luft on tuebday for winnipeg miss minnie swnu w the guest of friends in point edward miss jennio sonnrille visited friends in guolph this week miss mary j hynos was tho guest of frfeud8 hero this week mr george mogarvin visited friendb in liatowel during the week mrs edw niokliii of guelph visited friendb in acton this week mr 8tevei marshall capt of tho s a montreal is home on a visit mr asa hall is the guest of his bod mr z a hall penetanguisheno missj alberta snyder of guelph is spending a week with friends hero mrs r phillips and family left yesterday morning on a visit to friendsiu orangeville messrs l g matthews and james moore jr visited friends in guelph on sunday miss maggie matthewb left laat week on a visit to friends in st marys london and bismarck mr james smith of hamilton is spend ing a couple of weeks with his mother mrs cssmith mr e jveweus left on monday for the i west on a business trip for the canada glove works mrsc l white of st louis mo for- merly a resident of acton visited friends hero this week misses celia stafford annie darby and jennie carroll left on monday to take situations in toronto s bev alex russell aud son and miss lassie of hawksville were guests ot mrs s a secordlast week thefiteepnesshad a pleasaut call on monday from mr w d brothers editor of the milton reformer mrs malcolm kennedy and three little grandchildren left last week to spend a few weeks with friends in beverley mr lymau hamilton of the halton dry goods houset left on monday to spend a couple of weeks at his old home in mea- ford mrs i francis and children left yester day morning for gloveraville n y with the intention of spending two or three weeks with friends there mr wm hendry manager of the on tario mutual life assurance co waterloo and mrs hendry were guests of their daughter mrs a a ruby on saturday mr e longman formerly teacher of limehouse public school and who has re cently been a pnpil at collingwood collegi ate institute viaited his friends there last week among those who have successfully pass ed the recent examinations for matricula tion at the university of toronto we notice the nameof mr j m bell kassa- gaweya we are happy toleanithat mrs w h howell of jerseyville formerly of acton who has been confined to her room with a severe illness for the past three months and whose recovery was for some time regarded very uncertain is now slowly regaining health mr hp moore editor of the fiitb press accompanied by mrs moore aud eddie left this uioroing for toronto to at tend the annual meeting of the canadian pres3 association they leave toronto on the annual press excursion this evening per steamer cuba of the merchant lino one of the largest and finest vessels on the lake for chicago the steamer will pass ithrough the welland canal on friday aud saturday afternoon will be spent in cleve land fort mackinac will be visited on tuesday and chicago will be reached on wednesday 11th inst after six days on the water on their return from chicago mr and mrs moorewill speud a few days with friends in michigan nrrtwmtn gueljph remnants jobs and odd o drives jobs an d b a r g a i n s remnants of prints remnants of tweeds remnants of denims remnants jof shlrtin remnants r r- to be cleared cut at any price gs of dress goods emnants of laces and r remnants all bbons kinds of goods 6 job lines- op corsets i job lines of ladies shes job lines of these goods to be sold without regard to price being odd lines see our new fancy prints j new nice childrens shoes job lines of mens and o- cloth i boys boots and sizes jst in and nobby remember bur famous 50c tea mcl co tjie labrador sufferers to the editor of tho fbee pntsi deaii sm as it appears owing to the failure of the fishing on the coasts of labrador the people are in a state of un usual suffering for waut of food aud within the past few days tho press has contained heartrending statements of their sufferings for they tell us the inhabitants have not only eaten their ponies to sustain life but were driven to the fearful necessity of devouring the dead bodies of their neigh bors and it is also reported half the in habitants have died from starvation or from the attack of numerous hordes of white bears lpw considering these ter rible facts we deem it proper to suggest that the christian congregations of this community should on an earljj sabbath devote tbie collections of that day to the relief of bur fellow creatures ahdjthat the receipts be handed to the reeve of the vil- lage iii wast and by him forwarded to the governor of newfoundland for further transmission that the object of this appeal may not be overlooked for want of a stated day we take the liberty of namingsunday the 16th inst i b camkros i wj piooii r b cook r phillips w h lownv michael lamb i r royce acton august 3rd 1880 m 91 acton 1 vsfe merchant tailors uavkkkceiveu tiie1u first instalment ok kevf fall goods shawgrundy merehani tailors guelplt -the- cemetery m preserve youif i is hot settled yet but tiie fact that w williams has the best stock of boots and shoes i in the county iu settled r beyond dispute i have j ust received my spring stock aiid am prepared tasuit all old customers and as manynewoues as see lit to give me a call in all hues of footwear boots for the babies boots for che nieu boots i do rnake boots i do meiid custom work and repairing promptly atterided to a wm williams r b jebmtns for nobby goods at lowest cash prices ls housekeepers and other j reasonable prices jthaii any other iustrudtions liot to misrepresent goods ant inoie re discounts i sell for cash or trade and consequently have no had debts f osjary for cash stores to pile on big r rofits inorder tolive as credit stores to her pay for the one that never intei ds to pay c i am offering lor the june trade special inducement can rest assured that they can buy from me at toronto fhave given the staff particular ins them to be t buy for cash saving thereby laige gent public can see at a glance that it is not uecos or in other words make the promptpaying custo the following lints ihaye reduced fully twntyfive peroent and oye i whi ch i will sell as cheap as the cheapest dliess ooobs in nuns cloth jersey cloth canvas cloth black and colored silk grenadines pongee silk black and colored gros gram silks black and c velvets velveteens and crape cloths hosiery all makes and prices gloves to sui t everybody dont fail to see our bustles aud ladies underwear peints no house in canada has ever shown a nicer range than we hive prints a good cloth fast colors splendid pattern for 10c well worth 12jc giuglu tous white cottous shirtings ducks denims towels towelling great value br house furnishings carpets ii tapestry union aud hemp fjoo style ask to see the madras muslin at 25c per 3 3rd it makes lovely curtains and milillnlsey although it is getting lata in the season i am still adding lujvelti correct styles and a corapeteiit lady in charge 1 boots and shoes wall papers and groceries all at prices to suit the times 3 requiriiig-jinythiirgjii-tlie- lined mentioned below t i store in acbn and as cheap as ai customers yjill find goods exactly as y outside of f- we represent lil so ah liite misses lisle p gloves at 15c corsets hoop skit ts mo advertisemoats wanted a respectable midaieaeed woman for general household duties iu a small family near city plain cooking and milking cow one from country preferred address with refer- ences drawer 610 qnelpb 5000 acres oflanpfor bale in the county of dnfferin a quantity of land for sale at from 10 per acre to 850 per acre terras and prices to suit all customers also tillage property in shel- burue horniuga mills corbettou luverviow and melancthon apply to jthembtkeet i auctioneer land agent tc shelburno as herastreet ii- acquainted with the county of dnfferin in almost every part ire can recom mend him to intending pnrcliawip storesthave to d iu some cases with the exception of groceries allwool cashmere black and eoljired lustres satin black satin mervellleux black and colored i now nis own v on our counters beautiful designs in canvas and muslin8 i please everybody g ray cpt- ollaud table damask etc etc and stair qiloloths curtains of nearly every warranted to jiwh wcl i turkish rugs from 3 bp es iu his depakmont and cuatoiers will fiud remember ttte placegriln old stand tlie halton dry gocds house eton have now on the shelves of the dominion boot and shoo si spring footwear of all kinds and we are now offering superior value in oil lines of ore a full slock of our customere boots shois slippers c we carry astook wliich for asaortuient caunot be excelled uid every waut can he supplied weore showing some nice lines in trunks valises i received direct from the manufacturers our ordered work is giviug complete satisfaction aud customers know that our prices are right repairing neatly and promptly executed i i kienney bros guelph guelph spring v is v here with all its attb actions and kenney bros main street acton why guelph ojo r- the sonly in the clty of cuelph wliolesalb and retail dealers and directimport best and cheapest carpets n canada ovlew 300 pieces to choose our prices will gladdeu the hearts of every also laos gustains- ql ar2 thmps0pr kaj carpet f cavi ug dflne tq order t8 of the from lady 42 st georg s square tirampjtx i 2i i wisirsrt t 1 t guelph bo we do we wont fiil b rr cellars with uuuecessaiy goods out so is the verdict of i they must 0o guelph 1600 yds dress goods 5c per yd worth i2ic 800 yds toautiful dress muslins 5e per yd worth 8c 13000 yds beauflful prints from 8 to 10c perrd ims ia ftvej lines oolyoi ljbat see hand- bills successors to john hocg son w3 ffiper ndhamjstreet gileiph m rvyem bpisbw speotaclo stock at largest in town an ojp the sifiht all kinds ofsl spectacles from 25c npf call when yon want a pa oeohynis a the fruit is now at its bell jmfebsl it keeping all kiuds ol frbl orders for any qnanhr rl takeu and filled with fbe bef pemlcyb is the attraction ery canned goods ice sj luthepl wtlidan thpbsday mobsrso provided crumbs for by the ever press rep the wheat is bein j condition eighth month aujj rid weather the small fly is affectienate the prohibition ca town next thursday pretty cool weather this week for august tie bennett hond has been leased to a man wprk is progressin rnill jthenewflnme te are always items for our personal f v- th mapte leafs hamptpns at gnolph ecoreof 8 to 1 the st albans jan picnicfeed yesterday erijoyame time an exenrsion train seaforth 13 coaches pi on tuesday forordn mr wm hems chestnut driving taare j w kennedy of kead the new advi henderson mebae drives j6bs and bi the day milton council monday night made a band to aidthemih uniforms milton is agitatinr like some of her sister 1 ject rather a startling are considered elder sheppard asaud well known to is expected to take church atbidgetown an immigrant i of three coaches and j went through acton o way to the wiestern si it is time now to thistle in the prime it has grown to a ripe its seed over half a 1 the stone store ol flour mills formerly i nelson of this place j to mr s kerr eran the other dayi arthur pleaded guilt against the scott act trate lowes fined hi butter yellow is j brown thi season it is a sprtdtbrownl bination thatought j lasses everybotly saj it- is tlie most pop citizens moptlieirrd and pause in the shl ijreatb the 29th of aul holiday there wi 11 nw unde georgetown bandf georgetown ilerald weddingin vital lating marriage shj press office arid sb inyitatiofib which style orijhortnotic mr james are turning ocjt cord oordovanjeather of j demand- for his go sopplyand additio gmn meroha now disposing otj iinter and ire in i iieavily it is es 20000 will have fourofthemv the poof h days in fact eip thing of beauty is i i makes the txjaaty by takinglfa pno town pbotographe the late th death was annon few weeks ago 35400 cpbsist i00 moneys 5i00 bank andl thecoramnn dist church last rev mr mol to be presents disappointment of rev it phiu that could be de a canvasser i book of narratil rums gallery f acton who will j the work should tion testimo men respecting j our next issue judging froi some of those wij wa4k they evm gjstthelawgii rightofway toj or child vf hois obliged to- look i xlriving tlje b

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