Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1886, p. 3

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if i w r4 ffi preserve your eyesight j t cp- j dnffoieion wiliioicupy the pulpitjiii knox churcli next sabbath special largest ii tlie sight n or tors lrkil all f cry tb t tiirji le stock at geo llynds the town j an optometer for testing ttfmilmi m m mshm 1 iniw m its liajlitl utu mvkhnluly lckcolmjl h khilt of klllu r i t any kiml of liuit fillet wicitio ihm the timcf ivrtortu i is tlie nttrivtiou for t no confection- iiuiiiol liood loo ream v water tc imlkiswx in the tost office huikliug morning and evening jlr duff is one of au kimfs otisitadw wi j f mlnta l presbytery a spectacles from sc upwards give us a jubll f vvil bo lel in iklorn on cull wheiji you want pair the lqtli inst by the minister of quolph lynrs acton oxt trosbytery to celebrate tho fiftieth auni- i versary of his ordination the- fruit season j warmer who bou t binding twine at oakvillo last week wan the victim of the bad boys of that villa c thoy noticed the end of a ball hanging out ot the waggon rind hitched on immediately and the farmer not noticing tho trick drove on and boon tive or six hundrel yards of twine wakiid up- the street tho sentiments expressed by thotfiirmer on discovering his lps are not jrccotded tut thoy probably were expressive enough the orjingeville a- has been inter viewing the oitizeus as to their opinions concerning a ehango of uatno owing to the unenviable notoritv the town bears under the present name about half ot the people stick to the oldiknieand the others iaro divided between dnfferiii gardwell orange city and lawrence the algoma pioneer suggests that the authorities should cleau out the dynamiters or the place should bo called sheol rtmt jm fuss sruv morxisci are vst 5 188g1 crumbs for breakfast provided t conditio k rid wev by the ever thoughtful free press reporters wheat isbcing harvested in good mow for tor- ith month august her small liy is now altogether too ectioiate i thi prohibition camp open at gejorge- j town r xt thursday j pntty cool weather two or three dayb i this wyk for august th bennett house of georgetown i bee i leased to a man i rom glenwilliams yw the weeks rakings widen are principally local and all interesting ha rk is progressing at jharteysj flour mill t he new flume is about completed wi are always glad to receive personal y our personal column send them items f in tl hampt scots 0 tl maple leafs defeated the bing es at guelph the other day hy a 8 to l e st albans aud baptist churches pic- tucked yesterday they both had an eujoya jle time an excursion train from goderich and eaforh 13 coaches passed through acton ou tn sday for toixmr0 mr ym hemstreet bailiff sold his chestrut driving mare on tuesday to mr j w kennedy of agincourt for s1s0 cash r lad the new advertisement of messrs heudi rson mcrae 4 co in this issue drive i jobs and bargains are the order of the d- j hilton council at their meetiugcn mohc ay night made a grant of 50 to tho baud to aid them in the purchase of tjieif unit o ms iiltou is agitating fire protection but like s rae ot her sitter towns finds the sub ject r atfier a stalingoie when nuances are c hindered 7 lldersheppard fbrnierlv of st thom as aid wehknwn tomany of ourreaders is exjected to take charge of the disciples chunfi at jtidgetown woodhouse secretary au immigrant special train composed r v r o- toronto ol three coacnes and some so passengers went through acton on tuesday on their way o the western states t isicn now to cut off the prolific senseless and despicab e sport a couple of boys amtsed themselves on tuesday by firing a broadside of revolver bullets through the public schoolwiudows ithirtynine window pa res were frjactured ia whitewasher working in the building at the time was badly scared itia reported that the son of a citizen and a city chum whowasivisiting with him played the con temptible hick the youths friends will repair the damage ono our exhibit at te exhibition a friend at tle colonial exhibition london eiig writes respecting the speci mens of printing sent by the fner press to the exhibition as folliws your frame of samples of job printing on exhibition in the canadian court here is very much admired bv printers aild others this is encouraging and we are sure our readers will be pleased at tli z atteutipu paid to work executed in an ordinary canadian printirigofnee an intereothg volump ive are in receipt of j a copy of the re ports of the provincial sabbath school conventions held in brockville and strat ford this is a volun e of about 250 pages and contains excellent reports of the many discussions upon important subjects intro duced at these two conventions the work is of much interest to sabbath school workers generally and a careful perusal of its pages vrill assist materially id numerous phases of sabbath school labor aj copy nf the joint reports will be sent to any ad dress upon receipt of 25 cents hy j j thist e in tlic prime of its existence before it ha grown to a ripe old age and scattered its seed ayerhalf a township the stone storebpposite the bjockwood flour millsl formerly owned by mr john nelson of thispjace wa3 sold the other day- t mr s kert eramosa for 8550 ike other day john bushline of pro tm box oo acton choral society the choral society is making progress and promises to become one of ourpermau ent institutions considerable interest is be ing taken by those musically inclined and about thirty member jbave been enrolled at a meeting of the executive committee this week the membership fee was fixed at 25ceuts to be supplemented by a monthly fee of 10 cents it i3 hoped that n the course of a few roont is the society will be self sustaining as a series of musical enter prospect the soc ety have- a regular weekly meeting every wednesday evening i i arthur pleaded guilty to a second offense i tainnients of attractive character re in agai jst the scott act aud police magis trate lowes fined hini 100 and costs butter yellow is a favorite shade with brosyn this season says a fashion writer it is a sort of brown bread and buttercom- binstipu thatotight to be popular with the lassis everybody says wliew these days it is the most popular word in town as ciiiiiens mop their ied ud perspiring faces ahc pause in the shady places- to pant for brfcitl the 29th of august will be our civic holiday there will be an excursion via x nw under the auspices of tha georgetown band to port carling giiyfirn lhinld wedding invitations parties contemp- iating marriage should call at- the fbke phcss ofiice audbeeour samples of wedding invitations which will be printeclin fine styleon short notice l mr james moores cordpwn works are turning out cordovan vampa aud other cqrdovan leather of first class quality the demand for his goods is greater than the stpply andadditional vats are being put in gjrain merchants in orangeville are udw gisposiijg of the grain purchased last winter and are inconsequence losing very heavily itas estimated that a loss of 820000 will have to be divided amongst four of them ii itjie poor photographer gets no holi days iu fact expects none he knows a thing of beauty a- joy for ever and he rhakes the beauty last as long as the joy by taking its photo mr a a ruby our tbwu photographer perpetuates beauty the late thomas shortreed whose death was announced in the fbee peess a few weeks ago left an estate valued at j 935400 consisting of household goods 1000 moneys secured by life insurance 95400 bank and other stocks 820000 i t the communion services in the metho- dist churcli last sunday were well attended bev mr mckenzie of milton was too ill to be present there was no peason for disappointment kowever for the sermons of retvjl plullips the pastor were all that couldbe desired i a canvasser for the new and ithrilling book of narratives life pictures from bums gallery has been appointed for acton who will duly call urxnodr citizens the work should have a very large circula tion testimonials from eminent gentle men respecting the book will appear in our next issue j udging from the manner in which some of those who drive treat those who walk they evidently do not understand that the law gives the preference- of the rightofway to the pedestrians a womatu or child who is crossing the street is not obliged to look out for the man who is driving the team but it is the eontrary acton band of chris lan workers the quarterly election of officers of the band in connectioii with the methodist church was held oil tuesday evening and was as follows slipt rev b philips leader w p brown asst leaders thos t moore james moore issac frandis ed a hemstreet and john b cameron sectytreas h p moore asst j m fern- lev the baud has two regular weekly services on tuesday evening and on sun day evening after he preaching service their meetings are dways earnest and inj teresting and tndr the blessing of god we believe that important and ejffectual work is being acconiplishedjfor his cause aiding the labrador sufferers j elsewhere in these columns will be found a communication from representatives of the six churches in town relative to the secur ing of a special collection from the several congregations to be devoted to the relief of the starving fishermen and their if amilies on the coasts of labrador this is a move in the right direction and we trust that liberal contributions will be made with a view to the alleviation of the sufferings of some few at least of our unfortunate fellow- men the collections will be taken up simultaneously on sunday loth instant and wiu as soon as convenient thereafter be handed to beeve storey and by him be transmitted to the governor of newfound land who is prepared to make jthe most effective expenaitnre for the relief of his suffering people f journalistic change the waterloo clironklthb been sold to messrs munro brds one of the partners in the new firm is mr b munro late principal of the p lisley public scjhool and the other late principal of the public schools in palmer ston the lattir was for a time on the staff of the stratford beacon and the new firm will be a strong one both brother being weu educated talented and possessing useful newspaper experience mr thomas hilllard the late proprietor of the clironidel is a journalist whose career has been narked by success and although still a man in the early prime of life retires from business with a snug capital to his credit in the bank and sever- al valuable town properties registered free from 1 incumberance friend hilliardfs course as a newspaper man has been one at all times honorable and the principles ad vocated those he iconsidered in the cause of right and progress the standing o the chronicle is an enviable one in social matters mr- hill iard occupies a prominent position and has been elected to offices of importance and distinction the messrs munro have not yet made their how to the public through taecolumiisof the chronicle and we are consequently unacquainted with their proposed platform however we wish their jsurual continued success a statement cjorreoted in referring to tho untimely end ot harry osmond limohouso last week tho fukk phkss sjiiflthat deceased had been troubled as to whether ho would bo ablo to pay off tho debt on his home this was incorrect as vo have sinco ioarued that his plaoo was all paid for and that he had money to his credit iu tho ijank his great trouble seems to havo becji an idea that he had paid too much for the place and it is stated that ho was unnecessarily tauntod about the matter by people who failod to realize how seriously tho matter was affecting deceased we are glad to learn that the littlo family is in fairly com fortable circumstances sudden death of an old resident on sunday morning mr win mou very of lot 81 con 7 esqucsing near ballina- fad about rtvo miles from acton died vory suddenly at the residence of his soninlaw mr john mclean ho was feeling very unwell on saturday morning and drove over to balhnafad for some medicine and in returning was taken so violently ill that he could not proceed home medical aid was summoned and it was found that he was suffering from a severe attack of in flammation of the bowels nothing seomed to help him and he died in great pain about three oclock next morning deceased was burried on monday afternoon with masonic honors and the funeral was very largely attended for a number of years mr mc- enery was a merhber of esquesing town ship council and tookconsiderablointerest in public matters i local sports during the week tho lacrosso match between junior clubs of acton and georgetown last wednesday evening resulted iu a draw during the third game owing to- the lateness of the hour the first two games were won by georgetown the match was interesting and there was some fiue playing on both sides the visiting team was composed of much the heavier men however on thursday evening a foot ball match between married and single teams was played and was the subject of the biggebt jun of thdseason in about an hour of leutergetic play wherein every man strained every nerye and sbme muscles too to win a goal was wou by each aiid the de ciding game was postponed until some futu re eveuiug the band sernaded the players and the grounds were brilliantly illuminat ed about three hundred citizens were present a match between the grits and tories will be played this evening saturday afternoon was devoted to a game of cricket on the cfippers grounds every englishman in town who had an- honr to spare wasjvresent and felt almost as happy as in the days o his youth the game was played with considerable zest but in the absence of a proper crease and a superabundance of unexperienced players it lacked the attraction of former days and the good oldscientific game is not likely to prosper here very much this season a match between the olympic lacrosse club of milton atid the crescents took place on the latters field ou monday even ing audiit was aheavy game no two more evenly matchl teams could have been found and the players of both worked for all they were worth the first goal was won by milton in io minutes aud the second by acton in 20 minutes the match was then drawn the olympics are heavy hitters as many of the homo players can testify by biackaudblue limbs and bandaged heads iu tl interval between the above matches the time has been spent by the mer chants and professional men of lower mill street and vicinity in playing handball a game imported by former residents of one of the islandsoff the west coast of europe its a lively game aud brings forth more racket than some residents appreciate ou saturday afternoon next commenc ing at five oclock a base ball match will be played between the clippers and a team from bockwooci friday july 23 1886 everybody is coidially invited to sharo in the as- toundiug reductions on the prices of goods which we are making at tho present time wo are well aware that to make the desired impression nowa days one mint strike hard or cut deep in order to- insure a speedy aud large ueetgnso of our very largo and well- solected stock wo havo not hesitated to do this our object first last and all through this summer clearing sale is to reduce stock though the operation may be painful aud iho meaus applied make us squirm its got to bo dono wedont make this an nouncement bimply to arrest atten tion what we advertise we always do air other kind of advertising ib worso than useless and we feel assured that tho public hayc learned to know by this time that the statements in our advertisomouts are always verified by tho dealings acrobs our counters we have taken 40 45 and 50 cent dross goods and marked them 2e lines foimerly 60ld at 22 25 and 28c now reduced to 15c dress goods at 15 18 and 20c now marked down to 10c muslins at 14 and 15c now down to 10c besttprinta down tosand loo giughams at less than mill price summei silks at clearing prices ori ental lnccs flounciugs embroideries reduced 25 and 33 per cent splendid allwooltweeds reduced frorn 50 to 35e from 75 to 50c from 100 to 75c nil cloth cut free of- charge parasols and sunshades 334 off regular prices hosiery reduoed 25 per cent gloves reduced 25 to 33 per cent lace collars linen collars handkerchiefs and small wares at very low prices all lace curtains at a straight dis count of 25 per cent we offer the choice of anything in trimmed millin ery at exactly half price sun hats at half price ribbons laces feath ers flowersetc at reduced prices of great job line of ladies genu- ine waterproof circulars regular price 275 selling at91 50 each all lines of house furnishings etc at very low prices new purchases for fall are already coming to hand hence we need room and the public gets the benefit this sale cloaes on july 31st e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street guelph ontario 3 j- paris green in any quantity ll turnip seetd fresh and reliable paints and oils firstclass and cheap lacrosse base ball goods just arrived new pattern oaughnawaga sticks spauldings standard balls obcieaim mogarvias drag aad station store jaoton ruby- the artist is now inking some beautiful views schools picnic parties and residences ces should call or write him for terms to metropolitan studio actonv p how to save money ace your order for clothing with b e nelson the popular o jothier of the city stjocli all new and well assorted style fit and workmanship always correct scott act in guelph for the past week or so rumors have been afloat that a whiskey detective was in the city working up infringements on the scott act little heed however was paidto the rumor uittii yesterday when it was asserted that one thomas edgar formerly a shoe maker in pock wood was on the war path and had been appointed deputyinspector be this as it may there is little doubt that a number of cases will be heard at an early date itf is asserted on good authority that isisteen informations have been laid cover ing some twenty four charges consequently some of the sixteen must be charged with more than one offence so far no date has been fixed for the trials but there is no doubt that the parties implicated will soon be summoned to appear before the police magistrate mercury guelph aug 3 panic reigns among the city hotelkeepers who have lately been de fying the scott act and calmly dispensing whiskey as if the trade was still licensed last night sixteen hotelowners and bar keepers were summoned to appear before police magistrate saunders three separ ate charges of violating the scott act have been laid against every hotelkeeper but soper of the european each charge is backed by the evidence of detectives so that conviction mkuis a termiu jail with out the option of a fine for all hands j c morrow oifergus yesterday plead ed guilty to a charge of selling intoxicating liquors contrary to the canada temper- ance act and was fined 50 aud costs 2 c 4h 1 c 13 s p3 53 a h o ut s 2 c el i3 go o yi s3 c t5 w i s m 4 ci as 5 cc ci h 5 ir m o h 1 2 a h o 0 3 2 o im lj tz 4 specialty 4 pants 4 prices lowest iu the city ft e helsoit 99 wyndham st wells old stand qnelph g- ol new advertisements the halton force pump 1 1 and every variety of force well and cisterrj manufactured by a g bounsall oaevilleont agents wasted agents wanted steady men employmemt to good none need be idle we previous experience not essential pay eitlier salary orcpmroission one hundred smart men wanted at once to canvass for the sale of ganadiangrown nursery stock m thefohthil nurseries ianoest in caxada oven 400 acres dont apply unless yon can furnistffirst- clabs references and wont to work no room for lazy men but- can employ any number of energetic men who want work address stone wellington nurserymen tobpxio oxt ctoosr 4 bread cakes dde 1st lion of guelph of all kinds on hand op made to order biscuits gonfectionery a lee cream soda water served at all hours mrs t statham fine watch hats from 75 cents to 250 at j fyfes scotch english and canadian suitings in great variety at j fyfes acton the oracle maiitis at limebouse on the 30th july the wifeof mr henry martin cjf lanbing mich of a son- scott at the dominion kilns on the 3rd august the wife of mr john scott of a daughter tqegpave bowes on july 22nd in great peace john bowes dentist hamilton eldest son of the late thos bowes esq of milton laiplaw at georgetown on friday july 23rd james laidlaw in the 91st year of his age camp great temperance camp georgetown halton cqunty thursday august 12th to mon day 16th inclusive the programme this year includes miss moore one of ohios gifted daughters lou j bauchamp tallefl the gough of the wost a truly won derful man mrs marion b baxter whom michigan is proud to own and then our own spenoe carswell dr griffin keefer mckay etc etc making an array of talent seldom put before any people we are sparing neither time trouble nor expense to make this camp a great success full particulars will be given in the bills and posters myoumans st catharines july 8th 1880 great clearing sale t i goods all reduced tq ridiculously low prices we quote prices belf silk black aud colored w to prove our position that we sell cheaper than others an satin department- ilka black aud colored i atinsi black and colored i lerveilleux fancy striped and i jrocaded satins colored aud black french dress goods shades 37j 45 50 60 75 90c and up 37i 45 50 00 75 90c and up 874 95 100 jj108 110 and up y nuns veilings new canvas cloth new ihades all- wool melangier cord frieze effect all ccjlors 2nglish dress goods brocaded challie fancy stripes- wor beautiful cashmertte lace canvas cloth 50c to 9100 15c 15c 25c very cheap 5c 8c 10c particular attention paid to the repairing and cleaning of fine watches and clocks at the old established house of j b savage guelph acton planing mills willi ambon fcamsh aw proriiletoit builder wd contractor sash door and blind factory- h 20c iot s- itte in black cream bronue and mid brown only worth 25c for 12e muslin department lovely line colors 1 muslins lace muslins white and colored lawns swiss spots aud c leeks india mull all shajes canvas mull all co ora prints fast color ramap prints v newest effects fn nconia prints j ashtons madders worth 12c for- best english cam ric crombs best cloth worth 20c searsuokers to arr ve one case atabout half price staples best value in shirking j factory cotton w rth 7c at i best factory wor h 10c at table covers pur flax colored borders at shaker flannel c slored and white write ior particulars of great prohibition camp to be held in hamilton ont aug 7 8 9 10 u 12 and 13 greatest speakers of the continent grand musical attractions low excursion bates free tenting ground w wbnchanan director hamilton oat for uc 5c 12jc and up i very low 5c 7c 8c mc uc 7c 50c 12jc 30c boatinu shawls under wholesale pricpj over 2jo00 to choose from corsets a splendi 1 range from hosiery gloves n all varieties of shades styles qualities special value another big lot ojf buttons 5c per dozen clothing oar cutter is the host ot r stock the largesti our prices the lowest and our work of the finest quality isprepared to put on storm doors win dows weather strips etcj on short notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices we have one of fleurys celebrated chop ping mills and will chop all kinds of grain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays ta eamshaw managers the key to health bpspibiim williamson u i c rjmg45 unlocks all the clogged avenues of the bowels kidneys and liver j carry ing offgradully without weakening tho system all the impurities and ford humors ef the secretions at the same time correcting acidity of th stomach curing biliousness hit- pepsiay eeadncilies dizziness heartburn constipation dryness of tae skin dropsy dimness of vision jatmdiee splt ehauin erysipelas sqroftila muttering of this heart nervousness and gen eral debility nil these and manj otker similar complaints yirl to the happy influence c fetjdock blood sitters jolbtbn froprietcn ttn onw i it- ii 4 m mm r w7 mm i tvu s i wsx i ijt 7- yy73 j i 7k f- ji fm7 m tc iw m ia iih m rijii 1 ji ws mm- 7 m mi yr77i 1 i 4 a- jy ffe 1 f 1 s i ii t l z vhjmmm

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