Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1886, p. 4

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y a h f isl w- 3ton jfm jttjss thchssix mokkimq avourt 5 1886 f the lost shee de luasua ob defihoopfor hat guard 4e sheepfol tun look out iude gloomorin meadows avhar de long night rait bein i so he call tode hirelin bhepd is my sheep u dey all borne iu obdebjcya de hirelin shepd dens eooie deyjs black and thiu and some deya po ov weddas but de wb deya all bruug in but de ms deyfa all branglu dea de massajob de sheepfol dm guard fle sheepfol bin goes down in de gloomerin meadows what de long night rain begin- so he le down de baa 6b de sheepfolr callin sof come in come in callin sof comeib come in den up tro de gloomerin meadows tro de col night rain and win and up tro de gloomerin rainpat war dt sleet fapie oin thin de po los sheep ob de sheepfol dey all comes gadderin in whygoiimpidgjoud whining about your cobs when a 5c be ttle of hollownya ooru cure will remove trial and you will not on the leaves hare their tp be pacts that should knowft as opixiox axb rrs basis dr haloun a french physician is said tpjbeao fond of drugging the sick that when one of his patients hadswailowed a dozen or two of his prescriptions without wincing he seized the poor viitiinls hand in an ecstacy of admiration exclaiming my dear air it really affords me pleasure to attend you you deserve tobe ill the remedial system of holloway with whose fame all the world is ringing is in beauti ful contrast with tbia wholesale indisorimi- nating use of the materia medica it com prehends only two preparations but they would seem to include antidotes for nearly all maladies as a case in point for we cannot discuss so vast a subject in a couple of paragraphs we may instance the ex traordinary success of hollow aib pills in disorders of the liver and stomach these complaints we are informed by medical men have greatly extended their ravages of late years and assumed a more malignant form be that as it may there can be no doubt that such disorders prevail in everj- section of the country at this season and that they baffle the skill of our most eminent medical men one of their worst features is that they paralyze indus try of the busiest seasons of the year and if not fatal in themsekes lay the founda tion of many dangerous disorders a remedy therefore that will at once break the chills and restore the energy of the patient and correct the liver and stomach must be of inappreciable value in our agri cultural districts friends upon whom we can rely and who have had full opportuni ties to form a correct judgment inform us that hojllowats pills are a positive specific for such complaints they have been tried in the rice fields and cotton plantation of the south in the valley of the ohio and the mississippi on the un healthy banks of the bed river on the western prairies and among the cnebrakes and swampe of louisiana and texas with the same happy results and multitudes who have heretofore trusted to dangerous curatives and found them ole little or-no- uaeow rely entirely upon thi powerful yet harmless vegetable remedy we state these facts derived from com petent boorces as matters of general iritet- eat atlasi l all sorts 1 mother graves worm exterminator is pleasant to take sure and effectual in de stroying worms many have tried it with besr resulted v the most deadly foe to all malarial dis eases is avers ague cure a combination of vegetable ingredients of which the most valuable is used in no other preparation this remedy is an absolute specific and succeeds when other remedies fail war ranted i i l xene better i there is no more wholesome or delicious fruit on earth than the wild strawberr and there is no more effectual remedy for cholera dysentery cramps and other summer cordplaints of infants and adults than dr iojf lets extract of wild straw- py- v j salt bhcubi cured mcgregpr 6 parkes carbolic cerate has been tried land found to be the only positive care for silt bheurn pimples blotcheson the ijaeea id hands cuts burns bruisesr or any sc re that nothing else will heal try mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate 25c per lottle at dr mcgarvius drug store in bad hnmor a year a go my head was covered with sores and the erruption covered my face also and i pread even until the back of my hands were sore i became weak and 01 finding no cure i tried burdock blood fitters two bottles perfectly cured me statement of miss minnie stevenson cocagne ist b iarjtble bnt injtaatfveodiu all pains or aches will be instantly re moved by a few drops of fluid lightning applied over the affected parts no time lost no nauseous medicines needed no poulticing or using greasy linjments it will not blister or discolor the skin sold at25c per bottle by dr mcgarvin drug gist sufferers from neuralgia assure us that they never fear it when their house contains a bottle of fluid lightning them give tt- regret it uur time to fall says the poet but wild st tiwberry leayos uro on the rise just now b sing utilized iu bach enormous quantities ii making dr fowl ers extract of wild 3trawberrytho in fallible remedy for 1 cholera morbus diarrhrca and other summer complaints off work i was off work for two years suffering from kidney disease end could get no re- liof until advised by i friend to try bbb i was cured by two tx ttles and consider it a miraculous cure i ehe above is the sub- btanoo of a coramuuioi ition from wm tier of st marys ont 7 t fluid lihtnlhk theroaro but fewthi t have he ver suffered almost intolerable pi in from toothache neuralgia or like aptjte pains to them such an instant relief is fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive in sdioiues to be taken or days one applica sion of fluid light ing cures sold a j e mcgarvins drugstore 29 a witt precaution during the summer and fall people are liable to sudden atucks of bowel com plaints and with n prompt remedy or no medical aid at ht hd life may be iu danger jthose whose experience has given thorn wisdom alwayi keep dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry at hand for prompt relief and a physician is seldom required if attacked witji ch ilera or summer com plaint of any kind sen i at ouse for a bottle of dr j d kelloggi 1 dysentery cordial and use it according t directions it acts with wonderful rapidi y in subdniug that dreadful disease that weakens the strongest man and that destroy 1 the young and deli cate those who hai e used this cholera medicine say it actb promptly and never fails to effect a thorou b cure hegcrgorilui compound have you a bad cough a chronic hoarseness a feeling f lightness in the chest weak lungs or any similar com plaint if so buy at anoe a bottle of mc gregors lung componnd it will cure you it contains entirely new specifics of which one dose is more effectual than a whole bottle of the ola time remedies it is put up in 50c and hoo bottles sold by dr mcgarvin drcggist try it and you will never have re isou to complain merit proven dollar upon dollar 11 frequently spent on the faith of rccommei dations for articles entirely worthless ot eo with mc gregors speedy cure you arc not asked to purchase it until its merits arc proven call at j k mcgarnins drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaii t etc no matter of how long standing i cobts you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bo ties see testimon ials from people in yor r own town 2ft best and comfort lo the gufrering browns household panacea ha6 no equal for relieving pai a both internal and external it cures pain in tlie side back or bowels sore tliroat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will mostsurely quick en the blood and hea as its nctibg power is wonderful bro wns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the btrength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in ei ery family habdy for use when wanted as it really is the beit remedy in he world for cramps 111 the stomach and pains and ache3 of all kinds and is for sale by all irhggists at 25 cents bottle 44 prominent among he greatest medical discoveries by the mi ny curt s it has affect ed mcgregors speedy cure bads the van subjected ttfthe urinul estcher licai aualjsis it has been found to sontain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specihes laily offered to the public every ingred ent possesses a pecul ar adaptability to thi various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being eatab ished by testimonials hourly received w are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can off er to the public with the assurance thatit will be found not only a relief but n absolute cure for dyipepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgarvins drugstore 31 the great results htch have attended theresular ubb ofcqu nine wine by people of delicate consfitutic n and those affected with a general prostr ition of the system speak more than all ihe words that we can savin its behalf tiis article is a irue medicine and a lifeg ying principle a per feet renovator of the whole system invig orating at the same time both body and mind its medical properties are a febri fuge tonic and antip sriodic small doses frequently repeated 1 trengthen the pulse create an appetite er able you to obtain re freshing sleep and tc feel and know that every fibre and tissue of your system is be ing bracedand retovated in the fine quinine wine prepired bynorlhrop lyman- toronto we have the exact tonic required and to lerspns of weak and nervous constitutions we would saya never be without a bottle in the house it is sold fey all druggists advice to moiheud arc you disturbed at night and broken cf your rest by a sick s great vegetcolo sicilian 1enewer 4 cheap sale at thb- m ammjott hou se borgbt0 wn stia r wj- mjijs5 found with nberations bad legs sores al fistulas ipd oher painful and complicated complaints printed and very plain direc tions for the application iof the ointment re wrapped round each pot holloways alterative pills should be taken throughout the progrem of the oure to maintain the blood in a state of perfect purity and to prevent the health of the whole body beirlg jeopardised by the local ailments bad legs 6hifte great grievances ae iims raadily enwd tritilmtoonfiiiidg the patient to bed or withdrawing from bira or tier the nqtritjunu diet and generous support so unrvy demanded when weakening ajttack advanced years or eonstiiu- i prematueedecxgpitude 1 child suffering and cr ying with pain of cut- holloedys oinimnu and fills will be jing teeth if so s- ind at once and get a ound the best friend to persons afflicted bottleof mrs wins ows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately 1 epend upon it moth ers there is no misti ke about it it cures dysentery and dia ihoea regulates the stomach and bowel secures wind colic softens the gums r duces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs wiislows soothing sy rup for children te thing is pleasant to the taste and is the j rescription of one of the oldest and best ft male physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists th qughout the world price twentyfive cen a a bottle be sure and ask for mns wrnsiiows soothino sieur and take no 1 thcr kind t5s5 tn wiis tho first prepivntlpn perfectly udupi- id to curu dlsw of the keittp and the hret successful vwtorei of faded or gray lmlr to its iiiitiind color growth uml youtlrm bciuiiy it luw hiidmany im- itutorsbmt noiio lmvc so fully met till the requirements needful for the proper treat- ment of tho hnlr 11ml scalp halls ilain itfsnweii has steadily grown in favor mid spread its famo and ikefulucss to every qmirler of tho globe its iiupatnllcledsucvrsh can bo attributed to but ono cause tho entire fulfilment of iu promises tho proprietors have ofteii been sui- pfiscd nt tho receipt of orders from re mote countries wltero they had never mndo an effort for its introduction the uspfor a short timo of iialis haip benewer wonderfully improves tho personal appearance it cleanses the scalp from nil impurities cures nil hu mors fever and dryness nnd thus pre vents baldness it stimulates tho weak ened glands nnd enables them to push s forward a noyj and vigorous growth tho effects of this artlelo arc not tran sient like those of alcoholic preparations but remain a long mine which makes its use a matter of economy buckinghams dye ron the whiskers will change the beard to a natural brown or black as desired it produces a per manent color that will not wash away consisting of a singlo preparation it is applied without trouble prepared by kphahconabrmanh sold by ail dealers in medicines -oe- dry goods millinery clothing carpets be ots and shoes c we have just completed ti lihcoitnt off regular dkess goods full white laoemus colored musltnsl fancy prints 5 i grey cottoks 3o white cottons 5 table line tjts 25c towellings 5c carpets h4 1 carpets union carpets tapes allwool hlalffax agoodtwepdso a lilack oojlesol all tiummejd mhjlinb tlesathalf 5a worth 1 2c wetter goods a little sioue rvrg p wnpth l o in tn0 manfacturor would bo ins jc wokih uhe t tem to commit suicide if 5c worth 10c he knew how cheap we were j selling these goods ijo worth 10 12ac worth 5c worth 8s worth 37k worth ioc i an more ait prices ioc untrimmee parasols very vr ml this the c wo offoi st ick we muit clear o to get some of the cheapest stuff dont foiget sicl save money come to the clear t the eight the immense clearing sale of dry goods- millinery mantles and housefuruishings commenced at the 1 themselves with their wants at extraordinarily low prices many lots of goods have been reduced to lalf and connned to a few lots of goods but bargains nro to be had in all the dopartments throughout this larg establishment silks shown in all fashionable shades kead the reduced price lists for these goods estbly 30c worth 40c tweeds 35c worth 50c it ofclothes for 500 worth 800 ew twill suitfor 900 worth 814700 iiry xnd ready made summer man- price hatf c at 10c and upwards cheap ehilstgi bgiisrs the g hc ight house affords an opportunity to purchasers to provide 1 iss than half their former prices these reductions are hot special offcringof silks and allwool cashmeres gashmeijes forrherly cashmeres fornjiarl cashmeres cashmeres forcperly cashmeres silks formerly sold at 125 reduced to 90c suks formerly sold at 100 reduced to 70c silks formerly sold at 85c reduced to 62ic 1 silks formerly sold at 75c reduced to 55c- silks formerly bold at 62 jc reduced to 40c- i in the print department prices are very low prints selling off at bjo formerly 10c i prints selling off at 20c per yard the dress goods have been marked down to ertra low prices think of the 8o press gjoods goods formerly sold from 15 to 2oc per yard dress goods at 25c formerly sold at 50c parasols selling off lace covered parasols reduced to 75c 1 125 up to 140 worth far more money a few choice oriental gains inhosiery balbriggan embroidered hose only 5c per pair fancy hoes nt 10c to 20c worm more in worth twice the money laces reduced tb half price a lot of linen curtain laces at bargain prices blinds carpet sweepers amlncurtain poles just received another lot of those cheap stockinette lresbsh hundreds of bargains offering at this sale an inspection of the goods will convinoc you of their cheapness rest of hnghson street the name is fori aerly we rjo formerly 15c prints at 10c and 12jc formerly 15 to being formerly sold from 12j to 15c 10c and 12jc dress 1 1 reduced prices nice laco covered parasols only 50c rimmed and satin parasols at greatly reduced prices bar- oney a lot of superfine hose reduced to 35c and 50c ijjpecinl valuein lace curtains carpets stair bods painted ilds only 15c per pair it is impossible to mention hero the emember the bight house ib on king street east one door hamilton july 8 th 1880 thomas c watkzxlsrs bargains bargains bargains -fo- micbzjlz beos 48 kix street east h a3iilton dijess goods 10c formerly 21c prints 5c formerly 10c ginghams 10c formerly 20c embroideries 5c formerly 10c laidies hose 25c formerly 50c childrens hose 7c formerly 15c parmols 30c formerly 60c spotted muslin 15c formerly 25c ladies collars 5c formerly 15c brussels carpets 70c formerly 1 tipestry carpets 25c formerly 40c union carpets 35c formerly 00c allwool carpets 05c formerly 85c hemp carpets 8ic formerly ljc china matting 25c formerly 3he lace curtains 150 formerly 82 curtain poles complete 50c formerly 75c stair bods 75c formerly 150 nor doz we are making extra inducements iu order to clear out stock firm ctmiu prints hosiery qloves opraets parasols emlftoiderles tweeds shirtings carpets curtains covering window blinds stair hods c 0- are all marked away down in price in many coses less than cost samples seiit on application mckay brothers 48 king street east between haghsou and john streets hamilton j fyfe acton j fyfb act0n j fyfe acton j fyfe acton i j fyfe acton i j fyfe acton look at ihis iloney saved by purchasing your clothing at the i east end clothing store spring hats f spring tweeds r spring worsteds spring overcoatings spring trowserings spring underwear ffuli lines of shirts ties collarsbraces etcj at lowest prices perfect satisfaction guarnulced j fyfe acton j iyfe acton j fyfe acton t fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfej a9ton 1 health folk a l l holloways pills and ointmen the pills i i- 1 purify the blood correct all disorders of the i liver 8t0mach kipnky8 and bowels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages par children and the aged they arc prioeless t i the ointment i 1 is an infallable remedy for bad legs bad breasts old wounds sores and julcere it is famous for gout and rheumatism fordisorders of the chest it has n6 equal j fob s0ez throats bronohitjb oomss 00ipsi glandular swellings and all skin diseases it has no rival and for contraofed and 8t joints it acts like aohajth manufactured only at thomas holloways establishment j 78 nev ozferd street lato 533 oxford street london bug aud are sold at is ljd 2s od 4s 01 us 32s and 38s eaoh box or pit and may be bad of all medicine vendors thoughout the world j i karpurcoasers should look to the label on the pots and boxes if the address is nto j 533 oxford street london they are spurious kt i i ra ssssf myrtle navy tobaclco lbs pearl tapi raatoes for 25c 10c i 2oe 2 cans cans sal in 4 bars bo we tire going out c pu j purniture havug eitcted a fij ie of furiiitu and everything else that from the cradle tc cofinsra i of nllkn wo will supply all on liearsedrawn by a well use on six qotv mwam waggons and horse powers manufactured at epurchnsoof a big stock of now summer goods at a great prices we will sell them cheap seo our prices hi jlway timetable cfand trunk railway cloixci bast ulxoj 800 ain- express 710 am pass mall n02am through exj47pju accoin loxopm goisq west j4xnressi12 ajn- exprobgi 80 om i thro express 221 pm moll cpiu sjiccial 830 iin- oulcago expross docs not stop between guelpl and toronto thikok utosino mails golns west410 bjji and sw pm going emt10i0am and caipm allan the home rolers wont let us have oa worth 15c worth 40c i positively these are the oheap- est ever offered in canada 18- summer arrangement 86 lirersoolaad qxisljec service i pkom ilvebtool 8teamer fiiom qukbec pabisian thursday 15th jiriy thursday 5tb aug sabmatian friday 23rd july thursday 12tli apg saltpinian thursday 20th july thursday 19th aug cmcassian friday 0th auff thurbday26th aug pootnesiaj thursday 19th aug thursday 9th sept mail steamers note the liverpool direct steamers do not take intermediate or steoorage passengers on the voyagerfrom quebec to liverpool cabin intermediate and steerago lares are still reduced return tickets good lor one year the best line to take to colonial exhibition partiereending for friends in the old country can obtain prepaid certificates at greatly reduced rates j for tickets and eve information apply to je mcgabvin ticket agont acton while the weather i warm dont miss the opportunity goods ever offoret in canada come and see our you bargains all goods sold for cash only s place- od anderson ocx mammoth house geottgetown sale of dry goods tjse 7 sold at 125 reduced to 100 y sold at 100 reduced to 80c iy sold at 75c reduced to 60c sold at 50o reduoed to 40c sold at 37jc reduced to soc your spriag suit m brennan has pleasure in announcing that his tail oringshop in mrs secords block is nowopen and in full running orders and in a position tqfilljdl orders he isshowiiij good tweed suits at s12 sold elsewhere for 815- i scotch tweed suit 17- a 818 sold elsewhkbe f01l23 and 24 fine worsted suit at 20 sold elsewhere at 25 ssjrsr hardware- vn the cheapest place in the county to buy your hardware is at j e howsons scythes snaithes scythe stones forks rakes cradles eto etc in endless variety putre paris green oheap- o groceries- per plug 18c 25 lbs choice for 81 20 lor 81 20 k currants for 2 cans to- 2 cans pumpkins for 25c 2 cans eas for corn for 25c 2 cans haddie for 25c 2 m for 25c 1 25c bottleof pickles 20c dingmans electric spapfor 23c 1 lb k of our soc tea for 45c lire paris green cheap o ots and shoes- f boots and shoes and will offer the entire stock at less than wholesale cost re paltli mireen ciieap at j e howsons from the cradle to the crave speight son healers and i undertakers aoton slioyroom have jusjt received a irew and well assorted stock of all kiuds of tle faoa designs including parlor furniture bedrpom suites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles iiny family rcij uiroa in the f uruiturp line luring their journey the brave and wn enn manniit tit am fn fv j the grave for we have 1 0 and we cau prepar4 tliem for the gi on lnrnd a large stoci of ds and sizes and all other funeral furnishings lie shortest matched team alee nnd most reasonable terms a flrstclass for hire j a 8pei0ht han jr farmeis aiwd thresherr our maohjijaery only the wellknown se21ls3s oil have been awardeait during the last three years dry alsfc our poorlesi ajrq gfoftsq for your -til- gentlemen wanting a firstclass good- fitting coat etc may rely upon beingsnited in every respect by leaving their orders with brennant th clothier -goto- waters bros the picture gstte gultph fur artists maiermi oil and water colors crayons canvas draynnij papen bnulies etc oil paintings steel engravings chromos c frames of all kinds mouldi iir8 ltoom aud bictnre cornirpq and ooidiee poles spring rollers and window sladesfrom90c complete fancy goodssuitable tor wedding and birthday piesents c csvisitors can have their pictures framed while in the city so bring them dviili you to i waters bros the pictaro gallery near the po3t office mackinac umliortdelightfpl 6uiv1 t pilape sttaman i low bates tear trips pr weak between detroit and iviackinac laaxvmy week y brtweta detroit and cleveland tv i iv7jritforien filotureiquo mackinac illustrated coatatei ra grtlouir moled fret detroit a cleveland steam nav ca c d wihitcomb otri p ast octroit mich burdoiil lo od itters w cufte olr reuee i dizziness dyspepsia wiqestion jaundice erysipelas saltmeuh beauts urn headache oropsy fiutterim of the heart acipity of the stomach wj the ww ish tflitorneo mil t m qu ie oity oil vopk8by 8aiiuel rogers co toronto desires to inform tho j surroundings that he orders for weaving all carpets flannel shw dxm qoods striped m also bed blanketsuud yardh wide and over and twill guarantee satisfaction to all farm wjll favor me wfei the proprietor toronto ieo jople id kinds pie she itiup plaid that farmer8 a id pat y tcjheil of acjton land spared to take or fanotyrag bhirting and twillor plain two j hots blankets twill givegood others who mage mitchell t 3

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