Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1886, p. 1

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se4imii kijhasmhhhhnuihjlhkfew hhbjbjbjfljebbabjbjbj 1 i acton ontario thuksday august 12 tje aituit jirw jrss 1- ri butum hvih fhursday morning t tin fre press power pri tino house acton ontario subscription rates ommui uxv m months jullh thukl- tlonths jjct lu irilih in lucv if not am i vimuho 1 iinr in wdllkmharjvd sollw dmeoll- iimicl till nil nrroiin aro paid enoyd the option of tlu piblivior ndvertis1nq rates- vlvli t r 0 ilo 3 vo j 1 ulo one column hnif c ilumn quarter oluum one inch iffvvoo c 00 suv 1 0 00 j3voo itvoo 1300 sbojm lioo 52w i7 0u r0 j 50 100 usual alvcrtieuniitfc t coiits per hue for the firt insertion and i cents per hue for each miu- smiueut iuertiou cah the uurubm of hues reckoned liv the space occupied measured lj a cle of solid nonpareil ivertisemcnts jsithout spciiac directions will be inserted till torbid nd charged accord- ugl tnusitor a hcrtisouietita roust lie paid n advance chie for contract advi rtiseraeiita must bo in the office 1 v a in em mondavi otherwise lli wll bcuit ovr until tbe following tfeew editor aud proprietor agton banking cot storey christie co -uankrrs- aiion ontario 1 lkxmlh haxkhxg lilslxess ritaxsacted money ioaitss on approved notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits h r in lb pilrtn bowci i oo tertuls jontract of business directory i vst h- lowry m b m c p s graduate of trinity college mem- ber of college of physicians aud surgeons othea and residence at the head frederick street acton ce stacev mu cm graduate of tnnitv university fellow of trin ity medical school member of thfjjcollege of phvsiciaus and surgeons oim- campbells hotel bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario new goods days bookstore cuelph turjbhiut moimiso auocst 13 1880 poetry albert college bsixeville ont jnui arterkd and opened in 18w over s 3000 pi irsous have been in attendance 170 students enrolled last year jepresentiug bmt1s11 com mru mlmtoha mil iiuvs nrw york ontiko aud qonic 87 diplomas and eerti flea s awarded including matric ulation music tine arts commercial science collegiate and teachers courses fall term begins sfpt 7th 1880 for annual catalogue etc address riv w 1 dyer ma pres l 1 cmekinlay l d s surgeon ql dentist georgetown out uses the new svstem of nitrous oxide gab com- monh called italued air for extracting teeth without pam having becu demon strator aird practical teacher m roval college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons iua depend upon retciving satisfaction in anv operatiou performed will visit acton ever other vcdmesda of each moutli ofiucaa hotel j- oun l a wson grad u ate ofok- uino eterinarj college toronto yetennan surgeon aetonouu omu in kenu bi5 boot and shoe store resi dence lutie rcr horses examined as to soundnesajand certibcates given all calls night or da prompt attend ed to terms easj tohnston a milhan barristers bohcitors notaries coue- aueers ac eapnate funds to loan osutt town hall acton l f b johnston wma mtlco it itmitchell soulitoe co l xmlb ac omit- first door vest of the champion oroce mam street mijton monej to loan at c percent ielp ii business college guelph ontario olng mes and women are thoroughly preparetl for positions as kkeepere shorthandwriters caligraph telegraph operators studeuts have m inrjsttendauce from uiuo provinces and states within the past ear our graduates are meeting with marked suc cess in the commercial centres of canada aud tho united states rates moderate accommodation excellent students may enter at anyltime forterms etc address m mccormick 14girj principal 25000 rolls wall paper ioo sets lawn croquet carload express waggons big st06k low prices lumber shingles and lath f pbc uudirsiuod desire- to lulorui the public x tfiat he has uow on hand and will keep iu stock a fuuliue of piuo ami hcmloel aa well aa other lmdt of lumber also first and becoud class 1iue shingles a lath coal wood having purchased thd coal bumucss of mr c s smith i aui prepare to supply all kinds of to e coal i have also a good stock of w ool hardnood h cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered j mes bllow s day sells cheap guelph cloth hall wook 0 bacres wock o j3agoa koft for mo through tho houso tho words arflnging uttered by a lispinfi tongue ijihton tis our darlii siuging wook o bbros keft for mo et me hide mysof jn thee papa iu his study writing as ho hoars tho bweot retrain pauses in fiis work to listen walts to oateh tho words again wook o pages keft for mo et mo hide mysof in thee wock obages keft for mo and the voico ia soft and low aud we bjind to catch the meaning for the breath comes hatd and slow wook olbagoa koft for me et mo hide mysef in theel i in a darkened room ho lies yet tho same sweet song is singing and to our breaking hearts peace and resignation bringing wock olbages keft for mo et mo hide mysef in thco wock o rages keft for me mamma sing it you know licw charlieapdymg mamma darling wont you sing it for him now wock y bages keft for nip et me hide my sef in thao rock of agca cleft for me tis a mother sings it bow dentil has marked her precious buby and the damp is on his brow rock of ages cleft for mo let me hide myself in thee let me hide myself in thoc thou who hast the winepress trod spare mo vet this agony he is all wo have o god father must wo drink the cup must me give our darling up wock o bages and our babj sang tho rest to christ alone aa the augela teuderly bore him to the great white throne wock o bageakeft for me i and ho hid himself in thee ham gitbtl in good ifoustlerpiny 188 well wlit said i arent you going to tnko in th i gorman olub ball and tho others no sail she mamma hasnt tho money alio aut afford it mr silvtr bhe continued can you afford to spoi d so much monoy on society lcr there was honesty fairly r pretty black eyes oven if she polite so i answered her beaufort i cannot i havent liis winter and i get a big i have met you so feel quite well acquainted with qjcpcct l havo been a little s hilton allan a baird barristers solicitors ac tolonto am glokoeiows oiilfc creelman s block georgetown and g king stieet east toronto it- llavn j shiiton u i j ivibu da fire mutual insurance c oi jut- cdt71w os wellhtst01t j lstuilimlld 1810 head office cuelph merchant tailors iffc ulilulu illtll first instalment ov mw fall goods our story my i3iitatiox wife aix la1dlaw a co b bojustees a solicitor oina- over imperial bank liugton street east alle toronto john b un q c c a maw n william ludlaw insures li uildiugs merchandiise manu factories a id all other descriptions of properu on the premium note sstem cnas davidson secretary fwstone 21 wel- entrancc exchange geoboe kappeli patents secured for inventions henry grist onoi i cut id v io years practice no patent no pay w m hemstreet llcinll acctlonftl for the counties of avellidgton and hal ton orders left at the feel pms office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable monti to loin lso money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards ohn day architect giiixru om ormis queens hotel block market square president john taylor affent 1shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph wellington marble works quebec st guelph ttirtancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st george square guejpti ontano hello i pause and consider that it will be to our own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur rounding country that we are again in full running order and in a better position than before tho fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parjties building lumber witt be dressed while you wait and mouldings ac made with neatnesjs and despatch n b we are also prepared to fill all orders for j pumps on short notice aud from long experience in the business we feel confident that wo can give satisfaction every time so come on with your order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legi or no thos eb1sage manager account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling ueatly and promptly done john j daley t successor to thompson 4 jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly nd neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to inteudingpurchasers and cir culated m europe european capitalists wanting farms in- ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office near the post office guelpbont acton john h hamilton 1 proprietor wholesale and retail dealer iu marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite aud marble havnilnttlv vleitcd the ilaj of kuiidyranitjs juorncs olid having purchased the entire stock of gray aud red granite inoiuiuients headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at lens than cost i will uutil further notice sell at prices ueverbeforo known iu ontario for in- stance- granite uionumoiifs oft hi6h g0 7 ft 758lt r90jft 10010ft 120 all woik and material warrauted firstclass parties wanting au thing iu this line will do well to call aud soo mo before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee mj pneos are from jo to 50 poi cent bolow all other dealers acton meat market t hehanlan barber phop i mill stkekt acrof an easy shave a stylish hairput a good scafoara an exhilarating shampoo always liven razors honed and put in firstclass nnitinn t aim nna tiildrona hftir tastily cut ladies and childrens hair j p woiibkv tousorial artist if j ames 8tirton ld8 dentist honorgraduate aud member of the ontario college of dental burge t- paittieffii extraction or no obarffo artificial iteeth perfect inapjiearanceaud use wwpfcr set written gu ifanteewitb everv setr pmtflveirbiockopproguelph liverysalestables john street acton wm e smith proprietor mr smith has iiurchased the livery businesaol mil h b mccarthy which he has removed to his commodious stables on john sireet in the centre of the business portion ofthe town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he can givo satisfaction toe very i patron anyone desiring o commercial plea sure or oompaay rltr oan sopp with a firstclssturnout on the shortest notice horses boajrded and sold rutledge crosson butcher8 have purchased the business of mr r holmes aud solicit a ehaie of public patronage the members of the firm are practical butchers and are prepared to enbure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always bo found on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat ac in season we have settled m acton to stay aud feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support rutledge crosson actou feb 9th 1886 dont read this the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood ymi terms reasonable wm e smith also flour amd 7eb and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos 0 moore i had juat adjusted my tie and was pre paring to leave when mother camo in going out ate you tom said sht 1 yes maam where to another partv 1 yes maam that makes three this week doesnt it tom yes maam wero huming to get through gom to take mist beaufort to night aud then im done with the jolly club parties mother somehow or other did not qeem to think verv much of what i said tom i wish vou would get married she ihad such a troubled face fi believe you could stay at home some well i am awful tired mother aud completely worn out theu why dont you quit it best reason in the world mothei i am neither engaged nor in love but i am willidg to be my mother is the best woman in the world oven if i do saj it mjaclf and 1 felt worried about her she was right i was out nearly every evening this evening at a reception next timo at ft ball then at a theatre party and so on of coarse i could afford it for my lalary as cashier at harts was a very liberal one but i wasnt saving a cent and my own home folks never saw me except at tho table even poor old patient mother was com plaining but i was having lots of fuu there was that beaufort girl she was a fine one could dance any kind talk anything you wanted and make you have tho finest time in the world then there was vcno wright she would take in tho baseball with a follow go rowing skating an thing for fun then veno had money that was an important item whyshouldnt i tackle miss yeue on the subject of matrimony thomas old son i said to mvself vene ia the one but vene somehow or other did not ex actly suit the case and ray mind reverted to miss beaufort miss beaufort was smart pretty stylish and suited better but i knew nothing about her financial standing thia was an important matter in those dtayb meanwhile the coupe had neared miss beauforts i had never been there before aud to my surprise found it to be a very unpretentious house i confess i was disappointed i expected to drive up to an elegant mansion be usher ed into a fine reception room with servants in livery and there await the coming of miss beaufort then i expected to make a bold dash for miss beauforts heart pro pose and poaaibly bo accepted or declined by the time the party was over but not so a little lady with grey hair opened the door and she was introduced to me by miss beaufort as mamma miss beaufort was ready and waiting so we walked out to the coupe mr silver said she dont you think there is a great amount of snobbery in so ciety and lots of downrigjit foolishness well yea said i 1 for instance she said here is au elegant coupe that you brought for me and yet the party is only two bldcks away this certainly was vety refreshing i had actually squandered five dollars to have this coupe for the evening and she did i not even as much as notice ijt i know vene would have enjoyed ia ride in it mr silver said she to me again this ia the last party i am going to thia i looked at shining iu he wasnt vory honestly no miss aaycd n cent salary too well bejiu she frequently i you and i impolite no sttiil i lam glad you take that much intcrobi iu me then we cl lauged the subject i had a splendid tin o at the party aud enjoyed miss boauforta company vory much i found her lc elheaded and bright if she was too frafil next day told mother about it she said that she admired miss beaufort for her comniou onse if she hadnt seen her then she rcf sired to my getting married again supposo said bhe you pretend for a week or so tl at yoifaro married and see how it goes 7 au imita ion wife said i l suppose baid she i will write the name of a yo iftg lady on a card seal it in an envelope ind you can lock it in your desk then lot us suppose that yoa are married to li sr say for two weekg daring that time i v ant you to act just as if tho lady were he in person arid your lawful wedded wife whoso n imo are you going to write on the card s tid i never m ud said she i will write my preferenc n and neither 61 ns will breathe a word about thia to a living soul we agreed on this mother wrote the name on the card and sealed the envelope j know it wa i vene wrights name so i de cided to imaj me tnat yeue was there in person and t o we started out the week monday right came that was the night of the mchelor german but ibtajed at home an talked to mother then 1 played check era with her for a while and we manogec to have a very enjoyable evening next moti ing mother met me at the table and about the best breakfast i alongitime a ilforgot to ask you mr silver what yon thought of married lifo said she miss beaufort looked horrified but i laughed mother has been telling on me has she said i she has said she well said i during the two weeka i was married i read three good books gained four pounds in weight and saved 91850 besides paying mother my wifos board and a ticket te the theatre and who wero you married to asked mrs beaufort i forgot to look said i i hurried home to see who my wifo bad been the euvelopo was just as i placed it in my desk drawer i tore it open and there was tho name of miss beaufort well said i mother inado her an imitation wife now i will try and make her a real oue and so i did condensed wisdom in b v bo just but trust not every one be timely wise rather than wise in time beware o bosom sins i betray nc trust divulge no secret bounty m uoro commended than imitated bear your misfortunes with fortitude bo always at leaaure to do good buaiuesa ia tho salt of life brevity is the soul of wit better to live well than long be not top hasty to outbid another building a a pastime that meu pay dear for 1 be watchful of tho geeae wlieu the fox preaches beltor a small fish than an empty dish busiuess neglected is business lost bo active for idleness is the rust of the mind by doing nothing we lern o do ill better to slip witk tho foot than the tongue bo very vigilant but never buspicious better to do well late than never birds of a feat he flock together bacchus lias drowned more than neptuue beggars 1 ave no right to be choosers bear aud forbear is good philosophy price thbee cents i loves miehor a pail upon her arm a smile upon ber lips joyoualy down the garden walk pretty dorothy trips her heart is light and gay and merrily doth she sing as twixt the flowerbeds she goes for water to tho springy loves mirror it is called in legends of tho place and in its waters miny a maid has seen her lovers iaco as down the path brie comes harry bis sweotheart sees and ere she catches eight of him ho slips behind the trees as dorothy neared tho spring i wonder now aays she if i shall see the face of him who will my husband bo over the spring aho stoops looks in its glassy deep and sees another dorothy from out the water peep then harry comes and leans oer her with loving look dorothy screams then turns and laughs she kuows it ia no spook he kisses her tis plain that in loves mirror she has seen the handsome face of him who will her husband be j be alone than in bad compauy ill- taught ly but said would never with smilep had oaten in you mus t imagine that jour wife sa to this break fast she whispered going up n tho street car that morning who should et in but miss beaufort i bowed to hei gracefully deposited her fare in tho nickel box and was about to sit down by her wheu i happened to think of jtry imitation wi e at home and walked to w tear of the ax married better to better to be untaught than bad book i are the public fountain of vice books ale no can never teach the use of books bear in n lind blamo not what you can not change beware ol lnm who regards not his re putation behove titer trial aud jiudge before friendship be as just to friends as to foes by your acts prove your faith sifting a line wntor clerk of the policfe court lost in thought thejibrpe sujerfltious letters ugh the tniues the standard of the j w llaehay was the drum beateu because t called the harp a lyre men of mark tbosd who are unable sign their own namesj too close application to a table trfiolt will make a table dotard j an african proverb says the dejid but cannot be buried i i mean no reflections as tlis head light said wheu it went out j a hen may lose daring the day is generally recboped it night i planters journal would be a gojxl name for an undertakers organ 1 a moveable feast the first board an outwardbound steamer omission is spelled with two saj oue of them out and that is an tjx the writer says what qua in t head was carlyles were you a qua nt head vrithhim awl is np with him as the narked when he saw a shoemakej sailing away in a balloon the best way to eipand the chebt is to have a good large heart iuside it peats all sorts of gymnastics neatness about the house men have no business talking to joung lad es said i to myself hiss beau fort looked at me rather queer- mthing and i thought the car get up town thursday was my evening to call on yeue and i forgot to send her an excuse friday camt and a note from her which mother took the liberty of opening as she thought i w mid not care and she felt like representing my wife at the desk it was a tendei missi e and somewhat surprised me when i read it but what could i do married mei i have no business getting ten der notes f re m young ladies inasmuch jts i had contracted to carry out mothers plan for two weel s i left the note for mother to answer si o is a very truthful woman but in answorin the note she prevaricated she said 1 was very sick and as a natural cuorse ycno called- that afternoon to see me but 1 was u town and mother had to in vent anothe story then mother had to come all the way up town to prevent me coming dow i my usual way for foar veno might cateh us i laughee a good deal at mother and vene did n t find ub out but the society reporter of i ho paper met her she told him i was sick md the next day all my society friends came around among them miss mother njet her rather coldly but invited her to stay iwhile suppose mr silver is almost worn out with ao much goiug out said theyoung lady he is njuch better said mother but i dont thii ik he will go out for several weeks i thjnk i shall keep him at home glad said miss beaufort to idle are but she neal on drop otnission nan re- the lawyer ahead age ins every farmer and in fact levery person owoiug a yard ought to take jpnde in keep ing it neat i and clean neat wellkept yards attra t the passerby and often add a money value to the place we have an instance of this kind in mind now a man came into a certain neighborhood re cently to buy a farm he found two that were for sale one was as good as the other aa regards location soil buildings etc but one had a neat yard about the house and the other had a slovenly ono and though he could have bought the one with the slcweuly yard for less money than he had to give for the other ho choso the one that cost mobt simply because it looked best l have a wellmade fence alouk the- yard and keep itj in repair have a strong gate and never jet it get off its linges keep the shrubs and trees trimmed up well and never let litter o any sorli accumulate have a big box or hogshead i am not that 3 home but that he is not going out so much ou are going to keep him at so i fairly detest society a woman who had my mothers they both thereupon had a talk and pleased each other winter i am gettin here was views and confidentia mightily then sin asked nfother to call on her mother wl ioh mother did meanwhile i was staying home every evening an d wa getting pretty tired of it as the two veeks were drawing to a close dont j ou think a man ought to take hie wife out once in a while said j to mother why ntt said she theu i take her to the theatre tonight so i bough i a couple of seats in the para quet for sa turday night and mother who representee my wife went with me we had lardly taken our seats before i noticed the t they were adjoining those of miss beau ort and her mother my moth er was hijlily pleased when we changed seats ao th it i sat by mibb beanfort and my mothei sat by her mother we went home together that nighf and langhed at d talked a good deal i think i sother told mrs beaufort what we had bei n doing but i did not hear it i know th it several days later after my two weeks f married life were over i went to oall on lias beaufort we had a pleas ant time ti igether and just as i was about to leave th 3 old lady oame in i yard into which cans oldbodts shoes and the thousand aud oue tlulgs which ac cumulate about the house cuv be thrown from time to time whei the box or hogshead is full burn or bury tho rubbish this refers not to the front yard only let neatness prevail all about the plaice it gives anair of thrift and prosperity and always impresses a beholder favorably it pays in more ways than ore o ha re neat surroundings american ajricvihuvhl for august an irresistible argument atone time hon charles thompson of providence r i had for a client a man who was accused of selliup liquor unlaw fully the prisoner was of m appearance perhaps best described as alcoholic and his nose might have served as a beacon on eddystone ledge on the darkest night the testimony was taken aud the case went on until mr thomas robe to nake his plea 1y your honor he began the jjjury ggentlemen 1look at his honor yyoui at the ppprisoner ppprisoner 1look at his honor ggentlemen of the jjury llook at tho prisoner dddoes he look as if hod assboll appjintof liquor to anybody the- argument vas irresistible the robo of the aoeubed sufcweigned all other testimony and mr thompson tri- jimphantly won his case i sent yon au account of s25 f n collec tion eaid a man coming into the office of a dakota lawyer yes yen did what success have you had sued him last week nd jgot it tua ts good give me the money and tell me th amount of your fees and ill pay you my fees are sco i have given you credit for tho 25 collected pay me another 925 and well be square what ga iped the ban i dont see where i am making anything by collecting the debt noth ing my dear sir from a money point of view but you nave the satisff ction of knowing that u dishonest man has been brought to justice jl you cau ubo your own pleasure about paying that 25 now i took the precaution to commence suit against you for the amount this r lorning eadlme bell in the back a ijtuggets he who cannot think is a fool he who does n6t think is a brui 3 beware of him who thinks he thinks anddoes not mancan think with the auge i scend to beneath the brutes he who thinks rightly and weri the rulers of the world learn to think grand thoujjhtaj as you would seek tho best company man looks upin the best w rki of god the best and lowest works f ipan and ohooses hia thoughts therefro n he who would have the jest must seek them above the re dm thoughts of sense or passion in association with gotl and the best of man ddcago ltdga 11look at of the jjury hpnoj 11look s or de- is amorig baby is for i why farmers s miled a preaoher in a ueighbon lg town preach ed a aeries of twenty s irmons on the prodigal sou he filially roached the place where the fat oalf wai killed 0 ray friends said he that was a wonderful calf if ever a alf was fat aud sleekand well cared for that calf was why the dear old father ad beeu fatten ing it for years his audience was composed mostly of farmers wlo knew that a oalf could not be kept aapny years withoc t outgrowing its oalf hood so they might 1 excused for smiling certainly noj protty no i wont saj pretty declared a young mc the can apeak of him impartially evsn though he is my own and thats more than most mothersan do he has lo ely blue eyes perfect in shape hair like thi morning sunshine month well no ros sbud could bobweetor complexion divinely fair nose just too cunning for anythini i i fact hes faultless but t wont say li ea pretty harpers bazar i invisible but instant iu ins all pains or aches will be ini tantly re moved by a few drops of fluid lightning applied over the affected paits no time lost no nauseous mediomes needed no poulticing or using greasy iniments it will not blister or discolor tl e al in sold at 25o per bottlel by dr mo lar in drug- gist sufferers from neuralgia assure us that they nover fear it who l ieir house oontaius a bottle of fluid lightuiug important mens item cookstowu mrs campliell has been troubled for a number of yei rs wittw indi gestion and constipation aid was induced totry mcgregorl speedy cure and found it was all that was need id and would recommend its use to any p rson similarly troubled this invaluable i smedy is sold in every part of canada at t oo and l00 perbottlej sold at dr mcfcrarvina dmjf store

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