Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1886, p. 2

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i i 4 tcmdatmokikoacort noti8 and 00 s fotball notes v there were 479800 pounds of tea cm the fintcpr tea train cougrew adjourned without ntitying the new extradition treaty and therefore canada continaes to be aiaugl iter market for american sboundreblafid thieves hannr tailed to secnre coitrol of the licensing power sir johumacd onam seems now to jum to discredit the provincial aqibpriliet by obliging them t enforce an incomplete and mutilated dom nion law the rioting at belfast atdl continues from saturday evening to an early hoar monday morning eleven person were killed and 130 seriously wounded there are now 6500 extra military and police quar- teredln the city sixty rioter have been sentenced to terms of imprisonment rang- rag from one to six months at a peace able meeting of artisans resolutions were adopted strongly oondemning the police who are alleged to be in sympathy with the catholics 1 f i the landed property of england covers t2000000 acres it is worth 10000000- 000 and yields an annual rent independent of minfes of 330000000 onefourth of ibis territory exclusive of that held by the owners of less than an acre is in the hands 1900 proprietors and a second fourth is bwned by 6900 others so that half of tho entire coontry is held by 7400 individuals be population is 35000000 the peers 600 in number own more than one- fifth of the kingdom they possess 14000- 000 acres of land worth 2000000000 with an annual rental of 66040000 gen adam badeau w that distressing base ball qama and other ltam4cni atgut uakmj har first botoanittdulentpubuov another great yentlissoome and goua we are norio tho worse and the town gen k s l r fi i the year 18836 will be memorable in history as recording the death of one ex- president one vicepresident in office and four candidates for president of the united states grant died in midsummer of last year vicepresident hendricks died in he following autumn and george b mc- clellan horatio seymour samuel j til- den and w infield scott hancock demo cratic candidates for president in 1864 1868 1876 and 1880 have all gone to join the great majority within a single twelve month the saddest part of jit all says the philadelphia timet is that no big men seem to be growing up in either party to take the vacant places i i citizens are very backward moans the toronto associated press man in sub scribing towards the knights of pytlras deficit in connection with the recent de monstration oh toronto toronto will you ever be anything bat as avaricious grasping parsimonious penurious miserly bhabby mean niggardly closefisted grudging illiberal ungenerous sordid mer cenary covetous greedy rapacious swine several of your citizens made more money each out of the knights than the whole de ficit comes to and every toronto man who had anything to sell or rent fleeced the un fortunate knifihls to the utmost limit come toronto pay the shot and dont be e horribly torontoish j samuel 3 tilden the man ratio was once elected president of the united states but was counted out died suddenly last wednesday morning at his country resi dence greystone new york mr tilden was the most prominent of the democratic party he was twice a representative in the state legislature a member of the constitutional convention governor of new york state for two years pnd in 1876 was nominated for president there can be little doubt mr tilden was the lawfully elected candidate but he was counted out in favor of mr hayes mr tilden was a pare politician and an able lawyer and sris death will be regretted by both parties tie was seventytwo years old i it seems carious to have the press of new brunswick in this day of light arguing for the abolition of the practice of selling paupers it is almost incredible that such a scandal should exist in a i canada pro vince orthat the system should be tolerated for a day- after the light of public opinion has been thrown upon it yet such is the case and the system bids fair to be con tinued in the poorer parishes for some years to come unless the press does its duty no condition of things can justify jbhis traffic in infirm and unfortnnate humanity no plea of municipal poverty can ikccuse the abominable practice and the municipalities of new brunswick which adherer to the system shame and disgrace themselves every day they allow it to continue in operation globe it erally pursues its languid course as it wa wont to do i refer of course to tho great football match gri ts v tories which took place in tho pari last week and resulted in two goals to no 10 in favor of the former tho attendance was good and the in- terot pon lidoring that the game was not exactly foe tball fair tho grits had the strongest t sam undoubtedly that is for the way tliey i lajcd and the prevailing impres sion amou tho spectators was that the grits won not by their superior play by any meant but because the other follows letem j thati all very fine but i dont oxactly see it in tl at light myself it the tories oould win why didnt they theres the rub j tho r ituru match the date of which is not yet announced will probably be a far more livel f one and the belief is that the grits will have to hump themselves to got there 1 didr play myself ray old bones are not as yon ng as they used to be and but i dont lik to mention it mrs a is agin it and hei tongue is a trifle caustic i would suggest to the captain of the tory team that lie make somo changes for the better and i would also ask it he had that long legged sortof hoppolearrange ment of a fellow on the field for ornament or nhat s he didnt do much and some of the oth or members of his team didnt exert themselves either they ought to have a referee and the rules und rstood and played up to it would be a good deal more interesting tous spec tators aid those who played football would wir then have been some great games of jhousebal or handball played lately the prese it champions are the only beardy and the versatile huck they have beaten r the town that is those who have played aud stand prepared to meet all comers for the championship of the town and the first bite of tht t watermelon oh dat water- mplynnl it is c fficially announced that they sail for europj next week but after mondays base ball jfwto champion beardy declares theyll have to sail in separate ships bytl eway speaking oi baeball did you witness the match could it be called a match gi me on monday last for your own sokes i hope you didnt i didnt and from the fearful tales ive heard of it ive been congratulating myself ever since that i didnt j they say it was the worst piece of play ing ever witnessed here thats rather strange too for the clippers are supposed to have had their strongest nine on if mondays team was their strongest what must iheitj but enough the thought is too harrowingl j theyll have to change their name thats aurej and call themselves the clip- postal reforms m ropkwobd nftwb town oaf oifh o6ritpondfui mw mekeuxle of london ix visiting friends here l miss hoktidor tf vikril niagara district is visiting friends ih rock woodaud vicinity 1 the f armors iu tli is vioinity arc oonv plaining terribly at the prolonged dry spoil and foarif rain dont come soon it yil prove fatal to the root ciops somo of our musioul oitizoiin look part iutlio groat internal iiml snugorfest at borlin this week and is far ns wo can loam our town will bo well represented as spectators ac mr neil d mokiniioiii head teacher in tho utjderwood public school was tho guest of d t schulta yostorday on his way to attend tho teachers convention at torouto this week the ministers of the methodixl church here exchanged pulpits with bov mr bappi of naisagawciya and rev mr ayaltors of eramosa last sunday mr rapp pittaoh- ed hero in the morning and mr walters in the evening to large congregations wo are pleased to nolo tho improvements nwdo by mr win morrow of his residence and fence surrounding the same tho residonce of dr dryden has hibo bceu re- painted uud the artibtio manner in which it is done reflects great credit on tlio painter mr j forrester of eyerton tho anolent qrdpr jf united worknlon are making groat progress licit- having alrcadyovcr 30 members wo commend the society to those anticipating life insur ance as a safe protection for the widows and orphans and at about onehfalf the usual iuburance fees payable to stock ccint- panieai mre r b hayward returned home last week after a short visit to tho old sod mr h looks well and says he had a fine trip while iu iondou lie spent few days at the colonial exhibition viewing the exhibits of the various countries aud was pjeased to relate that canada stood to the frout in almost everything the literary society hero is still living aud meets every first and third friday nights of bach month the programme for last friday night rwus a debate re solved that universal suffrage would be better thau the present franchise law the debaters were very eloquent you will think so when i say tliat they held a large audience almost spellbound until af tcr eleven oclock by which tinio the telling manner in which the captain on the affirmative side dealt with the frail arguments of his opponents a hollow victory was awarded him by the chairman xyz for nobby goods i am oftonug tojr tlio juiio can rest aagurodthut thoy cnufeuy from mp toronto i havo giviin tlio etnft particular trade 8ik0i induobmbnts housekopereu4 otiie in the lincj mentionel belot at moe roflalmablo prices tliati any other itbrfc lubtructioiib not to misreprefloii ffl the tallowing linosji have reducod fu i ik twentyfive per cent andoverin sbiue cases wjith thoexceptioniof urccrie3 i which i will sell aa cheap as the cheapest i dlljijss goidsin nuns clotli jersey cloth canvas cldth black and colored a nn rj oli- iii i i i n oji ii i i t i o silk grenadines pongee silk black andjiolored gros grainsilks black and colored sain black sa velvets velveteens aud crape cloths ped base bu club one consolation seems to be that it was the biggest ten cents worth ever given to a jiome audience from all accounts the op posing team are not up to much and they say that us old married fogeys could down eat suppose we try it this is undoubtedly the season when a yonngimans fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love the front gate is in great requisition these tine evenings and the fair pale morn looks down jon many a scejae- that pohld cause a rumpus in many a household if ihe head of the family saw as much as she does i was an involuntary witness the other evening of a sort of hugging contest girl ts boy which carried me back to the days when i courted mariar it would be cruel to particularize the young man might blush it- reminded me forcibly of the story of the michigan girl who was in the habit of meeting her lover in the woods under a certain large maple tree which marked the trysting place she bent her steps thither one fine day and being a little ahead of timeaat down to rest with her back against the trysting tree a big black bear came along and put his paws round the tree aud hogged the girl and she leaned back and enjoyed it and mnrmpred tighter johnny litighter and it brake the bear all up and he ran away and hid in the forest for three days to get over his sbamo and mortification and n jw mrs argus has got imbued with the i lea that the pen is mightier than the well say washboard and has a notion that shewn sling a tolable good pen if see aint worritted i snggested that slinging a fiat- iron was more in her line which asserfioet she immediately proved i luckily did dpdge and now o lr best mirror is smashed into flinders an 1 james henrys got a lump like a hens egd 5v- 1 n mm the establishment of a parcel post ser- vice between canada and great britain wfllbe welcomed as furnishing alongneed ed convenience hitbert ah parcels have bad to pay letter postage entailing consid erable expense to the senders this is onlyj one of many respects in which the post- office system of the two countries has later ly been cheapened andimproved what is urgently wanted now is a twoceqt postage rate throughput canada and between cana da and britain experience has so far ahowii tiat every advahce in the cheapen- ing of rates daugh it may at xsp entail some loss has in the end largely increased the revenue the americans are well satisfied with the result of lowering the rate of letter portage and a twbcent rate nroold donbtlassi increase the volume of corresp largely if thi domestic r were lowered to this figure letters would of ten be sent in cases where postal cards or circnlars are now used it is hot easy to gee why it should ijestjjast three times as much to bend a sealed letter as apcataloard or an open cfrchar seeing that am expense of transmission and de- lirery must bo exactily the same to iwonsent ocean postage that is too radical a reform to expect just ink the refaction of the canadian ftte ible immediate refohn which on bisl head as- first attempts she beazitaibevmiiaent i give jmrs palls em j what u bb abgbs voulu mke to keei bain hi smiths street sprinkler some kindly disposed person to take the cbb c to a vacant spot say the cemetery md gently but forcibly pound the fact in o their heads that they dont know how o play ball bouse ball to carry itself into some back alley for the convenience of pedes trians i i those wiseacres who know all about who argus my bubby isto sleep off their delusion the yung lady who lured a rig to take her lo er for a drive to commit matri mony tie yoang man to take the hint after she buys tt e rihgi v the pmd scheme to wake up and shake itself likewise the committee the stirs to shine in their neweuits at the next junior match j j isome ybung men run ih for tuning foul iangua e on the street corners the b y ho intends to walk the scratch box saturday night to swear off before the ime arrives or else hold an interview it the wpodshed with fjis pa the c lorai society to meet wi tuoi and e ns a good concert next month apods acton augjistlotb 1886 m mgm i mtt hosiery all makes and prices glovo to suit evorybody dontfail to see our misses lisle gloves at 15c corsets loop skirts bustles and ladies underwear pkintsnp house iu canada has evei a nicer rango than wo have jiowj interesting items two hotelkeepers in reterboro were fined 9100 and costs each- and one was fined 50 and co8tsfor- breaches of the scott act two months in jail was the alternative in each case on saturday last j l sturdy of tho qaeens hotel harriston pleaded guilty to an offence against die scott act he was fined 950 and costs philip malone of arthur on the same day was also fined 50 and costs by police magistrate lowes most of the tavern keepers in dufferin liave been fined once for violating tho scott act and the inspector brought charges lately for second offences mr jennings shelbarne messrs hyndman andmarteu crand valley have each been fiued 100 for second offences tho chatham banner says that ono of the most peculiar of the results of enforcing the scott act is the loss of taste which it has inflicted oil panygopdfjndgesof liquor who take the witness trd kiss tlio book and avow themselves unable to distiuguish whiskey from ginger beer soda waiter icr aronk v j license inspector fisher paid an official visit to palmerston tuesday night while putting lii horse up atone of the hotels a stranger came up and asked him if he was the license inspector being answered iu the affirmative he dealt him several blows with a club cutting him on the head and shoulders his injuries are not serious the stranger whose name is at present unknown escaped four cases of alleged violation of the scott act were tried before the police magistrate at guelph on mpnday and dis missed the evidence of the witnesses was indirect contradiction to that of the deputy inspector who laid the charge six more cases were tried on tuesday five were dismissed and the other adjourned until monday next for the summoning of a witness no other cases will come up be- jfore that date hats from 75 cents to 8250 at j fyfes i if you want a nobby durable and cheap suit go to j fyfes acton go to j fyfes acton for your cloth ing he can suit yon for price quality and style eyerytimo the gfave beatty drowned in trafalgar onthe 8th inbt mr anderson beatty of acton aged 28 years i mm fin i now advertisements t money found found a sum at moucy tho loser may recover the same by proving pyuerabip and paying for this advertisement mrs jja secobd 50oo acres op lakd for sale in the county of dufferin a quantity of japd for sale at from aid per acre to ssopsr acre terms and prices to suit an cubtowere also tillage prppertt in bbel burne hoping hills ccttbetton jt ancudfelanstbon apply to t jjf hbmstheet hvrvjewi t auluoneer land agent o shelburuc as hembtreet is acquainted with the county of duffflriajin almost every part we can reoom- nwnd mm to intending piirobajerb hotsk and lot for hams mhe undebsigned has received instruc- x tions to sellon very easy terms the bouse and lot oh chorob street now occupied by mrs llery otfi to lotjft inrstliuw thedweuing ilrabli iglni property good repair and there a nice garden with fruit trees terms ana particulars make known upon appli cation to hpmoobe fkbupbessopnc j the- cemetery f yrtvy rjr sprab ii lpi 1 mm 1 m sj argestj theaig specti eallwhl itll ictoii and as cheap aa anvi outside ot 0 on our coaiiter8 beautifal desigi s in canvas prints a ood clotlij fast colors splendid p ittern for lojcwoll worth ljc ginchams nd jluslhre to please everybody gray cot tons white oottohs shirtings ducks dei ims towels towelling great value brown e ollaiid table daniask etc etc llousfulikisilixb car icts in tapestry uuou and hemp floor and stair oilcloths curtains ot nlearly evei stylo ask to see tlio madras muslin at 25 pwyard it makes lovely curtaius and warranted to whsi well turkish rugs from 3 np mlllineiiy although it is getting late in the scjason 1 ani still adding novoltijs in this department and customers will fintt correct styles and a competent lady in chai go j 1 boots and shoei wall papers and gr ceries all at prices to suit the times remember tie placegrifflns old stand the halton dry goods house acton e represent lrwool cashinerc black and color tin mevveilloux black ed lustres tnd colored isjfcepitj ordeh taken kerolel bty caul is not settled yet but the fact that w williams has tho beat stock of soots and shoes in the county iu settled beyond dispute 1 have just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as nftvny now ones as seo lit to give me a call in all hues of footwear boots for the bkbies boots for the meu boots i do make boots i do mend custom work arid repairing promptly attended to wrn williams remnants jobs nd odd entjs dr pine watch o- particular attention paid to the repairingr and cleaning of fine watches and clocks at the old established house of -00- ives jobs remna and 00 i- d bargai 1 kts ulf piunts uemants of tweeds remnants of denims remnant8 of shirtijsgs remnants off dress j goods remnants ofi laces and iubboins remnants all kinds qf goods fp be cleared ou af anr job lies ns theo goods 10 be sold without regard to price being odd lines ahd see i 1 of corsets job likb3 o of ladies- job lines pri shoes of childrens job lines shoes of mens and bov boots o- our new new fancy nice and nqbby remember vr famous 50c fa printsjus e isizesj i nh place your order for clothing with b e nelson the popular qwwibr of the 0ity stookall new and well assorted fit and workmanship always correct 4 specialty 4 pant 4 prices lowest in jlie pity r 2 hbmoh 99 wyndham st vejli ojw stvinepti sisissscis i style please iex bi0srvmaib street actdii tdtfle pfeontyith a- fine stock of new fall goods in we are now receiving a prery larce stoek of nvw fall tsoptlslof ever our boots and sfioes are puccbased from the best mamilattureis nu qnality wehaye a fine assortment and your every want can be suj d ri cjf iiippue some fine lines of trunks and valises ou hand received iiifecjt from the manafactnrers i ordered work we make a specialty of this department ahdj guarantee satisfaction to all cnstdmersj repairing done with neatness and despatch kenney bros dominion mam end i we ssl1 pjw a tee cheapest fkkw and j groceries as -to- r ntiptten dfejering peslfectfitting suits not 0 betperthia ibave their orders with sfeg iscwi ueicription the best house cjheap actolfrl can- c- v tho protide snn finl 4far holiday rei this wei onl country sev great sa v worth 0 week- mr bur daily pal thel metho raised 1 itis right shj the first i ye day held an i that hel does nol cfba street will did th seasoua hereficil instead which- er cont a the basl nextjl and the mence cents ll expecte th tried it local j no matj home themt trtensp tii haps other accide oclo ifoplo aiteri that chnrc cellentl moore i e1 pay i of the j last corie much j match i t tificga inarrie thisevl i i season after snipe fi partri other bepten shot qoaili wild i

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