Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1886, p. 3

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r preserve your eyosight sjhctaclc stock at uw- llymls tho iniiiost in town- an optometer for testing jlie sjcht all kinds of spectacles repaired spectacles fivmi v upwards give us a call when you want pair no hyxps acton qst the fruit season k now it its lirichtli iritl i m jtlinlkv ivin f im i ivu tikon nni iiiol with t ivvuia cry v hvi- uu ooiuv ill i ni kind of iniit st tliv tiiiks afford hvuiion for hi io confection- lci- creahi nv i wnliiv ac lm kkunlky in the post cilice vuitdiug i tk jvctmt jfm 3rrss i i t or tm jv mormkili afiht l- 18sl crumbs for breakfast m lf p frovuu1 by the em thoughtful free press reporters this is august and it can be majc a most enjoyiitlo immth if you wont hurry riid bother a id bluster there is a won derful comfort in schooling ones self to take things ciay if youarcon a vaoation just make up your mind that everything is going on right and it compelled to stay at home enjoy loroo luxuries aud remember that tlierc is nuthhrg at the most famed watering places that can bb compared with home an tuiteijuniniient was billed to xnko place in the town hall here recently tho bilk wore printed in toronto no adver- iiseinant or notice was scut to tho local paper for iiuertion no such notico ap peared consequently tho audieuco at tho hall warf composed of the empty benches and a very si k lot of performers moral you umst pa ronio the local press to en eiiirclhe attention and attendance of tho people tiz- ill slur the weeks rakings summer is going fast i vine wsrm woather this week iaimcrs are scarce in town now i todav is cuelphs and miltons civio j i ukuiaa kcut keauevbros new advertisement this wtok i only one more eek of holidays for country schools sevcful of cor citizens attended the great suerlest in berlin this week a bible sjjeni claims to have sold 300 worth bf bibles in halton county the other week i mr w j nijklin of new york has our thanks for topics of late new york daily papers the silipoiitev kj browuell- methodist minister at oakvillerhas beeu raised to 1100 per anuuni it is yet a question as to which is the which arc principally local ond all interesting early harvesting mr walter lang nassagaweya com menced cutti lg his spring wheat on thurs day th iust which h considerably earlier than last yiar mr laing sowed his wheat on the 13th of april last year he sowed ou tho 30th of april and commenced cutting on tho 11th of august this year it is a week e vrlier than last our young men next week we purpose unless interfered with by the editor or some other powerful influence to give for tho solo benclit our and porhaps marriageable ladies a and descriptive erf actons bachelors we do this to assist them in inakilig a i youn list concise j promiueut yqun with a view choice anions j about town effected thro j will be moderate rht moulder to look rover when getting j 5- the or- sight of a newjmoou we are sorjy to hvo to record the death yesterday was bramptons civic holi- i by drowning of ou6 of our citizens mr day tie y p a of st pauls church j anderson betty which occurred on sun- held ui excursion to uamilton j day last in tlie lower part of tlie county the chlku is the only milton paper ii nrirs from the- tery nieairre reports which savc fair report of uie olympic- j received that mr beatty went in bathing crescent lacrosse match here last week i iu t bixteeijmile creek below milton and ifutwo candidates for the en- i k int0 a of qpcksaid was drown- at iyaterdown high i befor8 tp could be obtained mr grips oroflt supplemont with its midsummer number our fa- cctious contemporary rn has issued n maguitlcent aupplomcht in iho form of a lithograph plate 18xll incites a group of- conservative leaders in canada tho picture is ah ihiear a photograph and is well worth framing the likencbses and autographs are accurate and tho wholo pio- turo is at ouco striking and phasing it is ono of tho bew things of this kind over at tempted in canada and not only all con- bervatives but thoso on tho other side will like to accuro it tho price together with mhltummcr ftii iu only 2f contb and it will bo forwarded to anyono enclosing that amount to tho company at toronto iu this connection wo may state thatho suc cess of the enlargement and improvument of grin now id pages has led the company to reduce the price of canadas i comic weekly to 2 new subscribers sending si together with 5 cents for tubo and postage of plate will get the paper for tho iftst fix months of this year to pec hi and havo the midsummer number and its lino supplement plato thrown in gone holidaying the great and good man who grinds out our copy and who guides the moral social and commercial destinies oftbis influential powerful and widelycirculated journal has gone away with his wife and son for a couple of weeks holidays and left us boys to run this poiulerous machine with all appertaining thereto by ourselves the aforesaid great and good man will be found just about now eating the breadof idleness chewing tho cud of contentment and sport ing around on a farm near st clair mich in an old suit of borrowed clothes for two long weeks he will escape the oflicc bore the iratesub3criberwithastuftcdclnband the cry for topy will only be heard in his dreamshappy mail that ho is but in earnest those who know how unceasingly ever be forehanded passed and four were beatty had for the pa t year and until the out a trance examination sehoei ouh nine recommended mr jo wallace of milton while trolliralii lake kstchewanoonkivctipturcti a iiuskiiiongc whieh measured 4 inches and weighed 4 pounds 4 dav last to viijt some friends ju irafalgar by a tyivtfapkical error iu last week tte ha j issue v firnoupced teorgetowu s civic at p there are confined iu the halton county gaol at miltou five prisoners j op firnoanced cjeorgetowus civic holiday to be on tlie 20th it will be held ca thursday the luh august q o t i two are vagrants aside from the direct object of furnish- oueforstealior and one for assault the jiu newsthe newspaper idcjdentally ac- case of one of the vagrants is- one of great ioiiunishes au amounotgood not equalled and uunecessiry hardship jhi by any other agencies combined the miltcu ih complains that its ioplc do their shopping in toronto great ly injuring their own town aud making no perceptible increase in the volume of the citys trade lotr strayed or stolen a project to lay the dust on from just before the rain two weeks ago any information wili be thankfully receiv ed bv oar citiicls i le has a son a stenographer earninc noodivages in to ronto and a soninlaw chief of police randall iu guelph bnt although they have been written to by the governor of the gaol mr bian allen informing them that their parent is suffering from brights and that he may die at any mo- ij 1 ment thev hive paid no attention to the streets last heard j communications whatever thcv outht the matrimonial catches should aijy bo j ho has labored dny mid night during tho igh our eltorts our charges pastyear to niiso tho fitrk lris toits preseut standard will agree that he needed and has well earned this short respite from labor and to give a fair idea of how ho looked ere taking his departure for liis country seat as he called it but then you know i10w an editor cafi talk we have procured jlns pencil sketch of him which was taken by our typographical imp as he strolled by tho editors den one day recently and we hope he nin return refresh ed invigorated and looking something like this latter sketch prepared to enter upon another years labor wc- that is s boys have succeeded in getting oiit this issue all rilit and next weeks paper will doubtless be issued ou time even if we do overtax our cerebellum or whatever you may call it and possibly have some undesirable libel suits for the editor to shoulder on his return time of ins death been a resident of acton and was a quiet and unobtrustive young man lie was latek encaetl ih drawing i bark from the station to messrs beard- i more a cos tannery aud went on satur- beetoii vouth i to do so at oulceiaa the old man is in a dan- i gerous condition tfnd wc trust this public j appeal on behalf of their relative will not be in vaiij sn ou a bet of cue dolla pljbged into eight feet of water last ijuh- dav attired in his best clothes the loiers careful you sign rumbledmore over the loss of the dollar several voting men are travelling through than ht jid over he damage to his suit i lbc country alt present offering to giveaway h a new kind of peach tree that thev want to a oeortelown oung man was arrested i i introduce tpiey present an order for the u hamilton 1ast week while in the act of i 1 farmer to sign wiiicn thev state is simpl v asramt m tee public street he explain- i to show the house for which edthat he was badly ruptured and found i iripjsibie to go any further without tiig his trui i oecasionally ii nierchant advertises j ihallie i- ooing out of business when lie j dot 1 hot advertiie he is certainly going outl of business though he may take a back j tired aud keep a shop at any rate he will disappear i i the coid wtatiier of last week was not an instrument it is generally a safe middle scisjnabie it hower may have- been course to kick him off the farm and then lciieicfal to the grain in allowing it to till get the dog 011 him to chase inm about half instead odrying up by the scorching which- wo c sun j a mile up the road jld have followed had the weath- sporting events contmuta like it was the other week 0q saturdt i a game of base ball a ianie of base ball will be nlayed on i w played ii the park between the itock- tlic bae ball ground ou monday afternoon wood base ball club and the clippers of travelling wheie they have placed the goods i this tntnsactjion may be ierfcctly fair and 1 legitimate btt it will be 110 harm for farm- i ers to be on their guard if the parties j i want to give away peach trees they can easily do so v ithout requiring the farmer to sign a blank order in casoof any doubt about the pro tci- method of dealing with a stranger who wants a farmer to sign such purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted mr and mrs a jarvis are visiting friends at ilavenswood mrs rev c a cook of toronto is visiting friends in acton mr alex bremner of cravcnhurst was home for a few days last week rev b phillips spent a few days this week iu orangeville and vicinity mrs chas cameron spent several days last week with friends in bowinanville mrs 1 starret and daughter bella of torouto are visiting friends in this vicinity miss easterbrook late teacher of lome school is the guest of miss mary brown of this place mrs b conner ind daughter clara of orangeville nro the gie us of mrs phoebe youmans this week mr b s crossou of toronto is the guest of his brother mr w g crosson butcher of this place messrs wj smith undmand t kciwiey have gone to toronto in which city they will make their home for the present r j e mcgarvin left 011 tuesday for london where he represents acton lodge no 201 ioof in grand lodge which is now in session 1 ih next between the atlantic of torouto aud the clippers of acton game to com mence at i pm sharp admission ten cente ladies free a good game may be expected the universal opinion of all who have tried it is that the fiikii pin is the best local pajer they know of all agree that no ruatkr how far they they are away from home if they get the fuee pntssit keeps acton resulting in u victory for the clip pers by a scoae of 15 to 8 our boys played well but ought to have received a good tnany pointers from their opponents play- ing the battery of the clippers was all that saved them from defeat there also was a game of some kind on the grounds on monday afternoon between themascotscf brampton and a team sop- posed to have been a travelling troupe of them thoroughly posted on everything that burlesque actors who borrowed tho clippers transpires in this neighborhood the early closing movement was per haps carried a little too far in goelph the other evening when a lady customer was accidentally locked in by tie clerks at six oclock she stood at an open j window imploring to be let out and was released uftcr about an hours imprisonment our citizens will be pleased to iparu that the ladies aid of the methodist church propose giving another of their ex cellent socials on the lawn of mr win moore next tuesday evening august 17th we trust that with favorable weather this may be the most successful garden party lil the season j the foot ball match which topk place last thursday bet ween local grits a tories was won by the former by twi to none although not as productive of so milch fun as the married raingle hiens match it was a more interesting and scien tific game the return match between ths married atjd single men will be played this evening game to commence at 7 pm- i under the lawsof ontario theshooting- season will begin oh tlie 25th of august af ter that day woodcock may be shot guipe rail golden plover grouse pheasants imrtridge praine cfiiefcens ducks nd fcither waterfowl and hares after the 1st of september peer may not lawfully ije shiot till after the 15th of october njo mail may be shot iu 188c or 18871 and up wild turkey till after 1888 suits and attempted to apply their peculiar advocations in burlesquing the game called base bill whioh they succeeded in doing to perfection the mascots doubt less following the line adopted by them in selecting thei name admirably supported the others such n game we could not do either side justice to attempt to give it proper account of it it was a comedy- burlesque all jthrough aud there being nine mascots to noue they of course camo out victorious by a score of about 310 to 230 mostly errors we cauuot givo tho exact figures is the scorer started up town to telephone for a supply of foolscap aud has not since been seen aud there remaius no one to tell tlie tale not a player can be found np to press time wo are surprised that the maniger of the clipper base ball p would allow the team suits toboused on such an occasion wiiat tilk ubk baliltifh said ox monday qaii whiik tlmtcomearom chaining positions sroiiey h iugh gh fill gh aonbtt whats the score anyhow speight great scott what a game jlambhaw pshaw they slug those balls of mine all 0 er the field muilatx must practice some before trying this ajain s wimstli8 beats me all out j kkiia vvll we would like to know dnt say you ard all the worst mr john v kaunawiu went to eloraon tuesday to relieve for a few days mr wm farrand of dr mcgarvins drug store mr farrand is spending a few days with friends iu markham mr james campbell of the royal ex change arrived home on tuesday evening from a visit to friends iu scotland ho has been away about three mouths and returns much improved in health eev j s colling ias returned to fergus after spending a pleasant visit with rela tives in halton county aud other friends in that neighborhood he is much improved seize time bvthe forolook jtocoguizing iho fact unit the hotls of purolmsom who from the neighbor ing towns and municipalities run by rail to guelph for t heir dry goods purchases oh a rnlo do not coinn liure tii bny common cvoryilay staples but tlie better elnss of goods the very newest styles in fact such goods as merchants in smaller places cauuot afford to show a large nssortincnt of wo dircot special attention to no 27 lower wyndliani street- tho acknow ledged business honso for the nowest choicest and best of the market believing iu tlie principle prompt- ly on time wo have already opened upwards of 10 cases aud balcb of new fall goods and whilo wo havo still a tew lines of summer goods which wc arc clearing out at discounts of 10 to 50 per cent we direct special attention to our new lines of dress goods uevi lines of black and colored silks now liucs of plushes new lines of striped velvets new lims of mantle cloths new liiicsmf tweeds new hues of l coatings new lines of fancy gloyo and ribbons in fact new lincb in al most every department which placo tho attractions at no 27 far beyond anything offered by other houses wc invite every purchaser to call ou us nhd especially urge our friends from a distance to como and sec us it will well repay you we keep such a large stock aud dosuch a largo trade in nice 1 choice goods that yau cannot help but 1 lind it pleasant and profitable to favor us with your patronage we offer all goods tit close catdi pricin do not sell ou credit do not pester people to buy more than they want ami nive atten tion and fair treatment to all our cus tomers if you arc not of that number begin now e r bollert 27 lower wyndharu street guelph ontario nam whf do we do bboaxtsb i t wc wont ill our collars with unnecessary goods out tliiiy must 0 is tho verdict of ryan berkinshaw co 1600 yds 800 yds 13 guelph r dress goods 5c per yd worth 12 c i wtiful dress muslins 5c per yd worth 8c 000 yds beautify prints from 5 to loci per yard is ia throe lines onlyol a host seg hand bills o- ryaft berkinshaw co successors to john hocc 6c son 93 upper wyndham street ghielphi pure paris green in any quantity turn1ip seed fresh and reliable camp great temperance gamp i i -at- georgetown- new advertisements a new and thrilling book of narratives lifepicturas from bum gallery or kkctches written from porsonnl knowledco ol persons wliorhavo boon ruled thi ough liquor by thomas trotter ltxs owen sound onr the author has recglvcd tho following testimonials from hev a carniau dd conorai siidorintou- dmit of tbo methodist church lormteu- fr ot life pictures tmtnr rspn 2 itte jby thomas i rottor hpti owen hound c v iikfrom person- al ocqualntanco and knortodgc iust ynfol mho- sad havoc of iiitoxicatiiir liquors t io tkotcbee arc well closou and we penned jlhofeellnw and sorrowh of suffering wives ad mothcrt smp and brilhicallyf portrayed ho iubidious and decentivo ilvancejif the viro tho final victory of the monster tl o helpless ness and utter despair aud ruin of ibo victuii- and the terrible wreck of characteriind fortune and tho crasliinc of nd hearts so dlcri w d net forth as to at onco interest instruct affect and alarm a hook so well conceived and well executed cannot fail to help forward tho crcat temperance reform and deepen conviction iu tho mindtof the people on this vital subject al car1ias owen sound may 39th 1880 rom rov principal caveh ddjidi toronto iox college a i nts and oils fibstclass and cheap lacilosse base ball goods jus akkivkd new pattern caughnawaga illuks spauldings standard i3alls c je31 el ap i mcgarvins drug and stationery store acton i havo not had time to read the jihapters of jour book with the caro necessary touhe forma tion of an opinion that woulibe ofrouch value but i can see at aglanco thatnhe biiok is very carefully written and that its aim and tendency aro good tho recital of cases is strikingly im pressive anditspicturcsquiti vivid mypraycr is that it may deter many from enteihng en the path of ruin v caves toronto june 1880 from kev john potts dd torontj it seems to iiiothat lifo pictures from hum b gallerj has a great mission in tbo battle now being fought against tlie cvilsi of liquor the book is well calculated to instr act hind to admonish while it is written in a peculiarly pleasant and easy style it seems to be the product of a man wh has deep and earnest con victions and therefore speaks with authority m jot potts toronto june 1880 from iter v g huntel dd prosident of the niagara confereucebf tho method ist church i have been privhqed to read the preface- aud some chaptcrsof r pictures rom ltunf8 gallery and amu conviueed that aio volume will bo an important audi valuabje uddition to tlie temperance literature of the age and cannot fail to make deep impressions on th minds- of its readers tho author t trotier lds wields a vigorous and ready pen and 61othes his thoughts in tho language of the peop e w i htxteb hamilton june 1680 from eov- e a stafford ma pastor metropo litan church torouto tho book life pictures from bums gal- leryis a serieb ot sketches frou real life written in an easy and very pleasingf tvle which carries tho readers attention and sympathies to the cud the lessons taught iu the uookbeloug to a class which require constant repetition a e stutoud toronto june 188g the hook iu size is 12moiigl jiages bound tho best style of english cloth hiudir g aud will he sold by the author and agents at 125 per- copy prepaid to any address on receipt of price ruby the artist is now akin some beautiful views i those lc schools picnic parties and residences ring hiahli vices alfoukl call or write him for terms to metropolitan studio acton halton lolntv thursday august 12th to mon day 16th inclusive tlie irorammc this year includes miss moore one of ohios gifted daughters lou j beauchamp called the gough of the west a truly won derful man mrs marion b baxter whom michigan is proud to own and then our own spence carswell dr griffin keefer mckay etc etc making an array of talent seldom put before any people we are sparing neither time trouble nor expense to make this camp a great success full particulars will be given in the bills and posters ml youmans st catharines july 8tli 1880 -01- jtdfcli gqi 3d ie isr idi o nsr ekcelsioft bli act03st bread cakes of all kinds on handormade to order j of guelph biscuits gonfectionery c ice cream soda water served atall hours mrs t stafham great clearing sale vhat kellym umwuk fit is- muffh i even iaw arid feels able for tho work again advocate the best kind of drummer an advertisement in a local paper repre senting your line of business it travels in all directions at once it visits your customers continually it interests them iyour town aud is- building up tho general prosperity while it is faithfully transacting your particular busiuess it talks with thousands of tongues and has the confidence of its bearers itdoesut got drunc it doesnt play carls it doesnt swell round oh tho credit and name of your house it never rets mad ind threatens to trans fer its goodwill to a uomnetitor in business or a rival town it never sots up iii business for itself on theeredit ithas builu up at your expense or has artfully filohe 1 from you it doesnt add so much to your general expense as to reduce you wouid like to offor good customers it doesnt cost you many thousands of dollars a yeari at njost only a very few hundreds it brings your customers to you and makes them your journal of froyrm to zero the margin montreal house e knowlton successor to mrs secord begs to intimate to iho citizens of acton and surround ings that he has refitted the store and put iu a desirable stock of dross goods prints linens jerseys hosiery parasols o also mens readymade clothing boots and slippers a choice assortment of groceries which will be sold at cost for next 30 days a call and a sharo of your patronage is respectfully invited k knowlton isign of the eecl flag acton goods all reduced to ridiculously low prices the halton force pump aud every variety of l force well and cis tern manufactured by a g bounsall oaeville out we quote p ices below to prove our position that we sell cheaper than others ilk an s atix bepaetmext black and jolorcd silks j 37 j 15 50 go 75 90c audup 37a 45 50 60 75 90c and up 87a 95 s100 s108 110 and up 50c to 8100 personal friends agents wanted steady employmemt to good men none need be idle i previorfs experience not essential w pay cither salary or commissiou one hundred smart men wanted at ouce to canvass for the sale of canadiangrown nursery stock j the fonthill nurseries lallqebi in uamapa ovei1 400 acrk8 v dont apply unless you can furuifjh first- class references and want to work no room for lazy men but can employ any nnmber of energetio men who want work a fin waqq stone wellington nurserymen toronto ovt black and colored satins black aud olored mcrveilleux r fancy strivjed and brocaded satins colored anolack fkexch dkessaoods nuus veilings now shades canvas cloth nev shades all- wool m slangier cord frieze effect all colors english dress- goods brocaded ciallio fancy strir es worth 20c for s beautiful c aslimerette lace canva s clotlyn black cream bronze aud mid brown only worth 25c for 12 jc muslim dep artmex t lovely line colored muslins lace mubh is white and jolorcd lawns swiss spots and checks india mull all shades canvas mull all colors 15c i 15c 25c very cheap oc 8c 10c uc 5c 12jc and up t- agekis wanted acton planing williamson ritoriuetorr buildor and contractor sssh door and blind factory mills bamshaw lv erv low prints fast color tamapo triuts nowest effects fraucbnia prints ashtous m idders worth 12c for bebt euglis i cambric crorabs bost cloth worth 20c for searsuckerbj to arrive ono caso at anout half price staples best valuo ju shirting factory coltouj worth 7c at beat factor y worth 10c at table coveib pure flax colored borders at shaker flai mel colored and white 0c 7c 8c 12jc oc 7o 50c 12c doors win on short neatly and- 18 prepared to put on storm dowa weather strips etc notice winter porcheserected at reasonable prices we have one of fleurys celebrated chop ping mills and will chop all kind s of grain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays- ta ramshaw managers bo atlnxir shawls under who esale pricf over 2000 to chobse frdm corsets a splendid range from 30c hosiery c loves in all varieties of shades styles qualities special valuo another bij lot of buttons 5e per dozen v clothing our cutter is tho best our stqck tho largest our prices tho lowest and j y our work of the finest quality j d williamson go wiito for particulais oil great prohibition camp to bo held in hamilton ojit aug 7 8 9 10 11 vi aud 13 greatest speakers ot tht continent graud musical- attractions low excursion eates praetontlnggrouoa w v buchanau dlreotor hamilton oct yboiull peuresijrmeumvtism freemaits worm powders are pleasant to take contain thajroiril- tuteatlvo io a tato buro and ctttctaas gcetrqjer ot worms la children pr adolt m l

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