Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1886, p. 4

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bi i j tton jit j 4 v tnthsoa toorxixo airwwv w i i r j u s nver satisfh d wbaimr llohn srnit first motuj town we tetjot to bummer that him dowfc he ntted and scowled moat fearfully howled then honimod and hawed and nftiiigly roared and fearfully awored tik ovle thats 6kd aud out op w outrageous caper for his name wm not in our paper but when john smiu went pk on a spree wefindly cave him an itomfrco j he fretjted and scowled j moat fearfully howled i then hemmed and hawed and rftgingly roared and uarfully aworedj lake one thats gored j and cut an outrageous caper j cause his name was put m our paper goodair w chicago all sorts procure in m arkansaw man the united states have yon tried holloway s corn cure it haa no equal for removing those trouble- sojme excrescenses as many have testified who have tried it for its soothing and grateful infiuenco oathe scalp and forreniovmrndprevent- ing dandruff avers hair fitifior has no eqaal it restores fadedsor gray hair to its original color stimulated ithejgrowth of tho hair and gives it a beautiful glossy and silken appearance xoar belter there is no motfe wholesome or delicious r fruit on earth than the wild strawberry and there is no more effectual remedy for cholera dysentery cramps and other summer complaints of infants and adults than dr fowlers jextraot ofjwild straw- berry j j a young man at halifax kova scotia who got his name on the voters list by 8 wearing that he earned 300 a year was taken to task by his employer for telling an untruth whunche retorted that he earned that much though he didnt get it om the fcte leaves have their time to fall says the poet but wild strawberry leaves are orfjhe rise just now being utilized in snch enormous guantitiesin making tr fowl ers extract of wild strawberry the in fallible remedy for cholera morbus diarrhoea and ether summer complaints pppabitlcau druggists cedar rapids i lows writes i we have never sold any medicine that gives such satisfaction a the consumer and pleasure to the seller as dr thomas eclectrics oil- we can refer you to numbers that have used it for diphtheria with entire satisfaction and success salt khevap cared sicgregor parkes carbolic cerate has beentried and found to be the only positive cure for salt rheum pimples blotches on the face and hands cuts burns bruises or any sore that nothing else will heal try mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate 25c per bottle at dr mcgarvius drug store i i ib bad humor ayear ago my head was covered with eores and the errnption covered my face also and spread even until the back of my hands were sore i became weak and ill finding no cure i tried j3ordock blood bitters two bottles perfectly cured me statement of miss minnie stevenson cocagne n b bob ingersoll recently was talking with an old colored woman in washington upon religions matters do ypu really believe aunty said he that people are made out of dust yes sah the bible says deyis an sol believesj it bat what is dime in wet weather when theres noth ing but mud den i spects dey make infidels an rich track i yritt precaution daring the summer and fall people are liable to sudden attacks of bowel com plaint and with no prompt remedy or no medical aid at hand life may be in danjgerl those whose experience has given them wisdom always keep- dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry at hand for prompt relief and a physician is seldom reuired nearly all infants are more or less subject to diarrhoea and such complaints while teething and as this peroid of their lives is the most critical mothers should not be without a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial this medicine is a specific for such complaints and is highly 1 spoken of by those who have used it the proprietors claim iwwill cure any case of cholera or bummer complaint mr r c- winslow toronto writes northrop lymans vegetable discovery is a valuable medicine to all who axe troubled with indigestion i tried a bottle of it after suffering for some ten years and the resulte are certainly beyond my expec- tations it assists digestion wonderfully i digest my food wfth no apparent effort and am now entirely free frpm that sensa- tion which every dyspeptic well knows tf unpleasant fulness after each meal v hegrexott lu compound have jou a bad cough a chronic hoarseness a feeling of lightness in the chest weak lungs or any similar com plaint if bo bay at once a bottle of mc- gregors lung compound it will cure yon it contains entirely new specifics pi which one dose is more effectual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies it is pat ap in 50c and 100 bottles sold by dr mcgarvin druggist try it and you will never have reason to complain balljtcayouilment and pill blsiema- tismj and gout these purifying and sootiug remedies demand the earnest attention of all persons liable to gout sciatica orother painful affections of the muscles nerves or joints the ointment should be applied after the affected parts have been patiently fomentedwith wairm water hen the unguent should be diligent ly ribbed upon the adjacent skin unless the friction should cause painj hollo way s pills sbopld hr simultaneously takes to redone inflammation and to purify i the ilbol qfi treatment abate the violence andleanstiie frequency of gent rheuma tism and jdl spasmodic diseases which spring fco hereditary predisposition or from any accidental weaknes of constitu- dso tlio safe pletwut and cffootual woria wllcri mother gr ires worm extet- mtnntor iiotuifyt otiuls it bottlo aul tnko it honie its aiamcjaaid the other day that should rit inter trouble iwuli cftinftda bout a little hilt bait why cl clovolaudhijcst kay tho fortl ill dig half a bubhcl o wornnr fur hint nyself gowhirshh off vterk i 1 itti off wotk for two years suffuriiig from kidney disease and could got no re lief uuti i advilod by a frioiid to try bbb i was ou wl by two bottles and consider it a nriraci lous cure tho abovo is tho rub- stance ol a commuuicatiou from wm tier of st mkrys out corkstrew- expeditious are falling into disfavor in the u s in voting a 50000 appropriation to complete aud inaugurate the barqioldi statue of liberty the ameri- can seuato made tho express stipulation that no portion of the amount should be used iu the purchase of alcoholio drinks avera sarsaparilla is designed for those who need a raedicino to purify their blood build thim up inorease their uppetite aud rejuvinate thoir whole system no other preparation so well meets this want its forty years is one of constant over disease record ol triumph 1 fortanhle cucapr mrs cyrus kilborne beanibville out had what was supposed to be a cancer on her hose she was about to submit to a osucer doctors treatment when she con cluded tip try burdock blood bitters inter nally aus externally a few bottled of which entirely cured her fluid llfblulmr thereare but few that have nover suffered almost intolerable paiu from toothache neuralgia or like ucuic pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken or days i oup application of fluid licht- ing qurcs sold at j k mcgarvius drug store j9 no person should go from home without a bottle ot dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordialin their possession as chauro of water cooking climate et frequently brings an summer complainf and there is nothing like being ready with a sure reme dy at hand which oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives this cordial has gained for itself a wide- spreadfreputation for affording prompt re lief from all summer complaints ncrll frovtd dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles ontirely worthless not so with mc gregbrsj speedy cure you arc not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvius drug store and get a free trial bottle ami if not conviuced it will care you of the worst forms of dys- ipepsia liver complain etc no matter of howloug standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottleb sec testitnon- lais from peoplein your own town 29 kett and comfort le the sarrrriue browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most burely quick en the blood and heal as its actidg power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or lloiinent in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the bent remedy ltt the world for cramps in the tomacli and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents bottle- j 44 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by thje many cures it has affect ed mcgregors speedy cure leads the van subjectei 1 to the minutest chemical analysis it has be n found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthies specifics daily offered to the public svery ingredi jnt possesses a pecul ar adapt ibility to the various complaints for whicl lit has beet compounded and its efficacy i i being established by testimonials hourlyreceived we are therefore confi dent thai we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it wii be found ulot only a relief hilt n abwluu cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint ii digestion constipation aud im purebloiid free trial bottles at j e mcgarvins drue store 31 i tlie gr sat results which have attended the reealir use of quinine wine by people of delicate constitution and those affected with a ge ueral prostration of the system speak mc re than all the words that we can sayinitf behalf this article is a true medicine and a lifegiving principle aper- fect rerio rator of the wlwle system invig orating a t the same time both body and mind i ts medical properties are a febri f uge toni 5 and antiperiodic small doses frequently repeated strengthen the pulse create z appetite enable you to obtain re freshing deep and to feel and know that every fib e and tissue of your system is be ing braced aud renovated in the fine quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman toronto we have the exact tonic required j and to personb of weak and nervous constitutions wes would say never be without a bottle in the house it is sold by all druggists advice to mothebs are you disturbed at night i nd broken of your rest by a sick child suff sring and crying with pain of cut ting teeti if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslovvs soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable j it will relieve the poor little suf ferer imrr ediately depend uponit moth ers then is no mistaka about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens tl e gums reduces inflammation and givei tone and energy to the- whole system mrs wins lows soothing gy rup for i children teething- is pleasant to the taste and is the pn scription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in ihe united stktes and is for sale by all druggist throughout the world price twei ityflve cents a bottle be sure tion thifl ointment checks the jooalimi j and ask ion mis vlnisiwwfl sooinrao chief tho pills restore the itf powers svacr a id take no otlier kind mtm fllllf i wlei m i j m the true elixir of life aykr8 8ar3aparillalsahlfih- ly conccntrnud modlelne sclenttrloauy coraimtimlod or t he gonulno honduras bin oftpnrllla yellow dock mandrake stll- lliiglti fodtdesioi potassium and iron and other lngrcdtdnu of great strcugtu aud curatlvo vlrtit ayir8 8mrsaparilla has been tested by tmd has received tho unqualified cpmmciulhtlort of 4000000 famlllcslntkti united states aud 7000000 families throughout tho world avers 8ah8aparilla is tho only blood purifier that has gained and retained tho confidence of thoipcople of tropical countries whero such mcdl clues are in gnat demaud ayirs 8ar8aparilla is the most papular blood purifier among sailors and is fn ninetenths of tho medi- cuesihestfl of the best class of american engusb german and danish vessels ayir8 sarsaparilla contains no arsenic and no aloes as do many falselyj called alteratives foisted upon tho credulity of the public ayir8 8ar8ararilla has bcentfoii many years recognized as tho best alterative and tonic medicine iu all civilized countries ayir8 sarsaparilla promptly relieves from general debility nervous prostration and derangement of tho yital organs ayer8 sarsaparilla effects radical cures of all maladies oris lug from tho taint of scrofulous or con tagious diseases or the corruption of mercury in tbjo system ayer8 sarsaparilla is endorsed by the medleal profession and regularly prescribed by many leading practitioners hon f jbwktt exmayor of frivrm iiud oocstoto sonntor vnyn unit tlio uuly prcpnrntton of bnisuiiurlfln tlirtt noiiihio do real lasting good in cleansing the blood aud expelling poisonous matter from tho system is ayer8 8ar8aparilla milton fox tho largest laudowner and farmer of middlesex lo mm credits his euro of scrofulous humor and dyspepsia to tho thorough purifi cation of his blood by ayer8 8ar8aparilla waimen leland the famous yew york landlord testifies from his own knowledge that for tho cure of liver disorders gout salt itheum uml various results of high living tkcro is no tnedkuno equal to ayer8 sarsaparilla hiram phillips oldter vt attests tho euro of hereditary scrofula in thrco generations of bis f arallyv by ayer8 8ar8aparilla thos n cook wat 8omervlllemisi was cured of severe eczema and rescued from a rapid dccltno by ayer8 8ar8aparilla tne sisters of ciubity dorchester mass vouch for tho alterative and curative virtues of ayer8 8ar8aparilla john j ryan philadelphia pa professional baseball player was cured of rheumatism by ayer8 8ar8aparilla d b kerr big springs ohio testi fies that his son fifteen years old was cured of catarrh iu its worst form bv ayer8 8ar8aparilla amherst wnrniore brunswick me retired seacaptalu was cured of it i cancer by ayer8 sarsaparilla the attestations of a myriad of unimpeachable witnesses might be cited were it necessjary toprovo tho almost miraculous cures effected by this only really effective blood purifying medicines rs sarsaparilla prepared by dr j b iur c0 analytical chemists lowell mass i sold hy all druggists trice 1 six bottles for 0 mmmmwmwmm i gffeat cheap sale mlmmth house aeuroetown dry goods millinery clothing carpets wo have lis justciiinplctud liiu puivhnsd of a big stock of now- nimnier goods at a great omit off regular price we will sell tlifin chenp sec our prlcc8r dkess joodhlfolti woltth 2cm whitii laoe mosllns iic worth jfl joiioll bd musllnbj fie worth tor prints 5 di7i worth 10 i 1 nitons 3 worth 5c cottons 5 worth 8 ltntsns 25c worth 37k 3s5c woiahloc jrepjloc wokth lac vnlunjzsc worth 40 iss tapestry 30c worth 40c fancy grey whith taule towellltnos srs carpetts cakpe oarpe allv a oool a lla all t tl unt paragotig lol halifax tweeds 35c worth 50c 11 erim large arrivals of new goods at the right house clearing sale op summer goois black cask meres bargains in hosier the great deductions made iu the prices of summer dry goods mai ties of thousands of purchasers making it the moat auocessful sale ever h id month of august remember allwool black french cashmeres celling exactly half pjicc see tho large assortment of 8c dress goods be o ladies embroidered ualbrigian hose only 5c per pair a lot of lajli laces less than half price linen ilaudkerchicfs from lie choice other bargains when requiring dry goods and housefurnishings i ustiew gooids new goods new cashmere hosiery embroideries braided jbr seys colored dress plushes at tin boots and shoes c 6tc twe10i suit of clothes eor rt iohkscrew twill suitfo tbk jooijha hvnik mokk v the nianfiicturcrwoidd ho i tempted to commit suicido if j be know how cheap we weif selling thesegoods k i th home jiulors wont let us have j any i lore at those prices positively these are the cheap est ever offered iu c4nad1t 500 worth s800 it89i00 vyortijf f 1400 mmed millinery and ready made sumler man- 8 at half price i med if ats vc at 10c andi upwards vebycheap i wo must clear out this stock while the weather i warm dont miss tbjp opportunity to gc i uoniu of the chcopest goods over offered iu canada come ana see our stuff wo offer you bargains all goods sold for cash only uonft forget the place- t mcleod anderson 06 mammoth house georgetown way time lljh table grand trunk 1 ouinu jiaht mixed li nifi- k3tprol juaiif pam mail ucj a ii tlirjoulr rx a1 iiii 1 i xj jl w0jii i ijl acconi oilcdao kxireiimlol- xvh and toronto riiiovciimisu svcsttj ioii1 llao iiii bast jo10 uu uml i3jin aiiway ifii wjvr izil vi rtn ola1 esjiressasjimh 1 54- j iirtvtili ini- 1 inei arrangement 86 lltorpool and quebec sorrlco kbosf qvkurc lliom litfnivshii steamer haitmatia friday swnl july hakdinian thursday 29tli july t cikcafisra friday ofh aug j pomvkbet tharsdriy 12th auii tj i raitisiak thursday lath au mautefliuerb notk tho lierjiooi jircct take intermediate or stceenjgi tlie voyage from quebec to lii eri cahin iutcriitcdiate and still reduced ltcturu tickets the best lino to take to to parties scudiub for friends in eanobtaluroiai3 certifies tcbhtgrcatly rntes for tickets and every iufon j k ti kteaniera do not 0 iiassejikers on ool i heernge areb ax6 ood for 0110 year ohiaj exhibition the old country reduced tinnajiply to gabvin ket agent actou tour spring suit m brennan has pleasure in announcing that his tail oring shop in mrs sefeords block isuowopeu and in full running order and in a position tofill all prde- millinery carpets and housefurnishings has attracted tlje attention iu this establishment this clearinksale willbe continued during the off at greatly reduced prices many lots of prints and dress goods at and cream swiss dreps mantles at bargain prices bargains in hosiery es very fine hosiery at about half the former prices a large selection of hemstitched fancy bordered handkerchiefs three for 25c hundreds of will pay you well to inspect the goods at the right house several largo consiitumcuts of kcw goods have been received and pla icd in stock purchased by mr thomas c waikins for tho cash down n the spot thdy will be sold at the low piice for which tho itight ho ise iaucted kead tho list of new goods received a choice assortment of black cashmere hose in ladies aud childrens sizes in several qua hies new allover swiss embroidery andflouucings an elegant selec- tion of ladiesblack braided jerseys j over 00 dozen to select from the styles are charming aud prices reasonable new cotton sateens and printed drills curtain scrims at 10c per yard new scarlet white grey and fancy flannels jfew mantle cloths aice assortment of new black and colored velveteens see the now make of dress bet r brated bath and roller towels new shirtings and galatcas ntv ing new goods to he opened ipjn a few days colored silk dress 1 i 011 king street one door west of huhson street the name is hamilton august lth 1ss bargailns bargains bargains -to- 3vccebu2 peos the 4m kixi street east uamiltox dress goods 10 formerly 2ie prints 5c formjerly 10c ginghams 10c i formerly 20c embroideries 5j formerly 10c j ladies hose 25c formerly 50c childrens hosi 7c formerly 15c parasols 30c formerly goc spotted muslin ji5c formerly 2oc ladies collars 3c formerly lac brussels carpets 0c formerly 1 tapestry carpets 2oc formerly 40c unipn carpels 35c formerly 00c allwool carpets 05c formerly 85c hemp carpeti 8c formerly 121c china mattines 25c formerly 38c lace curtains 150 formerly 82 curtain poles complete 30c formerly 7r stnir ltods5ci formerly y liniugs from 7c to lsc per yard a large assortment of christys cele bleached and unbleachod sheetings new furnishing felts the follow- lushes silk mervoilleuxiand dress goods remember thfe right house is thomas c wtkixnsrs- yjtj s- rssss hardware cheapest placein the county to liny your hardware is at d e howsons scythes snaithes scythe stones etc etc in endless iforks rakes cradles variety 150 per doz wd arc making 6xtra inducements in order to clear out s ock dress 084s priats fioslory aiovas corsets parasols embroilerios ttt90b smrtiaars oarptts curtains coverines window blinds stair rods c c arc au mnrked away down in price in ninny cases less than cost samples sent on application mckay brothers 4tf kiug street east between llughsou nnd john streets hamiltoik j fyfe a0ton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j j j iyfe acton jyfe aclon i yfe acton look lt this money saved by purchasing your clothing ut the eat end cloth i img store spuing hats spuing tweeds spring worsteds spring overcoatings spring trowserings spring under w1ea it full lines of shirts ties collarsbraces etc at lowest prices perfect satisfaction guarnnleed j j fyf acton j fyfe acton j fyge acton r j fyfe acton j fye acton j flyfe acton j health fok all holldwats pills and ointment 1 thte fixijlis purify the blood correct all disorders of the liter stomach kidneys and bowels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions and arc complaints incidental to females of all ages for children and they are priceless invaluable in all the aged jtre ointment is an infallable remedy for bad legs bad breasts old wounds sores and ulcers it is famous jfor gout and rheumatism for disorders of the chest it has no equal fob bpfte the0at5 beonohitlb coughs colds glandular swellings nnd all skin ipiseases it has no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it acts jljp a charm myrtle pure paris green o v w we are oheapt groceries savy tobacco per plug 18c 25 jjbs choice rice forl 20 lbs fearl tapioca tor 1 5 20 lbs currants for 1 2 cans to rn a oes for 2oc 2 cans pumpkins foil 25c 2 cans peas for 25c 2 cans corn for 25c 2 caiis haddie for 25c 2 cans salmon for 25a 1 25c bottleof pickles 20c 4 bai8 dmginans electric soap for 23c 1 lb of ourooc tea for 45c pure paris green uhkap- loj bootanksjeoes going out of bbotsand shoes and wili ofler ke entire stock at less thau wholesale cost i pure paris green cheap1 at j e hows0 frcfm the cradle to the grave j speight son purjiiture dealers and undertakers acton havng eric aud every f 1on ted a tine pnw showroom have just received a new and wellaasorri1 oft of pqruiturcof ajl kinds of the latest deagns indudingf- pahor furniture bedroorrusuites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles t hill wo will hearse dn w manufactured 73 fr oxford and are sold at is ld be h bad purchasers should 033 only at tllomas hollo ways kstiblfchmeiit atroot mate 533 oxford street london en gs 96 4s od lis 22s and 38s eaoh box or pot and may of all medipino vendors thouflhout the world loc k to tho liabe on tho pots and boxes if the address is nto jxford street loudon they arosnurjous thf ss r itllh une during their journey the cradle to the grave and we cau prepare them foi- il grave loo for we have on hand a large stock of of all ijnds nnd sizes and all other funeral f qraisliings oopfifefe jupplyalloiithe shortest notice and most reasonable terms imi by a wolmatched team fpr hire w terms a firstclass j a speight manager farmers and titbitofenh4 pse onyour machinery only the wellknown pxiinkftienqlkei ivrilrirfytgiijirrfj si g 3ld mesdalsi awarded it duning the last th4 years wagons ar d horse jgojrejp y alb0 0ur rfla8efpryo manuftoturfldatoekottyouorks samuel rogers it feof to he is showkg good tweed su sold elsewuere 1 on s15 t s17 18 scotch tweed su sold elsewilere for 23 axi s24 fine worsted suitat620 sold elsewhere vt 825 gentlemen ypntin a 1 ratclass good- fitting coatetcii may rely upon beingsnited- in eve y respectby leaving their orders with ts at 812 erennan the clqthier goto waters bros -the- picture gallery for ariustt material ol colors crayons canva papers brushes oil paintings steel engravings ghromos shc i frames of at4i1 mouldiops room and p and cornice poles spring window shades from 90 fancy goods suitibl and birthday presents a cipvisitors can have their pictures framed while in the city 0 bring them with you to waters bros the picture gallery nar the post qftice goelph aiul water draw 1 iui ietu kinds re cornices rollers and complete e tor wedding mac kin- ac che ecst pellshu ll summer- tour tor srps per weel e detrqit amd mackinac iici3vry wccxdaylttwcon proitaivdclvelano viits ft cu fichirosque macrnao illusliplletf csto3 pall sirtictlsra manod rj detroit cieveiard sfea d ivh itcc is o gzn detroit mlcsi r tjliursday 12th aug iirdliy 10th atiy- thursday jgth aug l 1 ursdiiy 2nt fiopt itlihrwlayoth 8cpf fe lt li il m ngv co vss act fliiwffl extracts pdlerairipixt plumfrbmplaints weaving 1w mil t mlcjhell desires to inform the people surroundings that he is p orders for weaving all kiuds carpets flannel sheeting dress goods striped or plaid also bed blankets add yards wide and over and i will guarantee that satisfaction to all farmers will favor me with their hoteibl 3iiisritf vivrirfv jbbpwwwffsiiifipp meiisfis mawrzwi of actou and spared to take of fancy rag shirting and twill orplain ankets two i will give good others who and patonage t mitbhjjll lifl 1 cvk vil invufil ipcf tlnued- ojjtioni o lie coll halcolt nartsrl nc incl casual first ins sequent i reckone sfale of j adver ill be i 1 igly ft advaj chans 1 the they will ityhed olphys okfuj a new sy monly teeth stratorj college rous ml in any i actori month 1 yeteriij iu keu deuce il oundn ah ed to tpl barrl ancersj 1 ef mi ofnij office at 6 pel s h1i qitld and 80j f i all b all oml hugtoij alley j john wllj h hi 20 yd w for thj orders or at i promptl also able te terest j j ofkij squajrel f i x r st ge accol eeriqdl hquhd 3i moud per eel loaned securitj properi farms with fd 5- domini cnlatew wantin rectiou farms denfcei guelph nnh an e seafoar given eonditi tastilv x- ja honor v painl arti use h everv on- r r lilxbiimimi

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