Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1886, p. 1

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slmmm mmmmmmmm i i i m tfr i oume xii xo 8 slit xrtmt m tts frle 18 rvbusukp- ivcry thursday morning at thli p3ess power printing house acton ontario acton ontabio thursday august 1 188 subscription rates t k id sj months oott tmrkk vovtusj 33 cw i i atnmv m advance if not paid ill advance 1 per o ir will bo charged no paper dlcon- tin il till all wn arc paid except at tbo option bfjhe pnbluher advertising rates- ah oil ha oil colmuu t column irtcr column l1l tl60w 1 ll j5it clio 3 no 3500 j0t 20 00 1x00 12w t00 330 300 lino t00 850 a 100 acton bankinc coy co uankers- onturio storey christie actonl a gener al banking business transacted u0hs7 10a1thd on appr07bd notes notes discounted nd interest allpwed on deposits iioua advertisements s cents per line tor the unit insertion aud 2 cents per line tor each sub- incut uiseruou cash the number ot line konod bv the space occupied measured by a en lc of sohd nonpareil lverrtenieiits without specific directions wi 1 be inserted till torbid and charged accord- ujh trauitorj advertisements mint be paid advance a for contract adtrtieinentsimi9t bo tie office l a a m on mondays othetwiso ill be left o ot until the following week h r uoore editor and proprietor tuk dadcd may 1 found on fileit geo v rrttslng bureau w sprrfoesta where kdwrualng f ntracts ii be o business directory vtt h jowry m b m c p s 1 t graduate oi tnmt college mem- be of college of phv sicians and surgeons ilaee and residence at the hed of frledenck street actou albert college new goods -u- days bookstore cuelph belleville ont h artejred and opened m 1857 v soooj 170 student over is have been in attendance enrolled last year representing british colombia mamtoiu mn mo in nhw yohk ontario and qckhkc 87 diplomas and certificates awardcdinoluding matric ulation music fine arts commercial science coltegiatc and teachers courses fail term jbegius skit 7th 188g for annual catalogue etc address iu wc p dyer m pres -cuelph- business college gtjelph ontario e stacey md cm graduate of trinity university fellow of tnn- ltymedical school member of the college of jphiciaus and surgeons ouufc campbell s hotel l l bennett ld s dentist georgetown ontario 4 t mckinlai l d s surgeon -c3- dentist georgetown ont uses the new ateni of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting leth without pain having been denion atrator and practical teacher in rojal college of dental surgeons toronto pat- rou tuaj depend upon receiving satisfaction in an operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each moili oce aijcew 5 hotel john l son graduate of0k- taro eteriuar college toroiito cteirtr surgeon acton ont ofiiil in keuin brov boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear hores examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or dav promptlv attend ed to terms easv tohnston a mtleak barristers solicitors notaries convej- ancers ac 3pnvate funds to loan oifice town hall acton e f b johnston wa a mclean women are jl thoroughly prepared for positions as bookkeepers shorthand- writers cahgraph or telegraph operators students have been in attendance from nine frovmces and states within the past jear oar graduates are meeting with marked suc cess in the commercial centres of canada and the united states rates moderate acoommodatfou excellent students may time forterms etc address m maccormick principal enter at any u6m lumber shingles and lath 25000 ro is wall paper 100 sots lawn croquet carload express waggons tnoaapat monkino auiuht 101880 poetry big stogk low prices day sells cheap i i guelph i cloth hall yours amd mine ll 0hk1hink roliallli whatovor falls to mortals lot- it is the law divine- shall frnittul make some garden plot of either yours or mine and when my heart a trifl ng part of happiness secures tib sweet to know an over sow is granted thus to yours aud though our uvea together 1 mi there is an unseen line as strong at any fate has spun dividing yours from mine aud when a cloud with gloomy shroud my path awhile obsonres at that same hour with wondrous power may sunshine brighten yours on your side of the garden wall the rosesmay entwine and only ivy spread its pa 1 of verdure over mine and when no flowers bloom m my bowers im led by fragrant la rot from self to stroll and ohier my soul by contemplating yours and so it love performs iti part and neighborly are we the joy that animates you r heart will be joy to me and thus woll go through tveal and woe nor mournfully repine for heartts must bear their load of care and why not yours and miuo our stoy price three cents the uudtri2 led desires to luform the public that lie hianow on hand and will keep in stock a fnlhido or pine and hemlocv as well as other kinds o lumber also first aud second class pine shmglcj lath coal wood hamug purchased the goal busmen of mr c s smith i ani prepared to stipplj all kinds of stov e coal 1 have also a good stock of ood hardwood aslicedar and mill v ood at reason able prices ood and coal delivered juies brovtjj m e mitchell bolicitoe c0svl1oceb ax 0nte first door west of the champion ofhee main street milton at b per cent money to loan ilton allan a baird barristers solicitors ac tolonto ind geoegetown otikls creelmau s block georgetown and f king street east toronto hi uln j mhiton bv j rru tx fire mutual insurance company or the- 00tot7 op wblliqt0 asttflllsml 1810 1 t head office cuelph b ain laidlaw a co h ilnisters dt soucitob otfkr- over im penal banit 24 yel- hugton street east entrance exchange alley toronto j ich bits q c c a misttn wlljjui lildlatl geoede klppeli patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa cvxaih 2 years practre no patent no pay w 11 hemstreet insures buildings merchandize manu factories atjd all other descriptions ot property oujtbe premium note system fw- stojne cnas davidson president secretary j0h3i taylor asrent merchant tailors vl hetxlvtdtlilil first instalment o xrv fall goods it was th i speech of a fop aud a poppy j did npt s h3 lhat thou i thought him witty and felt that he was telling the truth in fui in place 0 1 my little plain gold ring i hod a cluster di imoud which edward begged me to keep i lidden for a while until wd told our secret tc everybody i kept our engage uient from 1 ly parents today i ilusb for shame when i think of it and i tromised to be married to him privately to give him time to bring his mother and mint to the idea meanwhih elbridge morrill had been called to tho b little church on the mountain road with tt e fourroomed parsonage beside it in which i had once thought i should be happy to mi ke a home for him re was ten good m les away but one evening i looked up at d saw him standing near me just where v e hud parted on the old porch in the mo mlight he looked so pale that i almost tho ngbt he was a ghost is it yot i cried and i had the strangest wi h to throw my arms around his neck it is i lie said i do not expect to be welcomed but tell me do you think 1 would lie oh no said i i would believe any word you sa d to me that is 1 ight said he believe me all a brother ought to be to a younger sister you are don g very wrong elizabeth you are deceiving yonr parents i know your plans for onco l was frank shawcrundy lcfn jjtccnonbei i or the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fnit paths office acton or at my residence m acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable monet to loan also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of500 and upwards john day architect gctlph om ofhi queeu s hotel bjock market bijnare tjleancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order penodicals of every description fcaref ally bound raljng neatly and promptly done john j daley fhuccessot to thompson 4 jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale bent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchascrs and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our europeanagencies tarms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office near tie post office gnelph ont hjllo i pause and consider i that it wilme to your own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur rounding country that we are again in full ranmng order and in a better position than before the fare to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumbar will be dressed while you wait and ouldings ac made with neatness and despatdh n bwe are also prepared to fill all orders for pumps on short nptice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satikfactiou every time so come on with your order and help to roll the ball along jvioriey nakes tlie mare go whether she has legs lor uo thosebbage manager merchant tailors ouelph wellington marble works quebec st guelps 1 john h hamilton proprietor i wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble having latel visited the tfu pfruuciy granite qaarrjes ojid having purchased the entire stock of graj and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice soil at prices uev er before known in ontario for in stancegranite monuments 0 ft high 00 7 ft 373 8 ft 90 0 ft 8100 10 ft 6120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealors 1 acton meat market acton livrjiysalestables rphe hanlan barber shop milfc stjifet acton an easy shave asiylish haircut a good seafoara an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in firstclass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cut j p wobdkk tonsorial artist james 8tirton ldsm dentist honor graduate and member of the ontario college of dental surgery pialflm extraction or no oluuve artificial teeth perfect in appearance and use 1800 per set written guarantee with wery set omct4tovdliibjockoeppoguelpli john street acton wm e smith proprietor mr smith has purchased tho livery business of mr h mccarthy which he has removed to his commodious stables pn john street in tue centre of the bnsfnes8 pqrtion qf the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he can givesatisfaction to every patron anyone d isiring a 6osuaerciftl plea sure or oo mpay biff can be supplied with a first- claes turnout on tho shortest notice horses terms reasonable rutledge crogson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and- solicit a share of public patronage the members of the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat c in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win public confidence and support 1 but edge crosson acton fob oth 1886 dont read this boarded and sold wmr smith the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles rvash tubs churns butter tubs 1 pork barrels wood also floub aits pebd and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thoc moore lizzie wentworths love stobyi one ev oinng as the sun sank low behind the western hills that bounded the prospect from my fathers house i saw elbridgo morrill the young metlodist minister coming up the path betwec 1 the tall rows of dahlias and artemiaias i felt inclined to run away and hide myself but felt that that display of cowardice would in nowise servo me sol twisted the ring i wore one that elbridge had given me around my finger and kept my place among the honeysuckles j and lie walked on up the path and stopped only when he stood close beside me what is this i bear about you lizzie wentworth he asked how should i knovf said i they tell me that edward grant comes to see you every evening he said they tell me you have promised o marrry him they are fond of telling things said i how do they know and who are they i want an answer e ery one knows that yon and i knew each others minds a year ago said he i do not think i knew miue said i coldly if that was so 1 then yon do mean to j it me he cried to break with me he flourished his hands 111 the air his face grew red he seemed very disagreeable to me at the moment and i said shortly since we have never been engaged mr morrill you can scarcely believe that i have broken with you as vou call it you wear my ring said he breath lessly just for fun i have woin many a ring for a while because some one asked mo why mr morrill yon know very little of oar ways here in hillstown a ring need not be an engagement ring because a girl puts it on for a month or so you were willing to think mine so until edward grant came said he i winced i knew that was true but when i thought of following a methodist minister from place to place here one year there the next and then remembered all the advantages of being mrsgrant when i saw elbridge waving his anrib about as if he was delivering a lecture and thought of edward grants soft manners aud elegant dress i drove away all thoughts that made me ready to go to elbridge aud say for give me you were bound to me in honor and by feeling he said dont say you never loved me neverknew i loved you for that would be false you are most impertinent sir said i i shall go in and leave you if you are going to talk like that and i laid the ring i had already taken from my finger on the railing of the porch and left him alone there he had spoken the stmplo truth and i had uttered falsehood for though actual arrangements for our marriage bad not been made he had a right to think i loved him a right to consider me engaged to him i had thought over and over again what i should say or do to get him to give me np and now was my chance i had done it it is not so wicked a thing as to marry without love i thought i remembered again elbi idgeo stiff coat not too new his hair worn longer than the fashion his grave face and the flush ex citement gave it mr gratt was smooth and elegant and had the ways of a fash ionable man to be sure bis cousins did not conde scend to notice me nor did he introduce them he looked askance at the table when ray father abked him to take a bite of dinner at noontime and replied that he had just breakfasted all the young men in the place felt that he took airs but i only saw superior elegance taste and discrimination though i was quite willing to hate bis cousins most heartily when our pleasurewaggon passed their fine carriage on the road and i knew they tittered at mothers bonnet which was oldfashioned i spoke to edward grant about this sometimes hut ke told me that when i was his wife we should return their slights with interest im a catch you know he usedtosav they all want me lots of women will be jealous of you my dear j i cant till how you learnt the fact i said f and it seems wrong but circum stances force us to it elbridge s 100k his head refuse 1 o be married privately he lusi it on telling your mother or said will out of njvenge no sail intention of day is fixed black eyes is you you crj that is not consistent with your ctyth i said an alliterative advertisement the subjoined advertisement appeared in a manchester eng paper in 1820 srankeb tho property of o d on saturday the 10th of september next will be sold or set up for salo at skibhereen a strong staunch steady sound stout safe sinewy bervioeabler- strapping supple swift smart sightly sprightly spirited sturdy shining surefooted sleek smooth spunky well skinned sized and shaped sorrel steed of superlative symmetry styled spanker with small star and snip squaresided slendershouldered sharp- sighted and steps singularly stately free from strain spavin spasms stringhalt staggers btranglesburfeit seams strumous swellingb splint scratches squint scurf sores scattering shuffling shambling gait- or sickness of any sort he is neither stiff- mouthed shabbycoated sinew shrunk saddlebacked shelltoothed skinscabbed shortwinded splayfooted or shoulder- slipped and is sound in swordpoint and stiflejoint has neither sick spleen sleep ingevil snaggleteeth subcutaneous sores or shattered hoofs nor is he sour sulky r surly stubborn orsullemn temper neither shy or skittish slow sluggish or stupid he never slips strips strays starts stalks stops shakeb snivels snaffles snorts stumbles or stalks in his stall or stable and scarcely or seldom sweats has a showy stylish switch tail or stern and a safe set of shoes on can feed on stubble sainfoin sheafoats straw sedge or scotch- grass carries sixteen stone with surpris ing speed in his stroke over a sixfoot sod or a stone wall his sire was the sly so bersides on a sister of spindleshanks by sampson a sporting son of sparkler who won the sweeptakes and a subscription plate lost session at sligo his selling price is sixtyseven pounds sixteen shill ings and sixpence sterling the broom tq and fro moves the brom across the room with active grate it seeks each place while the guiding hand with a farm and forceful notipn seems to understand and pay a true devotion to the sacred art of neatness to the pnrity and sweei ness that should reign in every room through the service of i he broom earnestly the patient broom seeks the shreds throughout tie room gives to corners zealous care lest the atoms lurking there breathe a stain upon the air many feet maybe have met 1 and their impress there have pet but the broom in circling round makes of all one common ground gathered in a centred heap j each with all communion keep like the thoughts of men that come and go then together like a river flow living lessons grand and strong are taught in this the house brooms song- day by day prepare the way sweep from ont the soul its selfish aiming 1 sweep away tho greed of foolifh gaming sweep from side from corner and from centre loosethe shutters let gods bu alight enter crowning conscience with her orasty broom as she purines the workers rcjom 1 elbridge god bless you and make yoju happy but this man has no jnarrying you his wedding that dark girl with thjgreat to be his wife i swear it to 11 judge now why he ojesires you to leave lome with him beiretlyi i listened krembliug with rage andj mor tification ai d soma other feeling tpat i could not ex lain to myself no ono v ould dare use me so nd i and mr g ant told me he pretenc ed to like miss or ole to deceive his cousin is that ler name asked ell ridge does he sa so i blushed- n the darkness no sai i it is what he calls her for fun beca ise bhe wears so much fellow and is from baltimore the pup y 1 said elbridge i drew my self up mr mor ill said i pray be eijil i thank you fr i believe you mean well but you allcjw your imagination to carry naturaf y you you away abut mr grant dislike him i always did said he y but ij have done my dut as a pastor and a fricnjl bo warned in ti ne he turned and left me i vowed ti my self that win t be had said was notj true alas ielt t hat it was despite of al there wai a party at colonel c rants that night 1 slipped on my watt proof cloak pulled the hood over my foe and went across ots in the moonlight tl rough the silence heaven help me i i found myself 111 tht shrubbery outside the 1 brary window i saw the ill uloue in the yellow b oade that became her daik beauty so well i saw edu aid giant enter little wife that is to be he6aid how charming yo 1 are to night he sat dovn beside her and took hei hand i heard a 1 they said they spx ke of next year and of the future at 1 she told him tha she had heard he had a flirta tion with farmer wentworthsdaugl ter thatgir cried he she lool i like a dutch toy milkmaid with her red 1 heeks and thick wt island she eats pork at 1 cab bage for dim er they asked me to stay once ob no 1 go there to talk about some mortga es with her father ai 1 she throws herse f at ray head very bole these country girh are and silly enongh fo any thing dearei t i i felt the v orlds motion just then las it seemed to n c the lights turned to treat blurs and i ell down amongst the bushes when i cams to myself i picked rnysllf up and got bom t was ill for some dajfe be fore a fever at in of which i thought i should die md once when i was at the worst i was tware of elbridge morrill at my bedside he prayed softly for mr rei covery holdi ng my thiu hot band raj his all the while when he 1 aused i spoke ask then all to go away i said land they left ub 1 ogether j i am got lg to die elbridge am inat i said i alasl ifsar it is gods will belan- swered i then bffore i am unable to speau to you listen said i i never would hive told you if i had been going to live but i love you ell ridge love you from my siul the night yc a came to warn me i learniit goodbye e ibndge he kissei i me and we wep together bnt you bo i did not die and thoi h the wife of 1 methodist minister has er trials and m ist leave friends as soon as i tie has found th m and is seldom rioh i tju ik myself the happiest woman alive sinci 1 married elb ldge morrill i sweetminded women so great is the influence of a sweet- minded woman on those around that it is almost boundless it is to her that friends come in seasona of sorrow and sickness for help and comfort i ono soothing lonch of her kindly hand works wonder in tho fever ish child a few words let fall from her lips in the ear of a sorrowing sister does much to raise the load of grief that is bow ing its victim down to the dust in anguish the husband comes home worn out with the pressure of business aud feeling irri table with the world in general bnt when he enters the cosy sitting room and sees the blaze of the bright fire andmcets his wifes smiling face he succumbs 111 a mo ment to the soothing influences which act as the balm of igilead to his wounded spirits that are wearied with combating with the sfern realities ofjife the rough schoolboy flies in a rage from the taunts of his companions to find solace in his mothers smile the little one full of grief with its own large trouble finds a haven of rest on its mothers breast and so one might go on with instance after instance of the influence that a sweetminded woman has in the social life with which she is con nected beauty is an insignificaut power when compared with hers trifles a noted man once said attention to trifles makes perfection and perfection is no trifle how many there are who ex cuse their little faults extravagancies and neglect of duties thinking and saying they are but trifles they do not stop to think the whole world is mode of trifles what make or mar the happiness of our lives answer trifles and yet we call them little things to treat little things with contempt is no mark of a superior mind i think it quite the other way and they who indulge in it will i grow worse instead of better it may seem to you out a trifle that you have not answered the last letter from an absent relativeor friend and i am sure y on might have written a letter the receiver would have thought no trifle and if we neglect onr friends they will neglect na sooner or later there are many who are always making promises and just as constantly breajmng them probably thmkingthey arebnttrifles i think tins one of the worst kind of tri fling i never can think it a small thing to break a promise it seems to me it is some thing sacred i think it of great impor tance that parents should keep their prom ises to their children and also impress upon them that promises are to be wpt dexter smith says of trifles some kindly act performed or gentle word i will oft cement a friendship once begun as mighty rivers feel their heartstrings stirred by little streams that down the hillsides run wit and humor i wish when you are down town this afternoon youd stop somewhere and order some fish for dinner tonight what kind shall i get mamma black bass of course ohild arent we in mourning grandpa said teddy as the old gentleman woke up from a loudsoundiug afterdinner nap if you would give your nose a spoonful of paregoric dont you think you could put it to sleep too according to a fashion item the article of feminine wear known as a bonnet is now called a dream that may be bat when the bill comes in it is no dream it may be a nightmare however ambitious amateur what part are you going to let me play in hamlet manager the skull of course you havent got brains euough for anything else why is paper money more valuable than com because you double it when you put it into your pocket the private secretary is the person who makes everything public every machinist is expected to have at least one vice the artists adieu to his pictures you be hanged motto for the married never dispair m c look in the mirror a popular man must be easy and affable and never do anything loutish or laughable must live without friction be plain in his diction and like a good fellow pay np his subscription he must keep a glad mean betweengayuess and gravity and keep well concealed all his native depravity spend ncash rich and regal do nothing illegal and keep his eye peeled like a baldheaded eagle in drawingroom circles he must behave proper and not blunder around like a lumbering clodhopper be polite to the ladies sweet susans and sadies and never raise cain nor confusion nor hades your dead george i a y oung lady living in texas dismissed the young man to whom she was engaged because he drank a few days after she had told him she wonld never jspeak to him again a little negro boy brought 4 note from the wretched young man whom we jhall call george the note read faith less yet still beloved fanny jmy suffer ings are more than i can bear i cannot livewithout your love i have therefore just taken poison the effects of whioht am already beginning to feel when you read these lines i shall have joined the great silent majority see that i am de cently buried and shed a silent tear over my tomb in remembrance of the happy days gone by your dead george when the young lady had finished reading the note she asked the little negro who brought it what he was waiting for f de gemman told me ter wait for an answer a wise conclusion one summer evening aftetj harry and nib little sister helen had been put to bed a severe thunderstorm came up their cribs stood side by side and their mother m the room heard them as they sat up in bed and talked in low voices about the thunderand lightning they told each other their fears they trembled afresh at each peal j bnt tired nature cotjld not hold out 03 long as the storm liarry became very sleepy and at last j witji renewed cheerfulness in his voice he said as he laid his head on the pillow well im going to trust in god little helen sat a minute longer think ing it over and then laid her own little head down saying well i dess i will too and they both went to sleep without more words youths companion itou3t have courage apprentice harmless is always nselefaa modern proverbs the polite child be if a man vtould be useful continually must have ci urage and selfrespect enoulh to be inconv mient occasionally no m n can always 1 e at hand without sometin being in the way no man can he a skill id meohanio wi ihout first being aninqnisiti re a man absolutely and alwa rg likely to be absolutely a id the polite child is the latest iu the juvenile world she was strolling around the neighborhood in a tour of observation when she came across a colored man sitting on a doorstep she stood with her finger in her mouth looking at him finally she said youre a colored man aint you 1 youre a very polite little girl he eftid yes im a colored man oh yes im very polite i call every nigger i see a colored mn san francisco chronicle when hunger pinches poverty braves the btorm it is better to be innocent than to be penitent i it is better to live and die a mouse among mice than a fox in a palace mules and jackasses are as apt to kick at saints as they are to kick at sinners works of art however grand sink into insignificance when compared with woman that wonder of oreation he who lays a claim to true piety onght to be vigilant because the higher the pin nacle the more fatal will be the fall as the odor of the rose outlives its beauty even so with a virtuous couple do the tender feelings of youth outlive the decay of years 1 ayers sarsaparillais designed for those who need a medicine to purify their blood build them up increase their appetite and rejuvenate their whole systerh no other preparation so well meets this want its record of forty years is one triumph over disease of congtajo ivv

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