Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1886, p. 3

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satfesij l i reserve your eyesight tfpectade mock at dm hj janjicrt in town au optometer 1 the sight all kinds of specud cal t o c f the repaired shakihgs sp ctaclw from svs upwards give ub n whn you want a pair cjko hynu8 actqk jint the fruit sea80n now t it h4lui nml m krkntky vl mmu ot kruu avthpv couic in 11 mul nlloj with tiimt tho ttittcaattotd i r jrnlcyv is the ttractiou torkniecoitfoctlon- i t i oiwinl ijootk ice crmut vh water j m kkunliry tn the pott offlt jijumiltf d thiumy monxiso acuintt lil 1881 3 which ard principally local and all tntorotmj caudunai rev john mtokay hiiyiug received a hoarty and a ujiutinous call from 8carboro has declined ajjceptauce crj the call from knox qhurcl aotori bar ball mi toh tho game botwefn tho atlautics of to ronto and tl q clippers re lulted iu a draw at the end optho 4th jiup beinfl 4 runs uttou i rain promised to i a ood blblft lands rev g el howie a ativp of lebanon will acton on fr oclock ho lingh the score prevented what nic crumbs for breakfast prorided by umbttr thoughtful fr press reporters tho days draw in no ipioram at the vouuctl board on tu sdy cvbniug the public school in rural sections rei ipenod on monday the crossing iu f rout of the presbyteri an lhureh has been repaired s the hum of the threshing machine nov unites with the hum of the reaper j a great storm period is predicted to occur between the 10th and 37th insts the ssssagawcya fall showj will be bew at brookvilleon tuesday october 5tb wc expect the editor home today and ihore will probably be a striken for the troods- i a poc ask why are thy spirits urns coicsaled because this is a scott act county the rains of friday and monday were gladly welcomed by every one mother earth needed a drink badly there is talk of a base bait match be tween the liockwood base ball cub and ibenisrried men of acton the toronto ain if typos beat oakviue at base ball the other day iu a uxinuing lysine by it to 12 over 51300 has been donated lor the north simcoe industrial exhibition to be held at stayner on the jand 23rdjand 21th september the gtsiki trubk locomotive works and car shops are to be located at strit- ford that city jiaviug voted a bonus of 5120000 by majority in mount knox church 20th iusi at 8 in eastern cos- 3asteru oustoms oub boys impro f and bhow they oan flay balllf they try the single man beat the benedfou at 7oot ball i j ltituro day evening will appear tume and ill dcacribo aud manners ac his lleoturo is highly spoken of a lmission adi lts 10o children 5o j ourqlrls if we get safely thiouh with our younj men we pajrpoeo sketch iur our young ladies this will bo the rranctest oort of our existence and the viwx prkiw ought to boom iu ccjuseqoeuoe- tye expoot that we will be able to get uirbugh with the list ationt lstj january ucxifi unless wiped out of time bwore then by nu infuriated mob i runaway and aocidenu on friday last as mr gjeoojo askiu sou of john askin esq trafalgar wasdriviug iu a lumber waggon along the sixteen hill on the check lino 4th concession trafalgar his horses took fright and jran away mr askin was thxown from his waggon and sustained vqry serious injuries his jaw bone being broken on account of the great swelling of hr aikiris face dr bock who isj attending him was unable to reduce uie f n icture until monday last wo regret to bar that the sufferer is in a very critical condi lion ckampioh another i we are ha py this week to record the marriage of t nother of our boys mr george c sn y th one ot messrs moore mcgarvms i epresentatives on the road who is the irii ittm uils time was married in toronto la it wednesday to miss fannie gadsby ayb welcome to our village jgeorges young bride and trust that her share of happiness in her new sphere will iteuo small joue while as for george wellwe gues george will be able to take i all the good things golug without any assistance fnm us ve dryness of this season has the prospects of the apple it now on the treeais abnor- frultpri theext not improi crop the manv persons like to see the names of i 1 maltv small and earlv ripening varieties those whom they have v them pj barfed bracked and deficient in flavor list but m think to u11 the editor 1 tue ute by fridays rain and mayyet pull through all right the finishing touch has been the prohibition camp at georgetown on put to the kentish and early richmond their names and from whence they came k a great number of oor citizens attended sabbath last is consequence of which our churches printed a goodly number of empty pews a total tclipse of ahe sun will occur august 20 viable in this section however only is a very small partial eclipse it will begin at 616 a clock am and last twenty- two minutes when you receive a- letter from the post office says the wilson star always btop in front of the mail delivery open and read it yon will receive the thanks of those who are waiting to get their mail the milton vm purposes taking a rest for a week in the interest of the conserva tive candidate for halton at the next general election it might be wise if the its holidayjrip for a cherries by the insect which infests them this season trees which were carefully porting biz for pruned of every semblance of the knot this j spring are now one mass and obviously j must be cut down whole rows will have j femininity mrs to go down this fall it locks as if paris green would lave to be adopted as a stand ard agricnlttu al and gardet inj implement and there is li ttle doubt an insect will soon come along w lich can live on that lawn social the garden party held at su would extend half vear at least i i on saturday last a lad of about 12 or 13 years of age son of mr thos talbot lst line erin while trying to lift an arm of a threshing machine slipped and fell break ing his arm lr lowry was called in and reduced the fracture a new presbyterian church is to be erected in georgetown next summer the present building beipg insufficient to ac commodate the congregation it is pro posed tdbuild on the site of the old one aud it will doubtless be magnificent structure judgment was given against mr jos williams of glenvfilliams at llochester r tlie other day for 1000 ahd as he had no meaue of satisfying the judgment he was sentenced to 30 days imprisonment for the debt we understand his friends will at once bail him out unions inhaled cause sleep rest and repose the soldier on his march and the exhausted iron- worker get great strength from eating the onion tie a fresh onion around the neck and bruise it to make its jdor thorough and you secure sound sleep fiomjtslnightly inhalation x mrharvey has completed the patting iu 6 toe new flnma at the pond and the council took advantage of the occasion to have the road straightened at the top of the hill at the dam this was a much needed improvement as the old tern was a very awkward ahd dangerous on especi ally at night the general superintendent and the presidents of the conferences of the metho dist church in canada have invited ihe members and friends of the churob to ob- serve wednesday 2atflinst as a day of prayer aud iutercessioh in connection with the general conference which will as semble on the first day of september an exchange says farmers who have been in the habit of drawing potato vines to their bam yards to be worked up into manure had better omit the practice this year especially in places where the potato rot has been prevalent the rot is undoubtedly produced by a fungus growth which originates in the leaf and carrying this to the manure heap is the most certain modo of spreading it over the farro it is saidtliaf owinj to the lying re- yorts which hare fromthme to time ap peared in the caaipw as fejards the state of hilton under the scott act our town has avery bad name in localities nnacqnainted with tho true condition of- things there acs several prominent antiscolta ih town who are beginning to realize the fact that the sooner the cltampmn ceases lying abopt the town the better or all concerned- jkfunikr i th residence of mr wm modrelast tuesday evening nnder the anspiceslof the ladiis aid of the methodist ch irebwas a very enjoyable af fair the attendance was not quite what couldtheve be u desired doubtless owing to the lojag distance from the village which deterred man from goiug as conveyances were not provided but those who were present snecet decfin spending a very pleas ant evening the ladies as usual catered to the inner n an in a ttyle what would have tickled the riofit epicurean palate the ground was nther too damp to to make promenading- pleasant or lesirable after thejrecent rail i and those present assembled generally in tie- house where music con versation tc made the evening pass pleas antly actoi cornet band was present in force and thi ir fine selections were a fea ture of the ev enings amusements ontario institution for the blind the institution for the blind at brant- ford reopeue for its next session on the 1st of sept and as there are always a number of pupils graduating at each vacation ap- morning plications to ihe principal for the admission of newcomers are now doubtless intordr considering the almost utter helplessness and dependence of an uninstructed blind person in aft r life no arguments should be needed to induce all who have blind children und r their care to avail of this opportunity of obtaining for them fa thorough edt cation with instruction re cording to th s pupils capacity in music iu industrial work and in if act in every thing by whih the blind may be made use ful and happy when too it js remember ed that boar and education are provided the mr8 argrub is 0au8tic vsry i tho advertised base ball match for monday aftxruoon last canto off or partly canto off aui in spite of tho damp unpleas ant woqthorluto attondauco was not bad the atlkntlo team arrived from the qucou city during tho morning thoy wore rather j a tino lookiug lot of youug fellows and jbhowcd they could do more thau play gojxl ball by tostlug tho quality of thu apple fcrop in sundry of our orchards hi town i play wait started shortly after three oclock aud fw innings only wore played tho visitors wanting to catch the r 15 train for tho city sorao good playing was done on both sidosl and tho score stood four runs oaoh at tho conclusion the clippers showed up in better form than at that momorableasci of last week aud our only gavo a striking example of- tho proper way to handle a fly iu the ontflold that is tho way opjibnouts liko to see thorn handled it knocked the ornamont theory endways anyhow the umpire was all that the city team could wish bit the home teams wish con cerning him ias of a rather sanguinary character if i somo one had kindly lent him a pair of spectacles it might have helped his virion he couldnt hold a caudle to our i ike as an impartial um pire thojbasoj ball fovor has struck our rockbound neighbors tho citizens of rock- wood to wit they get up matches among themselves whjoh afford iota of aniuaemont and exercise and occasionally give their medical men a genus particularly plentiful up thero something to do the latest contest was married r single iu which the married men camoout victorious tlyve douo some great crow ing siuce aud the single men have been very careful iu telling how it happened now our jteam of married players ought to challeiigo the rockwood contin gent no players to be allowed but bow grille married mejn set thp affair for some fine aftemoon say some saturday adver tise the fact ana a good crowd would doubt less turn out to see it i learn from some of those who took partthat the deciding game of the married rt single contest at foot ball came off last thursday evening my informant tells me that the respec tive captains could only scare op eight men on each side and that the bingle fellows took the goal in nbont ten minutes what about the return match of the grit w tory game when may we expect it dont all speak at once i isnt id aboct time that another pic nic garden party or some such stirring event came off the curlyhaired gilt- edged scented d irling who does the society this paper is getting rusty for waut of use that adorable specimen of gall aud vrgus reduces the pres sure on her massive brain by getting off the following ulth ahifs olisellvltlilss why not have a brides picnic weve lots of quantity just now if quality is lacking that constable jack will ruu in those boys who steal asples if they dont desist that tliere vrill be three or four wed dings shortly that the marriageable damsels of our thriving town will take advantage of tin fuke phess bachelor list and that if his was leap year a grand skedaddle of the aforesaid bachelors the editor to return this or next week aud put the brakes on the cubs of the printing office jj f alhilk acton aug 18thl 1880 v l irvri remnants jobs odd ends -oo- drives jobs remnants otf prints rkmnants of tweeds remnants of denuls remnants of and bargains -oo- r shirtings remnants of dress goods remnants of laoes and ribbons remnants all kinds of goods to be cleared job lines of oorsets job lings of ladies job lines these goods to be sold without out at any price -o- v shoes of childrens job lines shoes of mens advertise cents f the hilton force pump and every variety f force well and cistern manufactured by a c bounsall 0asv1llb 0i 63s- aoekts wistkm steady men nts wanted employmemt jto good none need bi i idle we previous experience not csssntial pay either salary orcommissioi i one hundred smart men- wan ted at once to canvass for the sale of camdiahgrown nursery stock the ponthill nuberies luioeht ix casa1ia ovee40 i aches dont apply unless yon can f irnish first- class references and want to work no room for lazy men but can employ any number of energetic men who brant work stojie wellington nurserymen j to sosto qsi and boys boots regard to price being odd lines and sizes see our new new o fncjy prints just in nice and nobby remember our famous 50c tea hehdebsdhi mi up h ow house acton bread cakes of all kinds 6n hand or made to opder biscuits gonfectionery c ice cream soda water served at all hours mrs t statham ever be forehanded seize time by the forelock i rockwood news fromonrotcngojetpondeht miss emma si range of toronto is home for a short stay mr clark well known in base ball circles is here spending a fow days with his brother i j 1 f mr john sinclair head teacher of the public school here returned last week and entered upiii his duties yesterday pu rl e paris green in any quantity -the- turntp seed the hosts lry goods i some here otive grant and so cost for by a legii friends of pipils not one tent the last shadow of ar excuse is removed for keep ing a blind ciild at home in idleness and thus losing a eolden opportunity for acquir ing inestimal ile permanent j benefits ye strongly advise all who are interested j in this matter t communicate at once with principal dymond who is always ready to jjivcfoll info mailon to infjuirera it may be as well to mention that the institution is not for the se who ore totally blind only but for all yc uug persons resident in on tario betweei seven and twentyone years of age who ty reason of impaired or de fective visiot arennable to be educated at the public schools the cradle bcuvhtx at rockwood on ithe 11th inst the wife of d l schultz of a daughter stutxokat rockwood on tho 11th inst the wife of edward strange of a daughter mckwsos n nassagaweya on the 15th inst the ife of mr john mokinnon of a dauglrter of i smvtu residence son street smith mj to miss theatjtab oavby on the lltn fast at the the brides father 12 morri- toronto by the rev ira gao c smvtb of acton fabnie gadsby of toronto the obavlil spkwhi at markham or monday the 9tlkjn8tjjenuie third daughter of jos speight 8q ageft 20 yeafsj and 6 mouths s miss sarah black assistant teacher in the clarksburg public school leaves this week to enter upc n her duties after spend ing her holidays with her friends here mr tbos mcintosh of toronto is spending his holidays with mr henry hortop of evertou this is an annual occurrence with tom and the boys in gen eral knpw when he arrives j dennis barry jbsq- qc his wife and two eonb of montreal are here on a short visit to his father james barry esq mr barry is an old rockwood boy and will no doubt enjoy his short sojourn with the few that are eft of the many of his boyhood companions we may further say that mr barry is a distinguished member of the montreal bar and figures very prominently as a criminal pleader the base bal match which was to come off saturday last between the clippers of acton and the hockwood b b c proved to be a source of great disappointment to the many who intended to witness the game as the acton club was fully expected until about two oclock when the secretary received a message to the effect that the acton team could not come the smalt boy remarked tljat the reason was that acton conld not gt their brampton players no doubt the snjall boy must be wrong a lady and igentioman from acton arrived here sunday night about half past nine oclook via jrtb walking as they walked they talkjed and as time passed so pleasantly they fonnd themselves in book- wood before they thought of returning the lady seemed very much excited at being placed in such an embarrassing position that is to be left iloneinone of the lead ing hotels while the gentleman went in search of 6 livery rig to oopvey her to acton he was sucoessf ll however and returned next morning wit ix the horse he gave his nameas wilson of fergus the lady is unknown rockwood aug 17th 180 xyz kccogniziug the fact that of purchasers who from thu neighbor ing towns and municipalities run by rail to ouelpb for their purchases ns a rule do not to buy common overy day atjnples but the better class of goodsthc very newest styles iu fact such goods as merchants iu smaller places cunqt afford to shew a largo assortment ol wo direct spocial attention to no 27 lower wyndbam street thp acknow ledged business house for the newest choicest and best of the market believing in the principle prompt ly on time we have already opened upwards of 10 cases and ba es of new kail goods and while wc hive still a low lines of summer goods whioh wc nre clearing out at discount of 10 to 50 per cent we direct special atlentioik to our new lines of dress goods new lines of black and colored silks new lines of plushes new lines f striped velvets now lints of mantle cloths new lines of tweeds lines of coatings new lines of fancy glo and ribbons in fact new lines iu al- most every department which place the attractions at no 27 far beyond anything offered by other houses we invite eyery purchaser to call on us and especially urge our friends from a distance to come and see us it will well repay you we keep such a hrge stock and do such a large trade in nioe choice goods tbatyou cannot help- but find it pleasant and profitable to favor us with your patronage we offer all goods at close cash prices do not sell on credit do not pester people to buy more than they want and give atten tion and fair treatment to all our cus tomers if you are not of that number begin now i e r bollert t 27 lower wyndhom street oulph ontario lackosse base ball goods j usr arrived new pattern oaughnawaga ticks spauldings standard balls rcheafi igogawins drug- and stationery store aoton freh and reliable a i nts and oils fjrstclass and cheap teif how to save money place your order for clothing with r e nelsqn the popular olothlferoftheclty is not settled yet but the fact that j w willllms i has the best stock of boots and shoes in the countyiti settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as many new ones as see tit to give me a call in all lines of footwear boots for the babies j boots for the men boots i do make boots i do mend i cubtona work and repairing promptly attended to wiri williams a stockall new and well assorted style fit and workmanship always correct 4 specialty 4 pants 4 prices lowest in thecity r b nbls0n 99 wyndham sthwelu old btand guelph acton planing mills williamson ramsh aw pi10pmet01u j builder and contractor sash door and blind factory is prepared ta pnt on storm doors win dows weather strips etci on short notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices- i we have one of fleurys celebrated ohop ping mills and will chop all kinds of grain on tuesdays thursdays anlssiturdays taramshaw j managers trte key to health mjbythp artist j is now taking some j beautiful views schools pknic parties those deiring his services should call or write him f o metropolitan deuces- r terms to- studio aoton ttrdocks alltlie clogged aventie of the bowels eidheybandliver carry ing off gradually without weajifiing the system all the impurities aud fou humors of i the becretaona at the sarct time correottns acdillty of the stomach curing biliouaneps dya- popoio i tttvtrlachea satnear- hearbttni conatipaiion dtrynea of the skin dropayj duimees rf vision jatmdloe salt rlioam brysipolois sotofala flntiertngcjj the etaxt netvibtusness arid geni oral pebility all these and many other aimdar wmrjaintb vie d to happy iriiunehce of burdogk hxbhsoeba vi ji t lliu8x ft 0 t 1 i sltfrimw

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