Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1886, p. 4

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mtr- r ia ffbe ttoit jfrofrra5 i turnsnv mousing arot vr i iptw exit nova scotiar 1 1- i 1uitix utuvlh un im1i im hero are von going in im coins secmmg mr piott maid sue siud v- j 1 mnv i aune oi my pretty maid 1 juvt us you pllasc kinl sir alio jinid wljat i the tmublo mv prettv maul 1 hv a social affection sir she said how is lushing mj pretty maul v fishing is poor kind mr she said but what n your foitune inr pietty maid v my bait iv my fortune sir tlu mvui then 1 won t have you my pretty maid nobody asked you sir ihcysaid nobody asked you she saul nobodv asked vou mr ir suisud sir she saul five rules for boys 1 however much you admue any one never allow yourself to bo influenced by that one to do what yon know is wrong j never follow any one blindly make siire what it you are asked to do and what purpose is to be served lv doing it 3 always think of what tlie thing you are tempted to do would lead you to and where it wotld land ou at last 4 follow the leadership of no one who sneers at those whom you know to bo good people rather deny yourself pleasure that are lawful than to expose yourself to temptations which you aje too weak to resist by becoming the close companion of an evildoer hollowayx corn cure is the medicine to remove all kinds or corns and wurtu and only cost the small mini of twentyjive cents 1 hoard a well known ttdoioty lady make a strange break aid a young gentleman sjiowii- hpeakmg of a young lad friend and strange to say she was piaising her she had i cached the summit of her friends good iiualiue whon she said and then too hhe is mo quick at icpertoire i jitm tlir thing y 1 tiuppy druggut of njiwbnry wntcn or fowlers vild strawberry is jiint the tiling for summer sickness i fold out wy ntuck three times last summer there iu a good demand for if pr fowlers- kutraet of wild straw urn ly is infallible for dytentery colic sick stom ach and bowel complaint i clibleia inoihus cramps and kindred complaint anniuidly make theii appearance at the mime time as the hot weather gicen fruit cucumbers melons etc and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting fruits but they need not abstain j if thoy liavo dr 1 d kellogg s dysentery cordial and take a few drops in water it cures the- crimpn and cholcia in a ro- markablej manner and is mho to check eveiy dinjurbance of the bowel i hrrsor tuns compound have you a bad cough a chrome hoarena u feeling of lightness m the chest weak lungs or any similar com plaint if so buy at once a bottle of mc- all sorts there is nothing equal to mother graves worm exterminator for destroying worms no article of its kind has given such satis faction it vnrr hnll dr fowlers kxiract of n ild btrawberry will never fail you when taken to cure dysentery colic sick stomach or any form of summer complaint belief is almost instantaneous a few doses cure when other remedies fail robert labbuck cedar ripids writes i have used dr thomas eclectric oil both for my self and family for diphtheria with the very best results i regard it as the best remedy for this disease and would use no other 1 v narrfjrul krsnlt mr frank hendry writing from sea- forth says 1 purchased one bottle of burdock blood bitters to purify my blood it did purifv it and now i have excellent health as a blood purifying tome ttnd system regulator the result of taking bb b is always successful dont filmhe system with quinine in the esort to prevent or ciire fever and ague ayers ague cure is a more potent remedy and it leaves- in the body no poisons to produce dizziness deafness headache or other disorders the proprietors warrant lt- do ot dtinj do not delay if suffering any form of bovvel complaint however mild apparent ly may be the attack tpt use dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it is the old reliable curejor all forrhs of summer com plaints that require prompt treatment ask your druggist and all dealers in patent medicines oregorn lung cumpviind it will euro you it conumn entiiely new specihes of which one doe is more effectual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies it is put up in olv and 8100 bottles sold by dr mcganm druggist tr it and you will never have reason to complain merit irovm dollai upon dollar is frequently spent on thctaith of lecouunendations for aiticle entirelv vioithless not so with mc r tjregorspeedycilie you aic not asked to purchase it untrlit ciiiit i i get 1 ficti trial bottle and if not convinced it will cute you of the worst forms of dys pepsia ljiver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold inobe and 1 bottles see testimon ials from people in your own tovvn rest ami comfort to biovvns household equal for merits are proven megii vins drug store and op i lie mirrrrlni panacea 1ms no relieving piiu both internal and titernil it i urts paiinn the s pick or bowels niro tliinul rliluniit mil toothache lumbigo aiul any kind uf a painor ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea ipniy acknowledged as the gleit pain ilelitver mil of donblt the stiuiqtli of tuv other eluir o r liniment in the world should be in eve use when w mttd remedy in the woild fomacli lndtnns an and is foi sale bv all ir bottle i v family haudv for as h i tally is the best ior cramps m the 1 achts of all kinds lgists at cents 44 prominent auion title greatest medical 1 1 discoveries by the many cures it hasallpct- ed mcgrciorissidt cuk leads the vac subjecuj to the minute chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics duly offertd to the public every ingredie af adaptability to the atpossests apccul- vanous complaints for which it has been c impounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that vc have a piepaiation which we as hollowavs running sail kkram orrl mcgregor a parkes carbolic cerate has been tried and found to be the only positive care for salt rheum pimples blotches on the face and hands cuts burns bruises or any sore that nothing else will heal try mcgregor t parkes carbolic cerate 2oc per bottle at dr jmcgarvins drug store v oangrront condition one of the most dangerous conditions is a neglected kidney complaint when you suffer from weary aching back weakness and other urinary troubles apply to the back a burdock porous piaster and take burdock blood bitters the best system that lhejvi hole body is regulator known for the eiver kidneys j rendered richer and stomach and bowels flalil lightning jtherearebutfewthat have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia oriike acute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgustmg offensive medicines to be taken or days one application of fluid lieht- ing cures sold at j e mcgarvins drugstore 29 no one need fear cholera or any simmer complaint if they have a bottle of dr j dj kelloggs dysentery cordial ready for use it corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action this is a medicine adapted for the young and old rich and poor and is rapid ly becoming the most popular medicine for cholera dysentery etc in the market assurance ftief but can offer to the pnbhc with the that it will be found not only u ilnobl run for ds opsin livei com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j k mcgaiviu s drue morij m jlolliiifiij vk- nervousness and want of energy when first the nerves feel un strung und listlessnessj supplants enertv it is the right time to take some alterative pills to prevent disorder into disease these excellent pills correct ill irregularities and weaknesses they act eo kindly yet so energetically on the functions of digestion and assimilation revived the blood is purer tbo muscles become firmer and stronger and the ner vous aud absorbent sy stems are invigorated these pills are suitable for all classes and all agesj they have n most marvellous effect on persoiib who are out of condition they soon rectify whatever is in fault re- x plcaslue duly i feel it iny dnty to say writes john borton of desert t q thai burdock blood bitters cured my wife of liver com plaint from which she has been a chronic sufferer her distressing painful symp toms soon gave way and i can highly re commend the medicine to all suffering eb she did iqvlslbjp but iumanlnucouh all pains oraches will be instantly re- movedljy a7ew drops of fluid lightning apied over the affected parts iso time lost no nauseous medicines needed no poulticing or using greasy liniments it will no blister or discolor the skin sold at 25c per bottle by dr mcgarvin drug gist sufferers from neuralgia assure us that they never fear it when their house contains a bottle of fluid lightning a host of bodily troubles are engendered by chronic indigestion these however as well as their cause disappear when the highly accrediled invigorant and alterative northrop it lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic core is the agent employed for their removal a regular labit of body and ft due secretion andflowrof bile in variably result from its persistent use it cleanses the system from all irregularities and restores the weak aud broken down constitution to health and btrcuglli store strength to the to the mind even observer wl the peop bodv and confidence o walks the streets of a great city and cans with intelligent eye the colorless faces cent of agree w of more than fifty per e he meets can easily th us in the statement that this sge which makes such drafts upon tho working energies of tho greater part of men in the intense pursuit of business has destroyed in a proportionate degree the animal health and robust constitution nature in this stage of exhaustion cannot be restored of itself but requires some stimulating tonic to strengthen and keep the system in regular order and n north rop 4 lymans quiniue wine we have the exact remedy required the peculiar operation of the medicine in cases of gen eral debility and nervous prostration has undergone long and close observation and it is believed it will never fail if properly and judiciously administered prepared by northrop lyman toronto t and sold by all druggists aiiviue to monihis are you disturbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so sond at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens jthe gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to thdwhole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle bo buro and ask for mas winbmiwb sootiijso stnur and lake no other kind 1 important to you itvkuv pkkhox is intriiksitd is knowixo that ayefs pills cure physicians and patients say gr acidity of the numiaeh und flatulence yellow jnumtlcjil ttkln k nervation and languor uhcuinatle and neuralgic pulns sick headaches and nauea chronic disposition to iomlvonesx anemia earned by dyspepsia torpidity of thb obstructed liver heart dfseaso induced by constipation apoplectlo tendencies siinilurly origimiti d relaxation of tho nervous system torturing sleeplessness from indigestion inflammation of tho costive bowels clogging aud deterioration of the kidney s pain in shouldlrs and buck indigestion and constipation liver complaint aud biliousness low vitality and norvousiiess skin erupt iouhi caused by couytliwuou costivencss and pi in tho bowels uric acid pdlsoh iu the blood rashes and bolls caused by constipation enfeebled sight aud nervous tremors mental and physical depression agueish symptoms from indigestion nausea dizziness mid foul brent u youth and ngctroubleb of women j inaction of tho secretory organs loosencs of the bowels loss of appetite and furred toiiinie swellings symptomatic of dropsy there is no form of dlease caused by indigestion and constipation that does not v ield to tluir beneficent iwer they stimulato tho iuucnuvo aud assiinilutory organs strengthen tho machinery of life and havo no drastic or weakening effects auv one who chooses to enquire will find in his own community many willing witnesses to assure hun that the best pills in tho world for cure of all the ailments consequent upon derangement of the digestive functions are ayers pills mo one of the be rem edies for bilious derangement s that wo possess dn wji piiisconcoicii iv ii ayers pills me aetlv e stiirchlng mid cfleetiuil but not griping 6r drastic puor j m locki jhicinnuti 0 ayera pius nro far superior to any which hnvo fallen under my notice dn j it chilton kcw york avers pius are adapted to all the disorders which can bo cured by i lie judi cious use of a pliycio dit svaiux mcconmll moikpclio vt ayers pills i am using in my prac tice mid find them excellent dit j w ditowv uceunct w va ayers pius havo entirely corrected tuo costive habit mid vastly improved my general health ltiv f blfaiaowr iiiifl ga t ayers pius have cured uhcumatim mid kldnev troubles among my crew imil thov did iivvny with niv dyspepsia civit c muilmui s7 felicia ayers pius invariably cure me of headache john silll gcnnidilnirn lu ayers plllslmve cured ineof consti pation of long standing ldvv iti o kamlkly liockfunl iii ayers pills gave nie new life mid vigor und restored mv hi tilth john lazauis t johns xli ayers pills cured of indigestion con stipation mid headaches m v watson jlj fitute st chicago iii ayers pius cured of liver complaint dyspepsia and neuralgia p ii mourns xccdmurc broiai co i ml j ayers pills have cured me rutin ly mksmauy a scon portland mi ayers pills cured of rheumatism is m srcxcpi stiravux y y mmotil uogsb georgetown oj mi dry goods millinery clothing carpets wo havo j disc the niacfacturer would bo i tempted to commit suicide if i he knew bow cheap wo were i selling these goods 70kth37irl the ithkk janym home rulers wont let us have iro at these prices kks hoods for 5c worth 1 2u iiktoeu ooods a littlk mokb white lack uluslins u worth 2a colorf d muslins 5c worth 10 prints f it 7li worth 10 it 12 qottons 3i worth oc cottons 5c worth 8c lilnenh 25c worth 37ic 1ngs 5c worth its hemp 10c worth 13c ts union 25c worth 40c positively these arc the cheap 1 est ever offc s tapestry 30c wortei 40c j ol halifax tweeds 35c wokth 50c tweed suit of clothes for 500 worth s800 k oorkscrewjtwillsult for 9900 worth 1400 rllmmed millinery and ready made summer man- is at half price iimed hats it- at 10c and upwards ls very cheap fancy greyc white table towel carpe carpej carpe allv a gool a blac all t tl untri paras ayers pills rrkpaued by dr j c aver c0 analytical chemists lowell mass sold hy all druggists wo must to gc don large arrivals of new good at the right house clearing sale op summer goods black dash- meres bargains in hosiery jl u great reductions made in the pi ices of hummer dry goods man of thousands of purchasers mauiu it the most successful sale ever he month of august r member allwool black french cashinercs selli exactly half price see the lrc nssoi tmeut of he dress goods beg ladies kmhroideied ralhrignan hose only 5c per pair a lot of lac liees less than half price linen handkerchiefs from uc choice other bargains wlien n quiring dry ioods nud housefurnishings it 2stew ooids new goods new cashmere hosiery embroideries braided jer seys colored dkss plushes ilacd aall several luge consignments of kcw iooda have been received and p the spot they will be sold at the low piiee for which the right lloniso black cashmere hose in ladies and clnldi ens sizen iu several qu tiou of ladies black braided jisevs over co dozen to select from printed drills curtain scrims atloclper yaul new scarlet w new black and colored velveteens see the new make of dress bed biated bath and roller towels new shirtings and tlalaleas new mg new gcods to be opened up in a fevl- days colored silk dress p on king street one door wcstof hujuhson stieet tho name is hamilton august ltli ibbd from the cradle to the grave j speight soist furniture dealers and undertakers acton havng eiectid a tine new miowrcom have just received a new and of furniture of all kinds of the ulest deigns inclndin ell assorted stock parlor furniture bedroomlsuites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles eabsjsx3tr eat oheap sale at tkikj boots and shoes c 1st completed the purchase of ar big stock of unit oil rognlar price we willsell them c new faummur goods at a great rhenp heo our prices est ever offered in canada railway time table m crand trunk railway 01viam musd v i sr muort kxirisi 7 jo a in 1anh imiili jlwnin tlnoilkli kx i 47 1in 800 n in lxjkiib 12 4 i i i jxh us hm u in 1 liro lxjiik lii in mail 5 4ui seleiilsrg- bjjjrgailsrs loarout thib stock while the weather is vv some of the cheapest goolb ever offered in htuft we offer you bargains all goodb sp l foitget thk place- mcleod i anderdn co mammotjl house georgetown rni dont miss the opportunity canada come and sec our d for cash only les millinery caipetsand houbefurnishiis has attiactcd the attention a in thjs establishment this clearing salewill be continued during the ng off at greatly reduced prices many lots of prints and dress goods at j and cream swiss dress mantles at bargain prices bargains in hosiery ies very fine hosiery ut about half the former prices a large selection of liemstitclied fancy bordered handkerchiefs three for soc hundreds of will pay you well to inspectthc goods at the bight house iu stock purchased by mr thomas c walkius tor the cash down on is noted read the list of new goods received a chofce assortment of ies new auovei swiss embroidery and flouuciugs an eleeaut selec- tlie styles are charming anil prices reasonable new cotton sateens and e grey and fancy flannels new mantle cloths a nice assortment of y linings from 7c to lhc per yard a large assortment of christy celei bleached and unbleached sheetings new furnishing felts the follow- ushes silk mervcilleux and dress goods remcmber the bight house is thqmas c watkxrrs the g oleust xjioisr of cuelph i and cveruliin ils tliit mv family njiurit in the furniture line dujiiug thefi- jouiuey from the lradle to tho iiivc and w e i an prepaid them fo the giave i too for vie liavi- on hand a large stock of coffiisrs bjskzelts etc of all kinds aiul sizes and all other funtial fiiinisliiiijs e wilt suppli all on tin shortest not ice hid most reasonable terms a first class bearse drawn by a well matcbul ttnin for hire j a speight manager jfyfe acton j f acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j 1jyfe acton j fyfe acton look t this 1 money saved bv purchasing your clothiug at the east end clothing store spring hats pkinci tweeds j spring worsteds spring overcoatings spring trowserlngfi spring undervfeah full lines of shirts ties col1arsbbraces etc at i lowest prices perfect itisf action gnainntced j fyfe acton j fyfe aoton j fyfe acton 1 fyfe acton j pfe acton j fyfe acton i h e a lt h fo a l j holloways pills and ointment v t je3c el je i xj ij s purify the blood ooireot all djsojdpfs of tke i hivkil stomach kidneys and iloweife they invigorate and lestmc to health debilitated constitutions aud a complaints incidental to females of all ages for children an i they ore priceless e invaluable iu all the aged the ointment is an infallable iomedy for bad legs bad bieasts old wounds sores and ulceis it is famous for gout and rheumatism fordisordeis of the chest it has no equal for s0ee throats bronchitis coughs colds glandular swell ngs and all skin diseases it has no rival and for contracted and stiff i loints it acts like n chhrm manufactured only at thomas hlloways estoblii liment 78 new loxfora street late 533 oxford street london bag andarcbold utjs ljd 2s 0d is 01 lis 22s and 38s each b or pot and may 1 ho bad ol all medicnm vendors thoufdwut the orl whircharcis should look to the label on the pots and boxes if 533 oxford stiecl london they arcsiujiijs the addresb is nto fej great clearing sale goods all reduced to ridiculously low prices we tin black black i black i fancv nun canvas allw frieze lovely lace white swiss india canvas 5 fast c newest ashton beste searsuikers under corseti hosier anoth r ssnraaaeww srniaj te prices below to prove our position that we hell cheaper than others silk am satin department ml colored fculks 374 45 50 go 75 90c and up nd colored satins 374 45 5 go 75 90c and up nd colored merveilleux 874 95 5100 s108 8410 and up striped and biocaded satins colored and black 500 to 00 fkencii duessuoods eilings new shades 1 1 j j cloth neiv shades r al melaiikier cord 0 bffect al colors vvvvverv cheap endusjl mtess hoods dchallle 1 stripes worth 20c for at ul cashmerette i in mvascloth in black cream brone aud mid brown only vvortmoo for 12c muslin department line oloied muslins s iusiins nd colored lawns i ijipots and checks ull all shades i verv low muii aii colors prints lor kamapo prints effects franconia prints 7 s madders worth 121c for a iglish cambricicrombs best cloth wortli 20c for join kers to arrive one case at about half nrice oc 5c 124c and up 1 case at about half price staples 30c best vkluo in shirting factor cotton worth 7c at best f ictory worth 10c at oc table covers pure flax colored borders at j shaker flannel colored aud white 121 boatixcs shawls wholesale pricp over 2000 tochoose from a splendid riuif from asotzi sh qlhi ciai valuo ic per dozen our cotter is the best limg our stook the largest our prices tho lowebt and our work of the finest quality d williamson co rrom to lii in hin s 0 1 clnciko kvpicm ji s not 1 toji ik tffi iiik 1 and toronto i tlmr oi i osim miis ooin west 0 10 a in nutl ji iiii ootni jast 10 w 11 in ami r j m allan line 18- summer arrangement 86 liverpool and quobec sorvico rnom mvi wnuh steamer inomotriin hkdintan rimrwlnj jltli ul ilmrsdiv 1itli aui cikcassivn 1ridiij ftli ii ilnirsdnv jotli u iotvmwvv thiirsdnv litli ii 71unsdii jjjd scjii ivkimn tjiiuhdaj lotli a i it uiurmliivltli hiit svkmiivn f knday ifitli and ilimdiiv yjh ktjil mali steaineri norkilio iiviiponl direct st unci- do mit take inttniifdiatc 01 stccminc iiir on the voafic from qui bee to jioiiiool qtljiii liitcriiiddiuto mid stunaci fares lire still reduced itltinn te hi is yood for one ar the best inn to tjlte to colonial exhibition parties spiidingfoi fnriids in th jld countrv can obtain prepaid cruiuuti iryrcatlj rcffnrisl rates koi tickets mid ccij iiifoniiation ujijih to i 1 m kin v j tkiii t vgciit i ion 11- r- your spring suit m brennan has ileasuie in aunouncinf that his tail oiing shop in mis stcwds block isnowopfin and in full running order and in a portion to till all orders he s liovviuj good twkkd hul hoiu elsl wilklik i scotch tweed sui kuli fbskvvukhk koi fine woksted si sulu ilskviiiiti ts at sll or sl 3 t si 7 i slc- 23ds24 it at s2u gentleiiieii wanting u d its ood- flttmf coat etc may relv upon beinsuitcd in ever repect by leaving their oiders with brennan the clothier go to waters bros picture gallery guelph for arliitf matnurj oil and walr color crayon xanrat- diainmi pap a briiia c oil paintings steel engravings i chromos c frames op 111 kinds mouldings room and picture cornices and corniee poles pnug rollers and window shades from 00c complete fanqy goods suitable tor weddmc and htrtjiihiy rrcent- dc n can hove then pittuict framed while in the i ity o briiij them wiih you to waters bros the pictiie lallerv ncir the tost oflke mackiniac tho most delightful summer tbur bpte between filioo stoamen lpw i tour tripi pp week 1 detroit and mackinac and bvery week day bet reen detroi and cl write for our picturesque mackina illustrated wnutni poll partioulan ukljtedftee detroit cleveland steam c- d whitcomb qin pajss detroit mich nav co act will cure or reueve biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jauvdice erysipelas sal rheum heartburn heapache and rfi i s u diseasa disordered uver kidneys bowels or blootl dizziness dropsy fluttering the of acidity the dryness of t purn 60 pro heart of stomach the skin ng from stomach c risl letors toronta oi mil t mitcxiell desir s to infotm the people burroundinfis that he is prepared orders for weaving ivu kinds carpets flannel sheetinr dress goods striped orplaw also bed blankets and horsofelankets yards wide and over aud i will guarantee tjliat i satisfaction to all farmers an will favor me with their putr f acton and to take fancy llag 3hirtyig aud twill or plain two t tseseessssssea ss 233fi2sa23ccs92c asviisislsbasir 5 will give good 1 others who juiage mitchell

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