Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1886, p. 2

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i 1 u 8be 3utott fm tes tnunstut morjuko acqubt 96 1886 crop prospects the ai inurl mmtlng ud the subieqatni hqltay bxotmion of the members of the fourth eitate thii press association 11 i 1 k the august report of the ouurktbareau of iudtutries ooutina e vast amount of information on the progress of harvesting state of crop btatittioe of stock wages ao and other matters t is estimated that 18057794 bushels of tall wheat have been produced from 886402 acre though not a heavy crop the heads were well filled and the quality of the qrain is reported ex cellent the growth of spring crops was visibly arrested by the eeyere drought but timely showers saved them from serious harm in the eastern part of the province the rainfall has been abundant and vegeta tion is luxuriant complaint is made of rust and mildew in some localities and the barley crop is likely to be discolored to some extent compared with the average of the jpast four years the yield of fall wheat this year is 9319324 bushels less of spriug wheat 1855118 bushels less of barley 107987 mote of rye 1805030 bushels more and of peaa 4107946 bushels more the average wages of farm hands 4 the province is 1158 with board and 11 without board for the year these figures are slightly lower than last years the rate of wages of domestic servants is un changed being 1158 per week fc i i i t l i 1 notes and comments there was no delegate from acton at the reform convention last saturday foli tics must be at a low ebb here the new toronto trunk sewer bylaw has been pikssed by the board of works and will be submitted to the ratepayers the estimated cost is a million and a half the freight charges upon tea coming from china and japan via england to canada and the united states is five cents per pound vkt vancouver and jfche cjr to toronto and montreal it is only one and a quarter cents per pound a joint commission to settle the fishery dispute between canada andthe united states seems probable according to a mem ber of the british government that is what canada asked for in the first place and the united states refused as elsewhere announced dr buck has been nomination as the reform candidate in the provincial elections in all proba bility major kerns the present mpp will be his opponent ave are pleased to be able to say that both these gentlemen are well known scott act supporters so that theelection of either candidate will secure a temperance representative in parliament a delegation sent from edinburgh bj the trade unions of that city has recently been engaged in inspecting the canadian section at the colonial exhibition two of the delegates spent some time last week hi gathering information as to the progress of printing and bookbinding in canada and expressed great surprise at the degree of perfection shown by the canadian exhibits of this class the wool clip in the united states is estimated to be fully twelve million pounds less than two years ago that of ohio three millions less and of texas seven millions less every woolgrowing state and terri tory with probably the exception of mon tana will show a lessened production canadian wool which has for a number of years brought very low prices should in crease in value if these reports foanded on investigations set on foot by the washing ton authorities torn out to i be correct an interesting case a peculiar case in connection with tho scott aet has just been tried at bowman- ville it seems that a certain physician there was bnilding np quite a trade in medicine by selling to all who would apply therefor ft flask of whiskey or other liquor containing a few chips of gentiau root for which he would charge fifty to eighty cents inspector climie hearing of this investigated the matter and himself became the possessor of one of the bottles of the much talked of drj boyles medi cine with considerable bravado the haughty doctor informed the inspector that he could sell what medicine he pleased and the scott act couldnt touch him however the inspector feeling that such professional audacity should receive a check entered a case against him a good deal of interest was centered in this unusual case and the trials were largely attended the result of the trial was chat dr bbvle was found guilty of violation of the canada temperance act and fined 50 and costs or sixty days in jail although nothing of this kind has been practiced by physicians in halton still this case bears upon things that have been practiced and will show those interested that they are liable to similar punishment referring to the case the bowmanvdle sun saya it is encouraging to know that public sentiment is decidedly opposed to all such professional meanness let right- thinking people stand out unitedly and firmly in support f law and order it is hoped thw case will prove a warning to all who think they can evade the law by sell- ing whiskey under some i subterfuge no matter how respectable they may try to make it appear 1 v 1 m r ljj fall pairs industrial toronto september 6 18 provincial onelph september 20 25 southern counties st thomas septem- her 21 24 1 central hamilton september 27 octo ber 1 w6temionaojjseptem1 r 27 octobers nasbagtreyabjwkvjlle octobers ppjdinch aberfoyle october 7 northern walkerton oc wber 5 8 jjontfaera brantford oo ober 6 8 north perth stratford ctober 7 8 eramosa bockwood ocl ober 12 13 esquesing georgetown october a tour of tbs lambs s tho weutyeighth annual mooting of the canadian press association wrb held in the ita ism hon bo toronto on thursday 5th august mi john al davidson of tho guelpl itmur 1 tho esteemed president of the as loclatior in tho ohair tho presi dents iddross vas first in order it was interesting an carefully prepared tho princltal topic discussed being the libel law dominion and provincial and the best means to be taken to more effectually protect uowspa wr interests in this respect after tho revision of the list of members tho election f officers took place as follows presi dent win watt iwwoc brautlord 1st vicepres j j crabbo a rgut st mai ys j 2nd vicofres andrew pattul 0 sehtwtljttviete woodstock see- treas w r slimie sun bowmanville executive committee j a davidson harm y guelj h c d barr pott lindsay e e isheppad iftim toronto h p moore jfrkk p usss aotou w r davis advoatte mite lell aud h hough grip toronfi during the afternoon several interesting discussions wore engaged in relative to matters of interest to the f raten it it was decided to hold a general meetng of newspaper men sometime in november to d scuss tho libel law m all its relations to tho journalistic profession the n eeting a ijourned about fi oclock the evening was pleasantly spent by the membirs of th party who had decided to take it the ver attractive trip up the lakes about midnigl t we boarded tho steamship cuba the largest of the merchants line runnujg betwien montreal and ghicago for a six days royage up the- lakes the purser having 1 dlotted us comfortable state- roobs the par y immediately retired and when i he brea last bell sounded at soven next morning tve found that lake ontario had be en crossi dand we were just entering the first lock of the wonderful welland canal at port dalhousio the northern port of entry for tl e canal arid the northern termiins of tho welland railway the passage through the canal was very pleasant and 111 it was centred a great deal of interest to le party this great water thoroughfare is one of the best constructed and host efficient achievements which even tlis age 0 t engineering skill has pro duced the iifferenceof level between lake ontario a nd lake erie is 327 feet and this great leight is surmounted with ease by the largest steamers on the lakes by melons of tventysix lift locks built of solid 1 tone aiid fgced with cut stone each lock 13 27 feet long between the gates and fortyfive ieet in width admitting a depth of fonrte ri feet of water besides the linlocks oyer the mountain there are guard ports locks aid double gates at all the the ca lal throughout is built in the most nennanei t manner and the total cost when fully con pleted will not be less than sixteen million dollars the length of the canal is twenty seven miles and it allows the passage of essels of 1500 tons burthen the idea of thi great work was conceived dunngrthe war of 1912 and a canal four feet deep fifteen feet wide and admitting vessels of forty tons which was opened two years ijater has been replaced by a succes sion of enlargements and improvements until it has rea hed its present admirable proportions our trip tl rough the canal occupied eleven and a hair hours considerably less than usual th rteen hours being the aver age ahd we he d a couple of hours in which to visifj the quit t little town of port col- borne before er tering lako erie at eight pm the lines were cast off and we bid adieu to canad an soil for the present with the ships bow 1 win ting towards cleveland ohio the we thpr was pleasant the sea calm and an enjoyable evening wab spent m the cabin and on the deck cleveland jvai reached about two pm on saturday often oon and as the cuba would rein at here for four hours to coalup the company sj ent the time in visiting the city olevelam has many interesting fea tures and it wa 1 found an easy matter to spend the tme 1 b advantage a drive was taken down the farfamed euclid avenue said toil jo the fi iest residence street in the world j wade i ark four miles from the city hal was he rnedly viewed and thence we proceeded to lake view cemetery an extensive enclosure combining all the ad vantages of nature and art here lie the remains of the i llastrious garfield and on an eminence ne ir by is in course of erection found anywhere between lakes eno mid superior st lnir is a grant pleasure resort and is tho locution of an inimoi 10 hotel wittv nccmmodations for about 00 guests sarnia was roaohod at sundoun and after a short call wo proceeded up iho rivor and then into lnko huron sunday war observed with tho utrmat decorum on board the cuba a wide contrast to tho actions of tho numerous picnlc parties to bo aeon nlony tho american banks and jii tho several su imeir crowded with ploasuro seekors pasr i on our sail up tlio river during the day several sorvicca of praise wcro hold in tlio cabin during tho day and tlio quiet culm and moonlight evening of tho holy da was sont by the company in tho singing of fumilmr hymns qut on tho open deck the experience of tho following two days was rather mouotonou8for when naught but sea and sky are visible tho scenery can hardly be described as grandlypicturosquo however on monday morning a change wab vory perceptiblo in the countenances and actions of nearly all on board we were crossing suginaw bay with a heavy sea and as tlio fair breoio blow aud tho white tpnm flow aud tho furrows followed fioo tho passengers genorally and eveq eonio of the ship s crew experienced tho qualms usually produced by old neptune the result wsb that out ot eighty five passengers only bome ten or a dozen called for break fast and half addzen of these staggered to their staterooms beforo the smiling waiters had served them a few hours quiet sufficed to put most 0 very one oir his equi librium again and the steward says ho never fed a huugrier orew than sat down for dinner that day on tuesday night wo passed the straits of mackinac bull owing to the oxceshhe smoke from the forest fires of manitouhu and northern michigan and the dense fog whfch prevailed the attractive scenery thereabouts was lost to our view wed nesday we passed the manitou islands aud that evening entered chicago harbor after a delightful sail of between 1100 and 1200 miles the scene as we approached chi cago was dazzling and beautiful indeed the thousands of electric lights di jermble throughout the city and suburbs the many colored lights among the shipping and docks and the numerous craft through which we threaded our way formed a pic ture at once interesting find exciting a pleasing incident prior to our leaving the boat was the presentation of an addresi by president davidson on behalf of the press association to capt ewart for his kindness und courtesy and untiring zeal to make all comfortable during the jouruey the captain was in the happiest of moods during the entire trip and well ho might be for he had left a bnde of a few davs at home iu toronto as we departed on his good ship the company on board em braced excellent talent and a programme of inteiest was prepared ahd satisfactorily carried out each evening to the pleasure and edification of all 1 the cuba moored in the metropolis of the west our party proceeded to tho palmer house the palace hotel of america where arrangements hod been made for us tho following days were spent in visiting tbis great and enterprising city tho board of trade in session the post office state and city buildings the battle of gettysburg the fan newspaper offices some ot the extensile mercantile cstamtshments were visited subsequently a drive through lincoln park with thegrand flower gardens lakes and points of interest covering 320 acres the boulevard the lake shore the tunnels the avenues of private residences received our attention we also visited evanston filled with the finest private residences any city suburb could exhibit the seat of the farfamed north western university and garrett biblical institute with their 700 students calvary and rose hill oepetenes were also points of special interest late friday night we left chicago and the next noraing- thanks to the excellent through train service of the grand trunk railway ahghttd in port huron a few dnj s were spent very pleasantly 1 11 st clair after which we crossed the river and after short visits at princeton hamilton and toronto returned home on thursday night pleas d and well satisfied with the excellent trip v re had had the pleasure of undertak ing and feehug much invigorated as a con sequence to tho g t r authorities the members of the press paijty are specially indebted for the liberal courtesies so cheerfully oxtenaed the president and secretary also earned and were accordedlicartyhanks for their unceasing efforts to render the general ar rangements for the accommodation of the the reform candidate at the lloforii convention held at milton tart dntmdiiy dr buult of pnlormo was tho unuiiimoiih uomineu of the roform party as candidate in tlio coming provin cial elections if elected tho dr will bo an able repres entative lltho legislative assembly ho is woll and favorably known throughout tho oouiity and ia woll qualified for tlio honorable position to which ho aspires and which his political friends aro anxious he should occupy idr buck has spent uoarly half his lite time iu tho county council aud has made himself a very ubc- ful member of that body bio is a promi nent tuiitpciutico woiker aud a stioiiy sup porter of the scott act british grain proapectt tlio mark lane express in its roviow of tho british gram trade during tlio past week says tho harvests thus far have been greatly disappointing a spell of dry weather with hot sunshine may et redeom what appears to be a bad harvest the roturns of 423 wheat districts show that 89 are above the average 00 are equal to it and 288 aie below it the yield of barley in 227 oat of 427 districts is below the aver age of oats in 205 out of 433 districts ot beans in 1c2 out of 275 districts and of peas iu llfi out of 24g districts trade is sluggish english wheat is generally one shilling dearer newadvertisemojifcs ciiiuoboowh fok aatt yaanoli one in 0 1 holfvr 1 ayr- i and 0 aotou wndebbmnkd offorsi for salt e oow six years old 0 rades uoth to culvs in february a lf i ipt lug calves 8 of then steers apply at oneo to yvmgi u25tlils80 kv k and lam ii astray an immense nionument to bis memory- uj 1 v party m every respect complete and sdtis the garfield rssidence was visited the viaduct which structure is 3211 feet long and 68 feet higl and spans the cuyahoga con nee log the astern and western sections of the city bi t the propellers whistle is soundecj and w s horry on board torecross lake erie on our janmev westward sunday morning finds us at windsor where we have un excellent opportunity of viewing the exto nor beauties of this stirring town nd its lai get- american sister across the nver detro it the trip up the nver tbroughlake st clair and the river of the same name to port huron is one of es pecial interest and pleasure father hen nepin who passed over the course in early days enthusiastically wrote the is lands are the finest in the world the strait is finer than niagara the banks are vast meadows and the whole terminates so that one would think natnre alone could not have made without the help of art so charming a project st clair flats twentyjseven miles from detroit comprise a large area of marshy land here are abundant attractions for the sportsman for this is the best fishing and shooting grounds in the country at this point the st clair river empties into lake st clair through six winding channels which form numerous islands here club houses and shooting boxes are abundant to improve and shorter 1 jww i the entrance to the river thetj s government constructed a ship canal turoug ft part of the flats 8200 feet long and 200j feet wide at a cost of 663550 the ba jks of this canal have a beautiful growth m willow trees and a large light- bouse i i maintained at each end in the afternomwe passed st clair 60 rapes fromdetroit and situated on the highest and mc it charming site for a town to be factory and equally hearty thanks were bestowed upon messrs atkinson of the port hope tunis and slinnon of the kingston news for the excellent part they took in making the entertainments on board pleasant and enjoyable the excursion was a success it was pleasant throughout and was restful both tojody and mind the company was in every way congenial and many warm and enduring friendships wore formed a fire at port credit twelve thousand bushels of wheat and two warehouses consumed t- pobt cbkdit aug 20 at 280 oolock this morning fire was discovered in one of the grain storehouses en the lake front the fire spread to the other two warehouses and as there are np fire appliances in the town the people could do nothing but stand and watch the buildings burn and by 6 oclock the storehouses vere totally con- sumed about 12000 bushels of wheat were stored in one of the buildings the fire completes the destruction of the harbor buildings at the time of the tire the grain was sold and a vessel was en route to port credit to take it away it was valued at from 9co0 to 910030 the loss will be fully covered by insurance the buildings were owned by the harbor company and were old and very much out of lepair r do jou wieh a j beautiful complexion then use ayers sajrsaparilla lit cleanses and purifies the blood and thereby removes blotoljjes and pimples from the skin making it smooth and clear and giving it a bright and healthy appearance b the cradle beahpuohetih acton on the 22nd aug the wife of mr a o beardmoro of beardmore co of a son stllai lot august huitabu wbloh wlu rniu j cu8 lmiirovumonts vancort 011 and wheat ii acton a at of mend 131 from tlio lircinlnos of tlio nulscribor hi oon lkiiu0blng about tin lvt of 1 owe and a lamb partly routhdown reward will be given for information load to tbdlr recovory geo mubilobfyand enquchl ig aug 23ft 1880 eifsw irsand iitb tiecjsj golden lion ww of cuelph d l v u iy for tilloiling iufon that indullhkinud iloslios to omorsaiid fm mors konorally in hlfl mill havo boon so that ho will bo iroparot to do ijftcr moiifla next and will bo two wloki joitt halivfiy acton lug 23th 1881 olioi rrul n lils tho far ad- pnlns y for notice dlbcou- tliuod to llvo with mo without vropor that aty yier molvlula manu having reason i will nc trootod heroby woru all nartlos concon od t bo hold responsible for any dobts cou- y hor in my name donald mann llgust 17th 1880 5000 acres oilalndfor sale iu the county of dufforin a luautlty of land for sale at from 10 per aero to i 50 per acre forms aud prices to suit all cust imam aibo villago property in sliol- bnrno lornlngs mills corbotton ittverviow and mel incthon apply to 3 t hembtheet vnctioucor land agent o bltelbnrne himstreet ia acquainted with tho county dultqrin iu almost ovory part wo canrocout- to intending purchasers bin 1ioi sk and lot for sale the grave wuhkii at the residence of g h kennedy esq esijnesiug on saturday august 14th lb80 sarah widow of the late itobert walker aged 07 years 9 months and 10 days fphk fcndeiiblgnnd has received instruc tions to sell on very easy terms ths houso church stroot now occupied by mrs i adjoining thd dwelling of charles and immediately behind geo hynds btoro this is a desirable property lell and lot jauios hpoleht jewel the lot and tbcto tonus n nd particulars make known upon appli cation iloi y i ti pall hats fsxlhats at the- great clearing sale goods all reduced to ridiculously low prices firstclass tho dwelling in good repair is a uico garden with fruit trees h p xiooke fiiei pbfbs office east end clothing store every novelty 1 for fall wear at moderate prices call aishd sietlej them j fyee your v attention v please kenney bros main fine stock of new -o- 9110 and up 50c to 100 15c 15c 25c vefy cheap 5c 8c 10c felt goods street acton to the front w th a fall goods we quote prices below to prove our position that we ell cheaper than others silk axd satix department black and colored silks 37 45 50 co i 5 00c and np 31ack aud colored satins 37 45 50 60 7 90c and np black and colored mervetlleux 87 j 95 100 m08 fancy striped and brocaded satins colored and block f french dress goods nuns veilings new shades j canvas cloth new shades i alt wool melangier cord frieze effect all colors l english dress goods j brocaded challie fancy stripes worth 20c for j beautiful cashrnerette 1 lace can vas cloth in black cieam bronze ahd mid brown only worth 25c for 12c muslin dep artment lovely line colored muslins j lace muslins white and colored lawns 7 swiss spots and checks india mqll all shades t carivas mull all colors prints fast color bamapo prints newest effects francoma prints ashtons madders worth 12jc for best english anibric qronibs best cloth worth 20c for searsuckcrs to arrive one case at abont half price staples best value in shirting factory cotton worth 7c at best factory worth 10c at table covers pure flax colored borders at shaker flannel cotored and wliitc boating shawls jjnder wholesale pnc over 2000 to choose from corsets a splendid range from 7 hosiery gloves iu all varieties of shades styles quahtiesj special another big lot o buttons clothing our cutter is the best i our stock the hngest our prices the lowest and oar woik of the fit est quality 5c 15c 12c and np l vcrj low et 5c 7c 8c 12jc oc 7c 50c 12c 30c value 5c per dozen j- d williamson n a we aro now receiving a very large stoek of nv our boots and shoes aro purchased from tbe best 1 quahty we hae a fine assoi tinent and your evttjy some fine lines of trunks and valises manufacturers ordered work we make a specialty satisfaction to all customers repairing tlone with neatness and despauli kenney bros dominion house if you have been disa jpointed in s ib el ot o ij el try the alaska they are the best we ever sold fall goods of every description nuiactiirers mid are of the best want can be supplied on hand received direct from the f this department and guarantee s hardware the cheapest place in the county to buy your hardware is at j e howsons scythes snauhes scythe stones forks rake cradles etc etc in endless variety puke paris 4jreen icheap 1 o myrtle navy tobacco per plug 18c 25 lbs choice kice forsl 20 lbs pearl tapioca lor 1 20 lbs currants for 1 2 cans to- raatoeg for 25c 2 cans pumpkins for 25c 2 cans peas for 25c 2 cans corn for 25c 2 cans haddie tor 25c e cans salmon for 25c 1 25c bottleof pickles 2bc 4 bars dingnians elcctiic soap for 23c 1 111 of our 50c tea for 45c pure paris green jheap co i 1 b sayage sole agent for cuelph r b we aregoing out of boots and shoes and vitl offer th at less than wholesale cost at j e howsons eltn for nobbt gcods at ithelot5test cash f i am offering tor the june trade spe can rest lassu red that they can buy from toronto i have given the staff par ticul ir them to be t jbuy for cash saving ther gent public can see at a glance that it is or in other words make the promptpay thefollowing lines i have reduced and glomes dress goods in nuns cloth silk qreuadines pongee silkp black vblvets velveteens aud crape cloths hosiery all makes and prices bustles and ladies printsno house in canada prints b good cloth fast colors splendic tons wimto cottons shirtings ducks house fukxishings- style ask to see the madras muslin at miltlneryalthough it is correct styles aud a competent lady iu boots ana shos wjall papers and remember tie place 4 f entire stock t if i 2 ces jjial inducements housekeepers and others requiring anything in tlicjiufej mentlnpd hplnw me at more reasodbue prices than any other stoe in acton asd a qheaf wifo rf i ir instructions not to misrepresent good aud customers will find goodstsly j 1 present by laige discouur i sell for cash or trade aiid consequently have no bad lx in a n4 11 y ij 1 to suit cverybodyj dl glotea corseti hoop skirta ttaghto lu the 1 m odding ttovowo4 lwi f w gjtt cl arg toceiies alj at prices to suit the times i j fjfemtos w stand the baltoft dry oocds housi aotok 1 pletel grarnl slat land asort chrldr fiuost s kccij orde fernll ry cs w tnt3 grl ilroyidd coi tli jclulhg me uilrge rev 0 ficiafc 8 mday the baipsraj o thteratj an e th i har fiehing 1 act held dn lsthsejj j at class ceij 6enof eev treal w qnelph the b lild a i his ample mr tvrostor fctreet fi amine it 8iys an 1 si e has pi tiling j the wire i ddredi bmrsj eevl e knosl s inday ccarses- thel fa t when tie mo w len thl thel rapidly tiepl aipeara revj atjtende laet weelj bqrofl eevj trie polpl mr graf olfi eharactel periods ahotf ert j they vren

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