Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1886, p. 3

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7 is 4 j 20 i- m f kit is r3 school opening goo hyrids acton has on ljiaai a com ptete block of new ltoaders new histories grammars arithmetic grphies slates drawing bookc copy books pens arid- ink wo keep the most jcomplete assortment o scliool books boud the children to geo hyuds tor their books a line stock of envelopes and papwon hand eo hysdsctox ont the frui season luwatit iuichtkanil j mkkrjuev irkivilni nil kinds of fruit a the come in onlcr for any quantity of v unit ot fruit taken and allot with the best tlie uta afford fwnlovs is uie attraction fotfinejdonfettton- civ tmul uootls ice steam soda water o tf kkrnlky in the post office building bs the vrolitbitloti camp rat georgetown rkable auqoess either ro tho or muanoe 10 suuday was unusu- tcrspvt moiuxtno acorst 36s 1886 i i i n crumbs tor breakfast provided by tne ever thoughtful free presa jteporteib ii welcome showers his week i coal will soon increase iu price j acton should have electric ligiit ewe and larnb abtray see adv nassrawey oounfrl meets on satur- day harvest home festivals are uow talked about rt he disciples chapel has been re- shingled the couuty council will meet on the 1st pros the public schools will open on mon day next sporting icircles are unusually quiet this wek tiiefrcntohheripost office and ad- joiuinc store iisvb been repaiufedj messrarbeardmore co art getting iu large quantities of hemlock bark by train rrev father dumortier of j gueiph officiated in st josephs church here on sunday the name of the old great j western railway of canada will shortly bti entirely obliterated an interesting description of a trip to muskoks will appear in the next issue of the fru pnrss j from the present prospects rood wheat will range in price this year from 70 to so cents per bushel j an occasional fine trout is being caught in harveys posfl for years little or no fishing has been dbne there j actori civic holiday will probably be held during toronto exhibition about the loth september perhaps at the recent examinations for third class certificates at milton hueh kennedy 1 son of mr alex kennedy was successful rev dr dougalas ljld rf mon treal will pieaih in dublin street church gueiph on sunday evening otb september the knox church people of ayr till build a new church for which over 914000 has already been collected a good ex ample j mr c c speight is building a neat twostory shop on his premises on main street he will occupy it with his picture framing business j its a wifes fluty to be pleasant says an exchange it is a hard duty when she has a sour and sorcheaded pusband pulling the other waf the members of the free pi were treated last week to a basket did red astrachan apples kindly by mrs john speight rev d b cameron of acton ed knox church pulpit morning and sunday ee delivered two very able dis courses gatlph herald the grass unlikeiriafi is most ful when the greenest merchant 1 rattller the moon unlike man is the most xilliant when the fullest lynn union the new roller machinery a being rapidly placed in position at harveys mill the place presents a new and improved appearance both inside and out j rev r phillips andmr w h storey gueiph a mem- was not a r imarl snooting at endam uutuborproaliitnri ally ltrge butowinglto utovaiu of mouday and tnosjav the jnttoudanco was vory meagre tho prorammo as an interest ing one tho iuipjsveraciit to the road qvm tho dant at hanjcys mitt is muoh appreciated by the farrnera and others who have occa sion to pass l hat way the grading ot the hill on the ric itli side of tho mill would add further impi ovomejtt at a nomiual cost tho stmt at d sidewalk coiuainittoe should consider it i i mr fwli i devlin jr ot nassagawoya brought to the market on thursday a large load jot fine jtheati the grain vas very large aud plump and woighod sixty three pounds to tho bushel- it was the fiuost wheat that has been seen iu gueiph for many a day i the price paid for it was seventyfive ients pet bushel hcram in anotbxr columu will be found tho announcement of mr j b pearsou agont tor bt lawrences spectacles personally we can speak very highly of these glasses we have hadlmore satisfaction iu the use of laorancet spectacles during the past two years tha in with those of any other manufacturer during a period of ten years wm absent aoton the ffeeks bakings which are lost strayed principally local and all interesting staff 1 splen- donated occapi- evenbg delight or stolen a committee appointed to make arrange ments to havi tho btumps and tlebris re moved from the pond any person looking up the above and setting them at work will be suitably rewarded by our citisent generally l a growing injlastry mr a w green is extendiughiskuitting business and will shortly remove to larger premises he has now fourteen hands at work miss annie helm of detroit an 1 experienced knitter arrived last week to take charge of the operating department improve the iandsoape if every farlmer would cut down the bur docks nettles thirties mullein stalks and pigweed beside the road next to his own land would not thej landscape be improved at least to a frmers eyes it is probable that next year he would not have as many weeds to hoe from the corn ajnd potatoes oo the other side of the fence j run over by a train geo campbell ot campbell cross aged about sixty had his left leg cut off at the knee last saturday morning at brampton he was crossing the track to take the train for the city and was struck by the west bound train with the result stated medi cal aid was at once summoned and al though the patient is suffering greatly from the shock it is believed that he will recover lvreb mr gmpbelttias since died a talented workman we are in receipt of a very artistic and highly creditai le specimen of printing from mr james hough jr foreman of the gueiph htrali job rooms it is intended for a certificati of honor to be presented to pnpils in the j iblic schools and is printed in five colors vith two additional colors of bronze mr hough has been honored by receiving an orier for copies of the job from the american of buffalo actons grain market our local grain market this season pro mises to be the most attractive for many years and farmers are likely to receive better prices here than in any of the out side markets i besides i the two new roller mills abont to be opened there wih be two firms of grain buyers at the gtb ware houses and tho- lively competition which will ensue will no donbt prove interesting to both buyer and seller and draw a large volume of trade to acton this is what farmers and citizens alike desire to see and it is hoped that the buyers will hava a successful and prosperous season dominion alliance convention a general convention will be held in toronto commencing on tuesday 14th september the attendance and represen tatives will no doubt be large hon t dow of main general clinton b a diabolical trio j i j a week ago last sunday while tr moore lot 81 eon 8 esuesiug was from homo attending church in sonioperson while trespassing on his farm shot ono ot his learri horses in the head whou tho hprso was set to work next day it was noticed to aot strangnly and became unable tojwork in a few days it died anil ah examination of its head was made when a smill rovolvcrbullet was found beueath the skull tho hdraowas worth fully 9100 and the loss under such circum- slancoa is annoying in tho deepest degroe a oouplo of boys were soeu in tjie v4olnity but unfortunately thoro ib no direct oyidouoe as to who te guilty parties aro it is a pity that tho perpetrators of buch beusels and oontomptiblo work should go unpunished largestook favorably purchased mr er bollertof27lowerwyndham street guolph has bocoroe the purchaser of the wholesale bankrupt stock of jennings it hamilton toronto at tho low rate of 65 cents on the dollar he has a staff of hands engaged checking over the goods which he purposes moving to gueiph at the earliest possible day owing to tho size ot the stock mr bollerthas had to lease another store near hib present premises ho intends having everything ready to open on wednes day september lsfc great bargains will no doubt be given as mr bolurt expresses his determination to clear it off in the shortest possible tithe the stock is a firstclass one large quantities ot it having been imported for tho falls wholesale trade many cases in fact never having been put into stock and will no doubt prdvo tho most attractive offering of season ablo dry goods ever mado in gueiph ever forehanded seize time by the forelock printer speeimtn exchange purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted miss lottie moore is visitiug friends in toronto l mrs adam dickson is spending a week with friends in toronto i miss bertie jaffrey of gait is visiting her uncle mr george havill mr thomas easton spent a couplo of days tli is week at grimsby cump mrs thomas easton spent several days this week with friends in hamilton we had a pleasant call from mr it rosctitnan of waterloo yesterday morning miss nan williams of toronto was the guest of mr wm moore and family last week miss minnio forrest of markham has been the guest of miss fannie mcgarvin for a week mr and mrs jje mcgarvin j and daughter visited friends at bcamsville and grimsby this week n miss maggie ahem who has been visit ing friends in buffalo hamilton and tor onto returned home last week mrs thomas cmoore left last thursday to spend a week or 60 with friends in mus- kokaowen sourid and collingwood j mr jas inneb m p aud mrs ihnes gueiph left on saturday on a trip to british columbia they will be absent about a month messrs peter saycrs d wheelihan and m mcmillan of nassagawoya left yester day morning on a trip to the lumbering districts i in the vicinity of sauitst sarie l rev r phillips and mr james stoore took a trip to port carling last thuriday they wpredelightod with the scenery and speak volumes in favor of that section for a pleasure trip college attended the district meeting at last week mr storey was elected ber of the hissionaxvxkmmittee dr torrance of guelpb occupied the pulpit in knox church last sunday mr grant a student of queens kingston will preach next sabbath ithe shipping room of the canada glove works is now crowded with cases at their excellent goods ready for shipment to hun dreds of points between winnipeg and quebec y c beinhart hotel keeper suelpb pleaded guilty to an infraction of tlie scott c it last week and was fined 850 aj id costs and twenty gallons of his beer wre des troyed a good many of the shade trees planted on the streets last spring have sin x died we hope 6ur citizens will not be lieoonr- aged at this but that ibeywxll bo wr the old t dage and try again vvs received the other day bisket of exce lent hnckleberriesl from mr tom keni ledy the genial manager of thi tarry soui d lumber cos store parry soond tom will please accept our best thinks hr james lozier of this city one of tlie i eventh contingent of the northwest field torce joined the exodus and went to chicigo last nightriocfon amerfaer mr lozier spent his boyhood days iajacton messrs hortop 4 mccrac of gueiph have completed arrangements to purchase grain on the market here this season their bnyer is mr trot who was so favor ably known by the farmers here son le years ago tbebeeton world deserves credit for its enterprise in publishing an exira last week containing foil and detailed r sport of a mujrdejr committed in the vicini y and the whole of tho evidence adduced at the tnal the harvest weather of tlie present surnrjier has been of the most favorable character thfre have been no e tended periods of extreme beat and relreshing showem lave fallen apparently jui t when they were most needed of kew jersey neal fisk limehouse news from our own correnpoiulcnt things are pretty brisk around the vil- and other widely known workers are expected to attend there will be a great gathering of canadian tem perance and jrohibition advocates the whole bitoatiop will be dibcussed it is expected that the proceedings will be em inently practical and the desire of the pro moters of this convention is that the gathering shall be made to tell on the future policy o this country another fine j lssortment of new type in fulfilment of our promise of a couple of months ago we have jnst received anoth er fine lot of new type of various styles and designs 7art of this will be found in oar advertisiof columns and more in our job departmenl we are now able to make- the advertisements of our merchants still more attractivi i and are prepared to exei- cute job work c fanyrkind equal to that of oity offices i is admitted on all sides that no countr office in the dominion is jbetter eqnippec with printing material of jail kinds than lihe fkeb pbess office ouf ipresses are continually busy but we are always prepared to receive if urther orders and take pleasure fn giving every job care ful pereoal upervibion tne newspapers exbeu a firm of boyali c8y merchants are reviving the old adverting schime of fence painting some yearsjago the jtar bucket and whitewash brush were mtjcjh in vogue as advertising mediums but litely tbey have been nsed only to advertise liver pads and corn cures some of the i old legends still traceable present some queer jeombina- tions adauburwould acrawl sprflething like this on a fence gotillimbuck mw fe coyillob chhsm fo0bbijbi8 in a short time ahreacby steer or high wind or someth ng would knok down the fence and the 1 tired man in replacing the board would fi t it this way ioo toly avksioaq iji 3 coys fob swhaffiisooo waaaj one h ilf the money which it costs to cover20 mil e of road witjhj signs that nobody eads i spent judiciously in print era ink would nsurea good return in in creased patron i ge people in canada are not so fond of 1 teratnre as to read aboanl ttitk9erin atvocpui lage now mr james parson is doing quite a busi ness in block stone mr donald mckenzio is foreman for the toronto lime company now mr jauies parson had hib cow killed by a train on the gtb last week mr wm nickell has got his old stable torn down and is preparing to tuild a new house the odd stockings of limehouso and the georgetown team had a game of baso ball on tuesday last the score was 6 to 22 in favor of the georgetown team the 22 runs were made by the georgetown umpire not the team bntcheerup boys the return match is coming you will then have an umpire that will give due credit and no favor t i we had two fires iu the village last week on tuesday abotit 0 oclock the fire bell mug and it was fonnd that the wood of the toronto lime co was onjfire it was soon mastered on friday after noon about 3 oolock tho wood took fire again abbut fifty men tamed oot and as there was good supply of water they soon extinguished tne flames i rccogriiring the fact that the hoels of purchasers who from thn neighbor ing towns and municipalities run by rait to gaolpb for their dy goods purchases as a rule do not ctyno here to buy common every day staples but tbe better class of goods the vory newest styles in fact such goods as merchants in smaller places cannot afford to show a large assortment of we direct special attention to no 27 lower wyndham street tho acknow ledged business house for ike newest choicest and best of the nnrket bellevidrin tbe pnnolpl prompt ly on time we have alreidy opened upwards of 40 oases and biles of now fall goods and while we ive still a tow linos of bummer goods whioli wo are clearing out at discounts of 10 to 50 per cent we direct speotal jnttention to our new lines of dress goods new lines of black and colored silks new lines of plushes new lines ol striped velvets new lints of mantis cloths new lines of tweeds new lines of coatings new liuca of fancy gloves and ribbons in fact new lin is in al most every department which place the attractions at no 27 far beyond anything offered by other houses we invite every purchaser i o call on us nod especially urge our friends from a distance to come and see us it will woll repay you wo keep such a large stock and dosuch a large trad in nice choice goods that you cannot help but find it pleasant and profitable to favor us with your patronage we offer all goods at close cash prices do not sell on credit do not pester people to buy more than they want and give atten tion and fair treatment to all our cus tomers if you are not of that number begin now mmummitmmm pjuie pari si gree in any quantitt j 4- turnip seed fresh and reliable a i nts and oils sibstclafe and cheap wh wo wont gazeheefl iw a new ad ertise1 ents lipvels jufl lag josse bse ball goods juet arrived new pattern uatjghnawaga sticks spauldings standard balls dheaei- mogarfins drug and stationery store aoton do we do jbelbxtsej it fill our cellars with unnecessary goods go is the verdict of out they must ryivl berkinshaw go cuelph o 1600 yds dress goods 5c worth i2ic 800 yis beautiful dress muslins 5c per yd worth 8c 13000 yds beautiful prints from 5 to 10c per yard tl e r rt 27 lower wyridham street gueiph ontario 93 history ada ibvp or me domltolotoof a in otmb voi tmes ro to be commet obg whenever alsafflciont to cover cost of publication subscription to the nine volumes mm ui so province ortokrio or sffteisu ebrunfirtok otto nov to northwest tenitorlos 0m b ich ftrovihco th please set d forprospedtu johnlqv montreal august 4plw0 baki ve a map lb libheij business college guelf h ontabio j- the tbirdj 8chdla8id year begins september 1st i patronage drawn from teji states and provinces young men and boys thoroughly prepared for business pure qjte graduates eminent ly successful as 1 acconntants business managers 8horthand writers clerks salesmen travelers etc both in canada and tbe united states moderate rates thorough practical work and conrteoos treatment characterize the oniititution ladies admitted tio all the advantages of thecouee j splendid facilities afforded for the ac quisition of frenct and germap for information address thmaccormjce wtf fincipal the haltoii force and every- variety of ftp is is three lines only of a host ee hand bills t o ryaf berrinshaw successors to john hocc 80n tjpper wyndkam street gruelph co bast end store we as the bell dry j goods iieapest1 and groceries as cheap force well and cigtem manufactured by a c bounsall 0az7zlle ont l agents wanted x excelsior 1i 003stp bread gen lemen desiring perfectfitting suits can- rfo- not do jetter than leaye their orders with john nelsost actost of fcc j of all kinds on hand op ntiade to kes order biscuits ice cream gonfectionery soda water served ad all hours mrststatha jthb remnants joi3s and odd ends drives jobs oo and bargains c is not settlec yet bu fact that w willii ms has the beststock of remnants of prinjs remnants remn hats from 75 cents to 8260 at j fyfes j scotch english and canadian suitings in groat variety at j fyfes acton if yon want a nobby durable and cheap buit go to j fyfes acton go to jjfyfes actoni for your cloth ing he can snit you for price quality arid style evarjtime i spring spits and ovorcoats at estreme ly lov prices and made in the latest sty tes be sure to ca 1 and see them at z fyfes acton to be of tweeds ants of denimfe remnants of -oo- t job lines of corsets job lines donit read this the undersigned is prepared to furnish ion the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves hed- ing shingles wash tuba chttroi bmttof4tmv pork barrels wood asp ff2bd shirtings remnants of dress goods remnants of laces and ribbons remnants all kinds of goods cleared out at any price of ladies job lines -o- boots shoes work these fcoods to b s sold without legard to price being odd lines and sizes see our shoes of childrens job lines shoes of mens and boys boots o remember ou nw fijkcy peintsjust in new famous oc tea ed i and 0 la the couniy ih sett beyond dispute 1 have just received my spring 3tck and am propated to suit all ojd cnstoniars and las many new ones as see lit to ii e me call iu all lines of footwear i boots for the babies boots for the ineu boots i do make i boots i dp mend and repiiring promritly attended u wm willi ams acton planing mills willilamson bamsjhiaw peop1iitob buildor and oontraotor sash boor and sliad faotory is nrepa red tb put or i storm door j win- dows weather strips eto on short notice winter porches erected riea ly and at reasonable prices i we have one of fleurys celebrate 1 chop ping milliand will chop all kinds c f grain on tuesdays thursdays and satun ays i nioil and nobby and anything ta theline of farmers bp lse- eepes or contractors necessities i thokbmookp fc a bamshawl malnagers yellow oil cures rheumatisw worm powdejris vrv0u 1 4nileaecnttotafeo coat irnrjativo is a safe snro anin doftrwvr ot wwm ux qwmuott

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