Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1886, p. 4

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7 in f r m 4v tbe jjdmt jfne flss r taobbiyjtobntko atw rsr 96 1886 j i i h j wpftifattwbs optoxob t whielt oue attain marry tb lowlaud laird wi hu sitter an title an land or trnt highland laddie mb braw in bin ptaidie whose wealth it hit new an hia hand bdtth lad in all wtir roams over tbe heather like to proudest king eta waa aeen my mither declare that the lairds throat oateh an can wed wherever he will an she say im a dinty inixguided young hiaay i to think o my jock o t le hill but ahea wrang tor ao 1 iia title an gowd the laird oann marry n ie gin they a wad him marry let him liaruo carry some lady o high degret ins him wed whom he wiu i shall still remain in the highlands for i dearly love the glen an the fountain i the looks an the mountains an the braes oyer whip t 1 rove in epice o my mither iui larry nane were um man whom i lo ve beat form remain single till i sit in hia ingle beside him an there tl be blest an my rnither i know wi 11 behappier far when she dwells wi my laddie an me than in the lairds castle whenrhe drinks i deep waavail wi ait highdoramps nie for didna she marry she man o her choice herdoohterrill doithe same and hem i will tarry till far laddie shall carry me aff to h mountain 1 ame 1 f- w i- i ys j i ti u j m v 1 i t i i 1 jsmswrlatttt w a guppyvdruih of newbury hiot jdrfowtersvild8trttvpeiry is just ttutulug far bummer biokneis i old out my stool throe limes lust summer there 1 res a gobd demand for it dr i fowler eitowt of yjmd strawberry li iufallib o tor dysentery colic bick storn aoh aut bowel complaint atf toraee that fit tot a queen l ii wr mtlon hand of deattib upon the victims before they are awi le thai danger is near it attacked do not i inlay in gettlug the proper medioine try lose ot dr j d kouoadyaen- tery tk rdial iud you- will get immediate relief it aots with wonderful rapidity and ueer fails to effect a onre a itaaxfrohi condition one t the most daugerous conditions is a negle ited kidney complaint when you suffer fjom weary aohipg back weakness and ott er urinary troubles apply to the back a burdock porous plaster and take burdock blood bitters the best system reguuuirkuoivii for the liver kidneys 8tomah and bowels plrtd llffculllk therdare but fow that have never suffered almost intolerable paiu from toothache neuralgia or like icuto paius to them suob at instant relief as fluid lightning is an untomblessiog n tfinie of trouble no disgust ingoffotisivemedioiucs to lie taken or day on application of fluid liht ins cares sold at j e mqgarvins drug tore 29 let orient news lleni cookstowu mrs campbell has been troablid tor a number of years with indi- lot and constipation and was induced o try rfcgregors speedy cure and found it was all that was needed ud would reoomi aend ita use to any person similarly tronbli d this invaluable remedy is sold in evei y part of canada at 50c and 1100 per bottle sold at dr mcgwvins dror store vcurrgor laaa compobiiu have you a bad cough a chronic hoar ness s feeling of lightness in tbe chest weaklungs or any similar com plaint f if so buy at once a bottle of mc all sorts the sjtbin of eglilton says 1 hare removed tea corns from my feet with holloways ckirn cure reader go thon and do likewise it xevrr fall dr fowlers extract of ivtfd strawberry will never fall you when taken to cure dysenteryi colic sick stomach or any form of flfummer complunt belief is almost instantaneous a few doses cure when other remedies fail tbe best medical authorities acknowledge the talne- oij ayers catttartic pills and frequently prescribe their use with the utmost cjonndence as the most effectual remedy for hwmuie8 caused by derange ments of the st liver and bowels asaweeaamt kesalt mr frank hendry writing from sea- forth says 1 purchased one bottle of burdock blood bitters to purify my blood it did purify it and now i have excellent health as a blood purifying tome and system regulator the result of taking bb s is dtttja successful i p m maxkell west beddore n s writes i wish to inform you of the won derful qualities of dr thomas eclectric oil- i had a hone so lame that he could scarcely walk the trouble was in the knee and two or three applications completely cored him swsmbeljjr do not delay if suffering any form of bowel complaint however mild apparent ly may be the attack bnt lse dr i owlers extract of wild strawbery it is the old reliable cure for all forms f summer com- plaintb that require prompt treatment ask yourjdrnggut and all dealers in patent medicines l aubkeuainred mcgregor ft parkes carbolic cerate has been tried and found to be the only positive cure for salfbhenm pimples blotches on the face and hands cuts boms bruises or any sore that nothing else will heal try mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate 25c per bottle at dr mogarvins drag store mr c biggins beamsville writes a customer who tried a battle of northrop si lymans vegetable discovery says it is the best thing he ever used to quote his own words it just seems tb touoh the spot affected about a ydar ago heliad an attack of bilious fever and wa afraid he was in for another wheifu recommended this valuable medicine with uch happy results a pleasing omtj i feel it my dnty to say writes john borton of desert p q- that burdock blood bitters cured my wife of liver com plaint from which she has been a chronio sufferer her distressing painful symp toms soon gave way and i can highly re commend the medicine to all suffering as jshe didt i i some persons have periodical attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea apd have to use great precautions lot avoid tbe disease change of water cookidg and greenfruits is sore to bring on tbe attacks to such persons we would recommend dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all bummer complaints if a few drops aretaken in water when tie symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experi enced invblme bntlnsualaneeu all pains or aches will be instantly re moved by a few drops of fluid lightning applied over the affected parts no time lost no nauseous medicines needed no poulticing or using greasy liniments it will not blister or discolor the skin sold at 25c per bottle by dr mcgarvin drug gist sufferers from neujalgia assure us that they never fear it when their house contains a bottle of fluid jlightning holbtioays ointment ana pills notable facts intense heat augiiente the annoy ances of skin disease anc encourages the development of febrile di orders therefore they should aa they can be removed by these detergent and purif j ing preparations in stomach complainto liver affections pain and spawns of the bo ffels holtowftjf s ointment well rubbed ova the affected part immediately gives the grntest eaae-pjp- venteotaxsionnd4nilainmatu checks tbe tliwsjeuing diarrhea ami avert in- cipien cholera the pcorer inhabitant of large dtw will nnd tliese remedies to be their best friend whe my iktuew rages or when from unkn iwn causes erup tions boils absceseer of ulcerations point oat tbe pjence fat tairta or impunities withinu lyftamund oi ufor initamand enctiveeuratjvemedicinw t j- a sure thingr baldnos is ouljf tncurablo ihon tbe imlr roots mo dead aud nbsorbc 1 whlcu a raro con iltkw fa nearly wfw tucy aro simply torpid tmd can bo i tlmuhitod to ntltformasev giowoairbrthiusoo awtfihahivwoitjujo ulypreparu- uon that cures bafdncis and restores youthful oolorstff gtoy hair baldness cured and age rejuvenited jmpawmtjtolvfonxr mb8 0 davenpont wjltamttoitn was butto years old found bis vt bocamo entirely iwld nb ho ngo of so at mms hnlrnml and remained bo 88 years urlng which ving grav woro cutli 00 his wblto s gregois lung compound it will cure you it contains entirely new specifics of whi h one dose is more effectual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies it is put up in 50c and 5100 bottles sold by dr hcgarvm druggist try it and yon will never have reason to complain merit proven dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregoi s speedy cure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j k mcgarvins drug store and get a fee trial battle and if not convinced it ivill snrey on of the worst forms of d 8- pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how icing standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon ials from people in your owtk town 29 kett aad confer i le i he salterta biowns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures 1 sin in the side back or bowels sore hroatr rheumatism toothiche lnmbapo and any kind of a pain o ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heil aa its acting power is woo ierfnl b owna household fan acea being acknowledged as tbe great pain eliever and o double the strength of any other elixii or liniment in the world should be in i very family handy for use wl en wanted as it really is the best remedr m the worll for cramps in the stoma h and pains and aches of all kinds and is or sale by all druggistsat 25 cents bottle l 44 x prominent among the greatest medical discovi lies by tbe n iany cores it has affect ed mcgregors speei y cure leads the van subjec ted to tbe mini test chemical analysis it has been found to contain jone of those injurious iugredienis characterizing tbe worthless specifics daily offered to tbe public every ingredient possesses a pecnl ar ada stability to tbe various complaints for which it has been compounded and ita efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent tl tat wc have a preparation which we dan off it to the pub ie with the assurance thdt it will be found not only a relief but n absolute cure for d rspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j ajcgai vins drue stire 31 eve 7 observer who walks the streets of a greai city and sea is with intelligent eye tbe col orless faces o more than fifty per cent cf the people he meets can easily agree vith us in the statement that this age which makes inch drafts upon tbe working energies oe tbe greater part of men ii the intense f ursoit of business has destroyed inj a proportionate degree the animal health and robust constitution naturi in this stagi of exhaustion cannot be restored of itse f but requires some stimulating tonic to strengthen and keep tbe sy item in regula r order and in north rop lymanw quinine wine we have the exact remedy required the peculiar operat ion of the met licine in cases of gen eral d bility and net vous prostration has undertone long and dose observation and it is tx lieved it will never fail if properly and jidiciously administered prepared by northrop ljwian tofonto and sold b all druggists abvckto mothei s are you disturbed at nigl it and broken of your rest by a sick child f ufferidg and ry ing with pain ef cut ting t th if so nnd at once and get a bottle of mrs win ilows soothing syrup for ch ildren teethii ig its value is incal- cnlabl it will reli eve the poor little suf ferer i nmediately depend upon it moth ers i lere is no mis lake about it it cures dysentery and durrljcaft regulajtee tbe stomech and bowils cures wind colic soften i the gums reduces inflammation and gives fcjme and energy to the whole ajysteo i mrs vi inslows soothing by rup orohildren tething is pleasant to the ta ite and is the prescription of one of the oli lest and best female physicians and nnrset in the tjmte 1 states and is for sale by al drnggwts throughout the world sxaop price iwenty and a 3k for bottle be sure when hi whlskoi woro cntlivly white so they oontlnuejl until hq reached 00 years of ago when no begun inlng ayers hair yioor thrco bottlos of which sufficed to restore ihclr orlunal rich dark ron color mrs xvoustyabtajtrkb of buffalo n y hiul lkkkme nearly bald and though she owdo usq of many of the so- called balr restorers nono had any effect aybr8 hair vigor did what nothing elseooukl do and now the lady again has a fluo jicjul of hair thanks entirely to it 1 w bttybrl flatonta texat pro scntcd nil apparently hopeless ease bald ness was hereditary in ils family by the time ho was years old he had scarcely i tiny hair left one bottle of ayrr8 hair yioor started a soft downy growth all over his scalp nnd in a fow months his j head was covered with soft dark and abundant hair medicinal virtues tho raro medfcinal powers emollient stimulative and tonic possessed by ayirs hair vigor enablo it to euro speedily salt rheum scald head tettersores dandruff humors of various kinds and other diseases of tho scalp liable to cause baldness it to not a dyo jcontalns no talorind matter and effects its rejuvena tion otladedor gray hair simply by bring til back tho vigor of youth to the roots mid color glands of tho hair tho jvlfo of dn v 8 lovelace xottldm ky had very bad tetter sores oil her head ayer8 hair vigor cured tlicui tho son of jamss n carter ocfio- giiaii ya was i cured of scaldhead y ayera hair yigor nbrhebt boyp minneapolis minn wad cured by ayers hair vioon of intolerable itcbjna of tho scalp time sho tried many hair res orors with out success eventually sho ised avers hair vigor four bottles o which cov ered hor hood with a flno gro vth of silky brown hair twolvo inches loi g mrs o o presoott gharhstovm mm bud lost twothirds of her hnlrby its falling out when sho apt licit ayers hair vigor and one bottft of it caused her hair to grow again mote handsome than ever before i mrs d n parks clio michigan to 07 years of ago aud her hi ilr was quite gray but one bottle of ayers hair vigor restored tlmcolor it tyro invoutli nnd sho now has ns flno u be ml of imlr as when sho was but 10 vincent jones biehmom iml lost alihlahalr in consequenco of a govcro at tack of bralnfever ayer8 hair vigor brought out a new growth in a fow weeks and it speedily grew long and thick a toilet luxury whom tho hair to bttlo dry harsh weak or thin tho uo of arans hair vigor speedily renders it pliant soft glossy and stimulates it to a rich nnd luxurious growth it also keeps tho scalp free from dandruff nud affords n perfect assurance against the balr falling out or turning gray no other dressing to so clean or has such a delicate and delightful perfume without it tho toilet cannot bo complete ladles who lmvo ouco dado trial of yer3 hair vigor never after prefer nany of them onlnls ns tho following from miss kate boss iuger- soil ont who writes wwlo keeping my bead clcnr of dandruff and proyonuag boala brad it lis alio cuued my balr to brow luxuriantly rbroltlne in my now poimfn hah- fortytwo itjohei iobj and as uuok at any ono coala wljb itj an y other balrdrcsslng and voluntarily offer such tertln gfat ohe mjiimmoth souse 1e0bgbt0wn of dty goods millinery clothing carrots ayes hair vigor i prepared by 6r j c ayer co analytical chemists lowell sold by all druggists ms 3f 4p r at the sale 1 boots and 8hoes fee c i we hav i just completed tho purchase of a big stock of new summer goods t a great d sqouot off regular prices we wilt jell tb m ahesp see our prices dre8u aoods for 5c worth 12jc djemer goods a urnx alone white la0e muslins 0a wobth lija utsa colo ted muslins ftc worth 10c f he knew how cheap wo were selling these goods fancsf prints 6 tb 7c worth 10 ii l2q grey cottons 3a worth 0a whhe cottons 5a worth 8a tabls linens 25c worth 37c towellings 6c worth loc carp3ts hemp 10c worth 15c 1 he homo rulers wont let us have any more at these prices est ever offered in canada oabp 5t8 union 25c worth 40c carp bts tapestry 30c worth 401 allwool halifax tweeds 35c worth 50o a good tweed suit of clothes for 500 worth 800 r black corkscrew twill suit for 1900 worth 1400 all trimmed millinery and ready made summer man tles at half price utt immed hats c 10c and ljpwards parasols very cheap stejejila- b we mm t clear out this stook while tbe weather is ivarm dont miss the opportunity to get some of the cheapest goods ever offered in canada come and see our stuff we offer yon bargains all goodq sold for cash only i0stt forget the place- mcleod anderson co mammoth house georgetown large arrivals of new goods at the i positively these are the cheap ar3aiqrs riht ho clearing sale of isummer goods black cash meres bargains in hosiery tle great reductions made in tbe prices 6f summer dry goods hantles millinery carpets and housefnrnii hings bos attracted tbe attention of thousands of purchasers making it the most successful sale ever held in this establishment this clearing sale will be continued daring the month oi augast ilemcmber all u col black french casbmeres selling off at greatly reduced prices many 1 its of prints and dress goods at exactly half price see the urge nssortmlent of 80 dress goods bdge and cream swiss dress mantles at bargain price bargains in hosiery ladies embroidered bnfbrjggan hse oiijly 5c per pair a lot of ladies very line hosiery nt about half thje former prices a large selection of laces less than half price linen handkerchiefs from 3c choice hemstitched fancy bordered handkerchiefs three for 26c hundreds of other bargains when requiring dry goias and housef urnishingsl it will ty you well to inspect the goods atj the right house nstew goo new goods new cashmere hosiery embroideries braided jer seys colored dress pjlushes several large consiniimetitkof new goods have been received and placed in htock the spot they will be sold at the low p ice for which the right hjonbe is noted purchase d by mr thomas head the d waikins for the cash down on list of new goods leceived a choice assortment of black cashmere uose in ladies and chi drens sizes in several qualities new allover swiss embroidery a id floaneings an elegant selec tion of ladies black braided jerseys ovr go dojen to select from l hami bar the styles are charming and prices reaunable new cotton sateens and printed drills curtain sjcrims otldc er yard new scarlet white grey and fancy flannels new mantle cloths a nice assortment of now black and coloicd velvelocns see thu now make of dress body linings from 7c to lc per yard a 1 irfie assortment of christys cele brated bath and boiler towel new shirtings and gnlalcss new bleached and unbleached sheetings new furnishing felts the follow ing new goods to be opened up in n fow days colored silk dress plashes bilk merveilleux and dreas good i oil king street oue door west of hnghsou etreet the name is ton august 12th 1ss gains bargains bargains isk -c- oeatt bros 48 kintt street east hamilton dress goods 10c formerly 2id prints 5c formerly 10c ginghams 10c formerly 20c embroideries 5c formerly 10l ladies hofp25c formerly 50c childrens hoseto formerly 15c parasols 30c formerly 60c i spotted muslin 15c formerly 25c ladies collars 5c formerly 15c i brussels carpets 70c formerly 1 tpestry carpets 25c formerly 40c union carpets 85c formerly 60c all wool carpets 65c forjnerly 85c hemp cirpets 8jc formerly 12ic china matt i nee 25c formbrly 38c lace curtains 150 formerly 82 ctirtnin poles complete 50c formerly 75c stmr hods 75c formerly 1 50 perdoz we arc makini extra inducements in order to clear out stook dress oools prints hosiery glovos 0r30ts faralsols ibmorolderlos jtweeda surtinffsj oarpets curtains covering vinlov blinds stair sods sec c are all marked aw ay down in price in reauy crscs u ss thiri tost i samples sent on application mckay brothers 1 48 king street east between hughaou nnd john streets hamilton t m from the cradle to the grave j speight son furniture dealers and undertakers aoton htvng erected a fine new showroom hie just received a new and weilassortcd stock of furniture of all kindsof the latest designs including parlorfurniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles and everything else thatnny family requires in the furniture line during their journey from the cradle to the grave and we can prepanj them jor oie grave i too fori we have on band a large 6tocti of tpoilsrs csikzielt etc of all kinds anl sizes and all other funeral farnisnings a first class vi will supply all on the shortest notice nnd most reasonable terras hearse drawn by a wellmatched team for hire manager genuine genuineness 1- abk thb ofhit ehglish articles in the canadian market real pet hies are kept in stock tests are giytn to purchasers itp they arerwjominenm jbyiaffl fissttitionia1iba7e be3ak president and vicepresident of the medical association of canada the president of the college of pjsifiaus and surgeons of quebec the dean of the medical faculty of laval university the pres ident and etpresidenta ofthe medical council nf nova bootlace o tneaorecqmtiendatuidb iff further propf needed tf remember the bight onsc is use how to save money place your order fo wilth- clothing r e nelson thl populajr clothier of tiie city stock all new and well assorted style fit and workmanship alwiys correct 4 4 specialty 4 flj prices lowest in tbe s tfelsott 99 wyndhtun st veua tfld j toad ouolph ants city i t i health y o k al r holjloways pills and ointm t16y mia p constltntioni and are invaluable in all the pills purify the blood correct all disorders of the liver 8tokach kidnets and bowels complaints incidental to females of all ages they aro prf for children and thfc aged bnt ooinoim mixed expro iamwuial llloita in through ex jli7 p ui aocom lojiojim ajlyvay oojxa wiist iiet 1247 am hi t a 9j nm thro express 2 ispn mali 6 45pm hjiccal 80pu clilcaao tsxvrois does not stoj between gucipl and toronto timfc o closlslu ajlf going west 0jc anan4wpn going east biiamaiutsopni allaniline 1b summer artadgement 86 liverpool sad quoot o service rnom mvburoo friday 0th aug mow jtjjaikc bteamtr babdinian thursday sotbjl ily itlmrsdayjoth aug pibcaswaj t lursday 30th ang ijdliynesla thursday 13th aug tl anday 2nd beiit pakihian thursday ldth aug r thursday 0th sept salljutiajj friday 27th ang tqnrsday 10th sepju t mall hteamors notbtbellvcrooiaiictj8teanierb do not take intermediate or hteoert ge passongors pn tho voyage from quebec to ia erpool cabin intorniodfato and bjecraro oroneyc he bent lino to take to co onial exhibition go fares are buii reduced beturn tickets ood for one year parties sending for friends in tbe old country can obtain prepaid certificates it greatly reduced rates for tickets and every inform atlouapplv to j e mgabvin ti ket agent acton tour sprirg suit 4 m breinnan has pleasure n annoanoin that his tail oring shop in mrs sexjrds block is now open andin full running order and in a position to fillall orde s ihe is bbowii good tweed suits at sold elsewhere i or 15 scotch tjweed suit 17 18 sold el8eyrrrebe foni23 asd 24 fine wqrsted s1jjit at 620 t sold etskwhire 12 at 25 goutlemen wanting a rst class good- fittmgeoat etc mavrely upon being suited m every respect by leaving their orders with brennan j the clothier 1 i go to- waters bros mure the gallery for artktd material 0 and water colors oraijom canvas ztrawinq papers brushes jlc oil paintings steel engravings cnromos 6c frames op al14 kinds monldiiiks koom and piiitnre corniepq- and cornice poles spnn j rollers and window slnfdes from 0c complete fancy gfoodssnitalle tor wedding and birthday presents ac visitos can have their pictures framed while in the rity so bring them with you to waters bios thepicjureigallerv near the post office agents wanted i steady imploymemt to good men none needlbe idle we previons espenenoe notessential pay either salarj or commu sion one hundred smart men wanted at once to canvass for tbe sale of anadiangrown nursery stock guelsh the fontbill nurseries labgtst s ctn ua q i j 400 acris dont appjy unless jou c m furnish first- olaas references and jvan to work no room for lazjy men bttti cm employ any number of energetic mbvho want work address i tone a we lllngton 1 nurserymen toeovro ost the ointment is an fijfallable remedy for ad legs bad breasts old wounds sores and ulcers it is iamous for gout and ebpumatism foi disorders of thechestit has no eoff p0r sore tbr0ats bbowfilhs 00toss colds glondf r swellings and all skin diseases it has no rival ct for contracted md stiff joints it acts hko a obarqi manufactured only at thomas holloways establishment 7d tov oxford strast oate 633 oxford strtet loadoa eag f ahd thp use on your machinery only the wejlinown is jije oil w w w w six have been awrded it during theuaat thn yeara waggods and horse powers j f au swmofor yonr samuel rocc8 cp torlonto i offowlefls rlcures cholhnx cholera infantum 1rrhcf allsummer complaints sold by ill oilers wbav13j mr 7 t mitchell desires to inform the peoj le at acton and surrounding that he is prepared to take orders for wjeaving all kint 8 of fancy rag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress goods striped orplj id twiuor plain also ped linketa aud ho rsebtanketbi two yawa wide and over and twill guarantee thi t i willgivegood b allfaimera and others who will favor rate with their p itronage t mitchell jg wk dfcfcl iviii ffj off kaitl i valat 1 ii per yd tlllllqj tllll option of t one colaa halfcolod quarter ci one inch mvcrtffic will bo intel ingly traf in advancol i changes in the offid they will bd loatractsi 15- frederick cb 81 4 tn ity hedica of pjiyaicia ornce h ll bt it al new systetj moij y taeth withj strator an college of rons mayd in apy op acton even of et ch ma jc hn l tario veteriuarv in deride kenny m tn souiiinefisj alt ed t rchss birristel ancers ee m soil oince- offic atg pert s biltc hold t b oi all j w jorv 20 vf ol hces- igj allin ain bl itllces lhist n strj tor ba lllutl lten ieni fears i m tjlie col ordejrs reftj my pronjptly i al ublo teresb moi nrmej in si j 0 sqaoi obn of file f tanc sued st george ac count peril idia j per gbn st m ney sent loant d for i seem ity prop iriy farms with t jam honor use ever and farmij dominion i cnlatsdjnl want ing fal rectn ins trf farni wa deno iuvit guel ih on ie hj an eisy shl seafoira a giver i condi tion tasti y cut j graq 7eiiler arificii 8001 set otvicn 1

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