Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1886, p. 1

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a v u volrmi5 xiixo 10 16 iv tculisllkl lyiuly thursday morning vt thk sc pss power printing house t at ton ontario us m u cv sk month rnnuvoviw aitv subscription rates ior v v il ii k vi if aol 1tij tu h inil unurj r mil km linvl no pior dicon tvjllli 1 tlvl ill itivun kin iai1 oxcopt ttt tllo optio i o tli piiblilur ri u aovertising rates- o n1 1 n in ii ill lnni l v u l i ol 1u111 o huh 0 mo j a mo vvivi jouo j0a1 lioo l- w t 00 co i j 00 i mo 7 00 uo 100 acton storey act on acton ontario thursday september banking coy christie co rankrrs- a gkxkhai tiiaxsacmx ul iwrtisometita cents per line for ow nirtiou uiddaiits nor hue for each sub- it mcrtion cash the number of lines mhn1 t the jaco occupied measured bj a n of miij notuvuttl v kertieniout without peufle direction wiukmisorlinl till torbid and charged ecord- ii h tnviitorv in rtim musts mut bo iud in jniioc luir foi i outran t ndvertiinentiinirt be hi tnc oluf l j nni on slwitas otherwise tlu- will be icft our until the follow iug week h r it mookk editor ntul proprietor tuic ntdcd rmy i found onfllent gtxx v this fartn ftftions iturrau 1 spruce st whorv d wtmrf utracuuiaj temaoeforlt in nk cwnjper ad lrertl by v 3usiness directory ii iowry m b m c p s graduate of trinitv college mem ber of college of phwcian and surgeons othee and residence at the head of frederick street acton ch stacey m p cm graduate of tnmtv unirersttj fellow of trm- u meiieal school member of the college of fiivsiciins and surgeons otri t cimpbell s hotel ontario ha xk ixg b vsinkss money 10 aksm on apph0vbd notes notes discounted aiid interest allow 6d on deposits albert college belleville ont 2 188 new qoods -vt- ib days bookstore cuelph c1h artkrtfl and opened in 1m7 over i 3000 pen ons have been an attendance 170 students enrolled last jear representing british colvmi tt mtnitoiiiinnnunkw youk ontvhio and qvkbkcj 87 diplomas and certificates awarded inc uding matric ulation music finb arts commercial science colleg iate and teachers courses fall term benus sht 7t i 1880 for annual catalog ie etc address riv w dyer ma hei cue -itelpi1- business college lph ontario u2 1 jh l l bennett l d s dentist georgetown ontario ia h leitit georgetown ont uses the nu vtii of nitrous ostje gas cora- mok c died ulued air for extracting t ah vitljatpun hain been demon- tritor n i practical teacher in rojal cakof ieutal unoni toronto jt- j reus iim kpenduponrecennug satisfaction in an operation- performed vyill msit jactoi clr secotd and fourth wednesday of eich north omce agnewjs hotel jt lvon graduate ofon- tino yeteriiiar college toronto ttralirsar acton ont ofkiu in kaiij broa boot and shoe store resi- deue m the rtar hores examined as to otiudnitvaud certificates psen all call- msht or da promptly attend ed to 1 erms eos johnston a mclean b irruters sohcitorstkotanes convey ancers de airpnvat funds to loan oiiia town hall actou h 1 b johnston wm a mili vn the third scholastic year begius september 1st patronage drawn from ten states and provinces young men and boj s thoroughly prepared forbusiuess pursuits uraduateseminenf- ly successful ks aocountajits business managers sliprthand writers clerks salesmen travellers etc boh iu canada and the united states mc derate rates thorough practical work aiud courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college splendid fact lties afforded for the ac quisition of frcuch ana german for informat on address i mmvccormick tt t principal 1 thuiikiuy monnina skitkmiikh 2 1880 poetry 25000 rolls wall paper ioo sets lawn croquet j i carload express waggons bi6 st06k low prices day sells cheap lumber shingles amd lath other kinds of lumber also clas line snmglos a lath phe undersigned ck sires to inform the public jl i that he has ljow on hand an will keep in ie undersigned di stoejk a full lino o vmc and hemlock as well as first and second coall wood guelph cloth hall when ouk ship oomes in a little child dwelt by the flowing bob and her home was tho home of poverty she iran with baro feet oor the tfoldon sands audi gathered shells with her tmnll brown hand gay strangers oamo in rich robes light i but the little maiden shunned thoir sight and shaking hor curls oer her blushing face i spot avvay like a fawn tlmt flina the chaso when the btraugers wore gone said the mother mild what was it dismayed thee my darling child i 0 mother my feet were baro and brown i had no bonnet and then this gown i she held up tho skirt of hor faded frock sadly rent by the rugged rock and sho said with a deep and longdrawn sigh will i have buch drosses as they by-and- by her mother smiled with a gravo sweet grace as alio smoothed the curls from the half- grieved face and said when our ship conies in from the sea youl bhall have garments and all things freo when our ship comes in 1 said tho littlo pno and away to tho highest rock she ran and watched till night bhadows dimmed jthe shore for the freighted ship and its treasured rtore long and often she watched in vain no ship for her sailed over tho main how many watchers in life there be for the ship that never comes over the sea oh i tho proof around a prin ling oflico is known as dovil the jicot which ho makes aftor going to the roofroador is returned to tho printors ai correction tho matte my dear to tho foreman what tho no tho mi and what d tho corrections are made mado in what it is thou given ft41 having purchal the coal bujnes of mr c s smith 1 am privwired to supply all kindb of 1 hite tlv a roci stock of ood- 1 o wood and ctoal deltiered stoccoal ihate hardwool ashcedar and mill voodat reason able prices v ood i jaales bkows a r h mitchell sollutil c0vlitnu tu oi r l firstdoor wet of the chautiiion omce mam street milton money to loan at per cent ci hilton allan baird utual fire insurance company i 00t72tt7 ol tht- l i ift jes hem barristers solicitors ac toronm oi gtoeottownj r s creelman s block georgetown ifij mi kiig street east toronto n t illvn j smnron nv j bukii nv i i b o ain laldlawd co buusteifb it soucitoks ia over imperial bank 24 wel- exchange 1tton street east entrance auev toronto jbunq c c a mvsten ayn iuu l vidik gtoioe kappele i pod w patents secured for inventions henry guisr ottavi cvsua 20 i ear practice no patent no pa merchant tailors uvt nutiveiitiihiit first instalment 01 nfcvv fall goods our story making newspape r of wellington est blisliti 18101 headoffice cuelph insures buildings merchajidnse mann- factories and all other descriptions of property on the premium noie sjstem fwstone president cttsts- davidson secretary john taylior agent hieiijxio i vv tm hemstrxet licini attioll t- 0 irk jtor the counties of wellington and haltou order left it the fbli piiss ofbce acton j oss at mv residepee in acton will be pomptl attended to terms reasonable montt to lon also monej toloaaon the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in- ttret iu sums of 500 and upwards ohn day architect gcilph ont onili queens hotel block market sijiiaie shaw 4 grundy merchant tailors cuelph wellington marble works quebec st gt7elp2 it was an exceedingly cold night and mr and mrs bunby hugged the stove closely he passing the time reading a paper and she sitting looking into the fire without any preface whatever she dropped the poker with so much force did it strike the hearth that mr bunby stopped his reading abruptly and looked over the top of his spectacles inquiringly mrs bunby had a happy thought and quiqkly it was transmitted to mr b john said she yon remember some timi ago ou promised to tell me how news papers are made fycs yes but some other time love no now please john again he tried to content her with a promise but it was of no avail she wanted to know then just how papers aro put together he hesitated the longer he hesitated the more impatient she grew and hefelt it se ing that postponement was of no avail he heaved a long sigh laid aside his paper and reluctantly began to uuravel or his wifes edification tho inner life of sinews- paper 4 in the first place said he he copy is sent to the composing room whero does tho copy conic from she queried from the editor and jreporterb of course i proof ttor loos ho do with it will you wait a minute the foreman takes the matter and places it in the form 4 what kind of a form an iron ch ise which when it has all tho novvs in it rhich is in type and it is locked up is en lied a form locked up how with quoii s and sidesticks sticks ant coiiih ha ha ha what kind of coins not coins nit quoins quoins and what i re they goodness raoious auy more ques tions a que in he resumed is a small block an 3 is wedged in between the chase and sitesticks with a shooting stick a bhooting- itick how does it shoot shoots the luoins into place with the aid of a mallet she did not imte understand but saw by the white of his eye that it would not do to question 1 im too much so she bided her time and hi went on sometimes ihe matter is pied hows that why whon some type is knocked over or drapped on t le floor it is useless and is calle 1 by the fn ternity pi iu thought h a had gotten through but tho irrcpressibh wife continued where do tl ley make the form up tl on the sto ie was the rejoinder what kind if a stone a round one no a flat oi e jv piece of level marble oh i see well when the form is made np it is put on the print ing machinefcndthedition goes to press what do tlu y press the papers for press the papers press and after they are printed peioe thttee cents old polks horr richini one of the mimics of the vienna opera house still appears in panto mime at the age of 80 ypsilanti is excited over tho rumor of a forthcoming wodding tho prospective bride being 80 and the groom jo yealrs of ago miss nancy rice the oldest person iu plymouth county mass died on wednes day aged 101 years 9 montlih and 27 days she was one of a choir that sang at a me morial service when washington died jenny lind is now quite a beautiful old lady her wonderful voice is not dead but it has passed into an echo dolly page hosmer aged 100 years the usual bible record to show for it died in -boston- last week new york world john omalley of perry la is in his 112th year and possesses good bodily health he recently walked three miles with no aid except a stout walking stick and felt no inconvenience from the trip i behind the hearse which boro mme gnruli aged 114 to tho grave in st peters burg the other day walked her sister who is now firm of step at the age of 113 years a chinese student according to the journal da havre who has reached the respectable age of 106 recently presented himself before a learned body of chinese savants and asked permission to be exam ined he was accompanied by his wife and two sons aged 90 and 80 respectively the other candidates for degrees who hap pened to bepresent accosted thecenteflarian iu a most respectful manner addressibg him asj old master he objected how ever and insisted that they should simply call him comrade one is never too id to learn new york herald little weatherwise rosy little diraplecheeke came panting in from play tired out and sleepy tooj twas such a scorching day on my knees uhe dozed awhile then said as up she looked folks call winter weather ran i think mm must bo cooked grandpas pet grand- they dont means printing they are circula ed throughout the city oh i see little time for h m to continue mrs bunby asked is that all while looking iu matter galley presses i the dimensions of heaven and after waiting some thank goot ness yes 1 he grumbled from behind th paper he had resumed silence followed he read on undisturbed for fully an hou hf s wife having regain ed her hold on t ie poker was occupied in twirling it at tl e same time murmuring ently at the ashes types proofs devils quoins abou t advertising j t71rancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st gebrges square guelph ontario acc unt books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully boundl rnlingueatly and promptly done pause and consider that it will be tt your own interest to pat ronize home trade we wonld respectfully inform the inhabitants of aciton and sur rounding country that we are agam in full ranning order aind in a better position than before the fire tj fill all orders entrusted to us to parties inilding lumber will be dressed i while yon wait and mouldings ac niach with neatness and despatch n bwe arie also prepared to fill all orders for j pumps on short uoticej and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaj mon every time so come on with our oiwer and help to roll the bill along ijoneyo hakes the mare go whether she has legs or o t john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer m marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble thol ebbagk manager acton john jdaley i successor to thompson jackson mou e to loan on farm property at 6 per unt mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other sccunl conveyancing in all its branches proper 1 y and neatly done charges low farmscand city property for sale list with f irms for bale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpnrchasers and cir culated m europe european capitalists wanting fstrms in ontario will bo sent di rections through our european agencies faring wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office near the post office guelph ont mhe hanlan barber shop miilsteekt acton an easy shave a stylish haircut a good beafeam an exhilarating shampoo always given i razors honed and pntin firstclass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cut livery sale stables john street acton having latcl visittd the haj of fund granite quarries and having purchased tho entire stock otfraj ad red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices ucv cr before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments c ft high co 7 ft 75 8 ft 90 9 ft 100 10 ft 120 all work aud material warranted firstclass parties wanting aiij tiling in this line will do well tp call and sec me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 per cent bolow all other dealers acton meat market wm e smith proprietor j p woiiiikn tonsorial artist i i james stirton ld8 dentist j honor graduate and member of the oijtano college of dental surgery paiales3 extraction or ao charge artificial teeth perfect m appearance and ubo s8j0 per set written guarantee with everv pot omatovcirhblockoprpoguelph mr smith has purchased the liverv business of mr h bi ccarthy which he has removed x his commodious stables on john street in the centre of the business portion of the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident tl at he can give satisfaction to every patron j t anyone desinag a oosuaercial plea sure or qomilny bjlg can be supplied with a firstclap i turnout on the shortest notice feutledge ordsson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat o in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win pnblio confidence aud support butjedge acton feb 9th 188c oroseon i horses boarded and sold i terms reasoqiblc wm 8 smith dont read the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wssh tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also 7lqvb axd 7sss and anything in the line of farmers honeo- keepew or contractors necessities i tho 0 moore oh i see then it is given to the tjpesetters what do they do sit on it no thunder no they are the cora- dositors who set it up toh they compose the copy and then it up but how does it sit e drew another long sigh and calmly replied the editors compose the copy tli en send it to the composition room and the typesetters put it in type what the copy yes they set tho types up so they will read as the copy reads oh i see a pause ensued john said mre bunby you stopped ai the compositors sotting tho type what do they hot the type in in a stick a stick i what kind of a stick 4 0 a stick is a device that is just the width of the columns of the paper aud holds seventeen lines brevier and what is brevier a kind of type that is pleasing to the eye and easily read- oh 1 see when the printers get a stick full he went on they empty iare tle printers different from the compositors i no he replied a little out of temper they are one and the same i0h iseea when they get a stick full of type as i was about to say they empty it on a galley- and in throwing it upon a galley dont it all fall apart no they lift it from the stiotef- and place it gently very gently oil a galley and whats a galley j 41 a long article made of brass in whioh the matter is proved what kind of matter prove it will you wait a moment- try and explain but give me time he said nettled a little at her cross oxamina- i r tion i 1 all right go on l t type when it is set up is called mat ter and when the first impression of it js taken they call it f impression of what i oh bother the type 1 when it is first printed on the galley that is called a proof and they call it proving the matter oh tbee does the galley print it no the devil 1 oil i john 1 she cried in tones of ro- pruirch why will yon use such words i was not swearing the apprentice if ou can arc use curiosity by an adver tisement it is a great poiut gained the fair sex dont he id all the curiosity iu tha world a thing wortl doing is wortludoiug well a thing worth a ivertisiug is worth adver tising well a newspaper worth advertising in onco is worth making a contract with it is a mistak u notion that a fine store iu an eligible 1 cation surrounded by at tractive signs is a superb advertisement for the experfen e of the most enterprising merchants is th it it pays better to spend less in rent and nore in advertising advertising is tbe pole that knoxsks the persimmons dont be afrai 1 to invest in printers ink lest your sands f life are nearly run out trying to do business without advertising is like winking a t a pretty girl through a pair of green gog gles you may know what you are doing b it nobody else does the enterpris ng merchant proves that he understands iow to buy because in ad vertising he kno vs how to sell bread ia the s aff of human life and ad vertising is the s taff of business a simple card may profitably stand years without change but a sensational adver tisement should be changed as often as you cau get the prin er to do it a heavy advei tiseroent onoe is more than quadrupled in v due by a small card pub lished for a few nonths after giving your address you cant eat you a year aud plan either now is the tithe to think about advertis- and reflection should bej followed by a popular periodical publishes tbe fol lowing interesting paragraph the idea being to endeavor to show in some way the dimension a of heaven any one may prove the approximate accuracy of the computa tion for himself by performing the several operations called for the basis of the calculation is taken from the sixteenth vrse of the twentyfirstchslpter of revela tions 9 and he measured theeity with a reed 12000 furlongs the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal twelve thousand furlongs equal 7920000 feet which beingcubed is 496793088000- 000000000 cubic feet reserving onehalf of this space for the throne and court of heaven and half the balance for streets we have the remainder 124198272000- 000000000 cubic feet divide this by 4000 the cubic feet iu a room 16 feet square and thero will bo 30321843750- 000000 rooms now suppose the world ulways did and always will hold 990000000 inhabitants and that a generation lasts thirtythroe and onethird years making in all 2070000000000 inhabitants every cen tury and that the world will stand 100000 000 years or 1000 centuries making in all 2070000000000 inhabitants then sup pose there were 100 worlds equal to this in the number of tho inhabitants and duration of years making a total of 2979000000- 000000 persons aud there would be more than a hundred rooms sixteen feet square to each person a bundle of sweetness rpllod up in blue a round curly head that was golc en twb wee chubby hands that came woping through and neer to one thing could bo h lden such a lump of fun as eyes never met and tho whole went by tho name of pas pet hes up in the morning when diylight breaks and everyone knows all about it the day begins just when roger awukes and pone are bo hardy ps doubt it an autocrat he whose wish must be met alj must bow to the reign of grandpi s pet does he want a crown hell have jrand- pap hat the coal scuttle serves him to fish in when he chooses to ride hell rffle tl e cat and pussy must benrfin submissit n he cannot do wrong lie never did yst why jthe whole world was made j ist for grandpas pet when he makes a crows nest of gra idpas wig then the old man is ready to kiss liim he draws his snuffbox about for a g g and the worst word thats said i i god bless him all clocks in the hbuse to his time ar t set well theres nobody there but gra idpas pet what pity we cannot be always youi g and rule like a ifing in his glory what pity that time with hib iron b ingne most change the sweet tune of lifes story alas that we lose in flurry and fret the dream of the time we were grandpas pet a brave little girl enough in a week to last you cant advertiseon that and how do they if so i will mg judicious action to make a msjn realize an idea as yon realize it is win t is necessary to make him needs advertisements rjlace a matter so clearly that they see it as clearly does people are beginning to of advertising the year the following incident related of a little heathou bengalee girl shows what children in those faroff countries sometimes suffer for the sake of their religion a little girl came to school a few days ago with a severe bruise on her forehead and on being asked by mrs mcfore what had caused it would give no answer but looked ready to burst out in crying but another little child a relative was not so reticent and said her father haviug ob served that she had not done her puja for a great many days asked her why she had so neglected her devotions to which she replied father i have not neglected my devotions i have prayed every day to jesus i do not pray to idols because i do not believe iu them this so enraged the father that he seized her by the back of the neck took her before the idol and having first bowed reverently before it himself forcibly bent the childs head several times striking it so violently on the ground that it bled profusely the child bitterly crying the whole time but she smiled happily enough when this was related in school and said that she did not much mind adding i cannot believe that trees and wood and stone will save me understand his should aim to before the publii as the advertise enterprising learn the valu round the peisistency of those who ar not intimidated will surely plac the f nd gathering apples by the cry of duu times but keep their n imesever before the public them on the right side in diamonds of thought chooso the r ght way however rough it will certainly prove easier than the wrong way j he who has 1 arucd the soenoe of silence may hide ignon nee aud even acquire a reputation for k lowledge and wisdom wo instinotivi ly applaud the courage of selfassertion tve should honor with a still higher appr val tho courage of self- restraint let a man try faithfully manfully to be right he will grnw daily more and more right it is the condition on whioh all men have cultivated ihemselves truly impracticable theories grew out of thought without knowledge op lack of con- soienoe the m m who wishes to help the world must beat a part in the worlds in terest and occup it km as it is now seasonable wb will offer some snggestions regarding the gathering of apples tho time for picking is usually october the frnit should be gathered before being exposed to severe frosts cool dry weather is the most favorable most of the fruit must be gathered by hand and ladders of various lengths are needed scattered fruit on tho ends of limbs can be reaohed by a fruit gatherer attached to a pole if baskets are used they should have hooks attached for hang ing them to the ladder or limb of the tree perhaps the most convenient arrangement for picking is a common grain bag with its mouth propped open with a stick and the upper and lower corners tied together this can bo blung on the bhoulder and both hands are left free for picking the fruit it is also very convenient to empty the apples from the hag as it can be placed in the bottom of the barrel aud then with drawn depositing the fruit without the least bruising a bbnepicientdiscovj3ry the noblesi achieveiiexi of scie ice the iron horse with its tireless strength its pulses of vapor and its heart of lame is a glorious exponent of the creative cap- i city of the human mind and fthe m tallic nerves through which intelligence a rnrses over a continent prove by every flash of thought which traverses them that man possesses one attribute essentially rand the power to annihilate space and time but vast and important as have bee n the results of making steam and lightnicg the common carrier and messenger o the world the discovery by which weal and impure blood can be vitalized or reitored to new vigor and purity by means c if in ternal and e ternal remedies is of ii finite value the resources of vegetable ci emis- try as developed and tried by thoinaii hoi- loway have proved equal to this rx ighty task his finious remedies impart to the stream of hie a disinfecting principle vbich frees the system from all impure and p ison- ous elements the powers of chemistry are almost beyond calculation aud as he has brought them to hear npon a 1 the varieties of disease in those invaluable vege table compounds known as hoik ways fills and ointment they have conir aseed their highest and hotiost object steam as the great motor is a subs diary agent it3 usefulness consists mainly in oonyeyjhg substantial benefits with speed and certainty to the fields in which they are to operate it is simply the bearer of blessings not their originator of sll freight which it carries over land and sea there is perhaps none so precious as flbllo- ways remedies it is scarcely a ifignre of speech to say that whithersoeverit conveys them it ises with healing on its wings under the influence of the ointment the skin however disfigured by eruptions or excrescenses becomes a tabufa rasa pure spotless and transparent and this erasnre of blemishes is not accomplished by driving back disease into the vital recesses of the system but by neutralizing the morbid material which feeds it the pills act upon the internal fluids andthe organs which secrete them upon the sanitary principle they destroy the acrid particles subjected to their chemjcal action as infallibly as an alkali neutralises an acid and at the same time impart a mild and constant electric action to the secretive and excretive machinery the sanction of governments the patron- ago of princes the approval of all christian nations the gratitude of pagan millions attest the worth of these twin curatives in fact there is no region with which eng land or any country has any commercial intercourse where holloway would not find himself at home some estimate may be formed of the extent and variety of his foreign- correspondence from the fact that bixty corresponding clerks of wfiich num ber sixteen are accomplished linguists are employed in conducting it he is the centre of a sanitary circle that belts the world daily republic the gloomy fears desponding views and weariness that many complain of would disappear were the blood made pure and healthy before reaching the delicate vessels of the brain ajrera- sarsaparilla purifies and vitalizes the blood thusi promoting hoalth of body and sanity of mind the place of honor a few days ago a forid mother gave a juvenile daughter a chocolate sweetie whioh however from maternal fears of the bairnies appetite was not eaten at once hut was to be kept till the afternoon before being devoured now dolly said tlie lovipg parent mind you have promised me on your honor not to eat the chocolate before teatime havent you yes mother answered the dutiful mite and went on her way rejoicihg a very short time afterward tbe chocolate disappeared all traces of it gone save a sticky brown mark round ihe little j girls rosy lips dolly dolly remonstrated the mother where was your honor iwhen you ate that sweetie in my omach waa the profound aud unanswerable reply one trial of mother graves worm ex- terminator will oonvinoejyou that it has no equal asu wormjnedicinp bay j bottle and beoif it does not please you

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