Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1886, p. 2

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i t ije jtttmt xu fjress tttcnstut monlvo 8kitkmiik 9 1880 1 j ready for prohibition a plebiicive on the question of prohibit tion to be taken ttt the next fieueral eleo- tiop it again talked of the present par liament pledged itaelt to enaoi prohibitory laws jast as soon as it vras shown that the country desired them and it was suggested that tho prohibitionists should go to work and have the scott act passed by the ooauties separately in order to prove that the country was ready for prohibition this has been done in all but a fow ot the many counties in which the scott act was submitted it was passed by consider able and in many cases by overwhelming majorities and this in spite of the allega tions ot the opponents ot the scott act that it did not effect its purposo in the counties in which it w in force a more effective law one properly enforced by the govern ment would be passed by larger majorities whether a plebiscite be allowed or not the prohibitionists should make a grand effort at the next elections to make their vote tell in favor ot prohibition in the next partia ment which will most certainly have to deal with the question in some way pub lic opinion has with regard to temperance grown too strong to be longer ignored notes and oomments some politicians expect the writ for the dominion general elections to he issued in october hello the french government ha decided to take charge of all the telepviie lines of france and to give the peopl j the use of them at low rates except the lord keep the city the watchman waketh trot in vain this is the motto mayor rowland has caused to be blazoned in blue and gold in a conspicu ous place in his office in the toronto city hall if the halfcolumn editorial devoted to the feee press is an indication the sim man didnt return home from his pleasure trip last week in the best of humor he most have spent histime on a farm for this labored article contains a saperabau daneeofhaff the meeting of the british association opened in birmingham on september 1st will be markedly colonial sir wra dawson is president amongst the speakers will be professor macoun dr selwyn of this country and others the other colonieb v will be well represented of the three newspapers in milton only the sun gave a detailed report of the dis cussion in council upon the important mat te of the proposal to introduce a water- works system for that town and the scheme if adopted involves a local expendi- tore of something in the neighborhood of 13000 and none but the sun made editorial reference to the matter tenly wideawake uptothetimes journalism as effecting local affairs doesnt imply very much in some quarters the scott act is being enforced with vigor in goderich and much satisfaction is being expressed with the work of the government inspector mr yates those dealers who have admitted the offence and so saved witnesses from unnecessary ex posure have satisfied both their friends and the temperance people we wish our exchanges to make a note of the fact that the prohibitory law is being faithfully vigorously and effectively enforced in goderich barroom drinking is now con fined to bum witnesses temperance men in other ridings can interview inspec tor yates with profit signal we should not be at all surprised from the present temper of the temperance people and their indignation at the atti tudes of hostility or inactivity of the do minion and ontario governments on the temperance question if a declaration should be made at this coming convention for the formation of a third party renfrew mercury upon the same subject the follow ing sentence from the ottawa evening jour nal may have some significance for the adherents of the two old parties the temperance voters in many constituencies are now in a position largely to control the result of the elections and they should not hesitate to decide between principle and party extraordinary remains ot an ancient monster found in lambton county the following respecting the discovery of the remains of some wonderful gigantic species of extinct animal has been received from an esteemed subscriber residing at att ractiveness of barrie as a place of resi k i i 1 1 rirj i oil city ma emtob i have just been up in the county about four miles from brigden viewing the remains of an animal supposed to have been one of those not chosen to be saved witnoak of old from the flood belowl give you the dimensions of the bone of this mammoth curiosity which your readers will perhaps find interesting the tasks are a tnflo over 4 feet in length 14 inches aroiiud and weigh 40 pounds each the bak teeth are 6 inches long and 4 iu width the others 4 by 3 inches the heid is four feet in length two feet three niches acbss at the eyes tho eye sockets are between 16 and 17 inches in ciroumference there are 40 ribs 3 feet 7 inches in length the length of the mon ster is suppose to have been about 18 feet perhaps more tat the bones of the back and limbs have not as yet been discovered thero was a wiggon box of food consisting of browee in ifa btomaoh in pieces varying from an inoh to five in length the finder expects to realize a small fortune out of it and has already been offered a handsome figure h n m hats ffufu from 75 cento to 260 at j a run to mifrkoka and baok tl o special boast ot our age is progress iutliis boast there it sufficient reason for the i g to congratulate itself uppu the pro- grew made among tho uumorouindtanco- men a ot the day none is more striking than tho i narvelloua frdilitioa afforded in over- corn tig dibtaucos within the raomory of many alive today it used to take a week to goto the grist mill and back while oxon hitc led to a woodshod sled and urged on at the rate of two miles an hour by means of a blue beech was reckoned a high rate of bdoc 1 but tho oxon and the blue bocch hav i become things of tho past whilo tho ubk uitous btago coach with that travelling nuii auco tho toll gate if they still lingor in son s places do so under protest whilo we i re gratified at the progress made and enfc y tho change in locomotion f rom two to bixt f miles an hour wo would not forget the important part which buck and bright dul e and diamoud played as pioneers in this northern civilization the age of cloi ring was necessarily a alow ono and re- qui cd tho strength and docility of tho ox but now wo pasbiuourinipatienoothohorso and harness tho lightning and hitoh it on to t lie written message and the spoken word vibitt stephenson morse and bell btand out as tho prominent factors in tho produo- of c ur present state of progrosg tho two former by seizing the spirit of water and the two latter the spirit of fire are illustrat ing today the infinite disparity between spi it and matter between a crystalline int ilhgence and brute force and the possi- bill ties along these hues are immense as a c msequence labor has become minimized ant i opportunities afforded for recuperation m t improvement coming within tho reach of jl and places of note long inaccessible to lie many havo been thrown open by the uiarvellous network of railroads which cover ourland through the action of the railroad cor- po atious whose motives i am not now go- in to discuss excursions have become a prominent feature of our times by this m ans a run is afforded to some place of interest and as a result scores are iuduced to lravel and the place is extensively adver- tisd a few days ago an excursion was an lounced under the auspices of georgetown brass band to gravenhurst and port carl in in the muskoka district in company wi h a frieud whose kind hospitality i had ben sharing for some days previous i su rted for this northern land of lumber lake and health the excursion was b th hamilton a northwestern hail way and stt rted from cjeofgotown at 7 a m the crowd was not si large as was expected but it vas select the band was in attendance an by their excellent music and gentle- mi nly demeanor during the entire trip m do the day a very pleasant and agreeable on 3 one striking feature of the excursion an 1 one that was frequently referred to was the entire absence of all intoxicating lfq aors and consequently the agreeable ab sence of that coarse vulgarity which is ah rav s a result of their use it was stated by the conductor of the tram and the asser tion was sustained by several others that no one of the excursionists gave signs of laving tasted liquor during the trip a mere orderly courteous civil and really jol y set i have not seen for years i net er bei ore was on any excursion about which th re was such marked evidence of the ab- sei ce of the offensive and i attribute it large ly to the entire aosenoe of the liquid fire do ring the whole day i neither saw nor heard anything that merited an apology except the conduct of three or four boys from the county of peel one of whom presumed that swi taring was an accomplishment but he be- cane ashamed of himself on finding that he was ma conspicuous minority so much then for something perhaps it might be taien as invidious were i to say so much for the scott act iu holton well the reaser may draw his own conclusions from whit i say when i state that the excursion wai from georgetown m halten the ma jor tj of the excursionists were from uahon anc l the fact was demonstrated to the satis- fac ion of all on board that true sociability anc enjoy ment are wonderfully promoted by the absence of the thing that muddles ami makes unmannerly jhe run was from georgetown to graven- hust by rail thence to port darling by water from georgetown the road runs through the townships of esquesmg cale- doi albion tecumsetb essa and innisq to bs rne the distance from georgetown to gr ivenhnrst is about 170 miles the coun try between georgetown and barrie is for the most part among the best in ontario to tenhatp beeton cookstown and tjhoru tor are thriving villages along the route bui the point of interest at this stage is ba me viewed from allandole the scene is dcturesque heie on the beautiful bay of kempenfeldt are situated the village of allandale and the town of barrie from allandale barrie is seep to great advantage anil as it rises from the west and ndrh she res of the bay presents a perfect picture this beautiful sheet of water affording steunboat communication with the rising tov n of orillia and other points on lake sit icog is one of the most delightful bays on kibe continent and adds very much to the up thero was waiting for ub the steamor komrjiah a tidy craft which wo bowled udamid thoshrok of tho btoanvwhtsli o aild cnlivouing strains of music from lie band wo started itp luke muskoka for p rt carling tho dirftanoe is about twenty- threo niilos but i joh a rait well you mu it tako it to appreciate it tho impression folt is a strngo mid weird feeling that ou can hardly explain it ih tho shook folt in passing between tho potos of extremes on ono side is tho town tho railroad with till the advancements of life day before you aud around you is thit peculiar stillness only broken conturicb b fore by tho indians in their unbroken novllfavn sohtidos for miles you pass on and nothing ounvcys u traoo of civilization excopt n saw- miu but thou you havo a poifoot kaloii loscopo of bond promontory point hoadlaud bay arm iulot and gulf affording such a sonso of delight that you can hardly oxplain after eight or nine miles aro passod your eyo catches touts aiidtjottages aud mansions and civilization again shows itsol f roouper- atiug ammiero you havoasoeio for the rest of tho way furnishing ono oif tho moat beautiful weiid sconos to bo met with on the continent whatoter this land of rock and lumber my develop into at present the idea is seized and utilized that as a reouperatiug station this is the placo its atmosphere ib bracing its water is faultlessly pure while fish abound and in ounoe or boat the people spend the greater part of the time on the water hence tourists who have come from all parts of tho continent languid and en feebled soon get what they call the mus koka appetite and this is tho secret of the attractions of the place we reached port carlmg about 2 pm the village is perched on a great 1ig rock at the head of the lako where a portage oc- curb here wo kvero welcomed by quite a crowd awaiting our arnal hero again civilization greets you stores and hotels af fording comforts and luxuricsto tho tourist port carling is the centre of the tourists region being the centre of supplies and postal facilities for the immense influx of visitors and hoil tli seelcrs to this deservedly popular resort our stayin the place was limited to three hours which was provokingly shoit because a weird spell had fallen upon us and wo wanted to stay longer why we could not tell amid the sweet strains of the band wo landed and the crowd dispersed while here au episode occurred which frequently occurs in life and constitutes what we call a surprise in coming out of one of the stores m company with my ifrieud i was accosted by an intelligent looking lady who said h how are ou i thought 1 knew jou though jou aro considerably changed since i saw you last why i am so glad to see you and father and mother are up the lake about a mile and they would be so pleased tp see you here i was with that lady deluging me with a perfect tornado of inquiries in a dilemma of helplessness not able to get iu a word edgewise i need not attempt to explain doubtless you have had a similar experience like a tlash the surroundings adjusted themselvesand mem ory went back eighteen years aud the figure of a clever little sunday schoolscholar rose up before me and i said you aro ella yes said she that was my name what a train of thought what changes iu eighteen years when i used to share the kind hospitality of her fathers home at sand hill we were introduced to her husbmd a genial englishman an ac countant iu a large house in toronto in company with these dear friends we had a bsautifnl row and another surprjso with her father and mbther and another married sister from the city i knew thorn but they did not know me and then youetan imagine how wc all felt as the spell broke and we talked of days of yore at 5 pm while the baud played auld lany syne and god bavo tho queen wo weighed anchor and set steam ive had no sail and rode down tho lako well it was lovely new advertisements wiohx vows i or 8aik mhk undftlthmnkd onus for lliillayr- jl slilio cow six otirh old 3 grades it auu i vosrsolil bothtoealvo in iobruary a helfors ouo 111 calf i 4 spring onlves it of uiein steer ami 1 hotter apply at onou to wm ohiiih aotou a 23th 1bh0 dei ce th railroad sweeps right around the bay and along the northern shore to ori ilia with the water in view nearly ah the way otillia from the station is not see i to advantage compared with barrie it f uffers in this respect the lagoon or ma rah over which the cars pass painfully slo v detracts from the favorable impression yot receive on entering the town at other pouts irom orillia to gravenhurst the chief fea ures are lumber and rocks interspersed witti sheets of water ith which this north ern country is profusely dotted the lum ber tog business is the chief form ot indus try hence tho numerous sawmills along the line and the immense quantities of lumber passing over the road ur stay at any point on the line was- short only affording a harried glance and as we approached gravenhurst a glance was suf icierrfr to prove jtbat whatever might be its business character its foundation is surs about 12 noon gravenhurst was rea mod hut no time for observation the onlf things visible from the cars being roc a sawmills and endless piles of lumber thr ingh which we thread otir way with the town lying away to our right at the wh irf along side of which our train draws ewk and lamb astray stkaybd from thuiirouilovbof tho subscriber ixit 21 con 1 enliolnk about tho lt of aiikutt a owo ami a lamb portly houthdown hulublo reward will ho jtvon for information which will load to tliolr rocovery cieo mtjlihollialid kacjucsltig aug ulril 1h80 5000ares ok 1and for salo in tbo county of duflcrlu a quantity of land foi salo at fiom 910 por aoro to 850 per aoro terms and prlcon to suit all custouiorx also vllloeo property in bhol- buruo homings mills corbotton luvorvlow aud mvlaucthon apply to j t kkmstueet auctlouoor lund afitmt o khclbiirno ah honifltroot in aeqiialutod with tho county of dultortu in almost ovory part wo can rocom- uiond htm to intending purchasers house and lot for sale rpiie undkllsionnd has rocelvod hirtruc- i tlons to soil on vory easy tornib tho houno and lot on church stroot now ocouplcd by mrs janios doll adjoining tho dwelling of charles 8polclit and itumodlatoly behind goo hyndb lowollery htoro thin is a doslrublo pi iporty tho lot is firstclans tho dwolluig lu rood ropair and thoro is a nice garden with fruit trees tonus aud particulars make known upou appli cation to i hpmoore i fjleli pnkbbophtk our camerons volume of discourses on tiih- epikle to the ephesians now heady suhschinnitb in and about actou will got thorn at mr qoorao hynds jowelry and fancy ooods store on saturday next and ock acton augubt 2dth 188g a l c the municipal council council met on tuesday evening the reeo iu tho chair mombers pres ent henderson fyie and cameron minutes of last meeting read and con firmed the lamplighter reported that some of the lamps need repairing the mutter was referred to the street and sidewalk committee the finance committee piestuted their seventh report as follows to the reeve and council of the viluujc of aclon i your standing committee op finance have examined the following acoountsj which they hud correct and recon mend the same to be paid robt wallace work on sidewalk i 5 5 00 the reeve for expenses in conveying james bolari to milton last winter 1 00 1 6 00 all of which respectfully submitted moved by d henderson seconded by j ffe that the report oftlie finance com mittee be adopted carried council then adjourned following wevd ii camkhqx a new and thrilling book of narratives life pictures from rums gallery or skotchea written from personal knowledge of persons who have been ruled through liquor by thomas trotter ld-s- owen sound ont rein additional testimonial i havo road a number of tho life picttirob from hums gallor aud bolifive that thov aro but too true lifo pictures of tho adornments gf rums gnllctyb walls those sketches of people of our own day aud of our own panada are given in language plain concise end convincing aud i am sure if the warniugs fnrultbod bv tlio sub jects of these slcetchos aud sounded by tho author against gatnbliug infidelity and ruin bo taken heod to by the yomiy and old too of this place nduo will rogrot having hpont sn evening over this readable little work v h howry mjj actou sept 1st is scotch englibh and canadian suitings in great variety at j fyfes acton if you want a nobby durable aud cheap suit go to j fyfes acton go to j fyfes acton for your cloth ing he can suit you for price quality and stylo over time spring suits and overcoats at extreme i ly low prices and made in the latest su tcs be sure to call and see them at j tj fes acton sale 5 remnants jobs and odd ends 1 1 l -oo- rives jobs and bargains r -oo- fants ov p1unt8 remnants of tweeps remnants of denims remnants of- sh1rt1mgs m rkmnanftf of dress joods i remnants of laces atfb ribbons remnants all kinds of goods to be- cleared out at any price i 1 o- jop lines of- oorsets job links of ladies shoes job lines of childrens shoes job lines of mens nd boys boots these goods to be sold without regard to price being odd lines z and sizes o- see our new fancy prints new nice and nobby just in remember our famous 50c tea i i r e co glasgow house acton i r pall hats fall hats at th z east end clolhing store eyery noyelty in felt ttoods i for fall wear at moderate prices i kcolt act prosecutiotas mrs a goring who was charged with violation t the c t act befoire p m yjoung on tuesday of last week has beeu ctovicted and fined 850 and costal this is w rs gorings fln it offence on the 20th ilslias clark of geoitfetown was fined 850 an costs and on tlie 23rd inat thomaslitile of paleiino was also fined 50 and coats we learn that charges have been made against a number of other hotels keepers in the county wlwwill appear in due time far trial before the magistrate these con victions secured by inspector brothers go tc show that he is discharging his dnty ligently oajfcwwe star phe grave mcdonald iujacton on tho 26th august peter modonald st aged 07 years dew in guejph on the 29th august donald duff aged 41 years the funeral took plooefrom the residonce john doff near eveitou acton cemetery i of bis brother oil tuesday to j fyfe why do we do it r we wont till our cellars with unnecessary goods out they must tjo is ho verdict of ryan berkinshaw co cuelph o i v s green pure pari in any quantity turnip seed frese and reliable paints and oils firstglass am cheap iaciosse basis ball goods just ahrived new pat1ern uaughnawaga sticks spauljdings standard balls c h e iv i it mogarvins drug and stationery store aoton s ip try the alaska they are the bet if you have been disappointed in e o t jx 6 ij es s we ever 80ldt 1600 yds dress goods 5c per yd worth i2c 800 yds beautiful dress muslins 5c per yd worth 8c 13000 yds beautiful prints from 5 to 10c per yk this is three lines onfv of a hesb seo hand bills -o- ryan berkinshiw co successors to john hocc son 93 upper wyndham street guelph your v attention v pleas l v oo 1 bros kenney bros main stijeet acton to the front with s pine stock of new fall goods qaabty we have a fiue fiasortinent aud your every wait can be sopnhed mansur hues an valises land rectivcd frouv the repairiug done with entness aud despatch kenney bros dominion house b s4vacje 9ola agent for quelpli east ed spore t r we sell dry goods and grqoeries as cheap as the cheapest o gentlemen desiring perfectfitting suits can- kot do betrer tha leave their rders with 3 john nelson acton

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