t7 i f iildn itwfctf school opening oeo hyndsactoi ha on hand ft com plet stock cf new reader new histories grammars arithmetics geographies slates drawing book copv books pens and ink we keep tho most complete assortment ot school books send the children o goo ik nds for tho r books a hue stock ct ihivdopts ilnd paper on hand gfo hynds actonont th whtoh 3 wfieft j b raking8 ftifi principally local and air- intereaung the fruit season is n6x tit i ilitli nmt jif hitlnlkx kviit all kmiu ot print n- tic como in orli r for u qiauitirj of am vuut ot krull uken 3ia mod willi tho tnwt thi tluioa artoixl- vemlm iv the attraction torfmccontoctton- int mined good- fee croain hou water ac j m lkknlry in urn post office llulhllug f he rtoir m rrss llur- v mokm0jthmlih 3 18s0 crumbspor breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters septembers come again board of iducationiiet mondaj a milton merchant it sol hug 20 pounds of sur for a dollar the exhibitionseason will be opcued at torontonext monday the welcome ring- to parents of tho school bell is agim heard ksqnwuig show will bo held at george- town on the 1st of october snndu wasau oppressively hot da it was hard on the preachers starch huh campbell hillsbnrg had his fog broken while pliwug footbill the other biht with tie wrm showers of the past week or so the pstnres have much im proved ctvio ho may jit has icon suggested talus that monday 13th sopombcr would boiv very acceptable dito vv it it our citicns generally for civic holiday a requisition to tho koevo would no doubt secure tliis or any other tmitablo date f 1 band ooi loert in the pork acton comet bund will gto u grand promona lo concert in tho park this thura d ever nig tho grounds will bo brilh- untlv llhiminated for tho occasion a foot ball natch will tuko placo during the concert married i single none of tho baudsme i will bo eligible to play concert to comm uico at 730 admission adults 10c chih iron 5c everybody is invited whiter a rrangeraent for services bev j pigott ba has just prepar ed a ery comprehensive calondarofwjnter arraugcu ants tor services in connection with tho sliurchs ot st albana actonand st joins bockwood it embraces a i series of mission serv ices throughout the j parish biblical lectures and readings the usual holiday and ion ten services and the reguli it vv ecklj bervices of the churches honors i or oakvule high sohool notwit istandmg the extreme difficulty ot the pa pors at the late second and third class examuations oakville high sohool has succeeded iu pissing 88 per cout ot its j second cl l53 candidates and 80 per ceptof its third class to addrto its laurels i mcuill j repariug for a umveraitj courso has gained firot position in geography and history iecoudin english and first class honors at late matriculation iu trinity star soon be cjf ago tho ge argetow n ihntul has just com pleted its twentieth volume and wo are last week mr thos aitkin of scotch pleased t bloct threshedjuo bushels of oats from 10i tooks it elections were in iwt weather the dtfevted candidates would enjoy being snowed uuder the milton baud will have a grand j concert in the town hall on the second night of the fall ljiosv mle uiloadiu a car of lioops on tiie- i n mr tnos c moore made a mis- i step and fell bxcwitgone of his rib j the bickbore of summer mav not be sxietlv broken but it i hunting for a coohr place and with so reshow of success a select partv wih be held luthetown hall to morrow esmins one hundred i indsti ue mvititom hie been sent out ft e underatand that messrs enickhn j t sou of the speedvale mills guelph will oiirr ence bu ig grain on the market here aei week i jaoilee wa held iu the salvation irm birracks ou monday evening con lnjents from guelph gait and brampton were preent the additions to the tanning capacity af the cordovan tannery are about com pleted the output will now be consider- blv mceased there is a verj big i m all the predic- ions as to the result of the foot ball match his evening may the best team win t general v does rev mr grant student of queens college kingston preached in knox church lastsjndav he will occopj that pulpit again next sandaj rmr w s smith has reopened business inguelph his newshop will be found in st georges square jle has christened his store goldsmiths hall mr ed matthews store on mih street has been remodelled and renovated inside and out and is now occupied bv mr a w green with his knitting business 1 the tergus alrxal celebrated its first birthdav anniversary last week the adro cniins a hvelj and rnteiesting local paper and a model of neatness in typography ballots for the election of elders iu knox church were distributed among the memoer last suhdav the names of twentv fotu candidates appeared six to be elected the ratepaverii of burlington will vote on a b law ajthonzmg the muuici pality to issne debentures for 81500 to defray the cost of legal proceedings to which that villagers been pat the first edition of rev d b camer ons new olume of discourses on the epistle to the ephesians is now ready local sub scribers may receive their copies at the store of mr george hynds the other sundav morning a certain minister offered the following petition lord bless our servant girls who are de tained from joining in the worship of thee the sleeping of their masters and mis tresses oakvilles harbor debentures have been sold for 103 30 they pay five pw cent half yearly and are drawn for twenty y ears it speaks well for the town that its debentures command such high prices in the market a nice assortment of specimens of printing has been received from the new market era office the several samples are neatly and creditably executed and prove that the era office is equal to all de- mauds made upon it a lacrosse match between tho janiors of ilitton and the stars of ctou in the driving park on tuesday evening resulted in thrj straights for miltop it- was an asy walkover onr boys now think licro3se is no game for them it isnt if t ley wont practice the acton base ball club for leasons best known to themselves refuse to i lay a match with the white oaks here ilthongh our boys pjayed at actob last ear they have been challenged by the 1 vhite oaks to ploy a match at milton on wednesday sept 1st oahciue star the pubhc are apparently determined 1 o keep up a rush in our job rooms be- t ides the large volnme of work for thetocal trade we have within a few days past re ceived orders for job work from london j lamiltou adsa craig princeton salford 1 vaterloo guelph limsboose and yarker i ud not one of the jobs was solicited by us be able to congratulate fucnd warren its esteemed editor upon the pro press it is making tho hcmld is improv ing and tie last issue is the best wo liavo seen for same ears the job work now executed ij the hei ulla also superior to that of brmer davs and this is much appreciat d by its patrons we wish the journal abundant success base ball match amatcii between th s clippers ami the georgetcmil club was n ajedon thegrouuds of tl e for ner last thurdav the playing was of rather aln indifferent character on both sidfcs as the fllowng seore will prove a milton man duped by a crook jobi harvoy alku htucvoy wallace who is looked upon aa ouo ot tho olevoreit oonlldeuoo mon in thecouutry waaarreted 1 by detootivo burrows yesterday on a ohargo of having swindled hughlattonof mutou out of 850 on tho 14th ot july last a stranger said to bu wallaco introduced lrimfulf to button us au old friend and after soino conversation patton advanoed to his new found frioud 50 accepting ft bogus chook for a largo amount as security tho detectives us soon as informod ot the woik suspected harvey wallace but could not catch a glimpse of him until today when burrows run him in toronto flewt from canada to bethlehem on lfnday evening tho 20th mst ltov g el howie a native of mount lebanau and a grandson ot a greek clergyman gavo a vciy interesting lecture in knox church a rt port of which was inadvertently omit ted from our lost issue tho lecturer gave an account of tho ronto from quebec to jerusalem dwelling in detail on the incid ents couuocted with the journey l tho prob- able cost ot tlio trip and other matters pertaining thereto ho landed his hearers at joppa a sunport somo 35 or 40 miles from jerusalem from which place tho journey was madout vehicles to tho city of david ho pictured many of the places ot interest m and about tho holy citj and then described the route from jerusalem to bethlehem and tho church of tho nativity vividly describing the grandeurs of thib revered structure many other mattcm of importance were referred to by tho recital of which the audience was kept interested fori ovor an hour the lecturer appeared in eastern coslumca rev mr howie came to great britain in 1874 and after spending three years there returned to the east to fill the position of suporintendont of a school at bey rout in 1h80 ho returned to ediuburg and con tinued his studies for the ministry of tho presbvtcnan phurch in 1884 he was licensed by the ediuburg presbj tery and in april of 188o lie came to canada and has spent tho interval in lecturing and preaching attho recent meeting of the gcneril assembly he was received as a minister eligible for a charge in the pros- bvtennu church mr howie lifts many testimonials of high character ami rev b flint dd l l v university of edm burg writing to pnucipahorant of king- hton sajs of him he studied in the hall here thiee sessions and iu spite of the drawback of blindness dccidly distin guished himself d jermtfs for nobby goods at the lowest cash prices l am offering tor tho june iradospeojal inducements housekeepers and others requiring anything in tho linej mentioned below can rest assurer that they can buy from me at more reasonable prices than any other store in acton and as cheap as any outside ot toronto i have given tho staff particula instructions not to misrepresent goods and customers will fiud goods exactly as we represent thorn to be t buy for cash saving there y laigo discounts 1 sell for cash or trade and consequently have no bad debts so an intelli gent publio can see at a glance that it is n t necessary for oash stores to pile on big profits in order to live as credit stores have to do or in other words make the promptpayh g customer pay for the one that never intends to pay in the following lines i have reduced fully t wentyfive per cent and over in some cases with the exception of groceries which i will sell as cheap as tho cheapest dress goods in nuns cloth i ersey cloth canvas cloth black and colored allwool cashmere black and colored lustres silk grenadineb pongee silk black and colored gros grain sijks black and colored satin black satin merveilleux black and colored velvets velveteens and crape cloths hosiery all makes and prices glovssto suit everybody dont fail to see our misses lisle gloves at 15c corsets hoop skirts bustles and lajdies underwear printsi no house in canada hai ever shown a nicer range than we have now on our counters beautiful designs in canvas prints a good cjlotb fast colors splendid pattern for 10c wel worth 12c ginghams and muslins to please everybody gfay cot tons white cottons shirtings ducks durims towels towelling greatvalue brown holland table damask etc etc house njrxisiiils in tapestry union and hemp floor and stair oilcloths curtains ot nearly every stylo ask to tee the madras muslin at 2c poyard it makes lovely curtains and warranted to wash well turkish rugs from 3 up million ery although it is ge ting late in the season i am still adding novelties in this department and customers will fiud correct styles and a competent lady iu chirge j 1 boots and shoes wall papers and groceries all at prices to suit tho times w remember tue place- ever be forehanded seize time by the forelock l 2 i l 5- runt5 j h 0- 71005 total 18 13 i clippers georgetown buus mr i francis performed tho duties etf ompire iu a fair and impartial manner three yp ingjaen fror l muton thos sandjerson of lililton came to the citv to se the circus and met two of his old bchool companions george sloan and john hamburg thej bad a pood time thurs day nighti and went to bed together in an adelaide ltreet hotel i sanderson put 917 and some silver in his sock and when ho awoke j eiterday morning the money was gone he had his companions arrested and they appeared before col denison sloan wa found guilty and sent to gaol for 60 days end hamburg was discharged globt waterworks for milton a comn uttee appoint d bj milton council to make a cursory estiriate of the cost of a system of waterworks i or milton brought in their report at a meetng last week the cost of a 00000 callou reservoir with the necessarv mains and hydrants is estimated at 51332 a practical engineer will at once be emploved to make surveys and re liable esti mates- we sirjterely hope that milton wi 1 be able without severely crip pling herself to inaugurate jost such a comprehensive waterworks system as the committer have estimated npon fteeognmug the of purchasers wh griffins old stand the halton dry gocds house acton thus new advertisements golden lion of guelph fact that tho hosts i from the neighbor- training i chool for guelph the ed acation department has selected guelph collegiate institute as one of the training yr finishing schools which are being established indifferent pirts of the province last v ear two of these schools were estal hshed one luihamiltou and the other in kingston but the demand for the kind of training they are intended to supply ha becorr e so stroug that the department has wisely resohed to establish two raoie of thorn t nd one of these will be iu con- nection with the collegiate institute of this cit the work to be done is the training professionally as well as educationally of assistant masters of high schools and teachers holding hrstjclnss certificates guelph ilercunj gtrelph is to be con gratulated at this honprable distinction honoring the colonel on wednesday evening last the band of the 20th llatt lome rifles came up from georgetown to serenade their esteemed colonel ithey arrived on the 545 tram and marched to col allans residence play ing a number of lively airs en toute after the rendition of seveial selections the band was called in and partook of a sumptuous tea presided over by mrs c s smith the worthy daughter of the colonel the evening was very pleasantly spent by the band and i nnmber of invited guests on the spacio js lawns and terraces of fairview place and there was music in abundance before departing the wljole company was regaled with cake and coffee after which a very enjoj able evenings entertainment was concluded the colonel appreciates highly this mark of esteemby his battalion band where oh where have they done argus 1 the occasional edijtor and our corres wndentegendrally evidently took tbemselvei i to the woods consciousstricken for the tumble thoy brewed before the editor retimed from his recent trip it was well f r themselves they did bnt oh the pity tl ey should bestow upon ye poor editor h is lot is now ja hard one by the way jnst i we go to press the following from arus writtenon what was pro bably one a piece of basswood slab was received ly oor honest impr i have been takin a ranch njeeded vacation if you think t safe for mi to return this week or next let me know and i will be on deck for the cor jing issue t you come tum- mas remember it is lipon your own re- uponsibiltty from thej occasional etc we fear no htug will be heard until cooler weather purely personal paragiaphs respecting peqple wlthwftom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted mrs george c smjth is visiting friends in toronto mrs james moore visited friends in ber lin last week mr w a storey left last wek ou a trip to now york mrs jane b cameron visited friends at sheridan last week mrs h b mccarthy of carleton place is visiting friends here miss nellie grant is spending a three- weeks holiday in nelbou j mr thomas janes aud faruilv removed j to glen wilhams this week miss butchart of milton is visiting acton and guelph friends this week miss m e nelson of guelph spent a couple of days this week with acton friends mr a a stewart and miss clara stew art of guelph were guests of acton friends this week mr george matthews of montreal paid the friends in his boyhoods hoiho a visit last week mrs thomas t moore went to toronto on tuesday to visit her father who had fractured his leg mr a irvin postmaster of gore bay manitouhn island visited acton friends during the week miss meda nelson returned home yester day after spending a couple of weeks with friends in guelph mr and mrs w crosson of wood- bridge were i tho guests of mr w g crosson this vveok the fnte piiebs had a pleasant call last friday from major kerns mpp aud mr w p appleby mr d m grant who has been employed i iug towns and municipalities run by riil to guelph fur their dry gords purchases is o nil do not conic here to buy common ev ry day staples but the better class pf goods tho very newest styles in fact such goods as merchants iu smaller pikes cauuot afford to show a large assortment of wo direct special attention to no 27 lower wyndham street the acknow ledged business hemse for the newest choicest and best of the market believing in the principle prompt ly on time we have already opened upwards of jo cases and bales of new fall goods and while wc havo still a tew lines of summer goods which we arc clearing out at discounts of 10 to 50 per cent we direct special attention to our new lines of dress goods nevr lines of black and colored silks new lines of plushes new lines of striped velvets new lints of mantle cloths new lmes of tweeds new lines of coatings now line of fancy gloves and ribbons in fact ntw lines in al most every department which place the attractions at no 27 far beyond anything offered by other houses we invite eyory purchaser to call on us and especially urge our friends from a distance to come and see us it will well repay you wo keep such a large stock and do such a large trade in nice choice goods that you cannot help but find it pleasant ondprofltahlo to favor us with your patronage we offer all goods at close cash pricis do not bcii on credit do not pester people to buy more than theyiwant nnd give atten tion and fairireatment to all our cus- iomcrs if you aro not of that number begin now history lovells gazetteer and oy the dominion of canada in nine volumes royal svo to be commenced whenever sufficient number of subscribers is obtained to cover lost qt publication subscription to thti nine volumes tooo to the province of ontario or to quebec au jo to xew brunswick or to nova fcotia u jo to manitoba or to british columbia h950 to prince edward island or to northwest territories 950 each province to have a map please send forprosjjectus john lovell masageh ajvd pcbluibheik montreal august 4th 188r the halton force pump ild great clearing sale goods all reduced to ridiculously low prices and every variety of force well and cistern joroisr pttmfs lanufactured by a g bounsall 0azville osf t agents wamed nuns yiiliugs new shades canvas cloth netv shades alhwoo on the mechanical staff of the peteiborougl renao is home ou a visit mr and mrs j m williams of hamil ton were the guests jt mrw d beardmore a couple of days last week dr robertson exm pp of milton was m town on tuesday and as usual favored the fnte pblss with a visit mrs d a vanfleet and effie of kil- tiride have been the guests of her sibter mrs j e howson during the week we are glad to learn that mr w mc- guire editor of the tilsouburg libeial who has been seriously ill for some time is convalescent rev alex russel well known to many of our readers has received a call to the presbyterian church bothwell and will be inducted next sabbath mr and mrs w h storey spent several days very pleasantly in and about lambton mills and the humbor the home of mr- storeys boyhood last week rev j j rapp of nassagawoya well known to many of our readers is about to leave for evanston 111 to take a theologi cal course in garrett biblical institute in thatcity mrs r little leaves today for birming ham eugi via the gurnard line sailing from new york on saturday her many f rionds here wish her a safe voyage and a pleasant visit mr isaac francis left last friday for gloversville ny there he was joineiby mrs francis and children who proceeded with him to new york and the atlautio coast wjbere a pleasant week will be spent mr j m fernley who baalortwo years very ably and courteously filled the position of deputy post master has succeeded mr c h gibbons as bookkeeper for messrs e r bollert we quot j prices bejow to prove our position that we sell cheaper than others silk and satix department black ai d colored silks f 37j 45 50 co 75 90c and up black ai d colored satins 37i 45 50 60 75 90c and up black ai d colored merveilleux 87 95 100 3108 8110 and up fancy s xiped aud brocaded satins colorediand black j 50c to 8100 frexcii dress goods 15c 15c melaugier cord i 25c frieze i ffect all colors very cheap english dress goods bi oeade chalho 5c fancy s npes worth 20c for 8c beautiful caslimerette 10c lace canvas cloth in black cream bronze and mid brown only worth 25c for 12c muslin department lovely i mo colored muslins l v 5c lace mi slins 5c white ai d colored lawns 12jc and np swiss s ots and checks india mi ii all shades i jverylow canvas i lull all colors prints fast col r ramapo punts newest sffects franconia prints ashtous madders worth 121c for best enf hsh cambric crombs best cloth wojth 20c searsuekers to arrive one case at about half price staples best val le iu shirting factory cotton worth 7c at best fac tory worth 10c at table cc vers pure flax colored borders at actoj5t bread cakes for oc 7c 8c 124c 1 el shaker 1 lanuel colored and white 12jc oc 7c 50c pf all kinds on hand op made to order biscuits goiifectionery c 27 lower wyndham street guelph ontario under v corsets the boating shawls holesale pncpver 200 to choose from vi i splendid range from 30c hosiery fe gloves in all varieties of bhades styles qualities special value another big lot of buttons 5c per doien clothing i our cuti is the best our stock the largest our prices the lowest and j our work of tho finest quality d williamson co moore mcgarvm success we wish him every cemeteiv question is not settled yet but the foi that w williams has the best stock of boots and shoes in the county iu settled beyond dispute 1 i r i have just received my spring stock aud am prepared to auitj all old customers and as many new ones is see lit to give me a call jn all lines of footwear 1 boots for the babios boots lor the men boots i do make boots i do mend custom work and repairing promptly attended to 1 vym williams ice cream i soda water 1 served at all hours mrs t statham acton planing mills i williamsojn bamshaw pltoemeton boiller and contractor sasb door and blind factory hardware the jheaposi place iu the county to buy your hardware is at j e howsonsi scythe snaithes scythe stones forks rakes cradles etc etc in endless variety is prepared to put on storm doors win dows weather istnps etc on short notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices we have ohs of fleurys celebrated chop ping mills and will chop all idnds of grain on tuesdays thursdavs and saturdays taram3haw j managers pure paris green cheap -o- groceries- myrtle rvavy tobacco per plugilsc 25 lbs choice rice forl 20 lbs pearl tapioca lor 1 20 lbs currants for 1 2 cans to matoes for 25c 2 cans pumpkins for 25c 2 caus peas for c 2 cans cdrn for 2pc 2 cans haddie for 25c 2 cans salmon for 25cj 1 25c bottleof pipkles 20c 4 bars dmgmans electric soap for 23c 1 lb of our ooc tea for 45c the key to hjealth pure cheap boots and shoes- we are joing out of boots ani shoes imd will offer the entire stock at less than wholes ale cost at j b howsons unlocks a ltfio clogged avenues of the bowels kidneys and ifver carry ing off grodu ally wit hout weakening the system all the itipurities and foul humors of the secretions jat the samt time corrxjtngi acijity of the stomooh urmg 3iliouineas dys pepsia headaphea sdwliiness heartburn corutcipatio i dryness of the skin dimey dimness of vision jaundixrt salt rheum erysipelas scroftida fluttering of the heart nervoiianesa and gen- eral debility etll these and many other similar com flainta yield to the hap influence hlof burdock t jqxbcbn a co proprietor toronto newspaper lord th0has advert to tf bandolph bucueagplkoept ots paper onflte dwrtisers and are authorised to make contract with