Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1886, p. 4

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fcs3kfevwa hm u t y 4 rir rucnunxt mornuw skrtkmitkti 3 16s6 l w j j j stif sja e- irtg si vhjcrmhb woods turn brown hjow will itbc when the roses fade 0 itot the garden and out of tit glade hen the fresh pink bloom of the sweet brierwild ityiavleaus from the dell like the check of a child 1 chaiujed for dry hips on a thorny bush ijhcn scarlet aud carmine the graves will flush i ow will it be when the autumn flowers v either away from their leafless bowers j yhen sunflower and atarflowerud golden rod j glimmer no more from the frosted sod 1 nd the hillside nooks are empty and cold 1 hen the forest tops will be gay with gold 1 low will it be when the woods uru brown 1 heir gold and their crinihcra all dropped down j jnd cronibled to dost ob then s we lay tjrar ear to earths lips wo shall hear her say in the dark 1 am seeking new gems for my crown e will dream of green leaves when the woods turn browns lucv lortvm all sorts u hard and soft corns cannot withstand j loticjway s corn core it is effectual every time get a bottle at 6uce aud lie happy wrtk iteiulmbrrln hi a lorn letter- from john h hall of baddick cape breton ns he says 1 t elieve were it not for burdock blood bit- tjrs i should be in my rrave it cored ne of kidney and liver complaint and f bneral debility which had nearly proved fktol ayers ague cure when used according tb directions is warranted to eradicate f torn the system all malarial diseases iuch s fever and ague chill fever intermit- t snk remittent and bilious fevers and isoiders of tk liver try it theexperi- i lent will cost you nothing if a cure is not tjfracted t the keacac when all other remedies fail for bowel complaint colic cramps dysen tery then dr fowlers extract of vild strawberry conies to the rescue iius writes w h crocker druggist 1 vaterdown and adds that its sales are 1 irjja and increasing have you ever tried mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate for sores of any kind it i beyond doubt the very best preparation in the market for healing and curing sores burns cuts pimples blotches and is the only proper method of applying carboiio acid sold at dt mcgarvins drug store for 25c per box r a great a wait flag there is a great awakening of the slug gish organs of the human system whenever burdock blood bitters are taken it arouses the torpid liver to action regalates the bowels and the kidneys purifies the blood and restores a healthy tone to the system generally mrs e h perkins creek centre war- ren co n y writes she has been trou bled with asthma for four yean had to sit up night after night with it she lias taken two bottles of dr thomas eelectric oil and is perfectly cured she strongly recommends it and wishes to act as agent among her neighbors h- asarttklag ia sore core ior smnmer complaints procure from your druggist one 37 cent bottle- of drj fowlers extract of wild strawberry and use according to directions it is infallible for diarrhoea cholera mdr- bus canker of the stomacii and bowers and cholera infantum very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints who might have been saved if proper rerne- dies had been used if attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of dr j d kel- loggs dysentery cordial the medicine that never fails to effect a cure those who have used it say it acts promptly and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease afraltfalheaton the fruitful season of this year is prolific with many jorma of bowel complaints such as diarrhoea dysentery colic chol era morbus cholera infantum fec as a safeguard and positive cure for those dis tressing and often sudden and dangerous attacks nothing can surpass that aid and reliable medicine dr fowlers estract of wild strawberry i jr jj d kelloggs dyseptery cordial is a speedy cure for dysentery diarrhoea cholera summer complaint sea sickness and complaints incidental to children teething it gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit cucumbers etc it acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease no one need fear cholera if they liave a bottle of this medicine convenient have you toothache use fluid light- jjiag i have you bheumatism use fluid lightning t 1 have you a stiff joint use fluid lightning have you neiaralgia use fluid light- ning have you lumbago use fluid ljfiht- v are you troubled with headache use fluid lightning have you any pain use fluid light ning it will score you the instant it is applied try it 25c per bottle at dr mcgarvius drug store houoaayi piluand juitmait diseases of women medical science in all ages has been directed to alleviate the many mala dies incident itp females but professor holloway by diligent study and attentive observation was induced to believe that nature had provided a remedy for those special diseases he has after vast ire- earcb succeeded in compounding his dele- beatedpflls and ointment which enibbdy ihe principle naturally designed lor the relief and cure of disorders peculiar to vomen of all ages ana constitutions whether rending in warm or cold climates they have repeatedly corrected disordered functions which have defied the nsualdrogs presiribed for aaoh cases and still more sasiaiactory isit that themsiady is relieved compwelybdermanently a o imblele bkajkdewa for ten trs says j mule m harrott of walldcobi rgi ont i did not see a well day was jnll broken lowi i with dyspepsia liver ompl pit catarr i aud debility three docu rs abaudom d hope for me whcirburdoi k blood bin era oamo to my hcuii it ii tbo bot mc iioiuo i lmvo ever takduj lu this for the foringasi did riaia ughtijimit there are t p t few that have never suffered almost uktol amble pain neuralgia like acute such au uistt lit roltof as fluid lighluuigis an untold bl issiug in tin c of trouble i no disgusting oliunsivo incdi tines to boi ttiken onlays on application of fluid ltuht benent of all suf- from toothache pains to ihein sold at j k mcoarvius 20 i have used mc- lug euros drug store this is to certify lhat gregors spiedy ture foir dyspepsia and livor comp aint knddo honestly say that if it cost mo olio hundred dollars 510000r a bottle i wc uld not be without it as it has done mo mere good thau all the medicines i ever used jwid i feel like a newman yours truly i alkxj stkkl carloton place ont this nedicine is for sale at 50c aud 100 per battle at dr magarvius drug store the latest remedy for coughs colds cronp hooiing cough broucliitis etc is mcgresor8 lung compownd- there is uo remedy in eiistoncecontaiiiiiig any oue of the active ihgredicnu composing mogre gor6 lung bin pound so do not say you have taken everything until you have tried this for your cold or cough aud- your opinion will be the same as all who have used it viz that it is the best sold in 50c and si 00 bottles by dr mcgarvin druggist like ail itcrling remedies northrop lymans vi getable discoyerj- and dyspep- tio cure des rves a fair trial it would be absurd to hink that this or any other raedicino of kindred nature could produce install taneo is effects for the thorough removal of chrouio dyspepsia constipa tion liver complaint and other ailments to which it is adapted its use should be coutiuued wmo time even after tbo chief symptoms are relieved that it theu effects complete cures is a fact established by ample at d respectable evidence merit prevnaj dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely a rthless not so with mc gregorsspdy cure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j 5 mcgarvins drug store and get a free tr kl bottle and if not convinced it will cure ou of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold inoocond j bottlcb sec testimon ials from people in your own town 29 beit and comfort lo ikr sumria brownsjhoasehold panacea has no equal for relievine pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels j sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most aurely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family haudy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy mjlie world for cramps in the stomach apd fains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents bottle 1 1 44 prominent among the greatest medi discoveries by the many cures it bafnllej ed mcgregor speedy cure leads the vr subjected tcfthe minutest chemical an it has been fpuod to contain one of t injurious ingredients characterizing worthless specifics daily offered to public- evrty ingredient possesses a petul- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and is efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which ve can offer to tbe public with the assurance that it will befpund not only a relief but n absolute ctire for dyspepsia liver coin- plaint indigestion constipation and im- i free trial bottles at- j e drue store 31 pure blood mcgaivms livery obfc rver who walks the streets of sl great city and scans with intelligent eye the colorless faces of more than fifty per cent of the people he meets can easily agree with is in the statement that this age- which makes such drafts upon the working eiergies of the greater part of men in the intense pursuit of business has destroyed in a proportionate degree the animal health and robust constitution nature in this stage of exhaustion cannot be restored of itself but requires some stimulating ton ic to strengthen and keep the system in regular order and in north rop lymans quinine wine we have the exact remedy required the peculiar operation of the medicine in cases of gen eral debility and nervous prostration has undergone long and close observation and it is believed it will never fail if properly and judiciously administered prepared by northrop lyman toronto and sold by all druggists r atvltm tojimotukufl are you dlslurtej at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so snd at once and get a bottle of 1 is winslows toothing syrup for childrer teething it 1- value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immed iately depend upon it moth ers there if no mistake at ut it it cures dysentery nd diarrhcoa regulates the stomach aid bowels cures wink colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives t me and energy to the whole system oxs winslow soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste an 1 is the prescription of one of the oldest ai d best female physicians and nurses in th united states and is for sale by all drug dsts throughout tbe world price twentjrfive cents a bottle be sure and ask foi mas winslows soothino bybue and take no other kind 7 ssmasaknerammims ixmwowi vi3mirr01m wamoa m fouworauastwrt wprk vhldi by peofle who have proven its benign effects n is no incdicliio avkjl8 sanflapnilla of itheumatlsm wabiibn lbla d new york thero prnnington central f ibyttof gonoratsobillty hon francis jbwett lowell mast i ayeus sausapaiulla is tho only prep aration that booms to do mo any real lasting good cured by it of blood impurltlos mii8 e b tompkins brooklyn n y aysrs 8ak8apaiillta has done mo un- toldgood notlilng clso has been so cfll- cacjous cured by it of feminine aliments i frank m griffin longpoinutcxan has worked llko n cuann uo medlclno could havo accomplished more his child cured by aveita sirsapaltlua of scrofulous bores mrs ii mckay loiocll jlhss i can recommend arms sarsafarilla to all afflicted her son cured by it of scrof ulons swellings dizziness and internal fever geo andrews xmcem mass no doubt whatever that i owe my recovery to avers 8ab8apakilla cured by ft of salt rheum henry j chapman nashua nh ayfr8 sarsaparilla is a perfect blood purifier cured byit of ions standing and severe scrofulous hu mors mrs lorenzo 8 rcooles koiich me ayers sarbaparilla lias proved its superiority to nll others cured by it of fenilnlno weaknesses the world equal to lla cured by it eumatlsm riiry- vtb south hampton baparlllahft inc curcuby wot uonon john j ryan athletic b b c philadelphia pa layers sarsapa- rilia cuml mo cared by it of rheu matism orxando swl lowell mass i enjoy better health than over before duo solely to tho tiso of ayers sar8aparil- hxfi cured by it of carbuncles and debuityj nathan s clkaveland boston mass a mdst valuablo remedy for tho lassitude and debility incident to tho spring season ilia daughter cured by ayers svr8apariixa of headaches dizzi ness indigestion and general de bility i milton fox dracut mass the onolwould recommend above all others as a blood purlflcir cured by avins sarsaparilla of scrofulous humor nnd djrspepsla j selby carter nashville tcnn sly system seemed saturated with scrof ula but ayers sarsaparilla cured me i almost all the ills that flesh is heir to spring from or hrc intensified by impurities in tho blood tho result of hereditary taint or of a wrong manner of living ayi ills sarsaparilla thoroughly purifies tho blood gives tone and vigor to the digestive organs and imparts new vitality fo tho nervous svstcm tho piily preparation of this class for which theso claims can be truthfully made and the only one that docs real lasting good b oyers sarsaparilla pbepaeepby 5 da jc mil co analytical dhdmuh lowell mass sold by all prugglsts priec 1 six bottles for 5 wu have just dress gc colored fancy p grev co hotise georgetown sm millinery clo boots and shoea tc ling carpets cimilotod the purchase of n big stock of dibcoudt off regular prices wc will sell thert ods for 5c worth 12iebktijb white ljlce mtjsuns 5c worth j2j jivsllns 5c worth 10c unts 5 ii 7 jc worth 10 12jcj io w summer goods ntu great nlieap eo bur prices tons 3c worth 6c j white uptons 5c worth 8c table lljnpns 25e worth 37k 1 t towelli jg3 5c worth 10c 1 omo rulers wont lot us have any nior at those prices carpets hemp 10c worth 15c carpets union 25c worth 40c carpets tapestry 30c worth 40c allwool halifax tweeds 35c worth a good wbel suit of clothes for corkscrew twlll suit for positively theso aro the elieap c4t ever offered in canada a black alltluiimed millinery and reav f tles at half price untrimmed hats c atloc and parasols very cfieap sw31ei ba we must to get clci r out this stock while the weather i warm b f the cheapest roods over offered in ca ffwo offer you bargains all goods sold dont touget the plage so ne r u arrivals of new goods clearing sal op summer goods black cash- meres bargains in hosiery i ngoff tlc great kcductjons made in tho prices of summer dry goods manuei of thousands of purchasers making it tlie most successful salo ever beia month of august remember allwool black fnnch cashmeres scllin exactly half price see the large itssortmont of 8c dress goods bcge ladies embroidered ualbrigan hose only 5e per pair a lot of ladies laces less than half price j linen handkerchiefs from 3c choice other bargains when rcquirlm dry goods and housefurnishings it wi of a rcquirm 35t millinery carpets aud housefurnishing this establishment this clearing sale i at greatly reduced prices many lot i cream swiw ircss itfautles at bargain ery flno hosiery at about half the former titched fancy bordered handkerchiefs pay you well to inspect the goods at the ew gfoojds new goodsi new cashmere hosiery i embroideries braided jbr seys coloreddbess plushes several largo consignments of n6w goods have been received and placed the spot they will be sold at the low piice for which the right house black cashpiere hose in ladies and childrens sizes in several quality tion of ladies black braided jerseys over co dozen to select from tl printed drills i3nrtain scrims at 10c per yard now scarlet white new black and colored velveteens see the new make of dress body i bnitcd bath and boiler towels jyow shirtings and galateaa new bleach ing njsw gcods to be opened up in a few days colored silk lrcss on kirg street one door west of hughson strict the name is hamilton august ltli j ssi bargains bargains bargains 48 kixo stbbet kabt iiamittos dress goods 10c formerly 2oc prints 5c formerly 10c ginghams 10c formerly 20c embroideries 5c formerly 10c ladies hose 25c formerly 50c ichildrcos hose 7c formerly 15c parasols30c formerly coe spotted muslin 15c formerly 25c ladies collars 5c formerly 15c brussels carpets 0c fpimerly ifl tipestry carpets i5c formerly 40c unioli carpets 33c formerly 00c allwool carpets 63c formerly 85c hemp carpets sjc formerly 121c china matlincs sic formerly ahc lacp curtains 150 formerly 92 curtain poles complete 50c formerly 75c stair hods 75c formerly 150 pordoz wc arcmakiug extra inilucemeuts in order to clear out slock dress goods priuts oalory gloves corsets parasols emoroldories turools sblrtinffs carpets curtains- 0ovorias window blinds stair rods cc- arc all mnrked away down in price in many coses 1cm than tost t samples sent on application i mckay brothers 4tf king street east between hughson and john streets hamilton from the cradle to the crave j speight ife sok purnituw dealers and juadertakets aotonj havng ertetcd a fine new showroom have jnsi received u new and wollassortctl stock of fnruitu of all kiuds of the latest designs including parlorsfurniture f bedroom suites 1 bureaus sofas lounges 1 tables chairs rockers j bedsteads and cradles and everything else that any family requires in the furniture line during their journey from the cradle tij the grave and we can preparo them for the grave too for wc have on hand a large stock of oofiasts casezeits jeitcl of all kuls mill sizes and all other funoral furnishing we will supply all on the shortest notice and most reasonable termu a firstclass hearse drawn by a welljniatchcil team for liiro j a speight manager b laurahges spectacles and eyeglasses a he the okly i genuine engllsh articlesi in the canadian market real pebbles are kept in stock teits are giyeu to purchasers to prove their fenuineneifi theylare becoinmeiided by and testimoilials have been received from tho resident and vicepresident of the medical association of ciinada the president of the college of physiiclaiih and 8urgiins of quebec j ho dean of tlje medical faoultr of lavaluoiversity tlie president and expresidents of the jleillcalcdiincil of ow scotia 4c c these ife6ominonlatiiibjpugbt to be sufllcient to vprovbtbcirqualitiei but if further proof is needed ciill on 3 b pearson gnprai stwo actoa oat up vvards mcleod tandersqn i mammoth at the right house joopcflkast mixed kxpressf lnb in i j uond wrft kslrbe 1247 nm bspresi ojio ntu frhfo kstjrcb223iin mil j iiini bjljcclbllj 8h0jmi exprossdoeanot stop between cruclil anil toronto j i timk o crjosikjo mailb oolngwetel0auanl520iiln llirouyl accdni clilcas i sooatiri 7111 olif ul luunm ex54l7pin lm0pjii oqlng eatlw invl saj pmv goods a rittfck moke tii ninnfacturcrwoiild be teinpted to commit suicide if he kriejv bow oheap we were selling these goods 50c 00 worth 800 900 worth 1400 madb summer man rgkai3srs dont miss the opportunity canada cqme and see our for cash only co iouse georgetown has attracted the attention ill be continued during uie prints and press goods at prices bargains in hosiery prices a large selection of three for 25c hundreds of flight house ytilki n ntock purcbased by mr thomas c nctcd head the list of new goods received new allover 8wiss embroidery and styles are charming aud prices reasonable grey and fancy flannels new mantle cloths ings from 7c to lac per yard a large ed and unbleached sheetings new fj plushes silk mcrvcillcux and dress goods iini ins for the cash down on a choice assortment of ueiugg an elegant selec- new cotton sateens and a nice assortment pf assortment of christys cele- isbing felts the fellow remember the right house is fl n thomas c ttkixxts how to save money place your order for gl tiling withr i r e nelson the popular clothier of the city stock all new and well assorted style fit aud workmanship always correct 4 specialty 4 pants 4 prices lowest in the city u e nelson 99 wyndham st welu old standi gueipli h balth foir all holl0 ways pills ajnd oiftmfikt purifyjthe blood correct all disorders of the liver stomacli i kidneys ad bowels ami rcslore to health debiilated codbtitutions and are invaluable in ah into incidental tofemales of all ages fof children and the aged they are priceless they in vigoralu comp in an infallablt is famous lor for glandular swe ii m 78 jteto aud are sold flspurohason farmers the ointment j lsss sjm m wound site anrt vwh it rgoutaudlessmtlwds 3 80be throats brqnosltlk oouass colds lings and all skin diseases it has no ival and for contracted and stiff joints ltucts like a charm hfacturedonly at thomas hollo tf ays establishment oxjford stjoet ttaite 533 oxford street london baj leoflls seonypurhadbmery jiy tjhe wellknown bjxm i waggousand mamifaetjired at queen pit oil wwkij by it during thellast three years peerless axle grease fo your t sarvtueu ro cer3 c6 tdf onto allan 18- summer arrangement 86 li rerpool and qi lotcc servleo ynoyita rkwooi i eamer fnow cjuinic cibca88ian friday th aus 1 thursday 20th aug itownhsian tliarwl ly 12th aug jtliurklay 2nd sept taklstak tliurrd i- lath aivltjinreliiyjt scjt j saumatian friday ith auk uthursdaj 10th sept haltdiitlan thrirwl ly ami sept jthuriuly ilntsciit mall steamers r note- the liverpool rijrect steamers do not take in ormediatd or ktbcerngo iiaciibern on the voyt rc from qiielioo tjo llveipool z cftliln intcrnictliato ntiil stccrarc fares arc still reduced itctlirn tickets koodforoiieyear tlie bedt lino to take t colonial exhibition parties tending fpr friendp in tho old ccrantrv sail ehtain jjrepaldcertificatcbiitgrcatly reduced rates for ticket dud ovqry iifornintion apply to j mcgauvix ticket agent acton tour spring suit m brennan has pleasure in announcing that iis tail oring shop in mrs secorda block j is nowbpeh and in fall running order and inia position i to fill all oitders lie is shblviiig i- good tweed u its at lll j sold klstwiieite ksk 815 80otch tweed uit 17 i 18 i i mi soli elsewllerf ij axd24 i i fine worstedj jsuit at 20 i 0 elsewitkue at25 m m t i j u gentlemen wintingi a firaizolass good fitting xoajt etc may rely uponbeingsnited in every respect by leiving their orders with brennan thej clothier go jto waters bros tilt 1 picture gallery guelph eur artist material oil and water colors cratoiii ffffffl drainnq papers jbrhihes rfc oil paintings stel engravings ohroniqa c frames op all kinds monldiiirs itooin audipicture cornices and cornice poles spring rollers and window shades froin 90c complete fancy goodssili table lor weddinu and birthday pregeutsj ac i visitors can hye their pictures framed while in the rltv so bring them with you toi watbrbros the picture gallciv near the post ollice agents wanted steady employm1emt to men none need be idle previous experience hot csscutial we pay either salary i or commission i one hundred smart meu wanted iit once to can vasb for the sale nursery stock m i tr- m 4u of canadiaiigrowu the ponthil nursrie i laltlfkst ix caxaha 0veu looaclfes dont apply unless clabs references room for lazy rreii number of address 0vei1 yprncan furuiphfirst- and ivaut to work no in but can euiploy any energetic mn who waat work njurscrymoa tobokio qsi burdoet lood itters willclmeprelievi m10u8ne88 1 oyspepst r ihdiqestioh jaundice sklt kheilh hbafltburn hapacte mziffess dmp8y ih fluttering v mf the heart asdity of sjhf stftmagh dryness 1 of the skin i5vvtjfelwnfi bowels oblstd wektin itr t mjftchbll peaircs to iuforro the bhrpdjbndingb thjit he brd bra for weaving all oaipets flannel fih in as goods striped oi als bed blankel s ana yards wide and ver i will gua rau tee sfaetion to all farmers favor me wiih sat wil iijtji iwtitivrth ejople of acton aud i fa prepared to take lfihds of fancy bur iting shirting and plaid twillor plain worse blanlets two sheeting thdr tjhati wiligivegood s and tjithers who patron ajgej tmitghell m ii freel oxb yj inval tinueill optionl one i half quar onel advel will be i ingly in adv chin in the i they wl fertb nmti beft i frederi du iu new sy monlyl teeth f btratoa icons in any ajcton i of each hr 3 jo bar anoersl ep m 8 oml aud 86 1 w t f 20 tor thd orders or at prompt also i ybleteij tiirest nohi orhj square p it lanedl 8 jcuritj rroperl farms i irithfi l6min alat v antin r sctioul i arms i d ance i c uelph j i n oaal saioaif g ven c mdjtil t bstilyl jai honor

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