Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1886, p. 1

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iwiw piljt rton vtt rrss s riausui i oaluy thfrsday jkllimsg t tit free pess power printing house j acton on tamo subscription rates ojnl m i 1x1 mx monthj vuts i 1 hill i mostiiv islt immlh inadvrue if not vuid in advance mj or imr will bo ch ivyed o iiajirdirou- tilniol till all iiroipi mo iiul exeept nt tho oftion of the publisher i advertising rates- ru r til 0 vo i mo i l mo 0 olnnn tv00 ttort jjotfoi 7 00 hidf v oluinn oil j jo iv i lioo 350 lolivur oliirnu ftthh lj ix 7 00 u 50 0ie i mil i c w j 50 2 00 loo i acton banking cot storey christie co act on hankk rs- ontarlo 1 gexktial jtaxjtlxg ihsixkss transacted m0nb7l0assd on approved notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits new goods -vi- days bookstore cuelph iovnuai advertisement- t cents per hue for the firt insertion rtul 2 vents jr line for each sub- siuent insertion csh the number of lnei roykonet bv the space rtccufeioj measured by a scale of solul nonpareil advertisement- without spocifw dnvctione will be inserted till torbnl and charged accord ingly trauitoryidvirtisemeiitsimnt bo paid in advin i oiauis for contract advertisement must bo in the oflno in am on ionda otherwise tho will be uf m until the following week h r mgokk editor and proprietor til ic d bcd nj be foaml on fll at gexv v inlo rflrcn rw- a smrporr a fertltlns bureau to sjaruc st vy lu re adrrrtwi jvkw 1 ik14 tw hnttaus maj be made for 11 in business directory r h lowry m b m c p s ber of college of plnsiciaus u3 snreons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton albert college ont belleville i ck stagey md cm graduate of trimtv vniversitj fellow of tnn- ltj meiicil school member of the college of ph icians aud surgeons oini i campbells hotel x l bfvnett lds dentist jli georgetown ontario 1 c m mckinlayl d s burgeon entist georgetown ont uethe new sni ofsitrous oxide gvs comz jnoilwcilltj vtulued airl for extracting vetth witlict paui having been demon- stritoi ill practical t iclier m roval collet of pntal urgeoi toronto pat ro t o leiend upon reeu 1114 atifiction n anv jvritiotr performed will visit acton ivirv ecnd and fourth wcdneday of euh moith oihie agnevv s hotel jl ii n law nojn gil du ate of on- lino etermirv college toronto veteranrv snreou actcm out omci iu klih bros 4ot and shoa store rem- dqnee in the rear horses examined as to soundness andxcrtiticates gnen all cill- night or du prompth attend ed tj- termeas johnston a mclean parristers solicitors notaries convey ancers ic jtpriv ate funds to loan orni town hall acton lf b j iinton ws a mlliw clhauteredftiulojionedin 1817 over t000 porsons have been m attendance 170 students enrolled las i jear representing birrisii coji miu vmvmioiu mu inn vsnn yoiik cktoiio and qihiki 87 diplomas and certificates awarded nicliidiiig matric ulation masic fino arts conunercial science collegiate and teacherb courses fall term begins skit 7th 1880 for annual catalogue etc address lln v v dyer ma pros is i e l p ii- business college gvelph ontario mllli third scholastic year 1 jl ocfcins september 1st patronage drawn from ten states and provinces young men and bos thoroughk prepared for business putsoits graduatcsemincnt- h successful as accwiintants business managers shorthand nvnters clerks salesujen travellers etc both in canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work and courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the collegel splendid facilities afforded for tho ac quisition of french aud uiriaan for information address mmucoltmick wtf principal lumber shingles and lath nol desires tl uifurn the public as uow on hand and will keep in u of pine and hemlock as well as f luiubcr rclso firtt aud setond 25000 rolls wall paper 100 sets lawn croquet carload express waggons bi6 st06k low prices day sells cheap guelph cloth hlli rpiio umu ri x that lie 1 stock a full h other kinds c class piuc hhi uglw a latlt coal wood hamugpur based the coal business of mr c s buiith 1 aiji prepared lo nppl all kinds of btoetoal 1 hardwootl ai b ceslar and mill ood at rtason m e mitchell scuumr co7mhntlir tu 0ci first door west of the champion offcee mam street milton a f percent mone to loan hiltonrallan baird barristers solicitors ac tqi omo im gtontrltoirs onicc creelman s block georgetown auflj king street east toronto w t illn 1 btfuton elw j inn i bhiil tain laldlaw a co j3 uiister a solicitors oincls over imperial bank 24 wel- lmtton street east eutrance eiehauge aliej f toronto tr jms buv q c c amisti s wlliui lu1lav gttloi kirilit ttatents secured tf for inventions 1 m i hlmiy grist ottiw v co i rear- prjttice no patent no ia able prices fibe ha e also as jtsod stock of ood- ood and coal delivered james bkown mutual insurance company 1 tiiuiibdav mohnino biinkuukii 0 1880 poetry whbn yolf was a boy oh dont you romombcr when you was a boy what mischief and troublo you niado how you was a sorrow instead of a joy to parents you never obeyed how little yoa heeded their loving voico how saucy yoa was to them too aud how yoa would manage by ovry device to shirk what thoy told you to do how selfish you wero in oujoyjug yourfuu how httlo assistanco yougavo to keep up tiie home which your parents had won for ou by denials so bravo and do you forget when you lay in your cot in sickness their uureiug aud caro and dont you still think of tho whippings jougot for which you resolved to get square tiawcll to romembor these things when i j jou find your children are copies of you aud then when you wollop them bour it in mind and try what more patienco will do our story his lifes one holiday had never yet been m lovo hard and well aud had made 01 tin- 00tot7 07 wbluhfltoh estirnsifed 1810 heado i fice cuelph insures buildings merchaudie mann- factories and all other descriptions of the premmm note svstem w 7m hemtreet i llclvhxl accxionlt for the counties of wellington and hal ton order left at the fni plt office acton or at m residence in acton will be prompth altered to terms reasonable monh to loin also mone to loan on the most favor able terms aud at the lowest rates of m- teret in urns of 8500 and upwards john day architect guam ont oih i queen s hotel block market square propertv on fw stojne pre merchant tailors iifc i1me1eithu1i first instalment oj -nfcvv- fall goods tinio for tho rest lovo such as sho gave jack porhaps the same woman never gives twioe over but theres no reason why she should not love you and make you a good wife tho grief of two years back is pass ing away it i more the physical state left by the shock of that time that wears on her now perhaps sho will nover be very robust but youwill take good caro of her i am certain she shall be strong again ploasegodiif i can mako her so by my devotion said huntingdon whiloil vision of unspeakable happiness danced before his minds oye a biiowvvhito yatoh cruising among smiling lslandh in ft summer soa seeking health for her who wis its queen ill loavo tho business to look after it bolfv he thought with a glow of rapture mid travel around tho world with her till tho color v mes back to her pale faco and tho light tfc her eyes yes and tho happi- ncsp to her heart so the fc rtnlght wore away and another wa well ni jh golie and yotwayne lingered at newton onsea ho was nover away froit hettj s side ho fetched and carried for her like a dog he was a blavo to her overy wish dr aud mrs marshall regard ed him wit undisguised favor tom thoi enfant tcrr end jolly cnas davidson ident secretar john taybop aent lloi pau3 and consider- that it will je to jour own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the l ihabitants of acton aud sur rounding coo ntry that we are again in full running order and in a better position than before the fir 5 to rill all orders entrusted to us to part es building dressed ac made f ranci6 uai successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound rnling neatly and promptly done john j daxey successor to thompson fe jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgagen purchased money oaned for parties in mortgages and other security convejancing iaall its branches property and neatly done oharges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent- to all parts of the dominion to lnteudiiigpurchasers aud cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence mivited office near the post office guejlph ont lumbe will be while vou wmt and mouldings with neatnes i and despatch n b we are also prepared to hll all orders for shawcrundy merchant tailors guelph wellington marble works qtos30 st crtrslps pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so come on with yonr order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no tiiosebbagk manager t ue hanlan barber shof mill sweet actos an ayhave a stylish haircut a good seabam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and pat in firstclass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cut j p wohwv tonsonal artist james stirton lds dentist hororgraluate il srember of tho ontario college of dental surgerv paiale33 bxtraction or no charge artificial teeth erfect in appearance and use 98 00 per set written guarantee with eve set otncetoveir t john wm e acton liverysale stables john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite aud everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kiuds of granite and marble having lotth visittd thcjinj of kuudj granite quarries inid having purchased tho entire 4tock of graj and red grauite mouuments bcadstouts trosscb urns etc of alexander tajlor at less than tost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in oniano for in stance granite monuments c ft high g0 7 ft 7j8it s90 0 it 100 10 ft l20 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting tuij tiling in this hue will do well to call aud aco inc before purchasing clscwhcrq as i guaraiiteo m prices aro from 30 to 50 portent below ajl other dealers acton meat market street acton smith proprietoi mr smith has purchased the livery business of 11 r h b mccarthy which ho has removed to his commodious stables on john strait m thecentteof the business portion of thi townmr smith has had lengthy expe ience in this business and feels confiden that he can give satisfaction to every 4atr n anyone dei iring a oosunereiftl flea- sure or ooaipaa rijf can bipp with ft firstclass turnout on the shortest notice horses boarded and sold terms reasonable wm e smith rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of tho firm aro praotical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a fall stock of all kinds of meat c in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support rut edge crosson acton feb 9thj 1886 i dont read this the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also floub ahs febd and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos omoore huntingdon wayne was thirtyfivo and he had worked a fortuno which even ho felt would cnablo him to mrrj without being recklessly imprudent and ho began to think it was time to decido upon a wifo who would satisfy his some what fastidious requirements she must be of a stateh and noblo presence wayne had rather an idea of a fine woman not too young nor too emotional wayne wus a man who hatctl scenes in short she was to be a woman made to order and he found it more difficult td discover than he had at first supposed it was with a feeling of something as akin to failure as his well regulated mind ever indulged in that he ordered his port manteau packed for a fortnights visit to nowtononsea and tore himself away from the fascinations of club and office life to pay a long visit to bis old friend dr mar shall he had seen nothing of the mar shall for years past though there was a tie of old associations between them and oven something of sadder interest five years 5go when waynes uncle offered him a berth in the tea business of which he was now the head he extended a like offer to huntingdons younger brother jaok but jack always something of a hotheaded fellow took offence at some word or deed of his elders and refused the offer soon after he took some post on the east coast of africa and went ont with high hopes of the fortune ho was to bring back and lay at hetty marshalls feet huntingdon heard of the engagement with some contempt for the folly which possessed two joung people without a penny but when three years later news came of poor jacks death out in zanzibar the little bride that was to have been passed out of his mind and it wasoilly when an invitation came to him from the marshalls who wero at newton onsea for hettys health that the thought of her existence crossed him again he had not even seen her since she was a little child in pinafores and when he was brought up on the evening he arrived to the side of a crimson hammock swungbe tweeu two pine trees and mtrodncedto u slight pale girl whose great blueeyes were raised to his with a pathetio gentleness and sweetness a feeling such as hi all his thirty- five years of sensible life he had never be- fpro experienced shot through him with a thrill of wonder and 4 lmost bewilderment he took in hrs own the small fragilo white fingers and then laid them down almost reverently on the soft cushions amid which she lay i sapposo if any one had asked him then and there whether he believed in lovo at first sight hewould have answered as con temptuously as ever and yet for all that he was as deep in love as ever man yet fell at any blow he told himself it was pity a pity that only grew as the days passed by and he saw how frail and delicate a creature a trouble of two years had left her it seemed to him it was his duty to try and atone to her for all the suffering and loss she had undergone as if his life ought to make up to herfor jacks death somehow strange that duty had never had such a zest and a pleasure in it before she was a thing so new to his experience with her pleading blue eyes her soft little ways and the pathos that hung about all that she said br did wayno used to sit and watch her furtively as if she were a creature of some unknown race three days after the first evening and the hammock the ideal fine woflrian had died out of his miad never to retarn and beforo the week was over he had said to himself he the practicalcoolheadedhun tingdon wayne that life without little hetty would bo hardly worth the living and that he must have her for his own or die practical commonsensical men often take the hardest form of the disease called love he spoke to dr marshall before the middle of the second week and asked his consent to win hetty the doctor listened with much surprise bujb no appearance of displeasure and whenwayne had finished he grasped him heartily by the hand my dear fellow be said with something between a smile and sigh you have my heartiest consent and best wishes if yoa can get hetty to sayyeb yon are almost a part of poor jack and there is no one else i should so gladly call my son of coarse it all rests with hetty but i know she does not dislike yoa and we mast trust to bio of his family voted liira no and hetty hetty liked him well her e es brightened when he came she missed him when ho went away ho was so thoi ghtfal so kind soood no one could help ing foud of him ouo night there was a storm and by noon tho m xt day came tho news that a groat ship from tho capo had gone to pieces ou the ra r rocks not two miles away nothing mt st do but that hetty must go and see it there was no lives lost they heard but f bo lifeboat people must wait till tho tido fell beforo they could get off all the crew at d hetty was eager to see the rescue so huntingdon of course volun teered to dr vo her and tom to the scene of tho disaster carriage hettys little pony- j what a d ive that was 1 wayne will nev er forget its long as lie lives the hedges were all agl w with juno roues and honey suckle and 1 breath of summer floating ap to them froi 1 tho narrow winding lanes tho pony w is fat aud indolent aud took its own time wayno would not have hurried one of its st ps the sun was setting when they rcache 1 the solitary bay where the steamer hai run aslore and a golden glory shone over 1 10 land and sea edging tho cloud bank vith unearthly splendor and dyeing with crimson the shallow pool left by the retre iting tide the cliff path to the shore wi s steep and narrow wayne had to hel hettie with a tender care pcrhapb life had never beforeheld such ex quisite plea mre for him her little light shawl lay ov erhis arm her small hand rest ed in his c asp it seemed to him the world was b mnded by hetty 2ecr hat his heart beat bo high with hope once sho stopped to gather a tiny blue cliff flivver and after a moments pause she b iyly gave it to him was it only the suu set glow that mocked his fanoy or did a deli ate color really mount to her cheek at his low spoken words of thanks out far out on the low black ledge of- cruellrocks iiy toe great shattered ship little boats died swiftly and safely aicross the quiet sh hows where the storm fares had raged ik t many hours before hetty was all oxcit ment to see the rescued people while tom vith the frankness of his age and kind dc lared aloud that tln3 sort of shipwreck vv isnt much good there wasnt any drownui g to be done the thou jhtf ul jhuntingdou had of course brouj ht a telescope and stood like a statue of a has while hetty resting the glass ou hif shoulder watched the boats land their bi rdens at the little fishing pier ho was in a sort of rapt dream hearing dimly hcttv s little ejaculations of pity over the be gaggled aspect of the ship wrecked an 1 altogether ignoring master toms some fhat erode chatter us that youthful tot naeutwettcd his feet at tho margin of th tide and gate his opinion with delight ul confidence about matters in those who thought that tho dry spell in the west last spring was tho longest ever ki lowu v rill do well to read the following in the isumrner of 1030 41 days in suc cession without rain tho jammer of 1c57 75 days in suc cession without rain jn the uammer of ic62 80 days in suc cession w thot rain in tho nummerlof 167i 16 days in suc cession without rain in tho summer of 1688 81 days in suc cession without rain i in tho summer of 1604 62 days in suc cession without rain in tho s immcr of 170o 10 days in suc cession without ram id tho summer of 1713 16 days in buc- cession without rain in the summor of 1728 61 days in suc cession without raiu- in the summer of 1730 92 days in suc cession without rain in the summer of 1741 72 days in suc cession without rain in tho summer of 17 is 108 dajs in suc cession without rain in tho rummer of 1755 42 days- in suc cession without ram in tho summer of 1762 123 days in suc cession without rain ill the summer of 1773 80 days in buq- ccbsion without rain iu tho summer of 1791 82 dayj iu suc cession without rain in the summer of 1802 23 days iu suc cession without rain in the summer of 1812 28 days in suc cession without rain in the summer of 1856 21 days in suc cession without rain in the summer of 1871 42 days in suc cession without rain in tho summer of 1875 26 dajs in suc cession without rain iu the mmmer of 187c 26 days in suc cession without rain it will be seen that the longest drouth that ever occurred in america was in the 8ummerof 1762 no rain fell from the first of may to the 1st of september mak ing 123 days without rain many of the inhabitants sent to england for hay- and grain hipwrecks in particular the rov brighter and more vivid general aud sunset glory lighting up 1 10 sombre cliffs andlevel waste of water an i throwing into sharp relief each bleak s ake of the fishing nets which dotted the b som of the broad bay it seemed o wayne that he wqjild like to stand jubt soforever hetty close to him he her support and comfort nobody to come betwee i for tom certainly did not count for mu sh was it not a type of what all their life vas jo be crimson glory- hetty depen laut on him his highest hap piness to mil ister to her suddenly uto his dream ran a shriek wild and ten ible the telescope fell from his shoulder tnd splashed into a pool at his feet and as he turned to catoh hettys fainting figui e in his stalwart arms with ono lightniuc flash his eyes fell where hers had rested a ud saw in the crowded boat load just iet ohing the shore among the bronzed and rearded faces of tho wrecked ships crew i he faco of hettyb lost lover his own brot ier jack i ah i well well wayne behaved cap itally every me said old jdon behaved like the biici that he is after all to use jacks own e press ion ho took his brother into partners p and enabled him to marry hetty withn six weeks hetty to whose cheeks the n ses had come back as it by some magio i pell he never married don waf an old bachelor before he wore knickei bookers jock confides some times to his i rife people say he means to leave all his money to his niece little hetty who has i i e a j a geared ally treasured from prying thered scrap of weed which was once a bl ue cliffflower arid all that is left to huuth igdon wayne of hislifes one holiday short summer sermons dar am sartin flags which yoa kin chalk down on de cellah doah wid a feelin dat you am gvyine to hit nine times whar you miss once de wussla mans breaf smells de olusser he am gwine to git to you in an argyment it am twice as easy to spend fifty cents to go to de circus as it am to pay back two shillins of borrowed money i no man aan remember whar he frowed empty cans and bottles until he diskivers dat somebody has dumped ashe3 ober his fence broadcloth an silks look wehj ou de street bat dey doun hitch werry well with cold taters at home nine men outer ten borrow wid de ex pectation of bom just so much ahead de odd one will want to borrow agin as a re ward fur his honesty it ap powerful easy to descrimmate be tween a wise man an a fanatic de wise man belongs tp your party de fanatic to de opporsiahun while yoa s hould lav joar maybur as yourself doan gin him to understan dat yoa kin be depended ou to lie awake 6 nights to protict his grapearbor de man whs aggers dat ho kin so live as to dodge slam er an escape malice has got a heap o this jes waitin fur his bar feet the aiverage mans bizness word kin be depended on up to a sartiupiut as fur as he will profit by keepin it de problem of livm doan depepd so much on haugin to an old velvet capet iu parlor as it does in savin do crusts and crumbs iu de kitchen when a mans whibkey costs mo dan his flour he shoul i staii ready to wo to far de buildin of tvyj wings ou de county house while it am true dat all men war created equal a heap of us have got spiled in de bringin up about de only time social barriers am abolished am durm a steam boat oxplosht u pjbice thftee cents ii i indifference io and mine are safo at home iv matters not what wolves go by not that my neighbors children roam nor that i hear them loudly cry 1 help help help help if mine are safe and undefiled it matters not what woo betide nor who beguiled my neighbors child nor that by ruthless hand it died i calling for help ive taught tny own and made them wise ive watched them well aud kept them my caro the greed of wolves defies my walls are high my gates secure i need ho help alas t my chifd has climbed the wall is out among the wolves so fierce i dreamed not harm could him befall rut now their fangs his flesh will pierce help help help help i think not the lord will spare thy child if thou hast seen the wolves go by nor warned thy neighbors son beguiled to pitfalls where hie sure must die for wiint of help or here or there the lord will mete to thee the measure of thy deeds works make the prayer of faith complete to help thy neighbor in his needs ood doth of thee require i obligations to contributors the following outline of the verbal jaw which governs the conduct of a newspaper experience shows cannot be too frequently published it is an unwritten w well understood iu journalism that no editor is under the slightest obligation to give a reason for his acceptance or nonacceptance of al manuscript ho is not called upon to write a private critique ou the article to the author of it his rejection or accept ance is an absolute and unquestionable fact among amateur writers this does not- ippear to be understood all sab- edito s and reporters understand that it is an unjustifiable impertinence to ask the managing editor his reason for publishing ornot publishing any matter submitted to his judgment outside writers and as piring amateurs rarely seem to comprehend this truth and their transgressions are largely xrom ignorance rather than inten tion the nature of editorial work requires absolute power of decision in order to pre serve the standing of the journal the editor controls decline in land values in britain as illustrating the decline in the valae of landed property ingreat britain the result of the recent attempt to sell at auc tion the houghton estates of the marquis of cholmondeley is significant the first tot pat up consisted of houghton hall which cost 450000 for the building alone and about 10000 acres of land the best bid made was 300000 ancttbe property was therefore withdrawn a farm of 1322 j acres renting for 900 a year was next put up and bid in at 24500 then a farm of 1091 acres rented at 8744 was bid in at 21000 another farm of 1203 acres renting for 600 was bid in at 21000- two other farms one of 600 acres and one of 700 acres were also with drawn because the limit was not reached altogether out of 17000 acres only- some small holdings aud cottages were sold of the aggregate value of 4500 j t pangle was dissappointed let me have a good fishing pole said mr fangle to a clerk iu a sporting goods store the pole was selected and some flies the flies were chosen and a fish basket the basket was brought now you may pnt me up a few flasks of whiskey whibkey 1 replied the astonished clerk we dont keep whiskey you dont why you have a card iu the wiudow which says complete r outfits her mothers drawer care eyes lies a w an understanding wanted a merchaiit who was taking baking- powder in bulk from a firm called at head quarters the other day to say that there was bpmothing wrong with the goods i dont think so was the reply we make the bet t artiole sold i think ve ought to have a more perfect uudei standi g continued the dealer nov you adulterate before you send to me hen i idulterate before i despatch then the retdler adulterates before he sells and he ct stomer cant be blamed for growling i wanted to see if we couldnt agree on some plan to be followed what do you mean why suppose you put in 10 per cent of chalk thenjl put in 20 per oent of whiting then the retailer put in 30 per cent of flour that gives the consumer 40 per cent of bakingpowder and unless hes a born hog hell be perfectly satisfied sou see if you adulterate 50 per cent on the start and l adulterate as muoh more and the retailer adulterates as much as both together its mighty hard for the consumer to tell he didnt blame the angels the new baby had proved jitself the pos sessor of extraordinary vocal powers and had exercised them muchj to johnnys annoyapce ono day ho saidjohis mother ma little brother came jfrom heaven didnt he yes deal- johnny was silent for some time aild then he went on a ma what is itjtohnny i dont blame tho angels for bouuoing him do you whether or putty lie is investing in bakingpowder we must give him something for his money if its only chalk sorjry she didnt buy one j ive a perfect antipathy for the moun tains said mrs gash to mrs parvenu as they 8at talking together on the summer hotel piazza have you said mrs parvenu well ive an alpine stiok and the man said it was just the thing bat im sorry now i didnt buy an antipathy kke yours new york tribune byjaking ayers sarsaparilla many a poor sufferer who submits to the surgeons knife because of malignant sores and m scrofulous swelling might be saved sound and whole this medicines purges out the corruptions which pollutje the blood and cause disease ortu kenieniber 1 ng tn a long letter from john h hall of baddiok cape breton ns he bays i believe were it not fbrbnrdock blood bit ters i should be in my grave it cared mr of kidney and liver complaint and general debility whioh had nearly proved fatal i this is to certify that i have used mc gregors speedy care for dyspepsia and liver complaint and do honestly jsoy that if it cost me one hundred dollars 10000 a bottle i would not be without it as it has done me more good than all the medicines i ever used and i feel like a new man yours truly alex stem carleton place ont this medioine is for sale at 50c and 8100 per bottle at brjmcgarvins drug store i v

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