Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1886, p. 2

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k i i i 1 r i jthan itt tes thcrrmt morstno skitkaiuku 1886 1 the next step larliatbghf when asked to pass prohibi tory legislation challenged tjio prohibi tionists to show that the icouutry was in favor of prohibition by having the scojlt act passed by tho counties aud municipali ties tho prohibitiohists accepted tho challenge and went to work the oain- paign which they carried on so vigorously was as all canada knows the most suc- icessful agitation oyer inaugurated there were more victories and fewer defeats than were ever scored for auy other cause success was iudeed almost uniform tho prohibitionists were given to understand that they had the sympathy of tho majority of the rcprcsenttivos iu parliament and of tho powers that be whether they had or not when tho challenge was issned and accepted they had a right to expect that no obstacles would be thrown iu their way by the authorities yet what has taken place one of the strongest arguments against prohibition is the false allegation that it does not prohibit the falsity of thisldeclatation hypocritically made by the liijoor sellers who fight prohibition as if their existence depended upon it beiug rejected is plain the governments of the day have however doue all they could to give some color of truth to this allega- tion they have shown extreme apathy to and even some inclination against the enforcement of the scott act it is tho duty of the provincial government of on tario to enforce the scott act and they have it in their power to do so effectively the government whether out of fear of the liquor vote or from mere indifference i we cannoe say hare doge little to enforce i the law they have allowed the laws to be broken and the magistrates who tried to j enforce them to be attacked with dynamite without making adequate effort to vindi cate the law they blame their impatience i j upon the dominion government and with some reason as that government whether out of feasor favor have obstructed tho enforcement of the law the fines imposed for the infraction of the scott act go to the dominion government and should be used for the purpose of enforcing the law the dominion government in spite of i promises given to apply the revenues thus obtained to the proper purpose withhold i the tnonev and thus give the ontario government an excuse for not enforcing the law both governments are flirting with the liquor votes in view of the next general elections and the prohibitionists should take steps to make their just indig nation tell ilontnal wunr notes and comments the canadian northwest grass lands arc becoming quite popular with amoricau cattle kinfls tho 8tpaul 1tonter 7vw says that tho number of cattle driven aoross the border this season will bo 30000 minister foster dolivorod a temperance lecture whilo in viotoria bc now if ho will only deliver another at tho first full meeting of tho cabinet after he returns ho will hud an audience that needs it though not appreciative i the daily stockholder sayb it is now very well settled that the wheat crop of 1886 is n full average that thero will bo an exportable surplus of at least ono huu- drcd millions and that western europe will require all we havo to spare it is reported that mr iarnell haacome to terms with the rovernmout aud that lie lias arranged to withdraw that part of his laud bill which relates to re- valuation in exchango for the governments acceptance of the part relating to the suspension of evictions parliament will it is thought iu consequence of this adjourn on septem ber lath orangovilje paluierstbii bowmauville and a few other places are working up an unenviable notoriety iu their violouco to wards officers who were discharging their duties under tho scott act thoopponeiits of the act who resort to buob despicable means to thwart the taw aro playing a game that will cut their own throats figuratively speaking uauy barns filled with harvest products have been destroyed by lightning this month such is the case every year at this season farmers bhould see to it that all their buildings aud contents are insured the year round but especially when filled with the products of their care and toil then it is that the lightning is most apt to strike and a fire from whatever cause is likely to be most disastrous to them mayor howland of toronto spoke at the shmlyatteudedgeorgetowu prohibition camp his remarks were oftentimes so outrageously far from tho facts that tho conclusion was reached that he is either ignorant of what he was talking about or else mendaoious mittunsun but why doesnt the sun give fts readers an outline of mayor hbwlandb remarks so that they might judge for themselves does the sun presume to manufacture its rtaders opinions for them if so we pity the readers the statement charging one of our best known and respected public men with being ignorant or mendacious will not give auy one a high opinion of the suns wisdom and veracity torontocitizc n at the conference i thopremlor is introduced nnrt make a charaoteijibilo speooh at tho method itit on tuesday ovening the toiiosto sept 7 general confoiido indian chiefs were- present at it muss n is- sionary meeting in t to metropolitan church after the proceedings had commenced sir john macdonald en tired tho ohurch ac companied by mr viiifmd of huiiiilion and was shown to af int pew the super- iiitoiidcnt taking thf visitor by tho liiind introduced him as i the applauso was macdonald said at being received in schools by auction the following from an exchange is so r much to the point and applies so well in every section we deem it worthy of a space in the columns of the feee press and would call the attention of school trustees generally to he article it is customary in some school sections to advertise for one or more teachers as the case may be each year whether a chatage is desired or not this kind ot auctioning off a school to the lowest bidder is in our opinion not true economy there are certain qualifications which everv f tfcjer does not possess and without which none will prove a success it is not only absolutely necessary to have acquired a certain amountof education but equally important to haveuhe ability of imparting to the pupils in a practical pleasing and yet forcible tflanner that information it is also a great advantage for theteacher to be a good judgeof human nature to have an unquestioned moral character and many other desirable qualifications which trustees can only know by practical experi ence or acquaintance of the teacher now when a school section becomes thus favor ably impressed with the abilities and char acteristics of a teacheris it a judicious act to put the school upat auction to be let by tender we know that economy is often perhaps unintentionally practiced to a penny wisejind a pound foolish de gree it may happen to result in- good but the chances are not favorable good teach ers are apt to keep clear of ichools that are auctioned off every year and besides we always consider it safe to stick to a tried and faithful servant in our own business and can see no valid reason- why the same rule wont work satisfactorily in the matter of school teachers canadian news v t i liinehquse news from our men correxpdndiu mr chas moore has goheto albert college belleville miss jenuie fraser left last week on an extended visit to friends in boston mr jamesjsharp formerly of this place is filling the positiqn of a breaksmanon the gtr we underbjand that william snyder k about going i into the vegetable business again t a picnic is to be held in limehouse on thursday afternoon all will be made welcome r j i mr lake had a number of ijattle up to guelph fair but did not succeed in dispos ing of them j messrs john newton 4 sons ire working overtime in the blanket factory ziow busi ness is very lively with them j mr andrew sharp has returned home from gravenhurst and is now employed it the toronto lime companys works a base ball match will take place on tnursday between the oddstockings and the scotch biook team the oddatockingg have challenged georgetown but can get no answer from them iimeijoum sept 7tb 1886 the beekeepers association of canada will send 50 tons of honey to the colonial exhibition the general conference of the methodist church now in session in toronto is the centre of great interest capt panton of milton won the 20th prize in the gordon match o b a of 85 with a score of 22 points the great prohibition convention will take place in toronto on tuesday and wednesday 14th and lith inst6 the toronto industrial exhibition was formally opened yesterday by the lieut governor sir jonn a macdouald was present it is expected that over 8000 men will he in line at the labor demonstration in toronto next saturday making it the largest of the kind ever held in canada the provincial sabbath school conven tion will be held in hamilton on october 26 27 and- 28 a great success is expected all persons interested in sunday school work are invited to attend wm lumbers sr one of tho oldest residents of toronto and who came here with a british regiment during the rebel lion of 1837 and settled permanently the year following died last monday evening after a protracted illness at his residence in his seventyfirst year they are lopkikgfor a chest of gold sup posed to have been buried on a farm near sandwich during the rebellion of 1837 the searchers will be lucky should they share the experience of the goderich man who bored for oil and found salt the canadians cf 1837 did not have any more gold than they could carry away with them aud some of them had to wulk at j that i nitonial delegate imiowcd sir john i feel highly honored this fraternal way by my brother hero anil by this great meeting whon i was in tho iold shadch of opposi tion i was driven to this hospitable city and i used very often to come here on sun day evening aud sitnudcr the iniuihtrations of oar friend dr potts i say that ab vin dicating my position as a brother and i hopo that si nco then ijiavc douo nothing to forfeit that title applaustl civic holiday requisition to ii stomy esq jlrive of the villaiji of aclon wi the uintomlriiuil rimlilunu of tho ylllngo of acton lioruby rospoutfully rcijuoab that wcxliiemlny 15th kimtumboi bt not upnrt nnd inocliliuiua a clvlo holiday for thin vitiligo loo llymlb loo hnvlll thon diiiichii john lnwhon vh j ii lmirsoii w willlamr k knnwltoii loo audrowh iu mm ailiiuib humloihoiimcltnoon kimnoy high t h lurdlni hpmoore w 1 ltrown 7 kyfe k j lowellh ltiitlodrii ft orossoiii dr htivcoy liohoit ajjtnow j halstoad i- o mfttthowh chan t hill a a kntiy t o hill john moltn this in to certify that i have used mc- gregora speedy cro for lyspcpaitt und liver coinplaijit auddoholiestly say that if it cost mo one hundred dollars 810000 a bottlo i would not be without it as it has done mp more good than all tho medicines i ever used and i feel liks a new man yours truly aikx stkix carleton tlacoj out this medicine is for sale at 50c and 8100 per bottlo at dr mcgurvius urug store j mr stirtoii dentist of gttelph vil- dovoto tho provincial exhibition week ex clusively to patients from a distance see card new advertisemonts 5000 acres ok land for sale iu the couiity of dulteriul a quantity of land for bnlo at roin 10 per ucrekoij0 per acre terms ami prices to 6uit all cuatomiin also villnkc projicrtv in sholi burne horninus mills corbctton itivervlowj and melnncthoii apply to tlikmstltlict auitiouccr iiitiil agent ac shelliurnv as hcmstrvit its nctiuaiutcil willi the oomitv of dufferiu in nlmost every part u inn rocoin mcud hiin to intending purchasers jioisk il 10 1 for sale rphf undkltsionkd lms rtveived instruct i tiods to sell on very onsv terius tho hoasu nnd lot on church stnxt1iow occupied by mrn juiucs hell adjoiuil the dwelling of charlcti spelttht ami immediately behind geo hyuds jewellery store this is n dcslrnblo property tho lot in firstclass tho dwelling in good rupauv nnd thero is a nice garden with fruit trees terms and parlloulars mako known upon appli cation to hp mooue kiiee 1iikssotiiri i valuable farm fop sale nea ac j the svilscuulkr offers for snlejhis farm jot 12 con 1 khjursiui the property comprises ho acres more or less good buildings on the premises yoiingiorclianl just couimouc- iug to bear the place is well watered it is situ- nted about two miles from aeton full particu lars upon application nt the fiiik iiikss office actoii or at the farm to chas camelton acton sept wth 1w i v5 fa k w axted faltms wanted fok the next issue of our canuilian farm advertiser which is to becirculatcil amongst intending purchasers of forms throughout canada the united states emopo nud other countris c have in our office at guelph thousands of letters from appli cants for farms from all parts of canada all parts of the united states europe south africa jamaica ami other countries- all the letters arc from parties who have seen our advertise ments those wanting to sell are invited to come toonr office ill iuilph and see the letters for themselves wo are selling uioro farms than auy other firm in canada and we defy contra diction to this statement if you want to sell scud us yourname ami address and then we will write to yon no charge unless a salo is effected address john j daley co guelph ont voters list 1886 municipality oflthk a1llage or ivtrox county ok halton notice is hereby given that i have transmit ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the thtrfl and fourth sections of tho voters list act the copies reqiiirod by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment liollof the said muni cipality to ho entitled to vote in tho said muni cipality at clectioub for members to the legisla tive assembly and at municipal eloctious and that said list was first posted up at my office at actou on the cth day of september 1ssg aud re mains there for inspection electors are called upon to examine the said list and if auy omissions or any other errors arc found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law j j e mrfiakvin clerk of the said municipality dated this 7th day of sept 1wj y4poe cold medicated scott act trials thos sanderson milton wassummoned before p m young on saturday for selling whiskey and beer he acknowledged the violation and was fined 850 and costs david dewr was charged with a fourth offence he admitted the charge and has since left for parts unknown mrs frank sanderson for the second time was charged with breaking the law also the case was adjourned for hearing to oakville on monday as no witnesses appeared the case was further adjourned mr john lindsay of georgetown who was convicted a short time ago of violating the provisions of the scott act aud sen tenced to two months imprisonment was brought to milton and placed in the jeil fallfstfrs industrial toronto september 6 18 provincial guelph september 20 25 southern counties st thomas septem ber 2121 central hamilton september 27 octo ber 1 vyesternlondon8eptember27october2 esquesing georgetown october 1 nassagaweya brookville october 5 northern walkerton october 5 8 southern brantford october 6 8 puslinch ajierfoyle october 7 haltonmhton october 7 8 north perth stratfordi october 7 8 ermosatoockwood october 12 13 mamj 1 j f i if you want a nobby durable aud cheap suitjgotojvfyffib acton n washington m d lc pso emin nt throat and lung surgeon willl visit actox dominion hotel thursday 30th september i diseark i tnfated catarrh at the head aud throat citarrhol deafness chronic bronchitis asthma at d consumption alsp losa of voice sore thro it enlarged tonsils polypus of tho nose reino red i cof4 eaulv consultation fbke wsemmm ibi9wpsbmpm proclamation i in onmiilluiico with tho uhovn rtqiilbltloii i hcreliy proclaim wednoalay- scptcmtor 15th 1866 a puolio holiday and reiipeitfully kfimebt nil kod citizens to observe tho samo w it storey roevo important notice k e nelson the clothier iu now showing ainostconipletcassortment of new and choice suitings trowserings and ovefqoatings in nil the newest lcuigiih und in the moat elegant patterns both in forolffn and domestic mannfactuto call early and secure u good choice satisfactioii assured specialty 81 pants jm n p w r i fiemnants jobs and odd ends -oo- oeohj pleto btocli grammarl slatoarbrl and jink f assorlimen children tc line stock i oeol thi orders fori taken and f pornlcys it erj cauued i d ives jobs ukmn i e ielsoisr the clothier 99 wtndham st guelph the cemetery question is not settled yet but the fact that i w williams has the best stock of boots and shoes in the county iy settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as many new ones as see jit to give mo a all iu all lines of footwear boots for tho habies ilooth for the meu boots i do inako boots i do mend uustom work and repairing promptly attended to wm williams vnts of pk1nts itlimnants of tweeds remnants oi denims remnants of shirtings and bargains -oo- i remnants of dress goods remnants of laces and ribbons remnants all kinds of goods to be cleared but at any price job inks of corsets job lines of ladltl job lin those oods to be sold without regard to price being odd lines and sizes seij our ke w new s shoes es of childrens shoes j v job lines of mens and bos boots o- fancy prints just in nice and nobby remember our famous 50c tea heiideon mel i co ow house man 1 886 fheemansi woltm powders are pi tttant 1 o tko conteln thdlr otm pursntln ib h rfo bi mircttcctal deatrorcf of nomui ic ciiitn otadalti i volu epistle camerons me of discourses on the to the eph jlowkkady jchsciiiiiejis tlioui nt mr in anil nbout acto fall season moleod anderson co imronteit5anl deaieusis staple and fancy dry goads millinery mantles dress making ordered clothing readymade clothing carpets and oilcloths 1 thcbki crum provided toystenj the vod civic bj ihe tr tnesday the we usually war no meej monday eve single fl trip oil civiij the firl press in soml a picnil of ojt younfj a lj last issue w the me iniproved of every day nassagal ebeepkilled f look ottl full of atracl the md guelph havfl hamiltol is 18jmills year the brij store and dv ressin wheat i yet the bq at tho best pi it is said our mill andl need a doctoi tie fafl haltoii will i miltoii on tlj mr d fortable dwel street in yoq tae nejcti codrtsrillbej trn thtrsda 11 you v fbee lirss eome ittractf kv ti please acceptl terestiag mev willi gamed situated aboii m ssrs s travell ng bad ed at toronto our li 4s chas oue- of the fil ssians ii will j o tliom nt mr cicorce hvuds jewelry and fincy gooilb htolc on hnturuny noxtj niul week following itrv d i camekon r- green pure paris in any quantity turnip seed fresh as d reliable catabbh op man yahb standing cuwil dr n wot hlugton throaiaud lung surgoon toronto dear sir r1 am gleaned jto cxircso mv entire bfttlofactlo t at tlio rewilts of your new iuetlod o inhalat on which hasionred ipj of a very troublesome form ofcatafrli in faot all the iibual reaii des failed to slye me any rollof but your treatment from theiirst gave megroutoase and in a fefr months entirely curort mo of a moat annoying disease i can fidnestly recommend auy who m iy be suffering ofs i was to your skill ful consideration yours truly 0eq gouldinu koprosonts c twin hull uaj jijtl w h 8roiusy son actos hbad oft cobisi yonee j st toronto write forrjartfbuars paints and fibstclass and ch oils ap porosse base ball goods justiabriot nbvv httbbn jjaughnawagjj sticks spauiiwngb 8tajtpabp mw 7 v qbch1 a3 ug to inform out friends and the public generally- that v c have this season 1 nist complete stock in all the different departments that we have imported nnd puichistd direct from the manufacturers the inot of our immense stock that it was purchased ucfurche recent advance in prices that flic public will get the advantage of these low prices that we tried to excel ourselves and succeeded in securiii a larse variety of tyhgli attractive subslautial cheap jjood ouh mirimxkry is supclh and in lare variety ourdi5kssmak1ng is in firsl cbs wokmgorder a laree and beautiful stoek of drt loods and dress i sdks to select from our mantle mate1uals are gorgeous serviceable and cheap pur tailoring be pa htji en t is al turns out magniliteit garments mil perfect fit i a large stock of tweeds mgs and overcoatings to chodse frcra coat- goods are to be sold for cash or produce after 12 months trial of slrietlv mcleop anderson co bargms bargains bargains will please an copy several place in the are likely to 1 violation tliehitd most ii terestij we kne w of niechaiiically1 thefounl dewar sr blocli of main and 01 terdayvim rclaxtousl the leadership dered smc of j iu ihe town ha majldocvj burned jdown i with all this farther partic meesrs kilu is almoslj fine appearand with ire n anb new u vator thj main i aid present meetinj of tbl sidewallk tl u- mr machin freqd thel a go -o- mckat beos 48 kin3 street east hamilton jamd sry in j a leathi r splia to fill o aers i his ezci llent mepsrs that tl j 1 j ct m thsy plet hal dress goods 10c formerly 23c prints 5c formerly 10c gidghams 10c formerly 20c embroideries 5c formerly 10c ladies hose25o formerly 60c childrens hose 7c formerlyrlijo parasols 30c formerly qoe v spotted muslin loo f orrnef y 25c ladies collars 5o formerly 15o brussels carpets 70c formerly 1 tanest y carpets 25cl iformerly 40c union carpets 35c formerly 00c allwo il carpets 6oc formerly 85c hemp carpets 8jc formerly 12ic china mattings 25c iformerly 38c lac6 cnrtains 150 formerly 82 curtain poles complete 50g formerly 75c stiur rods 75c formerly 150 pordoz iffogarvins dru and station y storo aoton i wc are making extra inducemeuta in order to clear out stock m 0 wloomots parasols embroideries ywieog bhirttati carpets onrtains ooveriaw wiadow 1 j suadi stalrjbboi o s8o arpalj maketl away down in price ip mnpypj than cost samjilps bpnji pn appljpanpn- l mckay prothers 48 kins stretkast between hughsou and john jbtreetr hamilton nounce most that manufctur stock lta mcgil boni against insp for ov rchar warra ut issd the soott at arres illega mau 1 he lad nrateq sijjiu i is news papeij local affa horifiuy oil is ioccesj pepatea neig lborhd

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