Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1886, p. 3

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i mmm geow plet sto grammars school operitng ynde acton has on viand a com skof new readers new histories arithmetics geographies slates tiravfirir bookicopy bookspens and ink c keep the most complete wssortmekit of school books send the children to goo hyuds tor thcirhooks a hue stock of envelopes and paper on hapd ceo hynds acton ont f- the fruit season 1 now nt it knghtlt and r m 1 uuxiry is keeping nl kiud of fruit u thin como in omerc for any quutit ot mi vindof kruit taken ami filled with the bet thu tunc nffanl keiuicyr is uio attraction for kmo confection ery canned gxxxk ico cream soda water ac jstkkkxijky in the post offloo mmldlng tiiirmv mormno sknuinku 0 1886 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters 0 steis are again in season the voters lists for 1886 are out ci io holiday nest wednesday the trout fishing season cuds next tuesday 1 1 m i f the weather this eek has been un usually warm xo meeting of the board of education mouda evening 6 single fare to toronto for the round trip on cmc holiday the first edition of cider has gone to press in some sections a pic nic at kockwood took a number of oir oung pcoplo on tnesdaj a fc cs run to muskoka in our lat issue was much appreciated the meaford mirror iscnlarged and improved it is a good local paper some of our citizens will visit toronto ever das now for the next two weeks nassagaweya council paid 1350 for sheep killed b dogs at its last meeting look out for john nelsons new adv full of attractions in next weeks issue the maple leaf base ball club of guclph me won 45 games and lost two hamiltons rate of assessment for 18s7 is lsj mills on the dollar the eanwas this ear the brick work of mrs penncs new store and dwelling on young street js pi o- gressingj wheat is coming mtoniarket slowly as jet the buers are ready for big receipts at the best prices it isrsaid tat dast is healthy well our mill and main street citizens will neer need n doctor then the fall assizes for the county of halton will be held at the court house milton en the 27th inst mr d mcmaster is building a com fortable dwelling at the east end of mill street in youngs survey tke next sitting of the fourth division court will be held in the council chamber on thursday 16th september ifjduwant a neat fall circular the fell pmi can give you something hand some attractive and profitable rev t a moore of princeton will please accept our thanks for copies of in teresting new york periodicals as vjill be seen by advj elsewhere mr chas cameron offers fof sale his farm situated about twomiles from here messrs moore mcganinvalise and travelling bag manufacturersare represent ed at toronto industrial exhibition our link ow for september is one ot the finest editions jet issued it will please and edify every child who gets a copj sevexal interments have recently taken place in tne old cemetery the violators axe likely to hae to answer for this open violation the mitchell ajeocate is one of the most interesting and complete local papers we know of its an allhome paper mechanically too the foundation excavation for mr j devssars block of three stores on the corner of main and martin streets was begun yes terday uvlon sun claxtous orchestra toronto under the leadership of prof ernst ilarley ren dered some of the huest music eer heard in the town hall last friday evening maddockjs hop kilns near erin were burned down on tuesday night together with all this seasons crop of hops no further particulars have been ascertained messrs beardmore cos new drying kiln is almost completed and presents- a finappearance it is sheathed and roofed with iron and ia practically fireproof a new elevator will be pat in shortly the frequenters of mill street between- main and the entranceto the park should present a good- lengthy petition at next meeting of the gouncil asking for a new sidewalk that would likely secure it mr james moore has just added to the machinery in the canada cordovan works a leather splitting machine he is unable to ill 1 orders for leather the demaiwl tot his excellent brands is unusullv large messrs mcleod anderson coan nounce that they have for the fall trade a most complete stock in all departments and that they have imported djwet from the manufacturers the most of tfteir immense stock mrs sanderson by her solicitor d mcgibbon esq has commenced an action against inspector brothers claiming tio for overcharge and collection of same on a warrant issued against her for violation of the scott act and also claiming 2000 for aie arrest the last issue of the godericb signal iwrnrated its twentyninth volume the signal u a racy newsy uptothetimes newspaper l interests iteelf largely in j airs and speaks out boldly and onestly on all moral questions the signal dreri evidentfy p- the weeks raking s which are principally looal and all interesting communion scrvloe coramuniou borvfces will bo hold iukuox church this week rev 1 b camoron will preach on saturday and rev r torrauoo of guelph ou sunday rev d b cameron will give a sermon in gaelio at the closo of the morning borvico rev mr mckay located at a meeting of toronto presbytery ou tuesday a call from the congregation of knox church scarboro iu favor of rev john mckay ma was repotted tho call was outtaiiicd and put mto tho hands ot mr mckay who declared his acceptance of the same titos is scarboros gain and actons loss temporarily at least the band concert tho promenade concert by tho cornet baud in the park last thursday ovening was quite nrsuccess the attendance was good and tho programme enjoyable the foot ball match created quite aa excito- mcut and the single men won by two goals tonoue wo hopo the band will arrange fov additional concerts beforo the season ends for thoy are appreciated by our citizens meeting of jos williams creditors a meeting of tho creditors of jos will iams esq was held in the town hall glen- williams on monday t he general creditors decided to accept 4cr cents on the dollar and will await the proposal of tho bank of hamilton in the matter the feeling of tho meeting seemed to be in favor of mr williams returning to the glen and carrying on business in the old stand georgetown htrahl r- civic holiday after considerable canvass as to the most dcsirablo day for civic holiday it was decided by a committee of merchants and business men to ask that wednesday 15th september be set apart for that purpose and in accordance with a requisition the reeve has proclaimed that day civio holi day and requests all good citmens to ob serve the same farmers will save them selves disappointment if they remember jhe date and refrain from coming in ex pecting to do business that day victory for guelph i the carou cup won atj tho matches of the dominion rifle association by a team of tbe guelph rifle association composed of capt macdonald j ogg j crowe g armstrong and j goldie is now on exhibi tion in the window of smiths drug store the cup n ven handsome of beautiful design aud richly chased itlias only been three times iu competition and as men tioned yesterday was brought home by the guelph rifle team who deserve credit for their marksmanship ittrtunj they didnt assimilate on thursday evening last the reformers of ward no 1 esquesing were notified to attend a committee meeting that evening at sproafs schoolhouse the conservatives were notified to do the same at the hour appointed dr robertson with m e mitchell met a number of reformers and took possession of the schoolhouse a few minutes after the conservatives headed by senator mckindsey put in an appearance and after the senator had taken a marine view of the situation he remarked that he was out for a walk and immediately walked off champion the loyal indian chiefs rev john mcdougall accompanied by three of the chiefs who remained loyal to the canadian government dnnng the late rebellion is making a tour of this province in order that these representative crees and stonej s may have a truer conception of christian civilization they will visit acton this evening and a public welcome will be extended to them in the methodist church proceedings to commence at 730 oclock jthe meeting promises to be an interesting one and there should be a large audience reeve storey will occupy the chair and d henderson esq will give an address of welcome the indians will ap pear in their costume and deliver addresses which will be interpreted by rev mr mc dougall silver collection at the door to wards defraying expenses of their trip book of sermons we have before us a neat little volume of over two hundred pages containing twelve sermons by prominent ministers of the guelph conference the- list comprises a yariety of subjects aud these being treated by such a diversity of tajentcd authors renders tlitm all the more interesting even to au ordinary reader they are not lack ing ip pith pathos nor power and no doubt their perusal will result in much good not least in point of merit among the ser mons is one by rev r phillips pastor of the methodist church here who fakes for his subject the principle of a new life the absolute in religion john iii 7 this very interesting volume is compiled and edited by rev d rogers ailsa praig author of shot and shell and guide to young christians and his characteris tically unselfish heart induces him to de vote the whole of the profits arising from its sale to the superannuated ministers fund may it baye the wide circulation it deserves purely personal paragraphs rosbeotlng peopld with whom our readers ate individually or collectively acquainted mr asa hall is homo again his return is hoartily woloomod mr g h brown of toronto visited rieuds bore thii week mr t smith of hamilton was the guost of mr w e si lith this week mr charles i orter of grip gfneo toron to visited aotoi friends on tuesday miss mamie collie of arthur is a rtiebt at tho residence of mr w h storoy master joseph mooro is spending the weok with f rion is in york and toronto mr r h witscfn of ridgotown spent a oouplo of days this week with old friends mr aud mrs david boll of leskardt aro the guests of mr i chas cameron of acton miss cullodci of indianapolis is como to residowith lnr aunt mrs s a secord for a time miss aggio c irtis of milton was tho guest of mr john nelson a oouplo ot days last weok i miss emma jose of toronto viciuity ot acto mrs r little new york on aurania of id lovely weather mr edwin homstreet returned last thursday to hi situation at cheapsido he was accompiuiedby miss lottie hem street on a visit mr and mrs chorluy and mjsb sarah aro visiting friends iu tho h writes that she sailed from saturday per steamer e cunard lino enjoying storey and mrs chas cameron wero tjlie guests of r f pollard esq sheridan on the routo of their recent trip to tho hum jerjmd viciuity mr john a mowat barrister- returned on saturday fron a trip to britain france germany and ot tier places on the european continent his visit was a pleasant one messrs w 3 speight and chas t moore left ou w ouday for albert college belleville at wh ch institution thoy purpose taking a course of instruction we wish them every succ jss the fiihk pin tions to mr anil d t v jeimylsrs fpr nobby good at the jlqwest cash prices i am offering tor tho juno frado special inducements housekeepers md others requiring anything in the linej mentioned below can wet assured that thoy can buy from moat mdiorolisonablo prices thau tuy other store in acton and as cheap as any outside ot toroi to i hayo given tho staff particular instructions not to misrepresent ijoods and customers will find goods cxadtly as wd represent them to bo i buy for cash saving thereby latgd discounts i sell for cash or trade and consequently have no bad debts so au intelli gent public cau bee at a glauco that it is not necessary for cash stores to pib on big profits m order to live as credit stores have to do or in other words make the promptpaying customer pay for tho one that never intends to pay ifho following lines i havo reduced fully twpntyfive per cent and over in some cases with the exception of groceries which i will sell as cheap as 1 he cheapest lress goods in nuns cloth jersey lotli canvas clott black aud colored allwooj cashruere black und colored lustres silk grenadines pongee silkp black and colored gros gram silks black and colored satin black satin merveilleux black and colored velvetsj velveteens and crape clothp hosiery all makes and prices gloves to suit everybody dont failto see our misses lisle gloves at 15c corsets hoop skirts bustles and ladios underwear prints no house iu canada has ever s jown a nicer range than we havo now on our counters beautiful designs in canvas prints a good cloth fast cplors splendid pattern for lojc woll worth 12jc giughams and muslins to please everybody grray cot tons white cottons shirtings ducks denims r great vulu6 brown holland table damask etc etc house furnishings carpets in tapestry union aud hemp floor and stair oilcjoths curtains ot nearly every style ask to see the madras muslin at 25c per yard it makes lovely curt tins and warranted to wash well turkish rugs from 3 up millinery although it is getting into in the season i am still idding novelties in this department aud customers will find correct styles and a competent lady iu charge boots and shoes wall papers and groceries all at prices to suit the ti nes remember tbe place griflns old stand the halton dry gocds house acton ever be forehanded jss oxtend its congratula- mrs fred h ross of hamilton whose marriage took place a week or so ago fred will bo remembered as tho eldest son of mr john ross for a number of sears principal of acton public school and now principal of victoria school hamilton inst by the ejev david bell to tbb cradle sjth in acto on tho 6th september the wife of ifr wm t smyth of a daughter sinnr in torohto on tho the wife of mti james daughter houiis at the fiar8onage niagara fals south on the mkh august tho wifo of rev r hobb4 of a son 28th august f smyth of a tete altar bell linnox at newcastle on the 7th r walker c m mr plibs jessie lennox both of lcskard cltvrko township ttite grave llavls- in aeon ou the 7th september infant son of if r john leavens aged 3 months smtth in toro uo ou the 31st august bessie infant daughter of james f and sarah m smyth aged 3 days elliott in ecqucsing near milton on the 1th sept jane oliver widow of the late wm elliitt esq aged 80 years whitlkt in 1 asgsgaweya on the 4th september tl os alexander infant son of mr daniel whitley aged 8 months- seize time by the forelock allin line ib- summer arrangement 86 liverpool i ml quebec sorvice mom l1veiipool 8teamer fbom quebec c iltcassiak friday cth aug thursday 2cth aug polynesian tburalav 12th a g thursday juil sept pabisian thursda 19th ai g tliursds 0th sept sarmatian friday 27th aug thursday 16tn sept i ardinian tburbday 2nd be t thuredav 23rd bopt mail steamers notk tlie live pool direct steamers do not take intermedial or kteccrago passengers ou the voyage from q icbec to liverpool cabtn intcrmec late and stcerago fares aro still reduce llet irn tickets pood lor ono car the best huo to tako to colonial exhibition parties sending foi friends in tuo old country cau obtain prepaid certificates at greatly reduced rates for tickets and jver information apply to j e mcgarvin ticket agent acton how it works in guelph at grimsby camp tho other day rev w s iriffin dd president of the guelph conference said they said the act was not a success in guelph and we summoned all the hotel keepers in tho city and about co other people who pretended to know all about it to tell us what they knew about the matter well we put all the hotelkeepers in the witness bos ahd they all swore that they sold no liquor surely they ought to know if they sold liquor and of course they would not say they did if it were not true then we called about sixty witnesses men who would get liquor if any could in guelph and they all stated on oath that no liquor had been sold to them since the act came into force now we have proved out of the months of those who were saying that the scott act was not a success in guelph that the scott act is a success in that oity and that liquor cannot be bought there i gq to j pyfea aotqn for your oloth iog bo con suit you for price quality and style everytime l hi jljjjc i pause and consider i that it will be t your own interest to pat ronize home trac e we would respectfully informthe inha litants of acton and sur rounding countr that we are again in full running order a id in better position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties i uilding lirrfiber will be dressed while you wait md mouldings ac mode with neatness an 3 despatch n b we ari also prepared to fill all ordora for pumps on short notice md from long experience in the business xe feel confident that we can give satisfac ion every time so come ou with your ord er and help to roll the ball along money makes the maregowhether she has legs or n tiios roeoguiziiig the fact that the hot 1 8 of purchnsors who from the neighbor- ins towns and muniripalitica run by mil to guelph for their dry goods purchases as a rule do not come here to buy common every day staples but the better class of goods the very newest styles iu fact such goods as merchants in smaller places caunot afford to show a large assortment of we direct special attention to no 27 lower wyndham street the acknow ledged business house for the newest choicest and best of tho market believing in the principle prompt ly on time we have already opened upwards of 10 cases and bales of new fall goods aud while vc have still a lew lines of summer goods which we are clearing out at discounts of 10 to 50 per cent wc direct special attention fo our new lines of dress goods uevr lines of black and colored silks now lines of plushes new hues of striped velvets new lints of mantle cloths new linos of tweeds new lines of coatings new lines of fancy gloves and ribbods in fact new lines in al most every department which- place the attractions at ko 27 far beyond anything offered by other houses i i we invile eyery purchaser to call on us and especially urge our friends from a distance to come and see us it will well repay you we keep such a 14rgc stock and do such a large trade in dice choice goods that you cannot help but find it pleasant and profitable to f fiver us with your patronage we offer all goods at closo cash prices do not sell on credit do not pester people to buy more than they want and give atten tion and fair treatment to all our cus tomers if you ate not of that nunibor begin now e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street guelph ontario great clearing sale goods all reduced to ridiculously low prices wc quoto prices 1 clow to provo our position that wo sell cheaper than others silk axd satin department black and colore 1 silks 37 45 50 60 75 90c and up black aud colore 1 satins 37j 45 50 co 75 90c and up black and colore 1 merveilleux 87 95 5100 108 110 and up fancy striped an i brocaded satins colored and black 50c to 100 french dltess goods nuns veilings nw shades 15c canvas cloth nev shades 15c all- wool melaugier cord v 25c frieze effect all colons very cheap english dress goods brocaded ghallie 5c fancy stripes wi rth 206 for 8c beautiful cashm rette v 10c lace canvas clot iin black cream bronze and mid brown only worth 25c for 12 jc muslin department lovely lino polo ed muslins j 5c lace muslins white and colored lawns swiss spots and ohecks indiamull all si ades canvas mull all dolors 5c 12jc and up very low new adveitiseffents7 lovells gazetteer ahd history 01 the dominion of canadar in nine volumes royal 8vo to be commenced whenever a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication subscription to the nine volumes 7500 to tho province pi ontario or to quebec 1150 to new brunswick or to nova scotia vu50 to manitoba or to british columbia i9 so to princo edward island or to northwest territories 0 jo each provnnco to have a map please send for prospectus jolin lovell maxaoeb ahd publisher montreal august 1th 1880 the halton force pomp f and every variety of force well and cistern 1 izrojst itpttmifs manufactured by j a g bouiisall 0asvxlle oss agents wasted actoidt bread cakes prints fast color ramabo prints 5c newest effects f anconia prints 7c ashtous madders worth 12jc- for r 8c bestenglish can ibric crombs best cloth worth 20c for v 12c soarsuckcrs to ar ive one case at about half price staples best value iu shi rting factory cotton v orth 7c at 1 1 5c best factory wo th 10c at 7c table covers put 3 flax colored borders at 50c shakor flannel lolored and white 12jc boating shawls 1 price over 2000 to choose from i d range from 30c 1 in all varieties of shodos stjlea qualities special value if buttons oc per dozen clothing 1 best i oi r stock the largest our prices the lowest and our work of the finest quality under wholesale corsets a splendj hosiery gloves another big lot our cutter is thol j d williamson co of all kinds on hand op made to onder biscuits goofectionery c ice cream soda water mrs t statham field tra acuta but thoie who write to buano acaporllaod milaewill reeerre 1 free fau ibfonntiaa abort irark which 1 ihej can do and ut at hometbt wul py them from s5 toss per day some hire eanudorerfsoinadty either rjcjionns or old capital dotrtqtdred yon in urted free those who etart it oaco are abwlhtejj rare of bos uwofortosci all liner east end stoire we sell dry as the creape8t why do w goods and groceries as cheap -o- ebbage lanoger lumber shin and lath rtttio undersigned 1 v deslros to inform tho publio x that he has n w on hand and will keep in stock a full lne of pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lunber also first and socond class pine shingle lath i coal les wood gentlemen desiring perfectfittltf not do better than leave their orders with john nelson- at6n your v attention v kenney bros main street 1 to the front with a fine stock of new fal g suits can- o- having purchased the coal business of mr c s smith t ma n all kinds oi tosopply stove coal i nave also a good btock of wood- hardwood ash collar and mill wood at reason able prices woo and coal delivered james bhown we are now receiving a very larpe stoek of nvw fall goods of every description our boots and shoes are purchased from the best manufacture j and aro of tho best quality we have a fine assortment and your every want can 1 3 supplied some fine lines of trunks and valises on hand r oeived direct from tho manufacturers ordered work wo makb a sppoialty of this depdrtmont and gdarautce satisfaction to all customers repairing done with neatness and despatch kenney bros dominion house please acton coobs ie do becatirse it we wont fill our cellars with unnecessary goods- out they must sjoj is the verdict of ryan berkinshawj co cuelph o 1600 ifls dress goodsc per yd worth i2t 800 yds beautiful dress muslins 5c per yd worth 8c 13000 yds beautiful prints from 5 to 10c per yard this is threonines only oi a host see hand bills o- ryan berkinshaw co successors to john hocc son i 93 upper wyndham street guelph

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