Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1886, p. 4

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h t nm f im i f trctwnxt mokxixo skrtkunto 0jl88fi will do what 2 the cauiio of iri- lii i im a temperance man 1 041 i i will eahtetuy talk ajod prs twill labor vrlth miht for riht but i cannot vote that way with eloquence warm i will urre reform let all the world take note 1 never shrink from temperance work excepting when i vote i will labor so that the world may know im a sealom temperance man twill talk of laws that will aid the cause f but i cannot vote the plan my tongae shall delijjljl to talk of right i will speak its praisa each day i will urge u strong on the listmnjjlhrcragi but i cannot vote that way i a vote for the tight u lost from sight for the catree is weak today it might grow strong if helped along bat i cannovvote that way with theparty strong though the cause is wrong my tote will still be cast though want and woe in streams may flow and whiskey rnlo at last the widows groan and the orphans moan shall not affect my will i wht pity them though and tell them so bat vote for whiskey stilly all sorts i t x if h a vi v- i tm fa i hi- a lady writes 4 i was enabled to remove the corns root and branch by the use of holloways corn care others who have tried it have the same experience worms derange the whole system mother graves worm exterminator i de ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only costs twerityfive cents to try it and be convinced ayers ague cure acta directly on the liver and hiliary apparatus and drives out the malarial poison which induces liver complaints and bilious disorders war ranted to cure or money refunded tothebermr when all other remedies fail for bowel complaint colic cramps dysen tery ac then dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry comes to the rescue thus writes w h crocker druggist wardown and adds that its sales are large and increasing a haybee merchant- warkwpitb writes i have sold some hundreds of bottles of dr thomas eclectric oil and it is pro nounced by the public one of the best medkanea they have ever used- it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain sore throats c and is worthy of the greatest confidence a creat jlwakealag there is a great awakening of the slug gish organs of the human system whenever burdock blood bitters are taken it arouses the torpid liver to action regulates tfee bowels and the kidneys purifies the blood and restores a healthy tone to the system generally have you ever tried mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate for sores of any kind it is beyond doubt the very best preparation in the martet for healing and caring sores bums cute pimples blotches and is the only proper method of applying carbolic acid sold at dr mcgarvins drug store for 25c a box a ijare thing a sure cure for summer complaints procure from your druggist one 37j cent bottle of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry and use according to directions it is infallible for diarrhoea cholera mor bus canker of the stomach and bowels and cholera infantum mr james ford of dramquin sold 90 sheep to mr geo featuerbon who shipped them to england and resold them to bax ter dk goodfehow of liverpool who have written to mr ford statidg that they were the finest lot of sheep they ever saw shipped from any country and compared very favorable with their scotch and english sheep champion a cmplete breakdown for ten years says jennie m harrett of wallaceburg ont i did not see awell day was all broken down with dyspepsia liver complaint catarrh and debility three doctors abandoned hope for me when burdock blood bitters came to my rescue it is the best medicine i have ever taken i say this for the benefit of all suf fering as i did we have no hesitation in saying that dr j d euaggs dysentery cordial is with out doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dysentery diarrhoea cholera and all summer complaints sea sickness etc it promptly gives relief and never fails to effect a positive cure mothers should never be without a bottle when their phil- dren are teething a prmlitml tteaton the fruitful season of this year is prolific with many forms of bowel complaints such as diarrhcea dysentery colic chol era morbus cholera infantum 4c as a safeguard and positive cure for those dis tressing and often sudden and dangerous attacks nothing can surpass that old and reliable medicine dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry cucumbers and melons are forbidden fruit to many persons so constituted that the least indulgence is followed by attacks of cholera dysentery griping c these persons are not aware that they can indulge to their hearts content if they have on hand a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysen tery cordial a medicine that will give im mediate relief and is a sure cure for all summer complaints hav3 you toothache usefluid light ning havo yon rheumatism use fluid lightning have you a stiff joint use fluid lightning have you neuralgia use fluid light ning have you lumbago use fluid light ning are you troubled with headache use fluid lightning have you any pain use fluid light- ning it will cure you the instant it is applied try it 26c per bottle at dr mcgarvins drugstore 1 rialrt ittitalas tuoreare buifowthat have novor suffered almost nitulofrthto palft from toothache neuralgia or ltko ucuto pnins to them suoh an instant relief as fluid lightning la an untold blossimr in time of trouble no dlsguatuig offensive medloiues to bo taken or days ouvtpilvation of fluid light- itik euros sold atj b meonrvins drug store 20 the latest remedy for 6oughsi colds croup hooping cough bronchitis etc is mcgregors lung compound there is no remedy in existence containing any olio of the active ingredients composing mcgre gors lang compound bo do uot say you havo taken every thinj until you have tried this for your cold or cough and your opinion wilt bo the same as all who have used it vise that it is tho best sold in 50c and 9100 bottles by dr mcgarviu druggist groat results are speedily accomplished by the leading alterative northrop ly mans vegetable discovery and dyspoptio cure indigestion ceases biliousness dis appears constipation gives place to regular ity of the bowels in consequence of taking it ladies suffering from complaints pecu liar to their sex experience long wished for relief from it and impurities in theoircuhv tion no longer trouble those who have sought its aid give it a trial and you will not regret it merit proven -r- dollar upou dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with- mc gregors speedy cure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j r mcgarvins drug store and gein free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia livpr complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon ials from people in ytur owu town 29 brat sad comfort lo the snlterlu browub household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache ii will most surely quick en the blond and ileal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan- acea being acknowledged as the greatl pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and ache of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents bottle 44 55t555 9r999 so easllv to a cold taken that uot lufn fluently one is at o loss to tell when or howlthajorlgiuitcaandtsprono luamo per health haps go cully if helped a uttlo m holloicays ointment and pill sate be lief the weak and enervated suffer severely from nervous affections when storms or electric disturbances agitate the phere- neuralgia gouty pangs and dying pains very distressing to a delicate system may be readily removed by rubbing this ointment upon the affected part after it has been fomented with warm water the pills taken occasionally in the doses pre scribed by the instructions keep the diges tion in order excite a free flow of healthy bile and regenerate the impoverished blood with richer materials resulting from thor oughly assimilated food wanting which the strongest must inevitably soon sink into feebleness and the delicate find it difficult to maintain existence holloways ointment and pills are infallible remedies prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cpres it hasallect- ed mcgregor speedy cure leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics doily offered to the public kvery ingredient possesses a pecul- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a rtlief but n a6ofute for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgarvins drue store 31 every observer who walks the streets of a great city and scans with intelligent eye the colorless faces of more than fifty per cent of the people he meets can easily agree with us in the statement that this age which makes such drafts upon the working energies of the greater part of men in the intense pursuit of business has destroyed in a proportionate degree the animal health and robust constitution nature in this stage of exhaustion cannot be restored of itself but requires some stimulating tonic to strengthen ana keep the system in regular order and in jnortb ropa lymans quinine wine we hive the exact remedy required the peculiar operatiou of the medicine in cases of gen eral debility andnex vons prostration has undergone long and close observation and it is believed it will never fail if properly and judiciously administered prepared by northrop lyman toronto and bold by all druggists advice to mothebs are you disturbed at night and brokenof your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winsljows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhcea regulates the stomach and bowels cures win colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and mirses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sore and ask for mrs wiksxows soothing sybup and take no other kind w in msrtbst tbom who frw roll i feftnrtlob tfwtrt work which u u y than from fc to s pr ur sod am mb4otfrsiasdw elttwqmorelac3 aitittdomrnnefiaafuttiimmvm weakening tho patient tho luryiix vocal cords and tonsils become inflamed tho inflammation oxienda into tho bronchial nhi lnrw nwiih tin and tlme inn down the aicddv tubes to tho wncnnt luiiggultl mately threatening pulmonary consum- it mny dully j if helped a uttlo but pvery cold that domes is jtawa to ttav itbuy happen just at a ic tlmo when from other causes tho l nonnal strength of mlstancetathosysttiuhasbocnlowored a little tnattentlonor delay may givo it a dangerous dcttfr 2 hi i oncobocomo db i cn firmly seated and the work of dlskmhrment will be wry difficult the slmplo corysa or cold in tho head may tu an ly catarrh and u i nmh indeed exoecd- ingly likely so to do that such is tho casq u evidenced by the fact that seven persons out of every cnin nine inlho at laatloandmtd- qulu die gtutcft havo catarrh ini n sovoro form or if it docs not tako that turn tho uttlo cough that is at first but an annoyance to almost certain to becomo dry bard racking and cpn itantly recurrent worrying in wnking boors banishing sleep and momentarily ayers cherry pectoral is tho only medlclno that can be relied npon to break up n cold and cured cougb and to invaluoblo in the treatment of all affections of tho tnront and lungs tho following arosamplks of what people say who know it j cords and tonsil inflammation la tubohla abbgititk and bronchlss mttlf 9 ore the easiest words that tho doctor colled in about that time will ubo tho troublo goes on work- the dti tloff or perhaps tho inaludy assumes s about as unwise a thing as nu ordinarily sonslble person can do to to neglect a little ddcccducc col cough and rniioiin6a glvo it n chanco to develop in any of theso vuvc and when it comes to the treatment of children ne ucai tu rloct tocrfni inallty all khali ii tho dungeni to bo feared from colds and toughs imiy bo averted in tho ery outset ty the administration of ayitn8 ciirhky pkc tokal a medicine ineffably beneficent which alloys tho coughing soothes to re freshing rest and brings butlt henlth 1 li iifc medical sclenco has produced no other anodyne expectorant so good as ayers cixkrry pectorai it is invaluable for prof f sweetzer maine diseases of tho throat and lungs prof f sweetzer maine medical 8chool brunswick ile avknjfl cherrv pectoral affords more relief incosesof whooping cough than any other medicine dr arthur y cox st louis mo 1 i have used ayers cherry recro- ral in my family for 20 years it to n wondorfuf remedy for throat and lvng diseases l garrett tczana tex my children hove taken ayers cherry pectoral for coughs and croup and have found it give immediato relief followed by cure mr8 j gregg loweu mass i find nothing else so efficacious m ayer8 cherry pectoral in the treat ment of colds and coughs und have used it in croup asthmu and incipient consumption with great success dr j h wilsox centervtue iowa my wife troubled with violcnttjoiigli lug nard and dry for 80 years got so low i thought it would kill her she took ayers cherry pectoral ami is entirely cured j m carr french uampmss several members of my family suffered severely with influenza all were cured by ayers cherry pectoral in a few doyshenry russell somerset j tho best remedy that can bo had for coughs and colds is ayers cherry pectoral e m sargent loirell mm ayers cherry pectoral prepared hy de j 0 ayeb 00 analytical chemists lowell mass for sale by all druggists x great ghpp at lilie vl mammoth house eor0etown 1 -of- pry goods millinery clothing carpets boots and 8hoes c c avnhavo jvistconiuleted thopuruhase of a big stock of now summer goods at a great disoount oil regular price we will sell them cheap bee our prices i i db15ss goods for 5c worth uu better ooods a littlb more wjhite lacu muslins m worth jc te m colored muslins 5c worth 10c he know bow cheap we wero ii selling these goods ncy prints 5 to 7 fa worth q jt 12k- ey cottons 3c worth 5c wjhitk cottons 5c worth 8c j table linens 25c worth 37ic wellinqs 5c worth joc rpets hemp i oc worth 15c rpets union 25d worth iou v posmveiv i t t est ever offered in canada rpets tapestry 30c worth 40c lwool halifax tweeds 3fflc worth 50p a good tweed suit of clothes for 500 avorth 800 a jblack corkscrew twill suit for 900 worth 8140c1 all trimmed millinery and ready made summer han- tles at half price uijtrimmed hats kc at 10c and upwards parasols very cheap the home rulers wont let ns have any more at these prices i positively these are the cheap- rail timetable grand trunk railway oqijfo kaht oolno wkst vlixod ilflooaiii- bxjrtctn 124 nm kxvtets est 0ii tliro exprcm ak m jlpll 5lvjiii kiitcial ssojin kxiiren t710ani iiwu mall 1102 ara riirongb kx47piii aecoiu louliim chicago kxp niitijrorout j j tl mk ofctofilno m atlti oolng wost g10 am and 52frjm going kast waf am and 520 jni ess docs not etoi between giiclj t we must clear out thfe stock while the weather u warm dont miss tho opportunity to get some of tho cheapest goods ever offfered in canada come and see- our stuff we offer you bargains all jgoods sold for cash only 1 dont forget the place- mcleod anderson co j mammoth house aeorgetown from ail over the world the new goods mantles and jackets trimmings and but tons fur trimmings new mantle cloths new millinery new blankets coming from the principal markets of the world new goodd from switzerland germany france austria saxony russia england ireland scotland united statesand canada hove been arriving at tho right house and today the contests of nearly 2x packages are on exhibition dress goods an immense collection of new goods many very cheap lines will be sold in allwool goods in this department a large variety of ladies and childrens jackets paletots and mantles received direct from berlin another large shipment of ladies cashmere jerseys shown in all bizes required a choice assortment of fancy dress and mantle trimmings an almost endless variety of buttons three cases of the newest and most stylish shapes in straw and felt hats and bonnets a caso of elegant faucy features and flowers new trimming braids new chenile fringes and ruohes a choice selection of new fur trimmings in beaver opossum skunk fox and other trimmings an en ormous yaiiety of new mantle cloths seulettes and asltrachaus a very solect styck of cashmere gloves in ladles and childrens sizes at lower prices than sold lastseasoo new silk velvets velvet trimmings merveillenx and other silk goods the new blankets will be cheaper than last season como and see them a baudsome collection of new 8wiss embroid ries and flouucinp k new carpets woven squares and new goods for the carpet department just received a larce variety of kensington sqanrcs of carpets woven in one piece they are very cheap new racoon rur rugs new mats new carpetings housekeepers bear in mind that they can buy painted window blinds cornices stair rods curtain pjles carpet 8wcepers and other furnishinijs at very reasonable prices in this department remember the right house is an king street one door from hughson street arid the name is iull hamilton september 0th 18si tbcqms o ttpatikrxiets fall hats fall hats at the- east end clothing store ivery novelty in felt goods for fall wear at moderate prices gjltit ses them j fyfe from the cradle j to the crave j speigjht son furniture dealers and undertakers aoton eiavng erected a fine new showroom have just received a new and well assorted stock of fnrniturc of all kinds of tbc latest designs including parlorlfurniture bedroom suites j bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers i bedsteads and cradles a id everything else that any family reqairea in the furniture hne during tbeir journey from thecradle to the 6 rave and we can prepare them for the grave tow for we lave on hand a large 6tock of coffi3sts ckske3ts lto- of all kinds and sizes and all other funeral furnishings we will supply all on the shortest nolibe and most reasonable terms a first- class b tarse drawn bya wollmatched team for hire j j a speight manager genuine english articles in the canadian market agles and eyeglasses akkltuk okly- real pebbles are kept in stock tists ajcegiyen to purchasers to prove tbeir fehmneness they are recommended by land testimonials have been received from the ijwidentand vieepresidjent of the medjioal association of canada the president of f quebec j the dean of iho medical faoulty lxpresidents of tho medionl council of nova ought to be sufflcieut to prove theirqualitiep th college of physicians and burgeons o of laval university the president and i sotia c c these rucoininciidatione but if further proof is needed cull on ir s- ji hard are- to buy your hardware is at o the cheapest placein the cojunty a e hvksons scythes snaithes scythe stores forks rakes cradles etc etc in enc less variety pure paris jeeen cheapj groceries my we navy tobacco per plug 8c lbs pearl tapioca tor 1 20 lbs currants for 1 2 cans to matoes for 25c 2 cans purapkitib 25c 2 cans corn for 2oc 2 ca cans salmon for 25c 125c 4 bars dingraans electric of r 50c te for 45c pufce paris greeni cheap io 25 lbs choice rice for 81 20 for 25c 2 cans peasfor cans iladdie for 25c 2 bottleof pickles 20c soap for 23c 1 lb a boots an d shoes weare going out of boots and shoek and will oftefthe entirestock at less than wholesale cost i health eotf hilowais pills this p purify ihe blood correct liver 8tomacu klrinelrs and bowels t constitutions and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to females ofill nges for children antthe wed they are priceless j e howsqn all and ointment ills all disorders of the j the ointtmbnt is anj infauable remedy forbad legs bud bieosl old wounds rnr i in is famous forgont and rheumatism tjsss fob bobs throkts bsonoaitis wtoffl- oold8 glanjlular swellings aud all skindiseases it h joints it acts like and it no rival a charm r uwfmumd odly itbomas hillowavs elablihnini ww ouml stsi lrtt 883 spurcha8orsehould look to the label on tho p 533 oxford strcef london use on your mohinery loi ly the eliknown and for contracted and stiff oteand boxes if the address is no they are spurious thresher j cr0tie j bate been rp and howe powers j b pbabjb0 jeaorai store actoa oat ry alpp majinfapred at queon ty pij wirjt t k 5amuel kwjsbtgigi iebless oil awarded it during the last three years our peerloaa axle orease for your r rocer3 it co toronto allanlne 18- sumner arrangement 86 liverpool and qnflbsc service vtuu mvwirc ol steamer vnott qwurx circassian friday otli at g vrtoursday tb ug poiyjfe8fan thurmlay 12th aug thursday 2nd sept faiusian tlrarsdayltltiiig thursday 9th seit s arm ati a n friday 27th a ig thursday 16th sqit sardinian thurlay 2n isopt thursday 23rd sept mail fiteaii idrs notk the j liverpool direct fitcaincrs do not take intermediate or steeerago jiasseugers ou the voyage fro ib qucbooto liverpool cabin intci mediate and stecrogo fares are still reda1 return tickets coodlor one year the best line to tako to colonial bxhibftiou parties sehdia for fricuds in the old country cau obtain pre mid certificates at greatly reduced rntes for tickets and every information apply to 3 k mcgailvjn ticket agent acton m ifouispiiiigsuit has pleasure brennan in annonncing that his tau oring shop in mrs secords block is now open and in full runn ing order and in a position to fill all orders r he is showing good tvped uits jvt si2 sold blsewilererfor 15 scotch txveed suit 17 gls sold elsewueke foks23 axd 24 fine worsted suit at 20 soldseisewliene at 25 j j gentlemen wanting a finrtclass good- fitting coat eicj may rely upon being suited in every respejctby leaving their orders with brennan the clothier goto waters bros the picture gallery guelph for ariin3 material oil and ivalcr colori crayons canvas dravinq piper brushes le oil paintings steel engravings ghromos c prabies op all kind mouldings boom and pictnre cornices and corn co poles spring rollers and windov s lades fromooecomnleti fancy llbods sjjiuble tor wedding and birluduy presents 6ve visitbre can have their pictures framed while in tii citv so bring them with you to i waters beos the picture qallerv nerfr the post oflice agents wanted steady efceploymemt to goot men none need be idle previous pay either salajry onerinudrec to canvass for nursery stock we esfierieuce not essential or coitomissiou smart mevl wanted at pnc the salebf canadiangrown iahgest in- dont apply class- referent rootn for lazy number of ei address the ponthill nurseries a1a oveh 400 acees unless you cau furuish first- s and want to work no men but cau employ any tjergetic men who want work ijone wellington nnrseryrcen t0hont6 ovt if voj mi evbi free prt m onk veabi invarialj 13 per yl tinuedtilf option of j sta one coluri haugolui quarter c one inch casnaraj first inser seqiientin reckoned 1 scale of 1 adrertis willi inglyi in advancj changes i n the ofl they will 1 tertlelngl tontracwl ber of co oflice frederick ce si tr ity medic of physic omcua l l- new syst moniy ea teeth witil strator college rods may i in any 0 acton evlj of each tohsj 1 u- larij veterinaij in kennjj dence in j t soundnesj i all call r r- ed to t 1l john barrist ancers o m- efbj is 4 m v m ft- office office mai at 6 pere s hiltj ofncea and 86 kij w x allvl b aini rl office lington sf alleys tol johsbi wiiit oatel hei 20 yearl w m fortnecl orders lei or at ml promptly also md able terml terest in dpfowlefis extract clress cholera infantum allsummercomplaints sold bytlletflens weaving ir tf mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings tllat he is prepared to take orderafor jveaviug all kinds of fancy rap carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress goods striped or plaid twill or plain also bed blankets and horse bknketstwo yards wide and over and i will guarantee that i willgivegood satisfaction to allifarmers and others who will favor me with their patronage v mitchell rohn ornss square tjlban su st georj jlcootfl periodic bound j09n cs money i per ceutl oaued fo seourity properly falrms aj wip fara pominioj cujated wanting j redtions fatms deicd in gaelph aii jm4- jiffl easy 1 see foam givep coi icfition tastily cd ml uouorcxj palaleaj artifiel nan f8 6v iry set

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