Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1886, p. 1

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pjbmijljjmbbua volilme xiixo 12 eveuy thursday mounlng kt tur free press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates om ltt hvl sl months golt tuhkk months s3 cts ltnmhl lunlvance if not paid m advuiio 5- 1 ii vol war will bo ehvryod no paper dtoou- t in nod till all airoin arc paid evept at the option of the puwilier j advertising rates- 1 av oi o olmuil- half colmitj qi irtor column ono i lull 1 rn 6sio i i tl 4wix1 i eoij 19 1 l 6o 1 aso acton banking coy storey christie co bankers acton ontario a genejtal banking business transacted m01te7 loafed 027 approved 1 notes notes discounted and interest allowed on depopits civ lal a 1 crtnemonts s cents per hue for the tirt n portion and j cent wr line for oncirsnb- omoit inortuin cash the number of lines rcaoyed b the space occupied measured by a kcale of oltd nonpareil viltcrtienont without specific directions will bo inserted till torbid ana rbarged accord- mgh transitory idvertkouients nnit bo iud ni adane changes for contract adwrtkcmviits must be in the ohci b 9 a m on mond-w- otherwise the i 11 bo u ft our until the following week h l moore editor and proprietor this paper m y i fonn i on file rt qco v 1 1 kowoll co nfwupsper art frrtlslns bureau i0 sprue st 1 where ndfrttiji ntraclsujbcmdeforlt is new york- business directory r h lowry m b m c p s t t gridu t of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians sni surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street actou ce stacev mj cm jjraduate of tnnrtj vnnersity fellow of tnn- jin medical school member of the college of rhsicin and surgeons ouki campbells hotel j l bennett lds dextist georgetown ontario i c mekinlay l d s snrgeon c duiust georgetown ont uses the uev ttm of nitrons oxide gas com- risc called vitalized air for extracting t th without pain having been demon- atntnr and practical teacher in royal trollee of dental surgeons toronto pat rons wa depend upon receiving satisfaction 111 a4- operations performed will visit acton evtry second and foarth w ednesday of etch mouth office anews hotel john lawson graduate ofon- 11110 veterinary college toronto yelofmar jsurjeoii acton ont ornct lu keau i5ro boot mj shoe store resi- dfine iu tlia iur horsus examined sis to oumiess and ceiuhcates given all calls mjht or day prompth attend ed t t terms easj johnston a mcleax barristers solicitors notaries comey- aucsrs ic ftjftns ate funds to loan ottitt town hall acton l f b jountov wn a mlllvn albert college belleville ont ate mitchell 1 bolittor costhwncte ac ofikl first door west of the champion onrce mam street milton money to loan a f rercent ohilt0n allvn v baled barristers solicitors ac toionto cd gtoeultow ortit creelmans block georgetown and 83 king street east toronto 7 lllvf j hiltn d v j laiih ia tain laidlaw a co baristlus a souciton 0mo- qver imperial bank 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john bfl q c c a mlvrfc willlui luiiun george kappele patents secured for inventions henry grist ottum cujua lo ycirs iractu e xo patent no pa c1hartered and opened in 1837 over j si 000 persons have been i n attendance 170 stndeuts enrolled last year reprosentin biirritu colvmbu minitoih muhkusnkv york ontvrio and qrrnn 87 diplomas and cortibcatos awartled including matric ulation music fine arts commercial science collegiate and teachers courses fall tenn begins skh 7th 1880 for annual catalogue etc address- rkv w p dyer m lres v e l p ii- business college sguelph ontario mhe thirls scholastic year jt begins september 1st patronage drawu from teji states uiid promiices young men and boys thoroughly prepared for business pursuits oiaduates eminent ly successful as accountants business managers shorthand writers clerks salesmen travellers etc both m canada and the united states moderato rates thorough practical work and courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college splendid facilities afforded for tho ac quisition of french and german for information address mmxccormick wtf principal lumber shingles and lath f i he undersigned desires to inform the public x that he has now on hand and will keeji iu stock a full hue of iiua and hemlock as well as other kind of lumber also first und second class pine shingles it lath coal wood hauus purchased the coal burincr of mr c s smith i am prejiared to supply all kinds of stox e coal 1 have ano a good stotk of ood hardwood ash cedar and mill ood at reason able prices ood and coal dolixered jmes uttottx acton bntahio thitllsday 8eptem11e11 10 188 new goods -t- days bookstore cuelph pricethbee cents 25000 rons wall paper sets lawn croquet carload express waggons ioo big stogk low prices day sells cheap gublph cloth hall hre mutual insurance company 01 tilt cotnitrlof well1nqt01t lstuiujiei 1810 head office cuelph r insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of propertjon thapretmotn note sstem merchant tailors nw fc imkimn tiirn firs instalment oi xtw fall goods shaw grundy merehsmi tailors guelph fw stond president cnas davidson secretary john ftaylior apent w m hemsjreet lcfnn acno4ttk for die co arities of wellington and halton orders left at the feee pihss office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended terms reasonable monet to loix also money to loan on the most faor- ab terms and at the lowest rates of in terest msums of 500 and upwards john day architect gckliifont orm x queens hotel block market square f st rancis nunax successor to t f chapman bookbinder georges square guelph ontario pause that it will be hbllo i and consider to vonr own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfally inform tbe inhabitants of acton and rur- frounding country that we are again in full ranning order land in a better position than before the fire jo fill all orders entrusted to us to partie building will be dressed lumber while you wait and mouldings ac made with neatness ind despatch n b we sre also prepared to fill all orders for umps on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisf i iction every tinie so come op with your order and help to roll the ball aloig monej makes the mare go whether she has legs or no tiios ebbage manager wellington marble works quebec st guelph john h hamilton proprietor wholesale aid retail dealer in marble granite mid everything pertaining to- cemetery work direct in porter of all kinds of gr8mte and marble acton account books of all kinds made to order periodicalsof every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done john j daley successor to thompson jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money oaued for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low faroih and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpnrchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for- our lists correspon dence mvited office near the post office guelph ont ftuie haxlan babbeil shop milistbeet actox i an easy bhavev a stylish haircut a good seafoara an exhilarating shampoo always j given razors honed and put in firstclass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cut j j p wonnex tonsorialartist james stirton ld8 dentist honor jraduatc and member of tbe ontario college of dental snrgery rainless extrctiea or aa ehawffl artificial teeth perf ect in appearance and ase w00 per set written guarantee with tweryuet omcetoveufa block opp0guelpll 68 hawug intel visited the bay of fundy granite quarries andhawiik purchased tho entire stock of gra aud re 1 granfte monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander tajlor at less than cost i vlll until further notice sell at prices never b fibre known in ontario for in stance- gram k monuments 0 ft high i00 7 ft 75 8 ft sao 0 ft 100 10 ft120 all work and material warr mtcd firstclass parties wanting anything in tl is hue will do well to tall and see me before pur ibasiug elsowlieresl guarantoo in j prices art from jo to 50 per cent bolow all other dealers acton j meal market john street acton wra e tjmith proprietor mr smith has purchased tho livery business of mr hb mccarthy which be has removed to his commodious stables on john street in the centre of the business portion of the town mr smith has hkd lengthy experience in this business arid feels confident that he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiring a gosunercial 1 gurepr company elfif can be suppl with a firstclass turnout on the bhortest notice i horses boarded and sold ctntt fm tm thuiihday moiiniku bkiikmiiuii 111 188g poetry harvest hymn i li y mi iuv cnon kikhino cuaiiaik-in-oii- dinmiy to thk quekn lord of tho harvest hoar onr praise a hymn of grateful joy we raise to thee whoso ovorbounteous hand has crowned with harvesttide the land thy goodness makes the rolling year thy gracious love is ever near lord let the fruit of charity bo gladly rendered buck to thee we thank thee for the power and will some corners of thy field to till oh purify our hearts that wo j may give ourselves o lord to thoo i when iu a world of liht and love j wo keep the liarvosthonio above let uono 0 lord bo missing there of all who now are gathered here our story the blue paper parcel n jiun kiy duih james cried mr tappair come rutltdge crossoa 13utchers have purchised the business of mr b holmes and solicit a share of pnblio patronage thememberbof itlie firm are practical batchers and are prepared to eusare their customers tiorongh satisfaction there will always 1 e found on hand a fnll stock of all kinds c f meat etc in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon busines t principles we will win pnblio confidence aid support a u j fel i rutledgre crosson- 9tb 188g terms reasonable r wm 51 smith don t readthiy the nndersigne on the s lortest is prepared to furnish notice in any quantity prices firstclass and at botto lumber j lath staves head ing shi ngles wash tubs churns butter tubs porlf barrels wood also pi0ur akb 7b3 and anything in theline of farmers house- keepers or a ntractors necessities thos omoore here james bultio a foi tysecoud cousin of tho house lounged in from tho piazza with a cigar in his mouth and dung himself into a chair beforo mr tappan well he said wliat 18 it mr nolly wants a clerk said mr tappun nolly is an old friend of mine my recommendation would get the placo for ou but nolly is a very particular man- very particular indeed hero is his adver tisement i strictly recommended for sobriojy and honesty a christian voting man pre ferred woll im not in tho habit of driiikiug or stealing said james and you wont mind leaving off smoking daring the day asked mr tappan oh me said james i dont mind that and ill hao tracts in my pocket continually and be caught leading them now and then if its required james dont laugh at serious things- said his cousin i was in earnest said jamca i am now anyhow well lets hae the note of recommendation ill step over to mr nollys at once i you cant do that said cousin tap- pan you must call tomorrow at ten and mr nolly expects his clerks to board in the establishment a very respectable old lady bne mrs grobe boards all the young men in the upper part of the build ing eery one expected to be in- at ten and to attend sunday morning service at some church as well as to be regular at morning prayers which mr nollys head clerk mr blee always leads a very ex cellent serious young man is mr blee james looked despondent however he had no situation for some time and his best bat was growing 6eed he determined to go to mr nollys and as ho expressed it try if he could stand it consequently on tho net morning jamesbaltic started dressed in his best suit and his plainest gloves and tie to see mr nolly he took a stage to reach his destination and when he entered half a dozen persons beside himself occupied the seats one by one however they got down at different corners until at last there re mained beside himself only onogentleman who held tightly to a blue paper parcel tiod with red and whito cord antt peered anxiously out at every corner ai though fearful of missing his street james baltic watched him curiously and above all wondered what the paper parcel contained something ery valuable doubtless from the care he took of it rolls of money perhaps who knew- sets of jewelry anything one could imagine and by and by being of a yery acquisitive disposition james began to wish that that precious blue paper parcel were his own there are people in respeetable society too who are hardly able to trust themselves for honesty they would not steal but they do the next thing to it james baltic was one of these people after awhile he saw the gentleman lay the parcel on the cushion and the thought came to him he may forget it and then the young man purposely looked another way lest the parcel being left bis conscience should require him to call after the owner somehow he had a presenti ment that it would be left at last the driver called through tho little peephole where he took in money here yon are bir 1 warren street 1 and the gentleman instantly made a dash for the door james did not glance toward him but be fancied that something blue caught his eye after the stage stopped when it had gone on a block he looked at the seat his com panion had vacated and found that his presentiment had been realized there lay the blue paper parcel james baltic in stantly vacated his seat and sat beside it other people entered the stage and when he descended at street he took the parcel with him it was really quite heavy what could it be no matter he could open it after a while and see just now he must think of mr nolly and mr nolly was close at hand as he en tered tho office and received him very kindly mr tappons introduction is euough he said you know theregulationsof my establishment for the young mens own good for their own good no drinking very little smoking no gambling early boars and religious worship yourioatiie- matioal qualifications are al right mr tappan is a judge hesayayouawafliie of there ill instruct you iu your duties and introduce yon ut lunohtime to mrs grobe all miy young men board with mrs grobe a vory worthy widow rea sonable torms good living james baltic bowed and looked as seri ous as it was possible for him to look and as ho really was a- flue penman and good mathematician ho pleased mr nolly very muoh and at noontime received a very hearty handbhaking from that gentleman youll do youll do said mr nolly pnow my dear young man coraethis way let us see mrs grobo upstairs if you please come on jamos balticarose wiped his pen laid it down carefully and reached forward for his haf and his blue paper parcel the lat ter was just out of his reach ill hand it to you said mr nolly thauk you said james a few neces sary things iu case you desired me to stay a collar or so a nightcap he had never worn a nightcap in his life and my lit tle pocket bible i wouldnt have left that for worlds right said mr nolly approvingly here mr baltic he lifted the blue parcel by its string and stretched it toward its owner alas he lifted it by tho string and being frail that string broke down came the parcel to the floor out rushed a liquid which filled the placo with its perfume the wetted paper rolled away and tho horrified mr baltic saw before him these things a bottle la belled whiskey apackof cards a bundle of cigars a dicebox and two dice mr nolly ltared james turned red both remaincttbilont this i presume is your nightcap said mr nolly pointing to the bottle that is the pooket bible pick both up and be kind enough to say good morning your services will not bo required in my establishment and so the blue paper parcel lost james baltic his place he has refrained from meddling with the property of strangers ever since an object leuson a lady says the philadelphia call over heard her nurse girl talking to tlie little child she was putting to sleep and arriong other legends of the nursery in which she indulged was this if you dont go right to sleep this very minuto a great big awful black bear with eyes like coals of fire and sharp white crnel teeth will come out from under the bed and c-a-t- youallup the poor little thing nestled down under the clothes to dream of horrid bears eating her up jhat night when the stolid nurse had cam posed herself in her own comfortable bed and had put the lamp opt there came a sudden rap at the door and tho voice of tho mistress called loudly through tlie panels maggie maggie get up as quick as you can theres a burglar under your bed at the word burglar the girl sptang screaming from the bed tort open the door and fell into hysterics in the ball the lesson was more instructive than the mis tress designed bnt when the girls fears had calmed she said to her you did not hesitate to tell my little delicate csiild who could not possibly know that it was a lie a cruel story of a bear under her bed now when i treat you to the same kind of storyi you are nearly frightened to death tomorrow you can go into the kitchen and work there you are not fit to tfiare for little children dr barnardo on proportionate giving i bave more than once spoken in these pages of the real satisfaction with which i note from this side and from that signs of the inorease among christian donors of the principle of systematic beneficence give- as the lord hath prospered you is surely the new testament analogue of the jewish tithe and till churches and individuals lay by in store for the great giver who givoth all so long will christian benevo lence fail jo rest upon its proper basis and so long will gods ministries in this world be stinted in tithes and offerings how muoh biessini too do individual christians lose by neglect on this point the promise of windows opened in heaven being preceded in malachi by tho words bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be moat in mine house but my readers are learning this for more and more do i find among my donations gifts from the lords tenth or- your share of gods money one interesting contribu tion of this sort was from two ladies ters away in victoria it consisted of a 10 note which was described as ah extra donation this year the lord has increasedour stewardships and we send you a portion of his tenth from an un known donor who for six consecutiveyears had sent me a gift came a letter containing 175 and these words when i began business seven years ago i resolved to devote to the lords service at least one- tenth of all my profits each year i have been able to send you a larger amount calculated at this rate i now feel i havo been far too niggardly with the lord to whom i owe so much iu every way and it iswith great pleasure that i 6end for the first time for his work in your hands a a chock calculated at onefifth of my whole profits i cannot make any pledge and i would not have you depend upon me bat i humbly hope to be permitted to continue to offer him not less than at this rate dur ing tho rest of my htezfi ami bay school savings banks i amlaid away pr why rack thtrtrain with ills i cant control 1 why vex the heart wtth useless pain for cares not of the soul y th and moon will give their light the earth move on its way thestars will look down through the night when i am laid away the place i hold will soon be filled tbe good i did ignored the friendly voice will soon be stilled i if im atall deplored v the springtime bloom willreappear the birds will sing as gay the child 1 loved will dry its tear when i am laid iiway then let me think before i leave this troubled house of clay there is bnt one that can relieve whtb comes the reckoning day i owe that one a filial debt i shoflld be prompt to pa for all but ha will soon forget when i aih laid away clean newspapers a womans courage at sea capt wallaces niece a young english girl married a sea captain and went in his sailing vessel with her husband visiting many countries with him on her first trip when she was yet a youbg bride there was a mutiny and her husband was wound ed or knocked senseless in his cabin the sailors were about to spring down tho com- panionway into tbe oabin when thb young woman barred the way pistol in hand and promised to shoot the first man who moved toward her she held them thus at bay till wrath burned out and the mutiny was at an end op the next voyage they were shipwreck ed aud this bravehearted girl with her young baby was lashed in the rigging and remained there for several days beforethey were rescued they had nothing to eat and the mothers natural food for her child was exhausted by some means a can of meat was fished up from the ship and the child fed on this until it was all gone and the little one about to starve but the mother put her teeth into her hand between rthe thumb and forefinger and bit a gash into her own flesh from which the blood flowed tbe child sucked this and that night the almost dying crew and the brave sailorwife were resoued the scheme has not been without its opponents to make penny savings children it is objected is to breed a race pf miserly screws of little sordid narrow- minded coldhearted economists j to rob children of tbe small innocent pleasures derived from spending their tips at once is to cheat them of the joys of child hood take from them the light-hearted- ness which is their greatest charm and so on there is perhaps some little modi cum of truth iu these objections it may be to some extent regretable that there should be any necessity for abridging the joys of childhood on any side but the ob jections lose all force when comfronted with the realities of life the children of the poor will soon learn as they grow np that they cannot spend their shillings or even their pennies on momentary gratifi cations without suffering for it and is it not better tht they should have acquired the habits of providence when young and be able to practice them without effort bcsideb if not learned when young the probability is- they will not be learned at all children should be trained in such habits as make the bestrmeu and women and these are certainly not habits of thoughtless and wasteful spending that the working classes can save as well as spend is abundantly evident from their ac cumulations in adult savings banks friend ly societies and such like but look at those who do so save and what do you see not thoughtless spenders of odd shillings but temperate and prudent people such as penny savings children will naturally grow up to be the child is father of the man and the sweetiesuck ing child is the natural father of all those who live from hand to mouth in alternate waste and waut with nothing to buy an umbrejla for a rainy day nothing between old age aud pauperism let the school savings banks flourish there is a growing reeling in healthy communities against journals which make itheir special object to minister to a per verted taste by seeking out and serving up in a seductive form disgusting and li centious revelations there is a good rea son to believe that tbe clean newspaper is more highly prized today than it was four or five years ago it its also safe to say that as people in all ranks of life wbo protect their own at least from contam ination become more conscious of the per nicious influence of a certain class of jour nals which are called enterprising because they are anxious to serve apdirty scandals they will be careful to see that the jour- nabrthey permit to be read in the family circle are tlie class that never forget the proprieties of life already men and wo men of refinement and healthy morals have had their attention called to the pernicious influence of bad literature and have made commendable efforts to counteract the same by causing sound literature to be pulished and sold at popular prices these efforts are working a eilent but sure revolution the best authors are more generally read today than at any previous day the sickly sentimental story paper and the wild ranger and pirate story books are slowly but surely yielding tbe field to worthier claimants in praise of tbe decent newspaper it may bo said that where it has a plaee in the family and- has been read fo years by young as well as old it has developed such healthy tone and such discriminating taste that the literature of the slums has no admirers fortunately the number of such families is increasing in the land and as they increase the jour nal hat devotes itself to sickening revela tions of immorality will be compelled o find its supporters solely among thoseclasses whtf practice vice and crime or are am bitions to learn to follow such ways printers circular penman and he knows what he is talking boston budget the tactics of a wideawake tot a wee daughter of a household at the south end was left alone for a few min utes while her mother ran into a neighbors to re ider some assistance in a sudden case of si ikness daring the absence of the lady ring was heard and the little house keeper answered it to discover that a dirty looki ig tramp was standing upon the steps he demanded food or money in a gruff voice and put his foot against the door so that t could not be dosed the child was perpfexed for a moment and then recover ing h sr selfpossession said if yomwill pleas 3 take your foot away i will go up stair i and ask my mother the beggarly sot i at a wonder did as he was desired and with a bang the courageous little maid put six inches of oak between bar and the unwelcome visitor then after she had turned the key in the big lock to make as surance doubly sure she eat down and placidly awaited the coming of her mother her request postmasters are often spoken of as being public servants aud so they are but their servitude has some limitation as the postmaster who received the following let ter probabl y thought and even the post master gei eral could not blame him for being indig lant and throwing it in tbe fire dearsr please to write as soon as youet this and inform me as follows is there ajman named j b dillworth in your town and what is he doing and what are hi 3 wages and does he own any property in his own name and does he drink to n h at one might call excess is he living in go d style and how is his hpuse furnished also inform me by return of mail if said dillworth 1 as a wife and let me know full particulars about her as to her age maiden name and jive me a description of her per sonal appearance and anything else you can think o your wife might be a good person to fi id out this i would like to know also if this dili- worth gets any letters from here if he does please describe the handwritinu on them or if you can send me a sample of it it would be better please vriteat once as i am in a hurry a wise boarder i black how dp you get along at your new boardinghouse white yery well indeed i am well- lodged wellfed and everything ismader comfortable for me black i am surprised i white why so black because i boarded there my self and i was half starved i cant nnder- stand how they treat you differently white ill tell yon you remember the landladys baby black- that 6quinteyed little brat i do t can hear him yelling now white the baby is not handsome 1 admit it cries considerably 1 allow but i cant make it any handsomer nor improve its temper therefore i make the best -of- it i call it a pretty little darling a sweet little thing 1 make excuses for the noise it make3 by saying all children are so the other boarders laugh at me but the laugh is on my side when they are sawing away a tough round steak and i am luxuriating on tenderloin it doesnt take much effort to smooth over the rough places of life boston courier a growing body the following very interesting informa tion as to the methodist church in canada was given by dr williams at the general conference frnm reports etc before him the methodist churoh in canada has 198- 000- communicants showing an inorease of 301342 since 1883 in 1842 there were 82- 00 methodists in ontario in 1861 there w re 350000 aud in 1881591503 in the whole dominion in 71 there were 578161 ad berents and in 81 742981 the number of ministers and probationers in the dp- ill nion is 1543 with 1900 local preachers the sunday school scholars muster 186- 415 there are altogether 529 metho dist churohes the plaoes of worship which are being erected dr williams says show great improvement within the last fifteein years and give btrong evidence of the culture and wealth of the people didnt advertise i sue wouldnt have much to pay i when the queen of madagascar shut up the saloons in her kingdom and the ex- saloonkeepers asked forcorhpeusation she replied compensate those you have wronged and i will pay the balance new york san a roman catholio legend says the devil gave a hermit the choice of three great vices one of wliioh was drunkenness the hermit chose this as being tha least sinful he became drunk and he committed the other two a printer recently walked into a certain store on his rounds to see if they desired anything in the way of advertising and noticed a drummer standing by the counter with a sample case ready to open any thing you desire in the paper this week inquired the printer of the than behind the counter no said the business man i wouldnt givethree hurrahs in h lor advertising the drummer waited until the printer was half way to the door then slowly taking up his sample ease re marked well that knocks me out i dont care to sell to any man in this en lightened age who does not believb in ad vertising wheu i wont to strike up a trade with a dead man iil go to thegrave- yard aud swap tombstones good day sir logansport journal

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