Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1886, p. 2

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r f fe ttmt fae tress i thumdat montso bktrtmiutr 19i 1886 1 w the apple crop regarding the apple crop ot canadft very conflicting reports have been received from different wctiona bat from the care ful peraonul observations of prominent firm ot wholesale trait merchant ot mont real a mebw ot which bis just retaruod from special tour through the principal apple sections ot ontario it ia believed a crop tally as urge as 1885 maybe expected some orcharda in st catharine diatriot have a very high hangotlruit whihtotherx promise a good yield on the other side of the line now york statelviu have a light crop bjit the other apple growing districts in the eastern and western states have a heavy crop owing totne english and european crops being fight steady export demand is bolted for during the coming season i 1 i if t 1 j itf i- rl y 1 r i ft pi notes and comments rev w mcdonagh in a sermon at strathtoy recently characterised hore racing as affording satan a better oppor tunity of exercising his influence on man kind than any other form ot iniquity- the general conference committee on itinerancy recommend that the limit of the pastoral term he extended to four years also that no change be made in the system of the appointment of laymen to the circuit duties the report was received j h crownings and h s moleod hotelkeepers ot calgary were last week fined 400 and costs each and sentenced to six months imprisonment at hard labor tor selling liquor two others were sen tenced to 200 and costs and a fifth for gambling to 150 and costs from an article which appeared in a late issue ot the mail it appears the dominion government has determined that the money received in fines for infraction of thrsectt act is to be passed over to the provincial government iff the future for the better enforcement of the act this will pnt things in a more workable shape and the great trouble of how the expense is tf be defrayed will be to some extent averted the temperance people of hal ton afford a striking example for the temperance people of other counties to follow no one cow hears many stones about the failure of the scott act in that county and this result has been atttained by the persistent efforts of wideawake temperance men to enforce the law at all hazards they are made ot the right staff where the scott act is properly enforced it cannot fail to produce good results thorubury noes the important debate on the question of university confederation which has been in p in the methodist general con ference for severai days came to a con clusion abont midnight on thursday when dr dewarts amendment affirming the principle of confederation was carried by a vote of 138 to 113 victoria univer sity will now probably be returned from cobourg to toronto and become connected with the provincial university the mon treal wilaets characterizes this debate as one of the ablest debates which has ever taken place at a conference assembly sjtapd or consistory of any church those of our good temperance friends who have pnt themselves on record as strenuously opposed to local option as being the last resort of tne saloon power should watch the progress of events among the canadians i one of the objects of the scott act nowjn force in many counties in the dominion was to determine whether or not the country was ready for prohibition atid if the local option decided this in the affirmative a general election on the ques tion would follow the difference between the canadian and michigan temperance people is that the first named ore willing to take as near a whole loaf as they can get while the latter most have a whole loaf or nothing but michigan prohibition work is politics while the canadian is tem perance st clair mich republican the number of visitors to the colonial exhibition is very encouraging the canadian gazttu says the number present last week was 222179 this total it is in teresting to note is moire than doable the attendance at the fisheries exhibition in the corresponding week of 1883 jthe latter having been only 110434 at the inven tions and health exhibitions the attend ances in the corresponding weeks were 139160 and 152326 respectively the very large augmentation this year is doubtless due in a large measure to the efforts of the prince of wales in reducing the price of admission to the working classes and to children the total attendance to date is 3043885 as against 2408306 at the inven tions exhibition 233882 at the health exhibition and 1634333 awhe fisheries exhibition i scott aota suooess report of the tarnptranoe oommltue at 1 thsonsraioonlsranos kbady rorprombition thfei report of the temperauoe committee was presented by eev d l brotliour on monday evening it alluded to the auooesa canada temperauoe act uow in force in 25 counties and 2 cities in ontario and over 0 counties in the do miuiou the aggregate majority ot the votes cast iu favor of the act in ontario was 36000 and in the dominion was 5000o the belief was expressed that the countrjy was now ready tor total prohibi- ion a iid that the government before tho oxt e eotions should give tho temperance people assurances that their claims would be respected in regard to the working of tho scott act the following are tho words of the report it gives as great pleasure to recognize the fact that great good lias re sulted to tho people in evory place where the scott aot has been adopted ami enforc ed trade has beenjbonefltod the morals otjthel people made better many homes made happy and crime materially lessen ed it further recommends that law and order leagues should be organised where opposition is strong and the local government called upon to protect those who are entrusted with the enforcement ot the law the report goes on to say we are unalterably opposed to the use ot all intoxicating liquors including wine and beer and repudiate the principles teachings and practices of the association known as the liberal temperance union believing that the use of milder intoxicating beverages lead to the perpetuation ot the license system tbe drinking habit of the people and opens the way bj which our young men will be lead into the path of the drunkard we therefore strongly condemn the action of the senate in attempting to mutilate the scott act by introducing the wine afid beer clauses which if adopted would have rendered the act valueless also in refusing to concur in the bill of amendments to the scott act sent up by the house of commons we recommend that the general con ference enact that nonalcholic wine and that only be used in the bacrament of the lords supper p k thec p railway f mr cyras w field the great railroad magnate has just returned from ft trip over the canada pacific railway in an inter view he said jf vent simply for pleasure and recrea tion i haven tr a dollars interest in the canadian pacific and did not make the trip with the view of having any interest i found it a good road and believe it has- a great future t presume it will eventually establish a steamship line to china and perhaps lay the cattle that will be grazed the crops that will be raised and the industries that will be developed in the region that i travelled through will be enormous all the resources awthere and the railroad has made them available p scotch english and canadian suitings 1 ia great variety at j jhtee acton mr ptirton dentin of guelph will denote the provincial exhibition week ex- daaivelyjto patients from a distance see card important telephdne extensions tlio hell tilephjuo company ins junt com letod a number ot now and imjoilant tran it lines and others aro under way j ami will bo finhihcd veiyl shortly tho follow ing is apavtil list ot what has beeu doiio in the provluoo via a lino from vyulkei otthelcanada temperance act which i tou ibrou mudfiy clifford hajrleton tak ug ifvmt forest arthur forgbs and eloi a and connecting ith the rest of tho system at guelph 1 bin will bo alio con nect sd wiih london i rtireot fin -piil- meriton and listen il md extended to brulselsand wingunin anew li m has beeiirunrom toronto to barne giving sploidid connection between thoso points and in a couple of week this willreaoh coll iugwood via stayner a now lino has beer finished and is now working from collingwood to owen sound via olarks- buif thornbnry and meuford so tliat tho wholo of this district will shortly bo in com mumcation with toronto in aot as tho jompany is now using nothing b it hard drawn copper wire whioh is greatly bup nor to iron for theso lines aud lias al- reac y a copper wire from buffalo to toron to tho officials say thoy could easily guar- auttea satisfactory conversation from bui falo to owen sound about 290 miles if a ly one ever required to uso a line that leiif th a new line hfts been strung from walaoebnrg to sarnia which will bo a gret t convenience to the companys sub scribers in the district between windsor and glencoe who can now transa it their bus incss with sarnia by a short line wi chi tham a new exohange has a to been opened at alvinston and a trunk line con- nee tion made via watfoi d also at ayltuer witli a line to st tlomas and at platts- vill 9 with a wiro to new hamburg men are now cugagod in l uildiug from hamilton to irantford by an entirely new route to relieve the pressure ot business on existing lima and this wire will be extended mi me liately to waterf ord and simcoe busi ness is uow done over the whole of the bell companys system comprising many thou sands of miles in the province of ontario and quebec at a uniform rato for five mijinto coji versa tions according to distance and for dictated messages in tho very many oases where the sender has not time or does not care to speak direct to his cor respondent at a rate of 25 cepts for twenty word message to am subscriber within 150 r i i miles of the sender with an extra 12 cents foil each additional twenty words v i i 1 cojjnty council milton sept 7th ltfed the council met at 12 oclock noon in accordance with adjournment the warden in the chair members present messrs buck dalton felan graham husband menzies scott mccollotn mclieod bobmson warren the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed a communication was read from w h storey esq reeve of acton stating that it would be impossible for him to be present at this session of the council also a letter from the county treasurer informing the council that the sum of 3000 would bo required to meet the expenses of the county before fnnds from minor municipalities would be available also copies from the clerk of the ontario legislature of certain proposed amendments to municipal acts brought before the legislative assembly last session but not finally dealt with a petition was read from w c ward and a c burns licensed peddlers askingthatthe conntybylaw should be enforced against unlicensed peddlers in halton an extract from the jail inspectors report for 1886 recommending the building of a kitchen for the county jail was also read mr mcleod presented and read the fourth report of the standing committee on finance recommending the poyment of besides other sums 9700 for the enforce ment of the scott act for the license year of 18867 said amount- to be paid in accord ance with the demand of the county license commissioners mc mcleod moved seconded byimr scott that the fourth report of the starid- wg committee on finance be adopted carried yea back dalton husband mcleod menzies robinson scott warren 8 nay felan graham mccollom 3 mr mcleod moved seconded by mr warren that j r barber dr w j roe and rev w j wallace be appointed trustees of the georgetown high school carried mrvmccollom- moved seconded by mr warren that the annual grant of 9250 be made to the county model school this amount to be payable on dec 25th next carried jmr scott moved seconded by mr mc collom that the sum of 8385 be granted to help to complete the gravel road from cum- miusvillc to milton accross the first con cession in trafalgar between lots 9 and 10 this amount being about onethird of the sum required carried yea buck dalton felan mccollom robinson scott 6 nay graham husband menzies mc leod warren 5 drl buck moved seconded by mr dal ton that the warden be and k hereby in structed to interview the hamilton and northwestern railway authorities with a view to having the regular passenger trains stop at st anns and ziramerpmn stations a 3 formerly carried mr mccollom moved seconded by mr i obinson that a wood furnace for heating tie court room be procured and bet up in s me of the apartments below the county i oildings committee tq purchase and sup e intend setting up of furnace carried j mr mcleod moved seconded by mr graham that the warden ana treasurer dp draw the sum of three thousand dollars fromjlhe credit valley sinking fund now on deposit in the bank df hamilton land use the same for the purpose of paying the obligations of the county on account of the general fund dntil such time as tho taxes are received when the said amount with fiur per cent interest added shall be de posited to the credit of the credit valley sjnkiqg fond carried mr felan moved seconded by mr scott that when this council adjourns it staod ijotjjued until the first tuesday in dec lowamcarried mr tusbind parried fhe altak lijpioi moorh at tho residence of tho 1 mde8 mother 10c barton st hamil ton on the 15th september by rev t a moore princeton brother of the bride i issisted by rev v h emory hamilton jr henry t lepwje of cbarlottetown mi to miss maggie moore daughter of mrs l graj hamilton m iwjhft menzies moved seconded by mr that the council jadjodra4 copoil adjourned new advertisements notlte y wife xet1tia uokdkn having left my bed and board without provocation anil without my knowledge 1 hereby warn all jf any jy warn all cot corned that i will not bo responsible del its contracted by her jacob swoitdex ctou bepi nib isc 5000 acbes df land for sale in tbo county of dnfferin a qiiautity of land for sale at from 10 per ocijo to 0 per acre terms and prices to suit all customers also village property in sbel- bu no homings uiiih corbettou luverview an 1 1 melsncthon applv to j t hemstheet vactioneor laud agent ac bbelburnc a k heuibtrcet is acquainted with tho count of jdoffcrinin almost evciy part no can recom mend him to intending purchasers house and lot for sale rpjhe ijndeusigned bos rwehed instruc i tions to scllon cry casj t tius the bouse and lot on church street now o icupled by mrs jatues boll unjoining tho dwcl ling of charles bpiight and immediately beh ud geo hvnds jewellery store ihisis a des rablo propert the lot is firstclass tbo dwelliu j in good repair ana there is a nice garden rith fruit trees terms and particulars mako kn awn upou appli cation to hp mooke fiieepiiesboffici valuable farm for sale near acton r faltbscklbeb offers for sale bis farm jl lot 8a con 1 knquisiug tbo property coi jpnscs w acres more or less good buildings on the premlcs youna orcliaid just commenc ing to bear tbcplace ib well waterod it is ritu- at d about two utiles from acton full purlieu 1st i upon application at tbe fjikk piiess office acou or at the farm to acton sept htli teso chs camehon faucis wanted t7a1m8 wanted fob the next ibsue jc of our canadian tarm advertisor which is 1 o bo circulated amongst intending purchasers of arms throughout canada tbo united btates eujrope and other countries vie have in our ofl ce at guolph thousands of lotters from appli- cajits for farius from all parts of canada all a im of the united states europe south africa amaicaand other countries all tho letters art from parties wboiiave seen our advertiso- iik uts those wanting to soli aro invited to come to ur office in guelpb and soe tho letters for thimselves we aro selling more farms than au other arm in cauada we defy contra- ilictioii to this stutemouti if you want to soil sci id ills our imine and address und then we will wrwito voti no charge unless a sale is effected across i john j daley co guelph ont gazefteer lovkllb and of the history dominion of canada n nine volumes royal 8to tto be commenced ubenevor aeuffloient jl number ofsubscribers is obtained to cover coi t of publication subscription to tbe nine vojutneffa75 00 to tho province of outario or to uebeol50 tonew unnmwick or to nova sojitia 1 so to manitoba or to british columbia s9j50 to prince edward island or to northwest territories 950 each proviuco to lm o a map please send for prospectus john iiovbll 1unaokh ak1 rudlibher mdntroal august 4th 1880 pall winter 188s r b jrmtn fall winter 1886 l take pleasure n ilitormiug the iodidonts of acton and vicinity that my stock ot fall ann winter goods is now very com- voters list 1886 j 0 r municipality ofjthe yiifaae or acton county of halton pal jtoticeis hereby given that i have transmit- if ted r delivered to the persons mentioned la he tbt rd and fourth sections of the voters lfi t act the oopios renuirod by said motion to be k trat smitten or delivered of the jlst made pu suaut to said aot of all pefsoiib appearing by tb lwtn vised assessmsncbollof the said mum- olp llity u be entitled to vote lo the sad muui- oij allty a i elections for members to the logisla- tivi aatuiblrasdat ronnldpai elections and tbi t sold 1st wo first posted up at uiy offloo at ao n on the 6th day ox septotnbor 3wj and re ma hs tb re for inspection 1 e lector are called upon to cxamluo tbe sa4 list and it any omuuions or any other errors ore ton id therein to tale immediate procc edings to bji e the said onors corrected according to lav j j e mcgabvin leikfifthnsajdmnnloiiality thlf7tbdayofsebf he acneon so ms not allowed so with incrensed facilities and double the to misrepresent goods and a child receives the same good value as a grown joxporiencedpcraoii tho business tihat 1 did during tho spring and summer was very encouraging indeed stock i do not fear tor the pall and winter trado i wish to direct speoinl attention to the following lines whioh for variety ami elegance combined are so perfect and varied that very few houses outside of the principal cities can show hnth perfection fn their selection t i ir clasps to match the goods special values in boating shawls mantles and walking jackets gloves hosiery corsets and ladies underwear staples grey cotton white cotton woolaud cotton shirtings ducks denims tabling crashes towels lirjensfcbeeting ticks blankets flanneli yarn etc etc i mlblinbrywmiss strikoham has charge this fall aiid winter this lady is thoroughly posted in her business having had chiuge of some of the best establishments in western cunada so indies may rely on getting correct styles and i will guarantee prices to suit meus and boys readymade clothing mens and boys woollen underwear i boot and s foi ladies misses children men youths and boys alfnew goods at prices as low as the wheat o t have received advice from yokohama japan that the s rio sailed from that port on augustl3th it has ten chests of uncolored tea on board for mc it is due at british columbia en sept 7th and the goodg will reach here about is october call and try a sample pound of the first tea that was ever imported to actou direct tbe choicest groceries always oiji liand farm produce bought i r b jermyn halton dry goods house acton pure paris green in any quantliy turnip seed fresh and reliable paints and oils fjkstolass and cheap lacrosse base ball goods just arrived new pattern cauuhnawaga sticks spauldingis standard balls che a p i mcqarvine drug and stationery store acton fall hats fall hats at the- east end clothing store every novelty in felt goods for fall wear at moderate prige8 call a1stj3 s sie tble3c j fyfe the chcai oit place in the county to buy your hardware is at d e hosons scythes snaithes scythe stones forks rakes cradles etc etc in endless variety i pure paris green cheap grocertes myrtle navy tobacco per plugl8c 25 lbs choice rice for 81 20 lbs pearl tapioca tor 81 20 lbs currants for 81 2 cans to matoes for 2oc 2 cans pumpkins for 25c 2 cans peas for 2oc j 2 cans corn for 25c d cane lladdio for 2oc 2 cans salmon for 25c 1 25e bottieof pickles 20c 4 bars dingraans electric soap for 20c 1 lb of our 50c ta for 4fic pure paris green cheap -lo- 00baeob we are going out of boots and shoes und will offer the entire stock at less than wholesale cost at j e howsons the halton force pump and every variety of force well and cistern krojst ptjpfjs manufactured by a g bounsall oasmlbosw v i ir mi ummmioa 1tottmudlhrttttautbutiiv fan tmok to m pt 4y bom iu juror sntermretacwtm 0m k3a33s5sss the key wwm burdpbliodd- unlocks all fie dogged twenties of the bowels kidneys aid liver carry- iugpff gradually withoatweakeningthn nyptei all tha ummritiefl and ton humors of ho nccrqnoifa at the smp 8tomob curing buiouimese dye heartburn ctoutig of eskijiwpjjitoekb ci vifljon jundjoe palt bhcu vtf swart jterfowmw aadlgoii- era bgillty plf wig and mci f jjltfcan a co proprietor toronto- ohje- golden lion of cuelph great clearing sale 1 goods all reduced tp ridiculously low prices we quote prices below to proe our position that we seu cheaper than others silk axd satix department black aud colored silks 37415 50 60 75 90c and up black and colored satins 37 45 60 75 90c and up black and colored men eilleux v 87 05 1 00 8108 j110 and up fancy striped and brocaded satins colored and black v 50c jo 10 rrexch dress goods nuufl veiliiijs new shades i 1 15c canvas cloth new shades 15c all- wool melmigier cord 25c pi ieze effect all colors very cheap english i3ress goods brocaded chalhe 5c fancy stripes worth 20c for 8c beautiful cashmerette i 10c lace canvas cloth in black cream bjwne and mid browji oulj worth 25c for 12jc musl1x devaetmext lovely lino colored maelins lace mnsliua white and colored lawns i swiss spots aud checks i iudia mull all shades i wverylow canvas mull all colors pllixts l fast color jtamapo prints 5c7 newest jnffects prancoma prmtb 7c aehtous madders worth 12jc foi 8c best euli8h cambric crombs best cloth worth 20c for l2c searsuckers to arrive one cage at about half price staples best alue in shirting factory cotton worth 7c at jc best factory worth 10c at 7c table covers puie flax colored bordeis lit joc shter flanpel colored and white j 120 boating siiawlsl under wholesale pric over 2000 to choose from corsets a splendid range from t 0c hosiery gloves in all varieties of shades stjles d qualities special value another bis lot of buttons oc per dozen cticftjrixci our cutter ia tho best i our stock the largest our prices the lowest and onr woik o the jlnest quality j d williamson co j oc oc 12jc and up your v attention v please oo- kenney bros lllain street acton t0 the ffcont with a i fine stock of new fall goods -loj- we aro now receiving a very large b oek of yvu fall floods of every dcicripkon our boots and shoe are purchased frojnube licst roautacturerei find are of the ibest quality we have a flue assortment ana your every want cap be supplied some flue lines of trunks and valises on hoa received sired from tho manufacturers j ordered wokk- we inakfe a specialty ot this department and guarantee satisfaction to all customers f 1 repairing done with neatness and despatch kenney bros dominion house f ad thresher 0se on yovir mftouinlepy cmly the wellrknqwn iehlsss gil awarded it during the last three iears our 9trles slo crxoaeo for your six gold medals w jj wlggppftndroniepooni j to ttnufactuwd at qijeon oity ou vflis by j samuel wxj at papei give ul it keojuu ordcra i taken and fernlefl i try cannl crd1 i provided claltl di sod winj the wheat hue rontoye ton about i newl our lists j boet golden tfest zens enj last all est spec fbkeps mr be heat oh beason taxation j iyear it is a better 1 by adfver p nisbed il orrespoj the mill at i pleted iu nov ing well bring in the 30th yea and eut seei adverthv thing georj idg of wc me plate bail factory t tbe connects ed the iq the m tol fbezpb it aiwa3j typograpl ithe ton is i will be h of the dd oakviuej atl church derson mcmiua caudidafl tne shaw news hd five oclol issued b the of peter a present being i given wi mr ing in thl with a cif by wbich was cut i wej others in town in i bejtterbi arid mat ness to thej new he wfthsu batentj pnper erij wlle tleir i steps tol lunrawlj pitty tl itil tl at tliej vijtimal ec and t us wa pi event it will i si m paij gualp a del ben places 8 stems esjtmind otmmitl bitter i vheitel rogers co toronto 3l

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