Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1886, p. 3

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w i 1 t 111 ftr so ci 11k ory s mil jiis wui irijo it on lci n a se window blinds at geo hynds acton axothkr new stock of lfaper blinds all coloks- viikxrusr am ist ik towx tire us a cu the fruit season it now at it hejslitli tuul 1 m kkkxlkv ijeoiiubtfll kiu1h of i nit ntlicy come ill ordors rorauy quantity of any mud of kralt tal ui iiiil illlej with the best tlu times afford p trnlcyv is tlic attraction tor 1uo coufectlou- oryfuaimod goods ice creiu soia water c i m fernlky i lucpost office liuthung dav mobkino skttembxr ll18sg c rumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters gait his three brass bauds division court sitting today some damp- weather this week winghams rate of taxation is 20 mills the farmers aro busy sowing their fall what hundreds of our cititeus visited to ton o yesterday tomatoes aro unusually plentiful here- abo at this season new subscribers are being added to our lists every week poets of nature lean much upoii the goh len rod in the fall yppterday was a fine day and our citi zen diijoyed the holiday lat thursdays rain waswelo all especially the farmers srixuu twentyfive cents for the fan t press to end of the year j mr w h storeys fine rifleijco is to be heated with steam nest winter tiort best the jilefe 43 i to weeks rakinqs am principally looal interesting mod by canipinn is about finished for the season itswpularity i on the wune 1- eighteen mills is wellands taxation pthis is two mills less tban last yxjah v it is a good time now to resolv s to be a better business man and to secure i i by advertising i i 4 niagara falls town council uisied its clerk a type writer foi correspondence ftiie wvk on mr harveys uw roller mill at the ffet of mill street will rate of trade pas fur- use iu be com- 11 likely jpon its eresting pletkxl in a fetdivi now that the harvest is over qud seed- in well advanced the farmers w brir g iu their griiu the welland tiibtm entered 30tl year last issue it is an in and euterprisingllocal paper see advertis ments in this issie our advertisers are ntinualry having some thing gped to tell the people georgetown las had the first tfea-meet- icg ot the season it was given by the wcty and w as a success messrstbell plate building ar connection with ed the new linj content- co guelph addition to their organ factory and tenders are asked for t le same the survey or the canadian d all the to wna holiday civic holiday was ovidently boartily wolcomxl by our cttiaens they very general y took advantage of it and thotow n almost i mtiw spent the day attlieoshtbi- tion in toronto am outing ot this kiud seems tji put pooplo into jolly spirits and universal good humor childre l on the street at night then are too maiy children on the streets at nights parents if you oould realize the immoral education your dear ones art receiving you toid ocrtaiuly be iosb louiint in una direotidu insist that thopartntal roof oovor all tiio childrens heads a nightfall and sot a worthy ex- unple y urselyos 6losoat7300clook tlio evonjinga aro growing longer isnt it ibout tiiino some arrangement wus madbb- the eierohauts for the uniform closing i f their respeetive places of busi ness at abou 780 7 busiuess mou would then bo given an opportunity to cultivate the aoq iintanco of their families before the winter days aro here i sample i or printing iknov ing that the aoton fiiee 1hkss sont samples of priutiug to the colonial exhibi tion in inglaud we made a proposition to exchaii o samples for mutual benefit the samples frorci the fbek pkess office are indeed forthy a plaoo on exhibition and reflect c redi iipon the town in which thoy are prcx laceijxacmarlet era r j the b int monument at la it tho citizens of brant ford have taken hold of the preparations for unveiling the bn nt monument and tho occasion will be sui ably commemorated tho days fixed t pou for the unveiling ceremonies aro october 13 w and 15 lieut gover nor robinson will preside and a programmo of great interest is being prepared the site chosen is the centre of victoria park and when completed the imposing and beantifal structure stil bean ornamont to the city the milton waterworks j the smi gathers that the milton council committee on waterworks met on monday evening it seems to be a question of right of wajr now and if the farmers interested should decide to ask too high a figure for their privileges possibly the 6chemo may- end in smoke a delegation of the com mittee has been appointed to see all the patties and if i their auswers be reasonable and satisfactory thekhances are that ere long an engineer will be ou the ground to take the levels and make the estimates then fhe people will decide milton san a sprightly new journal on saturday the first issue of the wood- stock dalhj ff itincliicritirj was presented to the public it is published by messrs pattuuoicofrom new type and material and is one of the most lively and interesting evening dailies that we know of the publishers are experienced and enterprising newspaper men and with 6uch a prosperous and energetic j town to- snpport them wo ms r rly- rt irtti have no doubt stntiiieljttvieid pacific i mplet- the 3uelph has been is something hped for injjte indefinite jfnture to him thatihatli shall bo given pess deserves its job patronage as it always turnsj oujt a job creditable to typographical ar milton sun the new mejthodist church at darling ton isneariugcompletionand whenifinished will be the prettiest and largest structure of the denomination in the county except oakville star j at the recent election of eldersjinknox church messrs arch campbell d hen derson alex kennedy dr lowryilachlan mcmillan and john cameron were the candidates elected the household goods of thomas eam- shaw will be sold by public auction at ag- newshotel on saturday commencing at five oclock to satisfy a landlords warrant issued bymr john kenney the churches and other organizations of peterboro combined recently to make a preteut to the tovni band of over 200 being the result of several entertainments given with that end in view mr e copelaud who has been work ing in the factory of aldous co met with a circularsaw accident the other day by which the first finger of his hand was cut off gedrgeloicn herald well pat acton bakers against any others in the country for good tread no town in the dominion is supplied with better bread than acton messrs statbam and matthews are both doing a goocf bus- ness too the norwich gazette now sports a fine new heading and has become endued with sufficient independence to discard its patent outside and become a loyal home paper in every sensebf the word the feee pbess congratulates erin is evidently as wild as ever the advocate says a largely signed petition will be presented to the village council at their next meeting praying- them to j take steps towards the suppression of the hoqi- lums who prowl about and commit acts of petty theft and vandalism at night it is stated says the erin advocate that the picturesque canadafolks had 128 victims in erin township and they accept ed and paid for the books in every j case this was the wisest coarse and jf it will prevent people signing orders to strangers it will be money well spent the aggregate sum paid will amount to 2o8i80 guelphto have electric light a depution of guelph aldermen have been to toronto peterboro andouier places where the ball and boyal systims are in use and after a thorough exani nation report as follows yonr com nittee have not seen any lights giving r satisfaction than those ip gnelpb e the ball system is in nset tbe betta whe repc rt of the committee was adopted and the streets of guelph are to be lighted vitli the bidl system the number of lights will be limited to twentyfive t whatever that tho daily will be a permanent and successful journal as its weekly name sake has done sofaithfuliy for many years past- it will also support the liberal party arrangements for comfort the trustee of the methpdist church after experimenting with various coal and wood furnaces during the past two or three years in the effort to satisfactorily heat the church without success have decided to introduce a complete system of steaih heating apparatus and those who attend th churchlmay henceforth expect to find the place comfortably heated the first cost will be considerable but the running expenses are expected to be less than that of any of the hot air furnaces ue understand that mr r w king georgetown hab the contract for the new apparatus and his agreement calls for the completion of the work by the time fire is needed in the church an illustrated lecture on wednesday evening the 22nd inst a lecture will be delivered jn the methodist church by the rev charles deacon otport rowan subject dr livingstones trav els in africa the lecture will be illus trated by about 40 pictures from a- large sciopticon the pictures will be about id feet in diameter and will illustrate the dangers and difficulties of african travel the adventures of dr livingstone the ens- toms of the natives the horrors of the slave trade c dr l was one of the most selfsacrificing missionaries most un tiring explorers and most consecrated christians of the present century and the story of his lifegathered from the most reliable sources and illustrated cannot fail to be both profitable and entertaining the chair will be taken at 8 oclock weckting bells i the residence of mr l gray 106 bar- ton st hamilton was theacene of an event in which was centred more than ordinary interest yesterday afternoon the occasion was the marriage of miss maggie moore second daughter of mrs l gray for many years a much respected resident iof acton and mr henry t lepage of charlottetownj pei the ceremony wsb performed at 2 oclock by rev t a moore of princeton brother of the bride assisted by eev v hemory of hamilton miss alice hughes of detroit was bridesmaid and mr j a8peight acton assisted the groom the bride was given away by her brother mr h p moore editor fmje peess after the ceremony thq happy couple received the hearty congratulations of the guests present and then all adjourn ed to the dining room and partook of a sumptuous wedding repast the presents were numerous and handsome and embrac ed many useful and ornamental articles the newly- wedded pair left by the 4 pm 4rain for london thence they will make shdrt visits to friends in michigan and canada after which tbey will proceed to their home in prince jsdward island via new york boston gloucester and elgin nb mr and mrs lepage have the heartiest congratulations of the fbebpbkss that their voyage over the uncertain ocean ofhfebeof the very happiest and most prosperous character go to j fyfes acton for your cloth ing ho can suit you for price quality and style ovorytirao great tei nperanos oonystttlon a spec al oonventiou ot the dominto i alliance vas opened in the tomperanco hall to outoj tuesday afternoon ths attendanc o of delegates was very larg after rou itno buiiuew the report of th oommittei oh uvr enforcement was sul mittedanil adopted tho report iusistol upon the provlnbtkl ovorurffent appointin polico ma iistratob iu every county ojr qh whore the boott aotjis in operation als oommiasit tiers and iuspeotors who are full r in sympathy with the law also that tlj system of terrorism instituted by opponents of tho in t demands moro rigorous and special c ion on tho part of the govorp- mpht etc a deputation will wtiit upon vho govcriuuont rcyurding those nmttorfl at tho opening sobsion the report of th i committet on political aotion was submit ted it celled upon tomperanco electors ta withliold nil plodres of liolitical gappor i until an oliloial dodlaratioii on the temper ftnoo qtioatiou lias bben uiade by the politi cal partjy loaders and recommending tha a convent on bo held not la tor than doc lii to oousi der the attitude of tho polities parties in relation to moral reform and to orgauizo f r independent aotiou if no accept ablo politi sal platform is beforo tho publio the disouj sion on this report was in pro gress whet the hour of adjournmentarrived a moro do ailod roport of tho proceodingn will appear ih our next issue chiefs pa an sampson and jonas a largo i udienoo asiemblei in the meth odist chutch last thursday evening towol come rev mr mcdongafl and the threw loyal indian chiefs who aro visiting tin country w th him after opening with i hymn aud prayer ileovo storey tho chair man in a iliort address welcomed the visit ors iu terms hoarty and cordial and jrofer red to the great work accomplished by rev mr mcdugall and his sainted fathoi among the indians of the far northwest mr mcdongall then interpreted thq wordi of thi clmirman to tho chiefs and after wards gavn a short and interesting history of his life labors and experience in thi northwos ho showed how the power o tho gospel had reduced tho savage red met to a gentle aud civilized member of society aud indue xl him to give up the sonselesi supcrstitic hs so tenaciously held previously he referred to the country uiid tho lat rebellion in an open manly way without i singlo vindictive remark or party allusion andat one o earned tho respect and conn dence of his largo audience- mr mcdott gall told how tho tempting offers and iu triguesof iel aiulhis allies to the christiai indiaus were unavailing and also of tho power exet ted oyer their tribes particularly by pukaii md sslmpson in inducing then to remain loyal each of the three chiefi pakan and sampson in costume bpokt for ten or fifteeu minutes their facet denoted intelligence their style of speaking showed thi it ease of manner and deliver only attair ed by experience in public speak ing chief sampson beoame quite eloquem at timps during his address the speeel of each wn a interpreted to tho audienco a the speaker concluded tho pith of then all was a sincere appreciation of the hearty welcome e ery whore accorded them a de sire for thi farther civilization and educa tion of tlieir people and the continue work of the missionaries among them sampson ind jonas both expressed them selves anx ous that no whiskey be taker among their people the indians sang t couple of 1 ymiib with power sud melody taken altcsctherthe meeting was inspirinj and instru tive and we feel satisfied tha the visit of these chiefs through the do minion wi 1 result in much good amonf their tribe as well as tha inspiration of i morelibertl missionary spirit in the heart of those wi to have seen and heard them a receptia i was held by the chiefs at tho close of tin i meeting and several hundred i of our citii ens availed themselves of the opportunity to personally greet the loya a singular and encouraging fac by chief pakan was that ho indians ministered to by mr and his assistants joined in the rebellion tind pakan is not aware that a single pro estant chief in tho northwes took any jig isloyal part iu that disturbance forehanded seize time by the forelock call ait and examine thr fall stock ot fancy dress godds of all makes katbbials and pklces mantlingsottomanoordsmeltbnscwy cheap ltcoogt iifug the fact that i lie hosts of puralinsers who from tho neighbor ing town i and mtiniolpalittes run by rail to g jelph for their dry goods purdhaseii a rule do uot couio hero to buy oommon every day staples but the better olass of goods the very newest siyles in fact such goods as morohauts in smaller places cannot afford to show a largo assortment of we direot special attention to no 2 lower wyndham street tha aokoowr lodged busiuess house for tho newest choicest and best of tho market believing in the principle prompt lyon time we have already opened upwards ot 40 cases and bales of now fall goods and while we have still a tew lines of bummer goods whioh wo arc clearing ont at discounts of 10 to so percent we direct special attention to our new lines of press goods new lines of black and colored silks new lines of plushes new lines of striped velvets new ihits of mantle cloths new lilies of tweeds new lines of coatings new lines of fauoy gloves and ribbons in fact new lines in al most every deportment which place tho attractions lit no 27 far beyond anything offered by other houses wo invite oyery purchaser to call on us and especially urge our friends from a distance to comonnd sco us it will- wefl repay you wo keep such a larcc stock and do such a large trade in nice choico goods that ybu cannot kelp but find it pleasant and profitablo to favor us with your patronage we offer all goods at closo cash prices do not sell on credit do not pester people to buy more than they want and give atten tion and fair treatment to all our cus tomers if you nro not of that number begin now e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street guelph ontario an immense stock of mens womens and childrens we erwear mens top shirts and card1gan1tapkets 1 atlowjgst prices we have as fine a line f staple ixrtt c30o3ds such as white gbev navy blue and red flankels canton flannels wikobys cottons oottonades oretonn ks touellino yarns gloves hosiery ac as cheaf as any other sto se in the trade perfect fitting suits and oyercoar3 made to order at pr1c8 to suit eyebybopy in groceries our stock is complete and vyi try our piflycent te johi new cannot be undersold nelson nw aviertosememitfii th exhibition mm m tug t ryan berkinshyw ml co i of cuelph v i w- arc very busy receiving new fall goods from england ireland and scotland to people visiting the provincial ex- hibition gnelpb w a glirk i will give great bargains in watches j clocks jewelry silverware having purchased the bankrupt stock lately owned by w 8 smith i am prepared to givejthe actn people a benefit such as has never been offered before being a fra0tj0al watohmafi from the elgin watch factory elgin 111 and well known as a workman in tbjs city i guarantee satisfaction or money refunded personal arid prompt attention to repairing w a clark l 26 lower wyndham stiguelph nl as o red men referred to one of the mcdongall ladies if you appreciate stylish millinery and dress goods see our goods before you important notice v ryan berkinshaw co successors to john hothi son 93 upper wyndham str et giielph our august sale of rem n ants jobs and odd en ds r e nelson the clothier is now showing a most complete assortment of new and choice suitings trowsepings and overcoatings in all tho uewebt- desigub in the most elegant patterns both in foreign aad domestic koaufacture call early and secure a good choice satisfaction assured specialty 84 pants oo- pu rely personal paragraph i respecting people with whon our leaders are individually or c hectlvely acquainted ie blair of guolph was in towi oke of uxbridge visited frieudf miss til last week mrs ike here this v eek mrp mjbricker of lowel is thegucsl of dr mccrarvin mrs win lee left on saturday to joit her husband at perth mr wil janes of glovetbville ny if visiting ac ton friends miss atgubta micklin of guelph if spending a week with acton friends mrs h b mccarthy of carleton place is the guest of acton and nelson friends mr c c week with mrs wm cook of beamsville rev r b cook last the clothier 09ndham st guelph- j the ten drives jobs and bar -oo- remnants of pkints i j remnants of tweeds remnants of denims remnants of shirtings remnants of j dress goods remnants r uf laces gains and ribbons ib notrsettled yet but the ffactthat w williams has the besfc stock of boots and shoes in the county iu settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and dsmany new ones as see lit to give me a pall in all lines of footwear j boots for the babies boots for the men boots i do make boots i do mend custom work and repairing promptly attended to m u remnants all kinds of goods speight spent several days this friends in markham and toronto mr john fulljames of guelph spent c few days during the week with friends here mr and were the guests of week mr t jtames moore left on monday foi milton to take aiterm ut the county model school mr and mrs alex matthews of george town wen guesta of acton friends ovet sunday miss an fa knowles of rock wood was the guest of miss lillie nelson a few days this weefc mrs hay ward miss hayward and mist piri sayloi rockwood wore guests of mr john nelstn on monday v mr james matthews of orangeville an old acton boy ie just recovering from a six weeks attack of bilious fever i- mr osoari ismond of- chicago spent several days j during the past week the guest of his father excouncillor ismond mrs m kennedy and three of her grand children who have been visiting friends in beverley fare we ral weeks returned home on saturday to be cleared out at any price o- job lines of wm williams corsets job lines of ladies job lines shoes j of childrens job lines these goods to be sold without regard to shoes of mens i and bo m boots price being odd lines and isizes act03st mead cakes lo sayit is at nelsons you buy the 60- ceut uncolarod japan tea in fanoy baskets see our new new fancy nice and printsjtjst in kobby of all kinds on hand or made to order g remember our famous 60c uco mrst ice orean i j soda water statham

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