if ijii jutmt fm ip ms tavfcsnt moaxrxo skptbmnkr 88 1886 fe m notss andcomments sam jonea in a gbicaio duooune re cently rrdeprly to aoommuu- ittic pscnte where one of the flags bore the inscription our children cry for jjread and the picpickers drank moo kegs ofliger ii i7n xjw ri iji il t hi p w r v i it is expected that the member of the united state senate committee appointed to investigate the fisheries question will leave washington for canada on the 28th p int and have their report ready for the ii opening of conjrreas it ahaltoo whiskey paper rejoices loudly in the failure of the license inspector to collect a fin imposed for violation of the scott act and h pi blames the scott aot for the demoralisation of the poblio morals ptel bamtr bine the- tfthoar there have been thirty oases of scow aot violation iu the north biding f renfrew of these twenty- four have resulted in convictions four have been dismissed two oases are pending de- fendanto having left the country and the amount of fines collected is 11200 the mait in a leading editorial on mon- day morning announoed a new and remark able platform for its future course whioh as staged is independent of party claims and surprising alike to the politicians of all creeds and color its future policy is promised to be protestantism and prohibi tion if this is apolitical move it is one hard to understand but on the otherhand if the 2tail conscientiously adheres to the principles so clearly laid down in its edi torial referred to the prestige ifc will gain in return for the courage exercised will be incalculable f provincial secretary hardy has issued a circular ou scott act enforcement in which he says referring to inspectors that the enforcement of the canada temper- anee at is the single object for which they have been appointed and if that duty is neglected then the ground for their ap pointment ceases to exist in another paragraph the following is found f it is the duty of police and constables to aid in the enforcement of the law not only by rendering necessary assistance rto the officers charged with enforcing a particular law butalso by themselves prosecuting where an offence is brought to their know- ledge the canadians expect to travel from montreal to the pacific ocean in ninety hours they have paid heavily for their railroad across the continent the total ex penditure being lo0000c00 of which a little less than half came from the domin ion government the capital of the com plete road amounts to 829000 per mile the company is building a bridge across the st lawrence at montreal and complete connections for a line to halifax when these are finished the canadian pacific company will be able to ran a train 3550 miles from tulifat on the atlantic to vancouver on the pacific ocean steam ers from liverpool tochalifax aud similar connections from vancouver j to japan china and australia will make a line 2000 miles shorter than by any other route american exchange china and japan annually import goods tothe value of about twentyfour million tpoonds steriing cottons woollens sugar and metals all manufactured are the prin cipal imports it will be many years be- fore eitherof these ooontriw are able to supply themselves with any of these manufactured articles to any great extent meanwhile the demand will increase as j civilization progresses a great and profit- jable market here opens for canadianmanu- j facturlrs while there is steady trade 1 from japan and china by way of the can adian pacific return freights onglit to be low and the canadian factories ought to be able to compete wii the whole world or very favorable terms for these markets all that is needed is for our manufacturers to acquaint themselves with the needs of thtmkikets this offers a fine opening for canadian enterprise the dominion alliance an organised bitot to be made to bare s prombmonoandidawi elected grsanwdly ulbor and txmperanob reference was made in our last issno to the meeting of the dominion alliance at toronto last week the convention was oue of the finest ever held and was in every respect representative one ol the nlost importaw resolutions carried was the following moved byjetov mr chown and seconded by w h howiand t whereas neither existing party is pledged to the cause of prohibition of the liquor traffic and where as the timehas come when temperanoo men should take action untrammelled by political partisanship to secure the election of parliamentary representatives who will work for progressive legislation in reference toevery moral reform therefore resolved that this convention affirm its continued adherence to the decision of the alliance convention of september 1835 and recom mends the formation and vigorous practical operation of temperance electoral unions upon the basis then adopted and further recommends that we call upon temperance electors everywhere to withhold all pledges of political support to candidates until official declaration has been made uponthe temperance question by the respective party caucuses or conventions of the various ridings and we further strongly advise the temperance electorate to take steps to secure the nomination and election of a known and avowed prohibitionist for the bouse of commons and provincial legisla ture in every constituency where in any election neither candidate of the existing political parties satisfies the demand of a prohibition platform to be prepared by the executive committee of the dominion alli ance jisuohpratform to provide for united action on thejmurt gf the members so elect ed and with a view to furthering the avow ed polioy of the alliance total prohibition the following deputation was appointed to urge on the provincial government the necessity of the legislation recommend ed by the committeeonlawenforcement w hhowland hon s h blaket j j mclaren j ki steward f s spence framesthompson bey mr tapscott of aylniiei alex beaton bevi dr parkes of st ijhomas bev d lbrethour bev w burgess bev b b keefer boy wj kettlewell t w bengough g m rose and aid mcmillan among the resolutions passed wero the following that inasmuch as the scott act on the acknowledgment of the brewers themselves has borne especially heavy on the sale of beer we deem this fact a matter of special congratulation inasmuch as we believe it indicates a checking of the volume of in temperance at its usual point of inception notwithstanding the plausible theory that the use of beer is less pernicious than that pf ardent spirits that though not in sympathy with the license law yet believing that by special effort in the direction of enforcement of the prohibitory provisions of the existing license law in coanties not under the scott act we may be able to foster a general law- enforcement sentiment that would ultk mately be of immeasurable value we re commend our friends generally to put forth special efforts in this direction a deputatiph from the trades and labor congress then in session consisting of messrs d j odonoghue and bryan lynch of toronto and messrs brown of oshawa and kilray of sandwich were in troduced and fraternal courtesies were exchanged pueely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or cobectively acquainted i mr bobfcrbremner is atbracebridge his oldhome mr j t easton ol sarnia visited actog friends this week mr n f moore left last week on a visit to london and florence i mrs john holtbf port holt is the guest ot mrs john speight mrand mrs w h storey visited friends in toronto on monday and tuesday mr b ramshaw of milton looked in upon someof his old friends here on tues day f mr alex watson of bidgetotrn aj for mer acton boy visited his boyhdods friends daring the week mr geo hemstreet of otterville was the gmestcf his brother mr wm hem- bteet bailiff on tuesday mr and mrs h t lepage of charlotte- town pejl were the guests of the editor of the vnze pbess this week from the report of the trades and labor codgress in session sipanltaneously with the alliance convention we gau fbe following mr henigan hamilton moved seconded by mr kilory that a delegation from this body be ap pointed to wait upon the executive com mittee of the dominion alliance with a view to securing closer relations between both bodies on all matters looking to the elevation of the working classes and ade quate representation of their interests in our legislatures after a lively debate in the course of which mr lynch declared that the tem perance and labor vote united would be invincible and that this was the greatest opportunity organized labor in canadahad had for a generation the resolution was carried and the committee appointed mr odonoghnetseconded by mr has tings moved that in the opinion of this congfe8s the evils of intemperance are so clearly mani fested in their effects in all phasesof society be it resolved that any practical effort tending to reduce the consumption of in toxicating liguors will meet the hearty support of organized labor as represented in this congress this resolntiou was carried all this shows conclusively the bend of pciblic opinion and the convictions of powerful organizations after deliberate ob servation rockwood nevjs froin our ooii correspondent daniel strachan preached very accept ably in kuox churchi gfuelph on sabbath last a cow belonging to john dyer and run ning at large waskillsd at dunbars cross ing last week i wm mccarthy hts quit farming and resumed his old business of storekeeping bock wood is bound to boom j i hear that the bachelors of eockwooji give a ball in the town hall acton on thursday evening 30th iust limehouse news ffv h o own qorttyioinltnt m atters generally mt a little abo its just now l mehouso fall show will bo hold on iha 82u 1 sopteraber i i wr john murslmll porit ljvo days tit the exhibition in toronto j quito a number of our villagers itttcnilod tor jtitoexhlbitioulit week mr datiiol sutlttrluid has loft liino hbu e aiid returned iijiuo to gait faurcurs of stone par lay are being shij pedfromiioro by mt parsous last week the toronto lime coiiipiiny shij pod 80 oitis of limo from thoir kilus her i last issue of the georgotowu jleftthl oon aiuod an item from the baso ball club of t mt place sfotiug that georgetown totuit wot id not take auy notice of u oiiullejigo froi i a oluof such little importance as lin eliou60 this m easy to account for gecrgetowuolub uevoi- could win a game unliiss tliqy had an umpire of- their own phoning who would givo them tho game i imellouse team did not get a olmnco to pla georijotown alono for that team hud two or three players from glcuwilliams and ono from michigan their first huso man who played in tho national league for vears j ihen agaiu when george tow u goes to act oil or any otuerj place to play they are always troated courteously but when i tea n goes to their ground to play tbei they muit have all their own way orno pla i i i they had played limehouse the return ma h our club would have givou the in the r supper and wouldnt have taken u coll action at the gate askiug all who entered to c rop in a dime or a quarter and then tell our visitors that if they drove homo pre ty smart thoy would be there in time for their tea this latter is according to the georgetown plait aud illustrates very aptly the kind of men there are iu thut dull 7 hey only wou one match hub season and that was won by their umpire they havs evidently forgotten thut bit both occasions then they played witli acton the got more goose eggs than runs is ow if georgetown team has any con ceit in its makeup it will accept this chal- lenj e the oddstockings of limehousd will play them a match- ou their own gromds any time inside of two weeks for 910 inside game to start at 3 oclock and uiuejinnings to be played harry s white captain of the clippers of acton to i mpire the game and the money to be depjsiteiwith j tellis of tho gtb by i he 28th september if this challenge is not accepted we will claim the game fcyz iimobousejsopt 21st 188c 4 r you want a nobby durablo aud cheap suiu go to j fyfes acton iho gate receipts at the toronto indus trial exhibition amounted to 910jm an increase of 6788 over last years receipts x fork an the foundation of the now par- liar lent buildings in queens park torons to viu probably commence within the next ten days two bylaws granting bonuses of 840000 and 25000 respectively to the west ou- tari pacific and canadian pacific railways wers passed in london on wednesday by large majorities geobgetown friday october 1 8t 86 i special 1iuzeh bljjl ulllvbotikty i2s as foifeowb bent exhibit of wheat harlsy poas and oats ii bushels of oaoli 8 00 2 couootioufotatooshalfpoekoach kind i 2 60 colluotion kold itoota carrots i turutpimiiiigoldb icacli aw collection 4rloulroluooiiorooth 1 or potatoes 2 50 collootloufut 4 oaoli 2 80 flints and flowers 8 00 oat flowers s 00 exhibit furiiituro l 00 3 hoithpocimuiiloiicil drawing any sub ject by publlo school lupll- by mrjt d warreii j 00 sposlinon handwrltltia by publio school pupllby mr v hurtdell 4 00 wnlklnr team any clasfc-rrosl- donts prise- i j 00 colloctlou kulttcl cloojn liomo- mado by mr loliu warroii 2 00 snddln homo un iciikiihii riding whip by j f tavjor vtliio fl 00 collootlou ijadics work by siiirio lailv ttudor s5 yearn prosontod by i murray cahj 5 00 lout hoiheniwlo llroail bllver but ter knlfo and ploklo fork pro- sented by t j wlieelor broad r to bo property of dohor i 00 rtuziiuv wnmciuskt mpto nu iuvidkd ah poiiow llont tub uuttor 00 i fresh hutter a 00 oonoral purposo toiun 3 00 j hull any ase or breed 3 00 i peu bhoep any brood ram b afied l owosasheftrlu8baewolanibh 3 00 2 bost spring colt by orango boy v t w lowes 95 j 2 sprlob colt by wolnhuiau j 4 khall a 3 ituloiv not to npplyiii this case li- competitors for siwctel prloa must mske soparato cutrlob on oxhlblta froul the societys prise brennan has pleasure in announcing that his tail orlng shop in mrs seoords block is nowopen and in full running order ahd in a position to fill all orders ho is showing good tweed suifts at 12 sold klsewheiie por 815 scotchtweed suw 17 4 18 80lu blstwiikitk fol23 an1t24 fine worsfed hit at 20 sold klsvvukuk at 25 tfit gentlemen wanting a irstlass good- fitting coat otoi may rely upon boingsuitod in every robpectby iouvingtlibir orders with the clothier a op tuterbt to pbotflifcjaii vi0itoes to the exhibjtioitfj m prepab4ti0ns all made at the voters list 1886 municipality of thk village plt actox county of halton noticets hereby rivon that i lmvo traumuit- ted or delivered to the parsons meutioned iu tho thtrd and fourth sections of tho voters list act tho conies roaulrod by said section to bo so transmitted or delivered ot tho list niado pursuant to said act of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment kollof the said muni cipality to bo entitled to vote in the said muni cipality at elections for members to tho legisla tive assembly and at municipal- elections aud that said list was first posted up at my office at acton on tho 0th day of september 1880 an rre- mains there for inspection electors ore called upon to examine the said found therein to take immediate proceedings to list and if any omissions or any other errors aro tate proecedinci uavrtho said orrors corrected according to law j e mcgabvin clerk of tho said municipality dutod th is th day of sept 18h0 the halton force pump and every variety of force weil and cistern manufactured by a c bounsall 0asville 0nt j- i- p ifi i we have impokted the t largest stoqk of dry goods ever brjught toauelph v- i aiiknth wasted jl the cradle 6toiev in inassagaweya on the 10th s iptember the wife of georee storey of daughter j the grave gnek on monday sept 13th 1896 at his residence in kelson mr william g jaged 79 years and nine days dsceased was father of mr a w g een of this place new advertisements 0 000 a4res land for 4ale in the county of dufferfli a qnalitity of land tot sole at from 1g per to s50 per acre terms and prices to suit oil customers also village property in sbel- burnb hornings mills corbetton hivcrview audjielauothon apply to jthembtkeet auctioneer jjand ageut dc shelburuc as hemstreet is acquainted with the county of d lfferin in almost every part woxan recom mend him to intending purchasers rl t bev a t bowerby pasfol of the bap- tist church has been granted a months vacation bhis congregation i mr w h eiddell secretary ontario life assurance co waterloo was a caller at the fbke paess office last friday mr w l p eager esq clerk of the crowg milton was the guest of hisniece mrt s a 8ecord one day last week dr hamilton meikle surgeon h m bdlerophen amved at his home oakville on monday last after an absence of four years mr james l warren aud his brother mreobt z warren editor of the george town heraldldt on monday on a trip to st louis we wish them a pleasant visit neil strachan has returned much im proved from the mineral springs preston where he has been ree operating his health for the last month half othereabouts of our citizens wetje at toronto exhibition the same- number are ahjtijslph this week the remainder watch the trains goine through mr john carter our policeman while getting out of the wav of john gibbons horse jnmbo btanjwed and broke both bones in his leg on monday afternoon j our base ball team drove to campbell- ville on saturday last and after a well played game were defeated by a score of eleven to seven they complain bitterly of the partisan conduct of the umpire who made more than the usual number of runs allowed an umpire far the home team bev f swan has been elected honorary president of our literary society at last regular meeting mr 1 rough gave a very full and excellent esse y on scotias poet burns the subject f r debate next meet ing and sure to fill the the mental capacity of that of man ji isk m lot for sale rph3 undebsigned has beeeived instrue- i iious to sell on very eay tenris the house and lot on church street now occupied by mrs joint s boll adjoining tho dwelling of charles bpoijht and immediately behind geo hyuds jewe lery store this is a desirable property tbo 1 ot is flrstclass the dwelling in good repair and bere js a nice garden withriiit troos tern s and partienlars make known inpou-appli- cation to 1 h p moore j fiikkpiiebs officii freema1ts worm powders aroploarent totko ccmtoln thoir own purjilio ij r e- etrc uud effectual destroyer o xronzj ii culhcn or adults weaving ivir t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving allkiuds of fancy rag carpets flannel 8hceting shirting and dress goods striped or plaid twill ot plain also bed blankets and horse blankets two yards wide and over and i will guarantee that i willgivegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their patronage t mitchell wanted nearl 100000 worth we show allthbioveltibs in dress goods and trim mings to matgh we show ali the latest things in silks and satinsj j we show all that you can get elsewhere an4 a greatj deal more at prices that others cannot touch j salesmen permanent positions guaranteed with salary and expenses paid any de termined man can succeed with us pecul iar advantages to beginuers stock com- plete including many ast- selling specialties ontfitfreo address at otice name this iaier brown 15rotheks nlnsbktmks nocakstell nt fall hats fall hats at the- ltdies wnntiujja fashionable dress have command by coininu to tie z4on the wlubratcil li33 toll at their ladies waiitihja neat and 8tylish hat or bonnet may secure thssjervces of the i accoinplisled milliner mis3 harriot 1v omiu- to the lioa j gentlemen waiting a new suitito tit perfectly of the newest style and most fashionable material chn lie accommodated at the lioc our cutler mr uc- zenzie has earned a worldwide reputation as the most reliable cutter in the dominion- j d istilliamsdn go b east end clothing store every novelty in felt goods for fall wear at moderate prices cxil ajnid see thej3vc f and thresher ij use on your machinery only the wellknown i ipebslbss oil lajrdwe the cheapest pi ace in the comity to buy your hardware is at d e howsons scythes snaithes scythe stones forks rakes cradles etc etc in endless variety pure paris green cheap- grqceries- myrtle navy tobacco per plug 18c -25- lbs choice rice forl 20 lbs pearl tapioca lor 1 20 lbs currants for 1 2 cans to matoes for 25c 2 cans pumpkins for 25c 2 cans peas for 25e 2 cans corn for 5p 2 cans haddie for 25c 2 cans salmon for 25c 1 25c bottleof pickles 20q 4 bars dingmanv electric soap for 23c lib of our 50c tea for 45c r pure paris green cheap csttt ifs t n m wtta t s have been awarded it durinfi the lost three years fdia uuijjj mnujxuq tfy alg0 0m p axle flroaso foryour waggons and horse powers va uable farm for sale near acton the subscriber offers for sale bis farm lxt 32joon j esqnebing the property comprises 85 acres more or less good buildings on th 3 premises young orchard just commenc ing tc bear tbo place is well watered it issitu- ated i bout two miles from acton full particu lars upon application at the free press office actor or at the farm to i chas cambbon act in sept 8th 1885 1 farms waitd pabits wanted for heinext issue jj- f our canadian farm advertiser which uvto 1 e circulated amongst in tending purchasers of far ns throughout canada the united states europe and other countrib we have in our office it quelph thousands of lotters from appli cants for farms from all parts of canada all ti f the uhitod states europe son th africa co and cther countries all the letters jarfl aref menti t ball is eesolved woman is equal tp are frm partiies who have seen our advortise- those wanting to soil are invited to come to onrj ofsoe in guelph and soe the letters for themi elves j we are selling more famib than any o her firm iu canada and we defy contra dictio i to this statement if you want to sell send i s your name and address and then we will write oyonj no charge unless a sale is effeoted addreis j i i 0h j daley 00 guelph ont liovlllls i gazetteer and history j orthij do vl i hf i q n o f p a n ada in nine volumes royal 8vo to e commenced whenever astifflblent s imberof subscribers is obtainetvto cover costoi publication subscription to tho nine volum as 67500 to tbe provloce of ontario or to que twcsltoo to new brunswick or to nova- seotia 110 to manitoba or to british columbia 8ij prince edward island or to northwest terrftirlss 99j10 bsrh proviuco toliavo ii map pleftbeaeridferpiogpeotus ifqhtf iwbut i 1 i i i majjahebaknpubllshjtbi hontnal august th 1880 manufactared at quooft city oil wovlts by samuel rogers co toronto -rl0j- bgpts and shoes we are going but of boots and shoes and will offer tbc entire stock 1 at less than wholesale cost 1 v at j e howsofs fall winter 1886 r b jermyn i take pleasure in informing the residents of acton and vicinity that my stock ofall and winter goods is now very com plete without doubt no dealerjin acton has ever shown such late styles variety and good value as i anf now iu a positionto offer although jnany lines in dry goods have increased at least 20 per cent i had the good fortune to buy heavily early in the season so customers may rely on getting goods at the very lowest possible cash fice i would again remind the public tliatmy staff is not allowed to mi8lepi8eilt goods aud a child receives the same good value as a grown experienced person thp business thati did during the sprinir aud summer was very encouraging indeed so with increased facilities aird double the stock i do not fear for the fall and winter trade i 1 ijwish to ditfict special attention to the following lines which for variety aud elegance combined r so perfect arid varied that very few houses outside of the principal cities can show such perfection iii thii selection 7 ijbess goods the fashionable shades are grey and navy blufe400 pieceb to select from in english fmich aud german fall winter 1886 makes viz jersey clqths in black and color- boucles foules ottomiaiis serges phuds mettous cashmeres allwool combinations combination winceys silks in black and colors satin merveilleux plasties velvets and velveteens large and smalt buttons and clasps to match the goods j j special values in boating shawjs mantles and walking jackets gtyves hosiery corsets and ladies undwear tickseyaves w miulmmis j gtbingnam hits charge this fall and winter lady is thoroughly posted iu h charee of some of the best establishmeats westeru canada so ladies may reli oil gettiuglcorreetstyles arid vvilf gbaraitoe priefs to suit men sand boysvreadymade clothing mens bad boys woollen tjjnderwear bootsnd shoes foiladllmisses ohjldbofr meiioaths and bdys all new goods at prices as was the wheat 0boobbibb received advice from yokohama japan ithat the be rio sailed from that port on august 13th ithasten stn h tf 5 i uqe oowatflflpt ttb and the gsis esteabou qanryjwleund of the firsttea that was ever imported to actonirept the chbicost groceries alwayson hand vgeri two td jewjxrt i iskeeiind orders j taken and fernleyl ery t m ar mux pkobliee bougut r b jermyn halton goods house acton tacnanl provided a w fro ano ove dayl the tbel couj esq rhorrow v som their geoj year bas nov humbler i a j stock at vwillj continue the i wlthi 10000 fhe double through jba been laic local atfa tihe tendauc and nine the show i pcfesible mr dvi sunday j the i this we attendanl tha acting fhursda a raj i and we on tue asi evening tore is inl galtl claims were ifej a bankrn ir7or theortl strong accept oj loakj session thetov their neij thej oia nev gamerod acton la afo boeinessl week w daughte bcoresl iblovfliov stdrm or trees wed ed in all jguel tornado were bhj widowi brellasl f- pesso tbjepap pbesb mustkt th wedd day in i ed whei pkntii 6anipl l jwe byndsl ajhdlf olfb pure lil i iittlefj rtll to put pair reasonl follow local j al bos to j on bui oddfj ii the mark as to i aadi maud ii theirf to vcaakl wm