Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1886, p. 2

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jillkjssiifcrmiiilpwiisw ss3 kwiiissfesssa s volume xii jo 14 jc rtott m press fs rrtniirnfi every thursday mjrn1sq vt thk free press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates onj- ah 1w mr movtus 50vts tuithh motl 85ctb tnvamhh m ailvuce if uo t paid in advnuoo l 2jivr oar wrll be charged no paper dlscon- linuisl tiluall arrears arc paid except at the option of iho pubttabcx advertising rates i mack l tr 1 6 mo i a no 1 1 mo oa05lfrss0qaodo17jdo 33ro oo xm xx 3001 130 y00 iso 6001 350 1 300 100 cue column 3 ihlf column quarter colutntl- one inch 1- casna 1vructncuts 8 cents per hue tor the first iucrtion aud 2 cents per hue for each sub sequent nscrtkinr cash the number ot lines reckoned bv the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil v ireruemonbv xritlioot spodflc directions will ixs mcrtxl till forbid and charged acwml- iujiv traikiton a lvvrtleiioiit4 must be paid in advance chiapos for contract odvortifoments must be in the office b 9 am on monilavsothcrwiso thc xf ill bo left over until the following week h p mookk editor and proprietor ylltq dadcd may r fouhd on file at goo 1 itrt wns bureau 1 10 rucestv whore adrrrtlgli lea tracts mj be made for it ik new yokb w 7 3usiness directory h lowry m b m c p s graduate of- trinity college mem ber of college oj physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton acton banking coy storey christie co -bank15i18- arton j ontario a general banking business transacted ck stacey mo cm graduate of triuitv university fellow of trill- itv medicalschool member of tlio college of phrsicivos and surgeons o rni l campbells hotel l a bennett l d s dentist georgetown ontario c mckinlay l d s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new sjstem of nitrons oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator aid practical teicher in rojat college of dental surgeon- toronto pat rou may depend upon resceiv iu satisfaction m any operations performed will msit actojever secoud and fonrth vv ednesdaj of eefs rtfonth office agnews hotel jollin law son graduate of 0n- tirso veterinary college toronto veterintn surgeon acton ont oirn1 in kejasy bos boot and shoe store resi- dencein the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given ah calls msjlit or dij promptlv attend ed to- terms eas johnston a mclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers ac 3pnvate funds to loan oi net town hall acton e f b johvton wu a mclla kolwtloatfto on approved notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits albert college belleville ont c1hartered and opened in 1w7 over h000 persons have boeu in attendance 170 students enrolled last j ear representing bkitisii columbia mamtoiu mk mo v nhw yokk ovtmto and qrbiu0 7 diplomas and certificates awarded including matric ulation music fmo arts commercial scteuce collesiato and teachora courses fall term begins sitt 7th 1886 for annual catalogue etc address rh w p dyer m a pres v e l 1 h- business college guelph ontario 11he third spholastic year besins september 1st patronao drawn from ten states and proviuces young men anfd bo- ihoroughly prepared for business pursuits gradnateseminent ly successful as accountants business managers shorthand writers clerks salesmen travellers etc both m canada and tho united states moderate rates thorough practical work and courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college j splendid facilities afforded for tho ac quisition of french and german for information address mmaccormick wtf principal lumber shingles and lath acton ontario thursday september 30 188 pric three cents new igoods dayli bookstore too 4 bi6 sto -at- cuelph 25000 rolls wan paper set 3 lawn croquet carload express waggons 6k low prices day sells cheap g1ublph cloth hall r emitchell polkitoe covvet tncic ac otijlt first door west of the champion obee main street milton monev to loan at g per cent s hilton allan a baird bamsiers solicitors ac tocovro on gjokoetowa oiuurs creelmans block georgetown paia8s king street east toronto v t 0hs simjox d bum b jbt laldiav a co r b i listers a s0llcit0lb ofhcin over imperial bans 24 wel- hijgtonstreet east entrance exchange ahev toronto john bad c c a misti william laidlaw geobgi katfele patents secured for inventions henry grist ottuia caia 2a year practice no patent no pay w m hemstreet rthe undersigned desires to inform the public jl that he has now on haml and ttiii kcp in fitoelc a full lino of piuo and hctnlocl as roll as other kinds of lnmlwr also first ami second class pine shingles lath coal wood haing purchased tiro coal business of mr c s smith 1 am prepared to supply all kinds of sto e coal i have also a good stock of ood hardwood ash cedar and mill ood at reason able prices ood and coal delivered j mes brown mutual insurance c of tilt potoir op wellington i estabu5u1d 1810 head office cuelph insures building3 merchandize mann- factories and all other descriptions ot property on thepremlom note sjstenj fw stoue clias- davidson president secretary john taylor aent firs tnunhdav moidhno skitkudkii 80 1880 poetry look tjf look up i tho world is wide on land and sea i on ship or shoro thoro is no rust no rest a heart throbs outward from each human breast and moves it onward to its destiny what if its hiddondoom must end in death why meet it bravely with thlo honest thought i of no rood deed undone no rain wrought to kill the hope that soothes a dyinjj breath ho who would soar from darkuess into light and like icarus mount on waxen wings will novor reaoh and touch the golden bpringa that open tho gates whioh olose upon tho night 1 lur merchant tailors 11 e i ki kim1 thtlll instalment 01 nm faljl goods shawcrundy mrehajnt tailors cuelph wellington marble works qusbeo st gitelps hello i licinid auction tb for the counties of welhnjon and hal ton orders left at the fuel plss office acton or at m resdence in acton will be prompth utended to terms reasonable movey to lou also inoney to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8300 and upwards john day architect go lwr ont oifhe queens hotel lock market square john f st rancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder george s square guelph ontario recount books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bennd ruling ueatlyrmd promptly tlone john j daley i bnccessor tthoniison jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money oaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatl dope charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent toall parts of the dominion to intendingpurcbasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence gueljihont rphe haslan barber shop mill street acton an e isy shave a stylish haircut a good seafoira an exhilarating shampoo always giver razors honed and put in firbtcloss condtion ladies and hudrens hair tasti y cut 7t j- p woudkn tonborial artist invited office near tho post office james stirtovlds dentist hon graduate and member of the ontario college of dental surgery pftiirtms attraction or no chaw rik is teeth p in appearance and jvebe atveusblockopppogaelph pause and consider that it will be to jour own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur rounding country that we are again in full renmng order and in a better position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to ns to parties building lumber will be dressed while j ou wait and mouldings ac made with neatness and despatch n b we are also prepared to fall all orders for pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so come on with your order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no tiios ebbage manager acton liverysalestablas john street acton wm e smith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of mr h b mcoarthy which he has removed to his commodious stables on john street in the centre of the business portion of the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confidenf that he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiring a commercial ploa- mm or oohldmiy big can be supplied with a firstclass turnout on the shortest notice horses boarded and sold terms reasonable 1 wm- bsmrth h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble grauito and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble having latcljs visited the bay of fundy granite quarries and having purchased tho entire stock of gra and rel granite monnincnts headstones crosses urns tc of alexander taylor ot less than cost i rill until further notice sell at prices never b if ore known in ontario for in stance grani monuments g ft high ac0 7 ft 75 8 ft 800 0 ft eioo 10 ft i120 all work andj material warn n ted firstclass parties wadting an thing in th is lino whl do well to call and see ine before pur hasing elsewhere as 1 guarantee my prices ar from so to 50 por cent below all other dealers don who rises lifting others up with him is strong indeed within his call or reach are hands that aid him hearts that help him teach what ho has learned himself and taught to thein we build our thoughts like raoui tains to tho clouds tho mystery of our being still unsolved save that no know our lives are not evolved for the sole end of filling empty shrouds william want in nrw orleaim iiintn- democrat i i our story how they made money pack up jour things as soon as you please my dear said mr chesuoy wore going to move on saturday mr and mrs chcsney were a matri monial firm thero was no question about that but mrs chesuoy had alwavs been a silent partner if ever get married said elma a- bnght cjed daughter of seventeen f i wont be put upon as mamma is 1 papa is a regular despot thats what papa ss de cided will a tall stripling of fifteen but gasped mrs chesney what is to become of the childrens education tieres a very good district school in the neighborhood not more than i a mile distant explained her husband aud the exercise will do them good and what are we to do for society pshaw 1 said chesney i wouldnt give a rap for people who cant be society for themselves therell be the housework to do you know nobody keeps a girl in the country and plenty of jobs about the place for will and spencer i shall keep a horse if i cau get one cheap for the station is half a mile from the place and fvo bar gained for a couple of cows and some pigs will and spencer looked askance at each other itll do us good to walka mile to school muttered the elder but father must have a horse to carry him half a mile to the station thats father logic all overobserved spencer while mr chesuej explained to bis wife the vanoub advantages winch were to accrue from tho promised roove its unfortunate said he that elma and rosie arent boj s such a lot of wo menfolks is enough to swamp any family men now can alwajs earn their bread but we must try to make everybody useful in some way or other its so healthy jou know added he aud the rent wont be half of what we pay heref are there any modern conveniences about the place timidly inquired mrs chesney theres a spring of excellent water about a hundred yards from the house said her husband have i got to walk a hundred yards foi every drop of water i want said she and a large rainwater hogshead under the eaves of the house added mr ohosney and ive already got a bargain in kerosene lamps as for candles i am given to un derstand that the good housekeepers there abouts make em themselves a tho molds acton meat market eutlcdge crosson futchers ied the business of mr r solicit a share of publio patronage h thememlers of the firm are practical butchers ana are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always lie found on hand a full stock of all kind if meat a in season we have nettled in acton to stay and feel satisfiedjthat by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence a id support butledge crosson acton fef 9th 1886 it read this the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber l lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns j butter tubs porfc barrels wood also flour and 7sbd and anythin in jheline of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities i thos omoore theres nothing like economy now i do beg to know abigail he added irritably what are you looking so lackadaisical about do you expect to sit still and fold your hands while do all the work give me a woman for sheer natural laziness 1 i am not lazy george said the poor wife with a bewildered air but all this ib so new and strange at first but ill try to get accustomed to it ill try my very best nevertheless rosie and elma and their mother shed many a gait tear into the the trunks and paoking boxes on top of the woollen blankets and rugs and piles of do mestic linen i bate the country 1 said elma id as soon go to prison and done with it oh ellie dont talk so sc id rose there are wild roses and robins there just as one sees on the painted plaques in the shop windows and perhaps we can have a flowerbed and some dear little downy ohiokens bnt the firbt sight of mulleinstalk farm was dispiriting in the extreme between rook and swamp there was scarcely pasture for the two lean cows that mr chesney had bought as a bargain and the hollow backed horse whioh stalked about the premises like some phantom bucephalus the appletrees in the orchard were three- quarters dead and leaned sorrowfully away from the last winds until their boughs touched the very ground the fences were all gone to ruin and the front gate was tied up with a string i is this home f said elma with an in- desoribable intimation in her voice well get things straightened up after a while said mr chesney bustling to drive away the pigs which had broken out of their pen and wero squealing dismally under the window i mrs chesnoy cried herself to sleep that night and wakened the next morning with every bono instinct with shooting pains and no wonder said spencer theres a foot of water in the cellar wo must have it drained said mr chesney with an uneasy look but theres plenty of things to do first and now began a reign of the strictest economy mr chesuey himself paid for everything with chocks aud not an artiole oame into the iioubo or went out of it with out his cognizance new dresses were frowned upon springbonnets were strictly interdicted orders were issued that old carpets should be resewed and broken dishes repaired with content and quioklime save savo save i tim is the chief thing ho kept repeating briskly wo menfolks cant earp they should try thoir best to save its all very wellforpkpagrowled will he goes to the city ejtrery day and sees something besides the pigs and the dead apple irces he orders a new suit when he needs it look at mammas patched gown and rosies dyed bonnetstrings i why they cant evon go to churoh theyre such objects he gets his lunch at a restaurant and rrc eat cold beans and drink dandelion coffjeo and sage tea boys fluttered rosie ive an idea mary penu who lives on the next farm you know camo to sec elma and me yesterday papa is earning his living well earn some thing too i should like to know how muttered spencer i might go out somewhere as farmhand itit wasnt for that wretched old horse and tho pigs and tho woodchop- piug and oh but thero is something that- wont interfere with thework nor with the school said i iheerful rose just listen all i aak j of you is to listen and the weeks grow into months and the red leaves eddied down in little swirls from ibe elm trees and pig killing time j camei and with the aid of a lamo oneeyed man mrchesuey laid down his own stock of pork and sausages for the winter with a sense of being triumphantly economical the family had left off complaining now apparently they were resigned to their doom but there were some things that mr chesney could not explain at all a new rug brightened up the dismal hues of the parlor carpet rosie had a crimson merino dress trimmed with black velvet bars el mas autumn jacket was edged with substantial black fur and climax 6f extravagance mrs chesney had a now shawl in place of the old broche garment which had been her mothers before her ho loo ted over the housekeeping books with rem iwed vigilance he consulted the stubs of ins checkbook with a glance that nothing c ould escape i dont know how they manage it said ho scratching his nose with the lead pencil that he always carried i hate myf teries and i mean to be at the bottom of this before i am on hour older ho took his accountbook under his arm and marched into the kitchen where his wife was clearing away the late supper abigail said ho how is this ive given you no nionej how have you man aged to smarten yourself and the children up so i wont be cheated by my own wife elma set down the pitcher which she was v iping aud came and stood before her father with glittering eyes and cheeks staiued with crimson like a flag of battle papa she said you must not speak to mamma so mamma would not cheat you nor au body else its money that we have earned ourselves there now mr chesney started at the girl with in credulous eyes aud if you dont believe it come and see how said elma flinging down her towel mary penu showed us she told ns every hmg and rave us the first swarm of bees there are fourteen hrves- down under the south wall spencer sold the honey foe us and we planted all the h nice flowers that grow down in the meadow that jou said was too stony and barren even for the sbeep to pasture upon and will dug and hoed arouna them after the work was all done and we sent boxes and bouquets of lilies and verbenas to the city every day by mr penns wagon and we gathered wild strawberries before the sun was up and got cherries out of the old lane and the money is all ours every farthing of it honey eh said mr chesney staring at the row of hives for elma had dragged him out into the november moonlight to the scene of action well ive seen these many a time but i always sposed they belonged to squire penns folks and flowerb and wild berries 1 didnt think there was so much money in em behere ill try the business myself next year queer that the womenfolk should have the start of me and after that be regarded bis family with more respeot the mere faot that they could earn money had elevated them immensely in his sight but when spring oamo he lost his ablest coadjutor miss elma incidentally announced to him one day that she was going to be married to walter penn the next week and mamma is coming to live with us added elma she cant stand the damp house and this hard work any longer bat mrs chesney did not go to the penu farm mr chesney hired a stout serving- maid and laid drainpipes uuder the kit chen floor if his wife really understood her business bo well it was worth while to keep her well and active he considered i couldnt well leave papa you know said mrs chesney to elma he means well and now that rebecca beokel is com- iug here and the kitchen is dry we shall get along nicely i wouldnt go baok to the city for anything now nort either said elma and oh mamma i shall always love those bee hives under tho hollyhocks for it whs there that walter asked mo to be his wife 1 and mrs chesney tearfully kissed her daughter she too had been happy once and had her dreams it was to be hoped that walter fenp was made of different metal from george chesney t to elma however all kbo world was couleur de rose had she not the eternal talismans of youth and love comeatable knowledge kuowledge is power but it must be comeatable some people have a facility of acquiring knowledge but no faculty of applying it who has not seen tho book worm who knows everything yet is utterly helpless and cannot take care of himself any more than a baby if your knowledg is packed away so that you cannot come a it when it is needed you might as well no have it at all here is a case where knowledge saved i young girls hfo three young people 1 young man and two young girls were out in a sailboat a sudden blow capsized the boat and before the three were taken out of tho water one of the jjoung girls was to alf appearance drowned tho group of sammer boarders that lay on the sand knew not what to do but i boy of sixteen quickly pulled his coat off aud rolled it up placed it under the drown ed girls shoulders he turned her on he face and cleared her mouth then on be back with her shoulders raised by thi coat and opening her mouth he pulled hep tongue out and asked someone to hold iff then lie raised her arms above her head and moved them slowly forward next the arms were drawn down to the sides and then crossed on tho pit of the stomach then the arms were raised again over the head and these movements were repeated again and again all the others stood round helpless bu in ten minutes of this kind of treatment there were signs of life some ran foi wraps and some chafed the cold hands al uuder the direction of the 16year old boy who hod somewhere read and rememberec directions for saving a drowning person a golden teddino fifty years of wedded life half a century of bliss mce we first wercl man and wife what a consummation this throughthe sunshine and the shower bound by golden bandsm one handinhand in darkest jiour we the race of life have run 1 true to vows of early years j faithful to each others love yet with tenderness and tears ripening for the courts above years of joy and love and peace full of happiness and trust learning as the years increase god is over wise and jastj soon at last his voice will call one or other hence away still remaining ose through all wedded thuoooh eteiwrnj the little polk nat and charlie bad never seen a snake before and this morning they came run ning into the house very much excited 0 mamma mamma ried nat theres a tail running along ont in the garden wifout anysin oil it youths companion making butteb a little city boy who hod just returned gathered around the dripping form as from his first visit on a farm gave this de- a good case a well dressed stranger walked into the office of a dakota lawyer and real estau agent and said suppose a man made misrepresenta tions to me about a piece of land he sole me what could i do about it have bim arrested for obtaining monej nnder false pretenses h he said it was good land and itfwont raise white beans he could be heavily fined and that there wasnt a stone on it and i find you could build a stone methodist church off of every acre imprisonment sir he would be lucky to get off with five years thats what i thought now if he said that there were good buildings and there proves to be only the latticework off of a bale of hay why my dear sir nothing bhort of fine and imprisonment and plenty of it too it would bo a dear case much obliged i had about the bajne ideis myself a well hold on dontt you want mo take your case oh no i guess not you see ft was piece of landyou wrote to me about and finally sold me ive been out looking over it and have retained this other man across the street to handle my case i just thought id step over and get your views on the subject too well good morning ill see you at the trial to scription of butter making you ought tcrjust see how auntie makes butter with a barrel and a broomstiok youths companion a lobs my boy said a west end parent not long since who still believes in the old fashioned virtue remember that you will never lose by politeness but father i have contradicted the boy now what did you ever lose by being polite demanded the parent my seat in a car eagerly returned the youth instruction was discontinued for the rest of that morning albany argus f lourarci sociabrlmr a mild mannered young lady moved gently up to the counter in a scranton drug store yesterday and in a musical voice asked the medicine man please let me have some insect powder an unobserved urchin who had been standing close by managed to hear the order and astonished the fair customer by asking aloud are you troubled much wid bedbugs mum in this hot weather the lady gently screened her embarrassment with a blash and remarked to the grinning druggist that childhood was sometimes very original- scranton truth summing up all business men give a yearly account of profit and loss amateurspay want to know bow my accounts stand as regards my garden the past season i have spent 306 happy hours allowijrg two hours a day among my plants i cured a heavy cold skid warded off a severe attaok of catarrh by working in the open air i had twelve beds of plants that f uruished me blossoms from early spring to fall 153 bouquets forj our table and as many more given away have been picked i have made twentyi five corsage bouquets for as many young ladieb and given twedty young men a bunch of rosebuds for their best girls i have liberally supplied the plant beggairj and been supplied in turn i httve received 208 packages of seed by the exchange oolumns in the different agricultural month lies from almost every state in the union received many letters from plant lovers and mitten many in return have 150 rooted slips ready to be transferred to my bay window oct 1 have allowed the sun and air to paint my face a rich brows color the end and aim of bo many fashion able girls at the seaside my interest in plant life has bo increased tljtat i have sub scribed to four agricultural papers and spend my leisure time reading them j have learned lessons of patience hopeful ness in trouble and cheerfulness that will oarry me through a long winter of cold and storm f 1 no use for bustles to know how ridiculous aj ashiou is let someone rig herself out in the style of past years we look with scorn an the immense breadth of skirts worn some twenty years ago but- pity will be added to scorn a few years from now when someone finds a bnstlo in the garret how disgusting tbe coming woman will say as if- god didnt knpw what a perfect form ought to be without sticking a protuberance at the end of the spine and as she will be versed in all the rnles of hygiene she will have profound pity for the ignorance that would submit to wear anything so heating as tbe mass of rags wire leaiher and wads of papers now nsed to make a goodsized bustle all the dry goods stores display them to the unblushing gaze of irbwds that enter the store and a young girl will bny one from the gentlemanly clerk as calmly as if it was a pocket handker chief and now bustles are advertised with traveling bag attachment a woman can pack away her night dress brush and comb powder box and switch also a change of collars apd a book or two a woman r was arrested for smuggling not long ago and her hesavy bustle wi9 taken off a tight- ly fitting cork palled out and nearly a gal lon of the best brandy poured out much to her chagrin and mortification cupid versus cupidity it was fa maine girl of whom the story is told th it she refused to marry a most devoted lover until he should have amassed a fortune lation he of 10000 after some expostu- accepted the decree and went to work about three modths after this the avaricious young lady meeting her lover charlie boy are you getting how corsets support my own corset theory is this all corsei wearers are more or less injured by the practice the injury being in exact ratio to tbe tightness of tbe lacing any physiol logist will tell you in what respects and to what extent the support the corset gives the spine enfeebles the musoles which are necessarily off duty naturally therefore one grows to depend upon them and to feel flabby and helpless without them and in my humble opinion their inventor was in spired by the enemy of mankind in propria persona j gabth giumx asked well along oh vary well indeed charlie return ed cheer ully ive g at 818 saved the young lady blisjied and looked down at the toes of her walking boots and stabbed the inoffensive jartjh with the point of her patasol i gue is v said she faint ly i guess charlie thats about near enough a snrewi ewdboy a jar ti preserves h id effected a very mysterious disappearai ce during the night and the fact was menti med at the break fast table next morning denials of guilt came from every side but it was noticed that one particular youngster was silent and what have you to say georgie finally said his aunt turn in towards him and then very honestly and solemnly oame tbe response my pa dont allow me to talk at the table holloway8 corn cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts root and blanch who then would endure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy witbinreaoh a kattonttl evil thero ik no question but that dyspepsia is tbe nal ional disease of our country aud when complicated with diseases of the liver an i kidneys is the cause of untold misery burdock blood bitters will al most invajriably cure the worst oase known

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