Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1886, p. 3

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v a- i k i si 85t f si hi ifc thcrskay monsrxo skitruhkr 89 1888 prohibition in canada under the above heading the afaiotuat thursday presented the following as the foadtng editorial ft is well worthy perusal -4- the 4faii has determined to oast in it lot with tiro advocates ot prohibition a contemporary is pleased to hint that our conversion is probably duo t ttao circam- stanoo that prohibition- is nwrtfcje winning aide that in fact we are fair woathor pilots and nothing more but it must bo evident to everyone that a lonj and sevtwrroontost still lies between prohibition and viotorjv the suooessea it eas achieved up to tho present are at best ouly isolated and par tial the real struggle is yet to come and we do not think therefore that the tried friends of the cause need suspect the bom jfcfe of any new adherent who throws in jub fortunes with them at this stake many old friends have boon kind enough to advise the jtf ait on thia question some saying that the failure of the boott act has forever discredited prohibition and that in allying ourselves with a doomed movement we are simply committing wo de t others again saying that prohibition on its merits is unsound and indefensible our answer to the latter contention is that whilst judg ing it by the striot philosophio interpreta- tion of human rights prohibition may have its defects it is nevertheless the only in- strument yet forged by the wit of man with which an effective blow can be dealt at a crying evil if moral suasion could check drunkenness in an equal degree we should prefer moral suasion but the world has been trying that acenoy for along time and j though it has saved many it is not an ade quate remedy by itself on the other hand whilst bo one pretends that prohibition re moves drunkenness absolutely no reason able person can deny that it strikes directly at its very fount and origin for it is plain that if there were no liquor there would be no abuse of it if any opponent of prohibi- tion can point us to a abetter temperance measure or to one so good wo will gladly j embrace it fbut at present ai mr glad- stone would say prohibition holds the field and we intend to do what little wo can for it drumming np recjruifq guarding the camp keeping the weapons bright and even carrying a banner in the fight if the leaders think fit to entrust us with one as to the failure of prohibition in tho scott act it is necessary j to remind oun antiscott act friends that that measure was not sought by prohibitionists it is a compromise and like most compromises a weakling its failure therefore would be no argument against a general measure of prohibition but has it failed we are well aware that it has not stopped drinking outright a miracle would be required to make men cease to do evil but beyond question in those localities where an honest attempt has been made to enforce it the scott act has greatly diminished drunken ness and that is something well worth striving for prohibitionists let us say again do not swear by the scott act they simply contend that it is better than noth ing and that by the way is a proposition which the liquor men themselves do not dispntetotherwise we should not find them opposing the act the real goal towards which prohibitionists are moving is the suppression of manufacture as well as of sale throughout the whole dominion which is a very different thing from a local option measure beset wherever it is in operation by breweries distilleries and taverns and by the innumerable influences- radiating from- them so vast and momentous a change is not to be accomplished in a hnrry public opinion has to be moulded and hard ened and more than a majority of the peo ple brought to the conviction that drink is a direct downright and irredeemable curse which ought to be outlawed from among men this is a formidable task bat we ve it is possible to complete it within years provided prohibitionists go ht for the mark and avoidibe pitfalls which the politicians conservative and beform alike are sure to dig for them at the instance of the liquor party but whether victory comes in five years or not for fiveandtwenty the mail has sufficient faith in the truth and righteousness of the cause to enter the ranks as a full private and serve in that capacity to the end this article must be regarded as sound logical and reasonable certainly no more sensible view of this important question in its various details and viewed from its present aspect could be taken ifthejai continues to stand firmly and courageously upon fthe new platform it has erected it should command and receive the respect nd snppdrt of the best pebble in the do minion and win for itself prestige to be envied by any metropolitan newspaper there is however every reason tobelieve in all conscience it has come ont boldly and manfully and it seems to us that every bridge over which it might in the hour of trial be tempted to retreat has been volun tarily and completely burned by itself there is then no honorable course left for repudiation of its newly assumed and pub licly proclaimed prohibition principles the maws advocacy of this question will undoubtedly accomplish much good with mndh pleasure we welcome it to the ranks and regard it as an able advocate of the- cause which a large majority of the citizens of this great country firmly believe would if carried into effect eventually secure a nation of happy homes notes and comments now that an aptisoolt aot dynamiter htispmil arretted iu ferula it is jabont timifortho orpjgoviltaretonn to jcome in wo dyuamttor should go uuponiahed no matter what cause ho identifies himself with uvm i the municipal council a bhjort session devoid principally to routine bipaass iknp that was a pertinent enquiry of a con servative temperance man who wanted to know why brewers and distillers and other liquor man wore tolerated as representatives in parliament and iu tho cabiuet whbu experience has shown that hotolandsatoon- keepers are not to be trusted as members of the municipal couuoil8from which theyare debarred by law during tho last scssiou of tho gonoral conferencbi jthe following resolution was unanimously passed that iu view of thetjimportaneo of the temperance question iu pur country today and the certainty that in tho near future legislation in the line of entire prohibition of the liquor traffic win bo obtained it is desirable to appoint pprmaueut com mittee on femperanco thjeroforo resolved that a committee of seven persons laymen and ministers bo appointed to watoh the iuterests and phases of the temperance question and to make suoh representations to the governments and parliaments of the provinces and dominion as shall seoure the prohibitory legislation for which we believe the country is ripe imso that every available and legitimate means both civil and religious be employed to becure from our legislators a general prohibitory law the dominion government is coming round like the mail to treat the prohibition movement with respect a very good sign and a most useful concession is the agree ment of tho government to the request of the promoters of the scott act that the fines derived from the execution of the law should forma fund in the hands of the municipalities iu which they are collected for the prosecution of further offenders it is highly desirablo that every law should as far as possible provide for its own en forcement it is unfair that the cost of discovering or prosecuting offenders should fall on any private citizen or citizens and so long as this is to any extent the case the enforcement of any law will be lame wtliust the acton frke pekss says the scott act has been a success and the country is now ready for prohibition if tho 1hke press bases tho latter on the truth of the former we are of the opinion that the country is not quite teadyguelph herald the herald has evidently been reading the mail and giveh the free phkss credit for the maid articles however the fhke press does and has repeatedly said that where a proper effort has been made to en force the scott act it has been just as great a success as prohibitionists ever claim ed it could be but the free press never said the act was a success in municipali ties where no continued effort has been made to enforce it as in gnelph j for in stance more backbone is necessary in such places both on the part of the officers of the law and the temperance people that the country is fully ready for prohibi tion pure and simple we emphatically believe and with prohibitionists generally we are of opinion that the country was ready for prohibition when in 1878 that measure wis asked from the government and instead of which the scott act a halfway measure was given them cot poll net on tuosduy uvouing me nbcrtf pros cut mr w ii storey rcovc and messrs homloitioii and oamcivn minutes ot fast meeting read mid con nrmel ths finance comm ueo prubcutud tlulr eight report recommending payment jot accounts us follows 90 0 l 2i6o r 70 34 71 james grnt keinovii limps john chns hpj do matthowji clemiiug sticcts t hillkibile mooro lioiird of health printing und adv that with thlo were coudjtion had was agaii of th won not- tl up jls xy the old obmhtery oi ji thbaltah iwtts lviiviiv- at tho restdlonco of the hmtafs father on woilnondtiysopt 2j jw lliov mr mitihull awlstea by rev mr mclean ot bulford tutw l now- toh ot bulford to misa jarah jjatid rnidy eyost daughter of 3o brinly jiq of tilsonburg liberal 38 02 mcvcd by 1 hendoion nccondod by jolni cameron that tho report of tho finn ico commitloo jnst roud bo udoptid and hat thu tlcovo issue his chajuos in pay n ont thereof carried tha laiqiiligiitcr coinplaiucd that aikum- ber o 6troot lamps required repairs iilbo some of them wero being tampered theqravj1 auskw in accoi on the 38th inst james second son of me kobt anbw agod 11 yoars 5- niouths and 11 dayii diivas in actou oit tho 20tl inst after n longand painful illuets harriot harris bolovdd wlfo of j ipryan afiod 80 years and 2 months tho f unoral took pluco ou we inbsday from hor latliors roiulanco talrvlow farm croirliill waterloo co mlltou kit uraiitforu whitby ami wutorioo papurs will nloaso cony 0 btt instrui otod to put tho lampsin proper complrtjut was nimle that tho bylitw refer tig to the closing of tho old cemetery beeu contravened and reeve btorey asked why ho had not proceeded st the violators reave storey replied that he was surpris ed ai d pained when he learned that people ivereiwell acquainted with tho pro- visio is of the bylaw had violated and abetl cd in tho violation thereof aud thub defie 1 a bylavv of such importance ho did rot wish to act harshly in the matter had instructed tho municipalitys so- lkit r to advise theso persons hat if they rente ved the bodies tutored in contravention a bylav by a certain date the offence li bo condoved but if this reijuest be omplied with the offenders would be forthwithjprosucuted s explanation was deemed satisfactory on motion the council then adjourned purely personal new advertisements y p parcel lost 1akckh ok dhkhs oood npar finvll mo- kwohn on lot j hliloronakrln on wednes day evonliir hont fiijnd bslonclngi to mrs john zimmerman sloppliix at tliosiniv dennetts information cpiicatlului it will be thankfully recclvotli lulilrojawl to thos bknnhtt llallluafad pk1vate iioaitding lfphe unfyillsigned is propared to tako a x number of boarders at ronfoiiable rates convenient locution apiily at tho store in mrs socorde hlock to j mks k knowlton acton sept sotb lew hotel for sale or to kent rmk undku8ignkd desires to soil or rout i his hotel uoar acton station of tho oth known as boiinotts hotol pdnscssion given 1st of november 18 for further particulars apply personally at lot il con 0 erin to thomas bennett grin hopt 2hth ltgtto italllunfad io fio 260 it iso a oo 800 800 the lixnehouse news capt- marshall of montreal is expected home on a visit this week mrs alex dorno has gone to visit her frieiuurback in the country cidermaking isengaged in hereabouts k i a comriderable extent this fabj mr snyder lias added vegetables and sea herrings to his butcher business cadet mcdonald led the salvation army meeting here last thursday evening it was an interesting service j there is quite an exdtemerit over the matter of the boys lately sent to milton to try the county boarding house limehouse is well rid of the pair and it is hpped they will be kept thereior a while 1 v we imagine that owyjg to the george- tpwn show this week the base ball club couldnt raise the 91q0 the boys are sorry for the show aud as oar challenge m hasnt been accepted we claim te return game ixyz limehouse sept 28th 1886 a dynamiter caught arrest of a saraia hotelkeeper in the act of arranging to blow up a magistrates house sabnia sept 25 charles hand hotel- keeper herewas arrested this morning charged with attempting to blow up j j mccraes house with dynamite and at tempting to burn magistrate houstons house last spring both of whom have been conspicuous workers in the temperance cause and euergetie supporters of the scott act dynamite or nitroglycerine wab supposed to have been used mr mccraes family had a narrow escape up to today however it was supposed bythe people of sarnia that the perpetrators of this dis- tardly act wonld never be found oat it- be ing generally understood that the attorney general had given up the case the mat- ter was placed in the hands of government detective rogers for investigation and the latter immediately set to work and after looking into the surroundings decided- edjupou what course he should pursue the detective has been ever sipce at work and his assistant has daring the time been a boarder at hands hotel and became a very intimate friend hand voluntarily gave bis new found friend full particulars of the entire proceedings and even went so far as to invite him to accompany him to petrolia for a farther supply of dyna mite with which to blow up the residence of inspector palmer who has recently laid charges against a number of hotelkeepers on monday mght as they alighted at sarnia hand was arrested and the dyna mite and appliances for firing it secured at the preliminary examination which took place this afternoon before m s campbell police magistrate for lambton county hand was committed for trial at the assizes which opeif on oct 11th he was committed or two charges the first forhaving dynamite inhis possession with 1 which to commit a felony and the second charge for blowing up mccraes house with dynamite last june the evidence of the assistant detective was very strong against him and it is said that several other hotel- keepers are implicated bail was refused paragraphsjrespectlng people with whom our readers are individually or colleotlvely acquainted mrs tuonias c moorovisited hamilton friends tliittweck r edward lamb of washago ont is home on a visit mr james nickliu of lowell mich is visitinc his old home mrs dean sr of georgetown visited acton friends this week senator mckiudsey was in town last the rsday and friday f councillor j fyfe and family are visiting friends at highgato this week mr alex wallace of port elginspent several days last week with acton friends mrs gorgeprentice of harriston was the ncst of mrs m kennedy during the wee j i mr andjmrs john calberryof allegheny city u pall pairs centoe wjeliingftm elora october 5 gi bbewijrgeto october 1 f naagawey brookyffle october 57 jhton milton october 78 enttaoa bockwood october 12 18 jffeat weuington drayton october 12 li wu erin village october 19 20 the milton libel case the prosecution backs down before the case oetsto trial as stated in these columns souie months ago d w campbell of the champion en tered a suit against the milton rtformcr and police magistrate ibung charging them with libel contained in an anony mous letter published by the reformer damages were placed at 41000 there has been a good deal of bloster about tho case but it was quietly settled out of court a few hours before the assizes campbell with drew thecharge against p m young and settled with tho reformer proprietor forjso and costs a gpod deal of srooko for such a little fire i paj were visitors to old acton friends last week j ib3 maggie trotter returned this week from a two weeks visit at milton and mot ntsburg rjv and mrs w s mcfarish of st geo ge spent last week with their friends in nassagixweya mr william a was the i guest of 1 ian of michigan is grandfather col allan during the week mr and mrs alfred boomer of lin- wood were the guests of mrs john speight last weekja couple of days dr buck the raform candidate for the legislature spent yesterday in calling upon the sectors in acton and vicinjty mrs tom kennedy of parry sound retons home this week after spending a pleaiant visit with her acton friends mr and mrs john matthews and mrs tho easton aud alfred left on friday mor ling last on a visit to friends in mich mr and mrs wni mooney of pinker- ton for many years respected residents of ac ten spent a couple of days last week witt former friends rv ai j holmes of memphis mich well known to many of our renders has been nominated prohibition candidate for the lirst legislative district of st clair county t rrockwood news frohi our own correnpondent william torrence is on the list of down with typhoid fever our sidewalks arc now undergoing a genefal overhauling a much needed im- provisment wm dryden of paisley called on us last iveek while visiting old friends in this locality he looks fresh and genial as ever ltrry brennan while oiling kirkwoods threshing jmachino last friday got caught by the drivingbelt wbichlu ikily for him brole ajsit was his arm was injured necessitating its being atitchecfand dressed by a surgeon the funeral of alex hill sr which took plac on 8unday afternoon from his son jamss residence to everton cemetery was largi ly attended by his numerous friends and leighbors deceased wus one of the first settlers in thjs locality and always very much respected by all who know him a meeting wasi held last night in the temperance hall for the purpose of organ izing a scott act political oampaign but owin to the scant attendance very little coullbe done the chief point brought forw ird was that we should have a temper ance candidate for next election be he grit or t ry jbw or gentilet tie rockwood boys are ill content with the i esult of the game of hall on saturday even the acton team admit that the um pire didnt understand bib business but the actoii roughs evidently understood their b asjalter procuring a dozen of eggs pelted the carryall containing the rocl woodjboys on its way up street and with the bravery of suoh animals kept in the darkojitojf dagger rodkwcxjd sept 28th 1880 h- i tcotcti ehgiish and canadiah suitings in gn iat variety at j fyfes aoton llate fyfes si sb32isges3i838sjs from 75 cents to 8250 ut j bpkciac pltrzeh s1bcul uy bocibtv ftsci tovilikp as govpowh- dost exhibit pf whoat barlov poas and i ot a tmshtu of each fa oo f 11 collootlon potatoes half pookoacn kind j colloctlon kom jtoots carrots turnips maiigolds oach collection aardanlrotluoono roots or potatoes oolloctlod prult 4 cucl plants and flowers ut flower exhibit furniture ivhtkiiacliiioiii loot by iubjio hobool pupll- by mr it d wurron moo hpoclmon hauawrltlng by publjo hohool 1iipllby mr v mmett 2 00 wnlklna teiiinaiiy class prosl- dontsprleo collcrrtton knitted jloojs hon- iuaaoby mr lohir warron 11 daiiaiu horso mi kimllbh ridiuk whip by j f taylor value colloctlon ladles work by slnplo lady tuidor 25 yoars presented by 7 murray cash 5 loaf honioniarto llrttatl sllvor but- tor kuifo oml plcklo fork pro- seuuxl by t j whoolor brood to bo property of rtonor 00 1llizk jiv wm stenankv mv to uk 1iviihi b koiiowh host tub lluttor 9 w froah liuttor 2 oonorajpuriio8boam s 00 e nuny ago or broedii sou fun fihqop ony broodram 2 afied ewes 2 bhoariluf a ekreiatnbh best spridb coltby orango boy v tw lowes jjh32 bprlng colt by wohhnmn j khallj 1 2 ilulelv not to apply inthiscmo js compotltors for bnoclal prlkos niost mako iparato ontrios on oxblbits irbin the society s of xmutyrffimilwfa to pq xt jxh j b i ti o tf preparawpns l matb k 34- dsg-rxxryt- s r1gifc is 0- mm the 4 00 200 500 1 5000 ares ov lakd for salo in tho coulity of dulfcrin a quantity of laud for salo kt from imo per aero to imo por aero terms ami prices to suit all cubtomcrs also village property in hhol- buruo homings mills corbcttpii lllverviow and molanctboui apply to i j t hkmstkeet auctioneer ijaud aboiu ftp filiclbmno ah heniiitrtot is acquainted ivitl tlio county of dulfcrin in alniost evory part wo can rocoui- uiend liim to intending purchasers iiovsk and lot for male rphe undehsioned lias roioivod iiibtruc- i tlous to sell on very easy toijnis tho bouse a oo rriso we are on the market buying v wheat peas and oats oil by jamos boll adjoining tho lwelliiig of charles bpolglit and hnmcdtately behind goo hyuds jowellery store this is a desirablo property tlte lot is ur8tolasstbo dwolllug ml good repair and there is a uico garden wlthiruit trees terms and particulars innkokuown nponiappli- cation to h p mookk i ktuik iluissonati faksis wanted faltms wanted for the next issue of our canadian fann advertiser which is to bocircnlitod amongst intending purchasers of farms throughout cauada tho united states europo and other couutris w havo in oar office at ouelph thousands of letters from appli- cants for farnib frotu alt jiarts pf canada all v jamaica and other countries all the letters ill ments those iraoting to soil aio invited to coino cants zor xarnib irotn all jnarts pi cuuiaaa all parts of tho united statcr huropti south africa jamaica and other countries all the letter arc from parties who havo seen jour advertise ments those iraoting to soil aio invited to coin to our ofllco iu ouelph and sop tho loiters for themselves wo arc selling more farms than any other firm iu cuiaila and wo defy contra diction to this statement if you want to soil send ns your name and address and then we will write to you no cbargo unless a iale is effeetod address john j daley goguelpte ont wo will give marketprices for all sound markolablo grain delivered at our ware house at acton e nicklin son acton sept 29th 1886 v wanted permanent positions guaranteed with salary aa exponsoa paid any de- termined man can succeed with us pecul iar advantages to befiinuers stock com- pleteincludingmanyfastbellingspecialties outfit free address at otaco name this paper bkown bhothebb jitmseiltwen nocbesteb ny i sale valuable farm for neab acton thhhubscluhkit offersfor snlo his fan lot 3s con 1 itsqaesfng the property comprises a3 acres more or less good buiklings uji on tho promises young orchard just commenc ing to bear the place is well watered it is situ ated about two miles from acton full particu lars uponappllcatiou at tho fhek iiikss office acton or at tho form to cha8 camekon actob 8opt8tll1880 i we show all the latest th we show all that you aftet elsewhere and a great deal more at prices that others cannot touch ladies wanting a fashionable dress command by cuniiui to th0 zilon htvo the celebrated liss toll at their ladies wniitinr a neat and stylisbhal pall hats fall hats at f the- east end clothing store acuoiiiplislied milliner mi83 kariiot ly coining to t2l0 lioo gentlemen wanting a new suit to hi pirfeclly of the fewest style and most fashionable material can be accommodated at tie lioh j our cutter mr he- zebzie lias earned a worldwide rcpjitatiou as the most reliabld cutter in the dominion j d williamson co 000 worth dress ooiol ard trim- match ings in silks and satins m 3t bonnet may secure the scrvjecsof the every novelty in felt goods for fall wear at moderate prices oxju isrjo seii ciieaiid v- j fyfe f and thresher use on your machinery only the wellknown ipeehless oil gjx qold medals navo beeu awaruea t during the last three years 1ujj1 also our pocrlobs axle aios0efor your waggons and horse powers manufactured at queoa city oil works by jehowson thihj- cheap for cash 1 mi samuel roger8 co toronto fall 8 winter i iese xx id fall s winter i 1 18b0 m i take pleasure hi informing the reaideuts of acton and vicinity tliat my stock of fall and winter 300ds 11 plete without doubt ho dealer in acton has ever shown such late styles varietyand good value asll am now in although many lines in dry goods have increased at least 20 per cent i had the good fortune to buy heavily eailv customers may rely on getting goods at the very lowest possible cash price i would again remind the aublic that n to misrepresent goods and a child receives the same good value as a growii experienced parson j the business that i did during the spring and stock i do not fearjfor tjie fall and winter jtradt i wibh to direct special attention to the follow few houses outside of tlie principal cities can show dresaqrqpd jthe fashionable shades ai6 grey and navy blue summer was very encouraging indeed so with inc iug lines whith for variety and elegauqc combined are so perfect and varied that very buch perfection in their selection i 0 j yfl 200 pieces to select from in english french and german makes viz rjersey olo hs in black and color boucles fouls ottomans serges plmlfoltouott sasloff u aud satm mer plu8 v3 and y5itm special values in rbokting shawls mantles aud walking jackets gloves hosiery corsets and tadieu underwear mili4nbby 8trin6ham has cliarge thia tmj nntl winter thia iadvb thmvlnij jiiig 1 v 1 1 chests sfiicii r b jermyn halton dry good a house acton is now very com- am now in a position to offer in the reason so my staff is notallowed ciii dfucil ities and double tho- m h8 lqxt as tiie jhiheat that port on august 18th it has ten u mm 18ki ai1j careful jzntl issoepil orderi taken atf cry caul tflcbth prowdedl naesd rboairq m yeste day oy winter married yestj and wet search ativork eaqde topjorrowj thiat twelvemoj b br coal for 3 our thursday i it run bhoruycl rthei tue the are puttingl supply theil a base i bockwood i infawof j sou 1 was ailled i etifbing hi tbefal last evehinj themetho issuej- partie eihibitionj tion j to mllfe m at it 1 and ambs tlie v os pefci tlie 1 mrketl 75 eas 30 to pheoj arth and who lastt 31 band prose nted 1 j r head d cauj lpple of lie day dealt r givi appl s we y i tm recei tl dc occu y it it w u ma 3ase b saturday i 3 o lock cont st ma the menoriai plt4bf39 collebteds en impon torejeivei reaamablel with wood i village his w pa wd eve ai rib phei tion it guj amotnf year 5 ago the t ttenvj stan i how rtfessr briclbtorcj iaheliui fine late apptaranc estalilishr there cleajung spring infection npoj tiig j the moat cweiuyj

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