Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1886, p. 4

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jti iko btmp actjon waldo clock jewelry 8puil ftlverptateii ctwu knives spoons forks 1sk ool wedding btajfr 1 all kinds of watcher clocks and jewelry xwrfulljj rcpftired at r i gto uyn e fruit sbasbn t now at it hclghth miia u iv- i m kkhslky 1 i kwiiiij kii kind ot yniit m ihty come in orli n fwr atv qnautlty 61 anv kind of fruit trtcn n hrhl wuh the txt live utiles afford krnlcj i uie mtraeuou tor kie contortion cry ciioj0xxi ice cream koiu water 4c j m pknnlsv 1 the tt office huiltling w ns the weeks rakinqs which aw prtnolpauy local and alt twimttiig i bd jfrtc rf5s tucnmluy moaxixo smkmir 80 186 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful press reporters frie a t id f sassacaweya show next tuesday lkvxrd of education nest monday even- in i yesterday was the jewish new jvcars d x ovstars will probably be popujar all winter yea sonieyomig people aro getting married yes the backbone cf summer is broken and wet searchers for aptumu leaves ate now at work esisiug fall show at georgetown tomorrow this day finishes september for another twelvemonth s bradley supplied the couuty with coal for 59o per ton our county fair at milton uet thursday and friday y tt rumored that the rossinhouse wju shortly change hands again the fall wheat in this district looks exceedingly bright aud healthy oar merchant and business men are likclyto do a good trade this fall the pretty milliners will shortly hare their little bonnets and big bills ant brampton fair which has been in pro gress the past two days closes today lr washington throat and lung surgeon is at the dominion hotel today mr peter mann will d v preach in the baptist chapel on sunday next at 3 pm r- the ladies are delighted with the wedding invitations the free press office executes themilton brass baud have been en gaged to piayat xassagaweya fall shpwoh tuesday night gait has spent upwards of siooooo in new buildings and improvements daring the present year helburnes rate of taxation for this year has been struck atso mills pretty well p isnt it biujrea3s letterheadings envelopes etci cetly and expeditiously executed at the frkk press office oakvillc council has exempted messrs marlatt 4 armstrongs hew tannery from taxation for ten years the trustees of the disciple chapel are putting in a drive well with whkh to supply their baptistery a base ball match between acton and rockwood on saturday afternoon resulted in favor of acton in a score of 6 to 7 j ta souolf mr- forster of glenwillams was kilicd hy a gun bursting and partofit striking him in the abdomen last week r the fall marriage season was opened last evening by a fashionable wedding in the methodist church particulars in next issue parties wishing prize lists of halton exhibition will receive them upon applica- tion to tho secretary wm clements milton v 811 s1 was passed hy nelson council at its la t fitting to persons who had sheep and lambs killed or injure by dogs shoot the dogs the following prices are current on the rnarliet here this week wheat 73 to 75 pea 51 to 53 barley 55 to 60 oats 30to31 y the oakvillstar says that mr how- arth bupdmastdtof the town baud was presented- last week with an engraved gold- headed cane apple packing will shortly be the order of the day an experienced packer and dealer gives this sensible advice handle apples ak you would eggs mr jr brjermyn has rented the store recently occupied by e knowlton and will occupynjt with his millinery department it will make a fine show room baseball match acton ra bockwood saturday afternoon next game called jat 3 oclock admission 10c an exciting contest may be expected ade the trustees of the col williams memorial fund have received from senator plumb 39 the amount of subscriptions collected from lientcol allen officers and men the mount forest council has amend ed the cow bylaw by providing that persons who impound cattle etc shall be entitled to receive a feeof 25 cento per animal- a reasonable amendment at glenwilliams last week tut a pnan named hare was driving a waggon loaded with wood down the mil leading into the villaee his horses harness- gave way his waggon was upset and his collar lne and several ribs were broken i j 3e receipts of the provincial bxlnbi- tion atjsuelph fall considerably below the amount taken in when beli ttier tliree years ago the show was a good jonjeand the attendance large it is bard to under stand how the rpceipte failed to connect messrs p m mckay sons xw brick store hag besn completed ii is ten- ished in the best style throughout and its fine late glass windows giveit a icitylike sppearance possessed by no other jbosir ess estabhshmedt in town milton ctempum theea should be just as neral a caning uu iaihe autumn as ih the pririg the datles of cleanliness ana ilis- infection of premises althoughjenjoipea pon ttepeopje are frequently tfrirkeaj entgkringniaimerr let them carefully observed here provincial piito to aotonlana at the provincial exhibition last week mr w e 8mltbr reooived 1st priie aud mr a w owon 3rd priso for single cmffcro horse mr bmith received flrstl priso in the sauio class at the provincial last time it was held in guelph this speaks very highly of the horses owned by him mr ureeu also roooired prinea on that occasion the prtss wtta tho city papers have decided tliey will not publish prirc lists except at advertising ratos now if the country papers wore oilly able to arrive at the same decision there would bo a little more pleasure in being a country editoriclintou new em aiid whats to hinder country papers from ar riving at the same decision pray tho frkk ihkss will take the lead if tho rest of yon will follow rockwood bbo maltreated our rockwood correspondent chargos aoton roughs with having egged tho rockwood base ball club last saturday night as they were leaviug for home we are vory loath to orcdit this for it is so un- liko the doings of acton boys if however any of the boys allowed themselves to act so disgracefully thoy deserve all the re- proach directed them one thing is cer tain however the act was not performed by members of acton club nor at their in stance the young as well as the old on tuesday morning james the second sou of mr robert agnew of the dominion hotel about 19 years of age died after a month of severe suffering ho uover had a strong constitution and when disease laid hold upon him notwithstanding the efforts of medical skill and careful nursing death ended his short life the funeral will be held this afternoon much sym pathy is exteuded to the bereaved parents and faro ilyli the autumn leaves again crimson and scarlet and yellow emerald turning to gold shimmering there in the sunbeams shivering here in the cold waving farewells as the tempest ruthlessly tears them apart fluttering dancing and rustling as hither and thither they dart recklessly sailing the rapids lazily swim ming the pools playing 1 spy with each other under the puffy toadstools wreaths for the walls of her dwelling each neat little housekeeper weaves and there amid delicate fern sprays nestle the bright autumn leaves i an important industry since the first of june messrs beard- more co have received about 230 cars or 1400 cords of hemlock bark from the georgian bay district for use in their sole leather tauncry here this has cost them in the neighborhood of 57000 they have paid the grand trunk railway over 52500 in the same period for freight on bark and hides received and the freight upon the leather they ship from here amounts to about 9750 per annum the messrs beardmore are enterprising men and their business here is of much value to the place fiae new stores in milton mr wm 8tewarti architect of our city is busy preparing plans for a fine block of stores and offices to be built upon the cor ner of main and martin streets milton these buildings will haveplateglass fronts fireproof vaults and be steam heated throughout this is pretty good for the little town of milton mr john de war county crown attorney is the enterprising owner hamilton timtn we hope that sometime in the near future similar items will describe stares to be erected in acton ii the matter of fine store buildings if in nothing else acton is at present obliged to take a back seat sent down for tfrial oh thursday last alex sharp a lime- house lad of about fifteen was charged be fore his worship reevo storey by jacob diemert of the same place with having made indecent proposals and exposed his person before the daughters of plaintiff aged 11 and l2jeafs of age at their house on the sunday previous during the parents absence ample evidence of the guilt of the defendant was adducedand he was sent to milton gaol to await trial lateb on monday john meredith who was iii company with sharp on sunday during the visit to diemerts was tried j beforn reeve storey on similar charges j he was also found guilty and sent to mil ton fdr trial the boys will he tried before the judge in a few days departure of a heartless man e knowlton who purchased mrs s a secords stock and rented the store some six months ago left last thursday with the stock arid a part of the household fur niture for other parts leaving his wife and family behind and giving her no intination as to his future whereabouts mrs knowl ton informs us that be left her without a cent and with no means of support and even took away valuable articles which had been presented to her previous to her marriage she says he was a deep heartless map and that some startling developments are likely to come out concerning him we imagine that while he is a citizen of this dominion there is a way to make him disgorge to such an extent as will provide for the support of bis deserted wife and little ones robbery in nassagaweya on thursday last mr william gray of lot 26 con 6 ftaisagaweya and family went to theexhibition at guelph leaving james wells a man he had hired a short time ago working on the farm upon their return that evening they found that wells bad decamped leaving his old clothes and taking in lieu thereof a good suit of black serge ind a drab serge overcoat the house was ransacked and pair ofjgold bracelets a pair of earnings avoocli a razor two silk handkerchiefs and a pair of drab kid gloves are missing wells was evidently anxiots to find money knowing that mr gray 1 iad recently sold a quantity pi grain but fqi innately mr gray had taken bis money with bim wells is ah englishman about 5 years orge heigh about 5 feet 7 j inch and about 150 pomjdfl weight tomptaloa abd mmfcftohesj had onef both bauds istooed with jn bad a careless gait and dull expresiiou i of wuntenance it is hoped that hi will be caught and punished for bis milton cannot support three his reported that mr w jj watson will removo tho mlton un toduhdas and aud there a tualah ate it with the standanl weslumrlyjho6thibbow movkwill be sufficiently suooossful to warraht frieud watson in making dundas his piirmauejat homo ho is an enterprising njwipaper pan skilful prastica printer and has bonsidefablo experiouoo valuablit in tho journalibtio profession we hope lie will not leave halton fooliug that ho has had no friends araoug 1 is brothreu of i ho pross in the county for while the opinpiiunon ourreut topics is expressed by tlie sun have for tho inobt part been dianjietrioally opposed to thosolhijild by the frejk prksu and in our opiuloii detrimental to the sims own best interests uud notwitlistand- iug tho fact that wo have ou sovoral ocoa- sions woefully niiaundorstood each others motives in certain avtiolas sjltl tho frkk prksm has feltho ehmity toward lis colem pereonklly wo hoped that bucocss from a buainoss point of vlotv- would reward its efforts if tho shu removes hence it leaves our couuty ranks with the very slucorost wishes of tho fnriis piiksu for futuro pros- parity house acton o- r l ist d 3d i sp tijy arous onmarriage he breaks out in a new role and moral ises as freely as a down south preacher bask ball jottings of course tho main topic on the street just now is the marriage which will have been consummated by tho time this reaches tho readers of the irkk press apropos of weddings and tho institution of marriage the natural outcome ol that highest aud holiest most sacred and fervent human emotion love it is really distress ing to see tho way in which that most divine institution is openly derided by the average youth of today this is a fact greatly to be deplored and ono which alas will show only too plainly on the succeeding generation it has been grandly said that tho noblest words in the euglish language are wife and mother and yet what a degradatidn of those noble terms wo witness day by day man is a gregarious creature m nature and seeks companionship and what can be a hotter or purer companion than a loving trustful wife the guardian and partaker of his joys and happin ass tho sweet spirit of peace pervading bis household tho mother of his children his lelprooet and consoler in all the troubles and trials of this mortal life the girl that i wooed and won at the old front gate in the days gone by is still the same loving trv sting creature of those days and our lqve increases and strengthens as the years roll by of course we have our little tiffs occasionally but they add a spice to life andsertc to more closely knit the bonds of affection which will exist unto the end rlet me give you a toast bumpers all rrbes to ouit wives goj bless our wives they fill our hives with little bees and boney they ease lifes thocka thoy moud our socks hut don t they spend tho money a truce to moralizing my mission is not to moralize the base ball match on saturday last was fairly attended and the playing was well fair j the umpire of he first portion of the game an alleged- ball player im told could hardly be called a success some of his decisions j were decidedly cloudy but this however might be from the effects of the cigar ho puffed away at so industriously the smoke evideutly making the players slightly indistinct notably in the vicinity of the second base as he had to leave before the close of the game an individual named bob some thing or other essayed the role and was certainly not as good- as his predecessor bobs decisions were made in so low a tone that the catcher had difficulty in hearing as for the scorer and spectators that was quite out of the question the homo club put on a brand ndw pitcher whose chief characteristic was the way he perspired his pitching wasnt so bkd at all events the spectators and the first baseman jwere cot in mortal dread of being hit as happened on a memorable oc- cakion when another of the local clubs pitcbersltwirled the sphere somepretty good plays were made on both sides the home catcher gathered in a foul that he had to run for very neatly and and the visitors second baseman stole third base in splendid style on one occasion it is a thousand pities that two clubs cannot meet for a friendly game without indulging in that everlasting wrangling and kicking our club has its quota of kickers but they are s mplyinothing to the kickers from the rock- bound village to the west of us j perhaps this is ihe reason why some of the visitors wc re belts with a design of a foot in the act f kicl ing a football to show they are kickes in every sense of the word lacrosse psas flat as the proverbial of coice nisr fall dress gboods millinery boots and shoes etc -oo- i we are now 8howinc the l arg est and most c arefully selected stoqk of seasonable goods advertisements the exhibition ti8 ytcm m 1 i s i r i th rmg l toi is im 1 t 1 m fm i s f a to people visiting the provincial ex hibition guelph w a clark will givegreat bargains in watches clocks jewelry4 silverware having purchased the bankrupt stock lately owned by w s smith i am prepared to give the acton people a benefft such as has never been offered before being a practiqal watchmaker from the elgin watch factory elgin hi and well known as a workman in the city i guarantee satisfaction or money refunded personal and prompt attention to repairing w a clark 26 lower wyndham st guelphi 11 izi 1j ii important notice at bid rooki call and see for yourselves -o- olofhier our rooms are now open -00- henderson mctflae go i to readers -ofthe- gq to mcgarvins irug and stationery store pancake at let st for thesocial event for youk- it wot id be a match for saturday this season at present on the tapis is the bachelors ball in the town ball on thursday evening regular gil ec ged affair hail from 1 ool wood i believe this is to be a the bachelors good idea to get up a afternoon next say a football match if the weather is too cool for base ball an hour or two hours play would be e ere ise enough if the former and most of the yo ing men and married ones too for thai matter quit early on satur days or at leant can get an hour pr twos leisure turn out young fellows and get somehealtliy exercise its good for the blood and t le tppetite augds acton septl 2pth 18g light either indian crime tion the 1 tap dsome on friday opt 1st your hbnse ani l don want to look w ilk vsrhycwrlsdoitoatohon that is they dont marry a- man who is so mean thf 1 1 e would go around in the evenibg to s k you with his clothes all cov ered with ti r s nd grease rather than pay for hiving then cleaned by parker and co dyers and cl eai ten t ronto now is your chance to gut all you faded olothes beauti fully nntshc itiir the fall they are known far ana widsfcr their ne work aud the work done 1 e has iven entire satisfuc- carriage will be here get them to call at miss them if you fliee press gcelph skpt 22 1880 i feel that i am doing you as well as myself a kindness by renewing my oft repeated invitation to visit my dry goods establishment in guelph at present with the magnificent army of european importations and canadian purchases my establishment is worthy of an effort on your part to see it i am sure i can make it worth your while to come and feel assured that on ac count of the great variety of material richness of design and fowncas of price you will feel well repaid and he well satisfied for taking the trouble i commend to you especially my dressmaking department the high reputation which my mana ger enjoys the faultlessness of our designs and the superior work which we produce should prove an incentive to you to favor us with your orders my millinery department is again crowded with a beautiful variety of novelties including impost- ed pattern uilmkery feathkr8 mantles silks etc it is a well- known fact that no millinery establish- ment in the city begins to compare with ours in extent variety and richness of material my tailoring department ei the benefit of one of the most com tent careful and successful cutters the province during the short time he has had charge of this depart ment our orders have almost doubled ycu are certain of a perfect fit and elegant style and so all over the house elegance vaeietv value are dominant my circle of customers constantly increases people whom we serve once always some back again i use my customers right while i let the public know what we are doing i never blow louder than the facts warrant i always aim to do better than i advertise i want your confidence as well as your money i want both but am- sure while i have the former i get the latter come and see us and yon will get the best atten tion jf you cannot come send for samples telephone in office e r bbllert 27 lower wyndham street j cuetpn ojit r school books slates and all schppl requisites i we keep a ftjll supply also a ffe line of t t atioite rti is now showing a most complete assortment of new and choice suitings i and overcoatings in all the newest designs and in the most elegant patterns both in foreum aa domestic uanufaeture call early and secure satisfaction assured a good choice specialty 84 pants j i tetjb cloth i kb 99 wyndham st guelph -thb- jc8t abrived a new stock of fancy goods including albums glove and handkerchief cases perfumery cases ac t paints otls varnishes brushes etc dont forget the place- affoamns drug and stationery store aoton call at the east ehd and examine the fall stock of fancy dress goods of all make8 materials and pbices mantlingsttoman oords meltons cyery cheap an immense stock of f mens womens and childrens underwear mens top shirts and cardigan jackets if i at lowest prices is not settled yet but the fact that w williams has the best stock of boots ana in the county iu settled beyond- dispute thave just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as manynew ones as see ntto givel me a call in all lines of footwear j boots for the babies boots for the men boots i do make boots i do mend i- i custom work and repaying promptly attended to 1 a wm williams we have as fine a like of stjjptji jdtl goobs such as white grey navy blue and red flannels canton flannels winceys cottons cottonades oketonns8towjellino yarns gloves hosiery c as cheap as any other store in the trade perfect fitting suits aitd overcoats made to order at prices to jfluit everybody the halton force pump and evry tariety of force well and cistern manufaotured by a c bounsall 71- aoents wanted 0nt in groceries our stock is cmpletb and we cannot be undersold try our fifty teas john nelson s they if you have been disappointed in liomo lma try the fflsska arc the vpe8t wg ever 80ld weaving mr t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all kiudi of fancy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress goods stripedjor plaid twill or plain also bed blankets and horse blankets two yards wide and over y and i will guarantee that i will give good satisfaction to all farmers and othew mho wiuvor nie wjth tteir patronage t intchbliii p savaei sole affentfor quelph icjuaubt vm wbo vto6 to tbdul work which wduyhootulwiupia 1 85 to sjsmr day soom in hie5miai of iteffiomvboiuftitmti- wtiknbmatrinsufhs alkai

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