Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1886, p. 5

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fcsyhshs isjass weeritssasfa b wthrit i j 3jbsxv mobntsa ssfrwi mn 30 1880 why bfflc wab sa ated t- waer t 11 41 jr the sundayschool waa httsted aud still and twpriwi hdln ptv or then rid a aycooh would now be made by a stranger who tm the re the lesson told tht day this f ato of the oitiw ttma by firef and of the great reward of thoeo who obeyed the lotda dir and tain the rtrtnger pkfi of thorn who had ditobeyd gods law bah they the end of such that tinned in the death of lots wife saw to iuptew the fact he asked the olasa 8mau ejuhtyoar urchins they why god had turned lots wife to salt on that illfated day one little raeoal made response with rrimy handupheld ui ahrql voice sounded load and ekar she was too treeh he yelled jiu fun eor e yone m si v x i r i k i i ib i i 3- 93i scrofula and all forms of scrofulous diseases are rapidly pergod away byhe 850 of ayers sarsaparilia la a damcerens fandtlloa any man woman or child is iu a danger ous condition when neglecting a constipated state of the bowels there can be no p sr feet health without a regular action of this f auction burdock blood bitters cure constipation by imparting a healthy tone to all the secretions it your hair is turning gray dont uso the jpoiaonous dyes which bum out its life and produce many diseases of the scalp ayers hair vigor is harmless aud will restore the natural color of the hair stimulate its growth and bring back its youthful gloss and beauty 1 cited irpalr james mcmurdock writing fromkiassie says b b b as a remedy for diseases j of the blood liver and kidneys has an excel lent reputation in this locality i have used it and speak from experience as well as observation it is the only medicine i want and i advise others afflicted to try it ladies troubled with pimples blotches bough hands or face or sores of any description should use mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate it will leave the skin in perfecthealth smooth clean aud good color be sure and get the genuine made by mc gregor parke price 25c sold at dr mcgarvins drug store a moderm miracle in a recent letter from r w dowtou of deloraine ont he states that he has recovered from the wont form of dyspep sia after suffering for fifteen years atad- when a council of doctors pronounced him incurable he tried burdock blood bitters six bottles of which restored his health no one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial ready for use it corrects all looseness of the bowels r promptly and causes a healthy and natu al action this is a medicine adapted fori he young and old rich and poor and is rapid ly becoming the most popular medicine br choleratdysentery etc in the market 1 gm4t cnt as a speedy cure for dysentery choliara morbus diarrhoea colic crampsf sick stomach canker of the stomach and bowels and all forms of summer coim- plaints there is no remedy- more reliable thanpr fowlers extract of wild straw- berry dealers who sell it and those who buy it are on mutual gronnds in confidence of its merits reasons why you should purchase fuid lightning in preference to all other reme dies are rapid result cures instantly it is easily applied no trouble no lost time it does not require constant use one appli cation is effectual one bottle will remove more pain than any other remedy ior exist ence try it for neuralgia toothache headache rheumatism sold at 25c a bottle by dr mcgarvin druggist cholera morbus cramps and kindred complaints annually make their appearance at the same time as the hot weather green fruit cucumbers melons etc and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting fruits but they need not abstain if they have dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial and take a few drops in water it cures the cramps and cholera in a remark- able manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bowels j it is a remarkable fact thatrdr thomas eclectric oil is as good for internal as ex ternal use for disease- of the lungs and throat and for rheumatism neuralgia cricin the backy wounds and sores it is the best known remedy and much trouble is saved by having it always on hand t jacob lockman buffalo says he has been using it for rheumatism he had such a lame back that ho could da nothing but one bottle entirely cured him much distress uud slckuom iu ohildrou is caused by worms mother graves worm kxtorialaof tttvpa relief byremov- itg the bausedtve it a trial and bo con vinced fatal attack among tho most prevalent fatal and sudden attacks of diseases are thoso inci dent to tho summer and fall such as cholera morbus bilious colio diarrhoea dysentery etc that often prove fatal in a few hours that ever roliablo remedy dr eowlers estraot of wild strawberry should bo at hand for use in emergency i flnld uamalmk l there are but few that havohevet suffer ed almost intolorablo pain from toothaojio neuralgia or like- aouto pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in timo of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to bo taken for days one application of fluid light- niutfeure sold at dr mcgarvins drug store hurhest praise the wellknown drugfiriu of n c polsoii co of kingston writos that dr fowlors extract of wildstrawberry has long boon considered tho best remedy for bummer complaints in the market and adds that their customers speak in the highest terms of its merits wild strawberry is the best known remedy for cholera morbus dysen tery and ail bowel complaints reader in informing you of this wonderful remedy for coughs colds asthma bronchitis consumption aud all affections of the throat and lungs wo feel that we are doing you a great kindness ub if you have any of tho above complaints ifyou will only try it wo will guarutco satisfaction iu every case or money refund ed ask for mcgregors lung compound price 50c and 100 per bottle at dr mc garvins drug store merit pr dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy curo you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure yottof the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etci no matter of how long stan4dg it costsj you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottlcb see testimon ials from people iu your owii town j what is mcgregors speedycnro for it is for dyspepsia liver complaint indigestion biliousness and it is the finest blood purifier in the known world today does it give satisfaction wo cannot point to one instanco where it did not where does it have the largest sale right in the city of hamilton where it is manufactured there has been over one thousand dollars worth sold in tho last year retail and the great- majority of the sales areby one recommending it to another for sale at 50c and 8100 per bottle by dr mcgarvin druggist- bext and tmbfart lo ike khftrrlnt browns household panacea has no equal for relievine pain both internal nudt extsrnal it cures paiu in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blond and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns househpld pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever arid of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the beat remedy in the world for cramp 1 the stomach and pains and aches of all kind and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle mtmmmmmm j n 8 vegetable slolltan hair rene wer wait old fiwt prciuiration perfectly nilnpt- oil to ouro tllensiit of tlio icnlp mid the flrbttucewjfttl rehtorcp of ftidetl or gray hnlr to its uatural color groyth mid youthful benuty it tins imd iunny 1m- iiiitowbut none luivo so fully mot nil tho roqulrcmcutg ucoilfiil for tlio propop ircnt roent of tho kntr mid senlp halls ilkin ltknrwnu 1ms steadily grown in favor mul spread itx famo mid uscfulucbs to ovory qunrtcr of tlio globe its uupiirnllelcd success can tw attributed to but ouocnuso the cntlro fulfilment of its promises tho proprlctoniliavo often been hiu prised nt tho receipt ofortlcrs from re- hioto counlrlcs whero they lind never raado on effort for its introduction tho uso for a short tlmo of hall8 haiu renrweti wonderfully improve tho pcrsonnl nppcanincc it clonuses the bcalp from all impurities cures all hu mors fovcr and dryness mid thus pi-c- vents baldness it stimulates tho weak ened glands and enables them to push forward n now mid vigorous growth tho effects of this nrtlclo nro not tran sient like thow of alcoholic preparations hut remain n long mine which makes its use a matter of economy buckinghams dye fou tub whiskers witt change the beard to a natural brown or black as desired it produces n per manent color that will not wnshnwny consisting of nslnglo preparation it is applied without trouble rhepared by kphaix00nafiliaanh 6old by all dealers in medicines mtleod a dekson co imrortbrs and ijkaiiltbs ilf f staple and fancy dry goods millinery mantles oresis- maklng ordered clothing ready r made clothing carpets and oilcloths wo beg to inform our friends and the public generally tu at wehavo this season a most complete stoolcin all the different departments that wo have imported and purchased direct from tho manufacturers tho most of our immouso stodk that it was purohasod before tho recent advaiice in prices 1 that the publio will get the advantago of these low prices that we trlod to excel ourselves aud succeeded iu scouring stylish attractive substantial cheap goods railway time t ablet crand trunk railway luimno kaht i i01no wkst mixed a00 a mj kxpress 7 10 a 1msubi1ju03 am tlironglrkxprh7pm 4com 1040liu kxiircssl2bin express 9nin thro exprc62 23nj m41 5 att j1ui7 sjioclal 8aoliun a large variety of is our-millineky- superb and in large variety ouu dressmaking is in first clans working order alnrge and beautiful stock of dress goods and dress silks to select from uurmantlk materials aro gorgeous serviceable and chep j our tailoring depahtmenit i is l turns out magnitloent garmcuu and perfect fit ajargestock cf jtwccds coat- jugs and ovorcoatings to oliooso from chlcsfeo express does not stop bctwoon ouolpli oiid toronto tlmkotcfcoslkomahk ooiuft westtho am and 52fjm goiug kast10 m am and 0 20 pm allan line royal mall steamships the shortest l sfik passage average time 8 days two of which arc passed oh the river and gulf of st lawrence agext actou october 1st 1885 it is imnossiblc for us to enumerate our goods or particularize the aiffcrent prices but we cunrantee a large stock of serviceable stylish and cheap goods j- goods aro to be sold for cash or produce after 12 months trial of btrfi jtfy cash we are convinced it is the proper system to do business andenables ue to comj etc j with any legitimate business in canada mcleod anioerson co mantle miuineby press ard shirt mjtlclflc at the bicht house there is tully i 200000 worth op an mmense variety -of- f ladies ores ally charming delightful flats and bonnets of lull uso hiss houdcrson so well k lown to tne taaies oi oauiumiu f r cutterand fitter fltsladiei so sxectly that they are delighted with her artistio wo fitter of ladies dress her make of drsseflt so perfectly ppsfs s nttbemoa look really oharmmg please ry her she is sure to fit well miss armitagethe forewoman in tfte muunerj gew p v vipom cold medicated nets made so as to suit any ladys com pi partmentj will fit any gentleman or wear ladies misses warranted to fit at tho almost everything requirea injury uooas iauiiuuij u r tjices ladies misses r and boy neckwear hosiery ucmsoia alnin broche ahd many other kinds l curtains carpets and carpet materials j dance his goods never were so very cheap as they are this season although wool bos advanced aoout one iniru ut cr j j was lost may yet watkins was overin europe very earlv antl got an cheaper i than ever before andiis selling piles of allwool 1 with every garmen mmense variety of- all kinds for madras silk alni dance his gopdjwer wercjso very ctieap a tney y- dmjj cheaprrtlan ever before and is sellins niles of allwool lreisgoods at fromjac totho bestqualujea over 120 pieces of beau almost everything l iaybut ablo goods and all hands are buay making up new mantles millinery dressej them very cheap thinre will riot ho any opening day at the right numerous customers and theri i street one door from hughson hamilton september 30th 1881 bargains bargains bargains wymakidg up new mantles millinery dresses shirts etc mind the right house is on king thqmasowatins street and the name is -o- 3avco3r iros 48 king street east hamilton new drcs s goods 10c formerly 21c prip 5c formerly 10c ginghams 10c formerly 20c embroideries 5c formerly 10c ladi hose 25c formerly 50c- ghilarensuoictc formerly 15c parasols 30c formerly 00o 8potted muslin 15o formerly 20c ladies collars 5c formerly 15c britsselb carpets t0c formerly tipcstry carpels 2ocformerlyjwc union carpets sue formerlyjsp jauwool cnrpets 63c formerly 83c- ueuip carpets 8j formeifly l24c chiua mattmcs 25c formorly 38c lace cnrtains 150 formerly 2 curtain poles complete 50c formerly 75c stair rods 75c formerly 150 pordoz e 31 1 01 5 mrs a nelson brantford writes i was a sufferer from chronic dyspepsia for eleven years always after eating an in tense bornidg sensation in the stomach at times very distressing caused a drooping and languid feeling which would last for several hours after eating i was recom mended by mr popplewell chemistj of our cfty to try nortbrop lymanstefie table discovery and dyspeptic cure and i am thankful to say that i have not been better for years that burning sensaiion and languid feeling has all gone and food does not lie heavy on my stomach others of my family liave used it with best rest its hollirays puls with tho darkerling days and cbangirk temperatures the dices tion becomes imj aired the liver disordered and tho mind da pondent unless the ca se of the irreguhiri y be expelled from the wood and body t y an alterative like these pills they go irectly to the source of the evil thrust c at all impurities from the circulation reduce distempered orgamito their natural sta te correct ail def eel ive and contaminoti d becretions suoh eisy means of institu irig health strength j md cheerfulness shoi dd be in the possessior of all whose stoma hs are weak whose mi id are much harasi ed or whose brains are overworked tubways is essentiall a wwatcaipsrinjf meuioine whereby ite in fwmce rfcachim he remoteat fibres of the effect a aoivenai good fevt prorainent imoug tbc giealcst medical discoveries by the many cuieaithaseifoct- ed afcffregortspeeily cure leads the van subjected to the minntest chemical analysis it has been fouod to contain none of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pocul- ar adaptability to the various complaintf- for which it has been compounded and its efficacy ibeing established by tcjatirnonials hourly received were therefore confi dent that we have a preparatiop which we can offer to the public with the assurance thatit will he found not only a relief hut du absolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial botths at j mcgaivinsidrue store if you have a cough or cold do uot neglect it many without a trace of that hereditary disease have driftrd into a con sumptives grave by neglecting what was only a slight cold had they used bickles anticonsumptive syup before it waa too late their lives would have been spared mr a w levy mitchell writes i think bickles anticonsumptive byiup the best preparation in the market for coughs and severe colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months i had a cough i had a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was on the verge of con sumption and hod given up hopes of being cured when i was induced to try bickles syrup before 4had taken one bbttlo i foand myself greatly relieved and by the time i had mushed the second bottle i was completely cured 1 always recom- mend it for severe colds and consumption i advice to mothebs are you disturbed at night andbroken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain ef cut ting teeth if bo send at once and get a hottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor littlo suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhcaa regulates tho stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone andenergy to the- whole system mrs windows bootbing sy rup for children teathing is pleaearit to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the tjmtedstates and is for sale by all druggists thronghont the iworld price twentyflve cents a bottle be sure and ask for mns winslowb soothino sybop and jake bo other kind i we are making extra inducements in order to clear out flock dhj als prints ho3lory qtlvrn corsets parasols smhroidoricfl 1 jtwoedj shlrunes oaatpets curtains govoriaes window blladsr stair rods c fcc j are all marked away down in price in many cases less tiiau cost c samples sent on application mckay brothers is king street kast between llugbsoii nucljobu strceto hamilton ryan berkinshaw co of cuelph arc very busy recetyiiig new fall qoodfr from england ireland and sgotlani -0- hwashington mdlcpso eminent throat and lung surgeon will visit actox dominion hotel thursday 30th september oiskahks treated catarrh of the fifead and throat catarrhal deaf litis chronic bronchitis asthma aud consumption ajso loss of voifce sore throat enlarged toimls polypus of the noso removed r come eably coxscltation fuee from the cradle to the grave j speight sfn farniture dealers and undertakers aoton having erected a fine new showrooni have just received a new and well assorted stock of furniture of all kinds of the latest jlcsigus including j parlor furniture n bedroom suites i bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers f bedsteads and cradles and everything elso tint any fauily raqiiires the furniture line during their journey j from tho cradle to the grave and we can prepare them for the grave too for we havo on hand ti lurgo btock of ladies it you appreciate stylish miuiniery and dress gcood see our goods before you buy -o- ryan berkinsh aw srj00b380r3 to john holirg son 93 upper wynidham street guelph do your v attention leas1 o oi 1 kenney bros main street jactodi tothe front vtth a fine stock of new falu goods m of all kinds and sizes and all othor funeral furnishings we will supply all on the shortest notice aud most reasonable terms hearse drawn by a wellmatched team for hire j we are now roc jiving a verylare stock of sew fall goods of every decriptioi i our boots ahd3iieiro purah w y fron tins host manutactureri uud are of the het i quality wo have a tine airtment and your every want can be supplied a first class some flneliues of trunks and valise on hand received direct from ttje 1 manufacturers j a speight manaser ordered work wo mtikea spociultv satisfaction to all customers repairing done with neatness and despatch of this dopartuteut aud guarantee kenney bros dominion house a i health fob all hollowato pills and ointment ills spectacles and eyeglasses ahk the only- genuine english articles in the canadian market real pebbles are kept in stock tests are giyen to jurohaiers iobrbve their gejjuineis they ate recommended ly and testimonials ha e been received from the proaideni and vicepresident jl tlmmedical association ot canada the president of the college of physicians ancl sureebur of quebeo theieatfof tht medical paoulty of laval university the prosit not and expresidents of tlio medidal coanoil of nova 8cotuc o theibrooor unoiidatijns onglit to ho luffiojaut lo mav their qualities bat if farther proof is needed call oo j s pbarson oeawal stpw acton ont ggjtiafccagbaasaviab rw purify tho blood correct all disorders of the l1veb stomach kidneys and bowbl8 thoy invigorate aud restore to health dehihtnted constitutionsnnd areiuvaluftbie iuull complaints incidental to females of all ages for children and the aged they are prioelees i the blntmenit v is an infallable tcnhdy for bidlcfs find jlieasts old wotmdsv sores and ulcere it is famous fi gout mid eheumatisin for disorders of the chctt it has liocqtfal 70e boee throats bronohitlb coughs colds glandular swellings and i11 skin diseases it has no rival and for contracted and at ff r joints it nets liko n charm i iiaunfnolurcd only otthom as hollow ays esbiblisbmeht w ytrtr flbi3fak4viapait- fahbo8da oabtoca stmitft london sag aud ate sold at is lid pd 4scd lis 328 arido8s eaoii bbxlor potond miv he had of all mcdioino vendors thourhaut the world yi catannn of jtxxv aiis standing cubed dr n washington throat and lung surgcou toronto- dear bfr i am pleased to express my entire satisfaction at the results of your new method of inhalation which lias eared mc of a very rroiiblesomo form of catarrh in fact all the usual remedies failed to give meany telfef but your treatment from the first gave me great ease and in a few mouths entirely cured me of a most annoying disease i can honestly recommend any who may bo suffering as i was to your skill ful consideration yours truly geo gouldikg represents c ttonxbcll gait and v h stoiuiy son jlcton head offices 215 yougost toronto write for particulars go to waters bros thur picture 6ailery guelph for artisut matnials oil and water colors crayons canvas drawing paper brushes tc oil paintings steel engravings chromos c fkames of all kinds mouldings room aud picture cornices arid cornice piles spring rollers and win- dowsliades from 90c complete fancy goods suitable fbr wedding and birthday presents kcj visitors can have their pictures framed while iu the city s bring them with you tn waters bsosoi the picture gallery nenr the pootjice agents wanted steadyjjmployment to good men none need be idle previous experience not essential we pay either salary or commission one hundred smart men wanted at onco to canvass for the sale of canadiancrown nursery stock the ifonimll nurseries laboestils canada oyei1 409 acttes dont apply ubless you oan furnish rst- class references and want to work no room for lazy men but can employ any number of energetio men who want work ddress j stone wellington- 1 nurserymen tqhosto oxi burdoi lood itters vvijll or relieve bllw8ne88 dizzms8 wmf dropm indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache and fluttering i of the heart acidity qf the stomach dryness of the skin bowel8 or blood etors toronto qthous newspaper ipwmoi advertising 45 to obaodoiphst chicago keep this paper on file wwauthorteed to luebtie nuko contracts with auffclf 1 13rlaa mm m m 1 vol bi3itlj 1 pbee act free 81j oxe fab j til iiirariabyy isil25pferyea tinned option till all of tliel one colamnj halfcilamnj qaart coluj qnc i casual adve first iniortiou sequent si sert reckoned by ti scale of solid advertisemej will beins ingly itransi in advance t t changs fori in tbei office they will be lej this paf ertlxingbnri jratractoi w ber of h gra coueg ofisde andl frederick stt c e ri trinil ity mmical i of phvfl oftcb- siciau l be c new bystemj monlj csllet teeth withod strator and collede of rons maydejj in any ope acton of eac joinlai teirio veterinary in deuce ke my sound less all ed to sails ter xoinstj bar ancen ef ristersj c omcj ib job m orrcz- soriid fl main i office at 6 percent s hiltonj and8c king w j alus b an ff ces ton 0 lingi alley joa wnctui w fortlie order or at prompt ortji squi f in the e1 toei atentl beni 20 y jars pi m hi ll cou left my ly attj monc alsc 1 1 able t irms terest iirh ohndi ce- eancil sue st georgel ac otjnt perio lidals bound rn j0lln j uc mo aey per ient oanelror seonrity prop rly faru a audi tvfth fannsl dom nion culatid in i want raj f reotiens th farna dene ueljihj t he hj m 1 use- ever an eisy i seafo im given oonditioi tastily oiit j hone rg aiiibo iota 00i eet

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