Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1886, p. 1

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wmiis i lad ke is n w vmii v itrv thursday morning vt thk r press power printing house ac ton ontario ootts subscription rates vi u 1xv mx vostii8 tlolm months 55 its 1 n uii lv in i ivaurc if not paid i advance um charged no paper dtucoii- mnu i 11 ill irrovr arc paid except at tho i of thcpnblmhcr advertising rates- acton banking coy co -1unker8- action ontario storey christie a gks ural bank iso transacted si l 1 o io i ilumi half l 1 imu tjuirtir column one inch i 15 00 saw 000 6v0 3i00 9000 liuo 350 3 mo 1 iuo t00 u9 ijioo 700 400 s50 2j8 100 ci 1 ivcrtemcnt 6 cent per lino for the seoientinwrttoir easa tho number of lines f oixxl b the space ccivpied measured by a sri 1 1ouiou uid 5 ooutpcr line for each sub r b the space c sak of solid nonpareil rwrtisomcnts without specific direction will be iurtod till torlnd una charged accord- mslv tratrotory advertisements must be paid n advance chvjse tor contract advertisements must lc in the ofhte bv 9 aiu on mondays otberwiso tn v will be left o or until the following week business konsjtioavbd on approved notes notes diaoovinted aud interest allowed on deposits acton ontario thursday october 7 188 price three cents new goods days -at- bookstore cuelph albert college belleville ont h t moore editor ami proprietor into rflrtitjotreii cv semis h ten wlnk jamn 10 some sj w hre wmw tcntracu may be made for it in msw vokb i w business directory hlovvrytm b m c p sj graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at tho head of frederick street actyn c k stacey mj cm graduate of tritntv university fellow of trin- 7tt medical school member of the college of phvsicius and surgeons oiust campbells hotel tl jbesxett l ds dentist georgetown ontario a c mckinlay l b s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com- maiilv c tiled vitalized air for extracting fctihwitbout paiu having been demon- struor ind practical teacher in roval college of dental suraeon toronto pat rols mi depejdupori receiving satisfaction m anv operitous- performed will visit acton every second and fourth v ednesday of eich mbnth office aiipews hotel cha1 tered and opened in 1857 over 30 x person 8 has e been in attendance 170 stud into enrolled last j ear representing birrish i olvmbu mamronx mn inn v naw tork 0ttio and qcmuec 87 diplomas and cert ticates awarded uioluding matno illation music fino arts commercial science ccjlegiato and teachors courses pall tcm bepns sltt 7th 1886 for annual catalogue etc address rkv w p dyfr fcla pres glelp ii- business college gttelpii ontario mhe third scholastic year x begins septonjbei 1st patronage drawn irom ten states and provinces young n eu aud bojs thorouglil prepared for busitess puiuits graduatesominent- iy successful as accountants business managers shorthand writers clerks salesmeu travellers etc both iu canada and the united states moderate rates thorougl practical work and courteous treatmei t characterize the institution ladies a imltted to all the advantages of the colwgo r splendid facilities afforded for tho ac- quisition of french and german for information address i mmkcormick wif principal lumber shingles and lath y 25000 rolls wall paper 100 sets lawn croquet carload express waggons b16 stogk low prices be 3vrtmt fm f tm tiwiifiim moiintno octojieii 7 1880 poetry day sells cheap ce aijne gpadu- ohn lawsox gpadtlate op on o tariojetermary college toronto yetenuarv surgeon acton ont ornce ih keuuv bros boot and hoe store resi dence m the rear horses examined as to soundness and certinwttes given all calls night orday promptlv attend ed to terras easv tohnston a mclean barristers solicitors notaries convov- aacers ic ft3pnv ate funds to loan oinci town hall acton i f b johnston wm a mclevn rpbe uuuvrsigncd jl that bo has now ou ban1 and will kep iu stock a full lino of pine and hemlock as well as lesires to inform the public that bo lias now ou ban1 and will vhjp other kinlb of lumber lso class pine shingles lath first aud second coal wood having purchased the coal business of mr c s binith i am prciared to snppl all kinds of stove coal i have also a good stock of w ood hardwood sh cedar and mill w ool at reason able prices ood and coal delivered j4mes bboavs r emitchell sojjcitoe coxvetjcee ac omci- first door west of the champion office main street miiton money to loan at 6 per cent hilton allan ba1bjd barristers solicitors ac tosovro am gloegetowv oths creelrrtan s block georgetown aud 86 king street east toronto w r tllvn j shilton bv j s bue1 b a1n laidlaw q0 bvergteeb soucitoim ointis over imperial banjt 2f wel lington street east entrance exchange allev toronto john bab qjc c a mvsrts wlulkh luiuw gtonot rluikll r guelph cloth hall iw what makbs a woman not costly dress nor quoonly air j not jewoled hand oomploxion fair not graceful form nor lofty tread nor paint nor curls nor splendid head not pearly teoth nor sparkling eyes not voice that nightingale outvies not breath as sweet as eglantino not gaudy gems nor fabrics fine not nil tho stores of fashions mart nor yet tho blandishments of art not one uor all of these combined can make ono woman true refined tis not the casket that wo prize but that wlnuh in thesket lies thoso outward charms thai please tho sight are naught unless tho heart be right sho to fulfil her destined end must with her beauty goodness blond must make it her incessant oaro to deck herself with i jewels rain of priceless gemb mast bo possessed in robes of richest beauty dressed yet these mut clothe the inward miud iu purity the most refined i she who doth all these goods combine can maub rough nature well refine hath al she necdn in this frail lifo to fit for mother sister wife contentmont dwoll withiu her mind and peace doth there a lodgment find he who possesses snch friend should cherish well till death doth end woman m fine the mate should bo to sail with mau oer lifes rough sea and when tho stormy cruise is oer attend him to fair canaans shore and took a ohoaper plaoo in another part of tho city by this time thoir funds began to run low and stella wanted something new for her wardrobe i shall find something byancjby the husband said bravoly it was at this trying time that a little spook of humanity was put into stellas arms and its feeble wail told that tfie re sponsibility of motherhood was here im the happiest man alive clarence exclaimed caressing wife and baby boy let pride go to the dogs stella he add ed remembering that now his responsibility was greater than before they are in want of workmen on the new olty ball ill take my hammer it will give ns bread she ought to have been contented ought to have thought with pride of the man who would thus brave the worlds opinion he went out in the early morning and oame home late at night his handsome face glow ing with love but the very thought that her husband was brought down to the level of a common workman hurt her sister belle had said that her tastes were luxurious and she wanted a pretty home now aud fine apparel for herself and baby the people of- the world in which she had lived had never to count their money to our story a poor mans wife fire mutual insurance company 01 ikl- c0tot7 op wellington lstabusued 1810 head office cuelph atents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa cvsuu 20 yers practice no patent so pav w tm hemstreet insures buildings merchandize manu factories and allptber descriptions of property on thepretrnpra note sj stem p w stone cnas davidson president secretary john tayijor agent merchant tailors ii m ukhivtn nitn first instalment 01 mu fall goods shawcrundy merchant tailors guelph hello i liciki attnoneeb for the counties of wellington and halton orders left atthetftn puess qfijce acton or at my residence in actorvi will be promptly attended to terms reasonable money to lov also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest iu sums of 9500 and upwards john day architect j gcfmh 05t okhil queens hotel block market square ttjlranqis nunan successor to t f- chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of evfy description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done john j daley fptrccessor to thompson 4 jackson money to loan on farm property at per cent mortgages purchased mpney oanedjo parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing id all its branches properly and neat done charges low farms ar d city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to mtendingpurchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wauted for our lists correspon dence invited office near the post office guelph ont pause and consider that it vfilr be to jour own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur rounding country that we are again in full runningorder and in a better position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to patties building lumber wih be dressed while you wait and mouldings ac made with neatness and despatch x b we are also prepared to nil all orders for wellington marble works quebec s ovelps john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kind of granite and marble jhflfunglatcljjvimted the bay of f judy granite qtufrrics and lm nig purchased tl0 cntlro stock ofgra and red gi into monuments headstones my choice is made at last sister belle now i am ready for blame or praiso from others but i want your approvol the older sister looked at a couple of open letters lying on tho writingdesk before which the spoaker sat her cold gray eyes softening a little as he replied if joutel me which of the two jou have chosen i can answer you yon ought to know without being told stella laughed clarence of course belle lawson looked serious stella lam sorrj not that i bear clarence henshaw anv illwill but child you are not fit to be a poor mans wife re member ou are proud and have been reared in ease and comfort follow m udvico and marry harry lakeman stella shook her head no belle i wouldnt marry harrv lakeman if he uas a hundred times richer than he is she slipped a picture into its envelope after a long v lew it isftloveh place 6ho sighed and i would like to live there tho sister was watching and stooping kissed the smooth white brow while she said dont be too hast stella if you covet this pretty 1 ome of harry lakemaus accept it i but i lov e clarence 1 pref or a cottage with him to a mansion uiti henry miss lawson turned to tho window with a sorrj look some bweet duam of her childhood was in her memorv peihapsbat she held it worso than folly to indulge m regrets love in her estimation was no balance in the scale for wealth stella she continued very gravely i have acted the part of a mother for many years my wish has over been that jou form u weaithy marriage i know jou love luxury you enjoy display and i am not saying too much when i add that you wor ship beautiful apparel henry lakeman can give you nil of these clarence hen shaw cannot as his wife jou will be sub ject to all manner of privations be obliged to live in a common way stmt and econo mize and manage the best you can how know if they could bny a new ilresi she had never had to make the best of circum stances and whj should she low the little privations she endured worried her and in a little while the sweettempered woman became moody and downhearted stella is homesick thohasband wonld say the care of the baby is too much for her j must make some money and his hammer rang with redoubled energy bnt stella continued to sulk hon can yon expect me to live among such surroundings was her appeal when ho begged her to cheer up it is cruel in you i want to go home to my own friends the warm glow oame to his face and he drew her tenderly toward him without a word bnt there was a look piteous to see in his handsome eyes then came a day a little later when ifdid seem that matters had come to a crisis the city hall was finished and clarence must look for some thing new jennie who had been freddys nurse had to go and oil the household cares f ell on tttella they had moved about a great deal hoping to find a place in which the fretfuljgirlwife would be contented these people are all alike you know and i may as well be in one place as an other was her reply to clarence when he suggested that they move it was unwomanly in her to say thishe knew and she thought to run after her husband and beg his forgiveness but just then freddy caught her by her dress caus ing her to spill the water she was pouring into the kettle which only iucreased her vexation you cross little thing she exclaimed impatiently take that i laying her hand heavily on the little bare shoulders then she sat dorm and fell into hysterical weeping freddy with the prints of her fingers still on his neck tried to climb into her lap but sho pushed him away roughly dont do anything youll be sorry for stella her husband said coming into the room just then i thought youd gone to town she said sharplv oh dear 1 if i bad taken good advice i would not have married a poor man you are not yourself this morning stella aud his eyes were full of unshed tears as he saw the red marks on the babys neck do jou think i can endure every thing she cnod spitefully you are nervous and fired dear come here and he put out his hands to clasp her bat she turned away from him and left the room something vfet fell ou the babys head and ho pressed him closely to his bosom as he caught the sonnd of her sobbing pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so come on with yonr order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no thos ebbge manager aqton live t he hanln barber shop mllb sbeit actos an easy shave a stylish haircat a good seafoara an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in firstclass oondition ladies and childrens hair tastily tsut j- p wobdev tonsorial artist james 8tirtonlds dekti6t honor graduate and member of the ontario college of dental surgery lalm attraction or so chwjre nf l n appearance and e written guarantee with 0mw john street acton wm e- smith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of mr h b mcgarthy which be has removedto his commodious stables on john street in the centre of the business polriion of the town mri smith has had leigthy experience in this business and fes confident that ho can give satisfaction tojeverylpatron i anyone desiring a gosuhorcili p10- rtw or 0owpu17 bi ca be supplied with flrsulbw turnout ion the shortest notice i v j i i vttifr lidardecljafnr86fd acton meat market rutledge crosson butchers business of mr r a share of publio terms reasonable wm p- smith have purchased the holmes and solicit patronage the members of the firm are practical butchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction thore will always be found on hand a full stock of all kinds of neut ao in season we have isettled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon usiness principles we will win publio confidence and support 1 but edge crosson actoneb 9th 1886 crosses urns etc of alexander taj lor at less i m tuat bmt a girl 0 your tastes than cost i njll until further notice sell at th k f t fa fc prices never befoie known in ontario tor m- j ujv stancegramui monuments g ft high 00 7 ft own choice 1d regard to this tmarriage 758ft 3oatft ioo io f t i20 all work and my mind is madenp my dear bellb material warrantod firstrclass parties wanting stella reponded an thing in hits line 1i1 do well to call and fo ghe took 8h u me before purchasing elsowhcrc afi i guaranteo iny prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all mto lts envelope os she spoks other dealers if i fuvored his suit i was to keep it sister belle sho continued touching the edge of the wrapper to her rosy lips and sealing it with a heavy slap of her hand i do not you see i wont be borry murmured she turning the envelope to look at its superscription your happiness is within your own grasp stella youll recall my words some day and with a stately gait behe lawson left her stella ran lightly up the stairs to her own room and touched the bell in great haste you will oblige me by mailing this at once she said to the servant who answer ed her call handing him this very envelope and she said smiling and blushing be careful of this putting another letter into his hand leave it with no one but the person to whom it is addressed therell be no mistake miss and that night a perfumed note lay on clarence henbhaws pillow aud he foolish fellow was transported to the upper heaven of dehght j three months later they were married they were a happy and hopeful couple this life upon which they had entered was like a new and unexplored country bu clarence meant to work hard and felt littl or no doubt in regard to their future he had been a head bookkeeper for many years and had the promise of something better yet the coming season they rented a honse in the pleasant part of the city kept a servant and stella wore the handsome clothes which had been provided at the time of her marriage but toward the end of the first year of their wedded life his firm was said to be nnder heavy liabilities and the anniversary of their rgarriage found the house bankrupt and clarenoe out of a situation tbey moved out of their house dont read this the unei signed is prepared to furnish on the phottest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstdoss lumber lath staves head ing smigles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also k0to and febd and anythii glin the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities jthoso mooee 1 have heard of something new this morning stella and im going to new york by the next train you are always hearing of something new was her quick reply but what does it amount to i am hoping for something better and think i have found it now he rocked freddy to sleep put him into his crib then went to the door of his wifes room aro youj gomg to kiss me goodbye stella he said i may be gone a day or two no she replied coldly youll be back soon enough but i might never return you know see if you are not book in a day or two with the same old story clarence tnrned quiokly and left her she heard him cross the room and knew he bent over freddys crib and kissed the little sleeper again and again hell come back before hes really gone whispered she to herself goingtoward the door but a turn in the street hid him from her sight he hod gone without bidding her goodbye well weve been married long enough to be done with such nonsense she said by way of consolation yet there was a ter rible pain at her heart she sat still till freddy woke then with a ory of anguish she ran across the hall to the nearest neighbor with please come mrs wilson my baby is dying mrsiwilson came for- though rough in her mariner she was kind in heart he is in a fit she said the moment she saw the child bring me some water and help get off his clothes stella obeyed hold him so till i run home and get pome medicine she said putting him in the bath s uoh women as yon aint fit to be mothers she continued returning with her hands full of bottles i have bo many trials to bear mooned stella nonsense replied mrs j wilson you have a pretty home if it was put in order imusedtoa better young people cant begin where the old ones left off they must make their own homes i never understood it so my sister advised mo never to marry a poor man and so you keep finding fault and com- plaining when your husband is trying in every way to make an honest living it is a wonder you havent driven him to drink long ago but my husband is a good man re plied stella resenting the last part of the speech he has shown himself to be a good man the woman said it in good faith wrap ping freddy in soft flannels and adminis tering a qmeting potion she had been watching the movements of the people ever since they came to live in the house my baby will get well wont he was said pleadingly and the poor thing sobbed again as if her heart would break yes indeed and you will stay with mo through the night forgetting that she was one of those people id stay with you a whole blessed week replied truehearted mrs wilson if i could make you a wife worthy of your husband tell me what i shall do and ill do it willing and without complaining all through the long night while freddy lay between life and death mrs wilson worked over him bravely and told the girl- mother chapters in her own life experiences there were passages over which stella wept bitterly and when morning dawned giving back the child from danger in place of the fickle unreasonable woman there was one ready to meet lifes work with firm purpose and strong heart she tidied up each apartment and in stead of going about in a dowdy wrapper put on a fresh dress arranged her hair be comingly and changed the pucker about her mouth for her own rosy lips youre a pretty little thing mrs wil son told her when she had fastened a knot of blue ribbon in her hair see after baby now ill look in every now and then through the day and tonight will come back to you tour husband will be here to morrow morning yes stella replied with a bright look in her eyes hell be here by 10 oclock after all it was a long time to wait she thought she was so impatient to tell him and she would kiss him as many times as he wished yes indeed she exclaimed joyfully bending over freddys cot well kiss papa a hundred thousand times wont we dear i do wish clarence would come sha kept saying next morning what detains him 1 she continued when the clock was on the btroke of 12 what if and her heart lay like lead in her bosom as she recalled the look she last saw on his face what if he never comes back 1 she mur mured going into her own room mrs wilson she called where is my hus band in an instant the dear good soul was beside her resting a hand tenderly on the aching head truehearted woman she shrank from saying it had been a dreadful night on the sound and that a steamer had collided with the new york boat her hnsband travelled by boat tiad been her conclusion stella caught at her arm the soun of her voice answering freddy and witha cry she fell poor tired inexperienced wife and mother was the ordeal so order ed with the help of a neighbor wilson laid her on the bed run for the dootor she said to williams but you dont know- i do she interrupted mrs hen- bhaw wihvhave a run of nervous fever and whether her husband is dead or alive i cant saytf when stella opened her eyes again it was nearly night she knew no one about the bed but talked to clarence and freddy and sister belle she was going to help her husband now shecould earn money by teaching musio or painting but for give me for striking and her arms were put up as if to clasp something when she dozed again- late that evening clarence ctfne in bight of home contrary to mrs wilsons jecture he come by a different route had thought to telegraph but stella wont worry he said if i am late the light faded from his eyes and his face turned gastly white whenhe looked into the ro eras j both gone he groaned walking from the bed to the couch no no mrs wilson said comfortiigly babys better and your wife will uome put of this all she needs is good nur sing and that she shall have turning asid i her head and drying her eyes with the corner of her apron what could we do if such as she were not stationed all along thei walks in life it was painful to listen to the wild talk if i might endure it clarance said bo many times when at last stella awoke from the hornble dreams her husband was bending over her 11 clarence bhe said very softly at first clarence she repeated putting her arms about his neok if youll forgive me for striking freddy ill kiss you 0 so many times 1 foolish fellow 1 he cried like a baby listen stella he said as soon as he could command his voice listen i did get the situation and yon can have every thing yon want tonohing his lips to cheek and forehead and yon are going to have such a pretty house in brooklyn alllj want is your love clasping him close and that freddy gets well im ready to be a poor mans wife 1 donoj forget to mend boys dont forget to mend boys toils are handy things and a httle patching up oftfen comfort brings drive the nail of purpose deftly here and there hamrner with your might and main if jlpu but repair j dont forget to mend boys ab yougo along if yon find your will is weak try to make it strong mend yonr manners daily try to be polite rudeness in a growing lad is a painful sight y roughness is becoming t in aj polar bear j bat the making of a man i needs some daily eare dont forget to mend boys all your doubtful ways as so merrily you climb up to manhoods days as you go on building let your labor blend character will brighter shine if you stop to mend a touching inscription in bath county virginia there lives a very prominent family by the name of terrill before the war it cat considerable of a swath i in unsocial and political life of that section when the war broke out william h terrill one of the sons took to the union side and soon became a soldier of great prominence he was killed while leading a brigade at ferry ville where the gallant jackson fell and where genlytle who wrotej i am dying egypt dying was wounded his death was a sad one for he was just reaching after the flower of great famei it is easy for me to recall the circumstances of his heroic fall when some of the bravest and the best of the 2nd michigan jcavalry followed this gallant soldier to the unseen land gen ternlts brother went into the con federate armj and while leading bis brigade at cold harbor was killed the father brought the- remains of his two gal lant sons hbme and boned them on the farm where both had spent their childhood days and where they had growjn to man hood and there parted over a question of duty to state or nation both had lain down their lives for their sentiments be tween the simple graves of the two bojs the father lias erected a marble slab a most touching inscription is cut in the white stone it chides neither one it ex presses faith in the creator and leaves him to judge of ft a the two heroes conduct it is a simple line and n god only knows which one was right 4- pliiladelpfiia times 1 mrs hiss packing apples handle apples as you would handle eggs is good advice old flour barrels unless carefully washed and dried will im part a musty fl ivor to the fruit before mid winter especia ly if the air in the cellar is moist the fit st apples which are put iu market barrelf should be faced the facing consist in placing two or three layers on the lower head with stems down that is witji stems pointing towards the head clean bright apples of ordinary size should be selected for this purpose the rest of the apples may be poured into the barrel this pouring if properly done will not injure the apples eggs can be poured use a bosket with a swinging handle one which can be lowered into the barrel and turned while there and hold the apples bock with the hand 0 that they will nc t pour out too rapidly two or three tin es during the filling shake the barrel gen tip to settle the apples firmly face the ur per head in the same manner t as the lower one it is desirable lot to head up the barrel at once cover with boards to k ep out the rain and let the barrels stau 1 open four or five days it is not howeve always possible to cover the barrels in v hich case they may be headed up at once a nd turned down on their sides in this cond tion they will shed water american a rkultumt for october con- he beautiful allegory crittenden of kentucky was at one time engaged in defending a man who had been indicted for a capital offense after an elaborate ind powerful defense he clos ed hiaeffort with the following striking and beautiful allegory when god in his eternal cc mcil conceived the thought of mans ore ition he oalled to him the three miniate a who wait constantly upon the throne j ustioe truth and meroy and thus addi essed them shall we make man then said justice 0 god make him not for 1 e will trample upon the laws truth made 9 aswer also o god make him notfor hi will pollute thy sanctuaries but meroy di opping upon her knees look ing up through bar tears exclaimed o god make him i willi watch over him with my care through all the dark paths which he may have to tread then god made man and said to him o man thou art the ohjld of meroy go and deal with thy brother i the jury when he had finished was drowned in tears and against evidence and what mubtthave been ttheir own con victions i brauf ht in a verdict of not guilty subscribe for tho fuze press iv a speedy cure i as a speedy o ire for dysentery cholera morbus diarrlcea colio cramps sick stomach canker of the stomach and bowels and sail forms of summer com plaints there ieuoiremedy more reliable than dr fpvjleils extract of wild straw berry dealers vhd sell it and those who buy itlaroou of its men f mutual gronnds in confidence set-

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