Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1886, p. 2

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is 11 t whri v l tacmbxt morning octobkr 7 1880 ay i not di8qouragsd the quelph jmiwooutniuee to wandw oir in illogical tirade against the dunkin aotti soou act prohibition the tern perauoe white elephant al it makes an assertion h ono paragraph contradicts itself within h uf a dozea lines it rambles along in a can less mauner tolling the pub ho about some things it knows bat very much more about what it has no knowledge whatever in- this way it monopolizes half a oolnmnoi valuable space in the editorial department otthe daily edition just to in- form its readers that the fwus pates is not at all disheartened beoane the spott act does hot absolutely prohibit die sale of liquor and that it and prohibitionists generally have determined to labor on to secure it possible a legal enactment to pro hibit the manufacture and sale of all in toxicating beverages j but bless your hearkf iend herald that is the goal to which prohibitionists as you very correctly designate them for they lav been prohibitionists from the first have had in view for a score of years and more years ago when prohibition waa hinted at 4 v ir- i i uk i f v l mi iii t i r ii i iii e8que8inq exhibition a large attendanoe a fairly suooessful show but rom for improvement the prize taeer8 the annual fall fair held at georgetown last friday was taken altogether a very good one and the attendance quite satisfac tory the weather was flue aud bright but rathor cool for comfort out of doors and as usual it was about half past three before the judges had completed their labors in the hall and of course visitors were locked out until that hour the entries numbered over a 1000 a hundred or so icsb than last year and although there were very few entries in some classes competition was unusually keen in others there is withal that laok of enthusiasm which would be seen were the show to be held alternately in george town aud acton and it is very easy to see that it needs acton to givo it such another boom as was accomplished on each of the three occasions when it was held here ithe judges were carefully selected and we believe performed their duties to the best of their judgment and in all oases consci entiously the duties of the judges iu ladies work and fine arts would be very greatly facilitated were the directors to arrange all the entries for each class by themselves audi desiguate the class with a the dunkin act was exacted this aotl n0m for ywrs m exhibits in these departments have been hung together in every kind of confusion and half the time of the judges is necessarily spent in ferreting out the several entries in each class for comparison this shows- that the directors and exhibi tors themselves are largely responsible for the late hour always reached before the hall is opened td visitors we hope thib reference will have a salutary effect argus at and ose weddings nds at the first of the 8eason ondera at the composition of tb audienoe olippbrs cupped tho wedding lust week passed off ex ceedingly well the attendance of the general public in tlioir best bibs and tuokors was largo very largo probably larger than at anything of a social nature for somo time past it w u estimated that be tween thrpo and four hundred assembled mid and k 13 and old men and olnlilriii young men maidens old and otherwise jobtlod crowed in seats the interest taken in tho ovent by staid sober married couples iorustj vuiu attempts to all get trout sb- fall winter isee- th was put before the public a temperance campaign followed the evils of intemper ance began to be realized and as a result many good people who had formerly thought very little about the m became inter ested and enlisted for work in due time 4he scott act was presented to the people as a better lever and although not as sweep ing a change as they desirfcd it was accepted as an instrument by which another step to wards prohibition would i be accomplished we have- had a scott act campaign and thousands more of the thinking people of toe dominion have joined the ranks and today an army much more extensive than was ever before in existence in canada and larger perhaps than the herald and its friends imagine is prepared to exert itself in every legitimate way to secure total pro hibition of jbe cursed trafficfrom the land and if the herald is anxldss to be on the winning side in this struggle which promisee ere long to assume a more general national character than at any previous date it will follow the example of some of its more im petuous political ootems and join hands with the prohibitionists the herakl must not expect the scott act to perform miracles it is no reflection upon the justice or success of any law that impossibilities are not accomplished there will we suppose always be bad men at war with society and all that canreasonably be expected ot this or any law is that it should as far as is possible check the evil against which it is directed if the herald will pause and consider this matter a moment it most conclude that it is not the prohibi tionists who are so much dissatisfied with and are violating the scott act and endeavoring to make it appear a fail urebut that the people who are so assiduously engaged in defaming the law and its supporters are among its the heralds very friends and are disciples of the cause it makes such a labored attempt to defend f old old bachelors j and vinegary old niaida rather astonished me- why- they were aotually assembling round the doors long before tltey were open it seemed to be a matter of intenso disappointment to the above mentioned and others that at the oonolusion of tho ceremony tho groom did not kiss his bride his example being follow ed by thej rest of tho party bridesmaids ministers groomsmen and so foith for my part i dont believe in those sort of osoulatorv demonstrations by all tho party jor the benefit of a gaping crowd when mariar and mo got hitched aud decidod that always together lifes voyage should be we did kiss at the conclusion of the ceremony but yar can bet the wholo crowd didnt follow sutt at leant not with my majiar the happy couple have mrs a and heavily early in the season jb public that my staff is not allowed iificrcasect facilities and double the tffil i notes and comments the value of exempted property in tor- onto during the past year had advanced from 11040856 to 11 936353 an increase of 1945495 the chicago exposition san alluding to the recent percheron horse show in that city says the fact was plainly brought to light that canada possesses some of the finest horses in the world prof goldwin smiths article eng land revisited in macm mans magazine brings down on him the daily new which describeiris counsels as the warnings of selfsatisfied pedantry and accuses him of bad taste bad logic bad breeding obtuse- ness indecency and meanness mr glad stone has been criticised by j prof smith but mr gladstone remarks this elegant essayist of the new is too much absorb ed in his great labors to deal ont retributive justice to every fly the toronto mail is bringing forth fruits meet for repentance it demands the abolition of the permit system in the north- west it says to open saloons there would betothrow fire among tow and it shows up the absurdity and impudence of- the proposition to remedy the evils aris ing ont of the permit system by allowing the kale of liquor under license while severely criticising the dominion adminis tration in the north west and demanding a reversal of it the mail actually commends the ontario government a liberal ad- ministration for its exertions in bringing the whiskey dynamiters to justice and urges that government to enforce the scott act wrfnm the adjournment of the methodist con ference makes the time opportune for a general estimate of its recent meeting and this must from a purely outside point of view be a highly iavorable one in many respects it has shqwn itself one of tbe most efficient ecclesiastical legislatures that has ever met in this city- perhaps in the do minion it excelled not merely in debating power but in business capacity and its high character was shown alike by its grasp of broad questions of church politics and by its manner of dealing with the minutest details the general attitude of the body was one of wise conservatism in matters of church government and machin ery but jmtn the university question it did not shrink from the adoption of a new and liberal policy whenevercireumstances seemed to make a new departure necessary much of the pecnliar efficiency of the cfeen- v era ponference js clearly attributable to iu constitution it is made up of clerical and lay members in equal numbers and jboth posses are elective in the full sense of the iettutorpntocorrcgjxmdau of lite montreal witness the 20th battalion band lome rifles georgetown twentyfour strong in their handsome helmets and uniform discoursed excellent music during the afternoon to tho edification of those present the lome rifles may well feel proud of its band now our reporter was well cared for hy mr alexander waldie the painstaking presi dent and his able lieutenant col murray who has for over a quartet of a century occupied the important office of secretary of the society the number of prizes taken by the vari ous exhibitors is as follows s mason 15 dr roe 14 h l ross 13 r a reid 13 a stark 11 j t mckeuzie 11 a waldie 10 r a campbell 10 e nixon 10 jas bradley10 e w gollop 9 f ruddell 8 jas hainer 8 paul kennedy 8 d b mc- nair w moore 7 n lindsay 6 r noble 6 t bell son 6 w waldie 5 jas l clark 5 h townsend 5 b harrop 5 john johnson 5 miss freeman miss reidoifos brownridge 5 j wright 4 jacob hainer 4 j 4 g hardy 4 h a beid4 a devereaux 4 m barnes 4 d mckinnou 4 culp mckenzie 4 miss bell 4 h hbffmau 3 d robertson 3 d little 3 w r brown 3 j drummond 3 jno wilsnj3 j t elliot 3 jas nickell sons 3 andrew scott 3 a neilson 3 w austin 3 r c mccnllongh 3 j evans 3 j s bessey 3 j home jr 3 g wrigfilesworth 2 robt stewart 2 g w black 2 h s mcdonald jj c p preston 2 w a wilson 2 e thornton 2 w p applebe 2 w fisher 2 j saunders 2 jos barbers geo joyce i j s lyon 2 a- grieve son 2 miss pibbs 2 miss bessey 2 h g stone 2 w h kahr jas conl- son 2 c brown 2 brown bros 2 w h shortill 2 j j harrison 2 j hardy 2 brain bros 2 and the following one each t clark jas coulsbu w pitman e mccanuab jno price wm hoare jos lasby wa jackson cbas ryan c g murray j h nixon j hayes m moyer miss thompson miss preston w hawee mag conlson miss bennett j sproul w hardy n gillies n turner d r laid- law n moore m howson w e smith dr lowry d mcenery thos early r applebe jas matthews amcdongall jos barber jr w thompson v f taylor the judges were as follows houses f t gale robt hall john taylor chas shaver cattlk jos fisber l lowry win wilson j evansi sheep samuel lyons j aldous grain roots j marshall 8 hannant m sutton vegetables a fiicn m dawson m davis a henderson daiiiv f barclay wm cbadwickmrs jstewart domestic makcfactcses b ramsbaw w mattnewb t somerville lapies wobk mrst mason mrs con- boy mrs arthurs i fixe abts mrs s a secord mrs d w campbell and a a ruby selfs j congratulations and good wibhes may all prosperity attend them in their voyjsge oer lifes tempestuous ocean rja marriage a funeral a ball and all in the short space of two days what an illustration of tho ways of this mortal world what a fact to ponder on it was the experience of some of our young bloods an experience that would hardly be repeated in aj life time a guest at a wedding a pallbearer at a funeral the following after noon and a guest at a ball that evening theysay that one marriage begets many already 1 liavo heard rumors of three that are to take place in the near future two of taecn i understand are the results of an att chment that was only fornfed during the balmy days of the summer that is just passed the other is of longer duration the baying is geuerlly supposed to apply only lo the bridal party or guests iu this case it is the exception that proves the rule probably evenone who takes any in terest in those things know now how mag nificently the base ball team vindicated thejr name self applied of base ball play ers just what the particular excuse is this time i am unable to say of course there are plenty of excuses on hand swarms of em r hut mr excuse idolitkuow ptho players hailing from our neighbor ing tockbouud village have now clipped the clippers to their satisfaction and are probably bappy oh murmur it not iu the byways of askelon tell it not on the front piazzas of gath our future reeve has removed to guh the gap left in tho ranks of society by his departure is simply incalculable acton must hang up her harp iu the willow trees xb lots of em in tho viciuity of his latel field of labor and weep the energetic and versatile proprietor of the metropolitan studio has been galli- vau ting all over the country to the numer- ous little country fall shows with d really good exhib t of his work but sad to say amongst li s many examples of pictured you ii and beauty old age and innocence the general public will miss- the massive fori and features the benign and expan sive bmile of atiors winter 1886 l take plouburo iu iuiormingtlie raiidouta of at6n and vicinity that my fltock af fall and wjjnjgwds is now ry col ploto without doubt no dealer iff- acton has ever shown such latk styles variety and good valubsi amow ina portion to offfp although ninny linos in dvy goods have increased at least 20 per cent i had the good fortune to r customoru- may rely on getting goods at the very lowcht possible cash price r i would afeam remind to misrepresent goods and n child receives the same good value as a giown experienced pimpn tho business that 1 did during the spring and summer was very ericouraging indeed so with stock i do not fonr for tho fall and winter trade 1 wish to direct special attention to the following hues which for variety and elegance combined i few houses outside of tho principal cities can show such perfection in theirsolection j erb83 goods the fashionable shades are grey andlnavy blue 200 pieces to select from makes viz jersey cloths in black and color jioucles ottomans serges plaids meltons combination wincoys silks in black and colore siitrn merveillenx plusbes velvets and velveteens clasps to match the goods j special values in boating shawls mantles and walking jackets gloves hosiery corsets and lyies underwear st grey cotton white cotton wool and cotton shirtings ducks djeniras tabling crashes towejs liilens setiug ticks blankets flannels yarn etc etc i millinery miss stringham has charge this fall and winter this lady is thoroughly postal in her business having bad charge of some of the best establishments in western canada so kidies may rely on getting correct styles ahil 1 wilj guarantee prices to suit j mens and boya readymade clothing mens and boys woollen underwear j 1 boqts and sholflb fot ladies misses children men youths and boys all new goods at prices as low as tite wheat qroobries-j- have received advice from yokohama japan thattiie s rio sailed from tjbit portion augiist 13th ifihas ten chests of uncoiored tea on board foi me it is due at british columbia on sept 7tb and the goods will rejifch her about is october pall and try a sample pound of the first tea that was ever imported to acton dife6t the choicest groceries always on hsnd fakm produce bought i v halton dry goods house acton re bo perfect and varied that very j u i english french and german cashmeres allwool combinations large and small buttons sand i r b jermyn canada for canadians france wishes to secure a share of our commeroe j 1alih sept 2o the national cpmmout- ins on the remarkablo display of the pro ducts of canadian industry at the indian and colonial exhibition in loudon asks wlvy of tho 20000000 worth of roods annually exported by canada 8000000 go to england and only an insignificant portion to franco the article concludes though tho french feeling is still vigor ous iu canada tho business connection of that country with englaiid is too close to be suddenly mapped uut when ifranco in ready to wtlcomo cuuadiau commerce to buoi on exttnt us will coinpeusatev-ana- da for tli o loss of her english custom there will begin an evolution iu that country so dear to france and whose motto is caijnda for the canadians j- i fc x pall pairs r j halton milton octoljcr 7 s eraraosa itockwood october 12 iwest wellington drayton october 1213 eriu erin village october 19 20 north perth stratford october 7 8 canada at the colonial lord lofcaes opinion of the dominions display intercolonial trade in an interview last week at the colonial- and indian exhibition the marquis of lome exgovernorgeneral said to the canadian gazette- published in london -eng- i you wish to know remarked lord lorne what my impression is of the canadian display i think it is firstrato in all respects an excellent show all round i was when in canada much struck by many of the provincial shows such as that for instance held annually at toronto there of course the representation related rather to peculiar branches of canadian industries here it partakes of a far more general chracter showing in almost every phase tbe marked development of canada during recent years concerning the prospects for the promo tion of intercolonial trade he said indeed when one thinks what scope ihere is for the extension of canadian traffic one cannot but appreciate the wis dom of canada in coming forward so muoh to her credit as she has done at tbe present exhibition but there is another impor tant point a good general will tell yon there is nothing like following up a victory and canadians should be alive to tbe necessity for doing the same thing and the best way to do this would be to establish an attractive permanent exhibition of cauadian products righthere in loudon excelsior bakery acton bread cakes of nil kinds on hand or made to order biscuits confectionery c the cradle panton at milton on the 25th inst the wifo of mr wm pauton county clerk of a daughter i rockwood news fronourmeu correspondent rsqkwqod poultry is disappearing mys teriously supposedly kra warmer clime gong rjv mr strachan preacheova very inter esting and instructive funeral sermon on the late alex hill on sabbath evening to a larg 3 congregation wm duftield while cutting bands at litylermaus threshing on saturday acci dentally jstrnck his arm vitb the knife necessitating three or four stitches henry strange had four cattle killed by a gj t r train at dunbars crossing on saturday morning and lastnight john gsrstang had a cow killed on the track in the village the rockwood base ball team reached the climax of its ambition on saturday afternoon wheu it easily defeated the acton club by tbe magnificent score of 26 to 13 and and an innings to spare the public debate at the literary socie tys meeting on friday evening on the mental- capacity of the sexes was de cided in favor of the male this was seem ingly owing to the inability of the chairman to distinguish between argument relative to the different spheres of the sexes from that of mental capacity rdckwcod oct 4thi885- a warning toyoung women copies of this notice printed in both fren sh and english are displayed iu the stations of jthe grand trunk railway mostbeal jwolftnls chnistian temraiaxcjc csuox 1 by love save one another halving learned with sorrow that girls coming from the country to this city mont real have j been met by improper persons and tersuaded to enter houses of illrepute under tbe impression that they were going into respectable service we hereby warn them not i to converse with strangers whether men or wotpen on the trains or on arrivi a at the stations but to apply for information to the stationmaster or police men i it the goto who will direct them to respe stable lodging an explanation to th editor of jthe fbeb press dej b sltt i deairo to explain through ttewlumnjjof the fbbe piiebb that my statetients i concerning ray husbands de- jartae whioh appeared in lusfjissuewere due tc a- imsnnderbtanding aijd tliat ar range nehtsjare being made yhereby myself and cjtildreji will shortly join hfm again mkh eiiza knowltox act6n odt 0th 1880 f t fti mm u wi w thealtae mcmackox stose at higligute on the 23th september by rev mrrdmeroy mr david mcmackon formerly of acton to miss s stone both of highgate piavis liulaw at the manse hamil ton on the cth october by rev r j laidlaw uncle of the bride jmr harry purvis of portage du fort juetomiss annie h laidlaw of acton hesisthket ehbagk in glovjcrsville n y at the residence of mr george garrett on the 24th september by rev mr ford mr alfred hemstreet to miss lucy maria ehbage both of gloversville formerly of acton the grave mcabthcb in erin on tho 1st october mary dauehterof mr duncan mcarthur aged 22 years ice cream soda water mrs t statham hew advertisements hotel for sale or to kent rphk undersigned desires to sell or ront j his hotel near acton station of tho gtr kuoivn r8 beuuett8 hotel adssession given 1st of november ksg for farther particulars apply personally at lot s con 5 erin to thomas bennett erin sept 28th 1883 baulnafail po 5000 acres ok land for skfo iu thecounty of dnfferin a quantity of land for salo at from i10 per acre to s50per aero terms and prices to suit all customers also villago property in shel- burne homings mmr corbctton rivcrview and melaucthou apply to i j t hemstreet auctlouoor land agent da sholburnc as hemstreot isnequainted with tho county of dufferiu in almost every part we can recom mend him to intending purchasers house anjd lot forfsallf the undersirned has received instruc tions to sell oh veryieasy terms tlio house aud lot on church jetreetl now occupied by mre james boll adjoining the dwelling of charles speight and immediately behind geo hvnds jewellery store this is a deferable property tho lot is flrstclaas tho dwelling in good repair aud thore is a nice garden with fruit trees terms and particulars make known upon appli cation to i hi b moore fkek pnuhbofhtir farms waited eurms wanted for the next issue jj of our cauadiau faroi advertiser which is to bo circulated amongst in tending purchasers of forms throughout canada the united states europe and otter countries wo have in our office at gnelph thousands of lotterb from appli cants for farms from all parts of canada alii parts of the united states europe 8outh africa jamaica and other countries all the letters aretfroni partios who have seen our advertise ments thoso wanting to sell ore invited to conio to our office in guelph and see the letters for themselves we are selling more farms than any other firm iu canada and we defy contra diction to this statement if you want to sell seud usyour name and address aqd then we will write to you no charge uiiloss a salois effected address john j daley co guelph ont fair view cemetery the lots sold and for sale the parties who have selected burial plots in the second survey of the now cemetery arereqnestod to call upon the caretaker mr- b bcook and secure the certificate entitling them to their deed which will give the possession of their jdti the sajeoflqtsts now epen and all desirinjg lots can bo supplied all lots sold rfvblva tlo rvimmounn 171 1 receive the corporations guarantee that the purchasers rights wul be protected w h 8tokey reeve boevo8 office oct 0th 1880 t a murray licensed auctiokkeii for the i counties of halton and wellidrton orders left at his residence main street opposite church street acton or addressed to aoton po will receive strfdt attention terras reasonable notes discounted if dosirea i ji go to- waters bros picture gailery guelph for artietn maorialu oil and waur colort crayon canvas drawing i pajnr lirmjien fr oil paidtlners steel enrravinfts chromob c frames ov allj kinds mouldings rooniaud picture cornices and cornice poles spring hollers and win dow shades fninrdoc complete panoy goods suitable for wedding aiid birthday presents c visitors- can have their picture framed while in the city sj bring them with you to waters b os tle picture gallery nour tbe post ollice i we are on the market bttying wheat peas and oats we will givo market prices for all bound marketable grain dilivered at our ware- honeo at acton e nicklin fit son acton sept 29th 188g lovell8 gazetteer and history f dominion of canada in nine volumes royal 8vo be commenced whenever asufflciont number of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication subscription to the kino volumes i75oo to the province of ontario or to quebec s12j0 to now brunswick or to nova scotia 1150 to manitouaor to british columbia 950 to prince edward island or to northwest territories 950 each province tohavo a iap please send for prospeotus jornlovell mamaokk and poblibhbn montreal august 4th 1880 i wanted salesmen permanent positions guaranteed with salary ani expenses tata any de termined man oan succeedwith us pecul iar advantages to begirinors stock com- pleteincludingnianyfastsellingspeoialties outfit free 1 addrobsat onco name this paper flpown wlothebb nunskuvwkw chj5st1 kr hats from 75 centa to 8250 at ifyfes j ill yon wiant a nobby durable and cheap salt go tpjj fyfee acton sootob engliah and qauftdiap snitiugb n tfreat variety at oyfes aoton x rgo to j fyfes acton for your cloth inij he can suit you for price- qnalty and style everjtitoe j spring suits and oyercoau at extreiue lylqw pfie8 and made in the latest bty tea be sure to call aud see tlea at j fyfeb aotou fc call at the easteed axjo examine f ie fall stock 01 mantlingsyottojnan oott s meltons fancy deess gpods of all makesmaebials and fhicjes an rmuene stock ok mens xmbns and chirditkn8 pndeuwear mes to shirts and cardigan jackets at lojvjt prices ave have asl j staple b perfect fitting suits and at prices to is ink aune of such as white grev navy blue aud red flannels canton flannels winceys cottons cottoxades cr etonnks toweuing yarns gloves hosiery ac as cheap as ajy other store in the trade overcoats lit everybody c very cheap r3t gotids made to ordelli groceries our stock is complete and we cannot be yxbebsoti try ou r nrt cent teas farm produce taken in exchange john k is w nelson ryan berkinshaw go of guelph are very busy reccivin j new fall gc ods from england jeel an i and scotland lutlies ifiyoii uppreciate stylisli milliiiery f s arid dres goods s our goods liefore you buy ryan berkjnshaw srjqcb3sos 0 john hock 93 upper tondhars street yojty atten tlolsr 1 g oo kenney bros j malm strbet i to the knort with a fine stock of new tall co ds ion best wearo now recoiviuga- very lareo stockof new kali ri ourboots and shoas areureh jed hzmijzt and or uahty we have fine assortment aad yo r every want co 8dlis some flue lines of trunks and yaltses on h vi linaiinfaoturers vauiblis oa hand rsofiived direct from the i ordered wollk we makt a snpvlf ti- i batiefactiontoaucustomerii pwuy of this deptmeofc and guarantee repairing done witli neatness and despat uh kennev bros dp ninion house farmebs antrtorbisipp ubeonyourmaoiunery onl- the welt sixgoltf os and horse iwew f f f plem mannfaotnred at quflw ty 0u vots by 1 1 3awubi hocers son guelph co t please acton oil lis o alwarded it during the last three years known 1 a1 watches fiilvej- allkindj carefully r jewkibt ibktxiliiigal orilers for i taken and fll fernleys i ery canned i cbuml jprovided some palmer mills now 48 den product next wij for the i the i like is at haj the an eight pa renfrev ent year i for st extended to the post office enics tbeir storehcj the tibn was issi st agreement fmerc i and will nightir mrs in the east farme given fall sirjan anjd lots on miller i iifcisk better bnsml adver thiwe oiist chnreh nextsprinjg cessioii and more to i mrvbal preaca in th next at3i stjtfaj his house on cejidid imp li thef oer tleqn tadpole finds ami church by chureb gne ii the 1 thepsstnresl dntcnmansl krarftl mr cb mr ieorge j san day j messrs new toiler first of next i mill wia ei mr petl new dwellin mcvish his farm as ojwing 1 and eeveral i j meeting of i postponed f in enpx m k co toronto ypa ye make the possible hj givebs the i j revs- commjeuce t this elcehing visit itheir toronto theeiij mjtcu with j laftera tofylyl3 end the i x albert ingtoh cot on monday j scvtiefore- wereleachj abasej and tpe cat on tbe clip noonjat two cents an i looked for j ane conn ry mij than it wa areggttingl and villdtf timet then che isnoivopej shon d calif takes tl corporat wiu cie it the meeting chuuh a placo gre i4ion of bean the astor j lieut j tion anqj oifici ir of and ormei dayj sh others as i f oni d on

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