Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1886, p. 3

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mta ufflmti fjjjfis ie3ss t1 k t geo hnps acton watchc clocks jewelry spectacles silverplated cruote knives spoons forks 1sk gold wedding rinss ah kind of watches clocks and jewelry eawfunv repaired at c5ko hyxds jlklr vm stattoskry storr altoif rl the fruit 8ea30n in new t it heichth ami t m kfvle inkocpinj 11 kmtls or iiiitt as tlirj conic iti ordtr torsin rmiut of nm kind of pruu tkoii urn fiiw wiui the bwt tl times afford kern i tbo ttrjvciion or kmc tvmf octlou- tr camwd 0oo lee cream 8oda water ac j m fkrniry in the port office building thikviu morsivrt octoiucr 7 1886 crumbs for breakfast protided by the ever thoughtful pre press reporters some fine autumn weather tins week rlmerstons rate of taxation is 26 hp op k lu 1 1 i i i mills now is the time to get in the into gar den products nest wefk will about finish the fairs for the season the season for church socials and the like is atliaud the dnffcrui iofi has been enlarged to an eight page sheet renfrews rate of taxation for the pres ent j ear is j3 mills for st loon papers onr thanks are extended to mrs seoord the caretaker of orangevilles new pest office gets 400 a year e ntcklin a son are buying gram at their storehouse at the gtljl the milton 5n has set the last edi tion was issued on the sdth ultimo rst marvs merchants bj mutual agreement close their stores at 6 pm merchants are anticipating a busy fall and will probably not be disappointed overcoats fall fairs heavy frosts dark nights autumn rains muddy roads et al mr s denney s new store and dwelling in the east end is approaching completion farmers say the past few weeks have given fail gram and roots wonderful growth mr james nicklm has soli his house and lots on mill street to mr john harvej millei it is a good time now to resolve to be a better business man and to secure trade by advertising the week eeulug services in the meth odist church will commence at 730 until next spring acton girls are going off in rapid suc cession another wedding or two this week and more to follow mr bawbone of toronto will dy preach in the baptist chapel on sunday next at 3 and 7 p m mr thcroas perrjmsn has veneered his house on toung street with brick a ceided improvement in the fall the jackolantern dances oer the quaking bog in the fall the lively tadpole- finds himself a grownup frog a mission will he held in st josephs church by the fathers of the catholic chnrch gnelph some time thi3 month in the fall we hunt- the mushroom in the pastures round about in the fall the dutchmans fanc lightly turns to sonr- kraut rf- mr porteous of gait preached m knox church lait sabbath a rev mr george will occupy the pulpit next sunday messrs fruere bros willhae their new roller mill in running order about the first of next month it will be a full roller mill with eight sets of rolls mr peter anderson has purchased the new dwelling on mill street from messrs m ctav iih bros and will remove there from his farm as soon as it is completed owing to the absence of the chairman and several other members the monthly meeting of the board of education was postponed nhtilnext monday evening yoa es we mean you can help us make the fnt phks more readable if possible b handing us in local items give us tle facts and well arrange them revs sam jones and sam small commence their special services in toronto this evening a number of citizens will viiit their services during their 6ta in toronto the clipper b b c plaed the return match with rockwood last saturday on the lalters grounds rockwood scored a vic tory by 13 to 26 runs this will probably end the season albert rolls and james teriff well ington county pleaded guilty at rothsay on monday to an offence against the scott act before police magistrate lowes and were each fined 950 and costs a base ball match between the clippers and the campbellville club will take place on the clippers grounds on saturday after noon- at two oclock sharp admission ten cents an unusually interesting game is looked for a new york paper declares that the country must be more prosperous this year than it jvas last year because more people are getting married well acton is doing and will dober share to bring about good times then the sale of lots in fairview cemetery is now open and those desiring first choice should call without delay upon the care- taker the purchasers of lots receive the corporations guarantee that their right wihte protected at the last thursday evening prayer meeting m the eden mills methodist church n rather onusual occurence took place being the presentation by the con- jjregatiou to miss norrisb their organist of a beautiful gold chain rev f swan the pastor presided lient annie nicholson of the salva tion army who was for tome time n officer of acton corps visited bei comrade and former friends on tuesday and tyeddes- day she departs in a week or so with others as a missionary to india the weeks rakinos which ure principally local and all j intamung have you any stray oattle p those who have strayed eattlo about their vjreniilsos should now haw them ad- vertised as i the law requires this is a matter which a great many neglect aud often render themselves liablo for law costs tha fnrk ijrkks is the boat paper to adver tise them in cplaiof an kxeehent publication free the publishers ot tho uoican agrkl- tnrim new york will forward a copy free to every person who has been a subscriber to the jmtfririta agrithlturitt hut is not now oue provided thoy send their name on a postal card to the end that they may see the great improvements that havo been mado in this periodical a fatal amusement two boys named respectively george green and wm mcdonald were amiuing thomsewca on saturday afternoon riding on shunting cars at tho g t r station at berlin when two cars came together im mediately killing green who was aged 18 and seriously injuring tho other this should bo u warning to some boys wo know of who frequent the cars at acton station light rather than darkness llseems that on nearly every occasion when tho street lamps are most needed they are lightlcss on two occisious last week unusually dark nights the lamp- the millinery openings the local millinery openings were held last week and a finer exhibition of winter hats aud bomets has seldom been seen in aeton if in the county messrs hen lorson morao a co have refitted tlieir milliiioify show room and the bright now oarpots and tastefully arranged surroundings oft the department rive it a deoidedly attractive appearance miss carrie smith occupies tho position of head milliner again this bomoii her wellknown taste and careful suporvitiou of all orders will maiutain jibe high reputation of the glasgow house for fine millinery mr r b jermyu has also improved his millinery rooms and by careful arrange ment has sucoepded in securing more room and better light than formorlj the halton dry goods house never made a finer ex hibition the isliow room is vory tastefully arranged and ajn ample assortment of be coming head gear is shown miss string- ham tho lady in charge has assnmed her positiou highly recominoudcd as anoxperi- eucod and successful milliner and the goods already turnod out oertaiuly warrant the good opinion tendered respecting her ability hymens torch v at halfpast seven on wednesday oven- mg 2hh september there stood before the altar m tho methodist church a happy- looking wedding party backed by a large congregation of admiring friends and inter ested spectators as usual composed princi pally of ladiesj the principal figures in tho party werojmiss agnts j moore daugh lighter neglected to have them iu working tor of mr w k moore of hawksville and watbwhoarfocsd a buggy waterproof found on the erin and eramosa townline w september 30th the owner w4d please enquire at the flux pbess office order and our citieeus are beginning to feel indignant at the repeated inattention to the duties of the office tho council must have the matter properly regulated even if a new officer has to be appointed pity the cowatlarge towns the st marys arjhf sings the following solemn refraju oh the cow tho beauti ful cow raising her tail us ahc watches the dog defying the law for herjbread aud meat roaming at large through every street bunting hunting bawling around til the open gate is sure to be found with tho hinges rained and broken quite by the lovers who hung there sunday night it wont stay shut it wont hang level in walks the cow and raises the very mis chief with the garden flowers and other things she was the best man of the two when trade grew xlack and trills fell due the tradesmans face grew long and blue his dreams were troubled through the night with sheriffs bailiffs all ib sight at last his wife unto him said rise np at once get out of bed and get jour paper ink and pen and say these words unto all men my goods i wish to sell to you and to j our wivw and daughters too my prices are so very low that all will bay before they go he did as his good wife advised and in the paper advertised crowds came and bought of all he had his bills were paid his dreams were glad and he will tell von to this day bow well did printers inkrepav he boasteth with a- knowing wink how he was saved by printers ink fashionable wedding in guelph on weduesday afternoon 29th alt mr john a mowat barrister was married in the norfolk street methodist church to miss amy youngest daughter of mr c campbell revs j w holmes and j c smith bd officiating the bride was tastefully dressed in cream satin and lace with tulle veil and orange olossoms and was accompanied by miss c mowat in pink satin and miss maggie griffin in cream lawn tho groomsmen were messrs w a mclean acton and dr dryden rockwood after the ceremony congratu lations were tendered and the guests driven to mr campbells residence on liverpool street whence mr and mrs mowat leave this evening for a tnp to montreal and the east gutlpli iltrcvnj a peculiar but sensible will a wealthy bachelor has jast died in st petersburg bequeathing his property in st pefersbnrg and moscow as well as his stock and investments to his nephew though with curious provisos before he inherits any of the property he mast give his word and honor that he will not smoke any longer either cigar cigarette dr pipe that he will never again play cards and that within six months of the will he will marry so that he- will not die an old bacheler like the testator three executors have been appointed and in case the heir refuses to comply with the conditions they have the right to appropriate the property and divide it among their children the first two engagements have been entered into by the heir though with unwilling ness but the third proviso threatens to be insuperable hiltons prize farm the ontario agricultural and arts as sociation give annually a gold and a silver medal for the best farm in a certain group of counties during the past four years and a bronze medal to the best farm in each county of the group mr john fothergill of nelson received the bronze medal for this county this year the association gave prizes for the best farm among those that had received medals daring the past years there were 16 competitors and the awards were made at the provincial ex hibition held at guelph two hundred marks was the maximum and entries were within- six points of each other mr foth- hergill received the third prize and his many friends and the farmers of halton will extend tiir congratulations to him on his success in upholding the reputation of the county of halton nassagaweya fall fair nassagaweya annual exhibition on tues day was favored with very enjoyable weather and as usual nearly all the people of the township were present with their fatflibes the number of entries was somewhat in advance of that of last year and the show was in nearly ail departments equal to that of former years and surpass- ed previous shows in some classes a new feature was the presence of- a band of musie which enlivened proceedings greatly and pleased all milton band was the favored ona their playing was highly creditable andtiiey were in no wise stingy ss to the number of selections rendered in point of receipts the show was a success secretary mcmillan is the right man in the rightplace obliging and courteons at all times he is highly esteemed both by exhibi tors and directors a list of the successful prisje winners will appear in our next issue to readers mr t bartlot bragg millwright the ceremony was performed by rev r phil lips pastor of tho church and rev w j pigott ba incumbout of st albans the brides dress was becoming indeed and was composed ot crepe de china and silk lacevv ith full court train and completed with a wreath and bridal veil tho brides maids misses annie mahaffy and hattie jelley wore both attired in white cashmere and white lacej the groom was attended by dr c e stacey and mrr b jermyn merchant after the ceremony the happy pair with numerous guests repaired to the residence ot mrs bw nickhn tho present home of the bridej where a sumptuous wedding repast was partaken of the presents were numerous and- handsome the newlywedded couple left by tho even ing train for the east on a bridal tour obituary notice the following refers to the late mr wm green father of mr aw grecu proprietor of the acton knitting work on thurs day last the remains ot mr wm green one ot the oldest and most respected resi dents of tins neighborhood who died on the 13th inst were followed to their last resting place iu the old cemetery by a large number of sorrowing friends deceased was the second son of the late wheeler green and was bom on september 4th 1807 near tho grand bend in pennsyl vania two years later his father emigrat ed from pennsylvania and settled on the farm adjoining milton now owned and occupied by mr johnson harrison which was at tbnt time wild land in 1835 the subject of this notice married and took up land for himself lot 15 in the 2nd conces sion of the tow nship of nelson which he cleared aud on which he remained until his death ho was a member of the meth odist church milton in 1837 when the militia was called out to suppress the mackenzie rebellion ho was at the front with the loyalist forces for borne months though he lived to such a ripe old age mr green was ail active hearty man up to within a few clays of his death and his genial cheerful disposition made him a universal favorite among his neighbors his aged widow servives him and a family of four sons tnd two daughters milton fin n purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted miss isabella graham acton friends mr dan c -ofthe- pree press uublfii sept 32 1880 1 feel that j am doing you as weiut myself a kindness by renewing my of t- repeated iutjlation to visit my dry goods establishment in guelph at present with the magnificent array of european importations and canadian purchases my establishment is worthy of an effort on your part to see it i am sure i can make it worth you while to come and feel assured tbat on ac count of the great variety of material richness of design and lowncas of price you will feel well repaid and bo well satisfied for taking the trouble i commend to vou especially my dre8bmak1ng department the high repetition which my mana ger enjoys the faultlessneas of onr designs and tho superior work which we produce should prove an incentive to you to favor ns with your orders my milunery department is again crowded with a beautiful variety of novelties including import- kl pattern millinery feathers maxtle8 silks etc it is a well- known fact that no millinery establish ment in the city becinsjp compare with ours in extent variety and richness of material my tailoring department has the benefit of one of the most com petent careful and suoceasful cotters in the province during the short time he bas had charge of this depart ment our orders have almost doubled ycu are certain ot a perfect fit and elegant style and so allovcr the house elegante vabibty value are dominant my circle of customers constantly increases go to mcgarvins drug and stationery store school books slates and all school requisites we keep a fcll supply also a fine lite of s tati0 3steijir i just abrived a newj stock of fancy goods including albums glove and handkerchief cases perfumery cases ac 0aeville 0nt 5y aowrs w ixted painrs vahn1shes bbusheh etc dont forget the place itosamns drug and stationery store aoton fall hats fall hats at the- east end clothing store every novelty in l o0ds for fall wear at moderate prige8 ctjhi ajstid see them j fyfe people whom wo serve once always oome back again i use my cu stomers right while i let the publ c krr what we are doing i never blow louder than the facts warrant i always aim to do better than i advertise i want your confidence as well as your money i want both but am sure while i havo the former i get the latter come and see us and you will get the best atten tion if you cannot come send for samples telephone in office 1 r bollert 27 lower wyndham street cuelph ont vewad till ml rtibemfintb and iboii hp 3arc3axiqs om eofce pump every variety of forxe well anc cistern nr mi nuf actured a c bounsall mis by great bargains in- watchjes clocks jewelby silverware w the finest watches jewelry repairing always satisfactory if 10c have bees disappointed im spectacles t ry the alaska they we ever sold are the best from the and well personal all work a clark st cceseor to v7 s smith havinf purchased the bankrupt stock lately ow led by w 8 smith i am prepared to give tl e acton people a benefit such as has nevei been offered before being a i pbi ijtigal watchmakeb elgin watch factory elgin hi known as a workman in the city i gttaran e satisfaction or rt oney refunded and prompt attention to repairing warranted heme mber the place w a clark 26 lower wyndham st guelph important notice re b savage 8ole agent forcuelph glasgow house acton henderson mcraeco tee clothier is now ihowing a most complete assortment of new and choice suiti tgs trowseiings and overcoatings iu all tljie- newest designs jnd in the most elegant patterns both in foreig i wd domestic cajl jarly and secure satisfa tion assured specialty 4 is the guest of lawson of harriston was in town last wek mrs george matthews of toronto visit ed friends here last week mr j e mcgarviii left on monday on a business trip to new york miss celia stafford of toronto was at her old home over sunday mrs j l mcgarvin has been visiting friends in orangeville for a week mr wm hcmstreet was a judge on horses at berliii exhibition yesterday mr geo mgarvin of elora spent a couple of days during the week with his parents miss lottie e speight left yesterday to spend a week cr so with friends in mark- ham and toro ito mr geo w logie of nassagaweya left yesterday for knox college where hein- tends taking a theological course mr john s young of san francisco cal bou of mr w h young police magistrate spent a couple of days last week here with his brother mr c l young mr c l young who for nearly two years has occupied the position of salesman in the glasgow house left on monday to take a similar position with a guelph merchant charlie was a good salesman a favorite witl the young folks and made many friends while here i mr c w marlatt left yesterday for shelburne to commence business as a baker on his own xccount mr marlatt has occupied the chief position in matthews bakery since il was opened and has given excellent satis faction he js an upright enterprising young irhau and we confidently expect to bear of bis success in business mr frank sweetnam has accepted the position of traveller for messrs w h storey soujthe wellknown glove manu facturer of acton andstarted on his initial trip today mr sweetnajn is athoroughly competent man of gw bnsiness tact and he will no donbt achieve success on the road quelph herald o- g- ib a in id dis of choice new fall dress goods millinery boots and shoes etc oo- is w e nelson r ejnblsolsr tie clothier manufacture a good choice pants 99 w7ndham st ptihe- guelph cemetef loestioii not settled yet fact thai williams r has the best stock of boots and we are now 8howinc the in the county ia settled beyond dispute largest and most carefully selected stock of seasonable goods bid eook peioes gall and see for yourselves -o- our millinery rooms are now open- i have just received my e pring stock and am prepared as many nevr ones as see oall in all lines of footwear boots for the babies boots for the men bbots i do mat e bootsldommd custom work anki bepairinff promptly attended to wm but the shoes to sdit all old customers and tit to give me a williams 3 sale register tnubsnat 21st oci7bale of stook imple ments ac the property of mr james anderson lot 14 con 8 esquesing sale to com mence at 12 oclock noon wm hems reet auctioneer 1 -oo- i henderson mcrjie co yeukv oil cures rh e umat is m w treem wbrm po ww ers i re pleasant to take contain their own cnrjativo1 it ajsafo baro and cttectxai da iwer 0 wotne in children or adalta newspaper advertising 45 to mthjs paper on file aad ads authorized to intfcdticedc make contracts with avpcllllvellva load thomas bar folph fit chicago

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