Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1886, p. 4

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ptf if 1 1 b t imiti i i a jr nytvtw3 sa sssfi thursday mobnikoocrtjnkb 7 1886 lu song of the printing pres 1 am sikut touiiilifin t bii diin anfl the shadows arpiiiicl ma arc vague and rtiiai but my nerves read out where tho home- groups are where tho homolights are lickcriug near andfar and i feel a lad thrill in mj iron heart for tho gladness and cheer that i there impart for although i am only a dtuib machine 1 can move with a wouderful power i ween j there arc beautiful stories that i can toll and that faltotv the ear like a magic spell and l whisper them swectlv to one aud to all so sweetly that oven the teardrops fall- to the eiiidcii who sits in the cottage low tothe lover who lougeth her heart toknow to tho poet who dreams aud tho child who waits j for the princess to open the fairy gates are scattered are leal nun their z i aniking and my subjects wide but whenever they be they tried and though other kings jfall and kingdoms wane j for ever and aye must my own remain it is oue to grow gmter wiwilpsoof time and to tpwer through ages to heights sub- lime while the crv of my subjects for aye shall be n la press for our king is he t oh i day after day at my labor sing for i know of the gladuess i widely ding with my fingers of iron across the earth at the gate of the rich aid the cottage hearth- and i feel that the living of all who lire willbe richer by far for the gifts x give and that millions of hearts shall look np and bless with the truest of blessing tbe printing press i y v j s 4 i- r pi i x i pun eor everyone my daughter has taken tho medicine faithfully according to directions and her health and spirit are nowjperfect the humor is all gone from her face i wish every aniioas mother might know what a blessing ayert sarsapaxilla is in snch cases 1 in a dijrers condition any nap wornaocor child is in a danger- ous condition when neglecting constipated state of the bowels there can be no per fect health without a regular action of this function burdock blood bitters cure constipation by imparting ai healthy tone to all the secretions i the cheapest medicine in use is dr thomas eclectric oil beca ise so little of it is required to effect a curt for croup diphtheria and diseases of lhe lungs and throat whether used for bathing the chest or throat for taking internally or exter nally it is a matchless compound ladies troubled with kmples blotches rough hands or face or sores of any description should use mcgregors parkes carbolic cerate it will leave the skin in perfect health smooth clean and good color be sure and get the genuine made by mc gregor parke price 25c sold at dr mcgarvins drag store i cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger is near if attacked do not delay in getting thef roper medicine try a dose of dr j dkehoggs dysentery cordial and yon will get immediate relief it acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure a modern miracle in a recent letter from r w dowtou- of deloraine ont he states that he has recovered from the worst form of dyspep sia after suffering for fifteen years and when a council of doctors pronounced him incurable he tried bardock blood bitters sis bottles of which restored his health yvbat torontos wellknown good sa maritan says i have been troubled with dyspepsia and liver complaint for over 20 years and have tried many remedies bat never found an article that has done me as much good as- northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure claa e pobteb la cood brpnlc james mcmnrdoci writing from kinsale j says b b b as a remedy for- diseases of the blood liver and kidneys has an excel lent reputation in this locality i have used it and speak from experience as well is observation it is the only medicine i want and i advise others afflicted to try it reasons why you should purchase fluid lightning in preference to all other reme dies are rapid result cures instantly it is easily applied no tronble no lost time it does not require constant use one appli cation is effectual one bottle will remove more pain than any other remedy in exist ence try it for neuralgia toothache headache rheumatism sold at 25c a bottle by dr mcgarvin druggist fatal attack among the most prevalent fatal and sudden attacks of diseases are those inci dent to the summer and fall such as cholera morbus bilious colic j3iarrhoba dysentery etc that often prove fatal in tr few hours tnat ever reliable remedy dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry should be at hand for use in emergency fluid lightning there are but few that have never suffer ed almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for day3 one application of fluid light ning cures sold at dr mcgarvins drug store s t what is mcgregors speedy cure for it is for dyspepsia liver complaint indigestion biliousness and it is theiinest blood purifier in toe known world today does it give satisfaction v j we cannoipoint to one instance where it did not where doeait have the largest sale jright in the city pfhamilton where it is rnannfactored there lias been over one thousand dollars worth sold in the last year retail and tbe great majority of the sale arle by one recommending it to another fotjftle at 50c and mjoo per bottle by dr mogjarvin druggist bufforers from tho effeotsof quiniho used rr a remedy for chills and ftvw riiould try ayersaguc cure a pbwcrful toriiu bitter wholly vegetable without a partible of any noxious drug if acts promptly breaking the chill curing the fever and evpolling tho poison yet caving no hiirmfu effoct upoii tho patignt niahrnl rrnlsr the wellknown drug arm of n c poison co of kinrtoii writes imt dr fowlers extrnctof wild btrawborvy has long bocn amsidored tho best remedy for bunimor complaints in the market and adds that their customers speukin tljp highest terms of its merits wild strawberry is the best known remedy for cholera morbus dyson- tcry and all bowel complaints reader in informing you of uiis wonderful remedy for coughs colds uihuih bronchitis consumption and njl affections of tho throat and1ungs we foci that we are doing you a yrcnt kiiulucss as if you have any of tho above complaiuts if you will only try it wo will gunrutco satisfaction in every oaso or money refund- ed ask for mcgregors lung compound price 50c and 8100 per bottle at dr mc garvins drug storo some persons have periodical attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea and hay to use great precautious to tfvoid the disease chanjjo of water cooking and green fruit is sure to bring on the attacks to such persons we would recom mend dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordi al as being tho best medicine in tho market for all summer complaints if a few drops are taken in water when tho symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be ex- penenced merit proven dollar upon dollar is frequently spint on the faith i of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not eo with mc gregors speedy cure i you ate not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven ball at j k mcgarvins drug store and get a free trial bottle aud if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costb you nothing j sold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon ials from people in your own town kf sl and comfort lo the sufferlme browns household panacea has not equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore tjiroat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood aud heal as itacting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir of liniment in the world shouldbe inckyery family haitdy for use when wauted as it really is the best nremedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the many cures it ha effect ed mcgregor uptetly cure leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysts it has been found to contain none of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but an absolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgaivins drue store 31 free trade the reduction of internal revenue and the taking os of revenue stamps from pro prietary medicines no doubt has largely benefitted the consumers as well as reliev ing the bnrden of home manufacturers especially is this the case with green august floicer and botchce german syrup as the reduction of thirtysix cents per dozen bab been added to increase tho size of the bottles containing these remedies thereby giving onefifth more medicine in the 75 cent size the avgurt flower for dyspepsia and liver complaint and the german syrup for cough and lung troubles have perhaps the largest sale of any medi cines in the world the advantage pf in creased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted in every town and village in civilized countries sample bottles for ten cents remain the same size if you have a cough or cold do not neglect it many without a trace of that hereditary disease have drifted into a con sumptives grave by neglecting what was only a slight cold had they used bickles anticonsumptive syrup before it was too late their lives would have been spared mr a w levy mitchell writes 1 think bickles anticonsumptive syrup the best preparation in the market for coughs and severe eolds about six yearsago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months i had a cough i hail a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was on the verge of con sumption and had given np hopes of being cured wherrf was induced to try bickles syrup before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly relieved andi by tue time i had finished the second bottle i was completely cured i always recom mend it for severe colds and consumption advice to mothebs are you disturbed at night and broken of yonr jest by a sick- child suffering and crying with pain ef cut ting teeth if bo send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the jktor little suf ferer immediately dependtipon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gurnj reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy- rnp for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of thepldest and best female physicians and nureies in the united states and is for sale by all druggists tbroughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mbswrjrslowa sootbtno sysuf and take no otherkind tzr the true imrrflje 1886 v 1886 hon p jkwett oxmayor of lnmll and exstnto senator siiys that the only preparation of siinjnporlllu that pcuw tu do real lwtluit rood lit itartulng tlm- blood mid oxpolllng polonou winter from tho system is ayer8 8ar8apariula mirton fox the liirgcst limdowncr mid furmer of middlesex co mast credits his euro of scrofulous humor mid dyspepsia to the thorough purifi cation of his blood by ayer8 8 ar8apar1lla wahrkn lelanduio famous new york landlord tcstillco from his own knowledge that for tho euro of llvor disorders gout salt rheum and various results of high living tuoro is no mcdlclno equal to ayer8 8ar8aparilla riiium pniltips qloven yt nttcrts tiro euro of hereditary scrofula in thrco gcnoratlous of his family by ayer8 8ar8aparilla tnosn cook west sbminitemass was cured of sovcro eczema aud rescued from a rapid decline by ayer8 8ar8aparilla the sisters of charity dorchester mass vouch for tho altoratlvo and curative virtues of ayer8 8ar8aparilla john j ryan philadelphia ra professional baseball player was cured of rheumatism by ayer8 8ar8aparilla d b kerr big springs ohio testi fies that his sou fifteen years old was cured of catarrh in its worst form by ayer8 8ar8aparilla amherst wnrrmore -bruiistefca- me retired seacaptain was cured of a cancer by ayers sar8aparilla ir8 8ar3aparilla is a hlgli- ionccntratcd mocllclue sclcntltlciulv il of i licgcnulne honduras nr- maw doclc mandrake filll- hngla iodides of potassium aud iron mul other tngrcdlcnts of great strength and curatlvn virtue ayir8 8ar8aparilla has been tested by aud has received tl unqualified commendation of 4000000 famjllorlu tho united slatesand 7000000 lies throughout the world ayers 8ar8aparilla is tho only blood purifier that has gained andjrctalncd tho confidence of the people of tropical countries whero such medi cines arc in groatdemaud ayir8 8ar8aparilla is the moat popular blood furlfler nraong sailors and is in ntnotenths of the mcdl- cinechests of tho best class of american jlbh german and danish vessels ayer8 8ariaparilla contains no arsenic and np aloes as do many falsely called alteratives foisted i upop4ho credulity of the public ayer8 8ar8aparilla has been for many years recognized as the best alterativo and tonic medlcluo in all olvulsed countries ayer8 8ar8aparilla probpuyrelleves from general debility nervous prostration aud derangtment of the vital organs ayers 8arsaparilla effects radical cures of all maladies aris ing i from tho taint of scrofulous or con- tamus diseases or tho corruption of mercury in tho system ayers 8ar8aparilla is endorsed by tho medical profession and ilarly prescribed by many leading prafctltloners the attestations of a myriad of unimpeachable witnesses might lie cited were it necessary to prove tho almost miraculous cures effected by this only really effective blood purifying medicines ayers sarsaparilla h pretared by drij c ayer co analytical chemists lowell mass sold by all druggists prlco 1 six bottles for 5 -o- railway time table ownd trunk railway imcleod anderson ccj isliroirrrit8asi ukaipi in i 8taple and fancy dry goods rvlilllnery mantles dress- i making ordered clothing readymade clothing 1 carpets and oilcloths t 1xisr 27ni yinrr j ji tlirfi kxjirean j j t 5ri miii o wo bej tjo inform our friends onijl iho public generally rilat we have this tlcason a niost complete stock in all uio different depnrtmei ill at we have iinunrtcd and purcliasml direct from tlie manufacturers the i host of our immense stocu that it was pu roliiud hcfuro the rccciit nd that tho public will get tho advantage of tl that wo trkil to excol onrsclvos and kuccc stylish attractive subsliintinl dicap goods ih ouk millin superb and tinco iii prices cso low prices eded in scouring a large varictf of jsky llrgo variety ouhdliessmaklng a lurge and beatftlful stock of dress loods and rcss is inllrsl clnnc working order ii silks fo sidect from ouil m a ntlk materials aro gorgeous kcivicenblo and cheap bur tailoring department i is al turns out hiagoillojut garments arid perfect fit a large stock cf tweeds opat ijngs aud overcoatings tb chooso from hiso 1514t mixo iajwui i jvxjircud tl 1 nu j lawi mull u o ah tlirotlkll kx 47imil accoinri0 ll m hjifclnl hio y wilciflo ixprenn ilo- not iitop hutrtcou oni j mid toronto j timk ovi miuxo mail ioliiwcktkuoaln ami rji jiui joiiika8t 10iquiii airg2iu j allan linrq royal mail steamships the shortest sea passage average time 8 days two of which aro passed on the river and gulf of st lawrence i agent acton october 1st 188g it is impossible for i s to cnunjorntc our goods or particularize the different pr ces but we guarantee a largd stock of serviceable stylish and cheap goods goods ore to ho sold for gash or produce after 12 months trial of strictly cash wb are convinced it is tho proper system to do business and enables us to com ete with any legitimate business in canada mcleod anderson co mantle millinery dress and shirt making at the right house there js fully toll m iveuy free pse3s acto 8ui oxk vbsb r thlj invaruoly inl 125ner yearw tiiiiisj till all i oiitiou of tho pa space oue column half colutuu quarter columl one iuch caflaal are first insertion segueutinsertic reckoned by tht scale of solid ki advertisemen will be inserted ingly transit in advance cbaujes forc in the office bj the wiy be left vafoe ool3d njlbdicated miss heudcr80u so well known to the ladies of hamilton and the country for twenty miles around as a firstclass mantle cutter and fitter lits ladies so exectly that they aro delighted with her artistic work miss amiss is a very superior cutterand ko of dresses fit bo perfectly and jnvelop ladies ures bo gracefully that they make ladies 2 0 0000 st wojmiofan i ivimense variety -of- almost everything fitter of ladies dresses her make ui ltiiv i ki r 1 look really charming please try her she is sure to tit well miss ajrihitage the forewoman in the millinery gets np the mokl delightful flats and honnoisof all useful andfashionable kinds and materials at short notice and has the btyles of hats anr bon nets liiatfe so as to suitnny ladys complexion contour of countenance size orstyie of appearance mr mcttae in this shirt de- partnierit will fit any gentleman or younr lad in shirts so as to g vo them the most complete satisfaction as to fit fashion arid wear ladies inisaes gentlemen and yount lads will get flrstclisa vilue and t0 most fashionable styles with every carmcat warranted to lit nt the right houso the goods are now and beaut ful thereis fully 200000 worth of an immense variety jf almost overythiug required in dry goods millinery mantles dolmans ulsters jackets paletots underwear of all kinds for ladies misses gents and boys neckwear hosiery gloves 11 oii6c furnishing goodb jin great variety laces madras bilk brocho and many other kinds of curtains carpets and carpet materials oil cloths matg rugs carpet sweepers etc in abun dance his goods never were so very cheap as they are this season although wool has advanced about onethird higher than it was last may yet wntkins was over in isurope very early and got aiv enormous supply of new dress goods and his general stock cheaper than ever before and is selling pileq of allwool dress goods at from lac to the bestqualities over 120piwes of beau tiful allwool stockinet lrces goods wbiclt are worth 45c are selling off at 25c he pays the cash down for his goods and gells them very cheap thnrc will not bo any opening day at tho riht house as it takes all his staff of m clerks to wait on his numerous customers and there is no lime to prepare for an opening day but all the departments are filled with new and fashion able goods nixl all hands ate busy making up new mantles millinery dresses shifts etc mind the right house is on kiijg street one door from hoghson street nud the name is i thomas c watkins hamilton september 30th 188u bak gains bargains bargains -u- ml csk jlzt b e o s 48 kin gi street east hamilton dress goods 10c formerly soc prints 5c formerly 10c ginghams 10c formerly 20c embroideries 5oformerly 10c ladiesjhose25o formerly 50c childrens hose 7c formerly loc parasols 30c formerly 00c spotted muslin 15c formerly 25v ladies collars vie fornierly joe sns brussels carpets 70c formerly 1 tipcstry carjicls 5c formerly 40c union carpels 35c formerly allwool carpets u5c fornierly sjc hempcarpete 8c formerly l2ic china mattines 25c formerly 8sc lace curtains 150 formerly 2 curtain poles coniplete 50c formerly 75c stnir uods tjc formerly 150 per clo of interest to visitors to the provincial exhibition nwashington iii wj emipent throat and lung surgeon will yisit actox dominion boti thursday 30th september diseases tbeitepcatanlipfithe head aud throat catarrhal deafness jhrohic bronchitis asthma unit consumption ueo loss of voice sore throat enlarged tonsils polypus of the nose removed cojfe eabtt coxsuijtatiosfree preparations all made at he i we arc mkiai extra inducements in orlcr to cctn pui tck jjojs priat3 sosier aiovj3 oorsots parasols emtroilorics trreos sbirtisgs carpet curtains covcrireb windcw blinds stair hols c stc- arc al marked nvy down in price in ninny cases less t linn rost siljiiplea sent on application wickay is kiuu sinutrist ihiwili lit brothers 1m iiid li 111 stic t- lbllliltoil from the cradle 1- to the rave j speigtlt son furniture dealers and undertakers acton having erected a fine new showroom have justtcceiyed a new and wellasiorted stock 1 of furniture of all kinds of the latest designs including arlor furniture i bedjroom suites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers r bedsteads and cradles andcrerythitig clsj tint any family rcquiro3 in the furniture line during their journey from tlie cradle to the grave and we can prepare them for the grave tpo for we have on hand a large stock of i of all kinds mill sizes and all other funeral fijrnishiiis i i i wo wilt supply all on tin shortest notice and- most reasonable terms hearse drawn by a wellmatched toam for hire gielph ferlasgow b have lmpolttedthe 1 f largest btox3k of dry livijjr bftpuht to guelph goods a jirstclass nearly we show allt istbrtji j a speight manager novelties injdress gtiods and trim- mings to match we show all e latest things in silks and we show all til it you can get elsewhere anli a grear satinsj dealmore af prices that others cannot touch b uurahcps spectaclis- aiie tue only- genuine english articles jm he canadfah market real pebbles are kept in stock testis are given to purchaaers to prove their genuineness tbey are recommended 4y and testimonials have been recelyed from the president and ivice- president of the medical association of canada the president of the college of iphyaicions and surjieons of quebec theiean of tlie medioftl faculty of laval university the president and expresidents of the medical council- of nova scotil dc ic these rccomineiiuajiods ought to le eunioieht to provi their qualities tjf further proof is needed call on 4 y- j b pb arson qoaorai storo aotoa oat i ladies wanting a fimliiouable dress have tho celebrated lliss todi at their command by comiim to tlto lioa j ladies wantiue a ncatand stylish hat or bonnet may seenrotho services of the accomplished mill i nor mis 3 harriot by coming to the li0 gentlemen wanting fabhionable material en zoazlo bas earned a woi j d w new suit to fit perfectly of the newest style and mobt be accommodated at tfeo u 0u cjltter m dwide reputation as the most reliable cuter in the domini g2s inunirfj iftiiank w catahbh op many yeaps ijtaxdtxg ccbed t3r n washington throat and lnng surgeon toronto dear sir i am pleased to express my entird satisfaction at tlie results of rour new method 1 of inhalation which lias ctted mo of a veryj trounlesomeform of catarrl in fact all the usual remedies failed tb give me any relief but your treatment from the fir gave me grestease and in a jtw moutjis entirely cured me of a most aunoying disease i can honestly recommend any who may be suffering as i was toyour still ful consideration yours truly geo goulding represe its c tcbxbcix gait and w h stokey t sox acton headofllccs215 vonee s toronto writel for particularsj j i i dlcpso ring suit m brennan hmpleasareiiiiannouttcrig that his tail oring shop in mrs s icprds block inowopen arid in fall running order and in a josition to fill all orders he is showipjj good tweed sl its at sold elsewhere for 15 scotchtweed sujit 17 18 sold elsewhebe for p3 and 24 fine worsted sfrlt at 20 sold elsewhere f- 1 at 25 jurstclass good gentlemen wanting a n fittijig coat etc may rely upon beingsuited in evevy respect byleaving their orders with biienn atf the clothier mr t vtitphellj desires to inform thfe people of acton and surroundings tbnt he is prepared td take orcters for weaving all kind i of fancy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress poods btriped orpla dtwillor plain al80jbed blankets and hot so blankets twa yards wide and over ancfi will guarantee that i willghegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their pi tronage t jhitchell ifowleffs m jxtiwgti uui cures cholera infantum allsummercomplainis sohdbyalldetilers thi8ipap oertltlnb bureoi hntracu may if busil wjgradl ber of college i office and fredecick strl m stac trihitj ity medical of physicians j office ca ac mel dentd newjstem inonly celled i teethwithonq strator and college of d rons maydep in any opera acton every 1 of each montl johnla tario vd veterinary stj in kenny br dence in the 1 soundness 1 all calls nil ed to i ternj tohinstoj barristers ancers c ioffic e f b job m ieml1 sot office fill office main si at 6 per cent q hilton i toroi ofhces c and 86 king i w t allijf tatk ba offices lington streel alley toroni john bak patentij henkj 20 years p tm for the couu orders left a or -at- nay promptly att also me46 able terms 1 tereswin sue tohn di office square tjlralicl snccej st georgei acooudt periodicals bonnd re john jl i sucif money per cent oanedfor seourity properly farms andl with f armsl doixixnion oulatsdinl wanting fa rectidns th farms wa dence invit guelpli on t he hi an easy sl seafokm given j3 coadjtioq tastuy put j j for iami hecd oppoitexl ordeva to ajjton terms desired ssas-

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