Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1886, p. 1

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slkoo i 3sj i syixu 30w 2000 13w cvoo 350 a o l mo 700 hoo 2s0 100 acton banking cot storey christie co j -bankers- actm onutrlo a oenrl banking business transacted acton ontario thursday ogtobeli 14 1880 notes kostst loafst on approved oaas discounted and interest iuomd on deposits cai1 advertisements 8 cents per line for the first iasjrtiou and 2 cents pr liuo for oacli suu- sojrrcit surtion cash tho- number of linos reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil advertisements witiioat specific directions irill bo insertea till torbitl aud charged aecord- ingly tmusitory advertisements must bo paid ii advance cbanses lor contract advertisements ijjiusvbb in theofiw bv 9 am on momftys otherwise thev will be left over nutil uie following week sioobt editor and 1roprtetor tuio dtflcd mav lie found on file n t geo 1 i wo rflrcft koifll 0c xewkrwpr art imlslns bnnwv sww st w- owwu uracu rujrlcnuttsefotit is iikb- business directory lgwlttu m b mc ps graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the bend of frederick street actou j c e stagey mjd cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of hie college of physicians and surgeons omcecaropbehs hotel albert college belleville ont new goods i at daysbookstore cuelph l bennett a 1 i dentist georgetown ontario c mckinlay ld s surgeon dentist georgetown ont nsea the new system of nitrons oxide gas j com monly called vitalized air for extracting teethvithnt pain having been denaon- stratorina practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons totonto pat- rous rusvdependjipon receiving satisfaction iuanv operatious performed will visit acton evcrv second and foarth wednesday of each month office ague ws hotel tohx la wsox graduate ofox- tl wrio veterinary college toronto i veterinary surgeou actorfont office in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night er day promptly tend ed to terms easy tphnston d- mclean barristers- solicitors notaries coirvey- ancers icl arprivate funds to loan orncd town hall acton e i b johnston wit a mclean m emitchell solicitor coxvetasceb tc clhabitpred and opened in lo57 over ifii k persons have been in attendance 170 studs nts enrolled last year representing british touninu maxitoiumichuunnkw yobk 0tario and qteukc 87 diplomas and certificates awarded including matric ulation music fine arts commercial science tjollegiato and teachers courses fall tjmjrr begius skpt 7th 1880 for annual catalogue etc address rev w p dykr da prea v e l p ii- business college iguelph ontario i mhejthird scholastic year jl begins september 1st patronage- drawn from ten states and provinces young mtn aud boys thoroughly prepared for business pursuits graduates eminent ly successful as accountants business managers shorthand writers clerkb salesmen travellers etc both iu canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work and courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college i spjendrd facilities afforded for the ac quisition of french hud german for information address m maccormick wtf priucipal lumber shingles i and lath ftxbe uudersifined desires to iuforu the public x that he has now ou hand aud will keen in stock a full line of pino aud hemlock as well as oxher kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles a lath coal wood having iurchasel uie coal business of mr c s niith i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good stoekjofwood hardwood ash cedar and mill woodjfct reason able priced wood and coal delivered j james brown mutual insurahge company 25000 rolls wall paper r 100 sots lawn croquet carload express waggons bib stock low prices day sells cheap tgunmiay morn ft ootonmb t4 1086 poetry the homs3sti1ad oh wanderers j from ancestral soil loavo noisome mill and chafforiug store gird up your loius for sturdier toil aiid nuild the home once more come back to bay berry scented slopes aud fragrant fern and groundnut vino breathe air blown over hill aud copse sweet with black birch and pino what matter if the gains are small that lifes essential wants supply your homesteads title gives you all that idle wealth can buy all that tho many dollared crave tho brickwalled slave of ohango and mart lawus trees fresh air and flowers you have more dear lor lack of art 1 your own sole masters freodora willed with none tobid you go or stay till the old fields your fathers tilled ai manly men as they with skill that spares your toiling hands and chemio aid that soienoe brings reclaim the waste and outworn lands and reign thereon s8 kings i price three cents qurstoryi a family slfalkei gublph cloth orncs first door west t champion omce main street milton money to loanf at 6per cent hilton allan ba1rd barristers solicitors ac toeonto and geokgetows orrices creelmans block georgetown and 86 king street east toronto w t iliix i siffljos ail i bub1 ba 1 fire or the- k hall merchant i tailors havk nixeivel tiikir first instalment of new- fall j 00 ds cotjirofwtblliitqtolt p j established 1810 head office cuelph insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all pther descriptions of property on theprernom note sstem btain laidlaw co baeiustebs soucttoes omcxs over imperial bank3i wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john bain q c c a masten wnxxui iludlvw geobobkappele atents secured for inventions henry gristbttawacoida 20 yearspracticeo patent no pay vtmjiemstreet licensed arcnonebb for the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fbee pbjess office aicton at joai residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable j- mont io loan also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 00 and upwards john day architect guklph oxt omce qneens hotel block market square tjiraxcis nunan successor to t fchapman bookbinder st george square jnelpb ontario f w stone president cnas- davidson secretarv shaw grundy merchant tailors ouelph r fjihe hanlanjbarber shop j mill sthekt actos an easy shave a stylish haircut a good sewoam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed ind put in jreuusa ladies and children bairv jon taylor afrent paiise and consider that it vfill be to your own interestjto pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur roundingcountry that we are again in full ranuing order and in a better position thai before the fire to till all ordes entrusted to us to parties building lumjber will be dressed whileyoflwait and mouldings ac made with neatness and despatch n bjwe are also prepared to fill all orders for pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time 80 come on with your order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no thos ebbage manager v acton wellington marble works quebec st gttelpe john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and j everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble i- having lately visited uie bay of fundy granite qnaniee and harlngturchased the entire stock there ive stood it just as long as im going to i theres no use in being so particular and jasper jones threw his cap into a chair his bat on the floor and stretched himself upon the floor with a defiant took on his young face what will you do when she comes iu and says in that quiet strong way jasper your hat is out of place hang it up in tho entrj pleaso and put- your bat behind tho shed door said elsie with a droll imitation of her stepmothers voice and manner ill just say im going to when ive rested awhile weve all jumped at her bidding ever since ehe came ive gone back to wipe my feet and hang up my hat and clean my overshoes and all that till i am sick of it im sick of it too said elsie i left my clothes where they fell last plight when i went to bed i was so j tired mother didnt happen to look in or i sup pose shed have roused me from bed to hang them tip its awfully tiresome to have to put everything just so every time ma never made us do it said jasper and the house was always tidy enough to suit me said elsie not so nico as mother keeps it perhaps bnt i like to he free and easy and i hate to be prim the old order was good enough say said jasper lets strike i strikes are all the rage nowadaya when folks want the rules changed they strike well talk itup to bess and clarence and robc and if wore all in it motherll see that she may as well give up thats the way it always works dont you see 1 i dont want to do anything bad said elsie you know ma said if i god sent us anybody who was willing to be a mother to us we wero to bo good and obedient well we have been and we mean to be only she neednt be so much more particular than ma was bess and clarence and little rose wero easily led to embrace the views of their brother and sister the league was formed jasper appointed as leader and itf was agreed that uie strike should come off be fore father comes home j the first thing to do is to form a pro cession nnd maroh said jasper tand while wero doing that ill think up my speech our marching will show mother that we mean business it was fine fun for the little ones m they of gray and red ginnite nionuuients headstone ot strips of red ana white cloth and tied crosses nrhs etc of alexander taylor at leksf than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments 0 ft high 00 7 ft 75 8 ft 980 9 ft 100 10 f t 120 all work and material warranted ftrstkilass parties wanting anything in this llnowill do well to call and bee ine before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from soto 00 por cent below all other dealers that isnt the way we ought all to keep rnurobing said jasper but were all hungry 90 perhaps youd better just as you like said their mother aud if jasper and clarence will bring somo light dry wood from the shed we shall have lunch all the sooner flags were oonsigiied to bess and rose and the procession broke up or the present nothing more was heard of the strike till lunch was over perhaps it would have been forgotten altogether but mrs jones herself remiuded them of it by saying i have my answer ready now if you wish to heajrit 0 yes we do i form into line here i there worg ready i said the children well when i oante here you all threw your things down just where it happened and often they were lost or broken or boil ed audit always made tho hpute disorderly i suppose your own mother used to pick them up for you but i thought you were old enough to begin to learn to put them away yourselves but it seems you do not like my plans now i cant have a disor derly house so we must compromise the matter that is the usual way in case of a strike i believe yes wo should like to compromise said jasper thats just what we want very well there is a large hogshead in the back room whenever yon leave any of your things about i shall not ask you to put them in place any more i will just drop them into that hogshead we will call it the disorderly barrel and when you want them you can look there for them jasper and elsie looked somewhat non plused and glanced dolefully at each other but clarence and bess and rose hailed the compromise as every way satisfactory and the strike was over the first thing that went into the dis order barrel were the flags which had been thrown together npona settee mrs jouea dropped iu this first contribution with a quiet amused smile for several days jasper and elsie were rather careful to put away their things for the hogshead was deep and wide and it would ho such a bother to get them ont if they once got in but presently the barrel began to fill up and the fuller it grew the more difficult it was to find any small article that had been consigned to its depths mrs jones seemed fully satisfied with the arrangement she no longer re- minded them to lay their things in the proper places and books slates hats pon- notp marbles and jumping ropes were quietly dropped in together more and more frequently the cry arose in the houbo where is my jackjknife v where is my best alley where is my tippet little roses small piping voice was gen erally heard in reply in the sorder barrel i spect 1 and the discomfited loser ran often in hot haste torumniage among the medley of articles the older ones stood on a chair and reached down to search but when time- pressed and search was unavailing they wero ofteu brought to the extremity of turning the barrel upon its side polling ont the contents and when the lost article was found tumbling them back again but clarence and bess who were not strong enough to tip the barrel over had been known more than once to olimb into it much to the detriment of somo of its eon- tents jasper and elsie complained of this butt the mothers laughing reprwf in no wise availed to prevent a repititionj of the offense consequently many things came out of the disorder barrel so crashed and spoiled that they might almost as well have been thrown into the fire i i cant go to the picnio tomorrow nor to school nest day nor anywh ire any more as i see said elsie one day my hat is just ruined the crown is crashed wouldnt let him speak there is a- time to keep tiilence but it evidently was not the right time in the case of a boy mentioned who lives in nor- walki conn he got a sliver in his loot and hi spite of his protestations his mother and grandmother decided to place a poul tice ojver tho wound the iboy vigorously resisted 1 wont have noj poultice li he deolared stoutly yes you will eddies deolared both grandmother and mother firmly and the majocity being two to one jit bedtime the poultice wasready the boy was not and he proved so refractory that a switch was brought into requisition it wan arranged that- the grandmother should apply the poultice while tire mother was to stand with the uplifted switch at the bedside tho boy was told that if he opened his motith he would receive that which would keep him quiet as the hot poultice touched ihe boys foot lie opened his motith you he began keep still said his mother shaking the stick while the grandmother busily applied the poultice once more the little fellow opened his mouth i but thq uplifted switch awed him to silence in a minute more the poultice was firmly in place and the boy was tucked in bed j there now said bis mother the old sliver will be drawn out and eddies foot will be all well as the mother and grandmother moved triumphantly away a shrill small voice came from under the bedclothes j youve got it on the wrong foot technical violation j that the constitution of the united states and of this state recognize the liquorbusiness as a legitimate and proper one and that it should be treated before tho law as fairly as any other reputable business we therefore protest against the practice of a few prohibition anarchists in prosecuting reputable citizens engaged in the liquor business for technical violations of the letter but not the spirit 61 the flw resolution of illinois state liquor dealers association for cheek brass gas and concentrated sass we commend the abotfe it is now iii order for the penitentiary gang to hold a convention and denounce the judges and juries of the land as legal anarchists for opposing reputable citizens engaged in the stealing business for technical viola tion of the letter but not the spirit of the law thbse chicagosaints do not seem to know that reputable citizens neither violate the law technically or spiritually baltimore weekly what in the name of common sense is meaiftby technical violation of a law aeainst selling liquor i the spirit of the law is its intention to suppress the abomin able traffic and the danger is that some people get round this intention and sofvio- late the spirit while they avoid transgress ing the letter which it is very difficult to make sufficiently stringent but we never before heard of literal violation of the law that was not in actual defiance of its object and meaning toronto citizen splendors of gold and crimson pasb ffom the clouded hill j shadows fall on he valleys lying so dark md still sadly the autumns beauty j fades in a col i gray haze j where have ye d rifted from us beadtiful days joys that camei it the morning ttosy with dawning light dreams that we tondly cheriahed j hopes that we rejf air and bright all like the leave s have vanished yet oer lifes wintry way softly your mem ory lingers beautiful days bright in unchanging beauty they have hurried on before beckoning us from the shadows on to theheavjenlitshore out in the worldfs cold darkness sending their warm soft rays waiting us calling us upward-s- beautiful daysi the mitten i from isiollie j this little mitt i hope will fit tis for your band intended it took me very iondtoknit bert lam gladfcisendit youll wonder why i send but one and fhink i acted bhnd- ly but one will do the best for you and you may thahkine kindly it is allwoolofgoodstoutyarn your yarns are all on- common and i am bare a gladder gift was never sent by woman and by fiiis mitten you will see that you ive not forgotten and when you wear i think of me its real and not cotton i hope to night you will n t write and say it us on- mated and think it only half a gift and feel but half elated but if you find one will not do and you can only rest with two with fingers which are deft ones ill set to work ani send to you aiother mitt both left 0 ne s a wbeuaw in detroit free press down and theres a stain of apple or some- ftemtoriiortpdev dnacrried them as the ribbon r never w i4 banners and they marched np and down donuhink much of your old strike through diniugrooin and kitchen and bed meat acton- market john street acton account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done john j daleiy successor tulfliompson jackson money to hgjtn on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money oaned for parties iii mortgages and other security conveyancing io all its branches properly and neatl done charges low farms and city property for sale list aa smith proppietor- with farms for sale sent to prt6itbe k dominion to iutendingpnrchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario vml be bent di rections throagb our european ageficiee farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office near the post office guelpbont tastily cut j p woniek toushrial artist j a murray t i llcenii afctiosebo o2 oinjties of aj ton and wellington zzzhfo t his residence main street wbtechurch street aetouorddremed rfpa whl receivestrlct attention am reaaonablc notefr discounted if mr smith has purchased the livery businessjof mr hb mcoarthy which hehasruovedtohis commodious stables on john street 111 the centre of the business portion of the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in khib trauinebs and feels con ddent that he ckiiive satisfaction to every patron j anyojeideairiiig a oommereiilvhoa sura or oompany bij ppj witha firstclass turnout on the shortest notice hdr44 boardea and sold ternis reasonable l- wm e smith hutledge crosson butcher8 have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage i the members of the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will alwayb be found on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat 4c in season we have settled in acton to btay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support rutledge crosson- acton feb sjtb 1886 dont read this 1 the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstolass lumber l ath 8taves head ing shin les wash tubs churns butter tubs pork i tariiels wood i- also swb aim jtn and anything it theliue of f armers house keepers or oontractoirs necessities thosicmoorfi rooms upstairs and downstairs oud into the yard and back through the long tntry till the mother wondered andgrew a little restless over the tramp tramp that was making more threadbare the carpets which wore out so fast come come said she at labt havent yoa kept up that play long enough seems to me it is rather small business for yoa jasper and elsie were strikin said clarence waving his flag just like the big folks do in and ont up and down they btili kept their maroh there was a curious expres sion on their stepmothers face whenever they passed through ths kitchen where she was ironing their clothes j finally they halted before her j and standing with toes all even with a crack in the kitchen floor they made a low bow as jasper had instructed them and then he began his speech as follows honored and respected madam our mother we have tried to do as you want ed us to and we dont wish now to be bad or rebellious or any thing but we think one and all that its too hard when a fellow comes in all tired out with base- ball or something to have to run straight and put his bat in one place and his hat dn another this strike is torto see if we cant come to some agreement that we shall live a little more freehand eaijy as elaie says and do a little more as weve a mind to do about sueh things we dont wish to be very disorderly butwe would rather not have to be quite so particular i suppose said she you expect me to make a speech in reply but 1 must have a little time to think what i ought to say besides it is almost lunohtime and i must get these things ironed first sup pose yon march np andpwn on the side walk in front of the house till my speech is ready j cant i iron and you go right to getting lonohi asked elsie pressed by hunger jasper 1 its made us ten times more trouble than we had before i i should like to set that old 1 disorder barrel afire and burn it up with all there is in it and never hear of it again well i own that im siok of my job said jasper j suppose we strike once more and get it abolished o yes strike again 1 wheres my flog i wonder said clarence the consequences are not fun to me baid elsie and im not going through any more of that silly inarching im just going to ask mother to change back to the old way thats all bnt we ought all to go together and ask her because we were all in the strike said jasper well then lets do it right away said elsie so the procession was again formed and without much preparation and with no needless parade they sought their mother and made kuown their request she cheer fully promised that the odious barrel should be abolished aud that evening she kindly pressed and retrimined elsies school hat so that the soiled ribbon and crushed place were no longer visible and henceforth things returned to their old order the gain from the strike being manifest only in the added zeal and cheerfulness with whioh ever the slightest hints were obeyed wny none woyipi dare once when bishop burnet was preach ing before charles ii the preacher be came much warmed with his aubjeot and having given utterance to a certain doctrine in a very earnest manner he with great vehemence struok his cleuohed hand upon thedesk and oried out in a loud voice who dare deny this faith observed the king in aiey very little lower than that of the preaoher nobody thatis in reach of that great fist of yours r on his holidays very interesting scenery air observed a dapper loudlydressed cockney tourist toa hardfeatured grimlooking scot on board the loch katrine steamer im pleased ye think sae answered sawney replete with ibtorical hassooiations maybe but i dinha ken onything aboot them what exclaimed the english man surely sir you ave read the works of your great countryman sir walter scott the wizard of the north you know never even heard o him wha was he sir that is perfectly binoredible you a scotchman and never eard of the man who wrote the waverley novels marmion the lady of the lake and all that sort of thing never iu my life the dis gusted cockney turned away with a mut tered expression of contempt for such atro- oious ignorance and an individual who overheard the colloquy blushed for his un informed compatriot and took an oppor tunity of asking whether his confession was actually true toot man was the testy reply i didna want to hear ony o- that english idiots sentimental blathorin heard o watty scott for the last twelve months ive had enough of sir walter scott his novels too im a printers reader and oor firm have been printin a new edition 0 his works ilmon my hotf- days man and canna be bathered speakin abbot shop guessed he knew his wifes hair one of the operators on the chicago b ard of trade was married a short time aj 0 and of course the first time he ap- pe ared on the stand aftqr his honeymoon he was the subject to many congratulations ar d much goodnatured bantering one of his friends after congratulating him su idenly reached oyer and took a long br iwn hair from his shoulder looks bad in a m irried man ticker he exclaimed holding it pp to the light ph thats all riht replied ticker sailing its my wies no no that wont do responded the frisnd your wifes lair is darker than thit his made ticker a trifle angry and he e laimed excitedly i tell you it is my wifes i guess i kn w mywifes hair when i see it wllryou certainly ought to said the fri nd gazing intently at it bat are yo 1 sure it e your wifes sure of course i am why do you asl oh i thought perhaps there might be a 1 listake you see i found it on browns shi older just before i saw you ackers smile was a sickly one as he in vito the crowd dowd to the nearest bar picknps t is said that corkscrews have bunk m re people than cork jackets ever floated in inquirer asksme it is legal in this marry his widows walking coi intry for a man tb sister- yheu did adam 5rst use a stiuk when eve presented him with a lit ile cain l f you would know the value of money go and try to borrow 1 lome jfvanjwm i man must not ex iect to live in clover siiaplyj because hehiis married a grass wilowi i- t is said that a pawnee chief has seven- ttfwiveb we have ho doubt they will ke sp his wigwarm inlrieh lover once remarked it is a gr at comfort to be 1 3ft alone especially wl len your sweetheari 1 is with you etrankie is four yea s old and not much acmstomedyto nausea one morning- he wi s pretty sick and aid very sadly- i da not know what makes me joggle so inside what carrotheaded little urchin is thht imadanv why he ta my youngest soil you dont say so what a dear lit tie sweet doveeyec cherub i prohibition beverages david w judd writes from iowa to the american agriculturist sowever muoh the citizens of iowa mayi disagree as to the prohibition laws provid ed for by both the state constitution and the votes of the legislature strangers can not be otherwise than impressed with the remarkable effects of these prohibition en actments and the innovation often borders on the humorous for example instead of seeing as in the saloons surrounding the railroad depots iu other states such bulletins as old crow whiskey punches hot scotches kentucky blue grass etc etc one is informed by the placards in saloons surrounding the depots at des moines and other points in iowa that hot coffee hot tea and pure lemonade etc etci are served up here ofooarsethis order of things provokes no little opposition but wait say theearnest advocates of temperance until you read the reports after two years frdm our iowa prisons and jails- until yoa see how much our taxes are reduced by the absence of murder trials and the expenses attending all the other crimoa and excesses reaultingfrom free rumi i i- f care of the eyes keep a shade on yo ur lamp or gas burner avoid all sudden cl anges between light aid darkness i never begin to read write or sew for 66 eral minutes after coming from darkness in o a bright light never read by twil ght moonlight or on cl udy days 1 never read or sew directly in front of the lit hi window or door k is the best to let the light fall from al ove obliquely ovei the left shoulder never sleep so that on first awakening the eyes shall open b 1 the light of the win- do not use the eyeiight by lightso scant tl at itrequiros an efi ort to discriminate the moment you at a instinctively prompt ec to rnb your eyes tl lat moment stop using them if the eyelids ate g tied together on wak- i g tip da not foroibl open them bat apply saliva with the fihgei it is the speediest djlutant in the world then wash your eyes aijd face in warm water i lavoofl bepnte james mcmnrdool writing from kiosale siys b b b as air smedyfor diseases of tl e blood liver and 1 idneys has an eoel- u nt rejpntation in his locality j i have u ledstfand speajk from exjwrience as well a 1 observation it it the only medicine i want and i advise o hers afniotedto try it

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